TITE MORNING OfcONIAN, WEDNESDAY, J 1;A' 2, 1013. 19 f HEAT HELD STEADY July Shipping Demands Keep Price From Falling. the market in steady condition. Tho butter market is healthy. " CALIFORNIA TO TAKE MORE Part of liimited Supplies -Will Also Be Required by Exporters Spot Market at Present Is Quiet. Contracting Is 'Slow. Notwithstanding the heavy shipments of wheat to California last month, amounting to over 700.000 bushels. It Is likely that a liberal quantity will no south again this month. By some dealers the probable ship ments are estimated as high as 300.000 bushels. A number of steamers are also to take grain for export account. For these reasons, the spot market ts maintained at a very steady level. With stocks here and In tha country almost cleaned up, prices do not respond to the approach of the new crop season as readily as usual. Operations In the country are practically over, and at the moment not much Is doing in the local martlet. Club wheat Is quoted by most dealers at around 02 cents and forty-fold at the same price. Contracting operations In the interior are reported to be on a light scale, owing to the hlah ideas of sellers. Local receipts. In cars, were reported hy the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday 3. 20 1 ' Tuesday H 23 3 2 S Tear ago 4 .. - 1 The International Institute of Agriculture, at Rome, elves the followlnc information: The estimated production of wheat this year and its percentage of last year's pro duction is: In Bulgaria, 67.877,000 bushels, or 106.6 per cent; Italy, 1SS.719.00O bushels, or 110 per cent: India, 358.316.000 bushels, or 86.7 per cent; Japan, 27,208,000 bushels, or 105.2 per cent. "The estimated production of barley in Japan la 101.073.000 bushels, or 101.6. per cent of last veac's cron- . . "The preliminary figure of production of flaxseed in India is 21, 42S;O0t bushels, or &3.4 tier cent of last year'a crop Foreign crop conditions are summarized by Broomhall as follows: United Kingdom The wheat outlook h shown an Improvement, as the Spring crop has wanted rain, which is now faillns. France The outlook is. good for tha new crop, with a full acreage planted. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: f Clearings. Balances. Portland .$2,020,0X7 S247.422 Seattle 2,573,704 82S.12S Tacoma 514.2B1 .. 85.S50 Spokane rVo4,lsS S3,U3t PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain, Klour, Feed. Etc. WHEAT Track prices: Club. 800 92c: bluestem, 959Gc; 40-fold, 92c; red Russian, IXie; Valley, 92c. OATS No. 1 white. $29030 Her ton: stained and off grade, less. FIvOIjR Patents. $4.70 per barrel: straights. $4.10; exports, 3.83(5p3.05; valley. $4.70: graham, $4.ti0; whole wheat, $4.80. CORN Whole. $28.50; cracked, $29.50 per ton. MILLfiTUFFS Bran. t24.S0fi23 car ton: shorts. $26.3027 per ton; middlings. $31 per ton. BARLEY Feed, $23.50 & 24 per ton; brew ing, nominal; rolled, $23.50(3)29.50 per ton. HAY Eastern Oregon timothy, choice. $181319 per ton; alfalfa. $13014. Fruits and Vegetables. Local Jobbing quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS Oranares. 6 per box: lemons, S9S10 per box apples. 7c per pound. ONIONS Red. and yellow. $1.10 fil sacK. VEGETABLES Artichokes. 75c per doses; asparagus. Oreron. 60cail.0O ner dosen: beans, 3rfj6c per pound; rttbbage, 1VtG32c per pound; cauliflower, SS.uO per crate: corn, 40c per dozen; cucumbers, 90c per box; eggplant. 25c pound: head letfruee'. 35 a 40c per dozen; peas, u&5c per pound: pep pers, 17H&20C per pound ; radishes, 101 2c per dozen; rhubarb, 1 fit 2c per pound; spin ach, 75c per box; tomatoes, $lg1.25 per box; garlic, 78c per pound. POTATOES New California. 2io per pound. GREEN FRUIT Apples, new. 51.23 per box; old, ' nominal; strawberries, $1 per orate: cherries, 4$10c per lb.; goose berries, 34c per pound; -apricots $1.25 1.50 ' per box; cantaloupes, $1&2.50 per create; peaches, &o'z(ft$l.lj per box; water melons, 2c per pound; plums, $1.50 1.75 per box; raspberries, $1.50 per crate; loganberries. $1 per crate; blackberries, $1.75 3 per crate. $4,50 0 Pine- per BEARS ARE ROUTED Stocks Rise Easily When Cov ering Is Attempted. GOOD GAINS ARE SCORED Th out look for oats is douotxm. native wnwi i heiii sDartnaly offered, with the quality poor. Germany The outlook for wheat is sa.tU factory: rye rather satisfactory, while Spring crops in the center and east need rain. Is'a tive supplies are fair. Russia Tho outlook in the southern re- ffion Is -good, and Volga Improved but still m- uncertain: center and west mostly sooci. Roumania Wheat favorable, while corn id unsatisfactory. Weather