Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 27, 1913, Page 19, Image 19

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Wheat Contracting at Country
Points Slows Down.
Operations In Xow Crop Burley Also
Cease, Owing to Weakness in
California. Caused by Good
Coast Prospects. i
Tlie o!d Brain season is rupidly drawing
to a close. Stock! in dealers' hands here
and in the country are much reduced, and
receipts are dwindling- to a few cars daily.
A little Inquiry is still coming from Cali
fornia, and anyone having wheat to sell
can place it at the prices that have ruled
for the past few weeks. Club Is quoted at
93 cents and forty-fold is held at 94 centB.
The prompt requirements of the Japanese
appear to -have been filled, as inquiry from
that source has ceased.
Contracting at country points has also
slowed down. An easier feeling; in the
market for futures has caused the dealers
to withdraw, while farmers are not dis
posed to listen to any lower prices than
tvere lately offered.
Barley contracting has also ceased, the
Influence in this case being the decline in
the California market. Iecember barley at
Can Francisco was quoted yesterday down
to $1.83. Six weeks ago it was selling at
The oats market is dull, with little in
terest shown in either the spot or future
article. Old oats are quoted rather weak.
Local receipts in cars were reported toy
the Merchants Exchange as follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay
"Wednesday. . .
Tear ago
Reason to date
Year ago
F i 4 J9 r, ;4
:i - J 7
S .1 4 2 12
6 7 2 R
20 3 1 7
17347 ;.177 I'fiM 1599 ?34S
14445 391 'jr, 11 1S93 2816
Conservative Kfcllmale of Coming Yield Is
120,000 Hales
The most Interesting feature of the hop
situation at the present time Is the fine
crop outlook in Oregon. There is now
hardly any doubt that the yield will come
up to last year's, and it may exceed it by
a considerable degree. A conservative esti
mate for the state at the present time is
120.000 bales. Some hopmen figure a crop
us high as 110,000 bales. The yards have
come through the rainy spell with scarcely
a sign of vermin, and there is every rea
son to bslleve that the quality will be as
good as ever produced here. No recent
business has been reported in either the
old or new crop.
London dealers' letters say of English
crop and market conditions:
Cattley, Gridley & Co. In spite of the
severe attack of fly blight the plant has
made excellent progress, and prospects both
In England and abroad remain normal, al
though washing will have to be resorted to
as ut'ual. The market remains unchanged.
the small stocks offering being quite suf
ficient to supply the present demand:
W. H. & H. Lo May The trade for con
sumption noted in our last continues; and
values are fully maintained. Plantation re
ports still speak of the severe -attack of
aphis blight.
Wild, ,eamft Co. We have no change
to report on our market. Available stocks
are very restricted and values firm.
Manger & Henly Trade during the past
week has been quiet, the email business'
done being for present needs only. Prices
remain unchanged.
Cantaloupes Are Lower and tSrl.Ii.ff 4Yell
OraoKfi Firm.
Front street w;is xvell supplied with decid
uous fruits of ell kinds yesterday and the
demand was active. Peaches sold lower' at
$1.10 rot 1.25 a box. and a large quantity was
moved. Plums were quoted at $1.30 1.73,
and other sorts sold at formnr prices.
Cantaloupes were down a quarter at $2.23
end $2.75. With the lowering o the retail
price, the demand has Increased. Two cars
of cantaloupes were received.
Few strawberries were on sale, and most
or them were soft. The general price was
to 75 cents. There were limited . receipts
of Oregon loganberries, black caps and
blackberries, which were quoted at $2.50 a
crate. California blackberries sold at 10
cents a pound and California loganberries
at $1.25 a crate.
Cherries vere In lare supply and slow.
Fancy Bings brouRht lo to 12 Hi cents, and
other kinds sold from 4 to 6 cents.
A car of Valencia oranges was received and
offered at $4.0 fcj G. Navels were quoted at
the same price.
Vegetables were in fair supply and gen
erally steady in price.
Cheese Is Taken for Storage Account as Fast
as Offered.
Poultry is ugatti selling well and the mar
ket is kept cleaned up without much diffi
culty, particular I yUi tecase of hens, which
are now bring-in; 1U ' cents. Veal is rather
weak, but pork is steady.
The egg market continues very firm, with
the supply hardly up to requirements.
Cheese is being taken for storage account
as fast as offered, which keeps the market
in steady trim. Butter Is unchanged
Bunk Clearings.
Bank cle-irinys of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were as follows r
Clearing. Balances.
PortI a nd. $ l . 5o,s, t50 $ l na. fti'5
Seattle l.SajfS,7na i!l 7,033
Tacoma. 44S.S:tu 02.704
6lokane o27,Uu2 43,1 tig
Grain, Flour," Feed, Etc.
TV HEAT Track prices: Club, 93c; blue
stem, 9S4j$l; 40-fold, 04c; red Russian 92c;
Valley. D4c.
OATS No. 1 white, $31 per ton; stained
and off grade, less.
FLOUR Patents, $4.70 per barrel;
straights. $4.10; exports, S3.S53.95; valley,
$4.To; graham, $4.00; whole wheat, $4. SO.
CORN Whole, 52S.50, cracked. $29.50 ter
ton. 1
shorts, $20.50 27 per
per ton.
$24.S023 per ton;
ton; middlings, $31
BARLEY Feed, 26.5027 per ton; brew
tng. nominal; rolled, $2S.50 20.3O per ton.
HAY Eastern Oregon timothy, choice,
IMtiiy per ton; alfalfa, $1514,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Local Jobbing quotations:
TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. 14.. .Am
ft ytr box : lemons. Scy 10 per box; pine-VVleP-
7c per pound.
ONIONS New red, 1.2r per sack.
