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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1913)
THE MORNING O REG ONI AN, FRIDAY, JUNE 27,- 1913. II CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGO.VIAN TELEPHONES. Printing Room Main 7070. A 6095 City Circulation Main 7070. A 0S5 Managing Editor Main 7070. A 8095 Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 609S C'ompolng Room Main 7070. A 6095 Superintendent Building. .Main 7070. A 6085 AMUSEMENTS. HKtt,IG THEATER (Eleventh and Morri son) AU-atar cast in the musical play, "Hanky Panky" tonight at S:30. ORPHEUM THEATER (Broadway and Tay lor) Vaudeville. Thia afternoon at 2:13 and tonight iil 8:15. BAKER THEATER (Broadway and Morrl aon Rtrefttl-rBaUer players in "The Ne'er Do Well." Tonight, 8:15. ' EMPRESS THEATER (Broadway and Yam hill) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at 7:30 and . PANTAGES THEATER (Broadway and Al der) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:13 and tonlsht at 7:30 and 8. LYRIC THEATER (Fourth and Stark) Musical comedy "Sinbad." Thia after noun at 2:li and tonight at 6:80 to 10:45 o'clock. PEOPLE'S, STAR, ARCADE. OH JOY. TIVOLI AND CHRYSTAL, First-run pic tures. 11 A. M. to 12 P. M. COLl'MBIA THEATER (Sixth and Wash ington) Continuous rlrst-ruu pictures, xrom 11A.M. GLOBE THEATER (Eleventh and Wash ington) Continuous first-run motion pic tures. OAKS AMUSEMENT PARK (cars trm First and Alder) Royal Italian Band and vaudeville. Afternoons at 2:30; evenings at g p. ai. RECREATION PARK (Twenty-fourth and Vaughn) Baseball. Portland vs. Van couver. This afternoon at 3:15. OREGOSIAS AT RESOTtTS. For quickest delivery of The Ore Ionian at Summer resorts subscribe through the following agents. City rates. Subscriptions by mail are payable in advance. Bay City, Or M. jr. Miller Brighton Beach, Or... J. A. Baldwin Carson, Wuh. . . .Shepherd's Sprln&ra Long: Beach, Wash., Frank Hochfield IVahcotta. Waah J. II. Brown Newport. Or George Sylvester Ocean Park, AVaah D. E. Beechey Rockaway Beach, Or.. Frank Miller Rockaway Beach. Or. ,F. L. Wllk.In St. Martina Springs, Wash Mrs. TV. St. Martin Seaside. Or Clark Stratton Seavlew, Wash. Constable fc Putnam Tillamook, Or J. S. Lamar Wheeler, Or It. II. Cady Advertisements Intended for the City nl In Brief columns in Sunday's lssne most be banded in The Oregouian business office by 6 o'clock Saturday evening. Y. M. C. A. Has Visitors. An un usually large number of secretaries from other cities have visited the Port land Young Men's Christian Associa tion during the past few days. .Roy L. oecK, membership secretary of the St Louis association, is here now having been sent to study the methods of the employment department. The Portland association is recognized all over the ' country as being the leader in this branch and Eastern secretaries come here frequently to study it first hand. John Fechter, general secretary at Oak land, is another visitor at present. Mr. Fechter was formerly secretary at Salem, having been installed there by H. W. Stone when Mr. Stone was state secretary. Band Going to New York. The entire brass band of the Fire Depart ment will go to New York September 1 to attend the annual convention of fire chiefs to be held there from Sep tember 1 to 6 inclusive. The fire com mittee of the Executive Board yester day granted the members of the band a leave of absence for two weeks, the time to apply on their regular annual vacations. The band will hold a. series of outings and entertainments to raise the funds for the trip. The Police Bund has volunteered to assist In the entertainments. Littlers to Go East. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Littler will leave Portland on July 7. for a six weeks' sojourn through the Eastern states, stopping at Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, "Washington, D. C, Philadelphia and New York. Mr. Littler goes to Chattanooga, Tenn., as representative of the Oregon Electrical Contractors' Association, of which he is president, and will attend the conven tion in that city of the National Elec trical Contractors' Association of the United States, which meets in annual session at Chattanooga on July 15-19. Bridge Bonds Sold. Broadway bridge bonds in the amount of $52,000 were sold yesterday by the city at 88.28 cents on the dollar, the lowest price ever received for bonds of the class in the history of the city. The issue which is the last of those authorized for the construction of the bridge was sold to Morris Bros. They are the usual 30 year 4 per cent bonds. The city has received no less than 93 cents on the dollar on all the rest of the issue. Lot Brings $100,000. One of the im portant real estate deals of the month was closed yesterday" when Walter F. Burrell transferred to Mrs. Gordon Vorhies, wife of Captain Vorhles, a parcel 75x200 feet in block 12, East Portland, for $100,000. The property has a frontage of -200 feet on Haw thorne avenue, lying between East Water and East First streets, and has a depth of 75 feet. It is improved with a' two-story brick hotel building and a three-story garage. R. R. Perkins to Attend Conference. R. R. Perkins, religious work'director of the Portland Young Men's Christian Association, will direct the Bible study department of the Northern California conference to be held at. Cazadero, Cal., August 4 to lo. Cazadero is a mountain resort about 80 miles from San Francisco. Mr. Perkins has also been invited to participate in the South ern California conference, but will be unable to attend. Los Angeles Man Speaks Here. "Business Psychology" will be the sub ject of an address to be given at noon today before the Portland Realty Board by Christian D. Larson, of Los An geles. Mr. Larson is prominent in New Thought circles. Other addresses also will be made. In addition to the pro gramme the Board will consider several business matters of importance to mem bers. The luncheon will be given at the Portland Commercial Club. , Fischer-Woodruff Suit Starts. The case of G. F. Fisher against Dr. W. G. Woodruff, a suit to recover $5669 for alleged malpractice, went to trial before a jury in Judge Hamilton's spe cial department of the Circuit Court yesterday. The plaintiff contends that Dr. Woodruff's unskillful treatment made it necessary for the doctor later to perform an operation on him which has seriously impaired his usetulness .Synagogue Services Due. Services will be held this evening at the Sixth,- Street Synagogue at 8 o clock. Rev. James Block will lecture, on "The Ideal Priest." Tomorrow morning services will begin at 9 o'clock. All men and women are welcome. Greater East Side Club Meets. The Greater East Side Improvement Club will hold an important meeting to night at the Hotel Clifford, East Morri son and East Sixth streets. All clubs have been invited to send delegates to this meeting. Do You Need Money? Title & Trust Company, Fourth and Oak, will make first mortgage loans on improved city property and also loan money to homebuilders. Exciting Hunt Club Races at Garden Home, Saturday, 2:80 P. M.; Oregon Electric cars leave Tenth and Stark, 1:05 and 2:05. Mount Hood auto stage. Main 2156. Dr. M. M. Bettsian returned; Electric Gresham After Motor Factory. Gresham is making a strong effort to secure me location of the Beaver State Motor Company. Manager Frank Mc Crlllis, of this company; J. Fred Lar son ana a representative of the Port land Railway, Light & Power Com pany were in Gresham the first of the week and submitted nrnnnnltlnn to locate the plant there. The conditions are that $25,000 stock of the company be taken and a site of five acres pro cured. These are the same conditions offered Montavilla and Milwaukie. The Gresham proposition is backed bv Umbdenstock & Larson and the street railway company. The matter has been taken up by the Gresham Commercial Club. Policeman Ford Sued. Charging that George Ford, a city policeman, beat and kicked him. fracturing a rib, when he (the plaintiff) had an epilep tic fit in a restaurant on March 30, Henry Bush has filed suit in Circuit Court for $5000 damages. He declares that he was held for several hours in the Ci'ty Jail and that his treatment by Ford was rough and brutal. He asks judgment against the New Eng land '"''isualty Company, which fur nished Ford's bond, to the extent of the bond, $1000, and the other $4000 against Ford personally. Registration