Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 26, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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    i - " tmvoua,xi MU CO, J.UJLO.
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Judge Davis Bars Attorney
Collier From Practice for
Comment on Court.
Instructions for Verdict for Defend
ant in Damage 'Suit, Based on
False Arrest Charge, Is
Cause of Action.
Because lie protested volubly yester
day -when Circuit Judge Davis instruct
ed a verdict for the defendant in the
$25,000 damage suit of Ross C. Barnes
against Saul Silverfield, furrier, for
false -arrest and malicious prosecution,
Frank T. Collier, an attorney, was sus
pended from practicing by the Judge.
Later Mr. Collier went to the other
Circuit Judges, and obtained from them
statements that Judge Davis might
speak for his own department, but not
for theirs.
"This man is a poor man and is en
titled to have his case .go to the jury!"
exclaimed Mr. Collier after Judge
Davis had told the jury that the law is
that a plaintiff cannot recover ; f or
false arrest if there was probable
cause for believing him guilty, and had
declared it to be his painful duty to
order a verdict in favor of Mr. Silver
field. Court Tone Irritated.
"Mr. Collier, the court has ruled on
this question. Tou have your remedy
. in the Supreme Court," interposed
Judge Davis in irritated tones.
"That's a rich man's court," returned
the attorney, and then it was that
Judge Davis declared that Mr. Collier
would be "prohibited from practicing
before the bar in this court until the
Supreme Court saw fit to order other
wise." Mr. Collier retorted that he
would take that question to the Su
preme Court.
Later it was said that Judge Davis
believed Mr. Collier had said, "This Is a
rich man's court." Mr. Barnes, the
plaintiff, said that - he has not the
money to finance an appeal, but Stott
& Collier, his atorneys, declared they
will take the case up. They Insist
that it was a. question of fact for the
Jury to determine whether or not
Silverfield had reason to believe Barnes
guilty when he caused his arrest last
Fall, and that in taking this upon him
self the Judge usurped the function of
the Jury.
aurora Favored Plaintiff.
Charles A. O'Connor, one of the Jury
who was selected as foreman to sign
the verdict, openly declared afterwards
that his mind had been made up In
favor of Barnes. Others of the Jury
made similar declarations. After the
verdict had , been given Mr. Barnes'
young wife caused a commotion by be
coming hysterical and fainting In the
corridor outside the courtroom.
Barnes was employed last year by
Silverfield as a foreman. After he left
and went to the store of M. I Gumbert,
.a. rival furrier, 'he was arrested on a
charge of wholesale thefts from his
former employer, and a number of
skins marked with the letter "S" found
In Gumbert's store were seized. The
grand Jury refused to indict Barnes
after he had been bound over by Jus
tloe Bell. At the trial Gumbert testi
fied that the furs seized, and later re
turned, had been purchased by him
from a concern in New York, which
also uses the letter "S" In marking' Its
Henry Breithbarth Dies at Kome of
Daughter, Aged 81.
Honry Breithbarth. a pioneer of 1852,
died Tuesday at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. G. M. Orton, 740 East Salmon
street, aged 81 years. He crossed the
Plains to Oregon in 1852, and settled at
Yreka, CaJ., where he engaged in busi
ness for some time.
Mr. Breithbarth helped to build the
first wagonroad to cross the Siskiyou
Mountains. He spent several years In
Jacksonville. Or., where he engaged in
business. He came to Portland 41
years ago, and was associated with
V ickes & Morgan in the grocery busi
ness in early days. His wife died sev
eral years ago. Two daughters and
two sons survive: Mrs. G. M. Orton and
-Mrf-.G- W BaIdwin' of Portland, and
Ralph and Henry . Breithbarth. The
funeral will be-held at 8 o'clock today
from Dunning-s Chapel, 414 East Alder
street, and the interment will be in
Mount Scott Cemetery.
John A. Goodell and Others to Speak
at Spokane Congress.
John A. Goodell. Industrial secretary
!he Youn Men's Christian Asso
ciation, with headquarters at the Port,
land Y. M. C. A., has received an invi
tation to provide a programme for an
evening at the Pacific Loggers' Con
gress, which will meet at Spokane Sep
tember 24 to 27. The Invitation comes
rrom George M. Cornwall, of Portland
the secretary.
