Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 03, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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Run From Portland to Astoria
Starts at 5. o'clock This
Major Sends MDessago and II. Ii. Pit
took Dispatches 5 0 Morning Ore
gonlans to Admiral Water
Festivities Open Today.
Slicked up and with bottom freshly
graphlted. the Sylph, holder of the
speedboat record for the 100-mlle run
down the Columbia from Por.tland to
Astoria, will leave Portland at 5 o'clock
this morning In an effort to shatter Its
own mark.
The record downstream is 3 hours, 29
minutes and 30 seconds, made by the
Sylph last fall, but 18 minutes of that
period was consumed in making: re
pairs, consequenly George W. Kendall,
owner, believes he will surely estab
lish a new mark.
This race against time is annually
scheduled as the opening: speed event of
the Pacific Coast motorboat champion
ship races at the Astoria regatta, which
opens today. C. V. Cooper's Charmalee
was expected to compete against the
Sylph, but, because of the high water
nd many dangers attached, Mr. Cooper
decided not to enter his craft.
CO Orearonlana Carried.
"When the Sylph leaves the old steel
bridge sharply at 6 o'clock this morn
ing, it will have aboard, besides Mr. and
Mrs. Kendall, a bundle containing 50
copies of The Oregonlan for today.
These, together with letters from Mayor
Albee. of Portland, and H. L. Pittock,
manager of The Oregonlan, will be de
livered to Admiral Morgan at the Re
gatta flagship as soon as the Sylph
reaches its destination. The flagship is
the finish buoy.
Mr. Kendall will handle the engines
and Mrs. Kendall the wheel. Mrs. Ken
dall performed a similar tedious task
last Fall when the Sylph made the run
upstream to Portland in 3 hours 20
minutes and 22 seconds, or nine minutes
less than the trip down current entailed.
The starter will be J. I Scarth;
timers, George Kinnear and Max Bote
fuhr, and the judges Dean H. Townes
and George Bertz.
Mayor Hopes for Record.
Mayor Albee's letter to Admiral Mor
gan is as follows:
"Admiral W. L. Morgan, on Board
Flagship, Astoria, Or. My Dear Ad
miral: It is a pleasure to send greet
ings to you -on our record-breaker
"Sylph," and it is niy hope that once
again this Queen of the water will
make a new world's record.
"Portland is with you in spirit at
this time and wishes you the most suc
cessful regatta on record. Yours very
truly. II. R. ALBEE, Mayor."
H. L. Pittock, manager of The Ore
gonlan, sent the following greeting to
Admiral Morgan, together with 50
copies of The Oregonian for today:
"Admiral V. L. Morgan, on Board
Flagship, Astoria, Or. My ear Ad
miral: While wishing you every suc
cess in pulling off the regatta and
I know it will be a" success I wish to
hand you a copy of this morning's ore
gonlan, which you may read at the
breakfast table as early as our peo
ple of Portland. This I do by the
courtesy of Captain George W. Ken
dall, master -of the Sylph, the fastest
long-distance vessel of your fleet. Very
truly yours. H. L. PITTOCK."
Portland to Have Big Delegation at
Annual Water Event.
A strong delegation from Portland
left yesterday for Astoria, where the
annual motorboat and yachting re
gatta will open this morning for three
A substantial part of Portland's re
gatta delegation made the trip last
night on the admiral's special train.
Nearly all the members of the ad
miral's staff were in the party.
Portland's invasion of Astoria for
the 1913 regatta probably will break
all previous records for numbers. This
is due to a large extent to the interest
aroused by W. L. Morgan, the popular
admiral or this year s event. Mr. Mor
gan has taken a wholesome and active
Interest in the event and has labored
diligently to assemble about him a
staff of officers "who are able actually
to attend.
More than 125 persons were in the
admiral's party that went on a special
train over the North Bank road at 4
o'clock. Other large crowds will go
on the regular trains today and many
win travel on tne Boats.
Every coach in yesterday's special
train was an observation car. High-
class entertainment was provided on
The races will start at Astoria to
day, but the big programme is sched
uled for tomorrow the Fourth of
July. Astoria has planned a monster
Fourth of July celebration. People will
gather there from all of Western Ore
gon and parts of Washington. Portland
probably will send 1000 people to
In the admiral's party last night
were John S. Beall. admiral of last
year's regatta; "Rube" Foster, who has
been on the admiral's staff ever since
regattas were held at Astoria: W. C.