Headquarters Open. Registration headquarters for the World's Christian Citizenship Confer ence, which will be in session from June 29 to July 6, have been opened in the old lobby of the Oregon Hotel. Eugene Brookings, chairman of the ac commodations committee, desires that persons who will entertain delegates in private homes communicate with him at registration headquarters, stating location, streetcar, telephone, service and price: Visitors who prefer to be entertained in private homes will be sent to the places thus listed. Fine Oregon Chickens, 18c. For your Sunday dinner. You get them at Frank L. Smith's. Smith is "Fighting the "Beef Trust" and Belling meat at these cheap prices: Boiling beef, 10c:. Legs lamb, 15c. Mutton stew, 8c. Lard in 3s, 40c. Shoulder lamb, 11c. Pot roasts, 12c. Pork chops, 17MsC. Lard in 5s, 65c. Plates beef. 10c. Lamb chops, 15c. Roasts pork, 12c. Lard in 10s $1.25. Breakfast bacon, 20c-22c. Butter, 30c. These prices prevail at 228 Alder street and at Smith's St. Francis market, 228 Washington street. " Early Closing to Be Considered. The second conference of retail merchants, employing women and minors, with the Industrial Welfare Commission, will be held in the office of the Commission, 610 Commercial block, today at 10 A. M. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the question of early closing of stores, where women are employed. Notices have been sent to the firms employing a large number or women, but any retail merchant who is interested may come. Albert Bryant Dies. Albert Bryant for the past 25 years a printer for The Oregonian and the Telegram died yes terday at the sanitarium to which he was recently removed for tuberculosis. His death is mourned by a widow and seven children. Mr. Bryant has been a member of the Typographical Union for 20 years. His funeral will be held Sun day under the auspices of that organization. "Drugle8S" Healers Ask Place. Resolutions recently adopted by the Health Defense League of Portland petition Mayor-elect Albee to appoint as members of the City Health Board three members from three distinct schools of healing, and "that drugless healing in the form of some of the newer and more rapidly-growing systems shall find a place on the Board." Missionary Societies to Meet. The annual meeting and June rally of the Women s Home and Foreign Missionary Societies of the Congregational Churches in Oregon will be held today, at the Hassalo-Street Congregational Church. Sessions begin at 9:45 A. M. and 2 P. M. Luncheon and the social hour begin at 12:30. All Interested are invited. Necklace la Gift. At the last meet ing of the Brooklyn School Alumni As sociation, Miss Ethel Luke was pre sented with a beautiful necklace. Miss Luke has been conducting a girls' and boys' chorus in the ninth grade for the past year and in appreciation of her services, the class presented her with this token of friendship. Judge Beatih Will " Speak. Under the auspices of the Civic Progress Circle of Oak Grove, Or., a public meet ing will be held In the church at Oak Grove, Tuesday at 8 P. M., at which Judge Beatie, of Oregon City, will dis cuss the charges made against his efficiency. Ex-Vice-President Fairbanks has ac cepted the invitation of the Republican Club to an Informal dinner next Sat urday evening, 7 o'clock, at the Com mercial Club. Tickets, $1 at Commer cial Club and Perkins Hotel. All in vited, includihg ladies. Beth Israel Services Announced. Congregation Beth Isral Reform Jewish services will be held tonight at 8 o clock and tomorrow morning at 10:30. All persons are welcome. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will officiate. Camp to Entertain. Multnomah Camp, No. 77. Woodmen of the World, will give a free entertainment tonight at the hall. 112 East Sixth street. Members, with their wives and friends will be entertained. Today, at 11 A.M., 2:30 and 7:45 P.M. preaching service at the Tabernacle, East Fifteenth and Davis. Seating ca paclty 1600 people. All are welcome. J. Polivka & Co., 206 Corbett bldg., closing out imported woolens and store fixtures at half price. Calvary Presbyterian Church to night at 8:S0, concert by the choir. No admission charge. Public invited. Hunt Club Races. Saturday. 