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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1913)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY. JUNE 27. 1913. 17 FOR KENT. A pur t men t to. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR tsERlVCE WHEN HUNTING AiJAR'IMKN'i'S. Furnished and unfurnished apartments from 2 to 5 rooms, from $10 to $57.50 per month. l you want one, telephone Main 2015. Sundays or A 2015 Evenings call Mr. Balden. Marshall 2290. Our automobile will call at any address with our agent, who will be glad to show these apartments. References required. We own or control the following: Cecelia, 22d and Glisan sts. Claypool. 11th and Clay ata. Ford ham, 170 Ford st. Hanthorn, 251 12th st.. near Main. Hanover, 160 King St., near Washington. Knickerbocker. 410 Harrison, near 11th. Orderleigh, &2 Grand ave. St. CioU, 170 Clair St., near Wash. St. Francis, 21st and Hoyt sts. Wellington, 15th and Everett sts. MORGAN. FLIKDXER & BOYCE, 503-500 Abington Bldg. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisan Sts. Walking Duuuce. Very exclusive, elegantly furnished, 4 room apartments all large, bright outside rooms. References Required. Marshall S1&2. CARMELITA. Jefferson and 13th sts. 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments; exceptionally well arranged; walking dis tance. Rates Reasonable. References. Modern. THE TVHEELDON ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets. Walking Distance. Furnished complete, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; building new and strictly modern; service hist class. TRINITY FLACK APARTMKNTS The Hoii5 of Tone. Largest and finest cpart ments on the Pacific Coast. In heart of rartment-house district. New and mod ern in every particular. Apartments fur nished and unfurnished; exclusive bachelor quarters with clunrooms in south wing; sleeping-porches in every apartment; hlgh class service, refined clientele; no disap pearing furniture ; terms reasonable ; in spection invited; references required. Phone Marshall 1101. THE BARKER, cor. 21s? and Irving sts. T his new four-story brick now open ; fur niphed and unfurnished in 2, 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall; electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box. plenty of closet rooms ; both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. if you want something nice, come to the Barker. Fhon A 1744. Marshall 2H01. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast. Furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking Distance. References. WELLESLEY COURT, Fast 15th and Belmont, block of Mor rison; biggest and best on East Side; 4 stery. mouern. 100x100 ; furnished and un furnished; walking distance. STFLWYN APTS.. Cor. Ft. Clair and Washington. Largest and most beautifully furnished nigh-class apartments; sleeping porches and roof garden ; want clubs of 2 and 3 bachelors in apartments ; high-clabs serv ice ; references required. Marshall 3669. Flats. TRVIXGTON. For rent, the finest 5-room flat In Irv ington, 40a E. 16th st. N.. one block from Irvington on Broadway cars; hardwood floors, tile bath, fireplace, large room, screened sleeping porch, private front porch, mahogany entrance, gas range, linoleum on kitchen floors. K. E. Bowman & Co., office 22d and Brazoe. E. 335, C 2322; residence. C 1034. C 1383. $25 IRVINGTON FLATS $25. Cor. E. mh and Hancock; walking dis tance; modern, upper 5 rooms, den and pass pantry ; hard wood floors, tiled bath room, separate- basement and attic, pri ate stairways, screens, lawn. select neighborhood. Phone Eaet 0570. Mar shall 3821. 6-ROOM flat. 7 SO Glisan st., neur 23d st. car; new, modern, convenient; hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace, select neigh borhood. Morgan, Fliedner & Boyoe, 503 Abington bldg. J S MODE KN room, nice residence lo-c-aticn. West Side; front and back yard and porches, gas and electricity, gas range Rnd water heater und linoleum. Phone Marshall 3107. $15 4-ROOM flat In cottage. 528 East 21st., modern in every particular, would furnish for $20 to permanent tenunt. 210 Lum Wrmena Hank bldg. X W new, modern 5-room f lata. furnace, roils, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, gas stove and heater; block to car. 14 V East 28th, near Burns id e. East 2235 or East 1877. '1 Wo desirable 5-room flats; rent $ 18; ad joining Page apartments. East Burnside and his sts. ; walking distance. Keys at Woodnrds. 104 2d et. NEW and modern 5-room upper xiai, 10 minutes walk from postoffice. No. 528 Columbia st. ; $20. Call J. A. Clemenson u 'u., r i uiil uuu luorrison SIS. I ,NB URN1SHED 4 - room flat; bath, sta tionery tubs, wood hoist; walking dis tance. 581 3d st. UP-TO-DATE 5-room lower flat, concrete building. 24 E. 17th N. Nice yard with roses. East 1619. I-KOOM modern flat, fireplace and furnace. 44ft Vi Park s t. Main 143, A 1430, or Tabor 703. fc-ROOM flat, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, gas range, water heater. 5a 33. 2lst. Hawthorne Car.' Tabor 1597. MODERN upper flat, ft sunny rooms, large veranda, ideal location; linoleum. gas Tange. pOf East Morrison. East 1010. UP-TO-DATE 5-room lower flat; concrete building. 24 E. 17th N. Nice yard with roses. East 119. 6-ROOM und baLU, steam-heated fiat un furnished. $45 monthly. The Giles, 307 11th st.. near Columbia. A E. Poulsen. FLAT of ft rooms and bath, 731 Hoyt at. Inquire 13 6th st. Phone Main 627S. iaoULUN 7 -room flat cheap. 12ih and Mill ei Appiy 430 Aim st. Main 4013. 6 ROOMS, fireplace1, attic, good condition, 690i Nonhrup or Main 8225. MODERN 3 or ft room flat, clean, nice iiitjiioornooq. o'J Everett. ft-room upper, up-to-date flat. 33 E. Madison at. Phone E '234. HOI.LADAV ADD. Walking distance near 2 carline. 412 Wasco. East 3So5. 4-ROOM modern flat, $20, East 11th and I'tvip. rtlHIM Mil, &-liOOM modern, steam-heated, close in. 12-5 STRICTLY modern, 3-room flat, close iu 1 7 rrt Tfi-od s; TV i llin n. i ,. " '"'"JUB, rirst st. 6-room modern flat, choicest location. West suco. inquire ij ptn, corner Yamhill. LARGE H-room flat. 25; six blocks aouth Furnished Flats! FOR RENT or lease, a 0-room newly and completely furnished, strictly modern flat, S and Fulton cars pass door; rent $25 per month. Including water and garage serv-i'-e. 12 '-t; Olbbs St.. bet. 2 and 5 P. M. 1'1'HNISHKD 5-room flat, facing river, be- knun k.-1 v. i uiuunnu; ui luges, ivey a. ( 284 Margin st. E. 2411. .MODERN ,-rooin fUii, newly furnished. 2l0 .ia rg a in st.. two blocks south Broadway nrhise, fronting river; beautiful view; $25. $21 Nicely furnished 4-room flat, walk ing .distance. Eaet 4S66. 4-UOOM furnished flat, complete, $21. Phone Kast li-'SO. MODERN 0-room f u rnished or unfurnished flat. S East 12th N. Marshall 7tf7. A 7131. Housekeeping: Rooms Oj.XKViEVE, 445 Columbia at., nicely fur nished housekeeping rooms; sleeping i-ooms. Main 7410. rJHE CPSHUR, 40fti 26th St., furnished 2 room apts., steam heat, lisht; $17 up. Main K. Take 's," 2-M or "W" car north. N EW f urn 'shed housekeeping rooms; heat, light, baths. $15. 