THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY. JUNE 36, 1913. 13 Hotel Cornelius THE HOUSE OF WELCOME, . PARK AND ALDER STS., PORTLAND, OR. In the theater and shopping district, one block from any carline; rates $1.00 jjer day and up; with bath, $1.50 per day and up. Take our Brown Auto 'Bus. C. W. Cornelia, President. H. E. Fletcher. Manager ' -fiT ? f li Hi HOTEL OREGON ABSOLUTELV FIREPROOF. Portland's Newest and Most Magnificent Hostelry. Opened March 4th. 1913. Five hundred elegantly .furnished rooms, nearly all with private baths; 100 specially equipped sample-rooms for the commercial trade. Located on Broadway right in the heart of the city. Wright - nicicijrsour hotel co. When in Seattle Stop at the Hotel Seattle. ANNEX HOTEL Washlnsrton Street. Corner 12th, PORTLAND, Or. Charlea H. Rowley. Mjr. Auto Tus meets trains and boats. 150 rooms. Fireproof. Modern. First Class. Both Telephones. Room rate per day, with bath privilege, $1, $1.50, 12; with private bath. $1.50. $2. $2.50, $3. SPECIAL RATES PER WEEK OR MONTH THE MULTNOMAH PICNIC RAIN OR SHJNE COrIEKCIATj CLUB PREPARES A . Jh w v v -a A a wLv V Jl jl jfieatures of Sports Programme Will Be Oatmeal Race and Tug o'War Across Pond, Rain or Bhine the members of the Portland Commercial Club will go to Vancouver Saturday morning for their first annual family outing-. O. L Flummer, C. C. Colt and W. H. Daughtrey, eugenic experts, have been asked to act as directors and judges in the baby show, which Is to be fea tured as one of the special events of the day. Colonel G. S. Young, of the Twenty first Infantry, announces that a special programme of sports for the soldlrs will be offered as one of the attractions of the day. Tent-pitching, wall-scaling ana other military contests will be offered. A dress parade is to be given for the benefit of the visiting Com mercial Club members. In the sports for the Commercial Club members themselves the commit tee has compiled a mighty list. Potato races, egg rucea, pie-eating contest and everyisjMher twpc e&s,aontest which is calculated to make -a sedate business man "loosen up." forget his dignity and behave like a youngster, and partlci pate. Not the least of these is the "oatmeal and whistle contest." in which the contestants will be required to run 50 yards, eat a mouthful of dry oatmeal and then whistle a tune. The Vancouver Commercial Club heavyweights are preparing a tug-o'- war team with which they expect to drag their hosts of the Portland club 'all over the lot." The Army teams will also offer exciting tug-o'-war ex hibitions. It is planned to hold some of the tug-o -war matches across a pond on the barracks grounds, and to pledge the business men who partici pate to hold to the rope and take their ducking If the other side drags tnem in. OREGON DELEGATES TO GO State Will Send Strong1 Representa tion to Charities Conference. The National Conference of Charl ties and Correction, which meets In Seattle July 5 to 12, is fast assuming definite proportions. j ne atienuance promises to oe as large as the programme is good. Gov ernor West of Oregon writes that the superintendents of all state institu tions will be in the Oregon delegation. and it is believed that other governors win urge attendance of the heads of state institutions. The State Federation of Labor has Indorsed the conference officially, and delegates have been appointed. The Seattle Labor Council has assisted in the local preparations. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage Licenses. MOOR-ROSS William E. Moor, Ashland. ou. ana Matiel Ross. 23. HAMILTON-THOMPSON John W. Wsm lltoa. city, legal, and Frankie Elizabeth j nuuipsuti, lentil. LUND-SAN DEL Aaron B. Lund. Klam ath Falls, Or., legal, and Marguerite San del, legal. BATES-GOLDEN G. Raymond Bates, vreeK, ur., xi. and Grace M. Golden ORAT-M'RAB Robert John Gray, city, 26. and Ann McRae. 23. I. EST BR -BRADLEY William J. Lester. cuy, legal, ana Gertrude . Mary Bradley, legal. GRIMM-WILLIAMS Lew W. Grimm, HOTEL CARLTON Fourteenth and Washington Streets. Rooms, with bath, $1.50 day, ,Rooms without bath, $1.00 day. All outside rooms, fireproof construction. Special rates for permanent guests. Ross Finnegan, Mgr. Victor Brandt, Propr. POrtTLAJTD'S GRANDEST HOTEL Absolutely Fireproof 100 rooms ..fl.EO per day 200 rooms (with bath)..2.00 per day 100 rooms (with bath)$2.S0 per day Add $1-00 per day to above price when two occupy on room, VERT ATTRACTIVE PRICES ' FOR PERMANENT QUESTS H. C. TIOWERS, Manager. GAXYKn, THILiFEX, Aas't Man. city, 28, and Bonnie Sunderland Williams, BLAGG-LIERLE Irl Irwin Blag. Hood River, Or., and Iuendo Llerle. legal. 1 GLASS-GUSTAFSON Roy W. Glass, city. legal, and Hilden T. Gustafson, legal. jNijnuLitsur-AiAjLii!;rJ Robert s. sn. Nicholson, city, legal, and Luclle Madden, leaai. SHE ALY -DUKE James A. Shealy. city. legal, and Margaret Duke, legal. THOMAS-JOHNSTONE L. S. Thomas, city, 82. and Frances W. Johnstone, 33. Births. GRIFFIN To the wife of K. L. Griffin. 1355 E. 32d St.. June 2. a girl. M KAY To the wife of B. J. McKay, city. June 20, a girl. ROWLES To the wife of H.J Rowles, 1008 East Thirtd-second street North. June 28, a girl, S85 East Couch street. June 22. a son. MEYER To the wife of J. C. Mevtr. 1087 Hawthorne avenue, Juno 21, a girl. SHELL To the wife of J. D. Shell. 