Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 01, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Ritchie Should Not Be Heavy
Favorite, English Light
weight Declares.
Enclishman May Get Match for
Labor Day and Expects to Pass
Tear Her Before Returning to
Defend Lightweight Title.
That Willie Ritchie should not be a.
heavy favorite against Rivers July 4,
la the opinion of Freddie Welsh, the
premier English lightweight, who Is
in Portland on his way to see the fight
in San Francisco.
"I have boxed against both boys. I
defeated Willie Ritchie shortly before
he won his title. I have never boxed
on exhibition with Rivers, but have
met him in the gymnasiums in the
South," says Welsh.
"The odds at present are 10 to 7
against Rivers, and I believe that ring
Hide betting will find little backing at
10 to 6. But those are false odds.
Rivers has the ring generalship of a
veteran with 100 fights under his
belt He should not be worse than a
10-to-9 shortender in the betting."
Labor Day Bout Expect.
The outcome of this match Is of spe
cial interest to Welsh, for. if Ritchie
wins the battle, it Is probable he will
meet the Englishman In Canada on
Labor day. Welsh does not know what
effect the Ritchie-Nolan disagreement
will have on the proposed fight, but
believes that Ritchie will keep the
agreement which Nolan made.
The outcome of the McCarty-Pelkey
fight has had a big effect on Welsh's
Western tour. He had 12 fights ar
ranged in Canada for the next few
months, and of these only the bout
with "Young" Jack O'Brien at Van
couver July 12 is certain. Welsh is
trying to have this match postponed to
July 19 to enable him to look over
matters more thoroughly while in San
Welsh was to have met Kid Lucas
at Medicine Hat today, but the pro
moter of the affair, afraid of the po
lice, failed to send transportation as
agreed, so Harry Pollok, Welsh's man
ager decided to let the match go over
board. Bud Anderson Stands Well.
Welsh met Kid Scaler at Edmonton,
Alberta, the day of the McCarty
tragedy. His fight therefore deterior
ated into an exhibition.
"The chief of police stood In one cor
ner of the ring and his chief aide in
the-other. At each display of fists
the chief became nervous and warned
us to be careful. As a result, we did
no fighting but merely gave an hour's
stepping and dodging," says Welsh.
Welsh has never seen Bud Anderson
In action, but, from hearsay, he has
formed a good opinion of him.
The Englishman expects to stay in
the United States and on this side of
the Atlantic for another year, when he
will have to return home to defend the
Lonsdale belt, the beautiful trophy
representing the lightweight cham
pionship of England, which must be
defended in three successive battles
against any who have the class to
challenge. It has been won twice by
Vancouver Lightweight Agrees Xot
to Hit While Holding.
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. June SO. (Spe
cial.; Leacn Cross has scored one im
portant point in negotiating the terms
and conditions of his scrap Friday
afternoon with "Bud Anderson.
Articles of agreement were drawn
and signed today, and each posted his
lorielt of JuOO for weight and appear
ance. In framing the articles of agree
ment Cross secured the consent of An
derson that there would be no such
thing permitted as holding with one
iiand and hitting with the other..
Under the agreement between them
Anderson will have to do his infight
ing under changed conditions, and. it
will not increase his chances to any ex
tent. Is the opinion of many of the
New York 1 1, "Philadelphia 10.
York won the opening game of the
series here today in ten Innings by
11 to 10 and captured first place in
the National League race. The errors
of the homo players were ccstly. A
muff by Magce and a fumble of Pas
kert in the fourth Inning contributed
three runs to New York, and Doolan
made three of his four errors In the
fifth and seventh sessions. Four of
Philadelphia's runs were largely the
result of misplays on the part of the
visiting rtelders. Philadelphia took a
lead of 5 to 0 in the first three in
nings by piling up six hits, with
fumble by Snodgrass. The home play
ers made two errors in the first,- but
Beaton got out of the trouble by strik
ing out Doyle and Merkle. Wiltze went
to the rubber in the fourth. Jlathew
son later took Wiltze's place. Shafer
was benched In the eighth inning.
which was pitched by Chalmers, for
disputing a .decision at second base.
His place was taken by Herzog. Alex
ander pitched the last two innings.