1162H Union. FURNISHED H. K. rooms $1.25 to $1.75 week ; twe rooms $2.25. 291 2d. A1RV. clean 2 and it-room suites; hot water. Mil! st.. n..Rr ttth. THE OILMAN-, 1st st., cor. Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms, $1.oQ week up. Furnibhed h. k. rooms, cheap. Cambridge bldg.. 3d. cor Morrison. Phono Main 945. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, in front, for rent, 220 5th st. FOB RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12tU and Marshall sts. Furnished for housekeeping; gas range, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $12 per month up; a clean place; best in the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take S or 16th-sL cars north, get off at Marshall. No dogs. $13 TO $15 month, newly furnished house keeping suites, clean as wax; large, light rooms ; baths, hot water, lights, linen washed free; 7 blocks P. O.; save carfare; desirable people only. 2SS ad at., near Jefferson. $1.;0 TO $2.75 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. phone E. 6039 40b Vancouver, 203 Stanton. "U" car. NEATLY furnished h. k. rooms, close in, reasonable. 4 29 Salmon st. Housekeeping Room In Private Family. SINGLE housekeeping rooms and two-room suites, newly furnished, modern dwelling, best West Side apartment district, clean, light rooms, everything included, walk ing distance, prices reasonable, 655 Flan ders, near 20th. MY private 3-room suite, facing park and hills, scrupulously neat, homey and at tractive, ground floor, very reasonable; also one --room suite, second floor. 400 Park. A 274ft. WALKING distance 2 large front cleaJi housekeeping rooms, phone, light, cooking gas, farnactt heat, all included. Price $21.30. 366 Schuyler st. $3S TWO large, front, well-furnished H. K. rooms, walking distance, near Mult nomah Club; phone, light and bath, yard. Marshall o3S. 253 Chapman st. TWO tine housekeeping rooms. 2 people only, no carfare, eiectric, gas, furnace heat, hot water, bath, laundry, telephone; choice location. 441 E. Couch, cor. 7th. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, private entrance, very cheap ; nice yard ; no objection to children. Call 309 Russell street. ON E or two furnished housekeeping rooms, sink, gas range, $2. CO and $3.20 week. 3.S2 Hawthorne, corner Union. SPLENDID suite rooms, well furnished, large, light, airy, good location. 534 Mor rison. o NICE, unfurnished rooms; gas light, bath; 10 minutes from Postoffice; rent very rea sonable. 402 Market. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, front, new, convenient; adults. 555 Yam hill st. ONE large furnished h. k. month, including fuel. 542 wood car. room, $3 per Karl st. Sell- TWO or three clean, nicely furnished rooms, all conveniences, walking distance. 434 Broadway. LARGE room, first floor, also basement rooms, $1.75 and $1.25; central. 504 Ever ett st. FOUR well furnished housekeeping rooms, rent reasonablo; good location. 41a N. 23d. A. O. Huggins. LARGE, nicely furnished corner room, house modern, excellent home cooking, walking distance, young man. East 4616. FOUR newly furnished housekeeping rooms, "electric or gas, lights, $20 month. 414 Graham ave. ONE neatly furnished housekeeping room; light, phone, -bath. 30 Morrison st. FREE cooking gas. large room, kitchenette and sleeping room. 402 Park st. NICE light housekeeping rooms $2.50 a week and up. Phone and bath. 22i 13th. FRONT housekeeping rooms; piano, every convenience; $4 week. 442 Jefferson. TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms reasonable. 275 N. 21st. Marshall 5873. $14.00 FOUR furnished H. IC rooms, gas plate, range. 614 7th. Main 432. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with prl vate family. 600 E. Burnside. $12 AND $16, two suites, housekeeping, hot water day and night. 708 Johnson st. WO furnished housekeeping rooms, reason able. 781 Keai ney. Marshall 4337. HOUSEKE7EPTNO "rooms furnished, walking distance. 24 Grand ave. N. LOVELY housekeeping room, also fine fur nished room, close-in. 32 1 West Park. SINGLE housekeeping room; phone, light and hath. 221 13th fit. NI-CPLY furnished modern h. k. rooms $2.2; per week up; clean. 22 14th st. DON'T search. Attractive, modern h. k. rooms, good hath. 407- Jefferson. t boukca. IF iOU are dissatisfied where you are come out and look at house lft7 E. 29th, best pluce. in city of its kind, ft rooms, lovely sleeping porch, built-in china cup board, bookcase, bureau and chiffonier; piano. New Idea stove and every room carpeted ; good chance to rent 1 room. Cor. Belmont st. . S. or Mt. Tahor car. $C2.0 PER month for modern 7-room house on west bide; has furnace, fireplace, elec tric lights, bath and toilet, etc. If desired will give long lease on very favorable tonriB. house ta 781 York St., near 24th at. N., half block from carline. Phone Main 4128 or A 512S, or catl 730 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT A cozy country home, 7 rooms, thoroughly modern, bath, electric lights, own water supply; acre of ground, good shade, some fruit, good auto road, on elec tric line, but few minutes out, and only $:;5. Call Ashley & Rumelin, bankers, 241 Stark st. CALL AT THE OFFICE FOR ONE OF OUR PRINTED RENTAL LISTS. THAT'S THE BEST WAY TO FIND A LOCATION. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main tibtii. 2t Washington st. A 6267. FOR RENT. 5-room cottage, partly furnished, nice lawn, good district. 475 Davenport St., 925 per month. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 350O. DESIRABLE houses and flats to rent, all parts citty. NATIONAL REALTY &. INV. CO. Main 5129. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. HACKER tf THERKELSEN CO. 30U Spalding bldg. Main 7502. MODERN 5-roo'm bungalow within walk ing distance of business district, near 4 different carllnes; $0 per month. In quire 253 Madison st. A 1092, Main 0227. FOR RENT G-rooru house on Beacon st., near Brooklyn School; price $18; near 2 carllnes. Apply to E. Willis, 663 Bast ttth st. Phone Sellwood 878. $13 FURNISHED 3-room cottage. $16 Modern 7-room bungalow. F. M'PARLAND, 309 Yeon Bldg. FOR KENT A modern 6-room house, 325 Wasco st., near East 1st. Phone East 244ft. MODERN tt-room house, one half block from Broadway bridge: rent reasonable. o44 Iarrabee st. Phone East 40H1. 6 ROOMS, modern, 775 JC. Davis, on corner; nice lav. n and shrubbery; taken Ankeny car. Phone E 353S. MODERN 6-room house, SOI Cleveland ave. Nice yard, near car. $22.50; no children or dogs. pnon Woodlawn 1576 or C 2816. 6-ROOM cottage, 645 Clinton St.. $12. 6 room cottage, 615 4th at., $1S. Apply Ed- waras ;o.. ivi 1st si. NEW, modern, 8-room bungalow, $25 p,r montn, or win sen on easy terms. PV. one owner. Main 4i3H. Vi ACRE, modern, 6-room house, sleeping porch, furnace, barn, chicken yard, gar- ueii ana oerneo, m aoor au. MODERN 5-room cottajte. 18; nice vard. paved street, excellent neighborhood; near car. winiams ave. wooaiawn 42ft. 6-ROOM house for rent, walklna: distance. at end of Broadway -bridge; cheap rent. FOR RENT 6-room house, in good con dition. 