VEGETABLES Artichokes. 75c per dozen;
asparagus, Oregon. G0c'g.$1.0O per dozen;
h'tiic. 3 'a" Sc pt't pound ; cabbage. 1H & 2c
per pound; cauliflower, $i00 per crate; .juc per dozen; cucumbers. $1 per
box; eggplant. 25c pound; head lettuce, $2.60
per crate ; peas, o '& oc per pound ; peppers,
-"c for pound; radishes, 10-fg.'12c per dozeu;
rhubarb. l&2c per pound; spinach, 75c per
box; toruatocs, $1.54 per box; garlic, 7&$o
Ti'TATOES New California. 2 He per
OKEEN FRUIT Apples, new, $1.23 per
box; old, nominal; strawberries. b3c&$l
per crate: cherries, 4i12c per lb.; goose
berries, 23c per pound; apricots. $1.25
1.50 per box; cantaloupes. $2.25 2.75 per
crate; reaches, $1.10 $ 1.25 per box; water
melons, tfc per pound; plums, $l.ft01.75 per
box ; raspberries, $2.25 per crate; loganber
ries. $2.5o per crate; blackberries, $2.50 per
Dairy and Country Produce.
Lccsl Jobbing Quotations:
POULTRY Hens. 13c: Springs. 18g20c;
turkeys, live, tscr20c; dressed, choice, 24
2,1c: iiucks. olt, 32c: young. 14c.
EGGS Oregon ranch, case count. 23g24c
per dozen: candled. 2ft?'26e per dosen.
CIIEKSE Oregon triplets. 16HCJ Daisies.
17c; Young Americas, 18c.
BUTTER City creamery butter cubes,
pr pound; prints 5940 ner Bound.
PORK Fancy. 10M,1J per pound.
'EAL Fancy. Halhic per pound.
Staple Groceries.
Local jobbing quotations:
SALMON' Columbia River. one-pound
tails. .25 per dozen; half-pound flats.
SI. 40; one-pound flats. 2.45; Alaska, pink,
one-pound talis, 85c; silversldes. one-pound
tails. (1.25.
HONK Y Choice. $3.25 3.75 per case.
NUTS Walnuts. ISc per pound: Brazil
nuts. 12 15c; filberts, 15 15c; almonds.
ISc; peanuts. 55Hc; cocoanuts, bOc$l
per dozen: cttestnuts, 11c per pound: hlck
orynute. S(810c: pecans, 17c; pine. 174 20c.
BEAN'S Small white. c; large white.
6.90&'Gc; Lima, 6.30o; pink. 4.15c; Mexican,
6c: bayou. 4. ISc
SUGAR Fruit and berry. fo.2o: Honolulu
plantation. S5.20; beet. S303; extra C, $4.75;
powdered, barrels, Su.ou: cubes, barrels,
COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 19 35c per
SALT Granulated, $14 per ton; halt
ground lous. $10 per ton; 50s, $10.75 per
ton; dairy. $12.50 per ton.
RICE No. 1 Japan. 55Hc; cheaper
grades, 4Vzc; Southern head, 5&6c.
DRIED FRUITS Apples, 10c per pound;
apricots, 12&14c; peaches, 8llc; prunes,
Italians, S&lOc; silver, 18c; figs, white and
black, eiTc; currants. Qhic; raisins, loose
Muscatel, 647V4c; bleached, Thompson.
1134c; unbleached. Sultanas. Shio; seeded,
7 hi & S hi c : dates, Persian, 7Mi Sc per pound;
fard, $1.65 per bo.
FIGS Twelve 10-ounce. S5c; 50 6-ounee,
$1.85; 70 4-ounce, $2.5U; 30 10-ounce, $2.25;
loose. 50-pound boxes, agj)7c; Smyrna,
boxes, $1.10 & 1.25; candied, $3 per box.
Local jobbing quotations: '
HAMS 10 to 12 pounds. 2021c; 12 to
14 pounds, 20 21c; picnics, 14c; cottage
roll. 17c.
BACON Fancy, 20 30c;- standard, 24
25c; English, 22023c.
LARD In tierces, choice, 14ttc; com
pound, 9 3fcc.
DRY SALT MEATS Regular short clears,
14M16c; short clear ba-.ks, IS to 10 lbs.,
15' lfl'ic; short clear backs, 18 to 25 lbs.,
16-al6c; exports. ltH4164a
BARRELED BEEF Extra mess beef.
1U; mess beef. $19; plate beet, $21; rolled
boneless beef, $30.
BARRELED PORK Best pig pork. $2T;
pickled pork. $25.
Hops, Wool and Hides.
HOPS 1912 crop. 13 13c per pound: 1913
contracts, 14B14MC per pound.
PELTS Dry. luc; lambs, salt shearling,
14) fh. ;l5c.
WOOL Eastern Oregon. 10HOlHc;
Valley, 18iU9c per pound.
GRAIN BAGS. 9o Portland.
HIDES Salted hides, 10&11V-0 per pound;
salt kip. 12"13c; salted calf, l17Vic;
green hides, 10 fa-10 lie: dry hides. 21022c:
ury calf No. 1, 25o; No. 2, 20c; salted
DUUS sc.
MOHAIR 1313 clip. 31c per pound.
Linseed Oil and Turpentine.
LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels, 58c: boiled.
barrels, ESc; raw, cases, 61c; boiled, cases.
OIL MEAL F. o. b. Portland works: Car.
lots. $35; 5 and 10-ton lots. $34; ton lots,
TURPENTINE Barrels. 62c; cases, 65a.
Decline in Supply Is Responsible for
Higher ValuesCattle and Sheep
Quotations Are Steady.
A further lift was given to the' local hog
market yesterday, the rise, this time being a
nicKel one. The load that brought the ad
vanced nrice averatred 2oS nmmrli In wicVit
There was a good demand for all that were
offered. The sheep market was steady and
iu" came marttet was nrm lor good ouanty,
Cattle offerings were light, and nothing
tvas put on sale or a grace that would com
pare with the best recently dlsoosed of. The
steers offered ranged in price from $6.50 to
.(;. l ows soia irom $d..d to $tt.GU, and
good calves brought $0.
