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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1913)
13 Z&C Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts Providing They Are Paid in Full on or Before the 10th No Stamps Given on Amounts Carried Forward 5000 Yards of National Bunting, Fast Colors, at 5c Per Yard Decorate Now Emergency Hospital, Rest Rooms, Retiring Rooms, Public Telephones, Etc, on Second Floor Special 25c Lunch served daily in the Basement. Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement. s Have your friends meet you here. All Oregon Electric ears from the Willamette Valley stop at our ; doors.: All city cars transfer to this store. Parcels checked here free of eharge. . Sole Portland agents for Standard "Central Needle" Sewing -Machines. Sold on the $1.00 a week easy . pay-.ment- club plan. ." Lifetime guarantee. Wednesday Hourly Sales 'tnitti In the Basement Store Reliable . Merchandise Reliable Methods The best ventilated toy-in the West! Complete change of . water-washed, ; water-cooled air throughout ; the entire", store 1 building every twenty .minutes. All items listed below will be on sale during the hour specified only. None snown bet ore or alter time as stated. .Double btamps with cash purchases. Store Hour 8:30 to 5:30 Daily, Except Saturday. Saturday Hours 9:30 A. M. to i30 P. M. From 9 to lO A. M. THE MOItNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JTJIY 2, 1913. "Double S famtp Any Trimmed Hat for $1.98 Values Up to $10 A Sensational Millinery Offering for Wednesday That Will Attract Hun dreds of Thrifty Women Be One to Get First Choice Basement A thousand beautiful trimmed Hats in this re markable offering for today our entire stock of this season 's smartest styles in small, medium and large shapes, with trimmings of flowers, ribbons, silks, etc., in all the newest colorings. Hemps, Milans and fancy straws of excellent qualities. Hats in this immense lot worth up to $10 and a great many of them are $6.50 and $7 values. Take ;.your choice today only at this CP t QC price. None on approval. None exchanged P O ft1 ,,v !'' 17' J 2-for-l Stamps With All Cash Purchases of 10c or OverGroceries Excepted If you are In earnest in your desireto reduce' the high: cost of living, visit, our Busy Basement .today and profit by the hundreds of splendid bargains offered in the various departments. In addition' to the extreme loy prices we. will give, Double ."S. & H." Green Trading Stamps with all cash purchases amounting to 10c or more groceries alone excepted.' Thousands of bfeautiful and useful premiums given away absolutely free. .See them in the Premium Parlors, Fourth Floor. omens TaUor'd Suits : Worth From $15 to $25 On Sale for One Day at Fancy Mixtures, Novelty Worsteds, Diagonals, Colored and Cream Serges' and Many Other Novelty Weaves. Odd Suits From This Season's Best-Selling Lines, Mostly Plain Tailored Styles, ; Serviceable for All Year Round Wear. Good Assortment of Sizes for Women and Misses. There are exactlylOO suits in this special lot and they are sure to be closed out quickly, so; it is advisable that you, come in the morning. Many of these splendid suits are worth fronv $15 to $25, so you can judge for yourself what a remark able bargain they are. Every garment is first class in every respect, with the best of tailoring and -materials and the styles are thoroughly up to date. Women who now desire a- tailored . suit to" pieoe out the Summer season or for early Fall ' wear will take quick advantage of this extraordinary sale. The ZJO assortment contains nearly all sizes for women and misses. Choice pOi0 $2Corsetsi.29 BasementAnother great all-day sale of those famous $2 Corsets. Hundreds of women buy these at the regular price ; and consider them bargains. Five dif ferent , models to