206 Whitaker st. Key at 821 Front st. MODERN 7-room house. West Side; full basement, furnace with water coil. Phone EAST SIDE Cottage, 7 rooms, bath, base ment, walking distance, $20. Inquire room FOR RENT West Side. 7-room house, por. eelain piumoing. cement basement. 512 Mai KQi. rnoue jnain 24 , A. for rent Aioaern House, 12 rooms, all or part of furniture for sale. 315 11th st.( FOR RENT Modern 5-room house, corner "cb"- r- none wood lawn 1309. ;, y " uvudv, iu rverett st., near jju.. ii .uttiii or -Vi a 1 n 4289. 7-ROOM modern house, on Portland Heights carline. Phone A 8146. NICE 7-room house. 50x100 lot. Marshall 849 MODERN 6-room house, $20 per month. w hi lireP,ace- sooa condition. 695 -,.4...e,.-. -"in. Mam S'25. 6 ROOMS and both. 61 E. 1 9th st N' Si 4 Phone East 3351. ' A JULY 1-ST Fine 0-room house, Irvington strictly modern. Tabor 465. $22.50 8-room, modern house. Sunny side. 5-ROOM cottage, yard, fruit, flowers elec trleity, cheap rent. Marshall 4322. HOUSE of 5 rooma and bath. 69 sCldth N Innuiro ISO flth Bt. Vain NICE 6-room house, $13. 912 E. Alder st. cor, of 80th. 914 E. Alder st.. $17. 5-ROOM cottage, baih. 11 East 13th st N rent SIS. Phone East 1 S94. 190 FOURTEENTH at., 6 rooms, $25. " FOB. KENT. NEW HOUSES FOR RENT. 7 rooms, E. 87th hot water fur nace, $25 per month. 6 rooms, corner E. 3fth and Knott (bungalowj, $30 per month. 7 rooms, corner E. 39th and Knott 2-story house). $30 per month. 9 rooms, 4U7 E. 3th North, $30 per month. 5 rooms, E. 45th near Klickitat, furnace, $21 per month. 6 rooms. E. 44th near Klickitat, hot water furnace. $30 per month. 7 rooms, corner B. 40th and Klicki tat, $25 per month. 7 rooms on E. 86th near Stanton, $25 per month. For information call Main 8900 or A 1163. or for afternoon appoint ment call Mr. Sivwright at Tabor 4469. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. Ground floor Board of Trade bldg. VERY attractive new modern home on the finest residence st. and in the most se lect neighborhood on Mt. Tabor, one block from carline. Magnificent view of the valley and mountains. Exceptionally large light rooms, living - room 18 x 30, 8 bed rooms 16x18. with built-in dressers, hat and shoe boxes and triple mirrors, large front balcony and rear sleeping porch, full basement and nice attic. Home con tains every modern convenience. Only high-class, refined people willing to pay $500 yearly rental need apply. Posses sion July 1. KASTE BROS., 618 HENRY BLDG. Phone Main 3200. $12.50 4-ROOM cottage, with nice yard; on Woodstock car. $16.50 5-room modern bungalow, one block from car, near Woodlawn school. $18.00 6-room cottage, 997 Commercial St., near Jefferson High School. $20.00 5-room cottage, 551 Overton st., near 16th. $30.00 6-room modern house on Wil lamette Heights. $35.00 6-room modern house, in Haw thorne ave. district, near E. 82d st. 4o.oo 1 -room modern bungalow in Irv ington. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones. M. 86ft, a 2653. $27.50 will rent this beautiful ft-room bun galow on ith Et., near Brazee; strictly modem ; It is the 4th house from Brazee on 7 th. Call owner, Harbolt. Marshall 42j0O. Furnished Houses. IN IRVINGTON. a handsomely furnished. strictly modern. 10-room house; finished In mahogany and white enamel; Oriental rugs and period furniture; will lease for a year. C. L. HORN, A 6041, or Main ti'J41. FOR RENT. My beautiful home in the best part of Nob Hill; 7 large rooms, nice large sleep ing porch, furnished neautif ully ; will lease for one or two vears: references ex changed. Phone Mar. 1347 or call at 810 Overton st. for particulars. $10 MONTH For rent, a four-room house and two acres, ft blocks from carline; the house is plainly furnished ; a nice place to raise poultry : near Gresham. Apply to Edward Schiller, at Gresham, or 446 Stark st. 8-ROOM, modern house, handsomely and completely furnished, on Kearney St., near 25th; references; rent $80 per "month. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. phones M. 8699. A 26S3. WEST SIDE. Newly built 1 4-room residence, com pletely furnished ; beautiful location and lovely grounds; would rent for Summer months or longer, reasonable. 219 Lumber man s oanK mag WILL rent our Irvington home to snail family for the Summer; 7 rooms, 2 fire places, etc. ; references required. Addresb M. E. R.f 614 Lewis bldg., or call Mar shall 677. co.M f Ub t EL 1 furnished 10-room house, tine view 01 river and mountains; rose garden, for Summer, $250 month; reduction by year. Q ibft, Oregonlan. FURNISHED, modern. 7-room house, sleep ing porcn. nrepiace. large lawn, roses, shade trees, on block from car. 098 E. fiSfh. st. N. Tabor 1131. FOR RENT Beautiful furnished 8-room modern house, fine lawn and roses, on car line in Laurelhurst. Bent $45. Phone labor 2905. COMPLETELY furnished modern home In irvington district to responsible party JULY AND AUGUST, modern furnished room nouse. sleeping porch; terms reason able. 407 14th st. Main 4974. COMPLETELY furnished ID -room bouse. tnree baths, for Summer months. 21st and Everett sts. 810 yeor bldg. Marshall 1778. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room house. 65' tscnuyler St., irvington. Apply W. H.-Wai lace, 191 Front st. TWO modern, newly furnished three-room apartments ; private bath, wash travs, electricity. 514 East 21st st. W-R car." FOR RENT July and August, completely furnished house, 8 rooms, Irvington, $50. t nono lorenoons, ,ast 3b-3U. 8 ROOMS furnished complete. Irvlnsrton with garage, until Sept. 15; references ex- cnangeu. Enst 3148. A COMPLETELY furnished 5-room cottase. (fas, -iitwii, per rnonin. .Williams ve. ivey, j u 1 ir vviiuaing ave. FINELY furnished 8-room Irvington home, reasonable, steeping porcn, double garage, 691 Multnomah st. Phone East 124ft. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow ; one room re served, $i;o. -Hits Commercial block. NEW 5-room bungalow, nicely furnished; rent 2o. Main oiy. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 7-room house, with steeping porcn. a. ui7. JULY and August Furnished house in Irv ington, reasons Die rent. E 329. Summer Resort. THE "ELMORE." at Elmore Park, finest rooms on the Garibaldi Beach; home con veniences, porch view overlooking ocean ; strictly first-class family home ; European only; $1 a day ; make reservations early. Address !The Elmore, Rockaway, Or. J CLY -AUGUST 4 rooms, modern residence, Sunnyside ; $50" season ; piano, roses, lawn, lareo porch, free ihone and water. Mc Farland, 309 Yeon bldg. Main 3671?, Tabor 1 1 Oft. FOR. RENT At Seaside, new cottage, 5 larg robins, nicely furnished, fireplace, electric light, city water, sanitary plumb ing, etc. ; ready for occupancy July 5. BA VOCE AN Two-room, apartments, com- nl(tlv flirtllhl fctr hniiL-Ban!ns- liaan. tif ul view of ocean ; rent reasonable by week, month or for season. PhnnA Main SOMETHING BETTER than usual SEASIDE. 