With a 9-cent market for tops, all kinds
of hogs sold readily. Two loads were taken
at $s.i. while heavy hovs brought $(.85.
Choice lambs sold at the orice that ore
vailed last week. $&7u. ewes were moved at
$4.10 and $4.25, and a large bunch of mixed
Bneep went at $3.
Receipts were 149 cattle, 4 calves, 240
nogs ana xaox sneep.
Shippers were : Hanson Livestock Com
pany, oguen. Utah. 3 cars of cattle; C. C,
Clark. Braddock. Or.. 2 cars of cattle: W
B. Kurtz, Ht. Anthony. Idaho, 2 cars of
nogs; a. K.. "ora, McMlnnvtUe. Or., 1 car
of mixed hogs and sheep; J. B. Densmore,
west Miiyion, ur 1 car or hogs; J. B.
Densmore, West Scio. Or., 4 cars of sheep
Fred Weise, Redmond, Or., 1 car of sheep
Adams Brothers, who drove in 175 sheep ,
CJ. W. Low den. who drove in 4 calves, and
E. S. O'Rourke, who also drove in 5 cattle.
ine aay s saies were as 101 lows:
Weight. Price,
st eers W50 $7.1
17 steers 104 7,5
1 stag 1420 7.15
839 mixed sheep 64 3.00
bS hogs 1G5 S.S;
1 hog 220 8.8i
hoes :uh 7.K5
7 hogs ii,-i 8.S5
57 hogs 159 8.85
85 hogs 2M8 S.t0
7 heifers S30 7.00
Mo lambs t! 6.75
35 lanibfi fist 6.65
1(4 lambs 76 6.75
2 calves ISO 9.00
4 calves . 212 9.00
3 steers 679
steers 790
2 steers 73"
8 steers 960
1 bull 12io
1 bull 17oo
1 1 ewes 124
88 ewes . 122
2 cows 905
3 cows ,102't
1 cow 1020
1 cow 1 3nn
1 cow .1220
The range of prices at the yards was as
Choice steers ....
Good steers
Medium steers
Choice cows .......
Good cows
Medium cows
Choice calves
Good heavy calves
. 7.2S 7.75
. 1 MO Its 7.23
. e.5042 7.50
. .::. w 6.00
. e.oo 6.25
SOOs 9 00 1
6.50 3J 7.V0 i
4.00 &i coo
8."i0 3i 9.00
.7.50 7.90
4.00 0 fi.00
:t.oo 4.50
coo 9 G.73
Omaha Livestock Market.
SOUTH OMAHA, Neb., June 20. Cattle
Receipts, 300; market, lower. Native steers.
$7.408.6O; cows and heifers, $5.707.00:
Western steers. $6&7.50; Texas steers. $6
7; cows and heifers, $3.506.25; calves, $7
Hogs Receipts, 15,600; market, steady.
Heavy. $S.40jj S.52 14 ; light, JS.5214 8.65;
pigs. J6C8 7.30; bulk of sales, $S.50gtf S.55.
Sheep Receipts. 1250: market, higher.
Yearlings. $5t6.2S; wethers, f 4. 50 is 5.75;
ewes, $3.75&5.10; lambs, $6.50&8.25.
Cliicaso Livestock Market.
CHICAGO, June 26. Cattle aecelpts,
ROOO; market, slow, generally ste.iy.
Beeves. $7.3G0.00; Texas steers, S6.90J?
8.10; Western steers, $7.10(58.20; stockers
and feeders, $5.75 8.10; cows and heifers,
$3.l0-gS.50; calves, $6.009.25.
Hogs Receipts, 21,000; market, strong,
Dc to 10c higher. Light. SS.65 S.92 14 :
mixed,!'8.00: heavy, $8.3508.83;
rough. JS.35-jt8.55; pigs, $6.808.C0; bulk of
sales, $S.708.85. .
Sheep Receipts, 8000: market, strong.
Native. S.50M.1O; Western, 5.306.15;
yearlings, $5.85 h 6.90 : lambs, native, 5.S0&
7.50; Western, $6i7.50: Spring, $5.758.B0.
Prices Quoted at tUe Ray City for Vegeta
bles. Fruits, Etc.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 26 The follow
ing produce prices were current here today:
Fruit Apples, 75c$1.50, Mexican limes,
nominal; California lemons, choice. 48
9.00; common, $46; pineapples, $1.25
Cheese New. 1414 15c: Young Ameri
cas. 1714c.
Hay Wheat, $2325: wheat and oats.
$21.50$ 22; alfalfa. 12r$14.
Butter Fancy creamery, 28l-c; seconds.
27 We.
Vegetables Cucumbers, 4050c: green
peas. lli2c: suing beans, 23c; eggplant,
Onions New, red. 50 05c per sack; yel
low, 75 80c per sack.
Potatoes .New River whites, 0"cg$l.RO;
Early Rose. 75cfJ$1.10: oia. river Burbsnks,
50 375c; Oregon. 75c$l; new. $131.50.
I'-ggs Store. 22tsc; fanry ranch. 25c.
Receipts Flour, 1750 quarters; barley.
24fc0 centals; potatoes, 1084 sacks: hay,
605 tons.
Duluth Linseed Market.
DI'LUTH. June 2. Close:
$l.o4T: July. $1.33, 5ked: September,
9. .09 nsRcu, ucioL'sr, fi.u9 01a.
Cables Orders for Stocks at
Higher Prices.
AVall Street Sentiment Does Xot Re
spond, Owing to Sagging Ten
dency of Other Foreign. Mar
kets Early Gain:, Jxst.