North, who was eager to try on his new
wnite unirorm; Arthur Finley and
many otner prominent Portland per
sons. All staff members wore their
citizens' clothes on board the train.
Uniforms will be worn at balls anil
social functions only.- The ball in
honor of the queen will be given to
night. ' while the admiral's ball Is
scheduled for tomorrow night.
Many other social functions have
been planned in connection with the
Most Portland people will remain In
Astoria until the close of the festivities
on Saturday. Many will go to the
nearby beaches to pass Sunday.
Crowning of Queen Beatrice This
Morning Opens Festivity.
ASTORIA, Or., July 2. (Special.)
W. L. Morgan, admiral of the 18th an
nual regatta, and the members of his
staff arrived here from Portland on a
special train at 7 o'clock and were
met at the depot. They were conveyed
in automobiles to the regatta head
quarters, where an' informal reception
was held.
Everything is now in readiness for
the annual celebration, which will
open at 8:30 tomorrow morning, with
the crowning of Queen Beatrice and
the reception of the admiral, which
will take place at the grandstand. The
speedboat races will begin immediately
, ' ' "
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Anderson and Cross Ready for
Bout Friday Afternoon.
Xew York Dentist Backed by .Large
Following, However, and Is Pre
dicted Winner by Van Court.
Slugging Match In Sight.
LOS ANGELES, CaL, July 2. (Spe
cial.) Anderson and Cross knocked
off training stunts after their work
outs this afternoon and, barring pos
sibly a light "gym" turn, they win
rest up for their battle Friday afternoon.
It Is pleasing to know that each
has attained perfect condition and
that there will be little difference, it
any at all, between them when thev
step on the scales. It appears to be a
aanay match all the way around,
with just enough cleverness involved
to make it a fast fight all the way
and with the boys noted for their win
ning puncnes.
Anderson's popularity is growing
rapidly and la reflected in the steadi
ly lengthening odds quoted by those
who keep in touch with the market.
Anderson is now ruling a 10 to 7 fa
vorite and It begins to look like he
might go a notch higher before ring
time. The majority of fans, are pick
ing Anderson to keep up his winning
ways but there is quite an element
that is backing Cross. The dentist
is quite popular with those who al
ways string with the short-enders, as
he appears to bo about the best short-
end proposition that has shown up
nere aDouts in a long time.
Anderson will be a 10 to 7 favorite
in Portland for his bout with Leach
Cross in Los Angeles tomorrow after
noon. Even at those odds which ap
pear a little high there will likely
be little Cross money in evidence due
to the preponderance of Anderson
backers in Portland.
De Witt Van Court, the Los Angeles
boxing expert, as much as predicts
Anderson's defeat in the Times because
of his bad hand. For that reason ana
because of Cross' excellent record the
boys may possibly become even money
favorites down south when they step
into the ring.
Anderson injured his hand in the
Mandot fight and kept it in a plaster
cast all the week of his theatrical
exhibition at the Pantages. But, when
he left for Medford, Buddy insisted
that his mauling fist was hale ana
The figures showing the Vancouver
lightweight sizes up with ' the foxy
New York Jew as follows:
133 lbs Weight 133 lbs.
5 it. 6 Height 0 ft. 7
6(1 Reach 67
iVj Neck 14
szc? JZjts-. ozo. yf2.yjz
6 to 4. Manager Evers saved the game
for Chicago in the opening, when he
made a running stop of Wilson's
grounder, which looked like a sure dou.
ble, and tossed the runner out at first,
retiring the side with the bases full.
Today was Zimmerman's last day to re
main on his good, behavior in order to
receive the other half of a 8100 bill,
one-half of which was presented to him
by a fan if he could refrain from being
chased by the umpire for a period of
two weeks. He had a narrow escape,
however. He was on third base and
attempted to steal home. The throw
beat him and Umpire Quigley called
him out. Zimmerman arose to his feet
and commenced, to argue with the um
pire, but suddenly calmed down and
walked away. Score:
Pittsburg I Chicago
Byrne. 3...
Carey. 1. . .
Vlox,2. . . .
Butler, ...
Hyatt. ..
Wilson. r. .
Adams.p. .
Bayrs"" . .
Wasnert . .