603tf Fifty-seventh 'avenue Southeast, June 11, a girl. CLASSIFIED v AD. RATES Daily or Sunday. Per Line. One time 12o Same ad two consecutive times 22c Same ad three consecutive times SOo Same au six or seven consecutive times. .6ttc lue above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classifica tions except the following; rMtuations nimeu, Male. Situations Wanted, Female. lor Kent, Rooms, Private Families. Rooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping Kooms, Private Families. Kate on the above rlaMtufinAtinna im 2 cents a tine eacu Insertion. V hen one advertisement is not rnn In ran. ecutlve Issnes the one-time rate aoDlles. Six average words count as one line on cash advertisements and no ad counted for ic utiii two iinett. - On "charsfed' ,(lv,rtlRMniiiit, t. vlll be based On the number of lines u unmrin u. mj piei, iTKnrutnrii or me number oc words in each line. Minimum charge, two lines. The Oremnian will accent rlaaml arf. vertisements over the telephone, providing the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but hill will be rendered the following dav. Whether suhsenllent K. accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisements. Situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one inser tion only will be accented for Furniture for Sale," "Business Opportunities,7' ''Rooming houses' and "Wanted to Bent.' The Orcgonlan will not sruarantee srennir or assume responsibility for errors occurring In telephoned advertisements. i do uresonian will not be responsible for more than one incorrect Insertion of any auverciscmenE oraerea for more than, one time. In New Today all advertisements are charged by measure only. 14 lines to the 1UVH. Remittances must accompany out-of-town nrnrrn. AUCTIOX SAXES TODAY. To satisfy a mortgage, fine lot of furni ture, two pianos, all must go without? re serve, ueo. waiter & Co., 160-iea Parle st. lO o'clock A. M. atEETINO NOTICES. OREGON LODGE. NO. 101. A F. .AND A. M. Special commun ication . todav fThuradev l. .Inn, 26, at 0:15 A. M., Masonlo Tenrole. for conducting the fu neral ceremonies of our late brother, Wm. M. Livingston, late a member or (jooaaie Lodge, No. 372, of Columbus, Ohio. Services at Finley's Chapel at lot A. tea cordially invited. By order W. M. A. J. HANDLAN, Secretary. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114 A. F. AND A. M. Special com munieatlon this (Thursday) evening at o'clock. A reception n 5-. B1,B" to urotDer wii" w xhbioi, aepuiy grana master whn ..-ill . . , , v. ... ,u, master juksou I . ' v' wuicome. present and past grand officers especially Invited. By order of the TV it FRED A. BURGARD. Act. Sec , !- OREGON COMMANDS RY ift-ft'- K- T. Special conclave o'clock P. M. Order of the Temple meeting will continue 1 ' 1 " " evening. rarior. open xrom ana alter l:ao p. M. Sir van Kir in charge. Your attendance will be apprect ated. C. F. WEIGAND. Recorder. KENTON LODGE NO. Us a r. Aiu a. i. special communl cation this i Thursday) evening Jt7 work In the F. C. deirree. visit. ins brothers welcome. Order W. M. - WILL xi. EATON, Sec Noted for the Excellence, 5a-T A MEETDIliSO'rtCBS. AL KADER TEMPLE A. A. O. .N. M. S. Ceremonial session Saturday, June 28, t 7:30 P. M.. new Masonic Temple West Park and Yamhill streets. Business session will be held at 1 P. M. Petitions must he in the hands of the recorder not ater than 12 M.. June 2S. Candidates must present themselves at the Masonic Visitinir nobles oorrilallv ( n v-'f f i,i -o v a of the potentate. HUGH J. BOYD, Recorder. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 46. A. F. & A. M Special communi cation this (Thursday) evening, 7 o'clock. East 8th and Burn side. E. A. degree. Visitors wel come. Order W. M. ; 3. H. RICHMOXD. Sec. DIED. KLIN.K At Hlllsboro, Or., June S4, Clara Kllnk. aged Ii2 years, late of Portland. FlWERAt NOTICES. WASSERMAN In this city, June 25. Mrs. oopme wasserman, widow of the late Philip Wasserman, aged 63 years, mother of Mrs. Henry Hausman, Mrs. R. J. Chip man, Getta Wasserman and Milton Was serman. Funeral services at the residence of Dr. R. J. Chipman, 37 12th street. Friday, 1:30 P. M. Interment-Beth Israel Cemetery. Services at grave private. New York and San Francisco papers please copy. DANIELSOX At the family residence. East "sniy-e)gnm and Fine streets. June 22. 1813, Daniel Danielson. aged 42 vears 11 months 10 days. Beloved husband of r.ima uamelson. Funeral services will conaucted at z p. M. today (Thurs day. June 26. from Pearson's funeral par lors. 369-371 Russell street. Friends are re spectfully Invited to attend. Interment note (jity Park cemetery. HALL At the residence of his daughter. -irs. . h. romeroy. Multnomah station, on the Slavln road. June 2-1. .Tns.nt, Mali. aged SO years O months 2a days. Friends iii-wiea to attend funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at 1 P. M. today (Thursday). June 26. Inter ment Rive rv lew cemetery. BAYLOR In this city at the late residence, v,ncBicreury A'panmems, June o, Mary J. Saylor, aged f2 years 4 months 14 days, fceloved wife of 8. A. Raj-lor. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's Funeral Parlors i iu:ao a. m. ,toaay (Thursday), June 2 Interment 'at Oregon City. EEFXOVICH In this rite. .Tun. M n. miniclc Daniel Bercovlch, aged 23 years. Funeral services will be held todav (Thursday), June 2. from St. Michel's Church, corner of 4th and Mill St., at 9 A. M. Friends respectfully Invited to at tend, interment Mount Calvary cemetery. BOfaB The funeral services of the late .lames Henry Ross will toe held today (Thursdav) at 1 o'clock p r t ih chapel of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgomery t,iii oca. rrienus inviiea. interment at xviverview cemetery- ERE1TBARTH The funeral services of the late Henry A. Breitbarth will be held at the chaDel of F s. nuninr ix i?aB Side Funeral Directors. 