is unseasonably vool and stormy i . Bu;garU Most reports are very optlmls- tic. yeinl-official reports say big yieias, but I think these are exaggerated. Hunirarv Unofficial reports place the yield 24.000,000 bushels under last year! Italy In the south cutting; and thresh ing Is general, with the weather fair. The International Bureau estimates the outturn 10 per cent above last year. ; India Some complaints are heard of dry ness affecting wheat. Shippers' offers are firmer and smaller. Argentina Wheat and oats seedlngs are favorable, with the weather good. ' Australia The condition of wheat is ideal, with a full acreage. Surplus remain ing, 24,000,000 bushels. XEW PEACHES FROM THE DAIXJSS First Large Shipment of Oregon Fruit Comes From Weber's Orchard. -The first important shipment of Oregon peaches this season was received yester day from R. H. Weber, of The Dalles. They were Mayf lowers, a Georgia variety, new to this state. The peaches were not only ex ceptionally early, but were of fine quality and were pronounced better than Hale's Early. Mr. Weber will have a crop of 20 carloads this season. Front street was well supplied with Cali fornia peaches, which sold at a range of 85 cents to 11.10 a crate. Fancy Climax nlums were offered at $1.75 a crate and Botans at 11.60. Several cars of cantaloupes were received and sold at prices from $1 to -$2.50, the Quality varying greatly. Watermelons were unchanged in price. j There was a fair showing of strawberries, " and sound fruit brough $1 a crate. Logan berries were received from Grants Pass, but were slow sale. Raspberries were scarce and firm at 11. 50. Blackberries were quoted at Sl.702.00. The first straight car of yellow onions . was received from California and put on sale at $1.10&1.S5 a sack. RUMORS OV MORE HOP CONTRACTING 8prayinff Operation Will Be Started Next Week Foreign. Condition!. . There were reports in the hop trade yes terday of 15 cents having been paid on con tract In the Aurora section, but there were no details. A few minor deals in spot hops were put through. - -m The crop is making good progress -In this state. ' Vermin have been found in some . of the yard, but not In large quantities. . Many of the growers, however, will begin spraying tne first part of next week- London cables stated that lice were de creasing in the English yards, but that rain was needed. Continental cables reported crop conditions favorable. 'imports of hops Into Great Britain, less exports for the month of September to May last, botn Inclusive, were 22fl,S03 hundred- ' weights. This compares with 75,579 hundred - weights during the corresponding period one year ago and with 1K4.0MS two years ago. Dairy and Country Produce. Local jobbing quotations; - ' . POULTRY Hens, lftffi-18 V&c: Springs, 13 20c: turkeys, live. 1820c; dressed, choice, 24 5$ 25c; ducks. 12c. EGGS Oregon ranch, case count, 23 24c per doaen; candled, 25S'20u per dozen. CHEESE Oregon triplets, 16Vc; Daisies, 17c; young Americas. lSc. BUTTER City creamery butter cubes, 28c per pound; prints, 30c per pound. PORK Fancy, 10 & 011 per pound. VEAL Fancy, H14o per pound. LARGER PART OF THE WOOL CLIP SOLD Trading In Boston Market Quiet During Week. BOSTON", July 1. Trading in 'wool has been- quiet during the week, with raw wools .leading the way. . While, the Western, primary markets con tinue as the center of interest, the field of operations in marketing the new clip is gradually narrowing. it is estimated that about tiO or . per cent of the new territory wools have passed out of first hands, either on consignment or by actual sale. Buying has been of fair proportions In Montana and in the triangle, the best wools moving gen erally in the range of IGfclSc, but princi pally at 16(&17c or 17. In the fleece sections most dealers are offering the farmer 20 -cents for medium wools, while 18 cents is offered for fine wools. Leading domestic quotations: Scoured basis Texas, fine 1'2 months, 52 53c; fine 6 to 8 months, 47048c; fine fall, 45 46c. California Northern, 4S'S50e: middle coun ty, 46 0 47c; Southern, 4546c; fall free, 43 45c. Oregon Eastern No. 1 staple. 54055c; Eastern clothing, 53055c; valley No. 1, 43 0 45c. Territory, fine staple, 55056c; fine med ium staple, 54 (ft 55c; fine clothing, 50052c; fine medium clothing, 49&50c; half blood combing, 60 0 52c: fine medium clothin. 49 ft 50c ; half blood combing, 50 052c; blood combing, 474u4tc: H blood combing. 