Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 28, 1913, Image 1

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    VOL. Mil. NO. 1G,409.
Prostrations Total 114;
Many Go Insane.
Rabid Dogs Bite Ten Persons
on Chicago Streets.
Horses Drop' on All Sides Weather
Bureau Holds Out No Hope of
Heller Free Ico Distributed.
Fear of. Epidemic Grows.
f Deaths, tions.
Chicago 10 30
Milwaukee 5 40
Philadelphia 9
St. Paul 10 2
Boston 1 10
St. Louis
New York 7
Cleveland 15
Detroit 12
Washington' ............ .. 3
Minneapolis 1 3
Kansas City' . . 8
Total 61 114
CHTCAGO, June 27. (Special.) From
the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic
seabord the sun today beat down piti
lessly, causing death and suffering over
a wide area. Fifty-one deaths, directly
attributable to heat, were reported
from tho larger centers of population,
and 114 prostrations were reported,
this latter figure evidently being far
short of the actual number of persons
who suffered sunstroke, as from many
places the number of deaths only was
sent over the wires, with no mention
made of the number of prostrations.
Many persons, crazed by heat, at
tempted suicide and In some Instances
the attempts were successful. From
no part of tho wide area affected Is
. any hope of Immediate relief held out
by the Weather Bureau.
Ten Die la Chicago.
In Chicago 10 deaths directly due to
neat go prostrations and 10 . persons
bitten by rabid . dogs were reported.
Of the prostrated five will probably
die before morning, as great difficulty
was had at the hospitals, where they
were taken. In restoring them to con
sciousness. Several other deaths were
indirectly due to heat and several more
.persons, crazed by the heat, attempted
The city gave up its last gasp of hope
'Tor cooling breezes early in the day.
The famous lake breeze shriveled be
fore the hot blasts from the south
west and puffed out of existence be
;fore It had traveled 50 feet from the
water line.
Up in the Observatory tower, shielded
from the sun's rays, and tempered by
cool draughts, the official temperature
was said to be 96. but nobody was
traveling in that direction.
Street Thermometers Show 109.
Down in the cavernous streets where
the sun's rays beat pitilessly and the
hundreds of miles of stone pavement
were superheated by furnaces and en-
ginerooms located beneath them. Gov
ernment thermometers at 4:30 this aft
ernoon registered 109. On the West
Side of the city, half a mile from the
lake, it was 100 in the shade.
And there is no hope of relief. Fed
caci u acannea me map today
and said fair weather and Intense heat
will continue throughout the Middle
and Central "West for several days. The
entire Middle West is a furnace. Last
nights local storm in Minnesota
brought temporary relief and much
property destruction to a limited dis
trict, but the cold winds did not get be
3'ond the state line.
Missouri experienced today the hot
test weather of the year, the tempera
ture at St. Louis reaching 9S degrees
at 3:o0 P. M. No rain was reported
irom any part of the state. The min
imum temperature at St. Louis was
degrees at 6 A. M. Twenty prostrations
were caused by the heat before 8 P. M,
Infantile Mortality IIlgb.
Extraordinary precautions are beine
takn by health authorities to pretent
epidemics in the congested areas. With
several days of unbroken heat infant
mortality in the Ghetto and other
densely populated districts leaps to ap
palling figures. Agents of charitable
societies and the health department are
constantly in the districts, warning
mothers as to the care of babies. In
structions as to the guidance for health
are printed in many languages and
posted in the foreign quarters.
The Consumers' Ice Company has is
sued free coupon books to all agents
of charitable associations, ministers,
priests, rabbis, visiting nurses and other
legitimate agencies and is delivering
thousands of tons of ice free of charge
all through the congested territory.
With the increasing heat, the rela
tive humidity today stood at 62. 'greatly
aggravating the situation. The long
period of torridlty is especially deadly
for horses, which drop in the streets In
large numbers.
Fears of an epidemic are veins voiced
by physicians because of the filthy
streets, the inadequate collection and
destruction of garbage and general
(Concluded on Page 4.)
Women Ape Men's Fashions by In
troducing Cuff Skirt Conven
' tion Favors Tight Garments.
