17 THE 3IORXING OREGOXLVIr, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1913- FOR RENT. Apartmrnlh. oi;r krek automobile AT YOl'lt SERVICE WHEN HUNTliMi APAR'l MEN T S. Furnished and u'nf urniliod apartments from 2 to 5 rooms, from $15 to $ j 7 . T0 per month. I J you want ur .telephone Main 2015. Sundays or A .015 Evenings rail M r. Bald on. Marshall 2200. Our automobiles will ca!1 at any address with our ant, who will he glad to show these apartments. Ref eroncei required. We own or control the following: Cecelia, 22d and GUsan st s. Clavpool, 11th and Clay sts. Fordham, J 7t Ford. Han thorn, 251 12th at., near Main. Hanover, 315 Kins at., nar Washington. K nirkerboekr, 410 Harrison, near II th. OrderleiKh. 2 Grand ave. Sr. Croix. 17o St. ciair at., near Wash. St. Krancts. 21.t and Hoyt sts. Wellington, loth aird Everett at. MORGAN, FL1KDXER BOYCE, KOS-riMt) Ablnffton Bids. ITTCi ITLA N D rotT.T APARTMENTS. CL'd and GItwan Sis. Walking Die tarn. 3. Very exclusive, room apartments , rooms. elecantly all large. furnished. 4 bright outside References Required. Marshall 516 2. CARMELITA. Jefferson and loth sts. A and 5 -room unfurnished apartments ; exceptionally ell arranged ; walking: dis tance. Rates Reasonable. References. Modern. New GLEN COURT, formerly The Wheeidon. Corner Park and Taylor, ' 2, 3 and 4-1 oom apartments, modern. furnished complete; first-class service. CtMBERLAKD, W. Park and Columbia sts.; very choice 2 and 3-room completely furnished, ants. : all modern conveniences, beautiful location, facing the park; only 5 minutes' walk from business center; beat of service; prices reasonable; references. liRANDEATA. East Stark and Grand ave. is'uw building; nicely furnished 3-room apartments; private bath and private Tihone: $25 to $27.50; walking distance. Phone East 208. THE PARK HURST, Korth 20th and Northrun Sts. Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments; outaide rooms; balcony to every suite; all conveniences; ref. Phone M. ilfl viahrim4" APTS. (Annexi. 7S5 Irvinic st. One 5-room apt., furnished with two real bedrooms and two disappearing beds. phone, etc. References. Main 5tt or Mar shall SSS9. KEELER APARTMENTS, 14TH AND CLAY STREETS. First .rlasA H-room anart ments. unfur nished, private vestibules, bathrooms and phones ; references required. OKDEHLE1GH 82 Grand avenue, 3-roora apartments, completely furnished, private bnths: new manaaement: modern ana con venlent; walking distance; best of service; rates $15 to $30. jjEE the Overton Apartments, furnished and unfurnished, cheapest and best in the city private phone, bath and electrio elevator; no inside rooms; new manager. xaKe "w csr. 274 2lst and Overton. I.IrOT,N APTS.. 4TH AND LINCOLN, All outside 2-room furnished apts., low rates include free light, heat, private phone; a complete home. Clean and quiet. Janitor service. Alain lai i. I.T!ZERNE APTS. Cor. 3d end Kail Cozy 2-room furnished ants.: building new and strictly modern; all outside rooms ; 8 minutes to P. O. ; rates very reasonable. Marshall 4637. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, ' Park St., at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments by the week or month. KINGSBrRV Ford, near Washington st. High-olass apartments ; one unfur nished of 3 rooms, with private bal cony ; reasonable rent. THE SAN MARCO. Nicelv furn. and unfurn. 3-room mod. apts.; private bath and phones: walking distance; $ i a up. rnone cast 4 tin. ONE nicely - furnished housekeeping-room, with all conveniences. tine location only $10 per month. ,187 17th St., near Yammii. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 8- roora aoartmeuts, $20 and un: wood 1ani tor service, walking distance? references. 712 Washington, opp. 22d. Main 71S4 GENEVA APTS., SAN FRANCISCO, S40 Van Ness Ave. First-class modern 2, S-room, furnished, linen, silver. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Third and Montgomery: new. modern, out side furnished 2-room apartments; eleva tor: close in; $20 to $30. Main 9466. SUMMER RATES. 3-room nicely furnished apartment; all large, cool, outside rooms ; 22.t0 ; bath, phone and on carline. 13 3041, Tabor 2293 THE ORMONDE Four, ttve and six-room apartments; modern; Summer rates. G58 Flanders sc.. Nob Hill. Main 8231. THE MARLBOROUGH. Nob Hill district 6 room apartment; every convenience. Mai 751. THE Drlekston. 448 11th Nicely furnishe 2 and S-room modern outside apts., near Heights. Mrs. F. W. MoCune, Marshall & BEUNA VISTA. 12th and Harrison 2 and 3-room apart ments; oest service. Apply on premises. DOVER APARTMENTS, 4 rooms, unfur nished. 517. Inquire SS7 North 24th. Mar snail 1-ROOM apts., furnished, modern; refer ences. C horn well Annex, 291 Columbia. DIEL A PA KTA1EMS, furnished, 3 rooms, new. i'.o E. AnHeny. phone East 1808. THE King-Davis. 54 King st.. N., nr. Wash. High-class: references. Both phones. ili i .N maw -K AijTS iHo loth, near Yamhill: 4-room apts., newly furnished. THE DAYTON & large rooms, ant., porches. every convenience; low rent. 653 Flanders. ILLIHEE APTS., 487 Taylor 2-room apart ments. well Turnisnea. $17 and up. HERMENIA, tiIaffVt. . new building, rurnisneo. modern rates. Main 444. Flat. 6-ROOM flat, 7S0 Glisan St., near 23d st car: new. modern, convenient : hard woo floors, fireplace and furnace, select neigh borhood. Morgan, Fliedner & Boyce, 503 Ablngion bldg. $& MODP-RN 5-room. nice residence lo cation. West Side; front and back yard and porches, gas and electricity, gas range and water heater and linoleum. Phone Marshall 3107. TWO desirable 6-room flats; rent $18; ad joining Page apartments, East Burnslde and Sth sts.: walking distance. Keys at Woodards, 104 2d st. 5- ROOM modern flat, centrally located, on East Side, within short walk of Orego nlan bldg.; also good car service. Inquire 910 Chamber of Commerce bids. 6- ROOM mouern lower family flat; fire place, furnace, fruit, yard; J.0 minutes' walk Postoffice. 543 6th. at. .Main 7065, A tV.CJ. ONE lower and one upper flat for rent, walking distance. West Side, new and in first-class condition; rent very reasonable Call 286 Oak. Main 7750. 7-ROOM modern flat, fireplace and furnace. 4 4tH Park st. Main 1-136. A 14 36. or Tabor 7ti3. 6UNNYSIDE Modern 6-room upper flat, clean, $16; adults. Phone Tabor 17b8. Owner, 246 East K7th, near Hawthorne. 6-ROOM modem flat, sleeping porch, nre place. ga range, furnace. 2&5 E. 21st. Hawthorne car. Tabor 1597. -ROOM and bath, steam-heated flat, un furnished, $45 monthly. - The Gilea 307 11th st., near Columbia. A. E. Poulse'n 6-ROOM upper Hat ; fireplace, attic, good condition. 6iH4 Northrup or Main Ji225. FOR RENT 6-room flat. Inquire of jan Itor, Welst Apts., 60 N. 23d st. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath, 731 Hovt st. Inquire 130 th st. Phone Main !27S. MODERN 7-room flat cheap. 12th and Mill st. Apply 430 Miil st. Main 4013. HOLLADAY ADD. Walking distance, n earllnea. 4 12 Wasco. East 38Uo. ear 2 6-room modern f la t, choicest location. West Sid. inquire 173 1'Jth. corner Yamhill. $14 NEW four-room flat, overlooking park. u-t a ins worm, cor. worttiwicK, UNFURNISHED 4-room flat, bath, station- ary tup. uwn: woo a hoist. 