select, from. Extra good grade coutil with non-rusting steel bonings, 6 hose supporters attached, and finished with fine laces and embroid eries, with draw string. . ' Sizes from 19 to 30. . Regular $2 Cor- fljl OQ sets ' 'on ' sale today at "'., $1 Corsets at 63c Basement A splendid light weight mod el for Summer wear. Style suitable for . the average figure, with hose supporters attached. Splendid $1 Corsets. Sizes range from 19 to 30. On 8alo?Q Wednesday at " low price, each "- $5.00 Hat Shapes at 50c Basement Small, medium and large sizes in Hemps, Milans and Novelty straws. Good seasonable styles and colors. Regular EZ(f values up to $5.00 on sale today at Millinery Flowers at lOc Basement 2000 bunches of beautiful Millinery Trimming : Flowers of . every conceivable kind and color. Large or small. Flowers ;W fg worth up to $1 now on sale at, bunch "" Boys' $5 and $6 Staffs, Special, at $3,85 Sizes for Boys 6 to 17 Years of Age In the Basement Store We took all the manufacturer had of these splendid suits,.for we saw at a glance they were most unusual values and you'll say so, too, when you see them. Ordinarily such suits would sell at $5 and $6, but for one day we place them on sale in the Basement Store at $3.85. Made from excellent wear-tested materials, fabrics that are sure to give the boy most satisfactory service. They are well tailored, with hand-padded shoulders and cut in standard sizes. Attractive new patterns in tan, browns, grays, etc, in medium or dark colorings. Many of them have two pairs of pants. Just such suits as mothers will want tor their boys vacation' or school wear. '. Come in all ages tor boys irom 6 to 17 years of age. Deuble S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with cash purchases in the Basement fifij today. Boys' regular $5.00 and $6.00 Suits on; sale, today in the Basement at very low price of jJ0J 30 Dozen Boys' $l.O0 Knicfcciocicr Panis at 79c Full Line of Sizes From 5 to 16 Years In the Basement An all-daysale of Boys' Knickerbocker Pants that. will attract many parents to this store to day. For vacation and . outing wear they are just what is needed. Materials include fine corduroys' and smart tweed effects in browns and grays. Extraordinarily. well made pants, peg top; cut extra full. Double S. & 7Q H. Trading stamps with all cash purchases in the Basement today, groceries excepted. Boys' $1 Pants at Men's 25c Ties 1 2V2C Basement 125, dozen Men's ; Washable Summer Ties at-half-price -today;. Scores "of attract ive patterns in neat stripes, dots and Jacquard effects in all the wanted colorings. "Medium width, reversible styles. Many men will improve this opportunity and buy them by the doz;en. Standard 25c values, on sale to- "t OI, day. at half price. Reg. 25c Ties JLaW. Zt Men's Bankok Straw Hats Vz Off Great One-Day Special Main Floor See Morrison-Street Window In the Men's Store on the Main Floor today -we offer Men's Bankok Straw Hats at just half price. (' Light in weight and very serviceable one of this season's most popular straws. The assortment embraces all the latest .blocks for both men and young men. Here, men, is an opportunity that you cannot well afford fa to miss. Choice of a great many styles. All are now reduced 'IPS Popular LastsAll Widths, Sizes In the Basement. The busiest shoe, department in the city proof that the values we off er are not to be "had elsewhere. 1500 pairs women's and misses' high-grade 6hoes on sale today at $1.98 a pair.. Patents;. Suedes, Gunmetal, Vici Kid, tans, velvets, etc. good dependable leathers and f "t QQ popular lasts. All sizes. All widths. Values to. $5.00 now at P -- Men's $3.50 and $4 Shoes $2.48 In the. Basement Men who pay $3.50 and $4.00 for their shoes should take a few-moments.' time and visit pur Basement today. ' We buy shoes for less than any store in -town and sell, them at a like reduction. 