NEW YORK, June 27. (Special.)
Women are stealing the men's styles,
or at least the names of the men's
styles for their fashions witness the
cuff skirt turned up around the bottom
like a man's trousers and not. much
wider, except for a. slash in front, and
the peg-top skirt which is designed, to
give the wearer room to sit down in,
if not to walk.
The slash which makes walking pos
sible Is to continue, however, for dele
gates from 22 out of 3 states repre
sented at the National Ladles' Tailoring
and Dressmaking Association, which
opened its session here today, are in
favor of it. Some of the skirts which
will be shown have two silts. One of
the double slit skirts, which comes from
Chicago, has another Innovation a
pistol pocket. There is a corresponding
patent pocket on the left, possibly in
tended for the powder puff.
The convention, which, by the way,
is entirely made up of men.lwill fight
the latest Paris edict that skirts are
to be from seven to ten inches from
the floor. A large majority, however.
Including members from Boston, are in
favor of tight slit skirts.
In. several suits deep slashes are filled
with a net corresponding with the color
of the skirt; in others they open to
show a petticoat, the color of trimming
on the gown.
Five or Six Bands to Accompany
. 'Sunday School Throng July 4.
Five or six bands will participate in
the parade of 10,000 Sunday school
children through the . streets of Port
land on the afternoon of July 4, ac
cording to advices received yesterday
by Colonel A. A. Morse, president of the
Multnomah County Sunday School As
sociation, who has it in charge.
Nearly every Sunday school in the
city will be represented. Many of the
children will appear In uniform.
This parade was planned by officials
of the Multnomah County sunoay
School Association and will be conduct
ed by them.
When the children's parade in con
nection with the Rose Festival was
abandoned Mr. Morse and those asso
ciated with, him - determined to make
the Fourth of July parade ' ake its
place and add many attractive features
sufficient to. compensate for the delay
of a few weeks."
Aviator, Cslng Frozen Petrol, Plans
Voyage in 3 0 Hours. -
NEW YORK, June 27. (Special.)
To attempt a flight across the Atlantic
Ocean In a hydro-aeroplane, using fro
zen petrol as fuel, Frank Clifford ar
rived on board the Mauretania. He
will start from Atlantic City in i
"Queen" monoplane, and says he ex
pects to take on. a new supply of petrol
in the mid-Atlantic from a boat to be
stationed there. He gives himself 30
hours to make the trip and says that is
as long as he could keep the aeroplane
going. He intends to melt the frozen
petrol as he flies.
Clifford says the monoplane will
easily fly 100 miles an hour. Leaving
Atlantic City Monday night,' he expects
to reach the Irish coast Wednesday
morning and perhaps continue to Lon
Secretary Daniels Takes Heed of
Naval Officers' Wishes.
WASHINGTON, June 27. Naval of
ficers want their golden shoulder marks
back, and Secretary Daniels decided
today that they should have - them.
Rear-Admiral Badger, commander-in
chief of the Atlantic fleet, and a ma
Jorlty -of his officers recommended the
reversal of several of ex-Secretary
Meyer's orders for changes In the uni
Today's order provides for a return
to the type of shoes formerly worn and
makes It optional with bureau chiefs
whether they shall wear the rear-
admiral's uniform on special occasions,
Free Klndergaretn to Be Voted on
in Illinois Town July 12.
GENEVA, 111., June 27. The honor
of being the first women in the State
of Illinois to vote under the new wo
man suffrage law. which was signed
by the Governor yesterday, will come
to the women of this city July 1Z, when
a proposal for free kindergartens goes
before the voters.
Promoters of the free kindersrarten
say that with the women voting sue
cess is assured.
Tokio Seismograph Records Disturb
ancc on American Coast.
TOKIO. June 27. The Imperial Uni
verslty reports that its seismograph re
corded an earthquake of three hours
duration Thursday afternoon.
It -is calculated that the disturbanc
was In the sea off the Pacific Coas
from ancouver to San Francisco, and
that it was almost as severe as th
eannquatce oi jub, wnicn did grea
damage in California,
Dissolution Plan Delays
His Vacation.1
Cabinet Takes Up Harriman
Lines Situation.
