Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 04, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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American Penal Systems Most
Clumsy in World, Says
McKenzie Cleland.
Chicago Jurist Denounces Men of
Law as Too Conservative Indict
ments Simple Means or Reliet
When Shrewd Counsel Hired.
"Penal systems in the United States
fire the most clumsy and unsuccessful
In the world." was the arraignment
made by Judge McKenzie Cleland, of
Chicago, at the session of the "World's
Christian Citizenship Conference yes
terday. He declared that the procedure of
American criminal courts is hopelessly
out of date, and that these methods
have been "inherited, like diseases."
"Take the indictment. There is no
one on earth can give any reason why
the indictment should continue to ex
ist. It is supposed to be a means of in
forming a man what he is accused of
having done, but no one could ever tell
from reading an indictment what he is
accused of. An indictment is simply a
means of relief for those who have the
good sense to employ shrewd lawyers.
.Law-yen Held to Hlajne.
"Those principally responsible for this
are the lawyers themselves, who are
the most conservative people in the
world. While the rest of the world is
looking forward to see what new in
vention has come to bless humanity, we
lawyers are burning the midnight oil,
raking over the dead ashes of the past
decisions by forgotten Judges, to find a
precedent which will enable us to win
cases we ought to lose." .
Passing from his arraignment of the
legal system, he paid his compliments
to the Jail and penitentiary systems in
the United States, in an equally caustic
"The jail is the most barbarous, the
most powerful, the most destructive and
the most costly institution in the land,"
he said, "and it is the most worthless
legacy that was ever bequeathed by
one generation to another. Although
we have spent $500,000,000 to build Jails
and are spending $200,000,000 a year for
their maintenance, crime is on the in
crease in the United States."
Simple llemedy Offered.
The way to combat the conditions
under which crime increases, he said.
Is to make the courts and the laws of
the land a means of helping the crim
inal to Improve instead of merely pun
ishing and restraining him.
"Let him understand that the law is
capable of doing the square thing by
htm and he will try to do the square
thing by the law."
Judge Cleland spoke In the place of
Robert J. Burdette, of Pasadena, who,
on account of ill health, was unable to
attend the conference.
Dr. A. H. Haigazlan spoke upon
"Christian Forces in the Levant."
He declared that the Influence of
Protestantism In the countries subject
to Turkey has been one of the most
powerful factors in awakening the in
tellectual and social life of the country
in the Levant.
Dr. Haigazlan urged the need ot
financial support to the colleges estab
lished by Christian Institutions In the
territory of Asia Minor.
Dr. William Hay, of New Zealand,
who had been a speaker in one of the
morning sessions, addressed the after
noon assembly on "Personal Evangel
Ism and Social Service."
In the musical programme for the
afternoon, one of the principal features
was the vocal solo by Mrs. Irene Burns
Speakers at Citizenship Meeting
Guests at Isuncheon.
Distinguished delegates and speakers
of the World's Christian Citizenship
Conference were guests of the Oregon
Congress of Mothers and Parent
Teachers' Association at the Oregon
Hotel yesterday at a luncheon. Guests
were met at the entrance of the dining
room by a party of little girls, who
gave each a bouquet of flowers.
Mrs. R. H. Tate, state president of
the Congress of Mothers, and Mrs. F. S.
Myers, president of the Portland Coun.
cil of the Congress of Mothers, gave ad
dresses of welcome to the guests. Presi
dent W. T. Foster, of Reed College, was
toastmaster. Following the addresses
irom the representatives of the Con
gresa of Mothers, a short talk was
given by Mayor H. R. Albee. A feature
in the musical programme was the
singing of the "Star-Spangled Banner"
by Miss Elfrlda v einstein.
Among the visitors who responded to
toasts on womanhocd, citizenship and
the home were: Dr. Ng Poon Chew, of
Canton. China: Dr. J. S. Matoda, of
Tokio, Japan; Dr. Armenag Haigazlan,
of Konla, Asia Minor; Dr. Samuel Z.
Batten, of Philadelphia; Dr. Robert F.
Coyle, of Denver; Dr. Charles Merle
D'Aublgne. of Paris; F. DeRougemont,
of Neuchatel, Switzerland; Signor
Davide Boslo. of Palermo. Italy: Pro
fessor Theophil Mann, of Germany, and
Robert Patterson, of Belfast, Ireland.
Ftoreign Speakers Will Pay Tribute
to Great Anlversary.
Tribute to the citizens of the United
States on the occasion of the anni
versary of Independence day will be
paid by prominent representatives of 12
countries, who. as delegates to the
World's Christian Citizenship Confer
ence, will address the Sunday school
chilaren this morning at 11 o'clock in
the Multnomah Stadium after the Sun
day school parade.
Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer will sing the
"Star-Spangled Banner" and prior to
the programme of speeches a Bible drill
will be given Iry the children under the
leadership of U. K. Hall.
Following are the foreign speakers
who win give five-minute talks:
Robert ("Catch-My-Pal") Patterson,
Belfast, Ireland: Rev. John Lamond
Edinburgh, Scotland; Dr. Charles
d'Aubtgne, Paris; Rougemont, Meu
chatel, Switzerland; Signor Davide Bo
sio, Palermo, Italy; Professor Theophil
Mann, ranKlort-on-Maln, Germany
Professor Bernt Stoylen, Chrlstlania,
Norway; President Armenag Hairazian
Konla, Asia Minor, Turkey; Dr. Joseph
S. Matoda, Tokio, Japan; Dr. Ng Poon
Chew, Canton, China; Dr. William Hay
New Zealand; Dr. William Rochester,
Toronto, Canada; Pyong K. Yoon, Seoul,
awaits all visitors to Hotel Gearhart
at Gearhart "By-the-Sea." View the
Pacific Ocean. Low railroad fare. Lit
erature at 100 Vi Fourth street. Phone
Main 1293.
( : t- , x - - - - - - , . " - - - ' " ' , ,
,j,w,;i r s , , : j
KAbt UNION TALKED k --jt ; . ? . : -
Assimilation of Immigrants
Discussed at Conference-
Report of Commission Declares Race
Prejudice on Pa of , Residents
of United States Cause of ;
Opposition to Xevrcomers.
Americans who were present at the
Oct i tin u 1 rnnf nriiTuii. . I : ;
- - " "I'i" iiuiuieittuuu
at the First Methodist Church yesterday
morning were given a striking oppor-
tUnitV trt "RAA niirca1ira . r. ..
through the addresses delivered by
scholars representing the Orient and the
Rjtrn nrofniltpA rtn V. -,Q v n v
, J c"! . ui lug pey-
I-llA nf tllA TTnltaH ft... . i 1 . I
as the only reason which can be back
of any attitude on the part of our citi
zens which opposes the reception and
assimilation of the better class of im
migrants from any of the other nations
of the earth.
The renort of th mmmiBeinn im
law, of New York, is chairman, asserted
that thrf la tha AlBTT.An " i
dice in the prevailing fear of the later
Race Prejudice Recalled.
"Most nf llz h'lUQ nro ,i(tn . 1. . vn
' ' ' ' MUl.ll IUQ 4iuieiist2
German immigration which set in after
says the commission in Its re
Of a similar tyroe the nresent nttlmH-
Of mistnmt tAward V. I i . . i
from China, Japan, Italy or other coun
tries of the southern part of Europe are,
ueia to oe.
Npflrlv nil nf tha noilro. t . . ,1 . .
"f 1. 1 Ltli LilQ
familiar arsument thjit tha Inflm nt
foreigners tends to lower the wage
Dr. William Hav nt V.n, j
clared that this danger may be met by
the establishment of a minimum wage
and that under this condition the labor
of white men can always more than
hold Its own against the competition of
moor irom ine colored races.
Both Pyong K. Yoon and Ng Poon
Chew, of Canton, said that the prob
lem Of ChinpRA ImmioraHnn 1. 41..
United States is at an end, for with the
estaDiisnment or a new government in
place of the old Chinese Empire, their
native countries offer all the oppor
tunities for development that they can
Japanese Case Is Discussed.
Dr. J. S. Matoda, of Tokio. JaDan.
declared that if the prejudice against
me Japanese, which has been mani
fested in California, is because of the
color of their skin there is -no more
argument, but. if the attitude against
them is due to claims that they will
not assimilate there is much room for
Signor Davide Bosio, of Palermo,
5. :
hr- ."'7; " :"Jrftrfk" I I'll I A Qiffh ir:;
Above, Reading From Left to Right, Thomas Green, of Victoria, B. C. Signor Davide Boslo, of Italy Dr. Bert Soylen,
of Norway; William Laidlaw, Chairman of Commission, Prom New York Pyong K. Yoon, of Seonl, Corea; Dr. J. .
Matoda, of Japan; James Wells, Missionary to Co rent Dr. William Hay, of New- Zealandi S. 1 oiul. of Portland!
L. Hall, of Kevelstoke, Canada,
wauuMuy u j'cnc
Italy, and Dr. Francesco Sannella, pas
tor of the Italian Baptist Church, of
Portland, gave short talks upon the
question of Italian immigration. Dr.
Sannella denied that the Italian people
are difficult to assimilate and trans
form into American citizens.
Interviewing Celebrities Not
an Easy Task
Foreign Visitors Seem to Be- Ex
ceedingly Polite, But When It
Comes to Talking? They Shy.