1800 pairs men's high-grade Shoes in Patent,; Gunmetal and Vici Kid. . Button or lace styles, with Goodyear welt soles. All sizes. ; Regular $3.50 and $4.00 ; ZJO fj Q grades. - On 6ale for today in - the . Basement Store,' the pair PW0 THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR T I 2 O Free Stamps Clip out this coupon, and present It, accom ' panled by a cash galescheck amounting to 60c or more, at stamp booth and receive lOtf&CGreenTradingStamps In addition to the resrular stamps which are given with-i. purchase. Void after Ausrust 1. 3 1 OLDS," WORTMAN & KING li 1 if Gevuirtz Stock-of Kitchen Furnishings On Sale at About Half Regular Prices - Cooking Utensils, Cutlery, Lamps, Hardware, Fancy China, Silverware, Cut Glass, Dlnnerware, Nickel Tea and Coffee Pots, and hundreds of other articles, comprising the entire Gevurtz stock of housefurnishings, on sale in the Basement at about half regular selling prices. Here's a . sale that should be of interest to every .woman in Portland. Owing to lack of space we cannot display this entire stock at one time, but as fast as lines are closed oat new ones take their place. Basement. Stamp Booth is on the Main Floor Regular $7.00 Dinner Sets (six decorations), now at S3.50 Gevurts entire stock of Statuary at ONE -HALF PRICE Gevurtz stock of Electric Portable Lamps, HALF PRICE Gevurts' stock of Oil Lamps, many styles, HALF PRICE Gevnrta stock of Jardinieres, special at HALF PRICE Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, on sale at, special, HALF PRICE Great bargains in Decorated China Plates, Sugars and Cream ers, Salad Bowls, Cake Plates, Berry Sets, etc, etc. Come! Bargains in ' Kitchen Furnishings, Carving Sets, Silverware 14-inch Bail-Bearing Lawn Mowers, special at only $4.50 50-foot Garden Hose, complete with nozzle, special, 4.50 Screen Doors, siae 2.6x6.6, special Wednesday at 51.13 Screen Doors, size 2.8x6.8, special for Wednesday at $1.22 Fancy Screen Doors, sizes 2J.0x6.10, specially priced, $2.03 Fancy Screen Doors, size 3x7, specially priced at $2.16 Wednesday Sale of Notions and Small Wares Bargain Circle, Main Floor, Between ihe Elevators ff&s. 100-yJ. Spool Cotton, all colors. 4d 100-yd. Spool Cotton, a dozen 454 Spool Silk. l&rsrA snools. onlv Vi 6c Spool Cotton, 200 yds., only 44 Largre-slze Curling; Irons only , 8c 25c Sewing Machine Oil now at X5i fgf Cube Pins, all colors, special at 4 nairpins. six in a pacRage, snell or amber, special now at only 10S Hairpins, three on a card, now xO Hairpins, six on a card, now at 5 25o Roll-up Tape Measures at 154 Barrettes. In all styles, for only 104 Sillc Hair Nets, special five for 104 10c Pearl Buttons, all sizes, at 64 25c Skirt Markers, special only S4 Wire Coat Hangers, special for 34 10c Safety Pins, special at, ea. Ttf 6c Mildred Hair Nets, special at 34 10c Bias Folds, all sizes, white 54 Sanitary Aprons and Belt for 504 Child's JOc Hose Supporters at 124 Needles, regular 5c kind, pkg:. SW4 15c Silk Seam Binding-, 9 yards 84 10c Wire Hairpins, special only 54 Be Collar Supports, odd, ends. 2)64 "White Cotton Tape, 4-yd. pieces 2 White Linen Tape, assort'd pes. 3 Collapsible Trouser Hangers at 104 25o Wash Trimmings, six-yard 184 Dress Fasteners, white, black, 2 Vi 4 Snap Fasteners, white, black, 54 Sonomore Fasteners, dosen at 44 Demonstration and Sale KteinertDress Shields Notion Department on Main Floor, near Tenth - St. Entrance. 22c Kleinert Juno Shields, No. 3, at 15. 