5 2 1 0 4 2 2 00
2 0 0Evers,2. .. 4 2 3 20
1 3 OlSohulte.r.. 4 1 2 00
0 0 OlPaler.l . 4 0 5 00
0 0 OlMltchell.l.. 3 0 10 0 0
8 o lBridwelI,s. 4 0 0 4 0
2 0 OlArcher,. . . 4 1 5 00
4 0 OiH'mphr's.p 3 1 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
J Chest contracted 14
41 Chest expanded 33
" Wtlst 2S
lla Right forearm 10 H
1Vk Right upper arm down 104
13 Klght upper arm up Hi
11H Left forearm 10
11 Vs...... Left upper arm down ......10
13 Left upper aim up ..11
2V4 Right Ihlgh 1
15 Left calr 14 .
33 Right calf 13 V4
Tti Wrist T
0V4 Ankle 9
Vancouver. Wash.. Born ....New York City
April 8, IMS Date Feb. 12, lgSfl
Scotch-Irish-Am. Nationality Hebrew
Dick Donald... Management ..Sam Wallach
From these physical measurements
it is apparent that Cross has it on
Anderson by one Inch in height and
one inch in reach. He is 27 years old
so he has it on Anderson in age also.
Freddy Welsh, a Portland visitor,
has never seen Anderson in action.
He says Cross is a tough scrapper but
not a good boxer, so it looks ee if a
good slugging match portends.
Brooklyn 15, Boston S,
BROOKLYN. July Z.--Brooklyn over,
whelmed Boston today, 15 to 3. Bad
pitching and worse fielding allowed the
home team to score nine runs off three
hits in the third. Tyler, Noyes and
Hess tried to stem the tide, but all
were Ineffective and received miserable
support. Strand, a new Boston pitcher.
went in after the fourth and checked
the heavy scoring, although he was hit
rreeiy. Score:
Boston I Brooklyn
M Don'd.S 2 2 O 0 2 Moran.r.. 4 1 5 00
Devlln.S.. SOI 1 OlCutshaw.a 3 O 3 OJ
Connolly.l 3 2 4 0 0,Stengel,m 4 3 2 10
Tltus.r... 2 0 1 0 OjVheat.l. . 4 4 1 00
Lord.r.... 3 0 2 2 OiMayer.l. . . 0 O 1 00
sweeney,: 4 o i viDaubert.1. 4 2 7 10
Myers.l.. 4 16 0 llSmith.3. . . l 1 S 41
Karlden.o. 2 12 2 0Klrkpafk.3 1 O 0 O0
wrown.c. a o l o i: Hummel, 4 0 3 20
Sey'our.m 4 13 1 0 Mlller.o. . 4 1 2 O0
Tyler.p 1 0 0 0 O.Kagan.p. . 4 10 80
ivoyes.p., o v v u Ut
Hess. p.. . 1 0 0 00
Strand. p. 2 O'O 1 0
Totals 37 11 24 13 6 Totals. 83 13 27 11 2
Boston 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
Brooklyn 0 2021100 15
Runs Maranvllle 2, Connolly, Moran 2.
Cutshaw. Stengle 2. Wheat 2. Daubert 2.
Smith 3. Hummel, Ragan. Left on bases
Boston 1; Brooklyn 5. Two-base hit
Stengel. Three-base hit Connolly. Whea
Sacritlce flles Cutshaw, Miller. Sacrifice
hits Connelly, Smith. First on errors
Brooklyn 2,. Boston 2. Stolen bases Myers,
Stengel, Daubert 2. Smith. Double plays
Maranvllle and Myers, Strand, Maranvllle
ana Myers, Daubert and Hummel. Base on
balls Oft Tyler 2. off Noyes 2. off Strand
o, uu nagan z. birucK out rsy lyier l
by Hess 1. by Ragan 2. Hit by pitcher-
Smith, bv Novel. Wild nllrhes Strand 2.
Hits off Tyler. 5 In 2 innlnea Innna out in
third); off Noyes, none In 2-3 inning: off
ness, a in l-a innings; oit Btrana, o in
4 innings. Time 2:05. Umpires Klem
anu unn,
Chicago 6, Pittsburg 4.
CHICAGO, July 2. Chicago made a
clean sweer of the series with Pitts
burg today by winning the final game.
Totals. . .36 10 24 9 31 Totals .. .32 8 27 7 0
Batted for Butler In eighth.
Batted for Coleman In ninth.
tBatted for Adams In ninth.
Pittaburar - n n n 1 n a i o n a
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 6
Runs Viox. Hyatt. Wilson 2. Leach, Ev
ers. Zimmerman, Mitchell. Archer, Hum-
imrics. xwo-Dase nits schulte. Miller.