NEW YORK. Juna 26 London cabled a.
higher range of prices for American stocks
today, and when trading began In the home
market, the international issues responded
with general gains, amounting; to a point or
more for Union Pacific. St. J'aul, Canadian
Pacific and Amalgamated Cooper. Other
foreign markets were Inclined to sag and
traders looked with some suspicion upon
the rise of Americans in London, which
might have been based, it was thought.
upon operations on this side of the water.
London came in with buvine orders for
perhaps 20,000 shares, but traders here were
not willing to follow the list upward. They
sold stocks instead. and ooeninar ealns
swiftly vanished. Speculative leaders sagged
until they were one to two points below the
earlier high prices. The market thereafter
was irregular, with a heavy undertone.
Reading. Steel, Smelting, New Tork. Cen
tral Beet Sugar and Louisville were de
pressed a 'point or more below yesterday's
While the tonic effect of the recent rise
has not been entirely lost, it was evident
that sentiment was becoming more bearish.
Bear traders baseed selling on the outbreak
of hostilities between Bulgarian and Servla
and the heaviness of foreign markets.
ivew issues of securities here this week
gsreRaKa approximately X35.oon.oon in
cluding ii,ooo,ooo of short-term notes sold
today by the State of Tennessee.
Although money Is still pourinr Into v
Tork from the interior, bank reserves are
piling up and the money market nominally
is easier than was the case a. few weeks
ago, the actual conditions which confront
borrowers are shown by the fact that the
oiaio 01 jennessee was compelled to sell
its notes at such a price that they are
vuertru uy me underwriters to vleld fiv;
per cent.
Bonds yielded all around with St. Louis
& 6an Francisco Issues showing especial
i.d.mcc. luun eaies, par vaiue. 51,735,
000. United States bonds were unchanged
Keportea by J. c. Wilson & Co., Lewis
. Closing
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
23,000 05 14 63 14 HH
300 . 2H, 21 ' J1U
2,500 27" 20, 2B
700 87 H7
100 43 43 41 5
' . . 3tl
1,200 6294 61H blH
...... ..... ..... 110
400 S2 ,32 ',4 32 H
113 5s
1,600 9H 95V4 851
ZOO US', i)H
11(H) 93 93 1 93
SOO 67 h &0?t ea?t
4.700 217! 21(!ii 216
3,400 54 53 584
' 1114
100 12S 12S 127 H
2.2U0 103 102 'A 102 H
IOO 27 27 2S?
2.800 .34 H 83. 33
"'ioo i2sii 12sh
1,300 2 23 23
10(j;1301i 13(Jli 1351
SOO 34 33 33
COO 122 li 1L'24
&0O 15 14T4 14
3,000 50 5414 04 ',4
21J0 103 102 V J0214
400 . 2UVi . 25 i 2554
4.20O 152 151 .IBli
500 13114 130 ' 130
l.loo 14V 14 14
"406 'it H "2014 20H
bOO 301, 29 H 29 -jW
' 4&14
2,900 9S4 96 Ti 97 H
200 31V, 81 !, 31
SOO 103 hi 103 103
200 7 Ort 65
1,300 107 10714 107li
3,000 1111s 110'i 1V'i
10O 107H 107 , 10714
43,900 15SV4 15034 157
r,oo 16 15 IS '4
2.80O D"4 94 9514
1.500 21 211, 2114
200 IOII5 301 la lolVs
48.200 147, 1451, 1451
44. TOO S314 52 52'i
2,400 104 U 10." ' 103
500 42Vi 43 41H
200 61 , 61 Vi ",0Vt
55 i.
Amal Copper . .
Am Beet Sugar.
Am Can Co
do pref erred..
Am Car & Fdy..
Am Cotton Oil..
Am Smel & Ref.
do preferred..
Am Sugar
Jo preferred..
Am Tel & Tel..
Am Tobacco . . .
Atl Coast Line..
A T & Santa Fe
do preferred. .
Bait Ac Ohio . . .
lirook R Iran. .
Canadian rac.
C A: ti W
O 4i K IV
C, M ife St Paul.
Central Leather.
Col Fuel &. Iron
Col Southern . ..
Consol Cas
IJ & R G
Distilling Secur.
General Elec . ..
Gt North Ore . .
Gt North pf . . .
luterboro Met..
do preferred..
Inter Harvester.
K -C Southern. .
Lehigh Valley..
Louis & Nash . .
Mexican Central
M, S P & S S M
Mo, Kan & Tex.
Mo pacilic
National Lead ..
Nat Biscuit . . .
do preferred..
N Y Central . . .
N Y, Out & Wes
Norfolk & West
North America..
Northern Pac . .
Pacific Mail . . .
Pacific T Ac T..
do preferred..
Pennsylvania ...
People's Gas .
Republic S & I.,
ltock Island Co.
Southern Pac . .
Southern Ky
Texas Oil
Union Pacific . .
do preferred..
United Kds S F.
U S Steel
do preferred..
Utah Copper . . .
Western Union. .
Westing Llec . ..
Total sales for the day, 222,783 shares.
Keported by overheck & Cooke Co., Board
of Trade building. Portland
Bid. Asked.
.. 93 SI4
. . SS 88.14
...9014 91
. . . !67
.. 94 95 Vi
.. 9!14 99
. . 05 05 h
. . 93 t, 93
. . 68 70
.. 7414 - 74
. . 92 93
.. 63 U
. . S3 14 84
.. S2 93
. . 9214 92
. . . S7 ; SS 14
. . 9H tiH
...981, 9B14
. . 99 99'-,
.. 93 V 93
. . S 68,
.. 81, 89
.. 87'i S94
..101 1014
.. 73H 73
. . sr. 58
. . 9 92
... 98 99
.. 931, W
.. 50 50 H
.. SSli 8914
. . 84 S6
. . 76 77
..10 100V4
. .100
..10314 103
..10314 103
..1131 11414
Atchison general 4s...
Atlantic Coast Line let 4s. .
Baltimore & Ohio golds 4s. .
