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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1913)
THE MORNING -lOREGONIAX, FRIDAY, JUNE 37, 191b. 13 PUBLIC AID ASKED IN CHOOSING TEXTS School Board to Consider Rec ommendations on New Books Before Acting. TEACHERS WILL HAVE VOICE Chairman Sabin Says Directors Keel Heavy Responsibility and Tax payers' Views Are Invit ed as One of First Aids. Before the text books for the gram mar and high scnools of Portland are selected, every one who cares to have a word on the subject. Insofar as time and accommodations of 'the headquar ters win permit, will get an opportun ity to be heard by the members of the Board of Education." This recommendation will be made by It. L. Sabin, chairman, and un doubtedly will be followed, as the di rectors are anxious to please the gen eral public, which has to pay for the books, while endeavoring to select the best the market affords. The Board of School District No. 1, embracing the Portland schools, is the only one In the state which has such a great responsibility. All books for the other districts are chosen by a commission named by Governor West. Tt is within the power of the Portland Board to adopt the self-same books if they see fit, but whether they will is a question, as the Board has not even met on this phase as yet. Committee Soggnti Only. Aa soon as the Board members learned that the law creating them a text book commission for the Portland schools had taken effect, they took the first step by instructing the city super, intendent to co-operate with Mr. Sabin in selecting from the grammar and high schools of the city competent teachers on each subject' for which a text book or books must be chosen. These committees, which were named several weeks ago. have reported to the city superintendent, but their re ports are purely In the form of sugges tions for the guidance of the members of the Board, and may or may not be adopted in full or in part. Mr. Sabin says that the members of the Board feel keenly the responsibflity resting upon them, as their selection of books for the next four years will mean a great deal to the parents. It being estimated that there will be an ex penditure for new books within the four years of not less than $300,000. Aside from this, there Is the Influence of the book on tho pupils. Teachers to Be Heard. "In view of the fact that the Legis lature saw fit to make the Board re sponsible for the selection of the text books," said Mr. Sabin, "we shall dis charge the duty to the best of our ability. We shall consider the sugges tions of our own teachers, already filed; the actions of the state commis sion and I also favor giving the public a hearing, just so far as it is possible with the accommodations at hand for that purpose. Wo probably will, give the publishers a hearing, to6." The subjects for which text books for grammar grades are to be chosen are arithmetic, language and grammar, geography, history, spelling, reading, civics, music, drawing, domestic sci ence, domestic art, physiology, pen manship; high, schools, mathematics, English, chemistry, zoology, physiology, physics, physiography, botany, French, Latin, German, history, pedagogy, com mercial subjects, mechanical drawing. Inasmuch as the books will be put Into use of pupils at the Fall term, it win be the effort of the Board to de cide on the books by August 1. municipal water -'bonds' at the rate of S3 cents on the dollar the Water Board yesterday completed arrange ments for lowering, in the near future, the submerged' trunk water pipelines In the Willamette River. The Board at a snecial meeting considered the neces sity of the work and-after consulta tion with Commissioner Daly;, who will have charge of the Water Department after next Tuesday, arranged for let ting the contract. The Federal Government and' practi cally all of the shipping interests of the upper harbor have been urging the improvement for a long time because the pipes interfere with river naviga tion. Up to this time the