4u40c Pulled AA, 52054c; A supers, 48052c. SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKETS Prices Quoted at the Bay City: for Veg-et; - bles. Fruit. Etc SAN FRANCISCO, July 1. The following produce prices were current here today: run Apples, 7oc0Sl.aO; Mexican limes. nominal; California lemons, choice, $709; common,. 140; pineapples, $1.2502.25. Cheese New, 14 013c; Young Americas, Hay Wheat. 123 25 ;' wheat and' oats. $21.50022.; alfalfa, $12014. . Butter Fancy creamery, 28c; seconds. 27c Vegetables Cucumbers, 25 40c; green peas, 1 Vi 02c; string beans, 1 03c; egg plant, 4 0 be. Onions New. red. 55 0 65c per sack: yel low, 66 0 75c per sack.. Potatoes New River whites, 9OC011.25: Early Rose, 75c 011.10; Oregon, 80c 0$1. -K6s store, aac; fancy ranch, 24c. Receipts Flour. 668 quarter sacks: barlev. 7283 centals; potatoes, 2544 sacks; hay, 390 tons. SUGAR Jobber a PRICES TO ADVANCE TODAY I,onk for 20-Cent Lift Following Recent Rise in Kaar. . Sugar prices advanced 10 cents in the East' yesterday, following a similar advance ii Monday. Local Jobbers, therefore, look for an advance of probably 20 cents in the Pacific Count markets this morning. According to trade advices the visible supply ' aussr In the world Is now H.290 ' inn ton, as against ..-'.u.uuu in an Inc. tap of 1.070,000 tons. Cuba is firm in lis id-MB, despite tho large stocks on the (i3lan.l. It is pointed out that although the crop Hill be 2.S7JVOOO tons, or about 400,000 tons more thn last year. Europe will take 250. o0 tons increase over Its 1012 pur- :whay. Th Hawaii crop will probably fhc-.v a 50.000-ton shortage from last year and the Philippines 80,00 ton. The Louis ina crop was 1 50.000 tons short of the nor mal. to that the Cubas are filling the gap. , LOCAL POULTRY RECEIPTS INCREASE Advancing Tendency of Chicken Market Is Checked. Larger receipts of chickens this week have checked the advancing tendency of the poultry market; The top for hens yester day was 13 V cents. Large springs sold a 10 cents and small at 19 cents. Ducks, ;eese ana luriceys were Blow. Meats were tnchanged, but were not In active demand Receipts of Oregon ranch eggs have be some very small and but for tha presence tf Eastern eggs prices would be much high r. The best candled Oregons are selling at 26 cents. Cheese .continues to be taken by storage anerators as fast as offered, which keeps Changes In Available Supplies. NEW YORK. July 1. Special cable and eleeranhic communications received bv jsraastreets snow tne ioi lowing chances in available supplies as compared with pre vious account; W heat Bushels. United States, E. Rockies, decreased!., :77, 000 United States, W. Rockies, decreased 1S2.000 Canada, decreased 985, OuO Total United decreased . Afloat for and decreased Total American and ply, decreased in States and Canada ' -. 2,544.0.00 Europe 3.7O0.0OO European aup- 6.244.000 Corn United States and Canada, increased 1.941.000 Oats United States and ' Canada, increased : ",-. 1.000 The leading decrease reported this week is: Manitoba, 621. 0U0 bushels. Coffee Futures. NEW YORJC, July 3. Coffee futures opened barely steady at a decline of 11 to 15 points la response to lower European 'Diea, nervousnes over tne European po litical situation and renewed scattering liquidation. Reports that houses with Bra zilian connections were selling the near months and continued weakness in the French market sent prices off still further during the day, with the close steady at a net decline of from io to 20 points. Sep tember contracts made no new ground for the movement. July, 0.16c; September, IVilc; October, .84c; December, 9.61c; Jan uary, 9.66c; March, 0.74c; May, l).82c. Spot coffee easy; Rio 7s. 94j,c; Santos 4s, llc; mild coffee quiet; Cordova, 130165Ac nominal. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. July t. Copper dull. Stand ard spot, 13.870 14. R7 ; July, 13.87 0 14.37; August, 13.7dft ie.Ja; electrolytic, i4.TO'g 15.00; lake, 12.47 015.25; casting. 14.500 14.87. Tin weak: spot, 41.35041.75; July and August, 41.250 41.50. Lead quiet. 4.3004.40. Snelter auiet 5.25 05.35. Antimony nominal ; Cookson's, 8. 65 f 8. To. iron dull and unchanged. London markets closed as follows: Copper dull: spot, too, 1. a: rutures. f3. i-is. Tin easy; upot. 189, 10s; futures, 190. Spelter, 20. 15s. Lead, 16. 7s, 6d. Iron Cleveland warrants. 