Xew Tork I
Burns.r. . fi o -j u 0 Paskert.m. 5
Shafer.3.. 3 2 0 2 0Knabe,2. . . 4
Henog.i;. 1 1 2 0 0 Lobert,3.. . 6
Kltcher,B 1 0 1 llMagee.l 0
Coyle.2... 4 q 1 1 2;Cravath,r. 5
Merkle.l.. 0 10 0 OILuderua.l. 4
Murray.l. 4 n 2 0 OlDoolan.s. . 4
Meyera.c. 6 8 8 2 OiKlllifer.c. 5
rjnods'a.m 5 4 5 0 liSeaton.p.. 3
Tesreau.p. 10 0 1 0Chalm'rs.p 0
AT Rise. p.. 2 0 0 1 lAl'x'nder,p 0
M'h'aon.p 10 0 10 Miller 1
M'C'rm'kf 110 0 !Dolan.. . 0
IBcker". 1
IWalnhf 1
IKowley; ... 0
3 3 0 1
10 4 0
2 0 2 0
2 10 1
S 1 00
0 13
0 6 5 4
6 3 0
1 10
0 o
o o
o 0
0 0
0 o
o o
0 o
Totala. . .42 12 30 5 Total . 43 18 30 17 7
Ti-iattea lor Tesreau in loi ftn.
Batted for Chalmera in e'thth
Ran for Miller in eighth
Batted for Doolan In I Ith.
Batted for Alexander in loth.
IRan for Walsh in luth,
New Tork 00OIS0400 111
Philadelphia 1 04 110310 010
Rum Shafer. Fletcher, tooyle, Merkle 3,
Murray, Meyers 2, Snodgrass 2, Paskert 2,
j.oDert ,s jkiagee rr&vai a a. uoian. Two
base hits Shafer. Merers. Cravath. Three-
base hit Paskert. Hits Off Tesreau, 6 in
a innings; on wntse. 6 in a innings (none
out in 7th); off Mathewson. -1 in 4 innings;
off Seaton. 10 in 7 innings: off Chalmers,
none In 1 Inning: ofC Alexander, 2 in 2.
Sacrifice hit Knabe. Sacrifice file Mur
ray. Lumrai Stolen bases Fletcher,
Snograas. Herzog, Knabe. I-obeit. Dolan
J, eft on bases rw York 7. Philadelphia 6.
Base on balls Off Tesreau 1. off Seaton 1
off Chalmers 1. First base on balls New
York 3. Philadelphia 3. Struck out By
i esreau o, uv w nise o, Dy Aiatnewson 2,
' hy Seaton 4. by Chalm-s 1. Wild pitch
Seaton. Time 2:45. vnipires Klera and
Chicago 12, Pittsburg 2
CHICAGO, June 30. Jimmy Laven-
' ' " t ' "I
.J ?
I f
U t i
S. y -1 f tw y I
t y $' U VS " 1
i I t k
? ti ,
yC-y 5 y. J
ir-y " 1 ' K 2
I y "
der was almost invincible today and
held Pittsburg to three hits and Chi
cago won, 12 to 2. Chicago pounded
Camnlti so hard that he was , forced
to retire in favor of Cooper, who was
equally as easy for the locals. He
gave way to Fred Eyars, a. recruit
pitcher from Brown University,, who
made his debut In the big league today.
He pitched a fairly good game and
contributed the final hit for the vis
itors. Score:
Pittsburg I
8 2 OlLeach.m... 4 3 100
arey.l... 3
0 2 0
2 4 0
2 1
8 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 00
Willlama.m 10 2
0 0
V'lox.2 3
Butler.a... 2
Evera.2.... 3 8 2
3 0
tchulte,r. .
3 2-00
U'Carthy.a 1
T.Miller.l. 4
Wilson.r.. 2
10 0 0
8 111
1 10 10
0 3 0 0
114 0
0 0 0 0
2 5 2 1
10 0 0
Saier.l. . . .
Mensor.r. . 1
Kom'ers.m 4
oleman.c. 3
6 4 0
wamnitz.p. 1
hooper, p.. 0
Hendrlx. 1
Eayera.p.. 1
0 OlArcher.c.
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 10
Totals. .29 S24 16 2 Totals.. .36 13 27 11 2
Batted for Cooper In fifth.
Pittaburs 2 O O O O O 0 O 0 2
Chicago 1 0 3 6 1 0 1 0 12
Runs Carey. Vlox. Leach 3. Evera 4.
Schulte 2, Zimmerman, Archer. Lavender.