5S1 3d st. FIVE or hit-room flat, close in. Inquire .vt Everei t st. West Side- Furnished Flat. MODERN 5-room flat, newly furnished larre rooms, everything furnished. Margin sr.. fronting on river; beautiful har&or vjv; near Broadway hrirtgo. $: VEATLY furnished -i and 4-room flat, fire place. tiWnhin; poirh. desirable. 071 Bel mont. E. 5043. - SvVFCLL new 4-room flat, hot iater heat, nw furniture. Tabor 81. toy East 30th. 4-ROOM furnished flat. Phone Eaa; ijUu. FOB REST, rurniHuevi rials. 0-KUUM modem lower family flat; flre- plare, furnace, fruit, yuva: it niinu--.es walk Postoffice; unfurnished, 92750, but would furnish new with l-ayu to desirable tenant at 4' per month. 5 43 5th at. Phone Main 7065, A 6561- Housekeeping Room. IKE BKA ER, 12n h and Marshall sts. Furnished tor housekeeping; gas rnnc, electric lights. ht water, bath, laundry free: $12 per mont h up; a clean place; b'-st in the cirv for the money; short distance from 1'n ton Depot. Take S or Hit h -at. earn north, get off at Marshall. No dog. $1.50 TO $2.75 week; clean, furnished hou.se- Kt'fping rooms, nuiiani'i 101- ur - . 1 hcai. laundry, bath, yard, yu;. Phone K. 639. 4-0 Vancouver, 203 Stanton, "('"'car. FRONT suite. 2 rooms, clean, well fur nished. $4 week, also one nice, large room and kitchen! i.e. first floor, $3; free bath and phone. 00 North 21st at. THE MONTGOMERY, E. Morrison and 8th. neatly furnished housekeeping suites rea sonable. THE I "PSHUR. 40(5 26th St.. furnished 2- room apts.. ate:im neat, iignv; ?i up. Main sr9. Take "S," or 'V" r north. NEW furnished housekeeping rooms; heat, iignt. natns. jti.t. 110 j union. THE OILMAN. 1st st.. cor. Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms, $.i.5u week up. Furnished h. k. rooms, cheap, Cambridge bldg., 3d. cor. Morrison. Phone Main y4o. FURNISHED h- k. and sleeping rooms, fl.Su to ?1.7,"i week. y 1 art. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. SINGLE houHekeepii); rooms, ?10 per mouth ud: newiv lurnianea : mouern a euius, best West Side apartmeut district, clean, light rooms; everything mciuuea : waiK tn(f distance; reduced rates. Goo J? landers, near 20th. TWO nicely furnished connecting fron rooms; gas range, fIhk. light, bath, phonw freQ. Close in, very reasonable. -42!) Mar ket at. !,- Two newly furnished housekeeping- rooms, with bain, siorage-room, ugni anu w attP free. 1037 Cleveland ave. Phone Wodlawn i:;0. TH REE rooms, first floor, unfurnished ; one room aer-ond floor, lurnisnea, ior ona or two; bath. gas. East ?:i-'J. 344 Oregon BU REASONABLE Two nicely furnished house keeping rooms, every convenience, want ing distance, good location. tHtf East-Alder. S12 3 f urnisned housekeeping rooms, x- clusive use ol large porcn. 014 an. juain 4."i2y. LARGE rooms, modern conveniences, deslr- aoio location, not water, ireo puoues, ouin mer rates. Kearney. TWO large, airy rooms, all conveniences. close in, large yard, reasonable to tne right party. Marshall 4410. 333 lth st. THREE rooms, clean, modern in every way. rent moderate, close in. fiaac 6 0. bou East Alder. ESPECIALLY desirable suite, rooms large. light, pleasant, well furnished; vacation rates. 534 Morrison. GENEVIEVE, 443 Columbia St., nicely fur nished housekeeping rooms; sleeping rooms. Main 7410. TWQ nice furnished housekeeping rooms. ll'JG 13th, between Salmon and Main. LIGHT H. K. suite. 475 Main, corner 14th. Marshall u833. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. -zia 1 entn st. THREE nicely furnished front rooms. floor. 146 3 0th st. N. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms. 678 Gan- tenbeln ave., cor. argo. "U" or "RS ' car. YOUNG couple has 2 large front housekeep ing-rooms; everything new. East sw(. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 380 H Morrison St. TWO connecting housekeeping rooms with free cooking gas, ia montn. 4ua fark. THREE connecting rooms, gas and phone. 30 East 15th iN. NICELY furnished modern H. K. rooms, $2.25 per week up; clean. 2(52 14th st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with pri vate ramuy. tyu n-. xiurnsiae. TWO large front housekeeping rooms, neat ly lurnisnea. X7fl 3N. lilst st. SUITE and single rooms, rooms. 15 East 6th N. also sleeping LOVELY, large, light H. !. rooms, finest location. ;ii west parte. Huuft MOST desirable new home with every mod ern feature, on fine street and in very select neighborhood on Mount Tabor. Ex ceptionally large light rooms, close to car, magnificent view, only high-class refined tenants, yearly lease $43 per month, gar age if desired. J. w. Kaste, 618 Henry bldg., phone Main 3L'00. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. HACKER & THERKELSEN CO.. 30ti Spalding bldg. - - - Main 75915. - - " ' FOR RENT 0-room house on Beacon at.. near Brooklyn School; price $18; near 2 canines. Apply to E. Willis, 6t3 East 9th at. jnone senwood &78. 7-ROOM modern house, sleeping-porch, fur nace, etc.: nice lawn, cardeu. two lota. corner East 8th and Wygant sts.; cheap 1 en h iu guuu icnaiiL. main lyoo. FOR RENT or lease, Modern 6-room house 75t5 Wasco street; has fireplace, furnace, electric and gas lights, full cement base ment, choice neighborhood. Woodlawn 0U0. lu 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor, private entrance and porch; very nice neighborhood. 160 East ititn st. IRVINGTON New, modern 9-room "home for rent to responsible tenants; every con venience; garage. 618 East 19th Bt. North, or see owner, 80S Wilcox bldg. 6-ROOM house on 7th St., close to Brazee; rent only $25; brand new. See Harbolt, Marshall 4'20(i. 6-ROOM house, new, second house from Bra zee on 7th; rent only $27.50. See Harbolt, Marshall 4200. GOOD four-room cottage; eleVtrio lights, bath, large yard. Mt. Scott car to Tre mont. 5026 5th ave. S. E. NEW, modern 4-room bungalow on E. 24th near Holgate; rent $lo. Call 31S Board of Trade bldg. Main 4752, A 4401. DESIRABLE houses and flata to rent, all parta city. NATIONAL REALTY &. INV. CO., Main 5129. 5-ROOM cottage, E.' 8th St., bet. Everett and Flanders st. Call 47 E. 8th at. North. Phone B 178. NEW 5-room bungalow. 205 East 27th st North, near Sandy road. ?1S. J. J. Oedex cor. Grand ave. and East Ankeny. A MCE 7-room house and nreplace, and fruit, nice yard. Inquire at 737 K. Madison st., or phone East 130. FOR RENT West Side. 7-room house, celain plumbing, foment basement. Market. Phone Main 243, A 432. por. 512 5-KOOM new bungalow. 3 blocks from end of Woodstock car, $12.50. 521 Hamilton. Main 934. MODERN 5-room cottage, $18; nice yard, paved street, excellent neighborhood; near car. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawn 428. MODERN 6-roora house, 801 Cleveland; nice yard, near car, $22.50; no children or dogs; telephone Woodlawn 1576. FOR RENT -ti-room house, in good con dition. 203 Whitaker st. Key at 621 Front at. MODERN 7-room house. West Side; full basement, furnace with water coil. Phone Main 4607. A 4SS9, EAST SIDK cottage. 7 rooms, bath, base Tnent, walking distance, $20. Inquire room 301 Dekum bldg. ROOMS, fireplace, furnace, yard. 693 Everett. In good order. Sh.ce hy Bros. Main 3072. NICE 0-room house, $18. 