14 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1913. FOR SALE. Hornet. Vehicle. Etc. HoritES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR KENT. Second-hand vehicle bought and. sold; new wagon and auto beds made to order; 11 very f urn talked to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Haw thorn Ave. Phone East 72. B 1369. FOR SALE Two fine bay horses, 7 years v Id, lu50 lbs., alsd harness and Cumitur wagon In good condition. Apply Geisler & oorres Furniture and Carpet House, Stttf East Morrison. WK hHe a few delivery wagons left, goin at greatly reduced prices; also heavy lum ber gears at bargain prices; come and see us. 105 Union Ave. N.. Oregon Mollne l'low Co. - FOR SALE 3 good horses and 3-ton fur niture wagon; terms or cash; also house b nd barn for rent. Call .13 East 13th North. Phcue Woodlawn 9G3. O. W. Bil lion. FOR fcALE 1 team 5 and. 0 years old. welshing "0C0 Iks. 1 team 6 and 7 years old. weighing; 2VHM) lbs.; 1 black maw laughing I.V-O lbs. 22t Russell st. $-to I-iUYH good farm team, mare and horse, with harness, farm wagon and plow. Take Sell wood car to Instey ave, walk 6 block. east to house 7-81. i'HHEE pood mares, weight 1200 lbs; team ponies 20d0 lbs,; farm wagon, harness. No i easonable ft&r refused. 420 Kast l'am hili st ree it. - FOH SALE 1 rubber tired buggy, first ctass cund 1 1. fon. 220 Russell St. PASTURE for stock, close to Portland, O. L g S. Co. Maua 1410. IluKSE-S for saia at feS East 7th St. North. rinnoii. Omaop and Musical Instruments. ii.NG tiuartered-o.ik piano. Smith & Barnes make; must lewve at end of week for Canada and will aell at sacrifice. Phone Marshall 2U1S or address AC 131, Ore ponlan. v.iAK I N t)T cheap, nearly new, C- G. Conn, H-i'tat. 17 kevs, 5 rings, fine instrument, good condition. A-P SS, Oregonlan, PRACTICALLY new $75 Vlctrola and 2o worth of records for $50. Phone East 482-. lo;, Uurd. 1'eC Mock. COLLIE PUPPIES (50 pedigreed), real beau ties; catalogue tree. to bade land Farm, Amity, or. CLOSING out harness at wholesale price, auo 2d, cor. Taylor. Furniture lor &ale. LEAVING city, fLne furniture for sale, whole or part, i .Modern home, furnished or un furnished, fruit and garden, for i out at a bargain. Must act yuickly. 25 E. 60th. Tabor 3470. COMPLETELY furnished 4-rooaa Irving tou apartment, rent $20; leaving town and will accept any reasonable offer for furniture. Phone East 4822. IX' RN ITU HE of 10-Rom house, moat of it used only a few months; party leaving state; house for rent. lis uuaun st. 1-E AVINO city, will Bud 11 -room furniture, good as new. In a desirable location; pi let klOOO; will sacrifice. Call Marshall 704. VILL sell furniture and dishes and piano. 1153 E. Salmon st. Tabor 420. HkMXL'KE of 5-room house for sale. 334 i.ook ave. Livestock.. G Fii-ESH dairy cows and calves, 4 to 5 Va gal. per Oay. Woodstock car to 00th ana walk 3 blocks west, 1 bloca north to 38th i. and 5Uth ave. FOR Cal SALE Toggenburg buck at $10. O. Ilson, Pleasant Hill, Or. F RE? H cow and calf for sale, th. tou lOR SALE 2 fresh Jersey cows, ftfO and 1 504 Division st., near 4Krt.ii. AiltnmoOlle WB HAVE many good bargains in used. cars. We are listing a few today that are ex ceptionally good, buys, .our prices are very low ana you should call here at -once at Hi get first choice: One 7-passengcr Plerce-Arrow. One 4-passenger Gar ford. One Studeuaker, & passenger. Two ltflo Cadillacs. one Auburn, lOlOk 5-passenger. oue 4-door late "Little Six." Two 7-ipassenger Garfords. One Crowe, 1012, 5-passenger. Two 10P.J 4-door Flanders -O." One 1010, 40 H. P. Knox, lat model. One model I Locomobile roadster. one Buick truck. one 4-passeuger 1909 Butck. One Win ton Limousine, 7 -passenger. One Oakland roadster. one o-passenger Croxton Keaton in ijer fect running order; a snap. One l&ll 4-door Winton "Six. the greatcsts sacrifice of any car in the city. One 4-door, 5-passenger White." thor oughly overhauled and just out of shop, at a bargain price. The above are all bargains and are thor oughly overhauled and. la Jlrst-class run ning order. Vt e have 40 other cars to choose from. Open all day Sunday. NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE. 531 Alder St. GREATEST VALUES LOWEST PRICES. The only way you can buy high-grade automobiles with the same amount of money you would spend fur a cheap new car is to BUY. HIGH-GRADE REBUILT AUTOMOBILES. Don't Heme the cheap car maker. He can't afford to give you hlgh-graue ma terial, the best construction nor can he afford high-grade labor and Inspection costs. AT THESE TRICES, blame only your self If you do not have a car of quality. Peerless. 