Assent Given to Plan of Exchange
of Pennsylvania and Union Pa
cific Stock Holdings Is
sue Proves Intricate.
WASHINGTON, June 27. President
Wilson brushed aside late today all
plans for a. week's trip to Cornish, N.
H.. the Summer capital, to examine im
mediately the tentative agreement
reached between Attorney-General Mc
Reynolds and the railroad attorneys for
the dissolution of the. Union Pacific
merger to prevent, if possible, the ap
pointment of a. receiver.
Unless a method of dismembering the
Union Pacific and Southern Pacific sat
isfactory to the Judges of the United
States Court for the eighth circuit Is
submitted by July 1, the United States
Supreme Court had ordered the dissolu
tion of the merger by Government re
ceivership. -
Qualified Anent Probable.
A supreme effort is being made by
the President and Attorney-General to
prevent this drastic alternative by an
agreement on a. plan meeting the de
mands of the Sherman anti-trust law
and the mandate of the Supreme Court.
Officials freely predicted tonight that
the Government and the railroad would
present an agreed plan to the court
within the time limit, although it was
said that the Government's approval in
all probability would be qualified. In
submitting the plan to the court it is
proposed to ask the judges to give a
limited time ..-before-, entering - a final
decree, within which objections dis
played in the light of further study of
the propositions may . be . filed by the
Government or any of the other parties
interested. .
. Exchange of Stock Permitted.
It is understood that the agreement
will incorporate as one step in the dis
solution the previously proposed plan
for transferring $38,000,000 of Southern
Pacific stock held by the Union Pacific
to the Pennsylvania Railroad in ex
change for the latter's holdings of Bal
timore & Ohio. The remaining $8S,000.
000 of the total $126,000,000 of Southern
Pacific owned by the Union Pacific, it
is said, will be placed In the hands of a
trust company to be sold within a deft-
(Concluded on Page 2.)
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- The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 70
degrees', minimum. 56 decrees.
TODAY'S Fair, westerly winds.
River Report.
Stage of river at 5 P. M. yesterday, 21.9
feet, a fall of .2 In 24 hours. .
President postpones vacation to discuss dis.1
solution or Faclnc merger. Page 1.
Representative Kahn preparing to press
Mc.Nab investigation. . Page 2.
Change of attitude toward Mexico urged
in senate. Page 5.
Toledo Museum refuses to return Perry
flag lent- it. by . National Government,
Page 0.
Senate caucus puts sewing thread on free
list. Page 1.
Jack .Johnson, with ticket for Havre, free
to sail from Canada Sunday. Fane 2.
Hot wave" in East and Middle West causes
aeatns and prostrations In many cities.
Page 1.
East St. Louis Councilman confesses to
bribery. Page 2. -Five
killed In explosion of oil steamer In
New York harbor, pass 5.
Young women from Paclfio Northwest plead
m.jt nuaaerpnia tor Liberty Bell. Page z.
Pacific Northwest.
Lutherans, in session at Vancouver decide
to locate college at Seattle. Page 17.
Oregon City laborer .unearths burled treas
ure. . Page 1.
Pacific Coast League results: Oakland 3.
Portland 1: Sacrament 7, Los Angeles
8: San Francisco-Venice game postponed,
rain. Page 7.
Northwestern League results: Portland 2.
Vancouver 0: Seattle 6, Tacoma a; Victoria-Spokane
game postponed, rain.
Page 7.
M'Laughlm only American left in English
tourney championships. Page 6.
Bob Burman out for new auto record at
Country Club track today. Page .
Fast time predicted at Hunt Club race
meet. Page 6.
Commercial and Marine.
Barley and oats prices cut to work off old
siocks. page 17.
Wheat advances sharply at Chicago on Kan
sas aamage reports, page 17.
Stock trading dull and price movement
narrow. Page 17.
Tariff matters no not check Fall buying In
West. Page 17.
River men ask for advance in wages.
Page 16.
Portland and Vicinity.
Tickets for The Oregonian Theater party
will be distributed Monday. Page 9.
Commercial Club ready for picnic today at
- Vancouver. - Page 12.
