Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 02, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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; Angered by Separation, Dairy
I man Shoots ex-Wife, Then
Turns Weapon on Self.
'. .
j Lad Slams Door Between Parents
t,' After Father Puts Two Bullets
; Into Body of Woman Who Told
'! Court He Was Cruel.
ji Angered because Louise Schneider,
, who had. been his wife for 22 years,
' 'obtained, a divorce on the grounds of
i cruelty last Saturday, Chris Schneider,
a dairyman, living near Multnomah
? Station, armed himself with a .38 cali-
ber revolver and hid in a bedroom and
: awaited the return of the ex-spouse to
her former home. As she entered the
Lioor the dairyman opened fire and two
' shots passed through the body of Mrs.
j Schneider. Schneider was preparing to
, fire again when his 12-year-old son
slammed shut a door between his par
j ents. Schneider then turned the weapon
' on himself, firing three bullets Into
I his body.
. . Both are at the Good Samaritan Hos.
J pltal. Attending physicians say the
! wounds are serious, but that both will
, ' Schneider, according to Information
; '.gathered at the scene of the shooting,
' first sent his little daughter to meet
'.the ex-wife as she came towards the
' house and to ask Mrs. Schneider if she
;!would not consent to return and live
iwlth him. The woman replied that she
J : would not; that she had obtained a dl
ilvorce, and that would be the end of
I 'their marital relations. As she en
J.tered the hall Schneider opened, fire
; on her from a bedroom,
j; To Sheriff Word and. Deputy Sheriff
. Curtis, who rushed to the scene in ah
automobile Schneider said life as a di
;)vorced man wasn't worth living. He
;twas In Portland, yesterday and had
I I been drinking.
- It Is believed that Schneider pur
",' chased the revolver In the city, al-
though he denied this, saying he had
, , owned the weapon for years.
. . Schneider is 59 years old. and his
former wife 40. They have six chil
li dren, ranging In age from 4 to 21
sj years. Two daughters are married,
! one residing In Portland and the other
i- near the home of her father. The oth
J! er four are boys, on of whom lives in
- Eastern Oregon. Mrs. Schneider had
the youngest, a lad of four, with her
'() yesterday when, after visiting relatives
T; near Hillsdale, she continued on to her
, ex-husband's ranch.
Mrs. Schneider says the husband
threatened her life seven years ago
(and when under the Influence of al
j cohol he always is cruel and danger-
ious. ine fccnnewers came to Oregon
from Iowa 11 years ago.
J J Loss Due to High. Water at Amuse
Vi tnent Resort Estimated at $15,000.
I .
After suffering a loss of little less
than $15,000, due to high water and
consequent seepage, three of the four
leading Oaks Amusement Park conces
sions on the Trail are now open and
the fourth Is expected to open its doors
July 4.
Ever since June 1, the Blue Streak,
the Rodeo and the Old Mill, three of
the best revenue producers In The Oaks
have been closed, as the water reached
their motors, while another profitable
venture, the Barrel of fun, has been
crippled by having one of its best de
vices under water.
The water dropped from the Blue
Streak, the fast ride, Sunday. The
Rodeo cleared yesterday, as did the
Barrel of Fun, while the Old Mill Is
expected to be overhauled and ready
for patrons In a couple of days.
More than 1000 will be required to
repair the damage to scenery and
equipment done by the water In the
Old Mill alone, while 12000 will be
needed to cover the actual damage done
at the other three. Basing the takings
for June on the average of other years,
the respective owners will be out of
pocket an additional $ li.000.
The four concessions represent an
Investment of $72,000. As Rose Fes
tival week was held in June, they lost
the best four weeks of the season.
Executive Board Rescinds Action
Awarding Contract to Elliott.
After investigating in detail the cir
cumstances surrounding the changing
of a bid for the Halsey-street sewer
system, which resulted in the contract
for tho work being taken away from
John Keating and given to the Bllott
Contracting Company, the City Execu
tive Board on Monday rescinded its
former action, took the contract away
from both companies and rejected all
bids foij the work.
The action was practically a vindi
cation of Mr. Keating, who had been
suspected of having tampered with the
bid. It was found that the bid had
been tampered with, but there was no
certainty regarding who was guilty of
the act. It could not be traced'to Mr.
Keating nor to any of the represen
tatives of bonding companies, who also
were suspected.
. tion. Hubbard Has Cargo for Mexl
cun Roads That Suffered.
Timbers, ties and other milled stuff
for railroad purposes Is reported to be
in demand along the Mexican lines of
' the Southern Pacific, and the steamer
General Hubbard, of the Hammond
fleet, which loaded in the river recent
ly for Mazatlan and Guaymas, may be
engaged for additional cargoes.
The revolution across the border Is
credited with heavy damage to rail
road property, and as material Is re
quired in haste the demand will be
greatest along this Coast. Cargoes can
be dispatched from several ports, but
the Columbia River Is favored for the
reason timbers of large size are avail
able and ties are cut on the . lower
river In quantity, so there will be no
delay In tilling orders.
Roseburg Man Fined.