4 rooms, electric ity, water. CLEAN, COMPLETE, 2 blocks beach. J uly and August, $90. Phone Main 6016. COM PLETELY furnished, very clean, ft room cottage. Seaside, block from ocean, for sale or will rent August and Septem ber. S 140, Oregonlan. FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeep ing, inquire Ocean Crest apts., tock away. Or. SEASIDE Beautiful modern 7-room house, fireplace, electricity and bath. Fine ocean view. Main 194 7. 5-ROOM furnished cottage at Beach Center, Long Beach, Wash. Marshal 570 or ad dress Mrs. L. E. Holinan, Seaview, Wash. ROOMS and board in Hood River country place; Just what you are looking after. Main 3fl72. Tabor 116. $75 FOR season. 8 rooms furnished, corner, ocean front. Long Beach. Newton Station. Inquire 330 Hamilton Bldg. COMPLETELY furnished, large, new, ocean front cottage, at Long Beach, for rent for July. Murphy, Main ft89, A 1639. SEASIDE Cosy 5-room cottage, well fur nished, electricity, bath, near beach, reas onablw. Main 2160. 657 Pettygrove. t ROOMS, bath, basement, fine yard, fruit, flowers, reasonable; would lease. AF 109, Oregonian. GE ARHART, 2-room furnished house-keeping apartment, electricity, bath, toilet. A 4S52. FOR RENT Modern 6-room cottage, on Board Walk, Seaside, for month of July. Telephone Main 8208. FOR RENT Furnished house, Seaviw. good location, ocean front; also big furnished tent, board floor, etc. M. 1955. SEASIDE 6-room, modern house overlook ing ocean; also 5-room cottage by month or by ses-'son. Marshall 5474. FOR SALE or rent; if you are looking for up-io-aate, an . conveniences, with or without launch, call us. Main 202. GE ARHART 5-room furnished cottage. In quire phone Main 1754. 7-ROOM furnished house. Ocean Park. Wash large yard, fireplace. Marshall 4041. 4-ROOM cottage, partly furnished; gas and electric lights. 485 E. Clay. FURNISHED cottage. Ocean Park, Phone B 2131 or East 4595. GEARHA.T, furnished 6-room house, $95 FOR RENT At Seaview, 7-room furnished housu; fireplace. Marshall 4347. A 5390. SEASIDE 5-room furnished cottage boaj-U. wJk. Marshall 4761. FOR RENT. Stere. WASHINGTON-ST. store, near 19th, splen didly fitted for delicatessen, fancy gro ceries and liquors; surrounded by hotels and apartments; very reasonable rent; SPACE in modern basement ventilated and well lighted. N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts., suitable for cafeteria, printing shep, etc Morgan, Fliedner & Boyce, 5Jj Abington bldg. FINE store for rentCorner, plate-glass front, on streetcar; store fixtures, base ment wareroom, fireproof building; good plact for grocery or general store. J. H. Nash. 239 Pekum bl d g. FOR RENT Basement for fine grille, with service bar; best corner in Portland; space 80x102 feet. Address Y 173, Ore gonlan. SToRE, brick building. Belmont, near Grand HARTMAN &. THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bl d g. FOR RENT Stores, Nos. 248 and 250 Haw thorne ave., east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone East 2063. NEAT little North ftth. storeroom, modern. Phone Main 297. cheap. 43 HEADQUARTERS FOR STORES & HLDGS W. H. WEBB. 605 Yeon bldg. Main 491 J Office. DESK room for rent reasonable, with or without desk, full use of counter, phone, typewriter, heat when necessarv, lights and all other necessities. 212 Railway Ex change Building. CONNECTING offices, overlooking Morriso'n st.. for rent in Tilford bldg., reasonable terms; ask at elevator any hour. Phone Marshall 518 between 5 and 0. MOST centrally located office: very reason able; all-night elevator service. 303 Swet land bldg., 5th and Washington sts. ROLL-TOP desk, phones, reception-room-lights, etc., $7.00 per month. 723 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. SMALL room with desk and rug, $15 per month. 934 Chamber of Commerce bid. DESK room, $5; light office, phone. Room 6O0. Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. Warehouses. WAREHOUSE $75 per month; close in. East Side: three floors; elevator and R R, siding. Address owner, AM 150, Orego nlan. BI SINESH OPPORTUNITIES. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter ests in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, F. L. PURSE, Secretary, 818 Chamber of Commerce. ONE of the best livery stables in citv for ale; will take part cash and part time or trade, as sickness compels me to leave city; anyone who wants a good paying i-u.T.iitra- litre 13 your cnancc. -su mm 'ber Exchange. CONFECTIONERY, ice cream, tobacco, cl gars and shelf groceries; new store, fine corner, cneap rent; one of the best loca tions in Portland. If you want something good see owner, leaving city, 1101 Ijel mont. Tabor 4721. Sunnyside car. A SNAP if taken at once; for sale or trade, an up-to-date candy and ice cream parlor, tools to make candy and ice cream, best luiaiiun 011 w asniugion st, cneap rent, AB 163 Oregonlan. GROCERY with two nice living-rooms, do ing not lees than 525 daily business; no opposition, no delivery; just right for man aiiu. wire. sseeing in is is to buv, sure price $S5Q. 393 Lumber Exchange. IF you are short of money when buying a business we will furnish tt. If you must f ii juui uuviness or ioaging-nouse we win make you a cash offer. C. V. Ryan & Co., 419 Abington bldg. Marshall 6912. MAN or woman of integrity to connect with Portland concern as manager for branch office. Experience not necessary. Must invest $50o to $1000; money fully secured. For particulars write ' AO 1 74. Oregonlan. WANTED Partner in collection business, must be able to take full charge and de vote entire time to business; $100 month guaranteed; must have at least $6"0 cash, Y 171, Oregonian, AN office, paying $40 week to each partner, wants energetic man, best of references given and expected, besides, your monev is secured; only $250 required. 304 Lumber Exchange. $2r WILL buy a half interest in established si&Tv cash business; you will have mostly outside work; this will pay you $25 to $35 week. 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark streets. PARTNER wanted in safe cah business, owner is tired of hired help, will guaran tee right party $20 weekly, onlv $25t re qulred. Particulars 24SV Stark st WOOD. CO A U ETC. Partner wanted to tend office, check wood, etc.; uood pay; very little money required. Call i'.3l Lum ber Exchange, 2d and stark. CIGAR, candy, magazines and novelty etore, a money-maker, on a busy corner; have other Interests. A. Davis, corner 11th and WriHhlngton sts. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, best located boarding-house in Portland, good business, sickness, must sell; no reasonable offer - refused. Address L 170. Oregonian. BARBER shop for sale, long lease, cheap rent, 7 chairs; old established place with a good, steady trade. 265 Morrison St.. bet. 3d and 4th. CORNER grocery doing good business, four living rooms In rear; to see is to buv; everything modern. Phone Tabor 9S1 or B 1676. DRUGSTORE for sale, prominent corner, transfer" point, good sales and profitable business ; pos toff Ice and gas pay station in connection. K 3 74, Oregonian. OPPORTUNITY for enerffetic man in a re liable store; prefer mun used to farm pro duce; will pay you $125 month. 