B R T 4s
Chesapeake & Ohio 414S
C II & St P ;eu 4s
CRT col 4s
California Gas 5s
O B Q joint 4s
Erie general 4s
Int Met 4Vjs
Louisville & Nashville uul 4s.
Mlsr-ouri Pacific 4s
NYC gen 81s
N W 1st con 4s
rwortnern 'Plnc as.-.
Ow-gon Short Line ref 4s....
Pacific Tel 5s
Penna Con 4s
Reading general 4s
Kt L t s r ref 4s
Southern Pacitic ref 4s
Southern Pacific col 4s
Southern Railway 5s
Southern Railway 4s
United Railway inv 4s
United States Steel 5s
West Shore 4s
Waba3h 4s . . . :
Westinghouse Electric cv 5a.
Wisconsin Central 4s
Western Pacitic 5s
United States 2s registered..
lo coupon
United states Ss registered.
do coupon
United States 4s registered.
do coupon
Stocks at Boston.
BO-TON, June 27. Closing quotations: ,
Allouez 30 IMohawk 44
Amal Copper jNevada Con. 14
-v tj ij ec if5 i:iyi8ainc Mines. 0
Arizona Com.... 2;North Butte 24
b 1; i o II. $0 North Lake 114
v oc .Adzuiui. . ' y- : ;i uomlnlon.. 4 J
Cal A Hecla
.410 Osceola 75
Centennial . . -
V. Butte C M.
Glroux Con . . .
Granlty Con. .
. 10 Quincy mu
. 39 Shannon 7
9i'Superior 22
. RHIS & B M 2
1 14 Tamarack oil
5S IU S S R & M. .. 3B
Greene Cananea 5! do
preferred.. 87
I Rojalle (Cop) IRHlUtah
con 7
Kerr Lake 311'tah Copper Co 41
Lake Copper... 614'Winona 114
La Salle Copper Wolverine 44
Miami Copper. . 21
Money, Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK, June 20. Money on call,
steady. 12 per cent; ruling rate, 2' clos
ing bid. 1; offered at 2.
Time loans, steady; 60 days, SQ3 per
cent: OO days. 84 per cent; six months.
ilil(5 per cent.
Prime mercantile paper, C per cent.
Sterling exchange easier, with actual busi
ness in bankers' bills at $4.8305 for tjO
day bills and at $4.G70 for demand
.Commercial bills, $4.82.
Bar silver. 58c.
Mexican dollars, 4Se.
Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds,
LONDON, June 26. Bar silver, quiet,
26 13-16d per ounce. Money, 83 per cent.
The rat; of discount in the open market for
short bills is 4 per cent; for three months'
bills. 4 5-3 6 per cent
PAN FRANCJSCO, June 26. Sliver bars,
58 c.
Mexican dollars, nominal.
. Drafts, ilght 2c. telegraph Be.
sterling in London. 60 days, $4 S3; do.
sight, $.S7.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON, June 26. The- condition
of the United States Treasury at the be-
ginning of business today was:
Working balance $ 5S.2.10
In banks and Philippine Treasury 57.HS2.024
Total of general fund....- 141.204.3:'.!
Receipts yesterday 3.737. 2.
Disbursements .a.'M.i7a
The surplus this fiscal year is 116.5ti3.722,
as against a surplus- of $3.:io0,rt77 last year.
The figures for receipts, disbursements
and surplus exclude Panama Canal and
public debt transactions.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. June 20. Cooper steady.
Standard spot to June, l'S.lo bid; July and
August, id.iovi li.ou; electrolytic,
00: lake. H.b, fed lo.j: casting.
Tin weak, spot to August, 43.i(a 43.T3.
Lead, steady. 4.30 bid.
Spelter steady, 5-0o3f-5.25.
Antimony dull. Cooksons, 8. 73 ji 9.00.
Iron quiet and unchanged.
London markets closed as follows:
Copper easy. Spot. 64; futures, 64, 7s 6d.
tin, weaK. bpot, tius, lus; iuturea, tav.
Spelter. 21.
Lead, 20.
Iron Cleveland
warrants 54s 9d.
Coffee) and Sugar.
NEW YORK, June 20. Coffee futures
opened steady at a decline of 10 to 13 points
under, liquidation by some of yesterday's
buyers and prices gradually eased - off un
der scattered selling, which was supposed
to be for both accounts. The close was
steady. July. 0.3oc; September, 9.5Sc; Oc-
tooer, li.oae; December, 9.75c; January,
9.SOc: March, 9.80c; May. 9.95c.
Spot coffe quiet No. 7 Rio. 9T4c; Santos
No. 4. 12c. Mild coffee dull. Cordova.
13 & 16c.
Sugar Raw, firm.
Cotton Market.
YORK, June 26. Cotton Spot
closed quiet. Mld-unlands. 12.40c:
gulf. 12.65c. Sales. 100 bales.
Futures closed steadv. 7 to la noints
lower. June, l.udc; July. IJ.OOc: August.
12.U3c; September. 11.68c; October. 11.40c;
ftovemoer, j.1.410; XJecemDer. tl.45tc
ary, 11.44c; February, 11.46c; March,
May 11.67c
NEW ORLEANS. June 20. Spot
steady, unchanged. Middling, 12 c.
142 bales.
Dried Fruit at Kenr York.
NEW YORK. June 26. Evaporated apples
Prunes Unsettled.
Peaches Firm.
Medium Grades Bring 14 to 14 7-8
and Poor Sell Down to9 1 Cts
About 800,000- Pounds Sold.
HEPPNER. Or.. June 26. (Special.) At
the wool .sale held here the prices paid to
the growers were generally considered very
unsatisfactory. The range was from 9
to 14 cents. The largest clips sold were
tnose oc J. n. Hayes. 4o,199 pounds, wnl
went to Hooper at 1414 cents, and J. W.