Three-base hit Evers. . Home mm Wil
son 2, Hyatt. Sacrifice fly Zimmerman,
fetolen bases Zimmerman, Mitchell. Double
plays Adams to Butler to Miller; Evers to
Saier. Left on bases Pittsburg 6. Chicago
Base on balls Off Adams 2. off Hum-
Miine. i. otrucK out By Adams 2. by
Humphries 2. Passed balls Coleman.
Time 2:07. Umpires Quigley and Emsile.
New York 8, Philadelphia 4.
won Its third straight game here today
from Philadelphia, the score being 8 to
aiauiewsun was xoucnea up lor 13
its. Ha 1 1 j"1 llTlHo.f ,1 1 .stn.anl Tt.
did not give a -pass or strike "out a
batsman. Doyle, in addition to n. twn
bagger, scored two runners arid him
self in the fourth inning with a home
run drive over the right field fence.
New York I Philadelphia
Burns.r... 6 3 2 0 0 Paskert.m. a a nr.
o a a i uiKnabe.2... 5
BIB 40Lobert,3... S
4 2 3 2 llBecker.r.. 4
3 2 6 O 0Magee.l.. . 4
6 13 0 Olr.uderus.l. 4
McLoughlin Carries Away
Honors in 3-Straight.
Shafer.3. .
Dovle.2. . .
Meyers, c .
3 10 0
2 0 0 0
2 3 10
1 3O0
3 1 0O
Doolan.s.. 4 13 51
Klllifer.c. . 4 1 6 10
Chalmers n O A ft A n
iMoore.p... 2 0 0 1
i'Miller.... 1 0 0 O0
Cravath. 1 1 0 O0
TDolan.... OO000
Totals. 43 17 27 8 1 Totals. 3S 13 27 10 1
watted for Chalmers in third.
Batted for Moore in ninth.
tRan for Cravath in ninth.
p'h'n.7?rl!, 0 OS SI 00O 1 S
Philadelphia 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 4
Hlta Burns, Shafer Fletcher, Doyle 2,
Merkle. Snodgrass 2, Knabe, Lobert 2. Killil
fer. Two-base hit Tri-rv.-- ,..i-i.. 1.
Knabe Lobert. Doolan. Home run Doyle.'
Hits Off Chatmers, 8 in 3 innings; off
;"""'. t in o innings. Sacrifice fly Pas
kert. Stolen base Rrtn.r... T--,..r.i..
plays Luderua and -Doolan; Fletcher and
safer. Left on bases New York 13, Phll-
1i " ,gn Da" Ult Chalmers 2.
off Mooro 2. First base on errors Mew
York 1, Philadelphia 1. Hit by pitcher By
moore lietcnor. Struck out By Chal
rnera 1 by Moore S. Passed ball Meyers.
empires Rlgler and Orth.
St. Louis 6, Cincinnati 4.
The Coolest Chaps Wear B. V. D.
Do You?
DON'T sizzle like a fire-cracker on
"Fourth of July." In B. V. D. you
can be cool and comfortable indoors,
outdoors, in town or out, playing or watch
ing. On every, B.V.D. Undergarment is sewed
B. V. D. Coat Cut Under
shlrU and Knee . Lengtli
Drawers, retail at .50c,
75c, $1.00 and $1.50 the
This Red IVoven Label
Tmadc FOR THE.
PTKHTNTM JTT Tnlu 9 T.- ...
j - 115 uy Cin
cinnati enabled St. Louis to yln tha
third vmm baI 0 . n-. .
------ v . Q iu J. VV II 1 1-
ted made good by driving out a single
oiai uiiS . uatting rally in the
eichth that wno nnlv i
T 'J , --; - . ticM iier OL
Louis obtained the lead. Score:
61. Louis I Cincinnati
Htlggins.2 4 1 5 4 0Bescher,I. 4 1 1 00
Oakes.m. 4 12 OoMarsans.r 4 1 0 OO
Mowrey.S 3 11 1 o,Bergha'r. 3 2 4 & o
Konetc y.l 4 1 lO 2 01 Tlnker.s. a 0 1 0 O
Evans.r.. 4 2 2 0 OlHobllts'1.1 4 1 11
U'Leary.s. 2 0 1 3 0Dodge,3.. 3 1 2 21
r " - v w v v ivim.c.,, 4 o '2 3 1
laTe'eV: ? 2 1 ilg"ie.r'P- 5!
whitted.. 1 1 6 6 6i " " " uv
Totals 82 10 27 13 0 Totals. - 33 8 27 13 3
Batted for Perritt In eighth.