35s. Trailing Becomes Active on tho Up turn, With Union Pacific Lead in a; Advance Improvement in Bond Market. NEW YORK. July 1. Although the stock market remained in a scini-stagnant condi tion totia;-, ther was a distinct improve ment in ton. In some parts of the list f:iir gains were-made, with the Harrimans coppers and coalers showing most strength. Th day began with renewed bear selling, which wfes most effective in Union Pacific, Reading, Lehigh Valley and Canadian Pa cific. Chesapeakke & Ohio also was heavy, declining & point to 52, a new low level. Bear ceiling failed to shake out long stock, however, and traders reversed their position The market rose easily when cov eriiix was attempted and at the close trad ing became more active on the upturn, with L nion 1 ac:f lc leading the advance. There apparently was little connection be tween the news of the day ami the move ments of prices, owing probatfly to the highly professional character of trading. The money market showed no effect of the disbursement cf July 1 interest and dtvi- aena payments. If no other result is pro duced, some rectification is looked for of the poor showing made by the banks in last Saturday's statement, owing to prepara. lions for today's payments. Six months loans, carrying into 1S14, were negotiated today on a basis of D) per cent, which marked no change from recent rates, but was significant mainly from the fact that it indicated an Indefinite continuance of the stlffer tendencies for long maturities. Jztonas were steady, with some issues showing good improvement. Total sales, par value. 1, 352,000. Bid prices for Government bonds were sharply depressed today. Ten of the 2s were offered at 98 T. with no takers, following the sale yesterday of two of these bonds at that figure, the first to fall below par. The bid price of The 2s declined 3 today. The 3s. the coupon 4s and the Panama 4s declined Va on call. The falling eff of these bonds was thought to have been due to the proposal, in connection with the currency bllL for jsllmJnatlon. . jpf bond-secured currency. ; CLOSING. STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J.- C. Wilson & Co., Lewis buikilng, Portland. Amal Copper . . Am Beet Sugar. American Can .. do preferred.. Am Car & Fdy.. Am Cotton Oil.. Am Smel & Kef do preferred. . Am Sugar .... do preferred. . Am Tel &. Tel. . Am - Tobacco ... . Anaconda Atl Coast Line.. A T tit Santa Fe. do prsf erred.. Bait &. Ohio . . . Brook R Tran . . Canadian Pac . . C & O C & G W ... C iS,N W C. M & St Paul Central Leather. Central of N J.. ;hino Col Fuel & Iron. Col Southern . . . Consol Gas . . . D L & W X & R G Distilling Secur. Erie General Elec . . . Gt North Ore . .. Gt North pf . . . Iilfhois Central.. Interboro Met. . do preferred. . Inter Harvester. K C Southern . . Lehigh Valley .. Louis & Nash . . Mexican -Central M, S P & S S M Mo, Kan & Tex. Mo Pacific National Lead .. Nat Biscuit . . .. do preferred. . N Y Central . . . N Y. Ont & Wes Norfolk & West. North America.. Northern Pac . . Pacllic Mall .... Pacific T & T .. Pennsylvania . .. People's Gas . . . Reading Republic S & I.. Rock Island Co. Southern Pac . . Southern Ry . . . Texas Oil Union Pacific . . do preferred. . United Rds S F. U S Steel do preferred. . Utah Copper . . .. Wabash Western Union.. Westing Elec . . Wisconsin Cent- Total sales for the day, 219,300 shares. . . . BONDS. Reoorted bv Overbeck Cooke Co. ot .Trade building, .fortiana. Atchison general 4s ;.. ri Aiiannc ioasi. lhi isrsi a. . Baltimore & Ohio zold 4s.... B R T 4s Chesapeake & Ohio 4 is C M & St P gen 4VsS Chlcaaro Rock island col 4s. . Cal Gas 5s. . C B joint 4s. Erie ireneral 4s In Met 43 Louisville ft Nashville uni 4s. Missouri Pacific 4s NYC general S V a N & W firnt con 4s......".... Northern Pacific 4s Oregon Short Line ref 4s..... Pacific Tel 5s Penna obn '4s. ........ ; ; Heading general 4s.......... St. L A San Fran ref 4s Sou 1 hern. Paftlfic ref 4s Southern Pacific col 4s.,......, Southern Railway 5s......... southern Railway 4s l nlted Railway tnv 4s Union. Pacific firet and ref 4s. L nited states Steel 5s West Shore 4s Wabash 4s the United States Treasury at tha begin ning of business today was: Working balance .$ 65.5?3,340 in banks and Philippine" Treasury 74.2S1.906 Total of general fund 164.703.690 Receipts yesterday 16,3i!t.30l Disbursements 929.037 The surplus this fiscal year Is $40,083,229. as against a surplus of $36, 33?, 931 last year." The figures for receipts, disbursements and surplus exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Puget Sound -Wheat Markets. SEATTLE. Julv 1. Wheat Bluestem. 92c; forty fold.. 90c; club, 90c; fife, 90c; red xvussian, sue. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, 22; corn, 7 ; oat3, 3; hay, 4 ; flour, 5. TACOMA, July 1. Wheat Bluestem, 97 09&c: fortyfold. 94c: ckub. 93c: red fife.- 92c. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, 19; bar ley, 2; oats, S; hay, 4. London Wool Sales.. LONDON. Julv 1. There was a cood at tendance at the opening of the fourth ser ies or wool auction sales here today. ri he offerings amounted to 12,1:91 bales, princi pally crossbreds. which were In good de mand. Coarse and medium crossbreds were the best sellers, , a few lots being taken for America. Crossbreds ranged from un changed to 5 per cent lower and Merinos were unchanged. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga., -July 1. Turpentine firm. 3634 : sales. 150; receipts, 1200; ship ments. 137: stocks, i7,534. Rosin firm: sales, none: receipts, 37-19;. shipments. 3s; stocks. 125.96H. Quote A B 300; CO 300: EFGH 4': 1 415; K 455; M 515; N 585 ; WG 625; WW 640. HOG MARKET IS EASIER TOPS DO NOT BRING OVER X1XE CENTS AT YARDS. WEATHER IS RIGHT DEPOSITORS BENEFIT Cool, Showery Conditions Are What Wheat Needs. EASES PRICES AT CHICAGO Chicas. Livestock 3Iarket. CHICAGO. July 1. Cattle Receipts. 8000 market, slow. weak. Beeves. S7.20toS.85: Tex as stoers. t8.9OSS.10: Western steers. S7.10 (pCS.20: stockers and feeders. l5.75feB: cows and rieiiers. t i.vo'g 9. 10: calves, 5ts.i(i mom receipts. ituun mantel. strong, generally ftc up from yesterday. Light. $S.60 &S.55: mixed. 8.fsttS.!5o; heavy, is. s.s."; rough. s8.35B.ot; pigs, $6.TS!jjs.sa Bulk of sales. ss.7oWS.bi. Sheep Receipts, 14,000; v "market, weak. Native. 14.50 ra 5.1 r : Western. J4.60a5.lS yearlings. to.SafcOO: lambs, native, $5.50 e.to; estern. o.ou(3Tt.iO; bpMngs, io.zo'$ f.i'O. Ktc. at w York. July 1. 'Hops and petro Hops, NEW YORK, leum steady. Hides firm. Wool steady. Raw sugar firm; Muecovadi, 2.89c; cen trifugal. 5.3Pc; molasses. 2.09c. Refined, firm: cut loaf. 5.S0c; crushed, 5.20c: mould A. 4.85c: eubes, 4.T0c; powdered. 4.60c; XXX powdered, 4.65c; fine granulated, 4-uOc; dia. raond A, 4.Hc; confectioner's A, 4.35c; No. 1. 4.3'c. Cotton Market. XteW YORK, July 1. Cotton, fpot, closed quiet. Middling uplands, l:. 40c; middling guir. 13. esc. t-alee, 14.sqo bales. Futures cloyed steady. July. 11. 30c; Au gust. 13.06c; September, ll.Slc; October, 11.39c; November. Il.tSc: December, ll.S7c January. 11. Sic; February, 11.34c; March, 11.44c; May. 11.4SC Sugar Advances at New CHICAGO. July 1. All sugar were advanced & pounds today. York. grades of refined cents a hundred Dried fruit at Is'ew York. NEW TORK, July t. Kvaporsted apples quiet; Quiet. -steady. Prunes steady. reaches Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. lo.lxiO ts.V4 63 (15 V4 1!'H 22 "a 22 22 7.TOI) 2H 26 27 000 87 86 8T 600 42 41 42 2(H) SlSH SO 38 2.2U0 62 H ttoii bJ 804 400 1071, 107 107V, Ill 100 12714 12714 12714 215 300 331, 32 SS 114 1.400 06 U514 Mis 06 800 04 93 93 Vtt 87 U Sti S6 94 11.500 217U 2141s 217 7,900 84 02 53 ?i 12! 1.000 10SH 10214 102T4 100 21 21 21 275 1,000 24 33"4 34 200 27 26 27 31 200 120 12 129- 885 1814 124 0,00 26 24 23 100 13514 18514 136 0O 33 Si S3' 3.114 80O 323 122 122 400 lljl . Ill 11114 -. 15 1,100 85 55 55 102 200 2014 26 26 2.7O0 14714 145 14614 700 131 130 131 100 13 13 12 200 123 122 122 tWO 21 21 21 1.500 30 20 30 45 5O0 112 110 111 118 800 97 96 97 27 100 102 102 103 65 1,500 108 106 107 8U0 IS 17 17 27 5O0 111 110 . Ill 10O 17 107 107 37.500 158 15 158 1.000 . 18 IS 18 500 15 15 15 -S.10O 94 92 93 B.200 21 21 21 104 40.BO0 347 144 147 200 81 81 81 19 26.500 53 51 53 4K 103 103 103 800 42 41 42 2 1.000 62 62 Bl 68 45 Other Linos Are . Holding F'alrly Steady Dny's- Itun Is lighter Than Usual. There was a moderate fun of stock at the yards yesterday and trading operations were llenter than on tne preceding aay. i n o marKet xaiiea to noia us lormer trength. but in other lines values were oout steady. Seven loads of steers were handled, and S.05 was the beet price paid for a single load. The bulk of sales were at J8. Good cows sold at $6.50 and choice calves brought . . .. . - . Against tne top price or sa.j.i on wonaay, no hogs were sold at better than xu yes terday, timall hogs brought 98.10. In the sheep division lamos tooK tne first place and sales were made at from 50 to 96.7o. a tew small Duncnes or wethers, ewes and yearlings were taken at the old prices. Receipts were 146 cattle, 13 calves. 704 ogs and S4H sheep. Shippers were tieorge McKay. Condon, 4 cars of cattle; J. E. Rey nolds. Condon, l car or cattle and oaives; Strube Brothers. Condon, 1 car of cattle; C. T. White. Woodburn, 1 car of sheep and hogs; A. R. Kord, Carlton. 1 car ef hogs; ft. ai. ttawKins. ijregga, x car or nogs; r. B. Decker. Silverton. 2 cars of sheen and hosra: Huah Cummlnitl. Halsey. 