Beyner, 56,550 pounds, which Green bought
at 13 cents. About SOO.OOO pounds were
sold. The sales in detail were as follows:
U. Sweek. 10,843 pounds at 14 cents, to
Hooper; Gentry Bros., 14.377 pounds at
14 cents, to Angell; Jim M. Conger, 7u3
pounds at 12 cents, to Green; Frank Keeney,
15,929 pounds at 13 cents, to Green; S. T
Harris. 33,086 pounds at 1314 cents, to
Green; Swick & Dicky. UU30 pounds at 13
cents, to Dufour; L. Sweek. 11.812 pounds
at 13 cents, to Hooper; J. W. Beemer,
9833 pounds at 1314 cents, to Jonas: Newt
Robinson,' 42,800 pounds at 13 cents, to
Dufour; P. J. Morrison. 12.S34 pounds at
13 cents, to Angell; R. E. Lofton, 4712
pounas at 13 cents, to Jriooper; w. Chap
man. 8393 pounds at 13 cents, to Dufour
J. H. Wyland, 11,457 pounds at 12 cents,
to Jonas; McCullough Bros.. 4701 pounds at
13 cents, to Dufour; G. W. Sperry. 1T.212
pounds at 13 cents; K. Cochran, 20,714
pounds at 14 cents, to Hooper; L. Paine,
10,913 pounds at 13 cents, to Dufour: C
Thompson, 6475 pounds at 14 cents, to Jonas
J. H. Hayes, 45.109 pounds at 14 cents, to
Hooper; Cochran. 070 pounds at 91a
cents, to Dufour; W. B. Potter. 23,492 pounds
medium, at 14 .cents, to Sinshelmer; W- B.
Potter, 16,424 pounds, tine, at 13 cents, to
Jonas: C. V. Bales. 25,000 pounds at 11
cents, to Jonas; F. M. Rounds. 12.068 pounds
at 14 cents, to Hooper: A. Madden, 12,31m
pounds at 13 cents, to Dufour;; Phil Colin,
35O0 pounds, medium, at 14 cents,
Jonas; Phil Colin. 2913 pounds, medium,
14 cents, to Jonas; G. V. McHaley. 0151
pounds at 13 cents, to Hooper; G. V. Mc
Haley. 8111 pounds at 13 cents to Jonas
Laf. Penland. 15.962 pounds at 14 cents, to
Duxour; J. .Jackson, 18,200 pounds at 18
cents, to Hooper; J. W. Beymer, 56,550
pounds at 13 cents, to Green; Webb Bros.
22,534 pounds at 14 cents, to Angell; A.
E. Wright, 17, SOO pounds at 13 cents, to
Green; A. B. Wright. 29.60O pounds, medium
at 14 cents, to Dufour; ES. Cochran. 15.939
pounds at 14 cents, to Hooper; Cochran
& Large, 11,702 pounds st 54 cents, to
Hooper; J. S. Busick, 10.75S pounds at 12
cents to Green; J. s. Busick, 10.5O0 pounds,
medium, at 14 cents, to Angell; N. S,
L. Co., 89.8o7 pounds at 13 cents, t
Green; L. P. Davidson, 18,000 pounds at 1
cents, to Dufour; E. K. Wylannd, 10.55
pounds at 13 cents, to Angell; George
Wright. 7609 pounds at 12 cents, to Green
A. Neel, .7.12 pounds at 12 cents.
Green: G. Harae, 5S47 pounds at 12 cents,
Naval Stores.
SAVANNAH. Ga.. June 26. Turpentine.
firm, 36c. Sales, 490; receipts, 1114; chip
ments 13; stocks, 24.208.
Rosin, firm; sales, 4R4: receipts, 2310
shipments, 161; stocks, 121.027. CJuote: A. B,
$:i.tiO: c, D. ss.uo: 15. y g, 11. $4.00:
$4.15: K, $4.55: M. $5.15: N, $5.85; WG,
$6.25: W W, 6.o.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON. June 26. Cargoes on
LIVERPOOL, June 26. What Spot
steady; futures, steady. July, 7s 5d; Octo-
ber. 7s 3d; December, 7s 3'4cu
Weather in England, cloudy.
Dairy Produce at Chicago.
CHICAGO. June 26. Butter- Unchanged
fc,ggs unchanged. Receipts, 15,487.
. Hops at New York.
NEW YORK, June 26. Hops Quiet.
County Commissioners Order Inveu
tory of All Property Owned.
All the property of the county of
every kind and character is to be in
ventorled. Blanks for the purpose have
been printed at the Instance of County
commissioner Ilolman. The object 1
to secure a permanent record in detail
of the county's belonging; for perma
nent record. The blanks are being sen
to the various heads of department
with the request that they fill them
In. There .are columns for the value of
the various items. The system to b
adopted will require each head of
department to add immediately to hi
inventory all new purchases.
Heretofore the county has not had
a complete record of what it owns,
Every six months Auditor Martin has
been making; :; a summarized state
ment, but it has not been in detail and
as Commissioner Holman points out,
It nas been quite possible for employes
to have sold county property and pock
eted the proceeds without any of the
elected officials being the wiser.
Centralia Employes to Organize.
CENTRALIA, Wash., June 26. (Spe
clal.) A movement Is on foot amon
the teamsters and clerks of Centralia
to organize two new unions In th
city. A meeting:, which was well at
tended, was held Monday nisjht an
the foundations for the orcranizatio
laid. The chairman of the State Fed
eration of Labor was present at th
meeting:. The organization will be per
fected some time next week.
Former Salzer Man Iend.
CENTRALIA. Wash., June 26. Spe
clal.) word was received In Central!
today of the death In Santa Barbara,
Cal.. of F. F. Joe Hansen, a forme
prominent farmer of Salzer Valley, wh
recently sold his holdings there an
moved to California. He was stricke
with appendicitis.
ncreasing Offers Bear Down
Chicago Market.