Two-baae hita Evert, Schulte, Zimmerman.
Three-base hit W. Miller. Home run
Schulte. Hits Off Camnlti 0 in 3 Innings
(none out In fourth), oft Cooper 4 in 1 in
ning, off Eayera 5 In 4 Innings. Sacrifice
hit BrldwelL Stolen base Zimmerman.
Douhle play Byrne to Miller. Left on baaea
Chlcaro 8. PittsburK D. Base on balle
Off Lavender 4. off Camnltz 2. off Eayen 5.
Hit by pitcher- By Lavender (Byrne). Struck
out By Lavender 4. by camnltz 1, by
Eayera 4. Time 2:05. Umplrea Quigley
and Emalie.
Boston 9, Brooklyn 1.
BROOKLYN, N. T.. June 30 Boston
knocked Rucker out of the box in the
fourth inning, winning from Brook
lyn. 9 to 1. They were' getting to Wag
ner when Callahan was sent in to
bat for him. Allen was hit hard in
the eighth, when two doubles, two
singles, a pass anil a wild pitch sent
over three runs. S?ix hits sent Rucker
to the clubhouse In the fourth, the
visitors piling up five runs. Perdue
was effectiye. Score:
Boston 1 Brooklyn
B H O A El
Mar'ville.s 6
4 0 Moran.r.
4 110 0
Devlin, 3.. 0
1 a 8 O
1 4 00
0 5 0 0
8 9 O0
1 0 80
0 0;Stengel,m.
OOiWheat.l. ..
O liDaubert.l.
8 OlSmith.S. . .
0 O Hummel,!.
Tltus.r .
Myers, l. .
4 0
0 OiMiller.c
0 0
1 0
0 0
Mann.m. .
Flsher.c. . .
Rucker.p. .
o 0
Allen, p. . ..
0 0
Totals. . .41 16 27 8 1) Totals... 35 7 27 110
Batted for Wagner In seventh.
Batted tor Allen in ninth.
Boston ...1 0 O B O O 0 3 O 8
Brooklyn v x v v v w u u l
Runs Maranvllle 2. Devlin' 2, Connolly,
Sweeney, Myers. Rariden, Mann, Cutshaw.
Left on bases Boston 11, Brooklyn 8. Two
base hits Devlin, Sweeney. Smith. Three
base hit Devlin. Sacrifice fly Titus. First
base on errors Srooklvn 1. Stolen base
Cutshaw. . Double play Smith to Fisher to
Daubert. Base on balls Off Rucker 1, oil
Wasrner 1. off Allen 2. off Perdue 1. Struck
out By Rucker 1, by Wagner x. by Perdue
6. Hit by pitcher By Wagner (-ritual,
wild nitch Allen. Passed ball Miller. Hits
Off Rucker 0 in 31-3 innings, off Wagner
E in 3 2-3 Innings, oft Allen 4 in a innings.
Time 1 :5S. Umpires Rigler and Byron.
St. Louis 7, Cincinnati 4.
CINCINNATI, June 30. St. Louis
knocked Packard out of the box in the
second inning and scored enough runs
off him to win the first game of the
series from Cincinnati today, 7 to 4.
Johnson, who succeeded Packard,
pitched fair ball, but was taken out to
allow Devore to run for him in the
seventh inning. Magee was ordered out
of the game by Umpire Brennan in
the fourth inning for disputing a de
cision. Score:
St. Louis I Cincinnati
Hugglns.2. 4 13 8 OiBoscher.l.. 4 0 1
0 1
Magee,!... zs i a u Ubates.r. a
0 2 0 0
0 0 0 0
2 1 1 O 0!Almeida,m. 1
4 3 2 0 OlMarsans.m. 4
Oakes.m .
4 0 1 1 OlTlnker.s 4
1 0 8 0
Konetchy.l 6 1 10 0 OiHoblitzell.l 4 2 18 10
Sheckard.r 4 o a uupodge.a... 4 2 x lu
O' Leary.a.
4 l x 4uuron,2..; 4 x a u
4 2 6 1 0ciark.c. . . . 2 0 100
3 10 1 OlPackard.p. 0 0 0 10
IJohnson.p. 3 10 41
IHarter.p... 0 0 0 20
Wingo.c. .