414 East" Alder o f. in. looay. Friends Invited. In- Lej-iijeni m.1. escort parH cemetery. JOHNSON The funeral servloes of the late Clarence L. Johnson will be held at Holman's Funeral Parlors at 3 P. M. to- Qsy i i nursaay). June 2. Friends invited. Interment Rlverview cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MR. EDWARD HOLMAJf, the leading; fu neral director. 220 Third street, corner Sal' num. Lady assistant. A 1611, Main 607. J. V. FIXLEY SON, FUNERAL SERVICE, Lady Attendant. Montgomery, at Fifth St. F. 8. DUNNING. INC. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East aiaer er. x.wi o., t xoo. DUNNING & M'ENTEE, funeral directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 4 HO. Lady at- icuuuufa i"d vi u xi i .t coroner. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM. Rao wood. ave. i take Seilwood car. Open to vis itors qmiy Trom v a. to s 1 i. LERCH. undertaker, cor. Kast Airier .,, Sixth. East 781, 11 1888. Lady attendant. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Sd and Clay. Main 4152, A 2321. Lady attendant. A. R. ZELLER CO.. East 1088. C 1088. Ledv Attendant. Nicht Service. MEMORIALS Portland Marble TV,,, L.. co 4in, opposite nry Atail. .nam 3uS4. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE NO. 820 UNION AVENUE. COB- NEB MARKET STREET. Phone East 1423. B 2615. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cruelty to tnia oirice. Open day and night. NEW TODAY. NVESTMENT "West Side, 80 acres for $300 per acre within 15 minutes' walk of c fare Bull Run water; adjoining lots hav been sold for $500 per lot. Best o time and terms. My authority t sell at this price is for 15 days Quick action necessary. AT 147 Orerjonian. Money to Loan on improved city or county prop erty. Ask lor Mrs. Ridings. HACKER & THERKELSEN CO. Main 7592. 306 Spalding Bldg. Edward E. Goudey Lewis umiaing. MORTGAGE LOANS t per cant on best business properties. 9 pr cent and T psr oent on otbsr clo-la bast cess and rssidenca sscurlUsa. ' Mortgage Loans If you have A-l Real Estate security we can loan you any amount at lowest rates. C ALLAN & KASER 723 -2 Venn Bldg. CITY & FARM LOANS $1000 and up at lowest -rates C. M. ZADOW 41 C'orbett Bldg. A 1 41. Marshall 82. Mortgage Loans Improved Property Only. Commerce Safe Dep. & Mortgage Co, - 91 Third 8t Cham, of Com. Bids;. ' MORTGAGE LOANS Our Own Money at Current Rates. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO. Commercial Club Bldg.. Portland, Or. CITY AND FARM LOANS , . Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CEONAN 803 Spalding. Bld - Portland, Or. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOIIST SCOTT PARK. T3-.4-l . Ca.... T j-s . Large. Permanent. Modern. Both phones BIG BARGAIN IX ROSE CITY PARK. Five lots (one a. corner,, cement aide walks paid for. Cash price $2350. worm fJDUU. a. is. Mauson, 3M Oak St NEW TODAY. $11,000 Eleven thousand dollars, about 35 acres of land on Garibaldi Beach, be tween Manhattan Beach and Lake Lytle Beach, on which is platted the Town of Moroney. There are 96 single lots and 60 double lots nlatted and recorded. Some of these lots front on the ocean. some or tnem front on Lake Lytic, and some of them lie along the railroad on each side. This will be the future Summer resort of the Pacific Coast. A I postoffice has iust been established. state water permit free and dam priv ilege and pipe privilege on our own place, all free. Permit to cross rail road with water also free. The place is worth over ilOO.000. We have cran- herrv lann rtn each sIcTa rf W nrnnAv'9 I Canal, and bottom land along Lake i-iytie, an . close to - mo railroad ana the beach.. Cheap for cash. We are not real estate men. We are selling our own place. M. MORONEY, Tons of Moroney. at Present Rick. away. Oregon, Tillamook County. Furnishdd Tents at Bar View We have furnished tents with all conveniences ready for housekeeping: also a first-class hotel at Bar View. Good, wholesome meals are served in a bright, clean dining-room. The hotel is surrounded by a wide veranda over looking the ocean and amusement park. s e have safe rowboats and canoes for hlra on both the lake and bay at Bar View. The large dance hall. pool hall and bowling alley will be ap preciated and patronized by many. The drills of the life-saving crew, the ciamDakes, tne beach bonfires and deeD-Sea flshlns excursions ar nnlv a few of the many good things Bar View nas to oner you. tieiore planning your vacation see us and make reservations ior tents or rooms. We have nice lots in Bar View fnr sale at $10 down and 10 per month. These lots will double in value in one year. Ralph Ackley Land Co. au- r oumg mug., 3d and Washington. TO RENT Factory Building 75x200, erected a year aeo. and de signed as a furnitnre factorv; is equipped with steam heating plant, me spraisung 53 stem, eiecrne power, and a line of wood-workine ma chinery, offiefe fixtures, etc. Located bast 14tb and S. P. Railroad tracks: has railroad siding. See Mr. Basbline, Star Drilling Machine Co., E. 12th and Clinton. FARM FOR SALE 120 acres situated IS miles west of Portland and half way between Ore Ron Electric and United Railways. 100 acres of which Ik clear, and 50 of cleared land in hops. Hophouse of two 30-foot kilns. Will sell all or one-halt. un-muins nopyara. inquire or OWJiElt, Box 275. Hlllsboro, Or. ARTISTIC HOMES. COMPLETE PLANS o. A. H. FABER. ARCHITECT. 