Reports of Conditions in Spring
Crop Country Are Conflicting.
Last Corn Prices Are Higher
and Oats Are Steady.
CHICAGO. June 26. Increasing nffer, of
ewly-harvested wheat here and In the
outhwest today gradually wore the market
own. The close, thoueh steadv. was te to
e under last night. Corn finished at
a net advance of c to 1-ic. oats unchanged
to 14 c lower ana provisions varying from
hi cents decline to a gain of a shade.
Kansas City reports that the 1918 eroo
was being freely sold from the farms, broke
the monopoly which the South Dakota
drouth has had on the attention of the
wheat trade.
Advices from the crop exnerta In the
Spring wheat country were conflicting.
Some dispatches asserted that, because of
additional rain there was now enough mois
ture for the region as a whole. Other tele
grams had It that relief was only in
patches and that growth was going back
In dry spots. Cash demand was slack.
Primary receipts of wheat tnrlav were
577,000 bushels: a year ago, 222,000 bush
els. Export clearances of wheat and flour
equalled 029,000 blshels.
Hot winds In Kansas, causing fears of
crop losses, brought about a bull turn in
Piling up of stocks of oats here acted as
more than an offset for a theory that recent
rains came too late to be of great benefit
to much of the growing crop of that cereal.
In provisions, realizing sales by leading
longs neutralized the effect of higher prices
for hogs. Improved call for the cash
product failed to help the price of futures.
tne leading lutures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low.
July $ .90 $ .91 $ .90
Sept 90 , .91 .90
Dec 83 .03 .92
July 60 .60 .60
Sopt 61 .61 .!
Dec 58 .58 .58
July 41 .41 .40
fept 41 .42 .41
Dec 4 .43 .42
July 20.85 20.85 20.TS
Sept 20.67 H 20.70 20.57
July 11.15 31.15 11.10
Sept 11.30 11.30 11.25.
Oct. 11.37 11.40 11.82
$ .90
.42 J,
July 11.65 11.72H 11.65
Sept 11.75 31.77 1 1.724
Oct 11.65 11.65 11.57 hi
Cash prices were:
Corn No. 2, 61Slic; No. S white, 61
2c; No. 2 yellow. 61tfi61c: No. 3.
00 a 63 tic: No. 3 white, 61 62c; No. 3
yellow, blWBlc; No. 4. 5!& OOtic: No. 4
white, 6061t4c: No. 4 yellow. 5960e.
ity e. iv, o. , 61 1,4 c.
Barley. 30 1st 65c.
Timothy, 3. 7643) 4.75.
Clover, nominal.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. June 26. Cloner When
July. K4f90c; September, 1)2; Decem-
oer, hsc. casn Mo. 1 tiara. 03c: No. 1
Northern, 02 ijr e;i c ; No. 2 Northern. 004
Orotic: No. 2 hard Montana. SO i fi, HO c
iu. o w neat, ss'a m nac.
Flax $1.32vi il 1.33.
Barley Unchanged.
San Francisco Grain.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 2lt Snot miMa.
tions: Walla Walla. $1..")7 t4 to l.BO: red lius-
Hian. l.ui'ilifl.WK Turkey red, $1,700
1.72: bluestem. Sl.TOifi; 1.72 tt : feMri hnrlnv
$l..UVj '1.3j; brewing barley, nominal;
wnite oats, $1.52 bid: bran, $27f27.50;
,.,iuuill,a,. 'fi. a...: K luriM. K"h m "K .til
July barley, $1.31 bid. Jl.33 asked.
v- tt,iuurri sales; v neat, weak; barley.
weak. December. tLi:i5: Muu si aji
Puiret Sound Wheat Markets.
SEATTLE, June 26. Wheat Bluestem.
IMc; fortyfold, 02c; club. Die; fife, UOc; red
xiusMuin, uoc.
Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, C; corn
3; hay, 5; oats, 1.
TACOMA. June S6. Wheat Bluestem, 07
ifwo;; lorvyioiu, uc; club, W3c: red fife,
xesteraays car receipts wheat, 28; ljar-
, iinin, o; nay, .
Denizens of "Garden of Roses' Are
Arrested Three Times in One
Year and Are Fined.
There was consternation in the North
End. garden of roses." when a force
of 20 policemen descended upon it ves
terday afternon and began making; ar
it-sis or tne remaie acnizens. It was
the third time this year that the peace
ox tne aistrict had been disturbed pen
erauy at one time, tne other occa
sions being- a raid last month by
anenrr word ana a round-up last Feb
l'uary by the police.
In the brief space of an hour the
officers had gathered in 58 women and
one man, placing vagrancy charges
apainst an. Ball of $50 was Imposed
in men case.
The houses invaded were at 13, 15
41 and 42 North Fifth street: 307. 269.
308 and 328 Couch street; 212hi and
zbVs Burnslde street; 624. 12hi. Uh
43 and 112H North Fourth street; 275
2t)9, 210 Davis street; 52. 50, 48 and
53 North First street, and 274 and
2J5 Kverett street. The places are
the old. well-recognized tliveB of the
North End, with a sprinkling- of new
The only man arrested was Henry
tsenoit, who nas oeen active In furnish
ing- ball for the women.
The raid was ordered by Captain
ivtoore, arter several days of observa
tion. No ulterior motive is admitted
but It is hinted that the .arrests may
nave a Bearing upon the new abate
ment statute now in effect, which cro
vides that the courts may order the
closing for a period of all houses
which become known as disorderly
uurinsr tne city election camnaisn
when W. G. Ma.cL.aren was. seeking to
advance the Rushlight campaign by
asserting that he had made the vice
district a "garden of roses" there" was
a general policy of lying low, but
since the election there has been little
effort on the part of the women to
conceal their activities.
Centralia Crop Larger Thau De
mand. Owing to Wet Weather.