IDevore... 0 0 O OO
Totals. .36 11 27 10 ol Totals.. .33 8 27 212
Ran for Johnson In seventh,
St. Louis 2 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 7
Cincinnati 0 1 o o (1 o s o
Runs Hugg 2, Magee, Mowrey, Wingo
2. Salee. Tlnl I Hoblitzell. Dodge, Groh.
Twn-hfijtn bits- QeK-lns and O&kes. Three-
mase hits K i tony. Tinker, Dodge and
firnh. Hits Of Packard 5 In 1 1-3 Innings,
off Johnaon 6 1. I 5 2-3 innings, off Harter
1 in 2 innings. sacrmce nits magee ana
Salee. Mowrey. Sacrifice fly Clark. Stolen
huu Oakea. Wingo. l-,ert on Dasei
Louis 7, Cincinnati 4. Bases on balls Off
Salee 1. off Johnson 1, oft Harter 1. Struck
out Bt Salee 4, by Johnson 1. Time 2:03.
Umpires Brennan and Eason.
Berlin Yacht Makes Clean Sweep ot
Races at Kiel.
KIEL, June 30. The third of the
elimination races for the selection of
German representatives to participate
in the sonderklasse yacht regatta off
Marblehead. Mass., in September was
won today by the Rest V. owned by
Julius Stahn. of Berlin. This second
victory gives Rest V the series and the
Samoa cup offered by Emperor William.
Resi V. Serum and Tilly VIL the
last named owned by Prince Henry of
Prussia and C. V. Krogmann. of Ham
burg, will probably be selected to pro
ceed to Marblehead. It is not known
whether Prince Henry intends to race
his yacht In. America, as he did In the
races here.
; - f t-
X -i
5 x
Social Festivities, Including First
Ball, to Begin Wednesday Even
ing Fleet Sails Today.
Admiral "W. L- Morgan, of the
18th annual regatta, will leave for his
place of office tomorrow in a special
train at 4 o'clock. Practically his en
tire staff of Portland men and their
wives will accompany him in citizens'
clothes, the uniforms remaining in the
trunks until Thursday morning. "
The special will carry a band and
enough funmakers from among Port
land's liveliest to make the trip one of
the features of the festival dates.
Wednesday evening will be quiet at
Astoria, but the fun will begin in earn
est on Thursday morning, when the en
tire staff will report on the flagship
to be "put through" and assigned to
their duties.
On Wednesday evening the flrst of
the balls will take place, and a dance
for the entertainment of both the Port
land and Astoria people will be held on
each of the nights following.
Several of the members of the Port
land Motor Boat Club will leave today
for Astoria in their boats. Others will
leave tomorrow morning. Commodore
C. W. Boost will heave in the anchor
on the Artisan this morning and take
matters easy while going down the big
Elwood Wiles and George Klnnear
will leave tonight or tomorrow morn
ing. The fleet of the Oregon Yacht Club,
which will attend the sailing races.
will also leave today.
Weather Conditions Unfavorable,
Track. Xot as Fast as Usual.
FOREST GROVE, Or., June 80.'
(Special.) Weather conditions were
not favorable for races yesterday and
the track was not as fast as usual.
However, a fair crowd witnessed the
races at the Forest Grove Training
The races were postponed from June
16 on account of rain, and the pro
gramme was run with a few changes.
The free-for-all pace was scratched
and in its stead Catrlna Nort, owned
by Barrows & Barkley, of Walla Walla
paced against the new track record
established by Dan S. on the Forest
Grove track June 7. The time made
was 1:04. falling short one-half second.
The result of the 2:25 pace was:
Patton Duke, owned by Barrows &
Barkley, first; time, 1:05. Light
Foot, owned by Hutchison, second. In
1:10, and Anna May Zolock, owned by
Merrill, third; time, 1:06.
In the 2:2a trot Sweet Geneva, owned
by Merrill, was first; time, 1:09. Ora
May, owned by Witt, second; time,
1:09x4, and Seattle Maid, third, owned
by Barrows & Barkley: time, 1:10.
McMinnvllle Team Wins.
M'MINNVILLE, Or.. June 30. (Spe
cial.). By a score of 8 to .1 the Mc-
Minnville Tigers defeated the Spokane,
Portland & Seattle Railroad Company's
team of Portland here yesterday. The
visitors made their only run in the
ninth, when Manning hit a two-bagger
and the next batter did likewise. Fos
ter struck out 10 men and allowed five
hits, while Lollock, for the visitors,
strick out five men and allowed eight
hits. McMlnnville will play Sheridan
at that place July 4.