John H. Stevenson selected for Municipal
Judge. Page 10.
New City Attorney organizes force of dep
uties. Page 10.
Executive Board grants extensions to num
erous paving companies. Page 10.
Juvenile market opens this morning at
First and Stark, streets. Page 1.
beventn-uay .Adventista auditorium too
small ror audiences. Page 12.
Commission ready to assume reins of city
government, rase iu.
Miss Cully Cook engaged to eon of Con
gressman Crumpacker. Page 12.
Tacoman defines "Master Christian" at .new
Thougnt uomerence. page 3.
Five new divisions O.-W. R. & N. created
July l. page lo. . '
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 13.
Hot. "Weather Sturnp-Speaklns Cam
paign in Bay State Outlined. -,
, BOSTON, June 27. A hot weather
stump-speaking ' campaign ) extending
"from the tip of Cape Cod to the top of
the Berkshlres" was announced by
Mrs. James -M. Codman, following a
meeting today of the executive com
mittee of the Massachusetts Society
Opposed to the Further Extension of
Suffrage to Women, of which she Is
president. -
Opening on July 22, a week will be
devoted to ape Cod. after which the
no more votes for women" speakers
will move westward, canvassing the
state by Senatorial and ward districts.
The organization has a membership of
about 20.000 women. ' : "
Housewives Win Tar
iff Concession.
Members of Committee Voice
Strenuous Objections.
Provision for 8 6 Deputies in In
ternal Revenue Department and
Other Help Necessitated
by Income Tax.
WASHINGTON. June 27. Wielding
the ax again on tho tariff revision bill
for the benefit of the household, the
Senate "Democratic caucus determined
tonight to put cotton sewing thread
on the free list.
This action followed a spirited debate
and was carried by one vote over the
protest of members of the finance com
mittee, who defended the 15 per cent
duty which was carried in the bill as
it passed the House and which the
Senate majority end the finance com
mittee did not alter.
Small Revenue Scorned.
Those who championed this favor to
the housewife argued that the revenue
to be derived from sewing thread was
Inconsequential and that to be con
sistent in attempting to lower the cost
of living the Senate should not quibble.
Looking up the estimates they found
that estimated revenue to be derived
was about $225,000 a year. This tbey
figured, wan a small amount to worry
about and on the free list cotton thread
went,' while committee members ob
jected ' strenuously. '
Following the action there were re
ports current that members of the
committee would insist on re-opening
the matter tomorrow when a larger
number of Senators will be present.
, Yr Increases Agreed Ttt, -
All the amendments to the cotton
schedule suggested by the committee
except one were adopted, including the
increases on yarns. - The opposition was
less vigorous than expected, since the
cotton schedule is the only one which
the - committee . increased over the
Underwood bill rates. One amendment
which provided a 30 per cent duty on
cotton goods which contain thread
interwoven by means of lappels, swivel
and other attachments to form figured
or fancy effects, was stricken out,
leaving such goods to carry the duty
on the yarn contents only.
Senator Simmons, chairman of the
committee, said after the late adjourn
ment that he hoped to have the bill
(Concluded on Page 2.)
Mysterious Discovery in Oregon City
Recalls Father McLoughlin's Tale
of Spanish Mission Theft.
OREGON CITT, Or.. June 27. (Spe
cial.) While excavating on the prop
erty belonging to Frank Buscli. of this
city, at First and Jefferson streets to
day, James Dawson, a laborer, struck
a deposit of old gold, silver and brass
coins of various sizes and shapes, sev
eral pairs of earrings set with various
stones and of various values, and be
fore his discovery had been noised
about the streets ten minutes several
persons, excited over th find, had be
gun to participate in the digging, hop
ing to make a "strike" similar to that
of Dawson.
The discovery is a mystery and until
the values of the various coins can be
determined It will be impossible to
trace their origin though they appear
to be of Japanese or East India origin
boveral pioneers here tonight de
clared that Father McLoughlin had
told the story years ago of a dying
priest who had told him that In the
early days a man, on his deathbed, re
lated a tale of theft in one of the
Spanish missions in Southern Califor
nia and said that to escape detection
he had wended his way to Oregon City
and secreted his loot in a "certain
spot." This spot is believed to have
been revealed in the find made by
Dawson today.