CHASING the fretful porcupine
around the block is a game of tld-dley-winks
when compared to inter
viewing a foreign celebrity who prob
ably has not worn his honors long
enough to be sure he will not be shorn
of them in a passage-at-arms with a
ruthless interviewer.
To make this little plaint entirely im
personal, it will perhaps be better to
forego the use of the egotistic "I" and
employ . the neutral "one" so dearly
loved and lauded by the authors - of
French and German grammars.
Continuing, therefore, this mild re
monstrance at the wary ways of cer
tain citizens of the world who seem to
care not for the interviewing game
after one has borrowed a stubby lead
pencil and invested in a 5-cent pad to
take down certain expected remarks.
I one feels one's Ire rise, when one can
St tV
s.' a' KM ,ij,JJnr 4A
. m .
and F. G. Lett, of Vancoavcrr. Canada;
u - AimsBCf ox jrana, ana JJr. 1 neopail
not by any means known to one j
nickel-ln-the-slot machines being abol
ished evoke said expected remarks!
One says ti this distinguished for
eigner: "Perhaps you will have the very great
kindness to tell to me whether you have
rain in your so great country of T'
And the D. F. answers (D. F. mean
ing, of course, distinguished foreigner):
"One thousand pardons!. But really
you take me at a disadvantage. I I I
would rather not say."
One being an interviewer of three
days' standing one is not discouraged.
and one continues:
"But certainly! Perfectly I under
stand! But perhaps you have some
times sunshine in your so great coun
try?" .
And the D. F. hesitatingly responds:
"E EE excuse me, please, but
but . I would rather not answer that
question." v
Understanding the perils of lese-ma-Jeste,
one hastily retreats from that
untenable position, and one inquires:
"But, yes! Of a certainty! Perhaps
though you could tell me whether in
your so-widely-known and so-greatly-admired
country, you have breakfast
foods, or do you perhaps prefer break
fast there?" .
Again one encounters the timid, fear
ful glance of the D. F., and one hears:
"Pardon, pardon, one thousand par
dons! .It it is not permitted to an
swer so personal a question."
And suddenly one realizes to the core
of one's being what a dangerous com
mercial complication has just been
avoided. One sees tottering the en
tente cordiale between the great na
a i : j j" a - s i ttjS' - 4- "ejt '
1 .. x,r
:- s
S3 T i
Below, Bishop Charles Scaddlng, of
nana, ox Uenaaar.
tions, and one gasps many gasps at
ones indiscretion.
One realizes, too, that being a suf
fragette might make . the situation
more awkward, and further strain our
foreign relations should the tenor of
this question ever become public. Truly
do we of this barbarous country lack
m diplomatic intercourse with foreign
But suddenly one becomes illumined
with a bright idea ones very own!
Surely one may ask this question with
out ruffling the bands of international
And one ventures:
"Will you have tne exceedlnsr good
ness to tell me, if in your so beautiful
country there are silver threads among
tne goid;-
But alas and alack, one is stupefied
to hear:
"I I It is with the greatest regret
that I cannot answer. I I I fear pub
licity! Pray desist!"
And sadly, silently, one desists! One
silently packs one's pencil and folds
one's pad. and silently steals away
away to the City Editor, who comforts
one but not silently no, no, not si
lently! Celebrate July 4 at Estaeada.
Trains leave First and Alder streets
at 6:60, 7:45 A. M. and every hour to
and Including 6:45 P.M. Returning,
leave Estaeada 9:55 A. M. and every
hour to and Including 6:55 P.M., then
7:30 and 9 P.M. Dancing, games and
sports of every kind open to the public
76 cents round trip. Portland Railway
Light & Power Company. .
4 I
jftv X.
41' v
Seventh Day Adventist Takes
Rap at Dr. Leiper, Then
Makes Apology.
Rev. Mr. Blunt Maintains Statutes
for Day of Worship Tnconstitn-
tional and Abridgement of Re-
ligious Liberties of His Sect.
Evldeneeof intense feeling, between
those who hold that Sunday is the
proper Sabbath, and the Seventh Day
Adventists, who believe that Saturday
should be observed as such, cropped
out at the sectional conference of the
World's Christian Citizenship Confer
ence at the First Presbyterian Church
yesterday morning.
Twice, when Rev. J. E. Blunt, of Los
Angeles, a Seventh Day Adventist, re
ferred to the previous remarks of Dr.
J. H. Leiper, of Portland, Dr. Leiper
promptly arose from his seat on the
paltform and interrupted the speaker,
saying that he would not submit to
Dr. Leiper objected to the Inference
in Rev. Mr. Blunt's remarks that he had
said that the orthodox Christian Sab
bath is the first day of the week. At
his second objection he advanced to the
pulpit, and facing the speaker declared
with feeling1 that he had said nothing
of the kind, and that he could not allow
himself to be placed in the false light
of having said it.