Monthly Swim On Tonight.
The second monthly swim of the
Portland Y. M. C. A.--will be held in
the association's pool this evening. Four
events are on the programme, 20-yard
back swim. 60-yard, plunge for dis
tance and diving events. Ribbons will
be given to the first.second and third
place winners in each affair. The big
medal meet will not be called until
August 15. The winners of the last
meet will be in competition at the
swim tonight, which is for seniors only.
Condon Defeats Heppner.
CONDON. Or., June 30. (Special.)
For the second time this season the
fast Condon team defeated the Hepp
ner team, 3 to 2. Harlan and Blake,
for Heppner, were touched up for nine
safe hits, while Ashenfelter, of Condon,
allowed but five. The latter pitched
airtight ball witn men on Dases ana
with men on second and third in the
last of the ninth inning struck out the
last two batsmen.
United States Leads Laundry League
By defeating the Yale Laundry
team the United States nine is still
leading the Laundry League with five
victories and one defeat, i our games
were played in the league Sunday, the
State aggregation defeating the Broad
way Dye Works team 11 to 10, the
United States nine defeating the Yale
team 7 to 6 and the Troy team drop
ping a double-header to the Palace
Laundry, representatives 6 to 4 and 4
to 8.
Lou W. Davis Slays Mother-in-Law,
Wounds Neighbor at
Village of Ballston.
Slayer Blamed Parents of His Wife
Because of Fact That She Re
fused to Live With Him and
Had Brought Divorce Suit.
DALLAS. Or.,' June 30. r-(Speclal.)
Tn the little village of Ballston. about
nine miles northwest of Dallas, Lou
W. Davis shot and killed his mother-
in-law, Mrs. Eliza J. Stewart, this
morning and shot and mortally wound
cd Ben Agee, a neiglior.
Davis went to the Stewart home at
Balls tori this morning about 7 o'clock
and inquired for his wife. Mrs. Stew
art and her husband, G. M. Stewart,
were in the house. Mrs. Davis was
outside. Stewart had a revolver and
told Davis not . to enter the house or
he would shoot. Davis started for
the door and went inside. Stewart
left the house by a back door and went
to a neighbor s for aid.
He secured the aid of Ben Agee. In
the meantime Davis had been told that
his wife was outside. He went out to
get his wife and they returned to the
house together. When Stewart re
turned to the house with Agee they
found Davis, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs.
Davis together in the kitchen.
Da via Beortna . S hooting.
As Stewart and Agee entered Davis
began shooting with a .32-callber au
tomatic revolver. The first shot struck
Mrs. Stewart in the mouth and the bul
let ranged uuwards and came out at
the top of the head, piercing the brain,
Three shots struck Agee, one In the
shoulder, one in the breast, penetrating
the lungs, and one in the back.
Though mortally wounded. Agee aid
ed Stewart in grappling with Davis and
together they threw him and tied him.
Davis was beaten considerably in the
scuffle. Agee was rushed to a Port
land hospital.
Davis had been drinklnsr this morn
ing. Information will be filed against
Davis charging him with murder in
the first degree, but little hope of con
victing mm is entertained here, as
Davis has an unbalanced mind. He
was released from the State Asylum
tor tne insane about four months ago
Wife Sties for Divorce.
About two years ao Davis' wife
Mattie M. Davis, began suit for di
vorce, charging drunkenness. Davis
had been a heavy drinker. The suit
unbalanced his mind, weakened as it
was by drink, and he was sent to the
asylum. At the time he was arrested
on this charge, he was carrying two
loaaea revoivels with him and had
made repeated threats to kill the Sher
iff, his mother-in-law and father-in
law, and several others whom he
thought had injured him. It took three
men to land him in jalL
About two months ago Mrs. Davis
filed a-new suit for . divorce. Davis
had the idea that his wife's parents
were to oiame for the trouble between
him and his wife and often stated that
11 it were not for them that his wife
would come back to him.
SALEM. Or.. June 30. fSDer.ial i
Lou W. Davis, who shot and killed Ms
motner-ln-law, Mrs. G. M. Stewart, and
fatally wounded Ben Agee. in Ballston,
Polk County, early today, was dis
charged from the Insane Asylum here
about four months ago. The authori
ties at the asylum say that he showed
no signs of insanity while at that in
stitution, but had a reputation for be
ing vicious when under the influence
of whisky. Before being sent to the
asylum he had trouble with persons
living near Dallas, and one of the con
ditions of his release was that he would
go 10 iaiirornia and Keep away from
Polk County. Upon leaving the asylum
he went to California, but it nas been
learned that he soon returned to Polk
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Special
ists Open Session Today.