25c Kleinert 's Juno Shields, No. 4, at 17 30c Kleinert 's Juno Shields, No. 5, at 20 50c Kleinert 's Eton Shields, all sizes, 35J 25c No. 2 Double Gem, 3 pr. 50c; pair 18 27c No. 3 Double Gem, 3 pr. 60c; pair 22 30c No. 4 Double Gem, 3 pr. 65o; pair 23 Attend demonstration at Notion Counter "2-itv-V House Dresses 1.1 Center Circle, Main Floor Special one-day sale of the famous "2-in-1" House Dresses. Very practical, can be worn as house dress or kimono and are ad justable to any size waist measure. Made from best quality ginghams, chambrays and nurse's stripes. A variety of attractive patterns, also in plain colors. Neatly trimmed, high or low neck, 3J 1 "1 O long or short sleeves. Choice P X J. 27 Middy Blouses 55c For one hour, rrom a to 10 A. M., misses' Middy Blouses of good heavy ma-C?fif teriala. Sizes 18 to 20, at S5c Corset Covers 19c For one hour, irom V to XO A. M. dainty Corset Covers, trimmed with laces, "f etc. All sizes, bpecial each Boys - Shirts 19c For one hour, from 9 to 10 A. M., Boys Shirts of good grade materials, tan f only. All sixes. Special at f Huck Towels 95c Doz. 17x34 inches, heavy cotton huek towels, with col ored borders. Very absorb- Q C ent. Special the dozen at'' Window Shades 33c For one hour, from 9 to 10 A. M., sale of 300 Win dow Shades. Standard sizes. O 0 Green only. Each at special 00C. Women's Juliets 98c For one hour, from 9 to 10 A. M., comfortable and very durable. Rubber heels. Q IS Fine soft kid. Special, pairOl From 10 to 11 A. M. Wash Suits $1.00 From 10 to 11 A. M., Women's Wash Suits in white and colors. Odd lines. J?"J Cf Some a little soiled PJLmJl7 Child's Dresses 48c For one hour, from 10 to 11 A. M., Children's new style Wash Dresses of fine Jj Qg materials. Ages 2 to 6, at O Wool Serge 39c For one hour, from 10 to 11 A. M., 35-in. Cream Wool Serge in splendid weight OQa and quality, 60c-yd. grade Feather Pillows S9c For one hour, from 10 to 11 A. M., Good size feath er pillows, covered with OQ fancy ticking. Special at-' Bed Spreads 89c For one hour, from 10 to 11 A. M., f ull double-bed size white Bed Spreads. Q Of Marseilles patterns, each-''' Trimmed Hats 8c For one hour, from 10 to 11 A. just 100 Hats in this line. Newest shapes. O Handsomelv trim'd. $5 valsVOC From 11 to 12 M. 1 Torchon Laces Sc For one hour, from 11 to 125000 yards fine Tor chon Laces, narrow or wide. Of Regular 5o and 10c grades, at-"' White Waists 39s For one hour, from 11 to 12, line sheer white lawn Waists, trimmed with OQ laces and tucks. All sizes -f Boys' Sweaters 29e For one hour, from 11 to 12. Boys' and youths' wool sweaters, $1 val., good O Ckr heavy grade, 34 to 40. at 29c Pants at 19c For ona hour, from 11 to 12. Women's fine knit pants. Loose or tight-fit- ting knee. Swiss ribbed JC 50c Jewelry at 15c For one hour, from 11 to 12. Monster sale of fancy Jewelry. Hundreds or nov- T CZf elties. Values to 50c, at-.Ot Cotton Ch allies, 19c For one hour, from 11 to 12. 36-inch Ch allies in rich Oriental colorings. Will 1Q wash well. Special, yard at1' From 12 to 1 P.M. 60cf Flouncings l&c For one hour, from 12 to 1. 27-inoh Fine Swiss Embroidery Flouncings in "J Qs neat designs. 35c to 60o val. w Curtain Materials 8c For one hour, from 12 to 1 Mill Ends of Curtain goods in lengths np to 12 yds. 15c values, on sale at the yard-'1' Linen Coats $1.59 For one hour, from 12 to 1. Heavy linen crash trav eling coats, full length sZg TQ plain styles. 100 in lot pS..7 Lisle Gloves 85c For one hour, from 12 to lw Colors black, white, tan, gray, biscuit, 16-but- 05T ton length, 2-clasp style, pr. OfcJl Boys' Overalls 29c For one hour, from 12 to 1. Extra good grade blue denim, trimmed with redOQp or blue. Sizes 3 to 10 yrs.'2'' Pongee Silks 44c For one hour, from 12 to 1. 