Water Board has not been able to see its way clear because of the low figure at which bonds are selling. Mr. Berry agreed to pay for ,the-bond3 at the rate they sold for prior to the recent slump. The bonds run for 25 years at 4 per cent and the best bid now Is about 89 cents on the -dollar. The huge pipes In the river will be taken up, repaired and laid again at greater depth. a'he contract for the work was not formally let, ; that pro ceeding having been left to Commis sioner Daly, but negotiations were ad vanced far enoflgh so that the con tractors can proceed to secure ma chinery and begin preparations for the work. BOBBINS IS PRESIDENT O.-W. R. & X. ATTOHSEW HEADS TRANSPORTATION CICB. V. Merriman Named 'Vice-President and TT. O. Roberts Secretary Or ganization Most Prosperous. - W. A. Robbins, attorney for the O.-W. R. & N. Company, was unanimously elected president of the Portland ;-jw:-': $ SCHOOL HOLDS EXHIBITION Parents of Wood lawn Pupils Inspect Gardens and Work. The Woodlawn School and the chil dren's gardens were opened for the In spection of the parents and residents of North East Portland yesterday. A livestock show was also in order, in which prizes were offered for the best cattle, under which also came dogs rabbits, cats and pigeons and all the other things which the pupils had as pets. The gardens showed what the chil dren can do in the way of raising gar den truck. At the build In a: an exhi bition of the products from the domes tic science and ""the?" manual training departments was shown the visitors. Later in the afternoon the gardeners Began to remove the products for dis playlDg at the junior market today at a list ana fetarK streets. PARK CONCERT ANNOUNCED Programme Will Be Rendered at Head of Washington Street Tonight. The Portland Park -Band. W. v.. i- Elroy, director, will play at Washing ton Park, head of Washington street. .uw.B" tuiiceri Degins at 8 o'clock and the prbgrumma will be as follows: March. 'Triumphal" . , Overture, "Festival" Waltz. "Espana" Baritone colo. "IEbroo" Eugene Cioffi. Medley, Reraick's hits ;; INTERMISSION. Comio opera, "Mile Modiste". Porto Rlcan dance, "Roslta". Grand aelectfon. "II Trovator" Incidental solos by Messrs. Lehr and'cioftl March, "The Whip" Holiman Sunday the band will play at Penin sula Park, and Sunday night at Wash ington rarx. . . . .Brooke . . .Leufner v aldteufel . . .Apollonl ... .Lainpe . . .Herbert . . .Missud .Verdi PAROLE DENIED JENIS0N Agreement Made Between Attorneys Displeasing to Court. Deputy District Attorney Murnhv found Judge Kavanaugh unwilling to parole Byron Jenlson yesterday after an arrangement to that effect had been made between the District Attorney's office and John C. McCue. attorney for Jenlson, who is under indictment on a charge of shooting his wife. Ida M. Jenlson, with intent to kill, November 21, 1912. Mrs. Jenlson has gone to California with her mother and is desirous of dropping the prosecution. She will be sought and brought back to Portland to testify if her ex-husband refuses to pieaa guilty. RIVER PIPES TO GO DOWN Arrangements Made for Payment of Work in Bonds. By perfecting an agreement for A. C. U. Berry, contractor, to take J69.400 If K XV. A. Bobbins, Attorney for the O.-W. R. & -. -Company, Elected President of the Transportation Club. Transportation Club at its annual meet ing In Its clubrooms at Multnomah Ho tel last night. Mr. Bobbins Is a graduate of tho Willamette university Law school and served three years as Deputy District Attorney for the Eleventh District, af- lor wnicn ne ,tooK a post-graduate course In law at Stanford University, where he completed the course in 1903. Since that time he has been continuous ly a member of the legal staff of the O.