4-door, 7 -pass., rebuilt, re finished; A-l shape $1400 Winton Six, rebuilt! rennlahed and guaranteed $ 750 E. M. F. 1112. 4-door, 5-pass.. guar anteed A-l condition $ 730 Stevens-Duryea, 6-cy Under, "-pass., best buy In the city at the price asked f 1500 THE WINTON MOTOR CAR CO.. 2 3d and Washington Sts. lUlo CHALMERS SO 4-passenger. pony ton neau, thoroughly overhauled and painted; demountable rlins, new tires; cost $2100. price $th5. 1010 Overland 80, 4,-passenger. detach able tonnesu. fine condition ; would make fmo light ueiivery car; oust SHOO, price 373. 1011 Maxwell Junior runabout, fully equipped, like new ; price $225. 19lo Overland SO runabout, $350. J10 Bulek 2u runabout, S350. Over 3 cars In stock. Write for list. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO.. Corner East 13th and Hawthorne A ve. PROSPECTIVE auto buyers will save con siderable by looking over our list of cars before deciding. We have one 5-passen-ger touring car and one roadster of last year's model. Not demonstrators. They are abioluteiy new and at a price. MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY' CO.. A 5020, Main Uvea. M4 Alder st. A VERY nice, neat, pretty little electrlo coupe (capacity for three people) for sale very reasonable for cash or real estate. Call to see It at Covey garage, 21st ana Washington, or telephone Dr. D. 2i. Rand, Main M75. SNAP 10 12" 5-passenger E. M. F., in ex cellent condition, was turned In on new Winton Six ; price rock-bottom. Call or phone Main 4244. Winton Motorcar Co., 23d and Washington sts. AUTO OWNERS ATTENTION. Can take your auto trimmings off, re plate them and put bank In 2 da vs. PORTLAND PLATING & MFG. CO.. 22d and Thurraan Sts. A. 6232, Main 043. BUICK TRUCK. 800. Fully equipped; splendid condition; suit able for grocery or light delivery. Tabor 38S5. tSEVEN-PASSENGER Chalmers car. 40 horsepower, 4 doors, Rood condition, just the thing -for stage, cheap for cash, or terms to responsible party. Main 2620. liEAUTil'UL. big 0-cylluder Lozler, costing $6500: easiest riding car on the Coast; guaranteed to be in perfect running order; will sell at sacrlnoft. A 108. Oregonlan. FOR second-hand cars Inquire Powell Ga rage ; cars called for and delivered ; au toa for hire; give us a trial. East 37th and Hawthorne. 1812 20-H. P. Warren roadster, cost $1550. will sacrifice for 1650. H cash, balance terms. Oliver, 206 Alder st. HAVE clear lot, value S00, sidewalks, curb and street graded; waut 5-passenger auto Main CUo6. FOR RE N'T Garage. 40S Beech st. 3. Phone East 2G04. lyj 1 WINTON SIX. " passenger, decided bargain. Aiio Top Co.. G20 Airier st. WANT small runabout ; must be a aacri flce for cash. AL 118, Oregonlan. WILL sacrifice my auto for $700, worth 'uuu. j none aiain iwi, 5-PASSENOER RSO sacrificed today; Ford runaiiout. g!85. 4S7 Taylor st. MachlixtrT. LUMBERMEN ATTENTION 1Rx."6 Nordberg Corliss Engine. In perfect condition Complete in every detail and guaran teed Our price is ripht. M. B A.KDE & SONS 210-C42 Front strret. Corner Main THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS FOR .SALE. One 125-volt tiirert ourrent sznerntnr. romptete, with field rheostat, ammeter una circuit oreaKer. inis machine is in rp;-air. Address loom 20o Orego nian hldg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. TV.. 500-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator complete, with fie id rheostat and circuit breaker, in good condition. Address room 203. Oregonian bids. FOR SALE. Machinery. FOR SALE. A 43-horsepower, 050-volt, Crocker Wheeler motor, complete with Ltandard blade starter, no voltage release and 75 ampere overload. I. T. E. circuit breaker. In A-l condition. Address room 2uS. ore gonian bldg. Miscellaneous. CANNING CHERRIES. Royal Ann and Bings 3aO lb. on tree., Bring your own baskets. 