St. Louis 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 6
Cincinnati 3 0000 0 1 0 0 i
Runs Huggins, Magee. Mowrey, Konet
chy. Evans, Whitted. Marsans, Berghammer
HoblltzelL Dodge. Two-base hits Oakes,
Konetchy, Evans, Berghammer, Hoblltiell
Three-base hit Evans. Hits off Burke,
4 in 1 Inning; Perritt, 4 in 6; off Sallee,
none in 2: Harter. 0 In 7 1-3: off Brown,
1 in 1 2-3. Sacrifice hit Groh. Sacrifice
files O'Leary, Wingo. Stolen bases Magee,
Oakes, Marsans, Berghammer. Double plays
Berghammer, Hoblltzell. Left on bases
St. Lewis 3, Cincinnati 4. Balk Harter.
Base on balls Off Harter 2. Hit by pitcher
By Perritt (Dodge). Struck out By Per
ritt 2. by Harter 1, by Brown 1. Time
1:45. Umpires Brennan and Eason.
Mersereau Loses at Tennis.
Two matches were played yesterday
in Class 6 of the Multnomah midsum
mer tennis tournament. One resulted
in the defeat of Mersereau by DeNesse,
6-3 and 7-5, and the other was a vic
tory for Marias over S. C. Smith, 6-0
and 6-1. The only match in Class 8
went to G. F. Taylor by default. The
final match In Class 6 will be played
today on the, club courts betfween
Marias and Xe Kesse.
American Champion's Service Proves
Too Much for Australian and:
Helps Illm to Match Before
Crowd of 5000.
WIMBLEDON, England, July 2.
Maurice F. McLoughlin, of San Fran
cisco, the United States lawn tennis
champion, by defeating Stanley N.
Doust,- the Australasian Davis cup
champion, in the final round of the
all-England lawn tennis singles
championship tournament, today won
the right to challenge A. F. Wilding,
of New Zealand, the title holder. The
match will be played here on Friday.
McLoughlin beat Doust three straight
sets. Scores, 6-3, 6-4. 7-5.
The youthful American had it much
his own way throughout the match,
which was played before 5000 spec
tators this afternoon in brilliant weath
er. Doust, however, at times by a su
preme effort succeeded in giving a
McLoughlin made a good beginning
y winning the first game to Jove
good exhibition.
with four consecutive services, Doust
being unable to make any attempt to
return. The Australian then neutral
ized with his service, which the Ameri
can found too soft for his liking, but
coming more up to the net. McLoughlin
took the nest three games and estab
lished a lead of 4 to 1. Doust then
managed to bring the score to 4-2 on
hi3 service by clever net work, but
after this the Australian had little
chance against the American's placing
and hard hitting.
American's Service Fatal.
Doust began the second set well with
a love game, and after the American
had won the next game with his un
beatable service the Australian picked
up another love game. He was now
playing with more confidence, but al
though he established a lead of three
games to two, he could not maintain it
against his opponent's service. The
American was leading, 5-3, when Doust
made another recovery and pulled up
to 5-4, but It was a hopeless effort, as
the American easily took the winning
game on his service.
The third set also opened well for
the Australian, who, after taking the
first -game, won on the American's
service for the first time, after a
fiercely contested game, in which
deuce was called three times, and then
winning the third game to love, giv
ing the Australian a lead of 3-0. Mat
ters now changed, however, and Mc
Loughlin, winning three games in suc
cession by "wonderful mid-court kills,
drew level at four all. Doust took the
next game, but failed to gain the set,
McLoughlin winning two games in
succession, Doust double faulting In
his own service and the American then
winning on his service.
SIcLonghlln la Fleaaed.
McLoughlin proved far superior to
Doust throughout the match, the fea
ture of which was his "cannon shot"
service. He was greatly pleased with
his reception at Wimbledon. He says
the spectators showed their apprecia
tion of every good stroke.
McLoughlin has already faced Wild
ing, the famous New Zealand player,
who has held the all-England title
since 1910.
In 1909 McLoughlin and M. H. Lone.
also of California. represented the
United States in Australia in the chal
lenge round of the Davis cup matches.