The evening of September 25 will be
$?'n?Z?n l 5 Welfa naer. when
Mr. Goodell and others will speak on
the work of the Y. M. C. A. in the log
ping camps. This work has been grow
ing rapidly. There are now 14 indus
trial associations in the Pacific North
west, of which six are in lumber camps
Several others are assured. The last
camp to install a Y. M. C. A. was the
Inman-Poulsen camp at Kelso.
Many Prominent Folk Pay Respects
to Late Marine Man.
The funeral of Captain 17. B. Scott,
veteran river pilot and boat designer,
was held - at Holman's chapel at 3
. o'clock yesterday, and many prominent
citizens and former associates attended
the services, in charge of Dr. Luther R.
Dyott, pastor of the First Congrega
tional rhnrh . 6
The floral tributes were many and
beautiful. The special pieces were
modeled after ifcarlne subjects.
n7Jle, fl,owlns- were pallbearers:
Captains T. H. Crang, E. W. Spencer.
?; " Hosf ord, L. B. Seely . Orin
Kellogg and H. Hoi man. Interment
"-as made in Rlverview Cemetery.
Federal Grand Jury May Complete
Work Saturday.
The United States" grand Jury, which
has been In session for several weeks
will make a partial report today. It is
AT ncft firi that thTA will v. . i i
w .. n a. . ia-
dictments. The nature of these is a se
cret, as all grand Jury subjects are so
The grand jury 13' composed of ' 23
men. who -have been investigating va
rious cases, under direction of C. I
Reames. United States District Attor
ney. He said yesterday that some in
dictments are to be- returned. The
Jury will not complete its work and
make final report before Saturday, in
all probability.
"'o Sweets" and 4fThe, Hunger of
the Heart" Are Interesting.
The new bill which opened at the
Columbia Theater yesterday- afternoon
is full of good things, but the feature
of the programme is a wholesome com
edy entitled "No Sweets." featuring
Bunny, the popular photoplay come
dian. The comedy deals with a fat
man and a fat woman who meet In the
parlors of a physical culture school
where they have gone to reduce their
weight. The woman's husband learns
of the visit and becoming suspicious
follows her. The man's wife also learns
of his visits to the physical culture
Wedding of Miss Lucile Smith
Is Brilliant Affair. -.
Handsome Home Elaborately Deco
rated for Reception to Mr. and
Mrs. C. X. McArthur, Follow
ing Church Ceremony.
Trinity Episcopal Church was last
night the scene of one of the largest
and most brilliant weddings of the
season, when Miss Lucile Smith became
the bride of Clifton Nesmith McArthur.
i -Ji ' i N V'..-. y
y.tYS' 0J-VJun25:TSTPtCia,--A Jre"y wedding took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson this afternoon, when their daughter
Miss Asmes, was united in marriage to Mr. A. L. Johnson, of thia city The
ceremony was performed by Rev. H. L. Bates, of Forest Grove, principal of
the Pacific University. , .
Mrs. Johnson Is a daughter of Yam hill and has made her home in this
city most of the time. She graduated from the McMinnville College In 1911
She has been instructor of music in the Pacific University for the past year
Mr. Johnson is owner and manager of the Johnson Elevator & -Warehouse
Company at this place and Is well an d . favorably known
t't M9, JTol?nson leave tomorrow morning for an extended wedding
trip, visiting Mr. Johnson's parents in Minneapolis, as well as Chicago and
other points of Interest. They will be at home to friends about August T
class and decides to trap him. The re
sult is that there are misunderstand
ings between the two couples and many
amusing situations develop which are
finally untangled, to the great Joy of
everybody concerned. - "The Hunger of
the Heart" is also an Interesting drama
on the programme.
Mrs. Brush sings several popular se
lections and the orchestra has a splen
did musical programme.
Clerk Calls Attention, to $50 Fine for
Each Day of Delay.
Because of failure In many Instances
to secure returns from clergymen on
marriage licenses, the County Clerk's
office Is sending: out notifications to
the persons who obtained the licenses
asking for Information as to who per
formed the ceremonies.
J. H. Bush, chief deputy in the Coun
ty .Clerk's office. In sending out no
tices, calls attention to the state law,
which lays a person performing a mar
riage ceremony open to a fine of from
$5 to $60 a-day for each day of delay
in making a return. The. exemption
is 30 days. Mr. Bush states that civil
suits to recover penalties are likely
to De Degun.
In the past It sometimes , has been
found that in some cases, for one rea
son or another, the marriage did not
take place. In such a case the parties
securing the license are supposed to
notify the County Clerk's office so that
the proper notation can be .mads in
tne. records. . . . ,
- - jusb VAUBEVIllE STAGE.