36-inch Pongee Silks. Best American make. Rich J kg finish. Special, the yard ' From 1 to 2 P. M. $1.50 House Dresses, 95c For one hour from 1 to 2 Women's House Dresses in light and dark Q colors. Regular $1.50, onlyf--5c, 10c Laces at lc yard For one hour from 1 to 2 -Val., Torchon and Novelty Lace Insertions. ' At- "1 tractive patterns. A yard at-- $1.00 Fancy Silks, 47c For one hour from 1 to 2 1800 rich fancy silks Foulards, Checks, k7g. Stripes, etc. Vals. to $1.00" Wash Goods, 9c a yard For one hour from 1 to 2 Sale of 2000 yds. dainty Wash Fabrics, newestirf shades. Special price, the yard' " $1.00 Corsets at 58c For one hoar from 1 to 2 Four splendid new models for the average fig-fij Qf ure. Sizes 18 to 30, Reg. $l-OC-$1.50 Parasols, 95c For one hour from 1 to 2. Women's fancy Para sols in plain or novelty pat- Q CT terns. Regular $1.50 vals.f From 2 to 3 P. M. Suits and Dresses, $4.95 For 1 hour from 2 to 3 Just 100 in this lot, good materials, good G?2 OCT styles; $10 to $20 at fv Boys' Pants, 25c Pair For one hour from 2 to 3 Sale of Boys Cotton Worsted Pants, bloome r 9?- style, neat patterns, at only- Children's Hose, 9e For one hour from 2 to 3 Fine ribbed Cotton Hose with double heel and tot.Q Black, tan, 15o grade, a pair' Embroideries, 9c a yard For one hour from 2 to 3 Beautiful deep embroidery flouncings. ManyQ designs. Special the yard, at'' 60c Dress Goods, 25c For one hour from 2 to 3 Double width Dress Goods in neat mixed tweed OCJ effects. Values to 50c, at-' Infants' Sleepers, 29c For one hour from 2 to 3 Baby Bunting Sleeping Garments. Medium weight. OQ, Extra grade. 75o quality" 2M- From 3 to 4-P. M. 5c Toilet Soap, 2c For one hour from 3 to 4 1000 cakes Oatmeal Toilet Soap, 2-oz. size. On saleO today, special at, a cake"'' Cotton Blankets, 78c For one hour from - 3 to 4. Gray and tan color blankets-with fancy border. rO Size 53x72 inches, at only Leather Belts, 25c For one hour from 3 to 4 Men's fine Leather Belts in black, tan and gray. O CSf. Regular 50c values, at only-" Bed Sheets at S8o For one hour from 3 to 4 Full bed size, of heavy grade bleached cotton. A OO, great bargain. Each, onlyOC Gingham Petticoats, 39c For one hour from 3 to 4 Women's Ging ham Petticoats, neat stripe OQn patterns; deep flounces, atOJ'O lZVfcc Cotton Vests, 7V2c For one hour from 3 to 4 Women's low neck, Bleeveless vests inJ7JU neat styles. 12Vc grade ZC From 4 to 5 P. M. 85c Silks, 29c a yard For one hour from 4 to 5 Plain Taffeta, Silk Poplins and Surah Silks in O Q great variety. 85c Silks at''' $1.25 Neckwear, 48c For one hour from 4 to 5 Ratine and Venise Lace Collars in a great many Oz styles. $1.00 and $1.25 vals.O 15c Crepe Voiles, 10c For one hour from 4 to 5 Beautiful, soft, crepy Voiles in check or stripe "jf g patterns. Special at, a yard " Children's Dresses, 19c For one hour from 4 to 5 Stylish little Dresses for play wear; neat f Gg patterns, sizes 1 to 4 years 75c Union Snits, 45c For one hour from 4 to 5 Men's fine Balbriggan Union Suits. All sizes. Reg-5 ular 75c grade, on sale atC 35c Union Suits, 23c For one hour from 4 to 5 Women's fine cotton Union Suits in low neck, O Q sleeveless style. At price of OC HOOD RIVER ROAD ASSURED Agreement Signed With O.-VV. Ii. & N. Relative to Rlgrht-of-War. : The last Impediment to the con struction of Multnomah County's . end of the Tortland-Hood River road has been swept away with the' County Commissioners' signature to an agree ment with the O.-W. R. & N. relative to right-of-way. This agreement was submitted to District Attorney Evans and was accepted as satisfactory af ter some changes he suggested as necessary to protect absolutely the county's Interests were acquiesced In by the railway officials. Camps, some of which will be manned by convicts, are to be established at once, it was announced at the County Commissioners' office,, and construction work rushed. It is probable a special road engineer will be employed to guide the project. Commissioner Hol man has stated that he has . such a man in mind, although refusing to uivulge the name. Indications are strong that H. ' B. Chapman, general supervisor of coun ty road construction. Is