360 A INS WORTH AVE. C 27al. BEAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William G.. 313-316 Falling bid. BRUBAKEK, C. L.- & CO.. loans, U17 Rail way Exchatiae bids. laln Chapln & Heriow, 3:1:2 Chamber of Commerce. Jennings ec co, Alain lbs. 26 Oregonian. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. p.. 404-405-408 w ucox bias. THE Oregon Real Estate Co,, Grand ave, at .vi uinomaii st. (nowaday - Addition.) REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON WEST SIDE. a Glenelyn Addition, restricted district, in- I Biua o-im.Q circie, commands an unobstruct ed view ot Tualatin Valley and Mt. Hood, walks, surface graded streets and Buli . Run water in and included in urlre: Fburth street line runs in front of property, the oicuinucaiiou 01 wnicn is now in progress. Prices ranae from SSO un. si-t vnm lot and we will build to suit you for I jjiia.ii cttsu pay iucul uown. PROVIDENT TRUST COM PANT, Owners. Second Floor Selling- Building. BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTY. On Weet Side overlooking the entire -;n.y on li mouiuann , i rooms, au moaern. 1 Will sell for 5U0 cacti and easy monthly jyttj rueaui, PROVIDENT TRUST COM PANT, OWNERS, Second Floor belling Bldg. SOxlon lot on E. 24th and Davis ets. Wa -will sell this lot. cheap for cash- -Owner. 425 Henry bldg. Main 7581. L AUR E LH URST. We specialtx on this beautiful prop- "" nanaie no otner. we Know Laurel hurst and can save you money ; Laurel hurst ia iust what you want. You can always ftnd us at the tract of- iice. -win ana bast oilman eta. DELAHUNTY & CLEMENTS. NOW that a favorable change haa come, in- aicaiea oy more inquiry, wny not secure a bargain at once? 1 have several In sin-I gie lots, homo sites and residences. In some cases very reasonable terms. I. G. DAVIDSON, 8t9 Chamber of Commerce. ALAMEDA PARK SACRIFICE. 55x100 comer in this choice district. must be sold at once; owner needs money ana win facriuc 4.o for cash sale. LEUDDRMANN, RULEY & CO., OlS Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE a lot in the piedmont District near the Park, and one block from the electric car. very good to build yourself a home on, that 1 would like to sell for $875 on time. Mr-Burse, Aiain 7 ou. EQUITY In Olmsted Park lot for sale. $560 enuitv In &0xl05 lot for sain for- 2Mz balance due on lot $740, payable $20 per month and Interest; excavation for. base- merit dug. AH 14, Oregonian. SNAP. Shameful sacrifice by owner, choice residence district, $300 less than cost price two years ago. Air 372, Oregonian. I WOULD like to dispose of my eaulty in two lots on St. Johns carline; prefer traae ior moaern o-room oungaiow. wnat have you to offer? AG 149. Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Homes, lots, tracts and acreage. A.U views, locations ana prices. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 3S39. FOR SALE Six improved lots In Dallas, or., gooa business corner, a a areas A v b. oregonian. FOR SAXE Lot on Cleveland awe. betweet Mason and Skid more, $1300. Inquire P. j. Jtauui, Aurora, vjr. IRVINGTON LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSEN & CO. MAIN 8078. R. T. STREET. IRVINGTON LOTS. LOTS near car, $375; 5 monthly. Owner, T.o cnamner. or eommerce. Main liQtf. TWO lots, street improved, cement walks. water mains, inquire 4tt byracuse st. For sJe Bacli Property. S1250. iVUKTH oKACU House. 7 rooms. fireplace, completely furnished, beautiful . location. iooxJOO feet, on ocean front. Terms to suit. Apply owner, J10 Ch. of Com. Tel. Marshall Also 2 vacant lots and some splendid acreage for sale very cneap. For Sale -H ou re 100x100 5-ROOM modern house. $24O0, beat buy in poritana. o-j, leon oiag. BEAL ESTATE For Sale Houses BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. $2200. One of the finest 5 -room bunga lows on the East Side; built on a tiuxlOO-foot lot. In a restricted dis trict; has all the modern conven- . lences. first-class plumbing, one bed room finished in white enamel and one in blue: white enameled Dutch . kitchen 1 bullt-ln buffet and plate rail In dining-room; built-in book eases in large living-room; cement basement; leas than a block trom car;, only S2200, and $200 handles it: 313 a month and & per cent In terest. DORR E. KEASEY c CO. 2d floor Chamber Commerce bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, SOMETHING NEW. . 6 rooms and sleeping porch, all modern and up to date, two blocks from Hawthorne car; hall with large living-room, fireplace, built in bookcase!, living-room with hard wood paneling-, beam celling, built in buffet, 3 la rue airy - bedrooms, with larse closets, dandy Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash tray, hardwood floors, fixtures and shades, all In for only $3100. Very easy terms. Call Main &(G, A 1066. O. H. KLETNSORGE CO., 41S Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST HOME, $39.rO $400 CASH. Ambitious young clerk loses his position. Is unable to keep up hln payments on his home must do but onft thing sell and sell for what ever he can pet. This Is a $.VM home In Laurel hurst, strictly mod ern, six rooms, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement base ment; only 1 Vi blocks from car, hard-surfaced streets a beautiful home in Laurelhurst for less than $4C00; only $400 cash required. PORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. HOUSKS FOR SALE, SO BETTER VIEW ANYWHERE. We have tust eomDleted two of the most beautiful homes In the city: location West- over 1 errace. a rooms, s-arare. enclosed sleeping porch and hot -ater heat; built well, nnlsnea wen ana the best location in Portland; bound to Increase In vslue rapidly. Can sell these on very reasonable terms or will make a very attractive price for all cash. Phone or call for an appoint ment and we will be pleassd to saow you them. HOME CONSTRfCTION CO.. 10S2 Chamber of Commerce. Main 740T. Ask for Mr. GUI after business hours. East 201. X HAVE a new. 5-room modern home with reception hall, llvlns;-room. dining-room, built-in Dutch kitchen. 