I?'. '
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BDet Adair and Haxel Hlckey.
Less than a year after Janet Adair
accepted the dare of a girl companion
and went into the chorus of a musical
comedy company at St. Louis she be
came one of the moat active figures In
vaudeville. Equally spectacular was
e rJ?,e.,Cf H,aS!el Hlokey. beauty of
the Titian locks who is co-starring
with Miss Adair at Pantages this week.
By chance Miss Adair went on the
stage; by chance she met Miss Hlckey
and critics say that the girls are the
best ragtime stars in vaudeville
.Their act tnade an instantaneous "hit.
and the girls are now on their first
trip across the continea -
The church was filled with a fashionably-attired
assemblage, and was dec
orated attractively -with a profusion of
syringa, palms and enchantress carna
tions. Lucien E. Becker presided at
the organ. '
The guests were ushered by John R.
Latourette, Henry Ladd Corbett, George
Kirkham Smith, Perd C. Smith, Maurice
Dooly and Dr. Frederick J. Ziegler.
Lewis A. McArthur was his brother's
best man, and Miss Kemna Klosterman
was maid of honor. The bride, one of
the most attractive and popular girls
in the younger set, was charming'-In
a handsome white charmeuse gown,
with an overdress of exquisite lace.
Her full-length veil was fashioned in
a mob cap, and was wreathed with
orange blossoms. She carried a shower
bouquet of bride's roses and lilies of
the valley.
Miss Klosterman was attractive In a
gown of pastel pink charmeuse with
an imported lace robe overdrape, and
she carried an arm bouquet of Kll
larney roses.
Many Attend Reception.
After " the ceremony, which was
solemnized by Rev. A. A. Morrison, a
large reception was held at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Clifford Smith. The Smith
residence was elaborately and artis
tically decorated under the direction
of Miss Ella . Stephens; Mrs. O. A.
Lyman,. Miss Gussie Marshall, Mrs.
Herbert Holman arid Mrs. W. li. Grind
staft, all of whom are noted for their
cleverness in Interior decorations.
Huge clusters of graceful syringa com
bined with roses and palms adorned
the drawing-room, and an improvised
altar of white roses and ferns made
an attractive background for the re
ceiving party. In the receiving line
were Mr. and Mrs. Clifton N. McArthur,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clifford Smith,
Mrs. Harriet K. McArthur, Miss Kemna
Klosterman and Lewis A. McArthur.
An unusually large number of guests
came from Hood River to attend the
wadding, as well as many- of Mr
McArthur"s political friends from
The dining-room was a bower of
bridesmaid roses, and lovely Richmond
roses were effectively arranged in the
library. The norchna
for the occasion, and n nrrhf
played throughout the evening. -The
gowns worn by the matrons and young
eirls assisting shnnt tv.
stunning new models and the source
ui mucn aamiration.
Presiding in the dining-room were
Mrs. O. A. Lyman, Mrs. W. C. Holman,
Mrs. James W. Cook ml xr t rr
Gamble. They were assisted bv iwr
Walter Gearln, Miss Judith Scott, Mrs.
Elmer T nl 1 or Ha4 -r j . . .
Georgia Yates, Misses Leila and VOna
Guthrie. Misses VlHo arA iutii ,
Nichols. Gretchen Klosterman n
Margaret Malarkey.
Among the numerous handsome wed.
diner srifta whm a Haq..i..i
the u-lf t nf tb. ,,,.. ...
- j ul ias xtouse
of Representatives In Salem.
-ino oriae nas Deen feted continu
ously since the announrvTnn v,
cxetscuiem. a lew months ago, and
is an unusually charming girl. Mr.
McArthur is one of the popular attor
neys of this city, prominent In clubdom
and politics, having gained distinction
as Speaker of the House of Represent
atives during the last term.
Field day at Vancouver Barracks
July 4. has been selected as the most
appropriate day for the sale of tags
which will be under the auspices of the
Army Relief Society. Twenty-first In
fantry section, of which Mrs. George S
Young Is president. The society ls well
known all over the country, and has
been formed to collect funds and pro
vide relief in case of emrn
dependent widows and orphans of of-
"tcis emisiea men of the Regular
Army of the United States.
'ine tags will be sold all ak. ti a
v-o-1 ,. - '
younger set.
women and
Miss Jean McVeroha,. c $ . .
----- -. , w i xiaisev
street, sailed Thn,,.., . .