2:30 P. M., at Garden Home track. Admis sion, 50c. Dr. G. O. Jefferson has been called East on account serious illness of his father. K NO-US! EVERY Wednesday and Friday we will occupy this space (full position next to reading matter) and will endeavor to explain herein the reasons why ours is the busiest and most successful Specialty Store in I Portland. So that all may K NO-US we are paying 50 per cent more than The Oregonian's regular v adver tising rate to secure this pre ferred position in this paper. Reason No. 1 We carry the best Gloves, Hosiery and Um brellas that are made in the United States and Europe. Agents for PHOENIX HOSIERY '7 0B HTX fOSfIY V.lltUiASJ' Morrison St., Opp. P. O. C."F. BEHG, MGR. July 17, 1904, the Ladd Metals Com par.y of Oregon cut and took away lumber, mining timber and cordwood t thv value of $11,947.50 on Govern ment land in the Boise Land District, and that between January 1, 1901. and June 1, 1903, Charles E. Ladd and the Consolidated Copper Mining Company of Idaho cut and took away lumber, timber and wood to the value of $6750. Damages are asked against the de fendants in these amounts. The co. n plaints are signed by J. C McReynolds. Attorney-General; Clar ence L. Reames, United States District Attorney, and Frank Hall, who Is namea as the Government's attorney. BID TAMPERING FOUND JOHN KEATIXG LOSES SEWER CONTRACT AS RESUI-T. neeks Investigation fn Auditor's ' Office Reveals Substitution and Apparent Forged Numbering. Trouble In the office of City Auditor Barbur arising from the discovery by Mr. Barbur that the bid of John Keat ing for the construction of the East Thirty-first-street and Halsey-street sewer system had been tampered with, resulted yesterday in the rejection of to the contract to Mr. Keating and the award of the work to the Eliott Con tracting Company.' The action was the outcome of nearly a week's Investiga tion to ascertain who was responsible for changing the bid. The Executive Board at Its last meet ing let the contract to Mr. Keating for it,vuo after the Auditor's office had checked the bids over and found the Keating bid to be the lowest in the list tendered. Prior to that time in checking over the bids deputies In the Auditor's office had checked the bids and found that the Eliott Company was the lowest. After that time and be fore the award of contract was madi a representative of Mr. Keatlntr an peared and claimed to Deptlty Auditor Penfleld, who checked the bids, that a mistake had been made. He pointed it out and showed that the Keatinir bid figured out lower than that of the n.iiott company. Accordingly the con tract was awarded to Keatinar. Not being satisfied that he had made a mistake. Deputy Auditor Penfield be gan looking over the bid and with tne assistance of Auditor Barbur dis covered that the original bid of Mr Keating apparently had been taken away and another put in its place, while the bids, were in the Auditor's omce, wnere they are accessible to ine puDiic. The substituted bid had been stamped with a numbering machine in a dif- ierent -colored ink from that used by Auunur ana tne numDers were larger in size. Another discovery was that the certified check accompanying the bid had been pinned in a manner aurerent from the usual manner em ployed by Mr. Barbur. VOTE COUNT IS CORRECT Official Tabulation of Election Bal lots Shows No Change. After a week of work deputies In the office of City Auditor Barbur yes terday completed the official tabulation of the vote on various initiative meas ures on the ballot at the last city elec tion. The official count shows no changes in the general outcome of the election as announced in The Oregonian immediately after the election. Following is the vote on the various measures: Firemen's relief and pension fund Tes, 27,953; no, 14.400. Heusnar franchise Yes, 14,867; no, 25,309. Repeal of East First street franchise Yes. 15.942; no, 21.067. Re peal of East Second street franchise Yes, 15.942; no. 20,912. South Portland bridge Tes, 12.671; no, 26.796. Incinerator bonds les. 22.K83; no, 16,071. Change In method of paying for street extensions Yes. 17,848; no. 18.473. Park