2 larse. convenient bedrooms with big, roomy wardrobes, Hnen closet end nice-siaed bath, l'ull bssement and wash trays: bss room upstsirs for 3 rooms; this house is equipped with fire place, bookcases, cottage windows, slidius; doors between living and 'ining-room, paneled ws'ls of selected fir and beautiful buMt-in buffet. This place for only '20 pr month. Including Interest: compare this with your rent, call East 249. LAURELHURST SNAP. Swell, new, modern eight-room house, cas. electricity, furnace, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, laundry trays, breakfast-room, hardwood floors. 4 bedrooms and sleep Ins; porch; doubly constructed through out. This property would cost, you to du plicate It at least Our price for quick sale losw. uood terms. GRVPSI BOLDS, 31 , Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. SNAP IN A BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, modern, almost new; nice lawn. New garage goes with It free of charge. Easy terms. T am going to sell to some one awfully' cheap. Owner. 425 Henry bldg. Main 75SX. WILL or ell my modern S-rooui nouso m Lao as Ada. for 3 or 8-room bun galow; reception hall, living-room with fireplace, dintug-room with bullt-4n con veniences, den, . breaKf ast-room, Dutch kitchen, -J toilets and bath, 4 bedrooms, 2 sleeping porches, basement ; every modern convenience; attic, hardwood floors; 1 uiock or t carilnes; walking distance deal with, owner only. Phone Sell." loot). THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO l.NCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE "U.Mil, KL.II.rj APARTMENTS, RES1 UENCK OR ANVTHINO. PLANS FREE. WE ARE P-ESPONSIBLE. WB KNOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE Ul n WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING AKtHl'iBCIS, Si:4 ABINOTON BLDG. BUNGALOW AND GARAGE SNAP. in ice, nearly new 7 -room bungalow, gas wu eiectriciiy, uuiieis, ooOKcasea, oeam ceiling, launary trays; lot Boxll4, with good garage, room for two autos; located on Marguerite ave. south of Hawthorne ave. Price $4..u0; $300 cash and liii per month, or will take 3 or 4-room cottage ,s jari payment. GRUySI & BOLDS, 318 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. BARGAIN. BARGAIN. BARGAIN. 8-room Irvington residence; every mod ern convenience; xnree xirepiaces, nara wood floors, built-ln buffet, east front. large por-h and terms to suit. Addreits owner. aJO Grand ave., or phone E. 491. BARGAIN. BARGAIN. BARGAIN. BUNGALOW $100. Now 4-rooni bungalow, gas, electricity, nice bath, full cement basement, doubly construcnea. on lot 4uxiou, on E. 4th et.. near Southern Pacific shops. Price -only tlSr.O, (100 down, balance small monthly payments. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade bid?. $2200 Will "bur a nw five-room bunralow: fire ?'lace. cement basement. Dutch kitchen; n fact, it is very nlcelv and artistically touilt; lot iWixlOO; 2 blocks from car; JoOO casn -win nanam in is. OTTO & HARKSON RKALTY CO.. 133 Vm First Street. A BARGAIN 4-room bungalow, price $1900 iou will tisaiiu ie, oaiance tiae rent ; very iu, now, moaern oungaiow. only 3 blocks from Hawthorne ave. surrounded by nice home, on paved streets; there As nothing like this for the monev we are asking in this district. 1084 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 2017 or Tabor 65. BUY FROM OWNER. lO-room modern home. cor. 33d and sairoon : Electricity, gas, rurnace. attic concrete taeme.nt, combination chande Hers; $ri00 down, $35 per month. Phone Tabor Ml. J? OR bauk. 9-room modern house, corner auxiwr, spienaid netgnooriiood. nrst class condition; roses and fruit; & good uu . viubo in , suy rca.ffuia.oio terms ao cept3. phone Tabor 1S0Q; no agents. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. LESS THAN ONE-HALF ITS VALUE CORNKR LOT 30xl2a SPLENDID GARAGE, EAST W. H. HERDMAN. WE BUILD ON EASY PAYMENTS. WE FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY jLrsjL j?uaj-.i- luun mumk j j APART MF.NTS FTP T A YT.OR T-l TTT T Tilvn 606 M' KAY BLDG., 3D AND STARK, STs! BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY PARK HOME 6 rooms, moaern, oaa iioors, ouiit-in con veniences. line lawn, ciose to car. snap D. A. Chambers. 64S E. 47th N. Tabor - x "5-, xniin 4(13. FOR fcALE a -room bungalow, modern. 0x iuu isoi, pretty lawn, iiowrs and berries nrst-ciass location, w aiaing aistance; tractive terms; bargain. Fhon Tabor 18W, no agents. irvington district; my 7-room modern noma must oe soia, eitner &oxloo or 100 .a'ju. neautiiui iawn ana snrunbery; easiest terms, . v reai eunp. ja. iij, uregonian. BEAUTIFUL modern 4-room bungalow, close to car. In good district, cheap and on easy mommy payments. vanduyn Walton. 516 Chamber of Commerce. 5-ROOM house and lot, one and one-hal blocks from carline. for $1400. Sunnvalde easy terms. Call owner. Main 6303. 