319 Lum ber Exchange. 2d and Stark. CAN offer fine proposition to a party who will erect a $3000 plant in Portland to take care of an established business. Ad dress V 131. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted for a reliable employ ment office, requires very little money and the profits are large. Call 319 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. $250"G ARAG E $250. Partner wanted, garage. doing good ousiness. goid location. Investigate. L 109. Oregonian. FOR SALE. Clothing and furnishing business: good lease; one of best corners in city. Address AF 167. Oregonian. DENTAL equipment in good ordr very cheap; desirable location. AO 142, Ore gonian. I HAVE a market to sell ; good location; your own price at your own terms. Frank L. Smith. 228 Alder. FOR SALE ir class laundry A ddress AV Southern Oregon a f irst lllness reason for selling. !4, Oregonian. RESTAURANT Scats 34. clearing $5 da v. price $3oo, $!." cash will handle, balance very easy. 303 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE cheap if taken at once, bes: Mttlc beauty parlor in the city; owner ill R lft7, Oregonian. CENTRAL lunch counter, has low rent, in creasing business, for quick sale $225. See this, particulars 24SV- Stark st. MUST BE SOLD at once confectionery and tobacco and cigar store, cheap for cash G. H. Carroll, 647 Williams ave. SACRIFICE price this week only; cigars, confectionery; valuable fixtures. 548 Wash ington st. CKiAR STORE If you want to get Into business for a small amount of money and mean hue i nee w call at N. tUh pi. WANTED Man with a merry-go-round for Fourth of July; free location; big crowd. . Alva O. Horton, Philomath. Or. NICE little stock of fancy groceries and delicatessen goods, very central location, all-cash trade. $400. Call 248 Vi Stark st. PARTNER in prosperous loan and insurance business : long established, money maker, $750 cash required. Au 183, Oregonlan. $200 AND services puts you Into a good pa vlrig established business; must have references. 303 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Furniture and fixtures of well equipped real estate, office. Inquire 14 2314 Morrison st. Main 3il0. LONO-ESTABLISHED confectionery, Ice cream, cigars, fruit stand, long lease, cheap rent, money-maker. 203 First st. A GOOD chance for little capital and serv ice in a cash business. A big thing for a live man. J 148, Oregonian. $150 RESTAURANT. West Side, busy - street; clears 5 per day. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE Good millinery stores in towns from 2000 to 25,000 population. Apply to Lowengart & Co. INCOME close-in flats at sacrifice; country. Phone Main S64T. leaving RESTAURANT for sale, seats 54; cation; 3 years' lease. 213 4th good lo- RESTAURANT Sell half Interest or rent for month. Q North 6th st. BAKERY and grocery cheap for cash. Call and see it. 1329 Hawthorne ave. RESTAURANT snap, $HK: must sell by to rn orrow;;aJlfi35Fjstst $125 BUYS good, paying restaurant; cheao rent. Snao. Phone Tabor u2. RESTAURANT, good business, cheap rent 75 E. SOth st.. end Mont a villa line. $800 BUYS a good transfer bus'nebs in Eu gene. Or. Ray Shouse, 1049 West 3d st. BARBER shop. 2 chairs, for sal e; $150; do- ing well. AV 122 Oregonian CLEAMNG and pressing shop, estabrish Jd nrice $200; reason for selling. IS 12th st. BUSIVESS OPPORTUNITIES. A.UTOMOBILE SCHOOL with high-grade expert teachers. Complete SIO.VOO equip ment to train for this coming vocation. Not run to make monev, but for the good of men. See or write Supt. of the All the Year Round Y. M. C. A. Day and Night Schools, corner 6th and Taylor sts. ONLY $275 secures small farm: terms will pay buyer share in profits; guarantee 7 per cent; ideal climate; good markets; fine investment whether you ever move on land or not. Write quickly for vie w s and particulars. G. W. Deen. Box 472. Way cross, Ga. WuuD and coal business, old-established, having 2000 customers and owning their own trackage; this yard la fully equipped and paying $3ut a month over all ex penses; owners are retiring from business and w ill sell for $450U. 323 Lumber Ex change, 1M and Stark sts. W" ELL established business In connection with 8-room house; business furniture and first-class horse and delivery wagon worth $1 200; will sacrltice for $700; rent only $2U. if you want your money's worth in vestlgate. AL 16S. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A general . store, groceries, hardware and dry goods; will invoice about $4000; doing good business; no dead stock; postoffice in connection. Address R. O. Vincent, Midland. Or., Klamath County. FOR SALE. A going business, liberal definite prof its; exceptional opporunity; $5ou0 neces sary, half cash. Best bank and business men's references. For confidential inter vlew write J 149. Oregonian. WANTED Best opportunity in Oregon for man witn an vertising ana circulation ex perience; high-grade farm Journal; small investment; look this up at once. Rural Oregonlan Pub. Co., Albany, Or. Portland office. 900 Spalding bldg. MAN AND WIFE. The wife can run this place and make good money besides rent and a living; small amount of money ill handle it. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. RESTAURANT Partner wanted to be cash ier, etc. ; owner will guarantee good pay ; steady, sober man wanted more than his money. Call 319 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. - BARBER has new 2-chair rixtures, wishes to put them in with upright barber on hslf interest plan; prefer outside of Portland, Washington or Oregon town. AM 167, Ore gonlan. PARTNER wanted with $650; rare oppor tunity manage office, look after help; I need a good man more than money; ref erences exchanged. 4 23 Abington bldg. BARBER SHOP in country town running 2 chairs, $500; shop goes for $230 if taken at once. Call Oregon Banner Supply Co.. 72 oth st. WILL pay young man $20 weekly, country store; must loan me $koo; money secured; only requirement honesty. AH 147, Ore gonian. YOUNG lady wants partner in a well-paying restaurant; too much for one party. P. O. Box 535. FACTORY flooded with orders needs Im mediate aid of promoter. II 102, Orego nlan. FOR SALE An established drug business in the city, or will exchange tor country business. AS 120, Oregonian. CLEANING and pressing parlor for sale cheap; fine location, doing a nice busi ness. 324 Yamhill, cor. Hth st. 4.U BUYS best cigar and candy store on East Side. Low rrnt. Fine business. Let me prove it. 443 Goldsmith. CONFECTIONERY and cigar store, good location, cheap rnt and lease; owner go ing East. lUP.i N. 3d st. CIGAR and confectionery store for sale, best location in Vancouver. Wash. Apply Ideal Candy Co., 100 10th st. North. FOR sale, best beach resort in Oregon. BAR V 1E V bakery and restaurant ; money makers ; cash. AV 121. Oregonian. FOR SALE- Delicatessen and bakery. Doing good business. Price $7UO. Address Is 5 W (ith st. Eugene. Or. AUCTION 10 o'clock today. Sheriff "s sale. 117 18th St.; large apartment-house. BUSINESS OPPORTI'MTIKS WANTED I CAN help you with expert advice on sell ing your product or merchandise if it Is meritorious, and on a moct economical basis. Write full particulars for personal interview. A. D. Mann, P. O. Box 7t3. Port land. STOCKS AM) BOVOS. WILL sell at 2y per cent discount Portland Industrial stock worth par and paving 9 per cent, all or part of $10,000. R 160 Ornponian. ROOMlXti-HOlSKS. I HAVE for sale the lease and furnish ings of the finest apartment-house in Portland, 105 room, in 3. 