Several authorities tonight gave the
value of the gold coins at $10 each.
Dawson found six of them.
Committee of 100 Goes Over Pro
gramme for World Event.
Members of the commltte of 100 in
charge of local preparations for the
World's Christian Citizenship Confer
ence held a rally and final executive
meeting at the White Temple last
night. President W. T. Foster, of Reed
College, presided and E. I Thompson,
chairman of the executive committee
and each of the chairmen of the sub
committees delivered reports on the
progress of " their work.
Rev. J. S. McGaw, field secretary of
the conference, gave the principal ad
dress, outlining the scope' of the pro
gramme planned and urging that the
members of the committee lend every
assistance toward making the confer
ence meetings successful.
Portland Banker Finds West More
Prosperous ;Than East.'
A. L. Mills, president of the First Na
tional Bank, returned yesterday from a
four weeks' trip through the East. He
is optimistic for the future of the coun
try in general, but says that .business
now is experiencing a period of slight
"Money ' in the East is tight," said
Mr. Mills, "but better times are ahead.
In some parts of the country business
is good, while in others it Is not so
bright. I believe it is better In the
West than In the East."
While in the East Mr. Mills attend
ed the annual meeting of the board of
trustees of Harvard University, of
which he is a member.
Vancouver Mayor, However, Limits
Length to Only Four Inches.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. June 27. (Spe
cial.) Declaring that he wants the
youngsters of Vancouver to enjoy the
Fourth of July as much as he did dur
ing his boyhood days. Mayor Irwin ha8
announced that he will permit the chil
dren here to shoot all the firecrackers
they want to, but limits the length of
the explosives to only four Inches, and
Chief of Police Secrist has Inspected all
stocks of fireworks to see that the limit
is observed.
A parade. Including soldiers from the
barracks, and a military field meet.
with no admission charge, will be feat
ures of the celebration here. Prizes
aggregating J400 will be awarded to
the winning soldiers.
San Diego I.ud Goes to New York to
Prepare for Examination.
SAN DIEGO, Cal.,- June 27. Harold
Cooney, treasurer of the Newsbojs'
Club here, has been recommended to
West Point Military Academy by Rep
resentative Kcttner at Washington, ac
cording to advices received heie today.
Cooney, who is 18 years t'ld. has sup
ported his father and mother for" sev
eral years telling newspapers. He
went to High school for three years.
He plans to leave soon to attend a
preparatory school in New York to fit
htmselC for the examinations.
The recommendation is considered
equivalent to an appointment.
Child Speeds Auto With One Hand,
Holds Dying Man "With Other.
SAN DIEGO, June 27. James C.
Brockway, a former street superintend
ent of this city, was killed near Im
perial yesterday when he fell under
a heavy wagon.
Hazel Stephenson, aged 14, made an
heroic attempt to save Brockway's
life. She took the injured man in her
automobile, and, holding him up with
one arm, drove the machine Into- Im
perial, a distance of eight miles, at a
io-mile rate, using only one hand for
steering the car. But Brockway was
dead when Imperial was reached.
School Garden Truck
Put on Display.
After Expenses Are Paid Re
turns Go to Children.
Woodlawn, Portsmouth, Peninsula
and Other Districts Take Cash
Awards and Cups Individ
uals Are Rewarded. Also.
Decked with their prize ribbons, the
finest vegetables that were grown this
year in tne school gardens of the city.'
which were brought in yesterday for
the annual exhibit of school-gitrden
products, are displayed in the exhibit
room at First and Stark streets in the
old Ladd & Tilton Bank building; and
it is these blue-ribbon products that
the public will have "first whack" al
when the juvenile market opens this
morning at S o'clock.
Woodlana Exhibit Attracts.
Most impressive as far as size is con
cerned, the Woodlawn school exhibit
occupied the entire display table in the
center of the hall. Special ribbons were
given to Edna Ketchum. Ed Johnson
and Jessie Kubik, who were responsi
ble for extras, which included the only
For the enlightenment of the layman,
the supervisor of the exhibit explained
that "kohlrabi" is a cross between a
turnip and a cabbage.