1 car of sheep; Norwood & Patton. Harrisburg, 1 car of sheep; T. xt. Hoyt, jenerson. l car or heep. ana n. j. unapman, Ki&matn f ans. cars or cattle, sneep ana nogs. ins aay s sales were as follows: w eight. 25 steers , lino Board Wisconsin Central 4s...... ... Western Pacific 5s...: 1'nited States 2 registered"... United States 2s counon United states 3s registered... United States 3s coupon United States 4s registered... United States 4s coupon Bid. Asked. 93 94 .87 88 : 91 92 . 8l 86 . 93 94 . 89 91 . 54 55 . .92 . . . . . V(3 93 '. 68 71 . 74 75 . 92 93 . .' , . 82 83 . 92 93 .92 92 . 88 88 . 93 . 93 , . 8S . : 99 . 94 94 , . 714 6 . . 88 8 ..87 89 .101 101 .. 73 73 . . 45 . . . . , . S! 91 . . U8 99 . . 93 94 . . 48 50 . . 88 89 . . 48 8i ,.75 77 . . 99 10O . . 99 . .102 10G ..102 108 -.113 114 ..113 114 BOSTBX, Aliouez Amalg Copper. . A Z L, & Sm. . . Arizona Com -. B C C S M at pd cal & Arisona. Stocks at Boston. July. 1. Closing quotations: lo IMlami CCDDSr.. . 20ti 65 'Mohawk lTfajXevada. Coii .... 21!Nlrlssing Mines. 1 North Butte..... 3 l.ortn Lake Spring Crop Outlook Ceases to Be Source of Alarm Arrivals of Xew Grain Are Free and Export Trade Small. CHICAGO, July 1. Cool, showery condi tions In the Northwest, exactly the kind needed for tiio Spring crop, eased wheat to day. Although the final tono was rela tively firm, dosing prices were c to c off, except July which showed c net gain. Corn- closed c to lc down, oats c to c off. Provisions rose 5c to 12c- Traders appeared disposed to believe that the - Spring wheat crop outlook had ceased to be a source of alarm. Meanwhile, new wheat continued to arrive freely and export business remained slight, while call from millers was only moderate. Whtat steadied at the decline because no deliveries were made on July contracts here and No. 1 Northern in store was held at 2c over July. Primary receipts of wheat were 025.000 bushels, against 2O6.O0O bushels a year ago. Export clearances of wheat and flour equaled 353,000 bushels. Corn declined on liquidating by longs. Rains in Illinois and Southwest were mainly lesponsible. In oats, wet weather and liberal use of actual grain in settling; contracts depressed prices. Provisions ruled higher from the start, bo- cause of the lightness of the hog run here ana in tne west. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. iteer. steers. . . , steers. . . 21 steers. 20 steers. . . 25 steers. . . 1 steer. ... 1 heifer 1 cow 15 cows .... 3 steers. . . 2 sters. ... 2 st.ers. . . 13 calves .. 25 calvea . . 1 bull 2 bulls 23 wethers . 43 ewes .... 19 yearlings 17 lambs . . . 12 lambs 63 lambs, .. 137 lambs. . . 11 lambs 55 lambs 1170 1195 1250 12SS 1205 1026 060 950 1010 912 1043 1015 1110 850 226 1220 1220 84 125 90 61 60 71 57 4 110 hogs 1T9 67 hogs IB nogs 115. hogs 6 hogs 8 hogs 6 hogs 22 hogs 17 hogs 1 hog 148 126 13 243 153 205 219 235 270 Price. 18.05 7.50 8.00 8.00 S.00 8.00 7.40 7.00 7.00 6.00 0.50 7.25 8.25 7.75 6.50 9.O0 O.00 6.00 4.50 4.00 4.73 0.25 5.50 6.75 ' 6.75 5.50 6.75 8.95 8.75 8.10 8.10 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 0.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.00 9.00 Open. High. Low. Close. July .8S S .!0 f .88 .89 Sept -.81 .00 .89 .80 Dec. 02 .03 .92 .92 CORN. July 80 .60 . .59 .60 Rept Kl .62 .61 .61 Dec. 58 .59 .58 .5S OATS. July 40 .40 .40 .40 Sept 42 .42 .42 .42 Dec .43 .43 .43 -43 MESS PORK. Julv ... . 20.85 20.77 20.85 Sept 20.57 20.75 20.57 20.72 . LARD. Julv 11.12 11.20 11.12 11.20 Sept 11.32 11.40 1L32 11.40 Oct. ......11.45 11.47 11.42 11.47 SHORT RIBS. July 11.72 11.77 11.72 ll.T7 Sept 11.77 11.85 11.77 . 11.85 Oct. 11.60 11.65 11.60 11.65 Cash prices were: Corn No. 2. 60g61c: No. 3 19 hogs 12rt 51 hogs 14 l nog 55 hogs v 174 The range of prices at the yards was as follows: Choice steers $8.00 08.50 Good steers 7.-'.i 'i; 7. 77. Medium steers 7.00 47.25 Choice cows 6.507.50 Good cows 6.2&36.o0 Medium cows 6.00S.25 Choice calves 8.00I&9.00 Good heavy calves 6.50f7.50 Bulls 4.U0I&6.00 Hon Light 8.50fl.00 Heavy 7.50 i 7.90 Sheep Wethers . 4.00(84.75 Ewes 3.UOIW4.B0 Lambs 5.00 y 6.75 Omaha, Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. July 1. Cattle Receipts. 2100: market, lower; native steers. S7. 10rt?)S.5n: nnws and heifers. 85.25 tH 7.75: Western steers, $667.50: Texas steers, $5.50 7.25; range cows ana neiters. ti.uumi: calves. 57 9.50. Hoes Receipts. I3.8"n; marKet. turner. Heavy. $8.45 8.62 : light. $8.551.8.85; pigs. $6i&7-io: DulK or sales. i3.imwo.w. Hheep tceceipis. low; maraei lower. Yearlings. $4.50(fj6; wethers, $4.25 8 5.00; lambg. $,-..80''v7.25. The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE Toronto, Canada. Established 1887. general banking . transacted.. business Interest paid on time deposits. Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks Issued. PORTLAITD BRANCH, Corner Second and Stark Sts. . F. C. MA LP AS, Manager. white, C2t. .--c; No. 2 yellow, 010tc; No. 3, 604llc; NO. 3 white, 01(S02c; No. S yellow, B0g61c; No. 4, 5Si60c: No. 4 white, 5914 461 c; No. 4 yellow, 59 H 60 c. Rye No. 2, 6161C Barley. 50(g65c. Timothy, $3.75 4.75. Clover seed, nominal. paseag French European Grata Markets. LONDON, July 1. Cargoes on- easy. English country markets quiet; country markets quiet. LIVERPOOL. July 1. Wheat Spot ir regular: futures steady. July, 7s 5d; Oc tober, 7s 3d; December, 7s Sd. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, July 1. Wheat July, 89c; September. 91lc. Cash: No. 1 hard. 92c: No. 1 Northern, 9191c; No. 2 Northern. 89&90e; No. 2 hard Mon tana, 88 89c; No. 3 wheat, 8788c. . Grains in Sah Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. July -1. Spot quota tions: Walla Walla, $1.57 14 1.80: red Rus sian, S1.5T1.0O; Turkey red, 81. 70 1.72; bluestem. $1.70 1.72; feed barley. $1.321.35; l'rewing' barley. nominal; white oats. $1.551.57: bran. $28.5027; middlings. $31&32; shorts, $2828.5U. Call board sales: Barley, easy. December, -$1.37 per cental; May; $1.33 bid. 81.35 asked per cental. TRAVELERS' GCTDE. HAM Largest SSCo. iu the WORLD AMERICAN 400 Ship ,303i819 TONS Cal A Hecla. . . .4aO jOld Dominion Centennial w lusceola ..... Coo Ran Con Co S9:Quincy E Butts Cop M. 10Shannon ...... Kranklin ....... 5 Sup & Boa Min. Giroux Con lITamarack Granby Con ... 55 U S S R gt M . . Greene Cananea. 5, do preferred.. I lujano (t-iail v.on Kerr Lake. Lake Copper. . . . La Salle Copper 44 14 8 25 t 7 8T s 22 39 i'iU 8 !Utah Conner Ct i-y 7 Winona 14 3iWolverino 44 - Money, Lxchange, Etc. NEW - YORK, July 1. Money on call steady, 12' per cent; ruling rata. 2; closing bid. 1 ; offered at 2. Time loans steady; 60 days, 8 8 per cent; 90 days. 33 4: six months, 5ffl.5 per cent, Close: Prime mercantile paper. 6 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.8310 for 60 day bills, and at $4.S60O for demand. Commercial bills, $4.82. Bar silver, 5Sc. Mexican dollars, 48c Government bonds weak; railroad bonds steady. LONDON. July 1. Bar silver easy. 28 13-ld per ounce. Money. 3g3 per cent. The rate, of discount In the open market tor short" bills is 4 1-14 per cent: for three months' bills, - 4 4 6-1S per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, July 1. Silver bars ;sc. Mexican dollars, nominal. ' Urafts. sight lc. telegraphy 4c. Sterling in Ixndon. 69 days. $4.S6 ; sight. ?.S7.' Condition of the Treasury. w-s-KWJNaxciii. July 1. The condition o Before you form an opinion on paving, inspect different Portland streets. Note the plain su periority of bitulitbJc both from the standpoint of present worth and future 'economy. XV Over i 1 "IMPERATOR" World's largest ehitj will SAIL. FROM NEW YORK Saturday July 19, 10 A. M. Saturday Aug. 9. 11 A. M. Saturday Aug. 30, 9 A, M, and every three weeks thereafter. -Enabling passengers to arrive lo LONDON and PARIS on sixth and In HAMBURG on seventh day. tiookn now open for season. LONDON, PARIS. HAMBURG. SFretorla ,July 12, 1 P.M. Pres.. Grant .July 16, U A.M. Umperatur July 19, 10 A-M. Amerika July 23, 9 A.M. Pres. Lincoln July 24. 12 noon 'VPcnaHylvania. . . .July 31. 3 P.M. Kaiserln Aug. Vic. Aug. 2, 9 A.M. tlmperator Aug. 9, 11 A.M. tgPatricia. ...... .Aug. 9. 12 noun Amerika Aug. 21, 11 A.M. 32a cauin only. Will call at Boulogne. tINew. tHamburg direct. S. Pennsylvania and ft. S. Pretoria sail from, nfw pier, foot of 33d St.. South Brooklyn. Alt other sailings in this service from our Hoboken viers. MEDITERRANEAN Gibraltar. Naules and Genoa (E7AU steamers of this servlct leave from' NtW TIER. S3rt st 6. Brooklyn. Take 3Utb-M ferry H. S. Moltke ( 1.500 Tops). July 15. 8 P.M. S. S. Hamburc (11.000 Tons) Aug. S. 10 A.M. 8. S. Moltke Aug. 28. 11 A.M. 8. B. Hamburg. .Sept. 17, 10 A.M. Cruises to th. land of the Mid night Sob, July and August. Our Touriftt Dept. arranges tours by rail or steamer to all parts of the world. ' Write for information HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE. 160 Powell su. San Francisco, Cat.; boutneni racmc io., to 6th st. O.-W. R. & N. Co.. Nor. Pa. elfic D- K. o. K. R.. Burl ington Kute. Milwaukee A rugei tsouna tt. k., jrei Lortnern Railway Co- aorsey s. bmitn. 