4 and 5-room suites; hard wood floors, tf led bathrooms a -id everv modern convenience; huus full and milk ing $350 per month ; wMt sell on easy terms; the chance of a lifetime. Address N 3 43. Oregonian. HOTEL for sale or trade for farm land; this is one of the best railroad center towns, means good business for hotels; elegant 4f rooms, large dining-room, lobby; 5 years' lease; partners trouble; will give bargain If you mean business. Address AV 71, Oregonian. LEASE and furniture of first-class apt. house for sal, within 3 blocks 0 p. O.; house has best reputHtion. prices and terms. Phone East 4356, B 2332 FO R LE ASE 46 rooms ; some housekeeping and one store: would make labor man's hotel: rent reasonable. Call lirs 2d, A. M. No agents. Hue Ml NO-HOUSE, low rent; Union and Belmont st. HARTMAN & THOMPSON'. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $225 10 ROOMS, West Side, clears $10 per month, above expenses. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. A BARG A IN Must be sold, going away ; 9-room house, nicely furnished; very cheap. Phone Main 1547. SHERIFF'S SALE Fine apartment-house. 137 ISth st. North, lu o'clock today. FOR sale, trade or lease, apartment-house. See owner after 6 P. M., 643 Nelson st. LOST AND FOUND. THE following is a list of articles found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may secure same by applying at barns as in dicated: Piedmont bam, phone A 61 3 1 : 1 Bible. 1 key, 1 purse. 1 glove, 1 pin, 3 misc. pkg., 11 umbrellas. SHI wood barn, pnone A M31; 2 letters. 4 umbrellas. 1 book, 1. pair of spectacles, 1 tO"t hbrush. Anlieny barn. A 6131 : 5 umbrellas, 1 hat. 1 band satchel, 1 package. Savior-street barn, A i 131 : 2 suitcases. 1 boy's hat. 1 pair ruobers, 1 pkg. indue., 4 umbrellas. THE following articles have been found and turned In at the Union Depot: Found on S. P. train No. 70. woman's hat; found v on O.-W. R. & N. train No. 11, man's straw hat : found in smoking-room. Union Depot, suit case. LOST Left in the toiletroom of Llpmau & Wolfe's rest room, a gold mesh bag, containing small change, key and papers ; bag valued as a gift. Liberal reward. Phone Main 1468. WOULD the lady receiving $2 0 change for $10 at Columbia Theater between 4 and 6 o'clock June 26 please return extra change as cashier is widow lady and responsible LOST On Sellwood or South Portland car, pocketbook. name W. C. Blackmore in -' side, containing bankbook. Return 4U6 Morrison st. Reward. LOST Diamond brooch containing five soli taire diamonds: return to H. J. Allstock, 308 Corbett bldg.. and receive liberal re ward. LOST Silver handle Indy's umbrella en graved N- L., neur Tremont st at ion, Mt. '.or t car; reward. 712 Iwis bld. LOST Gold watch and chain, West Side, Tuesday. Please call Marshall 3463. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. SEALED BIDS will be received at the of- f ice of the undersigned, 402 Tilford Build, ing. Portland, Or., until 3 p. m., July 2, 1913. for printing 350O copies of theCourse of Study and 3500 copies of the annual re port. Copies of specifications may be ob tained at the office of the undersigned. Certified check for 5 per cent ot the amount of each bid. payable to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposaL The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids. R. H. THOMAS. School Cleric. Dated Portland, Or., June 23, 1913. SEALED BIDS will be received at the office of the undersigned until 5 P. M., July 2. 1913. for the general hauling of the school district, for the year endinc June 30. 1914. Copy of specifications may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. Certified checks of $3H) must accompany each pro posal. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. THOMAS. June 24, 1913. School Clerk. DEPOT quartermaster's office 10S6 Norfh Point st.. San Francisco, Cel.. May 31, 1913. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 10 A. M., June 30. 1913, for furnishing veterinary and mis cellaneous supplies, including paints, oils, hardware, lumber, tinware, harness, cord age, iron. etc.. required at this depot dur ing fiscal year ending June 30, 1914. In formation on application. JNO. T. KNIGHT, Depot Quartermaster. 6VECIAL NOTICES. 1'ropunalt AuvUed. IN the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon In th ma'tcr of H. G. Biackwell, bankrupt: Advertise ment of saic. I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise consisting of cigars, to bacco, pipes, confectioneries, candUs. etc.. situated at Beud, Oregon, of tho inven toried value of $294.65, and fixtures, in cluding 3 pool tables. 1 billiard table and accessories, pertain! tig to the same, of tue inventoried value of $19ft2.ft'. up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Monday, July 7. 191S. said property being formerly the property of R. G. Biackwell. Certuied check for ten per cent lOi of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to the approval of the court. ln entory of the property may be seen at my office and also at Bend. Oregon, at which hitter pluce the property may be inspected. R. L. SAB IN, 7 First St., Portland, Oregon. Dr.ted at Portland, Oregon, the 24th day of June, 1013 NOTICE OF RECEIVING BIDS. City of Astoria, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that the commit tee en streets and public ways of the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria, will, on June 1913, at C:J o'clock P. M., in the office of the Auditor, In the City Hall, open bids for improving streets, quantities required, as follows: ti7ftl yards of macadam. 0S57 yards of light standard bitulithic 21.422 square feet of concrete walk. 44ot feet of curb. 44:!o feet of gutter. 3123 square feet of concrete cross walk. Bids will be received up to 2:30 o'clock P. M. of June 2S. The right Is reserveii to reject any or all bids. J 11 form at ion fur nished by the City Engineer upon request. CITY OF AtoTORlA. By ulof Anderson, Auditor and Police J urige. SEALED BIDS wiil be received for sewing machines and machines for School of Trades, until 5 P. M.. July 2, 1913, at the office of the undersigned, 402 Tilford Building, Portland. Or. Copies of speci fications may be obtained at the office of the Clerk. A certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of each bid. oav- able to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any or an oius. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated Portland, Or.. June 23, 1913. nACIAL. 750v FIRST MORTGAGEE FOR SALE ON b, ACRES OF A-l ALFALFA LAND AT n r.KM isin ; VALUE $20,00. PARTY iN h, LUo MONEY, WILL SACRIFICE MAKE OFFER. 714 LEWIS BLDG., FOR WE BUILD ON EASY PAYMENTS. WE FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY a:vij tSUll.U YOUR HOME OR APART MEMs, ETC. TAYLOR BUILDING CO., 500 M'KAY BLDG.. 3I AND STARK STS. WE will furnish the monev at a low rate of interest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent if we do the planning L-uimiiig tot you. it will pav you to see us. L. R. Bailey Co.. inc.. 324 Abington. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Western Bond & Mortgage Co., 416 Commercial Club Bldg. $0o OR less to loan at 7 per cent on close in farm and city property ; give full par ticulars. C 93, Oregonian. FIRST and second mortgages and building ir"' ouugui. hj. a. Miner, 4iu Ab ington bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort- xb ana o. equities purchased. r . n. Lewis &; up.. 3 Lewis bldg. LOANS procured on real and collateral se curity. Nelson Bros.. 804 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate. 6 PER CENT MONEY--TO l.O V The Equitable Life Insurance Society win maKe Iohhs on u ed home nron- erty i be repaid by fixed monthly in MaMments over a period of io years, with the additional provision that in event of neat 11 01 borrower, loan is cancelled hv a policy of life insurance Issued there with. Interest 6 per cent. The?e loans are imuuo oniy in tne better residence dis tiicts anfl only on improved home. Others need not apply. Home Purchase i'pp i.. jguitaoie Llf. 306 Oregonian bldg Money HA-RTM AN -THOMPSON o BANK. On real estate. ANY AMOUNT. Call at our Mortgage Loan Dept., Chamber of Commerce Building. MONEY TO LOAN o -x IMPROVED R E A L ESTATE FOR rsi. ii.ui.n, ri KfOSifiH. VERY FLEX Ifctl.fc. CONTRACTU. NO COMMISSIONS .uiii.-ujiA L J r K TRUST CO., 116-SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO VA. ..' ',N Rt-AL ESTATE SECURITIE AT 5 TO 8 PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL. 300 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE v""-' Ji.uv XKJ l.UAi. Portland City und Farm Property. Current Rate. MATT. A- YiV unufTn-r 104 Second st., near Stark". ON improved citv property or ror butldin purposes. 3 to S years' time; liberal pav ment privileges; money advanced s building p rogresscs. Th o Eq u I ta h 1 Sa Ings & Loan A sociaf Ion. 240 Stark s LOANS from $1500 to $10,000 on good Port- HA.CKER & THERKELSEN. 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7502. nAr. to Joan at 7 per cent or will divide to suit; want good city or farm f-tl ior security. write, giving 1 won or property, care AN I .", Oregonlan W E have money to loan on your real es tate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE: COMPANY. 423 chamber of Commerce. $500. $10UO AND upwards on improved rea " t vui auir terms; no ariays; no ufKgrairf. jonn ain. ,ot Spalding bid SKK US TODAY for loans on improved city 1 j. n 1 per cent. 3oO and up CKI.LARS-MURTON CO.. H2. Yeon bldg uok HiAUh LOANS on city property; lowest " 'Y.XV. r,,, re" i McKay bldg Third and Stark sts. LOANS on Improved and unimproved citv and nuburban real estate. mortgages $20.1.000 TO loan in sums to suit: building loans; lowest rates. W. G. Heck. 315-316 T ailing bldg. TO LOA N" 311.00-0 K LE5 FAR KINGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. MONEY tn loan on improved citv property at current rates. . I.awyer' Abstract A Trust Co.. room l. Board of Trade bldg. PRIVATE party has money for mortgages, owners write particulars. AF 147 ore gonian. $2000 OR less for Immediate loan at 8 per cent on good real eatate security -V E Poulsen. 719 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on improved city properly in amounts up to $50Ul). J. B. Stelnbach 615 Corbett Bldg. acn' $400 to loan, real estate security. Miller 416 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN $700 on city propertv. E. Oolner. 4L'ft Chamber of Commerce. J. $34Ho. $.jMo, Sfiono to loan on improved citv property. 50O Henry bldg. $100 ON improved or vacant property. Main 153S. TO LOAN 15i, $1000, on city property. Phone Main 607K. $7000 TO LOAN for 3 years at 7 per cent; describe security. M 170. Oregonlan. MONEY, anv H. Seltz & imount. 0 to 8 per cent. W. Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan on good security. F. W. TORGLER. 1 Q6 Sherlock bldg. $3r000 TO LOAN, M iin 1 10. wili d i v i de to suit. S 12Q. Oregonian. $1000 TO $ 10. uuo to loan on real estate. Phone today. Tabor 771 . Money loaned, real estate contracts & mtgs bought. H. Miley. 204 Oerlinger bldg. MONLY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com. STATE FUNDS. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE LOAN'S, '6 AND 7 PER CENT LOUIW SALOMON. 229 STARK ST. MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates. L II MAXWELL. 316 Chamber of Commerce! $1000 AND $2000 " ' To loan 3 years. 7 per cent. 722 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount no deiuy Henry C Prudhomme, S06 Wilcox bldg. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and jew elry. Wm. Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. Money to Loan Chattels snd Salarlee. M ONKY FO R SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names- cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. H, Tolman. room 317 Lumber Exchange. A DESIRABLE place for ladies and gentlel men to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry at Eastern rates. Diamond Pal ace. 3"4 Washington, onp. Owl Drugstore. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on cnatteis. Mortgages bought. Bauer, iron Abler tt. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx Bloch. 74 3d st. SALARIED people w Ishin erdit are cor dially Invited to see Mr. 'Drake, 328 Henry bldg. F1NANCL4.L. Money to Loan Chaftcis ana Salaries. NEED MONEY 7 We can procure money for you on short notice and at reasonable rates on your furniture, piano, auto, storage receipts or your plain note. PORTLAND LOAN CO., 413 Macleay bidg. 4th and Wash. Open 9 a. M. to P. M. Saturday evenings until 8. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORKO W M O N E Y . ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STUICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOL'KS S A. M. TO 6 P. M. SATURDAY TO 9 P. M. bXAT E S EC L R IT Y C O., 30$ FAILING BLDG. EL BY' CO. A private placu to obtain money os watches, diamonds. Jewelry, kodaks, pianos, v arehouse receipts, etc. 320 Lumber Ex. Bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewelry; strictly comicieniiai. 