The "kids" as they were termed, met
N. E. Brookes and Wilding in both
singles and doubles at Sydney on No
vember 27, 29 and 30. Wildlne defeat
ed McLoughlin in the singles three
sets to one. The opening set of this
match, won by the Californian, was
the only one captured by the Amerl
cans during the series, but McLough
lin and Long put up a great fight 1
the doubles, forcing Wilding and
Brookes to play tnelr best to win 12-10,
9-7, 6-3.
The English team to defend the
Dwight F. Davis International lawn
tennis trophy is to be composed of J.
C. Parks, H. Roper Barrett, C. P. Dix
on and A. W. Gore.
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Get a good look at this label and insist
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m m
matches were played, in the Inland
Empire tennis tournament today and
the entrants will begin on the third
round in the singles and the first of
the mixed doubles tomorrow.
Willie A. White. 11 years old, of
Lewiston, Idaho, was the sensation In
the playing today, making the second
round before he went to defeat. The
boy defeated C. A. O'Connor, of Spo
kane, in the first round, 6-3. 6-2, but
in the second, the four-foot youngster,
who grips his racquet close up and
drives like a veteran, was overcome
by Seth Richards, president of the Spo
kane Tennis Club, by a score of 6-3, 6-1.
Mrs. J. Don Alexander and Miss A.
Kettenbach, of Lewiston, played three
closely-contested sets, Mrs. Alexander
winning 6-4, 1-6 and 6-3. Joe Tyler
and Phil Brain put up a good game in
the match with Tom Bailey and Beth
Richards in the second round of the
men's doubles. Tyler and. Brain won.
6-3, 6-1.
Jefferson High Man Has Two Tennis
Catlin Wolfard, of the Jefferson
High School, had little trouble in win
ning his two scheduled matcnes yes
terday in the Portland Interscholastic
tennis tournament on the Irvington
tennis courts. The first match, played
against Montgomery, of Lincoln, re
sulted In two "love" sets, while in the
second match against Laffen, of the
Peninsula School, the sets went 6-2,
Inland Empire Youngster of 11
Proves Surprise of Day.
SPOKANE, July 2. Forty-four
6-1,' with Wolfard an easy winner.
The hardest match of the day, played
between Harmon of Jefferson and
Wheeler of Washington, resulted in 36
games being played before Wheeler
succumbed to the terrific onslaught of
the Jefferson High boy. Wheeler won
the first set 6-4, but Harmon's staying
qualities were better and he won the
final sets, 10-8, 6-2.
Three sets were required in the play
off in the girls' singles between Miss
Povey of Jefferson and Miss Killam of
Washington, the former winning, 3-6,
6-3. 6-3. The other match in the girls"
singles was an easy victory for Miss
Du Bruille, ,of Washington, over Miss
Alexander, of Jefferson, 6-3, 6-L
Testerday s results:
Men's Singles.
Harmon (Jefferson) beat Wheeler (Wash-
lngton) 4-6. 10-8. g-3.
Are Fresh
The Large, Juicy Yamhill
Crawfish Served
Here Only
To Your
At Any Time
Call Up
Main 919 or A 5238
Sixth and Alder Sts.
Wolfard (Jefferson) beat Montgomery
(Lincoln) 6-0. 6-0.
Wolfard (Jefferson) beat Laffa (Jeffer
son) 6-2, 6-1.
Girls' Singles. -
Miss Povey (Jefferson) beat Miss Killara.
(Washington) 6-3, 6-3. 6-3.
Miss DuBrullle ( Washington) beat Miss
Alexander (Jefferson) 6-3, 6-1.
The finals will be played this morn
ing at 10 o'clock on the same courts,
with Harmon of Jefferson matched
against Wolfard of the same school and
Miss Povey of the Jefferson High op
posing Miss Du Bruille, the Washing
ton High School champion.
The new California racquets are in;
the kind McLoughlin Is beating the
world with. Archer & Wiggins Co,
ixth and Oak. .
ife 4 ; : 1
tltM Low Round Trip Fares 1 jp
L )t Ji3Y riWW limit mi1 &m
Ihl? iW
js Seattle and Return
Kfhf J Aeroplane Flights (v J!!y )
ss-Jf: Boat Races A. ,'.'.'
yzJsZ Great Street Parade 0: J".t
Everything for Fun J; 3
-TJ-' Information cheerfullv given by -5J5v.'rlF&'
-TJ?- Agent 0.-W. R. & N. g