912 E. Alder Bt., corner ot 30tn. wi4 k. Alder st., si. $7 PER month ; 4-room cottage, tana ave. Phone Main 1240. 5-ROOM new house everything up to date. .JU. lii. 342, J3 HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath. U9 E. 19th N. Inquire 130 6th st. Main 627S. 5-ROOM cottage. 512 E. Burnslde, 11th. Phone East 18tf4. 8-ROOM house for rent, all modern. 391 Harrison; rent $35. Inquire next door. 6-ROOM house on Hall st., bet. lOLn and llth sts. Phone Kast ti'jti3. GOOD, clean 9-room house, $16. 799 East 7th st. -North. Inquli'i MODERN 5-room cottage, near Steel bridge, 2'.S Hassalo st. Phone Bast 2635. 5-ROOM modern cottage on Guild st. shall 436H. 11-ROOM house, 3 minutes walk business center. Main S39. $15 7-ROOM house, modern, lawn, garden 1 block to Mi. Scott car. Tabor 2317. 0-ROOMS. good condition. 362 E. Couch at., turner a. Aiuin uu. -nuu.i modern house, 72 Everett st., near -aa. can Main 3H30 or Main tt'JSU. NEW 7-room modern house, Portland Ht-ights carline. Phone A 3140. NICE 7-room house. 50x100 lot. Marshall 849, A 7V94. res. B 2767. FOR RENT S-room house. 653 Glisan st. rent reasonable. Main 574. 5-ROOM- col tagc, yard, fruit, flowers, elec trinity. hea- rent. Marshall 4122. S W E 1-1. bunyaKi w , partly furnl;hod. 49t h Phopp and Hawthorne today. Mar. 2432 FOR REN T 7-room house. West Side, near 2 2d. 07 Johnson st. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow, furnished. Caf! Lincoln Hotel, MuU FOR RENT. 12-ROOM residence. ground imvx1", on West Side, for private residence only. 7-room tnodern home, 4 largo bedrooms; East Mdc, walking distance. GEO. 1. SCHALK, 228 Stark sit. Phone Main 3WJ. A 2302. 6 ROOMS' and sleeping poclr. new, modern bungalow, on the N. E. cor ner of 4Sth and E. Harrison sts.; garap in rear; rent 2- month. DORK E. KEASEY CO.. . -d Fluor Chamber of Commerce. CALL AT THE OFFICK FOR ONE OF OUR PRINTED RENTAL LISTS. THAT'S THE BEST WAY TO FIND A LOCATION. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main 20l Washington st. A 267. 4-ROOM modern bungalow, large yard, roses, strawberries and garden; 69th and Sandy boulevard; Rose City; rent only $15 to good tenant. Phone Marshall 129 s, A 37Stt or SS 10th., 7-ROOM house. West Side, walking dis tance, half block off 11th hu carline, house good condition, partly carpeted, pood furnace and kitchen range, adult a only. Rent $4.". Phone Main 37"0. FOR RENT Modern houe. 12 rooms, all or part of furniture lor sale. 315 11th st.. corner Cla. Furnished. Houses. N ICE 3-room apartments, completely fur- nished. furnace heat, hath, phone, gas and electric lights; West Hide, walking distance; reasonable to adults. from owner. 01 North 16th St.. corner Flan ders. 7-ROOM modern house and parage in bent part of Irvington; completely furnished; will rent for three months to desirable party at $50- per month. H. P. Palraer .lones Co., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones M. H6n. A 2053. NICELY furnished 5-room cottage, with bath and toilet. $30 per month. Including linen, water, phone. 1316 E. Stark at.; phone Tabor 3301; adults only; references. Mt. Tabor car. JULY-AUGUST i rooms, modern residence, bunnyside; piano, roses, lawn, porch, free phone and water. McFarland, S09 Yeon bldg. Main 3672, Tabor 1196. 7-ROOM furnished house for rent on Nob Hill; Oriental rugs, mahogany rurniture, silver and linens complete. Telephone Marshall 1400. NICfcLY furnished 6-room modern house with full basement, electricity and gas. piano, walking distance ; very reasonable rent. 6(il East Wash. St., cor. ISth. LOVELY furnished 6-room modern bunga low, on Willamette, ior rent. a. t. pierce, Jennings Lodge. 5-ROOM furnished house for rent, $15. 704 E. th North, Dtocks trom union ave. Woodlawn 2438. IRVINGTON Modern 6-room house, fur nished complete. Phone bet. 9:30 A. M. and 6 tr. ai. ,ast t lacaamas. COMFORTABLE, well-furnished home, pi ano, yard, roses. itent very low to re sponsible party only. H 1440 or East 1985. S-room furnished cottaee. $10 mo., cor, 48th ave. and 76th, st. Call after noon. Firland Station. COZY 5-room cottage, completely furnished, 22.50 per month. 1024 Williams ave. Key 101 i Williams ave. MODERN 6-room furnished flat. No. 8 East 12th st. N. Marshall it, a nil. FOUR nicely furnished rooms, water and phone free, $22 per month. East 2604. Summer Besorts. SEASIDE COTTAGE. "FERN WOOD." 4 rooms, furnished; largo porch, In the trees; 1 block to beach; owner going to Colorado and will rent very reasonable. Fred W. German Co., 332 -C. of C. Both phone s. FORRENT At Seaside, new cottage, five large rooms, nicely furnished) fireplace, electrio light, city water, sanitary plumb ing, etc. ; ready for occupancy J uly 5. Jack Day, Seaside. Or. SEASIDE New modern 7-room cottage, 6 blocks north Moore Hotel; completely fur nished; lOo feet from ocean. Niedemeyer, 113f4 Pixth or East 5074, after 7 P. M. AT SEASIDE, OR., for rent by the month, furnished four-room cottage, close to beach and Bridge street. W. Calderwood, Astoria, Oregon. . WANTED To rent comfortable beach cot tage lor six adults; prefer Cannon Beach, will consider others; will see it Saturday; moderate rent. AP 170. Qregonian. FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeep ing. Inquire Ocean Crest apts., -iock -away. Or. $30 PER month will pay your rent and buy this modern houseboat and speed launch. Main 102. FURNLSHED cottage for rent at Sea View, Wash. Apply at Kellaher Cottage, or phone East 418 or B 1694. GEARHART, 2-room furnished house-keeping apartment, electricity, bath, toilet. A 4S52. W EL L-FU R N 1 SH ETD cabin In mountains; beautiful location, at Welchs' Hotel. Mar shall 1534. COMFORTABLE furnished cottage; Long Beach; ready to occupy; good water; $D5. Dr. Nottage. 27 East 8th at. NEWPORT 6-room furnished cottage at Nye Creek; $100 for season. Phone Maiii 140. FOR RENT At Seaside, - Mayo cottage, on boardwalk ; b rooms, furnished; modern. Phone East 920 or Seaside, Or. GEARHART furnished 6-room house, $90 ror season, rnone wooaiawn ocs. FURNISHED 5-room cottage at Long Beach. Mrs. Baumgarten. Main 3S94. FREE camping grounds for everybody. Siingerband, ocean farK, wash. SEASIDE Five-room cottage, $60 for sea- aon. Call East o'J23. FOR RENT At Seaview, 7-room furnished house; fireplace Marshall 4347. A 006O. SEASIDE 5-room furnished cottage, on ioard walk. Marshall 4i6I. Stars. WASHINGTON-ST. store, near IVth, splen- aiaiy intea ior ueucatessen, iancy gro ceries and liquors; surrounded by hotels and apartments ; very reasonable rent ; SPACE in modern basement, ventilated and well lighted. N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts., suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc. Morgan, Fliedner &. Boyce, 503 Abington bldg. FOR RENT Lease and fixtures for sale; very desirable Ior ladies or gent's tailor ing, millinery, dressmaking or manicuring and hairdressing parlors; rent reasonable. .Best location in the city. Phone Marshall 5193. STORE and cottage, . good location, 608 1st st.; suitable for store or market; cold storage room and counter; rent reason able. 324 Worcester Didg. THIRD-STREET store, excellent location, near Morrison at., 20x60 feet, rent rea sonable; will lease. Apply 171 Third st. FOR RENT Stores, Nos. 243 and 250 Haw thorne ave.. east end of bridge. Apply HEADQUARTERS FOR STORES & BLDGS. vv. a. Wfc.tn(, tjuo yeon uiag. Main 4913. Office. OFFICES FOR RENT. WILL RENT HIGH-CLASS SUITE OF ROOMS, CONSISTING OF 1, 2 3 OR 4 ROOMS IN LEWIS1 BLDG. 4TH AND OAK. FURNISHED. CALL AT 71 J LEWIS BLDG OR MARSHALL 4200. CONNECTING offices, overlooking- Morrison st.. for rent in Tilford bldg., reasonable terms ; ask at elevator any hour. Phone Marshall 51 between 0 and 6. DOWNSTAIRS office: phone, front window. half block from City Hall. 268 Madison. Alain 0008. Rent reasonable. DESK room in fine offices In Board of Trade bldg.; rererences. L 181, Orego nlan. MOST centrally located office; very reason able; all-night elevator service. 