CENTRALIA. Wash., June 26. (Spe
cial.) The continued wet weather has
increased the berry output and de
creased the demand tb such an extent
that numerous local growers are of
fering their berries free to those who
will pick them.
The Pacific Fruit & Produce Com
pany has handled more than 10,000
crates of local berries, several car
loads having been shipped to Canada,
where they brought fancy prices. The
berries this year are of an exceptional
quality. ,
satisfied) 1
The steady
growth of this Bank is sig
nificant of the sentiment:
"A satisfied customer is the
best indorsement."
- H national. Bank
Fifth and Stark Streets.
Resources 7 Millions
to people who are known to protect their
credit. Credit is based on confidence.
Build tip that -confidence in your daily deal
ings with your banker. It pays.
United States National Bank
Surplus and Capital Third and Oak Sts.
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 900,000
Olde.t National Bank West of th
Rocky Mountains
Xst&hlished 1 859.
Capital Btock ,
Surplus end Undivided Profits.........
Commercial and Savings Accounts-
letters of credit, drafts and trailers' cheek, issued, TBllabl
la all parts of tho world.
TT: Lsifl. Preslrlent, .Robert S. Howard. .Asst. Oaahiaa
V. . U. loncklr. CajhlsT. "WsUtaa uTCooh. JLsat CashU.
Canadian Bank
of Commerce
ead ornoB
Toronto, Canada.
A general banking" - baslnesm.
trans acted.
Interest -paid on time-deposits.
Letters of Credit and Travelers"
Checks Issued.
Corner Second, and Stark ts.
P. C. MALPAS, Manager.
Lewis Building, 269 Oak Street.
Phonesi Marshall 4120. A 4187.
Railroad or any steamer to San Francisco,
the Exdo City. LarR-eat. fastest and the
ONLY strictly first-class passenger ships on
the Coast. Averaire speed 2S miles per
nour; coot i.ouu.uuu eacn.
S. S. CO.,
Main 26. Frank Rollam, Asent. A 4308.
124 Third Htrert.
San Francisco, Los Angeles
and San Diego Direct
8. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder.
Sail Every Wednesday Alternately at
I". M.
382 Third St. Phones Main 1314, A 114.
Lsnr Rates. Schedule Time.
- Z19 Kail war Eictaasf, Bids;..
Partlaad. Or.
Main Ss'S. A SMS.
except day previous to salllnir. previous day
4 P. M. Passenrer fares: First-class. 110;
second-clasa. ST. Including- berth and. xneas.
Ticket office at Albers Dock No. 8.
H. KEATING. Ageet. Phone Main 6883.
A S141.
Drain-Coos Bay Auto Line
Now Dally to Marshfisld.
Wire reservations to O. Mattoon,
Drain, Oregon.
1,000,000. oa
Largest SS.Co ,
, Ovor 400 Shin
in the
World's largest ship wilt
Saturday Jnly 19, 10 A. M.
Salurdar Aug:. , 11 A. M.
Saturday Aug. 30. 9 A. M.
and every three weeks thereafter.
Enabling paaaengera to arrive la
LONDON and PARIS on slj;th and
In HAMBURG on seventh day.
Books now open for season.
Kronprtuzen Cecella.July 5. 10A.M.
Pretoria July 12, 1 P.M.
Pres. Grant July 16, 0 A.M.
Tlmperator. July 19, 10 A.M.
Amerlka July 23, 9 A.M.
Pres. Lincoln July 24. 12 noon
Pennsylvania. .. .July SI. 3 P.M.
Kaierin Aug. Vlo. Aug. 2, 9 A.M.
Mmperator Auk. 9, -It A.M.
fKPatrtria Aug. 9, 12 noon
Jd cabin only, will call at
BouloEne. fNew. tHamborc direct.
8. S. Pennsylvania and S. S. Pre
toria sail from new pier, foot of
S3d St.. South Brooklyn. All other
sailings In this service front our
Hohoken piers.
Gibraltar, Naples and Genoa
ttTAU steamers of this serrtea
leave from NEW PIER. S8d t
S. Brooklyn. Take Sitth-st ferry
B. 8. Moltke 11.:. 000 Tons),
July 15. 3 P.M.
S. 8. Hamburg fll.OOO Tons)....
. Aug. 9. 10 A.M.
S. S. Moltke Aug. 28, 11 A.M.
S. S. Hamburg. . Sept. 3 T, 10 A M
Cruise to the Land of the Mid
night Sun, June, July and Aug-ubt.
err Our Tourist Dept. arranges
tours ty rail or nteanisnip to all
part of the world.
Write for uilorrcatlon
160 Powell su, fcaa Francisco, Cat.;
tuthem Pacitic Co., set 6th st.
u.-vv. n. & is. tjo., por Pa-w
title. D. R. a. R. R.. Burl
ington Route. Milwaukee
rm couoa rt. xi., ureat
Dorsey B. Smith. 8a " &J
eta st.. Portland.
San Francisco and l.os Angeles
S. S. ER tvtils 0 A. M. July I.
S. S. BEAR. Julv 6.
S. CO., Tli-ket Office Xd and Washing
ton. With O.-W. R. A N. Co.
Phone Marshall 45U0, A 611.
SHPRT USt fan Franrisro to
Australia, IS days vis Honolulu
aud S&moa. toe attractive and
plris&nt route, wisttr or ummer. Splerdid 10,000
too steamem 'c'.aaied by Briuiii Lloyds 100 A P.
$110 hQKO! BIO brrt-riaw round trip SYBttCY $300
Honolulu, Samo. Australia. New Zealand, Tahiti, etc.
$603 1st eliss Round th World 2nd etu $380
iul inc. a continent: aod wnrlrj'f great d'.its (top-OTr
Honolulu Saiiincs June 17 July 1. 15, 29. etc Sydnsy
very L'8 days, July 1, 9, Aus. . etc Send for folder.
Oceanic S. S. Cs., S7I Market St, Sin FrindK