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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1913)
THE -HOB5ING OBEGONIAN, .FRIDAY, . JUNE 1 27,. .1913. HONOR SYSTEM PRISON . NEAR' END Within Walls' Board of Con trol Will"; Rule, : but West ' . Claims;".Say"- Outside. ''. GOVERNOR POINTS TO LAW Beautify Hair ' and Complexion State Executive Declares Statutes Favor Hira With Convicts : Away . From Penitentiary Full Pub licity of Paroles Due. v SALEM. Or., June 26. (Special.) 'The Board of Control today agreed that all paroles, pardons and other news of a public nature at the state peniten tiary, should be made public, and that the 'Honor system" within the prison .virtually should be abandoned. Governor West insisted that the law Save him the right to continue the "honor system" with convicts working outside of the prison, but Treasurer i Kay will ask for an Interpretation of the law on this subject from the Attorney-General. '. . Superintendent Lawson was put in ' complete co,ntrol of. the prison, and will be responsible for all transgressions of rules by the men. The board gave him ' no instructions as to how to govern the , Institution, and, if he desires. It is be lieved he can establish an "honor, sys tem" of his own. Governor Iisna Statement r In a formal statement preceding the meeting of the board the Governor characterized a statement that he had abandoned the "honor system" as with out foundation, and 'called those giv ing It currency "crooks." Heretofore Information at ' the penitentiary has been withheld by order of the ' Gov ernor, and news from the institution has been obtained through various out side channels. The report that the sys tem had been' abandoned was based on a clause in a written statement by the Governor, which follows: "The records will show an increase of 50 per cent in our guard force dur ing the month of June over that of the .month of January. Since the first of "June, about which time most of the 'honor men' were called in, we have been working nearly all our outside men under guard, yet in spite of this we are short more men for the month of June .than we are for the preceding month." "Red Hot" Session Held. The open session of the board1 fol lowed Its redhot executive session early In the day, at which the Governor pro duced a law passed by the people at the last election giving him power to detail convicts . from the penitentiary to road work and work at various in stitutions. In the original bill creat ing the Board of Control there was a clause repealing this law and giving tne board the control of convicts. How ever, the clause was left out in re drafting by a committee. As a result the Governor Insists that the law passed by the people is still in effect. Treasurer Kay, however, is. doubtful about this being so and will have the law construed. If the Attorney-Gen eral' holds that the Board'3 of Control bill repeals the law passed by the people Mr. Kay will insist UDon the board having control of all convicts and that when any are assigned to road work they shall be subject to rules ana regulations formulated by the board. The statement read bv the Governor immediately after he called the board to o.rder, in part follows: Inasmuch a the purpose of the meeting of the Board la that of discussing Its "fu ture policy as to the handling of convicts at the Oraron Stata Prison, that institution being, and having been since the third day of June, under the management of the Board, please let me suggest that what ever policy is adopted by the Board be made of record in order: 1 That the public may know the views oi ine .uoara ana tne members thereof in reference to the treatment of prisoners. 2- That the warden may be fullv and clearly advised as to the wishes of the Board. 