3v3 Swet land bldg., 5th and Washington sts. ROLL-TOP desk, phones, reception-room, lights, etc., $3 per month. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - DESK room $5. Concord bldg., ' Phone, light 2d and Stark. office. 600 HANDSOMELY" furnished office for 431 Chamber of Commerce. HALF of ight office with phone to rent. 315 Lewis bldg. SM A LL room with desk and rug, $15 per month. 934 Chamber of Commerce bldg. OFFICE and shop room quire 308 Pine st. for rent. BCCTVEHS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR QUICK SALE. 88-room hotel, saloon with independent license, lease and first-class fixtures, three pool tables complete with pljreon-hole board; pin pool layout, - 24 chairs, card table. M. E. H., 117', Knott st. NOW la the time to go into business. We can place ou in fuel and feed, manufac turing, transfer and storage, furniture, or in most any other line. Kinney & fftam pher. 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. OFFICE business, band 1 in 5 stores, etc., is for sale; making fSOO monthlv this I doesn't take much money. Particulars 24SV Stark st. TBCSIXEffS OPPORTt'N ITIKP. R. H. OOODK1ND CO.. INC., 40I-40L'-II3 Wilcox , Bldg.. Corner tilh and Wushinston. CAE EC E R 1 A SACK I F IC E. Owing tu family iroutiUa a cafeteria is offered for sale S154M; this place tost $70K to fix up; one of the best equipped places in clty cheapest rent in city; right iu the hub; doing good bual neaa : cash talks here. WHOLESALE GROCERY. oTcT- eat a b -1 it'll; d firm wants man to take 150O shares stock In company at $1 por share; stock has averaged 15 per cent; man must take position at fair salary; honesty the only requirement. MEAT MARKET, :;5U ; corner location; rent $20; receipts $35 to $40 day cash ; one of the best shops in city. R. II. GOODKIND & CO.. INC., 4O1-402-403 W llcox Bldg. PARTNER vauted to take half interest In prosueroua morteaae loan, bond and fire Insurance officy and take full charge of the office work; long established and bet of references; more business than one man can take care of; profits large; only .750 cash required i? good, reliable party; no experience necessary, will teach you the "business. Appty of owner, M 154, Ore gonlan. FOR feALB Barber ana manicuring busi ness, in Vancouver, B. C. 1 (I chairs. 4 manicurists. doing a high-class regular business; good lease, low rent, present proprietor having to leave for Australia, reason for selling; only cash proposition considered. Apply to B. C. Barber's Sup ply Co.. il Robson. Vancouver, B. C OLD-ESTABLISHED brokerage business that is paying $400 month over all ex penses; the owner in retiring from busi ness and will sell very reasonable and fur nisn the best of bank references and will agree to remain 30 days to teach the buyer the business. Call 3-3 Lumber Ex change, 2d and itark. Al'TOMOBlLK gnntce and repair shop; also deal in second-hand autos; books wtU fhow that the business will pay you $200 month as partner; if you don't understand the business, owner will teach you; doesn't take much money. Call 823 Lumber lix chaiiKe. 2d and Stark sts. CAUTION. BUYERS. B afore closing deal for so-called Inter eat In establishing real eatate business, get Advice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSK, Secretary. 81S Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE A general store, groceries, hardware and dry goods; will invoice ; about $4000; doing s-ood business: no dead stock; postoffice in connection. Address R. o. Vincent, Midland, Or., Klamath County. SPECIAL proposition to party who- will open a meat market In a fast growing town 20 miles irom Portland; country fast set tling up; good electric car service. Ad dress Frost, G res ham. Or., R. F. D. No. 2. Phone Gresham 27X2. I CAN help you with expert advice on sell ing your product or merchandise if it Is meritorious, and on a most economical basis. Write full particulars for personal interview. A. D. Mann, P. O. iTox 703, Portland. FINE modern residence in Decatur. 111., for sale or trade. Monthly rental $40. Would consider city property, farm or fruit land; paying business or small . manufacturing pi 11 11 1. v uregoman. A STEADY, sober man to take a. work In ar Interest in a well-established office busi ness, clearing $loO month for each part ner; references given and expected, 4200 required. 304 Lumber Exchange. MY money is invested in corporations and I will sell a small lot of valuable stock cheap, as I need a little ready caah. In quiries confidential. Address AV 149, Oregonlan. YOUNG man with $20i to invest can get half interest In going cigar, confectionery and ice-cream parlor with young lady: 1 don't need your money, but need your as- nisiance. i. u. box o3u, city. IF you are short of money when buying a business we will furnish it. If you must sell your business or lodging-house we will maite you a cash otrer. c. V. Ryan & Co., Amiitiun uiug. marsnaii oyj:. OPPORTUNITY for energetic man in a re liable store ; prefer man used to farm produce; -will pay you $125 month. 319 JLiumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. SUBURBAN grocery with living rooms, low rent and a nice business; just right for 111a.11 H.na wite, fiio. particulars, 24s4 oiom at. WILL start you In the manufacturing bus! iieua ior 9ouu, a ousmess tnat win net you auu xo iuuu mommy; Kindly investigate. AtUVE man for half interest in legitimate uumness mat win stand investigation: must have $40CO and good business repu- miiun. ra. a Leavens, t 'z sroaaway. PHOTOGRAPHERS A $300 studio eauln ment for-sale for $300 cash. AV 151, Ore- FOR SALE Physician and surgeon's office t ana practice, soutnern Oregon town. 5000 finest equipment: will turn over mill con tracts. F 182, Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted in good cleaning and pressing p.inors; a minutes from Post office; business easy to learn; cheap rent. $150 BUYS well established real estate of rice; large list of property and rentals on good Kast Side street; leaving city. C AO, wiegoiuau. PARTNER wanted in business brokerage of lice; can make $125 month; this will ataud run investigation. Particulars, 248 o m rK st. SOLID BUSINESS Partner wanted to tend otrice, check wood, etc.; pay $100 month salary, also share of profits. 