bonds Yes, 15.781; no, 23,- rs. Detention Home Yes, 21,027; no, 13, 710. Building for Oregon Historical Society Yes, 10.258: no, 27.855. Grade crossing! Yes. 22,047; no, 12,487. Council Crest Yes. la, 161; no, 25,804. Common transportation terminals Yes. 21,415; no, 12,300. Public docks Yes, 22.887; no, 19,543. - GOVERNMENT FILES SUITS Ladd Metals Co. and C. E- Ladd Charged With Cutting Timber. The United States versus the Ladd Metals Company of Oregon and the United States versus Charles E. Ladd were civil suits for damages filed yes terday in United States District Court. Tho Government in its complaint cl argts that between May 7, 1903, and j IT'S NOT TOO LATE To join the home-goinir folks to Mi-hl gan. Two special Pullman sleeners wli leave via the O.-W. R. & N. at 8 o'clock this evening. Call at Citv Ticket Offi- Third and Washington sts., and you can etuie a. ucnet at tne low round-trip huh in eneci to uetroit. LUNCH WOMEN'S EXCHANGE Raspberries and cream, ham omelette Deer stew, crab salad, pineapple and nut salad, strawberry ice cream. 18 Fifth street- . . PENNEY BROS.' FRIDAY SPECIAL. We offer our- $2 wines at $1 a gallon , "c;.-f1,,' .,ic gauon: fc-traigh Kentucky Whisky, 7 years old. regula , at 3 o, "i gallon; Kentucky Whisky, regular $3.50, at $2.50 a gal lon: $3 grade Whisky. $2.10 a gallon. iTidayonly. 379 B. Morrison st. Phones i5i. c ijju. ree delivery. .. Don't forget this! Insecticide kill trie bedbug. Main 292, at 260 Third. jriummer urnef jo. Today Only $5.00 LA TOSCA COB SETS; special, $1.98 A broken line of our best styles, some are slightly soiled, while they last at $1.98 75c SILK BOOT HOSE special 49 $4.50 LINGERIE WAISTS, a new lot in high or Dutch necks they are great values at .' $2.48 F. P. YOUNG CO. Ladies' Haberdashers, 323 Morrison street, Portland Hotel t As a Matter of Fact there are few things you spend money for in which there is such a wide variation such a risk of mis-spending as for a suit of clothes. Kuppenheimer Clothes assure of lasting satisfaction because of the distinct individuality of materials, tailoring and style. The Blue Serge Suit is a necessary part of every man's wardrobe., "When in doubt, wear blue serge" generally proves correct when business suits are under discussion. The Kuppenheimer blue serges are of a most satisfactory material. You will find the blue serge admirable for various occasions. The coat may be worn with trousers to match. It may be worn with light grays, ducks or flannels. You can wear a waistcoat or not, just as you like. During the Summer, you will find a variety of uses for it, while next Winter it will be equally useful. We have them in all the latest models at & H. Stamps Given Upon Request. Twenty Five Dollars Others at fifteen to forty. That boy of yours will appear well dressed, indeed in one of the $3.95 woolen suits which boys are finding so much to their liking. The younger fellows are becomingly dressed in a wash suit at $1. Presents for the boys, of course. "The Steinbach Store" Morrison at Fourth MAIN 7200 GROCERS, BAKERS, TEAT AND WINE MERCHANTS. 288-290-292 STARK STREET CO. I A If eisi I 1 Our Olive Sale of last week proved to be so interesting that we have decided to repeat it this week. Here are a few of the items : Reg. Sp'l. No. 12 Bot. Queen Olives 25c 20c No. 14 Bot. Queen Olives 30c 25c No. 20 Bot. Queen Olives 50c 35c No. 25 Bot. Mammoth 75c 60c No. 12 Stuf. Celery 50c 40c OUR DELICATESSEN DEPART MENT you will find to be a great convenience during the warm weather. We have a large assort ment of cooked meats and salads, freshly prepared daily in our own kitchen. We recommend especial ly our Baked Ham, the pound 50 Home-Made Bread Made from best hard wheat flour in our sani tary bakery, 5 and 10. Layer Cakes Made by the best cake baker in Portland, from best creamery butter and new laid eggs, only 50. Picnic or Motor Lunch We of fer a large stock of suitable new goods at special prices. Peck's Boar's Head in Glass a 75o jar for 50 Reindeer Steak from Norway a 75c can for GO Sliced Bacon 35c can for 25 Libby's very fine. Dupont Sardines, fourths, two for 2o dozen $1.35 Genuine imported. Smoked Sardines, can 10 the dozen at only $1.10 In Olive