407 if enton bldg. FOR SALE Exclusive home In Irvington, viiii louius, muueru in every respect ; ga rage and only one block from car; bar gain ior qmcK saie. nasi lKViNGTU.v tug sacrince, owner anust sell this weeic; attractive, modern home your own ienn. juain 8y5, tL.asi 34. IRVINGTON sacrifice, modern 7-room and sleeping porcn. new xurnixure; must sell 11500 peiow cost; terms. .r,ast ot. I $50 CASH. $10 per month. 4-room bungalow, nail piock. car. oo rainuics. HIGLEY & BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. R. T. STREET. IRVINGTON HOMES. BIG sacrifice. Income flats, close in; high naps ; in ust bcu. mam no i . $15 MONTHLY rent buys modern o-ioom nome. rnona owner, Ntranaii a75. IRVINGTON HOUSES OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSEN & CO. Main 8078. TWO modern bousce, 4 and a rooms, $ISjO ana -uv, terms. .uouiawn mto EJCAX. ESTATE l or ale HAWTHORNE AVE. BARGAIN. T-room modern bungalow and sleeping porch, large living-room with fireplace and built-in bookcases, dining-room with dandy buiit-ia buffet, 4 large bedrooms, Dutch, kitchen with, all built-in conven conventences, hardwood floors, full cement basement, wash trays, 1 Is blocks from Hawthorne ave. Price $3200, very easy terms, same a a rent. Call Main 900 or A 1066. G. H. KLEINSORGE CO., 418 Board of Trade. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, $130 CASH. Modern 5 -room California bunga low, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-hi bookcases, bulfet; window seats, etc.; Dutch kUehen. Will rent readily for $G month. No mort gage to assume; prive $:il'Hi; juo rash, balance $23 a month, including interest. DORR E. KEASEY fc CO., 2d Floor Chamber ol Commerce. FOR SALB Modern nvington buugalow. &10 E. 7th su, N. Contains living-room with fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet, paneled dining-room, hardwood border floors, Dutch kitchen In white, two good sized bedrooms, sepsrate bath, numerous closets, plate-slass windows and mirror; full length attic, cement basement, furnace with coin,; Uundry tubs. 45 feet of street frontage. An ideal, home at an attract ive price. Wakexleld. Friea & Co., 5 tn st. For Sale Buhinrss Proierty. l.0tu LOT MxlOti. stores and apartments. prominent street, ctosp in, west icicle, well rented. Owner, HiM Worcester bldg. -Acreage 20 ACRES FOR $300. Unimproved land, suitable for chickens or dairy ranch, living stream crosses, 14 miles to town of 1500. with high school, bank, creamery, etc. ; only half mile to railroad and eighth grade school, btore and postoffice, large sawmill with plenty of work at good wages. Clothe to good markets and beat transportation in. the Northwest. 10 per cent cash, balance 5 years at . 6 per cent. ALVORD & CO.. 21S Board ot Trade. TAMHILL COUNTY. 160 ACRES, homestead relinquishment, good house, shed, 'root cellar, water piped to house, several springs, about y0 acres tillable land, balance good Jasture, about 41 acres cleared and enced. about 35 acres burned over and easily cleared. Dandy stork prop osition. Will sell this week for $750. AK 1-11, Oregonian. $10 DOWN, $5 PER MONTH. Buys 10 acres of logged-off land, one mile from the railroad station, town and the Columbia River. The soil is free from rock and gravel and none of this land overflows, some ot these tracts have run ning stroams on them, these tracts are ideal for chicken ranches or dairy pur poses, perfect title and warranty deed. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY. .'12 Railway Exchange Building. CHOICE LJTTLE PLACE ON THE ORE GON CITY CAR LINE. 10 acres, nearly all under cultivation; elegant soil, not a foot of waste land; couple of ocres set in fruit snd berries, te?t varieties; also U acres in spuds; good well of water with force pump; comforta ble little house, barn and good chicken brood house ; well fenced ; only 1 H miles from Gladstone and about 12 miles Trom Portland; can be bought for $3300; terms. OTTO & HARK SON REALTY CO., 133 First Street. $4000. acre, short distance from city limits; improved with nice house and barn; place in first-class condition; short distance from carline ; would consider an ex change for a five-room bungalow; would also sell all personal property, consisting of horse-, harness, buggy and several dosen chick eis. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 133 14 First Street. ELECTRIC LINE. eight blocks station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision near G res ham; acres. $40O. $500. 700: 8 acres, $00O. $700; 10 acres. $730. $9O0. $10o0 per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappooso, Or.. $25 to $100 per acre. FRANK M FAR LAND REALTY CO.. 3U Yeon Bldg., Portland. BARGAIN A modern home, 4 rooms, sleeping porch, electric light, gas, garden, woodshed, chicken-house, 40 cnoice roses ; cost $2o00, because ot sickness will take $l800v 1 Vi blocks from carline; no agents Phono owner. Tabor 1343. 218 4 th ave.. South Lents. ACREAGE From 1 to 20-acre tracts, near Portland and carilnes; prices vary accord ing to location and improvements; right, and terms reasonable. I. G. "DAVIDSON, 81ft Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 5-room bungalow. Dutch kitchen. teei range, ouut-in burret, shades and screens, linoleum on the kitchen and bathroom ; by owner. Phone Woodlawn 705. Cheap for cash or terms. SUMMER homeslte. one acre, with shade trees, near river, electric line and auto road to Portland; price $300; $5 monthly. AT 151, Oregonian. 10 ACRES One mile from Boring, Or.. $1300; R. B. McNeal. Woodland, Wash. ONE ACRE. 4 blocks from station, very hest ol on; o per luontn. p lOT, Ore gonian. 