3 Not only that the prisoners may be fully Informed as to what tho Board ex pects of them In the way of good conduct and service, but as to the attitude of the soara toward them when such good con duct and service have been faithfully ren dered. Policy Is Announced. It Was my Wish that th In nr h. Rmn1.l1 through the McArthur bill so. as to place the detailing of prisoners for institutional and road work in tho hands of the Board of Control and section 12 of the said bill as originally Introduced as provided, but for some reason never made known to this of fice, the said section was auletlv flrnnn. from the substitute bill later Introduced. It may have been that someone, having over looked the prison labor law passed by the , people, thought by dronDine said section 19 from the substitute bill he would crucify the "honor system." However, through the failure to repeal the said prison labor law passed by the people, It is still possible to worn prisoners at state institutions and upon county roads and the- law pravldes that such prisoners shall be detailed by the Gov ernor. . - I. therefore, wish to announm mv nnlti-v The "honor system" will prevail in all road i camps and at all other institutions where no prisoners are employed. Regarding his denial of his' intention io abolish the "honor system,!- the Gov ernor in his formal statement save: "Those who are trying to crucify this humane policy will never have the pleasure of heading It off, as I intend rurtner to extend the policy through the opportunity presented by the recent k adoption of good roads legislation." (Martyn's Health Guide.) Dull, stringy haif is the result of shampooing with items containing free alkali. Tou can easily overcome these faults and have beautiful, soft, glossy, healthy r hair by using as shampoo a teaspoonful of canthrox dissolved in a cup of. Hot water. This makes enough for a shampoo unless the head is very dirty. - Continued use of this simple, Inexpensive and pure cleanser and toner insures a 'healthy head and long, attractive, easily managed hair. For pimples, blackheads, sallowneas, oily skin and swarthy appearance use spurmax lotion, which can be made at home for a small sum. It tones the skin, brings out a beautiful, healthy glow and softens and refines the tex ture while reducing the pores. It takes the place of pore clogging face pow ders and cosmetics with most beauties of the' day. Mix 4 oz. of spurmax with pint hot water, add two teaspoonfuls of glycerine. Allow'to cool and apply with - palms of hands, rubbing gently until dry. It seems part of the skin when on and protects against wind and sun. Adv. nouncement made of the" proposed hanges to be made by the board of higher curricula. "In training engineers we feel that it is one of the professions that re quires the stiff est sort of work in all around Intellectual ability, and would differentiate it from the manual arts. Harvard is requiring degrees from the arts department befqre students may enter the engineering classes, and here at Oregon we ought to require five or six years for graduation in order to turn out men of the best training for such responsible positions. "On the other hand, the division that the board of higher curricula has sug gested is that adopted by the State of Indiana, and from our viewpoint is the second best. It is still two months before the board will make a final decision, and in the meantime the uni versity will endeavor to show the board that the university is the proper place for-the teaching of the higher branches of engineering." ALEXANDER IS PAROLED Convicted Railway Auditor and . Other Prisoners Are Bet Free. SAL3- M, ' Or., June 26. (Snecial.V A friend wishing to visit T. W. Alex ander, sentenced to serve from two to -u years lu the penitentiary for for- srery. made the discovery today that - he had been paroled May 5 and Is inouant to oe in J'ortland. Alexander was auditor In th Pnr-t. land office of the Oregon-Washlhirton Railway Company and he was convlct- , ea or tuning money from the company, - Ha was an "hcjior man" for several ; mnaths find srrved only 13 months of , ni: sentence. . - Emil and Robert Dhnert, brothers sentenced to a term of from two to five years tor Durgiary in Douglas County 1 . have liaen paroled. Leo Walking sen. . tenced to serve a term of from one to six years for an assault with a deadly wcapon m ' Morrow County, also has been paroled. Relatives of the Dhnert ' brothers living in Wisconsin have sent :. tnem money witn wmch to go to that state. i ; UNIVERSITY WOULD EXTEND j Kffort to Be Made to Teach Hlghe ; Branches of. Engineering. ' UNIVERSITY OFOREGON, Eugene - June it. (Special.) "The university of course will continue to present Its - claims as the logical place for develop- j, raeni or an adequate engineering school for Oregon, --said - Presld Jampbell today, speaking of the nt an- BOULTON AGAIN HEAD EVAXGEMCATj iutherax sy- XOD ELECTS OFFICERS. Next Year's Convention City Will Be - Selected at Session in Vancouver Today. VANCOUVER, Wash., June . 