Preacher Makes Apology.
"I stand corrected, and I beg your
pardon," said Rev. Mr. Blunt, and the
inciaent was closed.
Rev. Mr. Blunt argued against the
enaction of Sunday laws, maintaining
that they are unconstitutional as being
an abridgment of the reliarious liber
ties of those who may believe that the
Sabbath comes on another day of the
A parliamentary skirmish occurred
when Dr. Leiper submitted a resolution
declaring for the enaction of Sunday
observance laws. After some discus
slon Dr. W. E. Crouser, of San Jose,
who presided, ruled that it must first
be submitted to committee.
Law-Fixed Sunday Urged.
Dr. Leiper declared that there is no in
spired authority for calling the Chris
tian Sabbath the first day of the week.
"The expectation of the Adventists
that the second coming of our Savior
will be on the seventh day may or may
not be realized," he said, "for 'of thai
day and hour knoweth no man." "
That the observance of the Sabbath
should be fixed by legislation was the
recommendation of Dr. Albert T. Moore,
or . a oronto, cnairman or the commis
sion appointed by the conference to re
port on the subject.
Addresses were also delivered bv Dr.
James R. Wylie, of Beaver Falls, Pa.,
and Dr. W. E. Crouser, of San Jose, who
The question may be taken up again
at an adjourned meeting Saturday
Annual Business Meeting Will Ad
Journ in Time for Morning Sun
day School Parade.
The Oregon Christian Endeavor Union
opened Its state rally in Portland yes
terday at the First Presbyterian Church
In conjunction with the World's Chris
tian Citizenship Conference. Daniel A.
Poling, of the National Christian En
deavor organization, spoke in the fore
noon on "How to Get, the Most Out of
the Christian Endeavor.
In the afternoon the speaker was C.
C Curtis, of Dallas. After a general
discussion the session adjourned to the
Multnomah Stadium to attend the after
noon session of the Citizenship Con
An Informal dinner was given at 145
Broadway in the evening.
The annual business session will be
i ft - c
v i f i
Ye Oregon Grille
Cabaret De Luxe
Evelyn Gilbert
And the American Beauties.
Two new singers
and a complete change
of programme.
New Songs New Choruses.
Signor Pietro Marino
And His Orchestra.
From 11:30 to 2 P. M., 50c
Oregon Hotel
Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co.,
Chas. Wright. President,
M. C. Dickinson,
Managing: Director.
held this morning, and the meeting will
adjourn at 10 o'clock in time for the
Sunday school parade. H. II. Rotterman,
Northwestern field secretary, will lead
the "quiet hour" devotional service,
which will begin at 6:30 A. M., preced
ing the business session. A reception
will be given at the First Presbyterian
Church this evening complimenting Mr.
Poling. r. E. Baker, state president,
will preside over all meetings.
Edlefsen's Coals are cheaper than
The New Zealand Farmers' Union asks
erovernment aid for procuring more laborers,
more than 6H0 workers being needed.
The National's
Friday Specials
Are Genuine
Money Savers
Phono your orders to Slaia
6499 or A 4499 and they will
be delivered.
Excellent quality Sherry,
Port, Angelica or Muscatel,
Reg. $1.50 quality, gal. .75
Rye or Bourbon Whiskey, an
excellent $4.00 grade. Friday
special, gallon $2.75
Superior grade California
Brandy, sells usually at $4.00
a gallon, Friday $2.75
National Quality is the best
the market affords.
Tou are nervous when the nerves
are poisoned by impure blood or
starved by thin, watery blood. In
uch cases no nervo tissue need be
created, but the blood has only to
bo restored to a normal, healthy
state to make the nerves strong
and well.
To make your blood rich and red
take Dr. Vviliiams' Pink Pills.
Give them a thorough trial and for
get all about your nerves. The
chances are that your nervoui
troubles will vanish when your
bloocfis made perfectly healthy.
Dr. "Williams' Pink Pilla are a
fine remedy for the treatment of
nervous prostration, nervous de
bility, neuralgia, sciatica, nervous
dyspepsia and St. Vitus' dance.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
by all dmeistsat 60 cents per box
or six boxes for C2.50 or by the
Dr. Williams Medicine Company,
Schenectady, K. Y.
Take your family on the Fourth to Iyake
View Park, the new nlcnle grounds on Os
wego Kake. Special train leaves Jefferson-st.
8. P. depot July 4 at :45 A. M.. returning at
1:54. 4:oB and 7:10 P. M. Buy tickets to
Bryant Station, fare P.O cents round trip.
Boatlns. Dathlnit. fiahinir. swings, tables.
Launch Lotus will meet Oswego trains. For
boat reservation or further Information caU
Marshall 2379.