A three days' convention of the Pa
cific Coast Oto-Opthalmological Society,
an organization of the eye, ear, nose
and throat specialists of Washington,
Oregon, Idaho and Montana, will open
at the Oregon Hotel this morning. Mem
bers or the society are here from all
the important cities - of the states
named. . Tonight there will be a supper
and smoker in the Tyrolean room of
VALUE the most quality
the most style at the least
price is the foundation of
modern selling the one ap
peal that brings back, cus
tomers. I give more VALUE in
Men's Suits
because my upstairs rent C$30.00
a month) is about one twen
tieth, compared to ground-floor
store rents in the same block.
The $14.75 Suits Look Like
Jimmy Dunn
Room 315 Oregonian Bldg.
Take Elevator
JULY 1, 1913.
ut on B. V. D.
and-out" feeling,
low its comfort
B. V. D. Coat Cut
Undershirts and
Knee Length Draw
ers, retail at 50c,
75c, $1.00 and $1.50
the Garment.
Get a look at this label and
The B.
the hotel and tomorrow evening a din
ner at the Automobile Club.
Speakers on the programme include:
Professor Fuchs, Vienna, Austria; Drs.
F?. Freytagr, Langley Porter, Cullen F.
Welty, Milton Lennon. P. de Obarrlo, D.
Friedlander and James T. 'Watkins, San
Francisco; Drs. Hamilton Weir, R. A.
Fenton, Joseph L. McCool. G. E. Bruere,
F. B. Eaton and William Cavanaugh,
Portland; Drs. H. V. Wurdeman- and
H. I Motte. Seattle, and Dr. J. Y. Old
ham, Los Angeles.
Dolphin Gets Off Reef Safely.
SEATTLE, Wash, June 30. The
steamship Dolphin, of the Alaska
Steamship Company, which went ashore
near Alert Bay, B. C, Sunday morn
ing, got off the reef at 8:27 last night,
with the aid of a tug and the Dolphin's
main engine. She is now in Alert Bay
Low Round Trip Fares
On Sale
July 2, 3 and 4
It A Cool "Fourth"
In B. V. D.
put it in your bag put off sweltering and that ' down-
induced by midsummer heat.
is priceless. On -every B. V. D.
This Red Woven Label
(Trmdt Mri Rtz- V. S. Pit. Of. md Fmirn Canuria.)
insist that your dealer sells you only underwear with the B. V. D. label.
V. D. Company, New York.
and her pumps are able to keep the
water in check. The passengers were
transferred to the Canadian Pacific
steamship Princess May and are on the
way to Skagway, The Dolphin will re
turn to Seattle.
Man Asks $15,000 for Alienation of
-Wife's Affections. "
Although they lived in Portland and
he was with his wife in Los Angeles,
Henry K. Piatt, a shingler, declares in
a suit filed in Circuit Court yesterday
that Elliott B. and Mary Tufford, of
1900 East Glisan street, his parents-in-law,
whom he says are spiritualists,
contended that they 5ould see, through
I he prtce ot Is. V. U. is
Undergarment is sewed
B.V. D. Union Suits
(Pat.U. S.A., 4-30-07.)
retail at $1.00.
$1.50, $2.00, $J.0O
and $5.00 the Suit.
the medium of spirits, that he was not
treating their daughter properly. She
deserted him April 28, he says, and
came back to Portland to live with her
parents. He now wants $10,000 actual
and $5000 punitive damages from Mr.
and Mrs. Tufford for alienation of his
wife's affections.
"Defendants claimed to be spiritual
eta, able to communicate with spirits
and through spirits to learn of the con
dition of their daughter in Los An
geles," reads one portion of a para-'
graph of the complaint, which para
graph is concluded with the charge
that Mr. and Mrs. Tufford wrote letters
to Mrs. Harriet C. Piatt in which her
husband was bitterly assailed and she
was importuned to leave him.
Piatt declares that his wife and he
were getting along splendidly and had
a happy home. They were married ir
Portland November- 12 last year.
Return Limit
July 6