28. (Special.) At today's session . of the 13th annual convention of the Pacific Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rev. M. E. Boulton, of The Dalles, Or., was re-elected president of the synod; Rev. Emil Meyer, of San Jose, Cal.. was re-elected secretary; Rev. F. W. Bussard, of Belllngham, Wash., statistician, and F. H. Pageler, of Portland, treasurer. The place of meeting for next year will be selected tomorrow. After de votional services this afternoon. Rev. W. F. Holl, of Chehalls, Wash., de livered an ' address - on "Lutheran Hymnology." "At the night session Mrs. Herman Srutz gave the address of welcome and Miss D. J: O. Westheim the response. Rev. F. W. Bussard. of Belllngham,- chose as his topic "The Reflex Influence of- Mission Work Upon the Congregation' . The eighth annual convention of the Women's Synodical Missionary Society of the Pacific Synod began its sessions in the basement of the church today, and elected the following officers: President, Mrs. W. S. T.. Derr, .-. re elected; recording secretary. Mrs. P. W. H. Frederich, of Portland; ' corre sponding secretary, Mrs. Willjam Mead, of Victoria, , B. . C;. treasurer, Miss Clara Hazel'-jreen, of Seattle. CHEHALIS PIONEER BURIED Cornelius McCarthy Dies at 79, Vic. tim of Pneumonia. - CHEHALLIS, Wash.. June 26. (Spe cial.) Cornelius McCarthy, a well known and highly respected Lewis County pioneer, was buried yesterday n the Urquhart Cemetery, his death having occurred at North Yakima. He had been suffering from ill health for some time paet and was visiting a sis ter, Mrs. T. J. Lynch, at North Yakima, when pneumonia seized. him. Mr. McCarthy came to Chehalls with his cousin, John Reagan, of Tacoma, in March, 1870. and settled on a homestead on the south fork of the Ncwaukum, where he lived until recent years, when he moved to town.- He was born in County Cork, Ireland, July 15. 1834. Farmers' Union Meet Postponed. LA GRANDE. Or., June 26. Ooeclal.) 'me annual meeting of the Farmers Co-operative and Educational Union of America, of Union County, has been postponed from June 28 to July 8. F. A, Sikes, state president, and Arthur Swift, secretary ot the Union, will be tne . principal speakers. COBVA1.1IS MAN CHOSEN MAYOR WITHOUT OPPOSITION. I v::v, - - .-) .. -i llttf ' 'IV - ' XV. K. Taylor. CORVALLIS. Or., June 26. (Special.) At Tuesday's elec tion W. K. Taylor was elected Mayor of . Corvallls without op position. He succeeds J. F. Yates, and, with the newly-elected members of the Council, will take' his office Monday, July 14. Mr. Taylor Is 37 years old and proprietor of the Clover Leaf Dairy and Stock Farm. The past four years he has been a member of the City Council and School Board, and Is Identified official ly with the newly-organized Cor vallls State Bank, a Knight Templar. Shriner, actlve member of' the Commercial Club and identified With every move good for Corvallls. He proved a pop ular candidate. . , Wopdar Clarke k Coif Special Prices Friday and Saturday Throughout this wonderful drug store all day Friday and Saturday will be found wonderful money-saving prices, each department striving to outdo the other in lending additional purchasing power to your money. If you have long coveted some piece of Bric-a-brac, or a Picture in our Art Department, or if you have had your heart set . on some piece of Art Glass, now is the time Extra Green Stamps Brin? this coupon for EXTRA S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON FRI DAY AND SATURDAY we will give THIRTY Extra Stamps with your first dollar purchase, and on balance of pur chase we will jrive Double Stamps. We can only give the 30 extra if you bring this coupon, so be sure and cut it out 30 E X T R A Prices Cut in Art Department FRIDAY AND- SATURDAY we will offer some wonderful bargains in our ART DEPARTMENT. Each and every item sold at a won derful reduction in price. ..It is impossible to list all the bargains here. Among the many are: ' , ,' ' . Gold Framed Art Miniatnres, 4x6. Gold Framed Art Miniatures, 7x9, Uold ,J?Tamed Art Miniatnres, oVixT, Values tip to $1.00, at Assorted frames, beautiful designs, sized tip to 12x16, at less