131 aa. near Aider. MONEY sold on installments; confide nt;a.i; mianea peopie. t . a. .ewion, eury cm air. Loans Wanted. FARM MORTGAGES FOR SALE. We can furnish you with absolutely safe first mortgages on improved f Arms In the best districts of Oregon and Wash ington. All titles guaranteed by us and inter est collected without charge to yuu. Bank and individual references fur- ni sheil upon request. THE DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO.. Iu07 Spalding bldg.. Portlana. Oregon. f2.VK WANTED ON 160 ACRES, 12 .MILE3 LAST OF BEND, A-l ALFALFA LAND. WATER RIGHTS A LI- PAID; CASH VALUE $5 PER ACRE; WILL PAY 10 PE K CEN T FUR ON E Y E A R FOR Qt'h'K ACTION. SEE HAKBoLT, V14 LEWIS BLDG. $i- second .mortgage payable 22,.50 PER MONTH AND INTEREST. ON S - ti OOM HOCS E- F I 1 1ST M O K T ; A G E 1500. PARTY MUST W AVE MON E, MAKE OFFER AT uN'-'E. MARSHALL, 4209. I HA V E a tirst mortgage of. 5uo which I w ish to sell ; good at'sii act on city prop erty ; private pa n ies only having $5.M to take up such a mortgage will please call. I. E. Smitii. 414 Chamber of Commerce. MAKli OFFER ON THIS $2750 SECOND M O II Tt ; AG E P A YAK1.E $25 PL R MONTH AND INTEREST; MUST BE SOLD; MAKE OFFFR yUlCK. GET iN FORMATION AT M A II SH ALL 42if. WANTED $13,000 for 3 or 5 years. 7 per cent, on bri-k building, close in, on East Side. Call 313 Boaid of Trade bids. Malu 7452. A 4401. MONEY wanted from private parties on first mortcaees on improed paying dairy ranches of Tillamook County. Address Box 2tt. Ctoveidale. Oregon. 67 CITY BONDS 6, I have a small allot men t of municipal bonds in denominations of $;u0 which I "ill sell at par. AS 121. Oregonlan. WANTED 40t0. 3 or 5 years, 8 per cent f nt crest on 1 00 cres. improved farm, worth $12,000; principals only. N 144, Oregonian. W A NT loan of 35o. 2 or 3 ear, g per cent interest, on aniail farm; no agents. O 163. Oregonlan. GILT-EDGE. $!4oO chattel mortgage at a good discount iC taken at once. K 17.:i, Oregonian. WANTED -$2500 for Z earsat7 percent from private party on improved civ prop eriy. close in. Call 411 Corbett hidg. $."0o WANTED for I year, S per cent Inter est, 5 i,'r cent commission, gilt-edge se curity. Phone East U"02. WANT $5uoO on lot proved farm, 1 ' mites f'-om lown in PoukIhs countj; form value $22.."ion Call 275 pine street. WANTED $1000 at S per cent on cottage and lot 6oxloo. on Eat Mam st. Call 31 Board of Trade bids. Mam 7452, A 44'M. i4ooo YY A NT ED, 9 per cent, from private party; choice location in Willamette Val ley. N 104, ore k on mil. WANTED $15u0 t S per cent on fine r.r w bungalow ; cali 31 H Board of Trade bldg. Mam 7452. A 4 tol. $7000 AT S per cent on strictly lirst-ciass business property, close in. Apply 2o7 Oregonian bldg. Phone Marshall 322. WAN TKD $ looo . on clo-'e-m, improved $12.m property. Main II60. $12oo. 7 PER CENT, on good improved property in Alberta. V 170. oregonhm. SHORT term loans on rc:t? or collateral security. 207 Oregonian bldg. PERSONAL. H 1R-H V I R-H AIR-HAIR. $12 34-tnch itches $4 45 $6 2rt-inch switches lit Un.irdres-dng 2 1 Face massage .2" s Mam poo .'jr. Manicure, 25c. 5 for TOO 12 scalp treatments . 5. ft' Superfluous hair removed by electrb: needle ; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair in any shade : fc wttfhs any length, prices half. Sanitary Parlors. 400 412 DkiMi bldg.. 3d and Washington. SC1ENTI FIC electric snondylo treatment for all nervous and chronic diseases. Pa ralysis, lung. stomach, bowels, kidney, bladder, per vie, heart trouble, etc. H igH blood piv.ssur reduced. Also goitre, warts, moles, iicir removed. t"2 Uuuhanaa bldg , 26 t Washington St. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE. AND M ASSEL SE. Long experienr-p. best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc., mussago and hatha. 220 13th st.. between Main and Salmon. Marshall 5033. Open Sundays. SWEDISH TRAINED N I RS K Helslngf ore graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments undr ph sictan'a direc tions; batliK, massaire. No. 7 East 11th st. second door youth t rotn East Ankeny car line. Phone East 20". H 1"3. FEB VET & II AN EBl'T. leading wig Rnd toiipe-makors ; finest stock of human hair nonds: switches from 9-V up ; hnirdreFsing, tn an louring, face and S'alp treatments: combines made up t-'i order. 147 7th, near Mornson. Main 54H. EIGHT ars of unsurprised success in treating sick men and women of Portland. I use radium, light . heat. e ery known electrical treatment. baths, massage, man Ipulations and udjurt inputs. Dr. F.. MalUTy, naturopath. 1 -j Rothchiid bide. DRESS SI ITS f-T rent Keep our cloth-s cleaned, pressed, buttons newed on, rip repaired. $ ) .50 niont h : prom pt calls Hiid deliveries. Unique Tailoring C ,, 30 1 Stark. MISS i'KHHV, Kfs;crn yfiiduate maaaeua'. New York School of C und D-. treas rheumatism and nervous ciies. J'JO Lit h st. Tilth or J'ffer.on i h is. Phone Main 7t6L MIS STOCKS, mental scientist, treatments lumbago, the u mat ism. 254 Union ave., N. MoodUwn or Alberta, car., cor. Maltno- raah. F.ast 03 S. IF Charles F. Tietz who formerly lived at 204 Columbia st.. will communicate with ii. S. Wright. 4o27 East 45th street, he will receive valuable information. MANICURING, scalp, facial massage, ladles and gentlemen, open Sundays, uxty titark street. WANTED A few. select pupils to take a Sum ni'.-r course in J ra niulic and aitilect reailintf. G Ortgonian. LORENZ Nerve Tablets restores lost vitality. 2."c per box. 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe-Taylor Drug co.. 2J Morrirf-i HOME FOR, INVALIDS, nervous and aged people, f ino location : beau tif 11 1 vie v. Miss Tower, Mt. Tabor Tw'uur 4 1 ."0. DIVORCES. 550 $ I down. $ I a wepk. Free advice. Wood. 4:!! Chamber of Commerce. Rev. Mrs. Coon, tpiri! u:il teacher and healer; Circles Tuesday, Friday evenings. 100 W. Park, bet. Wash, and Stark. Marshall 504". BOSTON graduate nurse, sanitarium treat ments, medical gymnastics, Vamhtll st., up one flight, room 7. NEW YORK Stat a chiropodist Corns, bun Ions, ingrowing nails, painless; $1 month. Dr. N. A. Daniels. A ;i?0L 4S Clay st, CHIROPRAC TIC treat m e nt amf steam baths for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. 4L Northwest bldg. Open Sundays. Main 37M0. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Price. Read ings, healings daily. Circled Tues. 2, Wod and Sun. 8. 3Q4 Montgomery. Main 7227. MADE O F YOUR COM BIN Gl Switches. 05c; curls and puffs. 75c; San Itary Beauty Parlors, 4W Dekum bldg. MRS. S. C. MORRISON Steam baths and massage "for rheumatism, lumbago, etc 333 Madison. A 4470. Marshall liOGS. MANICURING, face and scalp treatment. 412 Northwest bldg. Main U7b0. Open Sun days. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. SI D. Hill, 420 Fliedner bldg. Main ;i47y. EASTERN trained operator gives facial and scalp massage. 125 0th st., room 2. MRS. DR. WRENN, spiritual adviser": read ings dally. 34 N. lrtth. Mar. 42X9, A 7jl4. BALM OF FIGS. r om pound RoTi Tonic Tablets. 50 Da vis st. Phone Main J 2 LV USE Basset's Native Herbs for - constipa tlon; 5Q tablets for 25c; all dvuzgists. MANICURING, far and scaln treatment, shampoo. 4'M Northwest bid . formeriv til . L. Moriarty. dead trance spiritual medium; reaaings nary. r. 1 it nt. Mar 42;;v. LADIES' massage 1472. C 1 1 IS. treatment. Woodlawn