319 Lumber bxenange, ana stark. FOR SALE Restaurant in The Dalles, Or, n-xcenent location, on main street of town, Will sacrifice if taken at once. Inquire v.. lj. re;jpei , 1 no italics, Kjr. GROCERY, with 5 living-rooms and bath rent oniy $20 month; doing well; price .oo, or wm invoice. 303 Lumber Jx change. iOK. sate or traae, gooa restaurant In pros perous town, also one black Percheron stallion, by owner. Address A V 126, Ore gonian. CIGAR, candy, magazines and novelty store, a money -mutter, on a ouey corner; nave other interests. A. Davis, corner llth. and Washington sts. ULj-tbTAbLifcHtiJ collecting agency wants man to uo collecting aa partner; you can draw $10O salary; also profits. Call o:o Luinoer pxcnange, ;a ana btarK sts. BARBER stion for sale cheap: Ion a- lease. cheap rent; old established place, with gooa. steaay traae; owner is leaving city, uo .vi oi l ioii bi . DRUGSTQRE for sale, prominent corner, transfer -point, tooq saies and prof 1 tab l business ; postoffice and gas pay station in connection. iv 114, uregontan. PARTNER wanted for a picture show: quires very little money and duties are easily learned, particulars 319 Lumber Ex change, 2d ana biarn. $250 GARAGE $250. Want partner, paying business, lease good location; investigate thla. A 183, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Clean, established restaurant never changed -hands; long lease; good location; $sO0; investigate. 303 Lumber exchange. PARTNER wanted, cigars, confectionery and pool; $500 and experience necessary. 274 ' Holladay st WANTED A steady, sober partner in cash grocery. Call 323 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. EMPLOYMENT office, have opening for steady man; profits large; very little money required. 319 Lumber Exchange. LARGE corporation pays large dividends on the investment; $4000 cash, balance real estate. 803 Lumber Exchange. $150 RESTAURANT, West Side, busy street; clears $5 per day. This will go today. HIGLEY & BISHOP, aol Hamilton Bldg. RESTAURANT and delicatessen in finp lo cation, with good business. Forced to sell by sickness. Phone Marshall 5938. CASH market business, sickness cause of sale; this is a fine locaUon; $40O for quick sale. Particulars, 24&i Stark st. SMALL restaurant, suitable for man and wife. Will sacrifice for quick sale See Owner. 16i N. Sixth st. DRUG clerks, opportunity to own your own business; jtGOO cash, balance trade; terms; established store. AM 194, Oregonlan. POOL hall, cigars, confectionery, clearing $125 month above all expenses; price $550. terms. 304 Lumber Exchange. 1 HAVE a market to sell; good location; your own price at your own terms. Frank L. Smith, 228 Alder. PICTURE show, fully equipped; 'seats 200; well located: own two theaters: must sell one. F. A. Tipton, 64 Broadway. CIGAR STORE, confectionery and poolroom . for sale. 305 East Morrison at., near Southern Pacific depot. FOR SALE Variety store. Call Korber Jew elrv store. 221 Third st., July 2d and 3d--1 0 "A. M. LONG - ESTABLISHED Confectionery, ice cream, cigars, fruit stand, long lease, cheap rent, money-maker. 203 First st. BARBER shop, 2 chairs, $133 if taken at once; notng wen. s v 1. uregonian. GOING East, will sa'-rtflee lo arret logan berry land, snap. L 12, Oregonlan. DUNN & CO.. Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark, investigate ivmi ao 'e in an investments SMALL machine shop with lots of work; bargain. j 110. psmimi'. CLEANING auu pressing shop, estaolighed; price $20O; reason for soiling. 18 lyth st. DENTIST equipment, perfect order, good location, very cucy. vj uregomaa. BUS1NKSS OPPCRTr"ITIKS. FOR SALE Barber and manicuring buai . nes. in Vancouver, B. 11 chairs. 4 manicurists, do hi a high-class regular biiness; roo1 lease, low rent, present pro prietor having t leave fur Australia, rea son for selling; only .rash proposition con sidered. Apply to B. C. Barber s Supply Co.. tlt Robson. Vancouver, II. . AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL with high-grade expert teachers. Complete $10.00 equip ment to train for this coming vocation. Not run to make mony. but for the good of mvn. Gee or write bupt. of th All the Year Round Y. M. C. A. Day and Night Schools, corner 6th and Taylor st. ONLY $275 secures small farm; terms wllj pay buyer share lit profits; guarantee 7 jjer cent : f ileal climate ; good markets; fine Investment whether you ever move 011 land oc not. Write quickly for views and particulars. U. U JJeeu, box 472, Way cross. Ga. SELL YOUR BUSINESS. Do you want to sell your .business ? Do you want a partner? Do you need money iu your business? Call and .see or phone w. Lawrence, io Lumoer exchange mag. Both phones. uNR of t he best livery stables in city for sale, will take part eauh and part time or trade, as sickness compels me to leave city; anyone who wants a good paying i)iiBinKS here iu your chance. jju j.uiii ber Exchange. FOR SALE Cretor's coin popper in good runnlne order; doing a srood business; owner must sell on accounut of other work: will sell cheap for caah. Address J. w. Hugni. w 00Q ft u i n. r. MASSSAGE parlor for ', $Kn, if taken at once; owner 111. a. io, qregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED WITH $40t to, would like good business op ening- out of Portland ; hardware, lumber. creamery, storage or warehouse, or some thing fiitnltar. P. Oabel. La Grande. Or, 1 WI LL pay cash for a 2-rooin rooming house; must be close in on the went i-uie state location, wit h full particulars. In first letter. AH 1S3, Oregonlan. A FEW hundred dollars and my services to Invest in any good business; no agents, J 1 ,". oregonlan. GERMAN with business experience and some money wants position with reliable party; make an offr. D 1S9. Orejronian KOOM1NG-HOCSES. FOR SALE First-class rooming-house In vicinity of 13th and Main sts., fitted up it two-room housekeeping suites in A-l con dition and all occupied by desirable ten ants; most of furniture and carpets new forced to sell on account of leaving city part cash, balance to suit; no agents need apply. Address owner. K. 187, oregonlan FOR BARGAIN HUNTERS. 13 rooms, fine corner location, is clear ing loo month above expenses: good fur nlture. cost $800; If sold today, price $200 for all; see us; will explain why. If you aon t buy this you lose money. H. E. JAMES, 88 10th, near Stark. 