23 ALKfca for $.20; fine soil, southern siope, ciose to suburban electric station; $1U will handle. AR 16S. Oregonian. Home leads. HO.ME& ihAD that is worth having. On rauroao, good county road, good school, telephone, service handy, and good l-ind; will groW all kinds of fruit, vegetables, gram: tnis is all there now. you can se it qui u't 1. r.srneai-1 t-nmeia, oak Hotel, room 5. Port 1m nd. HOMEMEAD IdO close to coast, practical jy mvei; nne cree. county road; easy cleared; good town; worth $(00; If taken quicK two oregonian nidg. Fruit Lands. BEARING ORCHARD. HOOD RIVER. 20 seres, all in orchard, standard vari ties, s acres bearing, 12 two and three years old ; 7-room house, with running wwter. bath and electric light, also barn and large new chicken -house on nlace: will trade for Portland property, improved wi uiiiiuijruveai equity fii.ouv. A.V Oregonian. For bale Farms. POULTRY. FRUIT AND GARDEN TRACT $.83 acres good rich soil, & acres under cultivation, over 1 Va acres commercial or- ensnu. trees in line condition, well Jo cated within quarter Of mile of good little town witn up-to-aate school and all mod ern facilities. Ideal for poultry; good maricet; employment nearby iz desired; real bargain ior s iuuo ; only $2a0 cash requirea. A J lb. Oregonian. GOOD Tillamook dairy home: 40 acres. nearly all bottom land; part in cultivation. balance pasture ; gooa nouse and barn six cows, chickens, pigs and young stock; one and half acres small fruit; fine lo cation, on perfect road;, price $4500. $2300 cash, balance easy terms. AV 133, Orego nian. ONLY $273 secures small farm; terms; will Day buyer share in crof its: guarantee 7 per cent; ideal climate; good markets; fine investment wnetner you ever move on land or not. Write quickly for views and particulars. x. v . jeen , jox 1 way- cross. Ijil, NEWBERG. the city of homes and schools, short wav south of Portland. Whlto & Co. can get you bargains in farms, small tracts, or Newberg property. Have own auto and will treat you right. White & vo.. too J.81, isewoerg, or. HALF SECTION in bt part .South Central Alberta, land new, lays fine, close to good town, well improved, black soil, good neig-hborhood. main traveled - road. 2r0 acres reauy ior crop next year; can rent, if desired. Chas. Glaspey. High River. Canada. A FEW good Willamette Valley farms at right prices and reasonable terras. One Southern Oregon farm, well adapt ed, unii y a a u biuvjk. laising; misnc con elder Portland property in part payment. I. G. DAVIDSON, 81 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE bO-acre farm, 41 miles south of Portland, on s. P. K. R. : 10-acre or chard, 3 acres standing fir cord wood, bal ance general farming land: price. $10,O00. l. j., -lO -..otiage. sr.. saicm. or. FOR SALE uoou aairy or stock ranch, on water and Astoria railroad. AG 161. Ore- EXTRAORDINARY sacrifice. Willamette SO. $2100; buiiainga. orchard, stream. Own or, 1 Mo'j ii ran a ort n . RANCH. acres, with buildinxs; IS miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain ior an casn. loy uwner ib2 Morrison st REAL ESTATE. For ale Farms. FAR 11 LANDS BRITISH COLUMBIA. ALONG THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC HIGHWAY. The railroad will soon be completed, giv ing settlers main lin transportation; an army of men are rushing tLie work that it may be comyleted in ii14. The land along this new railway is unsurpassed for fruit, mixed farming, gardening, dairy and stock farms; no irrigation; Summer rams; yea vine and wild Kisses to horse"s back; rich soil; ood climate; fine drinking water, beautiful rivers and lakes; wild fruit; fish and game in abundance; thousanus will so into the country wiion the railway is com pleted. Wo sell the best vslley land in all size tracts at a low price and on untis ua!l easy terms; can give guaranteed -title to every acre we sell; over 100 srereopttean views of Central British Columbia free; everybody welcome, call week is; will show views evenings by appointment. For maps, government report, field notes and full Information call or write W. a. Stock ton, district salesman for the NORTH COAST LAN 1 CO.. LTD., Paid-up capital. $ l,.,00t. S24 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Portland. Or. See the C A N A D T A EXHIBIT t the Land Office. C. P. R. A free demonstration exhibit of the products of the famous fertile lands of vVestern Canada. Call snd receive authen tic, personal informs tion and Free Literature. L, P. THORNTON. LAND AGENT. 271 Pine Street. (Multnomah Hotel Blag." U40 ACRES in Crook County, cheap for cash. Weil located, close to water, write owner. Jas. "Wilson. Route 1. Boring. Or. WANTED REAL F. STATE. WE witnt a partly improved farm, about 20 to 4 acres, prefer wiih tome Mock and tools, and not over So nules from Portland and close to station. Price from to $.troo. Will pay about SsOOu cash. If you have such a place come in at unco, as we have the man with the money. Bell Real Estate Company, 21 J Railway Exchange Bldg. WANT a tine residence of 7 rooms, not over $7000; will give acreage &s first payment; land is clcfe to cite trie en rs. level a nil deep, rich soil, plenty of water; will wut hve jean on balance; give fuil dcscripwwa in lii st letter ; ni agents; owners on . v. ii 103. Oregonian. OWNERS only; 1 want a mociern 5 or 6 room house or )unalow, not too far out; not to exceed $200u ; must bo good bar gain; cive fuil uescriplion, with terms. II 1 '13, Oregonian. WHAT have you lo offer in a 7. i or 0-room modern house? iot to have 50. 7:. or Ut iet front apre ; property must be nil ualed In Irvington or Laurelhurst. 