ROSEDURG. Or., July 1. (Special.)
Charged with adulterating cream for
table service, Louis Elliott, proprietor
tt a local restaurant, was arrested yes
erday by a special dairy and food com
missioner. He entered a plea of guilty
and waa fined $25. Elliott attributes
the breach of the law to his procedure
in placing ice in the cream for cooling
The end of the greatest merchandising event Portland has known for years is in sight. But thirty-one days remain for the closing
out, down to the bare counters and cases, of this immense stock of Millinery, Cloaks and Suits. The lease, eood will and fixtures
nave uueu soiu. x. jd. ouxuxnon musb tuear out every cU ticie in lhas swjck. uy uuiy oj.. (
Over $60,000 of merchandise has been sold in last thirty days About
$80,000 worth has to be closed out in July. Positively the lowest prices ever
made on reliable goods in Portland will prevail. Every article will be mercilessly slaughtered
Nothing will be moved, as Mr. I. E. Solomon is positively retiring from business here or anywhere else. No. matter what the loss is, it must be taken. YOU will
get the benefit. Since Saturday night we've gone over the stock, cutting down the sale prices 25 to 50 per cent lower on everything NO EXCHANOPq "NT
Millinery Is Alnnost
eing Given' Away
We couldn't attempt to give a fraction of
the prices here J Our stock is brand new,
embracing the Summer Millinery, Trimmed
Hats, Panamas, etc., in such demand now.
Everything way below cost.
70 $5.00 Untrimmed Shapes
Small, medium and large shapes Milans,
Hemps, Tagals, etc., in black, cerise, !
gray, green, blues everything to
$5, at .'. .
70 $5.00 Fancy Feathers
An offer that'll crowd the Third Floor!
Nothing reserved Wings, Breasts,
fancy Stickups all new shades,
two-tones $2 to $5 Feathers .
Any Trimmed
Hat to $12.00
Smart French Tailored Hats,
and famous "Smolin" Hats.
Every shape and style
everything to $12, at
$5.50 and $6.50 Ostrich
Bands, 38 inches long, in
black, white, cerise,
French blue, green, pink.
$3.50 Shaded Ostrich Tips,
new French blue, cerise,
brown, tan and all black,
six to a bunch, slaugh
tered at
$3, $4 and $5 Auto Veils,
all-silk chiffon, extra large
size, in all new shades,
two-tones, etc. Choice at
only 98c
Children's and Misses'
Millinery Sacrificed
Every $1 Hat 39c . $1.50
Hats 65c, $2 at 79c, $2.50
at 98c, $3 at $1.25, $4 at
Cost to Make
The Second Floor will swarm with women today l
We can only hint at tremendous reductions here !
To $24.75 Suits at
$24.75 Navy Serge Suits at
$7.50 Wash Dresses at
Mixtures, Bedfords, Blue Serges
smart, plain tailored styles. Retiring
from Business Sale. ... ... . ... ..... ..
Our famous Mannish serge. Plain
tailored, cutaway and novelty styles,
lined in Skinner's finest satin. . .
Dainty French Ginghams; Linens,
Lawns, Dimities, Chambrays, Voiles
and White Lingerie. Choice : . .
One Lot to $5.95 White
Serge Skirts. . . .,.
$1.50 to $1.75 Tailored and Lin
gerie Waists Fresh, crisp and
new. " All the prettiest styles.
39 c
One Lot of Coats Fancy mix
tures, serges, in plain tailored
and fancy models. Up to $17.50,
White Serge and Mixture Suits
Lingerie Dresses, White Serge
Dresses, exactly
$3.95 Wash Dresses House and
street styles; ginghams, voiles,
percales, chambrays, etc., in all
colors and sizes at
SI .89
1. TYrir.e.
a tr
35 pieces of
Paradise now
Up to $3.00 Sailor Hats
at 39?
50 French Pattern Hats
worth $18.50 and up,
now at ..$7.50
Fine French Ostrich
Plumes at exactly y2
126-128 Sixth, Bet. Washington and Alder
$1.35 Middy and Nor
folk Blouses at . . . 89
$5.95 New Red Balkan,
Norfolk and Blazer
Coats ...$3.5
$5.95 and $6.95 Lin
en Tailored Suits
for only $2.85
To $27.50
About 200 in the lot
white Serges to $22.50,
Pongee Suits to $27.50,
Linen Suits to $12.50.
While lot lasts, choice
Disturbances at. Packing Plant to Be
Kept Within Law Without Curb
ing Right of Any, Says Official.
Reports that Chief of Police Clark
had signalised his entry Into office by
giving drastic orders curbing- the ac
tivities of persons who have been cre
ating disturbance around the plant of
the Oregon Packing Company at East
Eighth and Belmont streets, were de
nounced as having been made out of the
whole cloth, when brought to the at
tention of the new head of the depart
ment yesterday.
"1 never heard of such a thing till I
saw it in the papers," said Chief Clark.
"The fact is that Sergeant Harms
brought three persons over to see me,
and -1 advised them that 1 they must
proceed according to law, and not dis
turb the peace or destroy property.