-w. K. & N. company. Mr. Kobbins is a charter member of the club, preparing its charter and by laws. . W. Merriman was elected vice-presi dent, W. O. Roberts secretary and E W. Mosher treasurer. N. C. Soule and H. Sheehy were elect. ed directors. The holdover directors are H. H. Kuh and A. D. Wick. The annual reports of officers showed the club to be In a - most prosperous condition. The assets aggregate S1800, with no liabilities. The membership now consists of 385 active railroad and steamship men. J. E. Werleln, the retiring president. and the other officers of the club were commended for the successful manner in which they have conducted its af fairs in the past year. The proposal to place a dairy lunch m the clusrooms for the accommoda tion of the members now is receiving consideration. ALL PAVING IS SUSPENDED With Cessation of Rain Preliminary Work May Start Today. Because of the rain of the past week all paving in Portland Is at a stand still. The clear weather of yesterday gave promise of an early resumption of work. There is at present close to JI, 000,000 worth of paving under way. If the weather continues clear It is said the laying of the paving can be begun about Monday. Grading can be commenced probably today or tomorrow. CROWD LEAVES Tomorrow for Michigan. Two special Pullman sleepers carry ing home-going MIchlganders will leave Portland Union Depot via he O.-W. R. & N. tonight at 8 o'clock .P. M. Those who have not already procured tickets can still do so by applying to City Ticket Office, Third and Washington sts. Phones: Marshall -4500, A 6121. POWDER IN SHOES' AS WELL AS GUNS Foot-Ease to Be Added to Equip ment of Hospital Corps - at Fort Wayne. Under -the above beading the Detroit Free Press, among other things Bays: "The theory is that soldiers whose feet are in good condition can walk further and faster than soldiers who have corns and bunions incased in rawhide. The Government's foot powder order is regarded as the last word in the scientific) outfitting of the defenders of the flag." This foot powder, shaken in the shoes of soldiers, has long been in use in theGerman army, and Uncle Sam's adoption of this form of treating and easing the feet, is in line with the expressions heard daily for more than twenty years, in all parts of the world, from millions of people who are shaking Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptio powder for the feet, into their shoes, as the only practical and lasting treatment for easing and absolutely preventing sore feet. It can be obtained from dealers everywhere for 25o. or a trial package will be sent by mail free if you write to Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, K. X. Charge Purchases Made Today and the Remainder of the Month Will Go on Your July Bill Payable on August 1 Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in Basement Manicuring and Hair Dressing, 2nd Floor Tea Room on 4th Floor Sole Portland Agents for Richardson's Fine Table Linens, "Fownes," "Monarch" and Derbyy Gloves for Women B UST received new line of "Miser" Purse Mountings. Free lessons in making these popular purses given from 1 to 5 daily in the Art Depart ment, -'on the Second Floor. tman WE OPEN AT 830 AXO CLOSE 530 DAILY. Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods SATURDAY HOURS 9 iSO A. M. to 9 130 p. m. TA7"E pive "S.& H." Green . Trading Stamps, with all cash purchases of 10c or more. Stamps given ' on charge ac counts if paid in full on or be fore the 10th of each month. Women's $28.50 Silk and Wool Dresses Onlu $15.89 Special Showing "Clara Barton" House Dresses, $1.75 to S3.00 Women's Apparel, Second Floor Charming one-piece dresses for "Wo men and Misses in styles appropriate for afternoon and street wear. Some are modeled along simple lines while others more on the novelty order with draped skirts, fancy laced trimmed collars, fancy yokes, etc. There are also several smart models in the new coat effect. The ma terials include crepe- de chine, pompadour silks, serges and challis in a wide range of patterns and colorings.. This is an - exceptional opportunity. Dresses worth up to $28.50 jg. Women's Apparel on Second Floor Today -we feature a special dem onstration of the famous "Clara Barton" House Dresses for Women. For wear, fit and style these popular dresses far surpass