402 Orc gonian bldg. Phonp A 3.V7. Main ;.,VJ1. WANTED To buy a bungalow home in the Hawthorne region; and to traae iu on the same, equity in East More land lots. Write, alving location, size of lot and price. T 120, Oresonian. FIVE or six-room bungalow, north of Pres cott st, and between Albina ave. and E. 30th. not to exceed $3 Out. C Dc Young fc Co.. 014 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To buy small house close to car. slate location, price anil terms first let ter; must be bargain. R 104, Oregonian. FOR PAKE TIMBER LAND. SAWMILIj H Interest) on railroad and Co lumbia River, new and ready to ruu, 30 -M capacity, plenty of timber and orders for lumber, car shipments; a jcood oppor tunity for a sawmill men; $5000 required. I B. Snyder, Collins. Wat-h. WANTED LOANS ON TIMBER LANDS BOND DEPARTMENT COMMERCE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, PORTLAND, OREGON. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. MTRA'KE N, 34. McKav BWs;. C. J. ,CHEAP STUM PAGE. Ideal location for tie mill, stream, run ning to railroad spur. No. 75 5to st. FOR RENT FARMS SMALL FARM, fine soil, low rent, or will trade. 610 McKay bldg. GARDEN LAND 50 acres for rent or sale. Douglass. Phone B 1209. Sunday. FARMS WANTED. HOMESTEAD or relinquishment wanted in coast counties, av b, oregonian. TO EXCHANGE FINE FARM, one mile from Moro. Sher man Co., Or., $20,000. Consider good western Oregon property to $t5.0O0. High ly improved Alberta, farm. $24,000, clear of mortgage. Consider good Oregou prop erty. 1 180-acre farm, nearly all under plow, close to railroad, well improved. $3u.oo0. Consider good Portland property to $24, 00. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. loo ACRES, near Viola. Clackamas County. 5-room house, gpod orchard, 70 acres in cultivation, black soil; value $li.0t'0, mtg. $5m00; want city property. See Tvlor. CHAPIN-HER LOW MTG. & TRUST CO., Sd Floor Chamber of Commerce. ELEGANT, new, downtown furniture store. iv.uuu eiegant new slock ot gooos, tor saie cheap or will exchango for unincumbered city or suburban property; owner has ot her business demanding his attention. East 3002. J 16s, oregonian. HOMESTEAD R KLI NQU1SUMENT WANTED. Will exchange a o-wcre tract, close to good town, value $.Vm. all clear, for a homestead of 100 or 320 acres, with some improvements. J 10t, Oregonian. WANT lots in Portland or close-in acrease. and will pay tor same with orlck apartment-house and two residences in Seattle, paying 7 per cent net on t.,(HH; property 15 minutes walk from hoj,rt of business center. L. K. Moore, M7 Board of Trad-.. FURNITURE of 3;-rovm apartment-house for sale or exchange for city real estate or acreage to amount of $400i1 ; owner ill and will consider any proposition she can handle. Main 4128. 730 Chamber of Com mcrce. WANT modern apartment bull dm.? and lot fur apartment site, close in. West Side, in exchange ior lo acres 011 Cornell road ; thunxalow aud 3 lots Fatton road. and $Som cash. F 167, Oregouiau. State lull particular. $7000 worth of second mortgages on city property payable monthly to, to trade for clear ranch; might assume small in cumbrance. See Harbolt, 710-71 Lew is bldg. Marshall 4200. FOR SALE on reasonable terms, or trade lor city property, 20 acres 3-year-old or chard tract at Grants Pass. Address Mrs. H. It. McDonald, General Delivery, Port land. $1000 TO $150O cash and Jrt acres timber in Grant County, three million leet ' yel low pine, price $2750, to trade for a house snd lot. 301 Henry bldg. (J4' ACRES of land, clear of incumbrance. In Eastern Oregon, worth $ 10 -per acre ; Will take house and lot in city. 313 Lum ber Exchange bldg. $y."K SELLERS' contract to exchange for 1 or 2 good lots, prefer Alberta district. Phone owner. Woodlawn 130T or even ings East 2V12. WE are in a position to offer ou quick action If you have propertv for exchange. KUPPER &, HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TO EXCHANGE Modern seven-room home in Irvington district, value $70m, equity $1500; will take good lot. JL. 173, Orego nian. WANTED I want to stock a ranch ; can use ti to 8 cows, chickens, implements, etc. ; will t rade improved or unimproved city property. AK 170, Oregonian. 5-ROOM rooming-house, close in. West side, good lease, or trade for larger house or acreage. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. $2000 EQUITY 6-room house in good Colorado town to exchange for equity here or auto. G 14. Oregonian. GOOD roadster car; take or Oregonian. for diamonds or touring give difference. AL 107, SAND and gravel business, making money, to trade for farm or acreage. G 144. Ore gonian. TIGARD Acres or city lots to trade for late model auto or 3-ton truck, 520 Hamilton bldg. Main 034. WILL trade modern 4-room house for lots. Phone owner, Marshall 30 1 3. SO ACRES aud $1C00 cash for house or rnort gage. AM 146. Oregonian. HOUSE farm ; and lot to trade for acreage or no agents. S 122, Oregon lsn. EXCHANGE pool name value. Col. table S. fur billiard table $lMio equity bearing orchard In sunny Ash land for Portland lots: owner here few days only. H 153, Oregonian. NICE lot in Rose City Park for Kite niocel Ford or other light car. B IO8S. 4U ACRES u Alabama, hered lot3 In Portland $12h. for unlncum AN 1VV Orefjoninn. TWO modern house for wcreajie or farm. close In. not oyer $ftOQO. Q ltf2. Oreaonian. $3m EQUITY in lot for roomin-r-hou. HIGLEY & BIPHOP, 201 Hamilton b'dg WANT small acreatre for house Jot anj firocny store. Owner, Marsuull 3P73.