6V m st., roruand. uregon. J.C. WILSON & CO. STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN AND COTTON. MEMBERS XEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE, BAN IRAN CISCO. PORTLAND OFFICE: Lwis Building, 269 Oak Street. Phones Maxskali 4120. A 4187. EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Franriscn and Los Angeles WlTHOl'T CHANGE. S. S- BEAR noils 9 A. M.. July . -S. S. KOSF. CITY', July 11. THE SAN FRANCISCO JC PORTLAND 8. a. CO., Tirket Office 3d and Washing ton. With O.-W. R. N. Co. Phone Marshall 4600. A 6121. NEW YOEK - PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Rites. Schedule "rime. AaYiERlCAIi-HAWAIlAN S. S. CO. tls Railway Exchange Bldg Portland. Or. atria 1378- A 0t. by the prompt and efficient service rendered by our Collection Department This is just one of the features of this thoroughly equipped commercial bank which is of distinct value to our patrons. United States National Bank Surplus and Capital, $2,000,000 Third and Oak. We Invite Correspondence Whether or not you decide to establish banking relations with the Lumbermens National Bank, we would like the opportunity of pointing out the various advantages of our services. . - LUMBERMENS National, bank Resources 7 Millions. Fifth and Stark LADD & TIL.TON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. ....... ......... 1,000,000.09 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and traveler checks issued, available in all parts of the world. omciiu, W. M. Ladd, President. Kobert S. Howard. Asst. Cashlaa Edward Cooking-ham. Vloa-FTaa, j. W. Ladd. Aest. Cashier. W. H. Dunckloy, Caahler. Walter M. Cook. Asat. Cashier. First Blationa 1 Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 900,000 Oldest National Bank West of th Rocky Mountains FIRST AND WASHINGTON STS. A BANK FOR ALL PEOPLE The Security Savings and Trust Company FIFXH AND MORRISON STREETS 'Capital and Surplus, $1,400,000 Established 1890 THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of San Francisco rounded 1864 Capital Paid In $8,500,000 Sm-plus and Undivided Profits. ... $8,050,061 Commercial Banking and Savings Departments PORTLAND OFFICE Third and Stark Streets E2lPaARIFF REDUCTION AND INVESTMENTS TV own and offer at Par. ?100a share and accrued interest-, several Odd and Fractional Lots of Public CtlHty. Munirlpsl and Industrial SenrltiM, alt with steady dividend-paying records, nnd no Bonded Indfhtednefia what ever, all Investigated and adme financed by us. Convert, biHiy into Ciutta is assured through our custom oi repurchasing securities boucht. f us at any time, s.t I'ar and Avrrned Intrrst. -less a n. handlniK char?s of 1 ; one lot C Benefited by Tariff JK.-durUon and netting T Cumulative Preferred Interest Preferred aa to assets and di'.tdrds: poseesetn? in addition to the penerous Inter eat return, exceptional safeguards wirh respect to thoir status and position as s-nior securities. They are usiesn to thieves, at we register t htrii fr of chnrg in the purchaser's name, and replace them in 3i?e of fire or accidental lose. To out the- ot r? offer a Bonus-of Two Sbaresof Common with ech Ten Shsres of Pre ferred. Enterprise of merit fiaaneed. Information on RequcM. WILLIAM C. KEYNES, 1 BROAD STREET. NEW TORK. TKAVKI-EKS- GCIDK. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder. Sail Every Wednmdtr Alternately at it JP. M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. 133 Third Mt. Phones Main 1314. A 1314. TRAVELERS' GUtBB. SYDNEY IKCST llF San Frinrijm to Australia. 19 days via Honolulu and Samoa, the aUrxr'.i-.-r md pleass.nfc routs, vinter or summer. Splendid 10,000 ton inwmers (classed Dy oniisa i;oydi 1WJ Al). $110 HOH 010 ID 6retIas round trip SYINEY 53Q0 $325 GRAND TOUR SOUTH SEAS $325 Horofula, Samoa, Australia, V Zealand, Tahiti, etc. $300 1st class Round the World End class $380 isitins 5 continentsand world's iirat jr.;ce (stopKTrs Hofisiulu Sailings June 17 July 1, 15. 29. etc Sydnsy twy 28 days, July 1, 29. Aug. M etc. Send for folder. 0sinic S. (. Co- 673 Marktt St- San Frincltca COOS BAY LINE STEAilSlili' "BKt.KWATKK sal",6 fron Albers Dock. -o, :i, Portland at S A. A. June 4, i. 14. 19. 24. 29. July 4, S. 14, 10. 24 29. thereaftir every five days. A. M. Kreight received dally until 5 P. M. except day previous to saiilr:;, previous day 4 PM. Passeuger tares: First-class. $10: second-class. ST. including berth aid maaia. Ticket office at Albers Dock No 3. PORTLAND A COOS BAY S. S. LIVE. U H. KEATJLNO. A sent. Phune Main 58S3. A 0141. Drain-Coos Bay Auto Line Now'Dally to MarshCleld. Wire reservations to O. ilattoon. Drain. Oregon. New York may officially set aside p i-ide asphalt, space just north of T ul'.'ii Square for a rfjrnanent flower market.