any other on the market. Made from best quality ginghams, Chambrays, Seer sucker and Galateas in neat checks, stripes and plain colors. Styled with low neck and short sleeves and trimmed with bands of plain ma terials. Easily adjusted to fit any figure. Complete O dTktk line of sizes for women. Prices range from $1.75 to DO vr J $10 Trimmed Hats $2.89 Millinery Department Second Floor We are desirous of closing out this special line of Trimmed Hats at once and are willing to accept a ridicu lously low price in order to do 60. There are about 150 Hats in the lot and all are latest Summer styles, with richest of trimmings. Foundations of excellent grade Milan, hemp and novelty straws in white and all newest shades. Many of these came from the hands of our own ;exper.t milliners. A wide range for choos- 6Q ing. Hats worth up to $10, your choice at Children's $1.75 Ratine Hats at 50c Second Floor Just the proper headgear for children's vacation wear. Made from good quality ratine in plain VJcolors and white or in combinations of two EZ.f colors. Regularly, priced up to $1.75, now at Large Panama Hats Only $4.95 Just in by express new shipment of those much-wanted large Panama Hats. . Extra good quality straw, in fine, even weave. Better 2?y5 Q choose yours at once, for they will go in a hurry at this price P&SJ 'Jill Pretty Lingerie Blouses 98c Center Circle. Main-Floor TtAfmtffni sheer lawns, batistes, marquisettes, etc., just what you'll be wanting for vaca tion days. Styled with high or low necks and long or short' sleeves and trimmed with dainty laces, embroider ies, frills, buttons, etc.; front or back fastenings. Complete line ofQQ all sizes. Special price, eachOv Center Circle. Main Floor S nprinl Fri day sale of women's Petticoats. A wide range of materials, including halcyon messaline, 6ateen, heatherbloom, etc. Some are styled -with . the "Newton Extension" tops, adjustable to any size waist measure; others with string top. Accordion and knife- (J1 in pleated flounces; each, at V-- f Girls9 Dainty Crepe Kimonos at 79c tr ine main f loor uargain Circle A special line of Girls' Kimonos on sale Friday at a very low price. Attractive c- f 1 -1 -i -1 , cnUni'l Ki . i ' i 1 . a " . , , - . J - ' ..- . . v.v. . illnatLlVC styles in splendid quality cotton crepe, with sateen facings to match. 1 Tk Choice of pink or blue. Come in sizes for girls 6 to 14 years of age, at 2 Tea Aprons Now 29c Crossbar dimity and fancy embroid ered lawns, square styles; also "Wait ress' '.' Aprons with bibs. OQ. Neatly made; offered special Percale Aprons a 1 59 c Light percale Aprons in popular fitted style with large bib. Also gingham "Bungalow" Aprons. Spe- CZQr cially priced for today at'-'t- Wffh if1 ' p Mi 1 9 fa m i ill , Jj'j ' 1 All Men's $3.00 Soft Hats for $2.25 Men's $2.00 Soft Hats $1.65 Main Floor Your unrestricted choice of any $3.00 Soft Felt Hat in the store today at the above price. The best hat offer of the. season. New, up-to-date blocks every hat from our regn- lar stock of the world 's best makes. A splendid range of styles and colors to select from and all sizes. Don't pas3 this by without investi- CP O " CT gating. $3.00 Hats for P&.ZJ Main Floor Men's and young men's Soft Felt Hats in a complete line of the most popular styles and colors. Many stores ask $2.50 for hats of this quality, though our regular price is but $2.00. Take your pick of our en tire $2.00 line of Soft Felts today at this low-price. Nearly all sizes in every st vie. For one 3J 1 2 EZ day only, your choice at 1200 Men's $1.50 Shirts 95c 50c Underwear 39c 50c Wash Ties 3 for $1.00 Choose the Bathing Suit From This Incomparable Showing See Display in Alder-Street Windows Many distinctive new style features are to be noted in the new Bathing Suits we are showing. Smart new mod els of silk moire, wool moire, mohair, taffeta and messaline silks and other materials, attractively trimmed with embroideries, braids, fancy Bulgarian silks, pipings, etc. Some are made to be worn with ti-rhts, while others come