than one third their value, ON SALE AT 35? Mission framed" assorted subjects, size 7Vix9V, at the low price of 15 " PHARAOH'S HORSES, in Round Frame, reg. price $1, on sale at 60 All Framed Pictures in the store at 25 per cent discount. Now. is the time to buy that picture you have been waiting for. Remember, all are priced at this big discount and a great many are priced special at over 50 per cent discount. - . . Brass! Brass! Brass! We have a large line of BRASSWARE in all finishes, and Friday and Saturday are going to give 50 PER CENT DISCOUNT. Think of it ! You can buy WOODBOXES as low as $18. Violet Bas kets as low as 6S. Footed, fern lined, as low as 60. Hanging ferns, as low as 4S and many other beautiful and useful articles in brass at extremely low prices. v Baskets! Baskets! Baskets! Japanese, sweet grass, gold painted, white enameled any basket we have in the house at 50 PER CENT DISCOUNT. We. are going to reduce our stock in the Art Department, so now is the "time you have been waiting for. . oils New Arrivals In the leather depart ment. We have Just re ceived a new line ot Mark Cnm Hand Basrst. It ia not nececaary for us to attempt to de scribe these arrivals, as you all know that ' "MARK. CROSS" sets the fashion In leather goods, and this year he hae outdone all hie previous efforts. COME IN and look, even if you do not intend to buy at present. Trunks, Suitcases, Handgrips Now is your opportunity, as we will give 20 per cent discount on all Trunks Fri day and Saturday, and special prices on Suits Cases and Grips. $15 genuine seal walrus and genuine cowhide, leather lined, at 7.45 $9.50 cowhide or walrus Suit Case, special at So. 95 REMEMBER that we are headquarters for the best and most beautiful in Suit Cases, Trunks and Hand Bae-s, and are showing at all times the newest and best designs in TRAVELERS' LUGGAGE. Vfe are Portland's exclusive agents for "Mark Cross" that fanrous London town make of "UKLY" Luggage, without the lug. leather goods, and for Jap-a-Lac Paint' up, brighten up. Now is the time, and JAPALAC la the var nish to do the work. We know bo well that JAFAJ.AC will please you that we will give any lady who asks for It a generous size sam ple can FREE. JAPALAC comes packed in convenient size cans at from 25 cents up. Photographic Department the library of Amateur Photography in 4 volumes. Price 85. OO tne No. 0 Folding Ingento Camera. 2Vix3. Priced JSIO up. Ansco and Vulcan (Eastman) Films. Ansco Cameras and Cyco Paper. . - 25 per cent discount on Photo Albums. Ansco Catalogue mailed any place. Just ask us. that's alL old numbers of Photography Magazines at half price. For the Kiddies THE CUTE KID" unbreakable dolls; they make you want to hug them they are so cute. Special at 98J "MY TEDDY PUPPY." a good match for the Cute Kid. He is the cutest little puppy you evcr saw and his little head and legs move. Priced at 59 BristleGoodsDept. 35o Tooth Brushes, your choice for 23 -$1.25 Hair Brush, solid back, wire drawn, at 58 75c Ideal Hair Brush, 49 25c Hard Rubber Combs, . gents' size, 16 50c Hair Brushes, good ones, too, at 27 25c and 35c Nail Brushes at 17t 50c . Hard Rubber Combs, ladies' size, at 3-t . t-50c .F1 e s h Brush, water proof, solid back,, at 33 . -One-rourth Off on all Mil itary Brushes. One-rotirtb. Off on all Par isian Ivory. One-Fourth Off on all Jew- elry. Portland 's largest 'brush line will be found here. We have in stock Kents, Adams, Howards and many imported lines. Perfume Department Wood - Lark Freckle Oint ment, SI. Money back if not satisfied. $1.50 Oriental Cream, 98 75c Lilac Vegetal 4711 at 25c Sanitol Tooth "Paste at 16 25c Packer's Tar Soap at 15 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap at 15 50c Camelline at 35 50c Sempre Giovine, 39 .,,-r 50ft,.StilJrnan's F.rejj k J e Cream at 33 50c La Blache Face Pow der at 29 Wood-Lsrk Sraell Isisr Salt In Jars) colored to arailt your room, ns tK$2.0to.v Wsod-Lsrk Mlolenn Tellet Water at TBc the bottle, tar rar above all others mt amy price. Prlacess Cream at SO ersti' the Jar. Wood-Lark Dermatic Eacar Shampoo on aale la all conn tries at 2Sc the package. Seeleys Genuine Radi cal Truss Never Slips A cough, a sneeze, a hearty laugh is a very severe strain on a rup ture; therefore your , truss should, be fitted by an expert fitter one who knows