That much I will stand by."
Since last week, when 50 girls, em
ployed at grading cherries, walked out
of the plant without having made any
demand for an Increase of wages'dis
turbance has been fomented around the
place by a large crowd of men, said
to be members of the I. "W. W. The
majority of the women who remained
at work in the plant have been forced
to pass the lines of these men and
some of them have complained of be
ing insulted.
As soon as trouble developed. Acting
Chief Slover stationed Sergeant Harms
and two officers at the" place, with
instructions to prevent disorderly con
duct. The orders given by his prede
cessor have been confirmed by Chief
Clark and nothing more. There have
been no arrests and no active inter
ference on the part of the police.
J. A. Kanipe Slightly 111 on Reach
ing Gettysburg Reunion.
"We arrived on time with everybody
well excepting J. A. Kanipe, who is not
seriously ill," was the message received
yesterday by C. A. Williams, Assistant
Adjutant of the Grand Army in Oregon,
from Captain James P. Shaw, commis
sioner in charge of the party that left
here last Wednesday for the Gettys
burg reunion.
The Oregon train was scheduled to
arrive at Gettysburg Monday morning.
It Is evident, therefore, that the Ore
gon "boys" are enjoying the comforts
of their camp, as provision for the en
tire party had been made before they
left Portland.
Mr. Kanipe is a veteran of the Con
federate army and lives near Oakland.
He was in apparent good health when
he left here, but is more than 80 years
of age.
Portland Teacher to Speak.
July 1. (Special.) A series of lectures
on "Vocational Training in the Public
Schools" by J. G. Kerchen, supervisor
of manual training in the Portland
schools, and four - lectures on "Some
Problems of Supervision" by Superin
tendent A. C. Strange, of Baker, com.
prise the special work of the present
week at the O. A. C. Summer session.
The subjects are to be presented by
Mr. Kerchen in four lectures. Regis
tration for the 1913 Summer session
now numbers 132. -
New Tariff, However, Reduces Cost
of Ticket to Denver Nickel.
Round Trip Unchanged.
It costs more to go to Chicago now
than it did on Monday $1.25 more.
It costs (2 more to go to Cincinnati
or to Cleveland, and about $2.50 more
to go to New York.
But it costs 5 cents less to go to
Denver, Cheyenne, Colorado Springs or
This is because the new eastbound
passenger rates from Northwestern
points went into effect yesterday. In
general, the new tariff provides slight
reductions to points west of the Mis
souri River and Increases, varying
from 1 to S per cent, to points ast of
the river. The rates to Omaha, Kan
sas City, Minneapolis, St. Paul and
other Missouri River common points
are unchanged.
The first-class fare to Chicago under
the old tariff was $56.90. Under the
new It is $58.15. The second-class fard
Is increased from $48 to $48.15.
First-class fare to St. Louis has been
advanced from $55.90 to $57; to Cin
cinnati from $61.90 to $63.90. Second
class to Cincinnati is advanced from
$53 to $54.15.
Corresponding increases are made to
all points east of the Missouri River.
The new rate to Denver Is reduced
from $41.65 to $41.60.
All railroads operating in the North
west the Canadian Pacific, Milwaukee,
Great Northern, Northern Pacific, O.-
W. R. & N. Company and Pacific Coast
Steamship Company are parties to the
new tariff, which replaces all former
tariffs of individual railroads, greatly
simplifying the sale of tickets and of
fering uniform privileges on all lines
to travelers. The westbound rates
virtually are the same as the east
bound. The new tariff does not affect
round-trip rates.
Detectives Find Diamond Woman
Hid From Herself.
Recovering diamonds Is becoming a
regular habit with Detectives Hyde
and Vaughn, who added one more tally
to their list yesterday by bringing to
light a solitaire valued at $300. The
loss was reported by Mrs. C W. Beau
mont, of the Hill apartments. Twenty
third and Washington streets.
The officers found Mrs. Beaumont in
great distress. She had been to an en
tertainment the night before, and upon
returning home had slipped her jewelry
behind the bed. She had not left the
room until the officers were summoned.
"I wish they had sent those detec
tives who have recovered so many dia
monds lately," she said.
"Madame, we are It," replied the gal
lant Vaughn, with befitting modesty.
Overhauling the bed clothes, which
already had been searched with ap
parent thoroughness, the officers came
upon a quilt which was slightly torn,
and. exploring the recess, they brought
the diamond to light. -
Permission Needed to Quit.
SALEM. Or., July 1. (Special.) Al
though the United Telephone Company
says it has lost all clients, at Aurora
and wishes to discontinue offices there,
the State Railway Commission has to remove the Aurora exchange until
notified the company it will be illegal the Commission has investigated.
ortunity Offers
That's the time to order. We're reducing stock for stocktaking.
That's why we are making Suit and Extra Trousers for
the price of the Suit alone.
Suit and Extra Trousers
$25 to $50
Of same goods as suit or of striped trouserings, just as you prefer.
No trouble to show goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
Garments to order in a day if required.
Full dress and Tuxedo suits a specialty.