with bloomers. ' Dept. Second Floor. Price $2.75 to $25.00. Children's Bathing Suits Splendid line of Bathing Suits for the children. Flannels and mohair in brown, blue, red and black, with trimmings of fancy braids, plaid silk bands, etc. One piece or bloomer style. Complete line of Bathing Caps, Shoes, Bathing Suit Bags', etc., etc., for your selection. Men's and Boys 9 Bathing Suits Main Floor Main floor Men's high grade Coat shirts in plain colors and neat stripe effects. - Cut is. good, generous sizes' and extra well finished. With attached or separate cuffs and non shrinking collar band. Regu lar values to $1.50 Q EZf Selling now for only Jx3C Main Floor Men's Porosmesh Underwear, Shirts and Drawers,- in white only. Cool light weight Summer Underwear of the best quality. Complete as sortment of all sizes and standard 50o values. Special, the garment, while OA they last, for only J Main floor Immense special purchase of beautiful wash ties for men. Handsome Jacquard patterns in great as sortment. Unquestionably the best tie bargain of the year. Standard 50c values. On sale today at three for only Wine Lisle Union Suits $l $1.00 Michael Sterns' Hand-Tailored Clothes for Men Ask to See New "Bristol" and "Fullback" Models Men's Store, Main Floor, Morrison-Street Way Study the clothes question from any angle you please and you'll find a Michael Sterns Suit will fill every requirement of price, quality and serviceability. We sell this famous brand of clothes because we believe they are the best we can buy for the money. Every wanted material and color and above all, strictly hand-tailored every one of them. Ask to see flJOCj th( the new "Bristol" and "Full Back" models, just received. They are priced $20.00 to P&J.J''Lr Young Men's Blue Serge Norf oiks for $12.45 Boys9 $5.00 New Norfolk Suits at $4.45 Main Floor Again today we repeat the special offering of young men's Norfolk Suits that brought hundreds to this store a few days ago. Come in navy blue serge and fancy mixtures. Strictly hand-tailored. Sizes 33 to 40. Regular $15 flfl O i T to $20 Suits, in this sale at, the suit SJ-lw Main Floor New line of boys' Norfolk Suits at a reduced price today. We have marked these to sell at $5.00, but for today only you may choose them at $4.45. Beautiful materials and every suit guaranteed to give best of wear. Our G?SS iL regular $5.00 Suits, offered special for Boys' Regular $1.00 Fancy Wash Suits at 69c Boys' 50c Blouses 43c Linen Kerchiefs 12lbc Main Floor-All boys ' fancy Wash Suits, ranging in price up to $2.50,. reduced for today's selling: $2.50 grades, $1.49; $2.00 grades, $1.19; $1.50 grades at 98c, and the regular $1.00 fancy JQ Wash Suits, special, only vPC Main Floor Boys' high-grade Blouses of very best quality ma terials, extra well made, attract ive patterns. Every garment guar anteed to give satisfactory wear. Styled with the new Polo collar. 50c Blouses at 43c Main Floor 200 dozen boys' fine pure Linen - Handkerchiefs a special purchase on sale here today at two for 25c. 17-inch size, with neat hemstitched borders. Excellent value, spe, cial price, ea.,- only 12V2C Sizes 4, 5 and 6 Dept. Main Floor Women's fine ribbed lisle thread Union Suits; low neck, sleeveless stj-les, with tight fitting knee. Beautifully finished and C "f if perfect fitting. Sizes 4, 5, 6. Priced at P 11 Black Lisle Union Suits $1.25 Women's black lisle thread Union Suits two styles, open or closed. Low neck, sleeveless and tight knee. Used extensively for beach wear; nicely CP Tf OCJ finished, perfect fitting; sizes 4, 5, 6 5JLwO Black Lisle Bloomers at 75c New line women's black Lisle Bloomers in medium weight, suitable for present wear. Nicely made and extra good value for the money. Sizes 4, 5, EZf. "S. & H." Trading Stamps with purchases OC Honest Dollar" Silk Hose The Best $1 Silk Hose Made for Women Hosiery Dept., Main Floor We heartily recommend "Honest Dollar Hose to every woman who wants service. Unquestionably the best silk stocking on the market today at a dollar a pair. Made