White Star liner Celtic in company
-...i, vjcoiso vv. Andrews, of
Oberlin Conservatory and his family
and 16 other young women graduates
of Oberlin, for a three months' tour of
Glenn Minnet. of PnrtUr.j
Ruth Carlsen. of Clackamas County.
...... . .rj mi uuue 2is at tne bride's
residence near Canby, Or, Rev. A. J
Joslyn officiating. "
0 v ... ....... ciiici iiuuea in a
delightfully Informal manner at her
Charge Purchases Made Today and Remainder of Month Will Go On July Bill Payable August 1
Tea Roomr 4th Floor Manicuring and Hairdressing Parlors, 2d Floor Public Phones, 2d Floor
Portland Agents Gossard Lace Front, Nemo, Mme. Mariette, Bon Ton, Royal Worcester Corsets
We Give
ZfK Green
. 7
Store Hours 8:30 to 5:30 Daily Except Saturday
We Give
Sale Women's $30 Suits, Special, $12.49
women's ana misses' Uoats, Special, $12.98
Second Floor TTio
Suit Salons, Second Floor The most attractive suit offerin?
c.u uivura juu iu ine second lloor today. Odd
suits and broken lots from this season's best selling' styles
in a splendid range of. materials, "including weather-proof and
sun-proof Army Serges, in' navy and black. Plain tailored'
or novelty styles some trimmed with fancy collars and cuffs,
others with Bulgarian effects. One and two-button cutaway
Coats with the popular draped or cluster pleated skirts. An
opportune time to select the vacation suit. CI? f O ACk
Regular values up to $30.00, specially priced P JL Zr:Z7
Imported Pongee Silks
tMc to $5.00 Yard
See Special Window Display We are showing a very' complete
line of the Imported Pongee Silks in the natural colors for
dresses,' waists, suits, coats, etc., in both 26 and 35-inch. We
are also showing . a handsome line of new Silk Novelties.
26-inch Pongee Silks at 89c, $1.00, $1,12, $1.25, $2.00, $2.50, $3
35-inch Pongee Silks, $1.25, $1.29, $1.39, $1.50, $1.69 up to $5
Garment Dent.. Second Floor tuc .'i. c
Garments will no doubt bring many women to this store
today. We are offering Coats in this special lot that sold
originally up to $20.00.- You may choose from three-fourths
or tull length styles in a splendid assortment of materials
including Serges, Cheviots, Black and White Checks, Striped
ilannels, etc. Many of these have the stylish belted back
effect, while others are more along plain tailored models.
Coats that are very serviceable. Nearly all (-f Q f Q
sizes for men and women; values up to $20, P-- WJyO
Girls9 Wool Skirts $2.98
Second Floor Special one-day sale of Girls'
Woolen Skirts in good range of serviceable
colors. Just the thing for beach and vacation
wear. Come in sizes for girls 8 C O O
to 14 years. Special sale today )wJl70
Girls9 Turkish Bath Robes $1.49
Second Floor Made from good qualitv Turkish
Toweling in dainty colorings; extra well finished
ana cut m good lull sizes tor chil- C 7 JJQ
at V--''
dren. Specially priced for today
M -
Trimmed Hats, Worth Up to $10, at $2.89
Children's $1.50 Trimmed Hats. SneciaL 50o
TVTin n',.-. T1 ! tn J -r-ii . . . " '
uiiuiuwjr jcpu, loecunu. nuor Anotner great clean-up
saie or i rimmed Mats for todav.
lo. ieiuuj.uiiy
300 of them
this lot. Styles include many in the stylish new Black
,Hats as well as white and popular colors. Beautifully
vrimmeu moaeis in large,
m fllinm rt. cw 11 X7 1 .-. iMn
$1.75 Ratine Hats
at 50c Each
All Colors
Second Floor-; Just the proper headgear
for children's vacation wear. Made from
' good quality ratine in plain colors and
white or in combinations of two colors.
These sell in ; the- regular way EZfg
; up to $1.75. Special now at "t
Millinery Dept., Second Floor Choice of several dozen
Children's Trimmed Hats for today at 50c each. Fine
grade hemp, Milan and novelty straws with trimmings
of flowers, ribbons, etc., in pinks, blues and "white.