35 ROOMS, new, modern, brick, furnished less than one- year ago. good furniture, ionic lease, fine ciose-ln downtown loc tion ; best buy we ever had. See it early. Almost given away, as owner must sen Price for all, $1500. Some terms. H. E. JAMES CO., 88 10th, near Stark ROOMING-HOUSE of 2 rooms with large dining-room and kitchen, completely fur nished, very central ; a money-maker lease. L. E. Thompson Co., 253 Madl son street. ROOMING HOUSE THAT PAYS. If vou are look in sc for a paying place where a few hundred dollars will handle it, with no mortgage or debts agalns it. call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. BOARDING-HOUSE for sale, every thin complete, ready to start right in; have some boarders; a snap at $30O. Phone Mar snail votxt owner. LEASE and furniture of first-clasa apt. house for sale, within 3 blocks of P. O. liouss has best reputation, prices an terms. Phone East 4350. B 233 '2. REWARD to finder, call phone Main 9157 Lost, Thursday, while in shopping district a ladies' Loriller chain, made of platinum with penaant set with two diamonds. $125 BUYS 12 rooms good furniture ; clears S4i per montn; west siae. nne location: HIGLEY fe BISHOP, 201 Hamilton Bldg. FOR SALE 1 0-room house, furnished, close in, west side, $iuo cash tor quick saie. Main uoo. 12-ROOM. well-furnished house at a bar gain, close in, on West Side, rooms full, 303 Lumber Exchange. 10-ROOM houso, nicely furnished, good lo cation, will sell cheap for cash. 205 Sal mon st. 2- ROOMS ; elegantly furnished ; exceptional bargain; owner leaving city. Main 1164 125 14th st. 50 ROOMS, furniture for sale cheap; ren paid until September; long lease ; part trade. Hotel ortoia, so and urnstde. LOST AND FOUND. THE following Is list of articles jfound on the cars ot th Portland Railwa. , Llhht & Power Company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may secure same by applying at barns as in dicated : Sell wood barn, phone A 6131 1 um brella, 1 package of electric light bulbs. 1 hand scythe, 1 lunch box. 1 bundle of lettuce. Savier-street car house, phone A 6131 2 suitcases. 1 handbag, 1 lady's breastpin, 1 carpenter's hand tool, 1 auto license tag. Ankeny barn. A 6131 1 lady's hat, 1 scythe, l nair of shoes, 1 hoe, 3 umbrellas. Piedmont barn, phone A 0131 '2 purses, 1 roll butter, '2 gloves, 3 umbrellas, 1 fiah pole, 1 can oil. 2 lunch baskets. 3 packages. LOST or strayed, a maltese terrier, answers -to name "Toto," in vicinity of Trinity Place; both ears black streak, half of body clipped. Liberal reward if returned to room 6, Lafayette bldg., 3134 Washing ton st.. or phone Main 30J8 or Marshall 5706. THE following has been found and turned in at the Union Depot: Found on S. P. train No. IO. June 30. woman's rubbers; foupd on S. P. train No. 16, woman's gray coat; found on West Side train No. 1, one suitcase. . LOST WtU the party, holding for a year black and white Boston bulldog answering the name of "Mike." return to owner Phone East 344, reward. LOST Leather book with name B. E. Hal ton, Los Angeles, Cai.. 011 inside cover. Reward. E. 4117. B 1143. LOST Diamond ring between Taylor and Walters' Club on Stark st. Reward, re turn to Waiters' Club, Stark st. LOST Brindle Boston terrier, male dog, white on breast, ears clipped. Phone Zan Brothers. Main 31S. LOST Saturday, 2 rings, diamond and jade. Finder pleas ret urn to 577 Powell at ; reward. D 1 S8. Qregoriian. LOST At 0hs, Sunday, sit her musical In strument; no questions asked. Phone Marshall 2H45. LOST Brindle and white bulldog, tag 4277; return to 3i1 Stanton et., receive reward. LOST or strayed, bay mare and little sorrel with white face. Marshall 3719. LOST White Spitz doc about S months old? liberal reward. t an Main 4w. LOST Dull gold cross. Liberal reward. Phone Taoor ss. FOUN bulldog. Main 6177 FOUND A stray bulldog. Call Main 6S91. SPECIAL NOTICES. Pro do eala Invited. IN the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of W. R. Arndt, Anna C Kandy. and Ger trude Sherwood, trading as Iowa Gro cery, bankrupt, advertisement of sale. I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise consisting of groceries, con fectioneries, granite and tinware, etc.. sit uated at SS2 Sixth street, Portland. Ore gon, of the Inventoried value of $ 1965.60, and fixtures pertaining to the same of the Inventoried value of $1297.50, up to and until JI.-30 ooiock on Monoay, jui i, 1913, said property being formerly the property of W. R. Arndt, Anna C. Kandy and Gertrude Sherwood, trading as Iowu Grocery. Certified check for ten per cent iGo) of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to the approval of the court. Inventory of the property may be aeen at my office, and the property inspected upon appointment. R. L. SABIN, 7 First st.. Portland, Oregon. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 1st day of July. 1913. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned, 402 TU ford building, until 12 M. Wednesday, July 9, 3913, for partition and cabinet work In the County Court House, pluns and speci fications may be obtained at the office of F. A. Naramore, superintendent of prop erties, 408 Tilford building. A deposit ol $2 la required fur each set of plans anu specifications. Certified check for 30 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable .to R. H. Thomas, Schoool Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all pro posals. R. H. THOMAS, Dated July 2. 3913. School Clerk. BIDS FOR WOOD. Sealed bids will be received by Jno. B. Coffey. County Clerk. Court House. Port land, Oregon, until 10 A. M. on Wednes day, July t. 1913, for furnishing Multno mah County with 56 cords of 4-ft.. first growth, live fir wood, to be delivered at Kelly Butte by August 3. 3913. ' The right Is expressly reserved to re ject any and all bids. Dated. Portland, Oregon. June 28. 1913. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONED By Rufus C. Holman, Chairman. D. V. Hart. County Commissioner. W. 1 htner. County Commissioner. SPECIAL NOTICES. t ro poala invited. IN the niFtric-t Court of the 1 11 1 ted states for t he District ui ui egon in iuo man of R. U. Biackwcll. bankrupt: Advertise ment of aa le. . . I will receive aealed bids for a stoK of merchandise consisting of claara, to bacco, pipes, con feet loneritra, candies. et. altuutetl at Bend. Oregon, of th Inven toried value off $294.05. and fixture, ln clu ling 3 pool tholes. 1 billtard table and accessories, pertaining to the same, of tne inventoried valu-s of $19V2.5u. up lo and until 12 o'clock noon on Monday. July 7, 1913, said property being formerly the property of R. G. Bluckwell. Certified ch-cK for lea per cent 4 inc of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to the approval of the court. Inventory of the property may he se:i at my office a;id also at Bend. Oregon, at which latter place the property may be Inspected. ' R. I SABIN. 7 First St., Portland. Oregon. Dnted at Portland, Oregon, the 24m day of Jun 1913. CALL for bids. School District No. . Crook Countv. Oregon, will receive oio at Metollus. Or., up lo eight S o'clock P. M.. July 21, In J 3. for the erection of a three-story, fin proof school building, estimated cost $S5lH. according to the plans and specif tcations by Hweatt. Le vesque & Co., architects, 312 Mohawk building. Spokane. Wash. A deposit of certified rheck, pavable to ibe architects, for $10- will b- required from all Intending bidders. - Thla chock will be returned promptly upon the return o the pluns. etc. in . good condition by the stipulated time. The Board reserves the right tu reject any or all bids and the right to waive any informalities. A certified check of 5 pr cent of the amount of the bid must accompany all blda. Plans can be had at the office of the architects, the School Board at Metollus, the Builders Exchange at Portland, the office of Pacific Builder and Engineer at Seattle. Dated at Metolius, Or., this :25th day of June. 1913. J. A. HOFFMANN. Chairman. ISAAC SKRIER. Clerk. SEALED proposals will bo received at the omce oi mt unuri r 1 & n'-u . - buildtnic. until 1U:oo M., Wednesday, July i. mi! for the aeneral work of the Setlwood School. Plans and specifications mav be obtained at the office of r. a Naramore, Supt. of Properties. 