Rivalling the Woodlawn exhibit, and
dividing honors with it In the matter
of prizewlnnlng. the Portsmouth ex
hibit occupied a table adjacent. In the
award of the special cu- the Great
Northern challenge cup was won by
Portsmouth and The Oregunlau chal
lenge cup by Woodlawn. Both cups ai
valued at J25 and each must !. won
twice in succession to be held. Both
cups had been won by Woodlawn la
Peninsula Scores Heavily.
The Peninsula school carried away
honors in the value of the total win
nings. Tho aggregate value of prizes
which went to pupils from that school
was $93.50.
In a great measure the heavy win
nings of Peninsula exhibits were due
to Earl Rosser, 9 years old, and one of
the youngest gardeners in tne contest.
Although there was no school exhibit
from Lents, George and Dalph Walms
ley were enterprising enough to come
in as individual exhibitors, and their
self-reliance was rewarded with sev
eral prizes.
Creston exhibitors appeared sorrow
fully to report that last night their
gardens had been destroyed by vandals
and their exhibits and their chances in
the prize competition thus had been
lost. The committee has offeieu a re
ward of $50 ror the apprehension of
those who destroyed the garden.
The exhibit was visited by hundreds
of people during the afternoon.
Products to De .olJ.
The Juvenile Market today at which
the prize-winning vegetablo exhibits
will be first sold, is expected to fur
nish funds to defray the expense of the
exhibit. After the prize vegetables have
been disposed of all sorts of vegetables
will be brought In from the school gar
dens of the city and placca on sale.
Full proceeds, beginning Monday, will
be given the children producing tue
vegetables, less the expense or running
the market. Settlements are to be
made monthly with the children. Not
only vegetables, but flowers, cake,
fruits and handiwork of any Kind mat
the children bring in will be handled
through the Juvenile Market. Director
M. O. Evans and Market Master Clar
ence Likins have asked that chilaren
notify them at once of what they in
tend to bring in on Monday morning.
Judges who served in this exhibit
yesterday were: R. R. Roiitiege, chair
man; Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, Mrs. W. II.'
Fear, Timothy Peurson, Mark Levy. Ar
thur Bowman and J. J. Butzcr.
Prize "Winners Announced:
The complete list of prizes anaraed
First Oresonian challenge 'cup, valuta" at
$25. to be won twice by name school be
fore becoming permanent property of that
achool. To be awardVd to school hivins
KreuU-at percentage ot contestants umong
enrulled students. 191 won by Woodlawa
School: litis won by Woodlawn School.
Second. Great Northern Railway challenge
cup. valued at $25, to be won twice by same
school before becoming permanent property
of that school. To be awarded tor best ex
hibit made by any school l&u won by
Woodlawn School; 1913 won by Portsmoutu
Third, best general display by any' pupil
under 13 years first prize. $7.50. won by
Karl Kosser. Peninsula 2?-:hool; second. So,
Kalph Waimsiey. Lents School: third,
Hernice Davis. Ockley Green School.
Fourth, best general display by any pupil
over Xi years First prize. S7.50. won by
Oeorge Waimsiey. Lents School; second, ,".
eorge A. Powell, Arleta School; third.
Kuyiuond Porter, Olencoe School.
iptclal prize to Fritz Korher, of "Wood
lawn. who tied for second place with George
A. Powell.
Beet. largest spsclnien First, over . 13 '
years, Gesore A. Powell. Arleta School;
fiC'nd, Ana Uenby, Woodlawn School; third.
Mamie Kursa. Holman School. First, under
1 years Melville Bush. Ockley Green
School; second, Ansel Alitngham, Woodstock
.School; third, George Kaster. I'orlsmouta
Beet, best four specimens First, over IX
years. Vie Grabeel. Arleta School; second,
Raymond Porter. Glencoe School; third,
Blanche Dillingham, Woodlawn School. First,
under 13 years Melville Buck, Ockley Grecti
School; eecoud. Alva Gutknecht, Peninsula
tConcluded on Fa;e 12.)