how. That's the kind we have in charge of our truss .room, and we are willing for you to consult him at any time you see fit. His time is at youy disposal. We have trusses from 75 np. Trained nurse in attendance to wait upon the ladies. California Ripe Olives Just a little better than you generally buy, and at prices just a little lower than the other kind. Packed in tin. 35 the pt.. GO the quart, 2.2o the gal. IMPORTED GREEK OLIVES Fine, fine, fine, mighty fine! Come in and ask about them. Packed in glass. at 25t, 45 and 75 T AT THE BOWER O' SWEETS All our 25c boxes of Candy .....19 All our 50c boxes of Candy . .. . .39 All- our 65c boxes of Candy 49 All our $1 boxes of Candy . . .. .79 KJ Guaranteed to Cure Dull Razors, or Money Refunded The famous Nev-a-hone Razor Strop does away with honing, saves time and trouble and ex pense. Do not fail to see the demonstration in our window. Price, 50c Up So Many Satisfied Customers Last Week, That We Repeat Again The Wonderful Purchas- y7 ing Power of ......... -C- cIllS Throughout the Store Friday and Saturday 50c Whisk Brooms 27 50c Shaving Mirrors 27 50c Baseball . . ..27c 50c Fish Lines 27 50c Bath Sponees 27 50c 6 rolls Toilet Paper... 27tJ 50c 2 cans King's Salmon Eggs 27 50c 5 bot. 10c Apple Juice.27 50c Baseball Bats 27 50c Baseball Mitts, Gloves.27 (All above in basement.) 50c Phillips Milk Magnesia 27 50c Rubber Gloves, for fruit canning ...... ....... 27 50c Gentlemen's Wallets. .27 50c Hair Brushes 27 50c Bathing Cap, rubberized cloth 27 4 dozen best Fruit Jar Rub- . bers 27 50c Bulb Hous'hd Syringe.27 50c Atomizer 27 (Above on Main Floor.) - 50c Framed Picture 27 50c Wall Match Safe 27 Many other little gifts will be found at a low price in the Art Department. Each department will have a display of wonderful values Vintage Wines 6 TO 9-YEAR-OLD WINES AT NEW WINE PRICES 1906 Claret, in pint bot.23t 1907 Claret, in qt, bot..43t 1904 Sherry, in pt. bot.. 41 1904 Sherry, in qt. bot..79 1904 Port, in pint bot..41 " 1904 Port, in qt. bottles.79 Green Seal Beaujolais and Macon for ...89 Gordon's Dry Gin 77J Full i-pint old Clawood Bourbon, bonded 23 tAgiy - - - - - Why not? What's the use of standing over a hot stove f The best way is Hot-Point Way This way makes hot-weather cooking a pleasure. All the Hot-Point appliances are practical; economical and handy. Every one is sold under a GENUINE GUARANTEE. . Hot-Point Irons, none better at any price, 10-yr. guar., $3.50 Hot-Point Utility Iron, can be used as a cooker, curling iron heater and many different things, priced at J$5.0O El Grillo, a cooking device that boils, broils, fries, toasts, S6.50 El Stovo, 6-inch hot plate, single heat $4.50; 3-heat at 56.50 El Tosto, makes mighty fine toast, guar'td to last 5 yrs.. 3.40 , El Bako, an electric oven, can be attached to iTn light socket, only costs 3Vo per hour to run, big enough to bake two loaves of bread, heating, element guaranteed for 5 years, priced at $12 r.ieciric coo King devices m our stock is complete and our prices right. CASSEROLES The greatest values ever offered in casseroles. Heavy nickel cases with GUERNSEY lining. Either round or oval style. Regular value $3.00 Special Friday and Saturday, $1.48 PERCOLATORS Friday and Saturday we will' offer you a surprise in ' Percolators, full 6-cup . size, either copper or nickel finish. " Regular value $3.50 Special at $2.4S ': ASTORIA COUNCIL UPHELD Issuing; ot improvements Warrants on General Fund. Held Just. ASTORIA, Or., June 25. (Special.) The suit to restrain the city from pay ing the special fund warrants drawn to- defray the expense of improving Icying: avenue b issuing- warrants on the general fund was practically de cided in favor of the defendants by Judge Campbell, of the Circuit Court today, when he denied the motion of the plaintiff asking for a judgment on the pleadings. ; "After the .contractors had started work on the ' Irving-avenue improve ment," said the court, "the Council found that, if continued, it would de stroy a vast amount of property and thus render the general taxpayers li able for damages In a large sum. ' In order to prevent that damage, the Council stopped the improvement, as the best step, in its judgment, to guard the general taxpayers against heavy financial losses. "While it is true," the charter pro vides that no street