Dainty new models, worth up to $1.50 each, p" f
On sale today at the special low price of, each JC
Millinery Flowers 23c
Center Circle Main Floor
We have grouped a splendid line of high-grade Millinery Trim
ming Flowers that sold originally up to $1.50 a bunch and placed
them on sale at the Center Circle for today at the above low
price. All the wanted varieties are well represented inno
both large and small. Don't miss this great bargain; special 5C
Sale oi ' Framed Pictures
, At the Main -Floor Bargain Circle Subjects by Harrison Fisher,
Christy, Bessie Wilcox Smith, Bessie Gutmann, Pearse and others.
50c Pictures Only 39c
In this line we include some of -'Harrison
-Fisher's best known sub
jects. Attractively .. framed in
three-fourths inch antique frames;'
size 8x10. Pictures that never sell
for less than 50c - each; For one
day only, you may choose- from
this great assortment ?Q
50c ' values,"' special forOiV
$1.00 Pictures at 69c
Choice of many subjects ,by Bessie
Gutmann, beautifully colored three
fourths inch antique frame ; size
9x12 inches. "Greatest Moments
in a Girl's life," in 8x24-inch size,
by Harrison Fisher. " "Mount
Hood," in. colors, . 1-inch gilt
frames, size 7x9; and many others
in this line. Regular value of
these pictures is $1.00. Choose
from the lot at the re-' dChs
markably low price, only-'fl
$2.00 Pictures at $1.69
"In Dreamland," by Pearse; size
14x18, 1-iuch wood frames. V Cud
dim' Time," in three-fourths inch
wood 'ndatrtiqne" frames,-: with
verse, size 9x20; "Cupid Awake -Cupid
Asleep,7" in one frame;
size of each picture, 9x12. . Regu
lar price of these is "3 f JQ
$2.00y special today PJ.JZ7
$2.50 Pictures at $1.89
Harrison-Fisher's "Greatest Mo
ments in a Girl's Life," in 1-inch
antique frame; size 14x32. "Four
Ages of Life," by Jessie Wilcox
Smith, three-fourths inch white
enamel frame with pink arid blue
ornamental corners, size 10x24.
.'Her Gift," size 12x16, in -inch
antique frame. Christy's
"Home Scenes,'? 14x32; and many
others. Our regular J? " DQ
$2.50 grades, special PJ-.OZ7
Standard Central Needle
Sewing MacuncsJJ
In t J X .N XJ AtlU UiliN
only machine made that
- adapts itself to the operat
or. W 1 t h a 1 1 others you
must adapt yourself to the
Hygienic, Easu to Oneratc
K.tarAnrA far, I nr. XT Jl O.'l-l -Li 1 . fvMsLrr-SI
nccuic oiisiraigni, Dewing j j
Machines are indorsed by the leading medical journals through
out the country and are rapidly replacing all other machinesin
the schools of th- Nation. Every machine is constructed from
the best of materials obtainable and assembled by expert work
men. Every machine from the highest price to the cheapest is
given a thorough test before it leaves the factory. A lifetime
guarantee is back of every Standard Sewing Machine. Call and
let us explain to you the many advantages of these machines
sold on the $l-a-week club plan. o f 4.- G?rm
Prices on these range from pZ3.yJ tO Otl
Basement Sale Gevurtz Stock Kitchen Furnishinqs
Everything Marked About V2 Regular Selling Price
A rare opportunity to Bupply the home needs at savings that are most unusual. Cut Glass, Silverware Glassware Cntlorv Timc v; , i
Tea and Coffee Pot, Enameled Cooking Utensils, Tinware. Hardware, Art . Pottery, Dinner Sets 7nThSd
haven't the space to enumerate are included in this special sale. Remember, this stock was purlh
store aid everything is new and desirable, a- considerable portion of the stock never having been takefrom the origiw l packaS Attend
0.-. j j, uigaiua are consianuy Deing added to those which are already on display.
; Dole's Hawaiian
Pi n e a p ple J uice
Special Demonstration on
the Main Floor
A cool, delicious, Summer . beverage and also
used as a basis for Sherbets, Punches, etc. ' Try
a glass. On sale at Demonstration Booth and
in the Grocery Department, on the Fourth Floor.
Eastern Sugar-Cured Hams 21c
Genuine Eastern Sugar Cured Hams ; weigh about
10 pounds each. : Grocery Dept., Fourth Floor.
85cC.&B. Lucca Oil, 75c Bottle
Orders taken for Birthday and Wedding Cakes.
Best of materials used. Bakery Dept., 4th Floor.