408 Til ford build in. A deposit of $lu is re quired for each set of plana and specifi cations. , Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk Dated July 2, 1013. riNANOAL. WE BUILD ON EASY PAYMENTS. WE FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY AND BUILD YOUR HOME OR APART MENTS. ETC. TAYLOR BUILDING CO., OOti M'KAV BLDG.. 3D AND STARK STS. WE will furnish the money at a low rate of interest and save you more than tne brok erage of '2 per cent If we do the planning and building for you. It will pay you to see us. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc.. 324 Ablngton, WE have clients wanting money at 8 per cent per annum, real estate security. Kin ney & Stampher. 531-532 Lumber Ex change bldg. MONEY LOANED. S500 AND UP ON IMPROVED REAL TY. CURRENT RATES. QUICK ACTION. SEEL EY' & COMPANY. 30-1 BOARD OF TRADE. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Western Bond &, Mortgage Co., 416 Commercial Club bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and building contracts bought. E. B. Miller, 410 Ab lngton bid g. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages Cist and 2d), equities purchased. F. H. Lewis & Co., 3 Lewis bldg. $500 OR less to loan at 7 per cent on close in farm and city property; give full par- ticulars. C 03, Oregonlan. LOANS procured 011 real and collateral se curity. Nelson Bros., 804 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate. 6 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN. The Equitable Life Insurance Society will make loans on approved home prop erty to be repaid by fixed monthly in stallments over a period of 10 years, with the additional provision that In event of death of borrower, loan is cancelled by a policy of life insurance- Issued there with. Interest 6 per cent. These loans are made only in the better residence dis tricts and only on improved homes. Others need not apply. Home Purchase Dep't.. Equitable Life. 300 Qregonian bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO l COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO., iHO SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT 5 TO 8 PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL, 300 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN. Portland City and Farm Property. Current Rates. MALL & VON BORSTIJL. I04 Second St.. near Stavk. ON improved city property or for building purposes, 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Asoclation, 24U Stark Et. LOANS from $1500 to $10,000 on good Port land security. HACKER & THERKELSEN. 3O0 Sr-aldin bldg. Main 7592. $1000, $5000. 110,000. In sums to suit on city property, ent. AR 182. Oregonlan. per HAVE $10,000 to loan at 7 per cenc or will divide to suit; wunt good dry or farm property for security. Write, giving loca tion of property, care AN 158, Oregonlan. HAVE $.4000 or smaller amount to loan on good real estate security at a per cent. A. E. Poulseu, 719 Chamber of Commerce. Marshal! 2753. IF YOU want to loan your money on realty at 7 to 8 per cent interest, or to invest it safely, sec mo. Mr. G., 424 Hamilton bldg. $;i'iuo OR $5500 to loan at 7 per cent, on improved city property; must be good. Call :;iS Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. A 44U1. W E have money to loan on your real es tate ; first mortgages on. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. SEVERAL sums of money. $25, 0"0 o S30.00O. 7 to s per ctnt, city property, 500 Henry $2500 TO LOAN, two years. 7 cer cent: mail me description. 663 Wasco st. Phone C 1357. $70 TO LOAN at once on real estate se curity. A. E. Poulsen. 719 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall iio3. SEH US TODAY for loans on improved city property, o to a per cent, suu and up. CELLARS-MURTON CO., 825 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on city property ; lowest rates. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark sts. MONEY loaned 5 per cent, any amount, lift your mortgage or build home. Apply ahead time. 603 Qregonian bldg. LOANS on improved and unimproved city and suburban real estate, mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. TO LOAN $30,000 OR LESS. KARRI NGTOV, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. $10to TO LOAN at 8 per cent on improved f It y property. Call 31 8 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. A 4401. LOANS on real estate. Mortgages and sell ers' contracts bought. Bold Realty Co., 206 Aider st. MONEY to loan on improved city property, at current ratcv- Lawyer's Abstract & Trust Co.. room 6. Board of Trade bldg. $300 TO loan on good real estate securlt. The Western Securities Co., 73o Chamber of Commerce bldg. MORTGAGE LOAN'S Real estate security, current rates. 201 5 Stock Exchange bldg.. Sd and Yamhill. PRIVATE money loaned, city, farm prop erty. 206 Gerlinger bldg. 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan on Improved really. Mr. G., 4 24 Hamilton bldg. $7o00 TO LOAN for 3 years at 7 per cent; describe security. M 170. Qregonian. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. H. Selts Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. $15U TO LOAN, city property, first m gage. 8 per cent. Call 515 Qregonian. SHORT term loans on real or collateral security. 207 Oregonlan bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates. L. H. MAXWELL. 316 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. Henry C. Prudhomme, S00 Wilcox bldg. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Wm. Holl. rowin 9. VHthinttun bids. $30,000 TO Main 1106. LOAN, will divide to ault. S 3 2o. Oregonlan. $1000 TO $10,000 to loan on real estate. Phone today. Tabor 771. Monev loaned, real estat con tracts t mtgs bought. H. Miley. 204 Grllmrer bidg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com. STATE FUNDS. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent M.iU'Jtomah. County, 400 Ch. of Com. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Real Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS. i AND 7 PER CENT L.UIS SALOMON, 220 STARK ST. Money tOEH- niuttna ana daaariee. NEED MONEY? We can procure mouey for you on short notice and at reasonable rates on your furniture, piano, auto, sboragw receipts or your plain note. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. 413 Macleay bldg. 4th and Wash, open M A. M. to 6 P. AC Saturday evenings until S. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES $10 TO $!00 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLAC0 TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CON Fl DE NTI A U HOURS x a. M. TO d P. Mi (SATURDAY TO l P. M. STATE SECURITY Co., SOS FAILING BLDG. MONEY for salaried people and other upon their own names, cbtap rates, easy payments. sc mo before dea ling eise -where; confidential. D. D. Drake, 328 Honry bldg. ELBY CO" A private place to obtain money on watches, diamond. Jewelry, Kodaks, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. 320 Lumber Ex. bldx.. 2d and Stark. A DESIRABLE place for liils and genile-iiK-n to borrow mo 1 . n a inmoman and Jewelry ;i t Eastern ruts. Oiamond Pl-at-e. :v.:t Washington, opp. Ox 1 lru??lorr. MONEY" loaned on diamonds, watches, jew elry, pianos nnd wnrehouso receipts; strict ly confidential. Brown & Co., room 10, Washington bldg. MONKY for salaried people and others. Quickly find confidentially. Martine, 320 Lumber Kx. Mtig.. 2d and Stark. WE LOAN money on diamonds and jewelry at half the rwt's charged by brokers. Marx t Rloch, 71 3d st. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on chat tels. Mortgage bought. Bauer, 2Vtf Al dor st. MONEY Io:nd on diamonds strictly confidential. 141 ; and je elry ; 1, near Afer. MON K Y sold on installment s ; confidential ; salaried people. F. A. Newton, Henry bldg. Loan Wanted. FARM MORTGAGES FOR SALS. We can furnish you with absolutely safe first mortgages on improved farms In the best districts of Oregon and Wash ington. All titles guaranteed by us and Inter est collected without charge to you. Bank and Individual reference fur nished upon request. THE DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO.. 1007 Spalding bldg., Portland. Oregon. SACRIFICE. SACRIFICE. WILL YOU MAKE ON OFFER ON THIS $1500 SECOND MORTGAGE. PAY ABLE $22.50 PER MONTH AND INTER EST? VALUE OF PROPERTY", $5tu0. FIRST MORTGAGE $100. CALL 714 LEWIS BLDG. OR MARSHALL 4200. ltiM WANTED for building purposes; first mortgage and money to be advanced as building progresses ; good Interest. See my agents, WM. L. GRAHAM & CO., 610 Henry bldg. $i0iH ON land in Crook County, Oregon; lies on the railroad and near the town of Bend; easily worth SS5O0; will pay cood Interest. Wm. L. Graham & Co., 610 Hen. ry bids. $237. 5i DISCOUNT on Hub $037-50 second mortgage; it is secured on ranch at Orenco and payable this December. A 715S. WANT $1500 for 3 years; w III pay 8 per cent; 400 acres ol land in Cowlitz Co., Wash., for security. '2V2-'21'd Chamber of Commerce. WANT to borrow $600 on acreage: 3-cent f;ire. See my attorney, W. E. Thurber. 431 C. of C. $3300 FIRST RiSAL E ST ATE M OK TG AG E for sale; several amounts from $25 v to $2O00. Henry C. Prudhomuie, Wilcox bide. WANTED $15tio at 8 per cent on fine new bungalow. Call 31$ Board of Trad bldg. Main 7452, A 4401. $7000 AT 8 per cent 011 strictly flrst-ciass business property, close in. Apply 207 Oregonlan bldg. Phone Marshall 322. $ii.V) ONE yea lo per cent. bld;. . approved security, interest W. VY. F. care 913 Lewis $m. ON E year, bankable aecurit y, 10 per cc-nt interest. N 162, Ore Ionian. MORTGAGES FOR SALE JOHN BAIN. 507 SPALDING BLDG. PERSONAL. H AIR-H AI R-HA1R-HA IK, $12 34-inch switches $1.45 $J 26-inch switches 1.95 Hairdressing .25 Face massage Shampoo 25 Manicure, 25c. 5 for 1.0O 12 scalp treatments 5.0i Superfluous hair removed by electrio needlo; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair in any shade ; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary Parlors, 400 412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc., massage and baths. 226 13th st., between ' Main and Salmon. Marshall 5u53. Open Sundays. SCIENTIFIC electric epondylo treatments for all nervous and chronic diseases. Pa ralysis, lung, stomach, bowels, kidney, bladder, pelvic, heart trouble, etc; also goitre, warts, moles, hair removed. 602 Buchanan bldg.. 26$ Washington St. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Heltdngfora graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East llth st. Becond door south from East Ankeny car line. Phone East 260. B 3S03. FEB VET & HANBBUT, leading wig and to upe-makers: finest atock of human hair goods; switches from 95c up; hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings made up to order. 347 7th. pear Morrison. Main 546. EIGHT years of unsurpassed success In treating sick men and women of Portland. I use radium, light, heat, every known electrical treatment, baths. massage, manipulations and adjustments. Dr. W E. Mai lory, na turopath, 312 Rothchild bldg. HERMAN F. GOEHRING. of Santa Monica. Cal., requested to communicate with the seeretary of F.lks' Lodge, B. P. O. E., No. lHtl. immediately. DRESS SUITS lor Tint Keep your clothe cleaned, pressed, but tons sewed on. rips repaired. $1.50 month: prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., Sob Stark. MA N ICU R IN n, face and sea ip treatments : all kinds of hair work; combirgs made to order. 324 First st. N. Mine. Penn. Phone E. 620O. M ISS PERRY, Eastern graduate masseuse. New York School of C. and D., treats rheumatism and nervous cases. 290 13th st. 13th or Jefferson cure. Phone Ma in 7661. MRS. STEVENS. IS yrs. Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale 557 Wil liams ave. MANICURING, scalp, facial massage, ladies and gentlemen, open Sundays. 326 Stark street. v LORENZ Nerve Tablets restores lost vitality. 25o per box, 6 boxes $1.2 5. Stlpe-Tayior Drug Co., 289 Morrison st. Rev. Mrs. Coon, bptritual teacher and healer; Circles Tuesday, Friday evenings. Iu6 W. park. bet. Wash, and S t. a r k. Mars hall 5945. MRS- REN A RHOAD. will reward that can give information of Ben Rhoads. Tabor 47S7. Lents. O-. nyone Terrel NEW YORK State chiropodist Corns, bun ions. Ingrowing nails, painless; $1 month. Lr. N. A. Daniels. A 3S04. 348 Clay sr. CHIROPRACTIC treatments and steam baths for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. 413 Northwest bldg. Open Sundays. Main 3799. BOSTON eraduate nunse, sanitarium treat ments, medical gymnastics. 3S7 Yamhill st.. up one flight, room 7. r'RENCH packs will prevent wrinkle and take away those you now have. Fleur de Lis. 427 East Morrison. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Price. Read ings, h:linijs daily. Circles Tues. 2. Wetl and Sun. 8. 304 Montgomery. Main 7227. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. 95c; curls and puffs. 75c; San itary Beauty parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. MRS S. c MORRISON Steam baths and massage for rheumatism, lumbago, etc 333 Madison. A 44 7o. Marshall 3968. MANIC CRlNfl, face and sea ip treatment. 412 Northwest bldg. Main 3799. Open Sun day!. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. I. Hilt, 429 Fliedner Mdg. Main 3473. EASTERN trsined operator gives facial and scalp massage. 125 6th st.. room 2. MRS. DR. WRENN, spiritual adviser; read ings daily. 34 N. 16th. Mar. 4239. A 761 I. HALM OF FIGS. Compound Rovai Tonic Tablets. 506 avta Kt- Phone Main 9215. MANICURING, face and seal p treatment, nhampoo. 401 Northwest bid., formerly 307. IF you want f re e: prt h ga 1 advice dress P 184. Oregon in n. LADY'S barber shop now open at 32 4 Yam hiP. corner 6th Ft. L. Moriarty. dead trance spirit ual medium : readings dally. 31 N. IGth st. Mar. 4239.