improvement can be. paid for out of the general fund .. . still it was found in this case that the general taxpayers would Buf fer greater injuries by a continuance of the Improvement than by stopping it and paying for the work done. . . Where a Council did this in good faith and without any " evidence" of rraud, I do not think a court of equity should set that compromise aside. It simmers down to a simple matter of justice and that means the warrants In question should be paid." Manual Training Proposed. ROSE BURG, Or.. June 26. (Special.) A proposition to equip the local schools with maunal training and do mestic science-courses is being agitated here by members of the School Board and citizens. As soon as the voters be come conversant with, the estimated cost of installing the courses, and of the benefits to be derived, a special election probably will be called for the purpose of authorizing the necessary expenditure. Creeks Stocked With Trout. ASHLAND, Or, June 2S. (Special.) Thousands of young trout have just been . placed in emigrant and Nell Creeks, above this city. The fish are from the Kl-k Creek hatchery, where many thousands more are available. If not soon placed elsewhere, the' fish will be turned loose In the Rcgue River. ODD INITIATION S1TEP1CKED Wallowa Knights of Pythias to Work on Top of Mountain. ALBANY, Or., June 26. (Special.) A class will be initiated Into the order of the Knights of Pythias this Summer on the summit of Eagle Cap Mountain, the highest point in the Wallowa range, according to plans which are being de veloped by Kinsmen Lodge. No. S7, Knights of Pythias, of Wallowa. Word of the proposed ceremony, which will be unique in Pythian annals in the Pa cific Northwest, and probably in the entire country, was received here today by a local officer of the Grand Lodge from J. H. Gwinn. of Pendleton, grand chancellor of the order in Oregon. Detailed plans for the initiation ha-e not been worked out yet, but it is pro posed to confer all three of the ranks of knighthood at the top of the moun tain. It is said that in aneient times lodges met on high peaks and this cus tom will be Imitated in this initiation. Public Wedding to Be Feature. CHEHALIS, Wash., June 26. (Spe cial.) A public wedding will ' be one of the special features of the big Fourth of July celebration that Willi be held In this city. The executive com mittee announced a prize of 9100 worth of merchandise, offered by the business men of the town, to be given the first couple who would present their appli cation to Chairman Judd. A well-known young man signed up an agreement with the committee to be on hand with his bride-to-be and ride in the parade. Judge Rice, of the Superior Court, will perform the ceremony, which will be held immediately following the parade, on a big elevated platform, in the heart of the city. Militia Wanted for Fourth. CENTRALIA. Wash, June 26 (Spe cial.) At the luncheon of the Commer cial Club Monday it was voted to peti tion Governor Lister to allow Company 3t. Second Regiment, National Guard of Washington, to remain in centralia to take part in the Fourth of July celebra tion. The local- militia ' company Is scheduled to parade in Tacoma on the morning of the Fourth. Railroad Condemns for Right ofWaj CENTRALIA, Wash, June 26. (Special.)- The Puget Sound & Willapa Harbor Railway, recently incorporated, is actively engaged in securing- right of way for its proposed line to Ray mond. Condemnation suit was filed by ' the company In the Lewis County Su perior Court yesterday against 'SYenzel jruz. Talent to Be Host This Year. ASHLAND, Or, June 26. (Special.) The Southern Oregon Soldiers' and Sail. , ors" Association will hold ' its annual r reunion at Talent this year, beginning September 15 and continuing five days,,, one day's proceedings being devoted to Ashland, Central Point and Gold Hill, I Grants Pass, Talent and Medford re- spectlvely. , Where's the Best Place to ' Rent a Piano? of Diana Is rented according tn itn ! value. Cheaper grades of used pianos n r u ,- n t o rt f Or SI Fid . i ) An nn 1 An monthly, best makes 94.00, J6.60 and. J8.00 monthly. No cartage charged where piano is kept six months. Cart age one way is charged where piano Is kept only three months. At Eilers everything exactly as advertised. Aldr Etreet at Eroadwav. T A