Borden's Malted Milk for Health
THE FDF4 T. FDOn nFJvrtr
.pemonstration Drug Dept., Main Floor No more restless, sleep
less nights, that take away the joy of living. Your bodv demands
sleep in which to build up and replenish the tissues worn away by
the usual day's work. Does yours get it or do you roll and toss
x Kin. resuess night 7 Take Borden's Malted
JUllK. not. iust before retirinc it -urill onMl.. t, : ,i' .3
induce sound, refreshing sleep without reaction. Give it a trial.
A Hint to Students and Athletes
crain workers ana athletes should pay special attention to diet A
heavy meal after a hard day's work brings bad dreams and a headache
and brown taste in the morning. A cup of Borden's Malted Milk before
going to bed will be of greatest aid to the whole bodv. Take it rlailv
$3.75 Hospital Size, Only $2.98 Regular 50c Size Now at 40c
Regular $1.00 Size, Now at S06 Drug Dept. on the Main Floor
k 1
I Malted
home, 5410 Thirty-seventh avenue.
Southeast, on Saturday afternoon, June
21, with a few tables of five hundred,
the honors belngr won by Mrs. C. W. Hil
debrand and Mrs. R. H. Johnson. Those
present were: Mrs. D. R. Bell, Mrs. C.
F. Warner, Mrs. R. H. Johnson, Mrs. C.
J. Hagrue, Mrs. Al Harm a, Mrs. Max
Abst. Mrs. WUliam Romacly. Mrs. W.
Grey, Mrs. A. Buchler, Mrs. C. W. Hllde
brand. Miss Edit,h Pettigrew, Miss Jen
nie Buchler; Mrs. R. J. Purcell, Mrs. H.
E. Potter, Mrs. Mike Moll, Mrs. H.
Morse. : Mrs. M. Winkleman, Mrs. L.
Losey, Mrs. C. Tucker, Mrs. A. B. An
drews, Mrs. E. Radford, Mrs. R.. G. Lew
is, Mrs. W. R. Pettigrrew.
The "Flower Mission "meeting of the
Willard W. C. T. U. will be an all-day
meeting and will be held ori Friday at
the house of Mrs. Makineter, 1039 East
Twelfth street.
Frank C. Wasserman, recently elected
president of the Credit Men's Associa
tion, ls attending the . convention of
that body in Cincinnati.
. Fred Naegle and Miss Mary Ann
Tannler were married Saturday even
ing: by Rev. Leslie Kirk Richardson,
pastor of Kenllworth Presbyterian
Church. The wedding: was held in the
home- of the bride's cousin, at 1181 Glad
stone avenue. The house was decorated
Mrs. R. Ackerman has taken the
Glewmar cottage for the season at Sea
side, and has for her guests at present
Mrs. Maurloe - Goodman, Mrs. James
William Shaw, Mrs. Roger Daniel Levy
and son. Richard, and Albert Ackerman.
Launch in Commission 3 7 Years.
An interesting launch is the Ray. a
gasoline craft 28 feet long which be
longs to E. E. Kellogg and lies at
the foot of Salmon street. The Ray
was the first-prize launch at the Cen
tennial Exhibition In Philadelphia in
1876. She was built at Morris Heights.
New York, with white cedar hull and
About Renting a Piano
Where Is the best place to rent a
piano? At Eilers Music House, which,
as nearly every one agrees, has always
been recognized by people who know
as the best and safest pltce to buy, too.
. - Every make of piano is now rented
according to its value. Cheaper grades
of used pianos 11.50 to 12.00 and S3. 00
monthly. Best makes S4.00, $6.00 and
J8.00 monthly. No cartage charged
where piano is kept six months. Cart
age one way ls charged where piano ls
kept only three months. At Eilers
Music House you will Invariably find
everything exactly as advertised. Alder
street at Broadway.
oak ribs. Her long life is attributed
to the wood having been cut at a
certain time of the year and seasoned
before being joined. The Ray is still
in commission.
To See Is to Believe
That my fitters are experts,
That my lenses are perfect,
That my mountings are the best,,
That my adjustments are cor
- rect,
BEST EVER. Come and see
and be convinced.
My prices are right.
Lenses Sphero in your own
frame f 1.00
Lenses Sphero in Alum.
frame $1.50
Lenses Sphero in gold filled
frame $3.50
Lenses Sphero (curved) in
G. F. Eye Glass Mtg $5.00
Kryptok Lenses $8.00 to $15.00
STAPLES, The Jeweler
162 First Street
Near Morrison, Port land, Oregon.