from best grade thread silk, with double silk lisle garter tops and soles and high fij f spliced heels. Black, white, tan and in all sizes. Priced, the pair P- Women9 simp or ted Lisle Hose 29c Outsize Silk Lisle Hose 39c Pair Women's fine imported lisle thread Hose in Summer weight. Double soles, heels and double garter welt at top. Warranted absolutely fast dye. An excellent wearing qual-OQ-, ity. Priced special, the pair" I'C Women's outsize Silk Lisle Hose in medium weight, double soles, toes and high spliced heels, with 4-inch double garter tops. An extra good grade. All sizes in the lot. 00 Special for this sale, pair 27 W Children's "Pony" Stockings 25c Children's Fancy Socks 25c Pair Children's "Pony" Stockings, the hose that always gives satisfactory wear. Fine ribbed fast black with double knee, heel and toe; light weight for girls and heavy O CZf weight for boys. All sizes"' Something npw in phildren 'c Ki-l-o White cotton with fancy striped and checked tops in pink, blue, tan and red. Very smart for the little tots. Full assortment of all sizes. O CZ See these. Priced, the pairC Boys' $5.00 and $6.00 Suits Special at $3.85 On Sale in the Basement Underprice Store 500 boys' Suits, purchased at a great reduction, on sale in the Basement Store Friday. Not for many a day have we offered such a rare good bargain in children's clothing. Mothers of boys should not mis3 this chance to buy good serviceable suits at such a decidedly low price, for it 's not likely you '11 have an oppor tunity such as this again. -Made from unusually good materials in smart new patterns, in medium and dark colorings. Many have two pairs of knickerbockers; well lined and well tailored. See J O OCf Alder-Street window. Come in ages from 6 to 17. Regular $5.00 and $6.00 Suits for onlv O00 Basement Sale of Gevuriz9 Stock Continues Cut Glass, Crockery, Fancy China, Lamps, Silverware, Hardware, Cutlery, Etc This entire stock must be closed out at once and those who appreciate real bargains will be on hand every day, for as fast as lot3 are closed ont other lines will be brought forward. House keepers, hotel and restaurant owners and everyone who has use for anything included in this stock will never have a better opportunity to supply their needs, for the prices range abont half what Gevurtz had them marked to sell at. - The wide diversity of articles makes it next to impossible to quote prices but come any day this week and share in the bargains offered. Trunks, Suit Cases and Traveling Bags Isomple te Stock, Lowes t Prices Department 4th Floor $4 Shoes for $2.95 $4.50 and $5 Grades at $3.45 Shoe Dept., Main Floor 2000 pairs women's high-grade footwear at a special low price today. Very latest lasts in . button or Blucher "styles. Champagne kid, brown ooze, black ooze, patent kid, patent calf, patent colt, gunmetal, velour calf and vici kid. Our regular $4.50 and $5.00 grades,, special at $3.45 a 2J O Q pair. Regular $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes, special, a pair PrJ "Mary Jane" Pumps at $2.98 We are showing these popular low Shoes in styles for women, misses and children. Made from patent kid with sewed soles and ankle tie. Children 's sizes, $2.23 a pair; misses' JJO Qfi sizes, $2.48 a pair; women's sizes, priced at, pai V2'0 iiiill811ii Vacation days bring increased demand for traveling needs of all kinds, and here is the place to buy them. Our stock is the best-selected and most complete in the city and we'll quote you the very lowest in prices. For today two splendid bargains in Matting and Cane Suitcases: $3.00 Suit Cases $2.48 24-inch Cane Suitcase. Six inches " deep, large leather corners and leather handles; brass lock and catches.- Cloth lined, with Docket in cover. Rpcrilar T" JTi T $3 Cases, offered special for P&.JbC $3.50 Suit Cases $2.98 24-inch Matting Suitcases, large leather cor ners, ring handles, 2 straps all around, brass lock and catches; cloth-lined; larse, light- weigut eases, iteguiar JJJ.oU fJ o Regular values, special sale price, each