to be super seded soon, and It is likely If a. change Is made that the man selected to take charge of the Hood River road will be his successor. Samuel Lancaster, strongly indorsed by Samuel Hill as a scientific road builder, may get the job. An effort was made to have the Coun ty Commissioners employ Lancaster last Summer but it was unsuccessful. Thirteen states have boiler Inspection laws. OREGON1 STONE ADVOCATED Home Product for Federal Building to Be Topio at -Mass Meeting." "Oregon stone for the. new Federal building" will .be advocated tonight at a mass meeting of,'. labor and manufacturing interests in the hall at 205 First street, between Taylor and Salmon streets. The advantages of having stone for the new building quarried in Oregon and cut by Portland atoneoutters al ready have been pointed out to the Government officials. The Oregon dele gation in Congress is assisting the stonemen in their efforts to have Ore gon products used. The meeting tonight will be called to order by Andrew Wilson, president of the Stonecutters' Union. Addresses will be delivered by L. J. Blron, secretary Stonecutters' Union; E. Hofer, editor of The Manufacturer: H. N. Lawrle, Bureau of Mines and Geology: T. S. Mann, president of the Manufacturers' Association, representing the Chamber of Commerce: H. S. Parsons, Clgarmak ers Union, and Henry M. Parks, direc tor of the Bureau of Mines, Corvallla. A SPECIAIj "DOST." DON'T use a cough medicine that contains opium or morphine. It may stifle the cough, but It will constipate the bowels, keep the poison In the sys tem, and NOT cure the cold. Take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It contains no opiates, is.Boothing and healing, mildly laxative. It is a safe and reliable curative medicine. For sale by Huntley Bros., Fourth and "Washington streets. CLUB PLANS CELEBRATION Adults and Children of Irvington Will Be Kntertalned. The Irvington Club will celebrate the National holiday .on Its elub grounds Friday with a series of events. Pro gramma: 2 P. M., kindergarten exer cises; 2:4S, children's races, games, prizes will be awarded; 8. folk dances by the children; 8, dancing on the con crete tennis court. In case of rain the clubhouse will be used. A programme of patriotic selections will be sung by a chorus led by some of the best-known vocalists. An Invitation is extended on behalf of the Irvington Club to all residents of Irvington to participate In this celebra. tlon. . Children are invited and there will be plenty of amusement for them all, as well as plenty of refreshments. H. p. Palmer, Is chairman; G. P. Els man, secretary, and the following are on the committee: J. p. Menefee, C. F. Fisher, W. M. Kaput, George W. Cald well, C Lewis Mead, R. D. Carpenter, J. W. Creath, E. Z. Ferguson and W. J. Hofman. Big Grange Plcnlo Planned. ALBANY, Or- July 1. (Special.) One of the biggest Grange picnics ever held in the state will take place in Al bany's Chautauqua Park on July 4. Hundreds of members ef the Grange from all parts of Linn County will at tend, but the event is not limited to members of the Grange, for the com mittee having the celebration In charge has extended a general Invitation to everyone to attend. As Albany will hold no general celebration of the Fourth this year it is expected that a large crowd will attend the big picnic. Musical programmes, speeches and ath letic events will form the day's attrac tlona with a big basket dinner at noon. Excursion Take your family on the Fourth to Lake View Park, the new picnic grounds on Oswego Lake. Special train leaves Jeff erson-et. S. P. depot Julv th at 9:45 A. returning at 1:64 4:56 and 7:10 P. M. Buy tickets to Bryant Station, fare 30 cents round trip Boating, bathing. fishing. swings tables. For boat reservation or further information call Marshall 2379