oil very fine. Mariposa selected vintage wines: Burgundy, 40c bottle, 3 for $1.00 Riesling, 40c bottle, 3 for $1.00 Zinfandel, 40c bottle, 3 for $1.00 Hock, 40c bottle, three for Jgl.OO Turkish Coffee Special at two pounds for 85 Maraschino Cherries Long's best, regular 85c, special 60 i Oak Portland's Great Amusement Park Autos That Pass in the Air Today, Saturday and Sunday, 4 P. M., 9:30 P. M. Band and Vaudeville K. & m o val Sale Places This $375 Piano in Your Home (The June Bride's Piano) Easy Repeating Action Sale Price $6 Monthly A 10-YEAR GUARANTEE GOES WITH EVERY ONE OF THESE PIANOS There are no restrictions no limit no misrepresentations every piano guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. We agree to take any one of these pianos in exchange for a new one within one year of the date of the purchase. Other Piados $65, $145, $165, $185, $265, Etc. Player Pianos, 88 Notes, $295, $365, $415, $465, Etc. - Terms of Payment, $1.00 and $2.00 Monthly P7l Tp 17 100 pieces of Music from the Eclipse Library with VJlA i the sale of this piano this week. Come Today and Make Your Selection GRAVES MUSIC CO, 111 Fourth Street FIXTURES ARK THE FIXIS OF A HOISE. Rents better, sells better. More pleasant to live In. You will be sur prised at the low prices we wtll make you on our new, up-to-date FIXTURES. WIRING is where we can save you more money. Just try us. HOTEL STEWMT SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.50 a day up American Plan $330 a day up New steel and brick structure. Third ad dition or hundred rooms now building. Every modem convenience. Moderate rates. Center of theatre and retail dis trict On cariines transferring; all over citv Electric ssssibas suets trsias sad stesasrs. Headquarters Second World's Christian Citizenship Conference June 29th to July 6th Entertain Your Friends in YE OREGON GRILL The home, of good music and good things to eat and drink. HEAR EVELYN GILBERT and the American Beauties in song and chorus Hear the orchestral se lections of SIGNOR PIETRO MARINO and His Orchestra Entertainment supreme during lunch, dinner and after the theater. In the Fountain Grill for a limited engagement, PROF. PELZ AND HIS CONCERT ORCHESTRA OREGON H OTEL Wrijrht-Diekinson Hotel Company, Props. Clias. Wrigrht. President M. C. Dickinson, Manatrinyr Director ORDER YOUR WINES LIQUORS BRANDIES AND BEER' OF THE NATIONAL and SAVE MONEY Specials for Today Quality Guaranteed H1.50 Quality Sherry, lrt, Muncatel or An gelica, special 7C Per gallon luC Ry or Bourbon UlnkT resular per gallon, special Friday, per tO 7C gallon Hi I 3 J a m a I e a Rum and Oln r e g u 1 a r $4.irt (trade, special for Friday, per tfjo 7C gallon 0i I 3 National delivery serv ice is prompt tele phone your orders. - Main 6499 or A 4499 jc ixrxa.-. .wt JL; j wV Rent a Fine Piano Under our new plan all rent of our pianos Is applied If purchased. Reduced Summer rental now In force, $1.00 and $2.00 monthly for cheaper grades, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 for better kinds. Large stock' to select from. Eilers Music House, Broadway at Alder street. ICCHWAB PRINTING CO IO BEN F.GREENE. PRESICSMTl 5454 STARK "STREET SCHOOLS AJJD COLLEGES. Making a Boy's Summer Count A membership in the Boys' De partment of the Y. M. C. A. $2.50 HoTi $2.50 Full privileges Swimming Les sons. Activities in full swing. For boys, ages 10 to IS. Bring this ad. with you. Y. M. C. A., corner Sixth and Taylor Sts. St. Helens Hall Portland, Oregon Resident and Day- School for Girls In charg of Bit.n of St.Jobn Baptist (KpUwpul) CoIUglfct. Acidemia and EUmtBtArr Department, Music. Art, Elocution, Domestic Art, Damtttlo Iclanc. Gymnasium. For catalog address THE SISTER SUPERIOR, Office 18 St, Helens Hall S accredited to Cc-Meref Grammar a Primary W SL Grides. Twelfth yru - Am. 25. 1912. Si. HOTELS AND RESORTS. MANZANITA HALL ?lS c"? Prepares for collegre or technical school. Next term opens Aug. 1913. For cata logue and specific Information address V. A. SHtbl), Heart Maater. The earlt(?Ft attempt at sewintr by ml ehinery of which there la any authentic record was In 177f. In which Sear a ma rhlr.e was patented in England by Charles F. Welsrnthal.