1627 Peninsular Ave. Take St. Johns Car. RUBBER ROOFING RUBBER ROOFING We are almost giving this away. And It's brand new stock. M. BARDE & SONS. 240-242 Front St.. cor. Main. THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. MANURE IN CAR LOTS. Stockyards manure u car lots. $1 per ton. f. o. b. cars. North Portland. Book your orders early. PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS CO., jorth Portland, Oregon. SAFES Mosler Safe Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy terms. Safes opened and repaired. Bargain in second-hand safes, los 2d st. Phone Main 7676. SAFES, new and second-hand; low prices: easy terms ; safes opened, repaired and painted. PL'RCELL SAFE CO and PORT- LAND SAFE CO.. 85 5th Bt. Main 6309. GARDEN hose and tools, water ballast roller, tennis marker, wet lines, croquet set locker cabinets, 4 sections each; will sell separately. A R 133. Oregonlan. MOTORCYCLES Big cut in prices while they last; this is your chance. 31 NORTH BROADWAY. Airedale terriers to protect vour home and family. Laddix Kennels, Estacada, Or. TXPEWRITERsrallmake!'rlO to6r. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO. ZLMZ Stark St. SECOND-HAND roll-top desk, 2 flat-top desks and 3 chairs. Bushong & Co., 61 NATIONAL cash register, Dayton scale, 2 showcases, 2 cashing acc. registers, 3 counters. Phone Woodlawn 1642. INDIAN motorcycle cheap. Will trade for diamond. inquire H. K. Wood, 2001 E. Stark. NATIONAL cash registers; get my prices. Povey, 351 Wash., basement. Main 606. DERBY desks and office furniture. E. B. Haley Desk Co.. 210 Broadway. Main 5S7. 5-FT. rolltop desk, first-class condition, will sell cheap. Call 111 4th st. WANTED M18CF.LI.ANEOCH. LEVIN Hardware' & Furniture Co., 221 Front st., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. If you have anything in this line call Main OOT2. Our buyer calls promptly. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms. W. J. Macauley, 354 Burnside.st. Phone Main 1316. A 1S1G. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladles' and men's cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 200. 234 First, The Globe. WE want to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture in the next 30 davs and. pay all the cash It is worth. Williams Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 636. WANTED 500 . rods wire fencing; any width from 26 to 48 inches. Must be in fair condition. Answer AO 140, Orego nian'. giving price. GOOD second-hand stationary gasoline en gine. 32 to 15 h. p. ; cheap lor cash. Phone Sellwood 849. KALSOMINING, $2.50 room, up; papering and painting reasonable. Joe Marshall. Main 1329. FAIR DEAL opened again; we pay highest prices for your second-hand clothing and household goods. Phone Main 0272. W E pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. M. It. Seater. phone East 3134. 348 Hawthorne ave. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951, A 2445. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. NAT I ON A L cash register; price must be . reasonable. Phone Main 606, A 3006. TRANSITS and levels bought for cash. 606 Concord bldg., Portland. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur nlture; highest prices paid. Sell wood 1682. WE PAY highest prices for second-hana clothing. 294 3d st. Phone Main 0263. SECOND-HAND goods bought for cash or taken in exchange for new. Tabor 4346. AT once. 50-horsepower alternating current electric motor. H. O. box 20S4. HIGHEST prices paid for cast off clothing and shoes. Marshall 2354. HIGHEST price paid for ladies' and men's second-hand clothing. Marshall 3932. kelp wanted male. WANTED for U. is. ARMY Able-bodied un married men, between ages of IS and 35, citizens of the United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For information apply to Recruit ing Officer, Worcester builulng, 2d and Oak sis., Portland, pr. BOY. 16. or 37 years of age wanted for of fice work with targe wholesale house; no previous experience needed and permanent position to right party; state age and sal ary expected. Address in own handwrit mg. AL 145, Oregonian. TRANSIENT Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS can se cure furnished rooms at reasonable rates in the new fireproof association building, cor. 6th and Taylor sts., and have privi lege of consulting Advisory and Employ -ment Department. WANTED Man and wife for janitor's po sition. Husband may have other employ ment. Young couple without children preferred. Call at Apt. 17. 204 Porter st , ednesday morning from 0 to 10 o'clock WANTED Salesman of tact and strong personality. See In the morning Mr. Lax son, 286 Oak t. WIRELESS OPERATORS in constant de mand. This coining vocation taught at . M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night Schools; complete equipment; best on Coast. RELIABLE, ENERGETIC HUSTLER, cap able of producing business and taking charge of district. Splendid opportunity Call bet, ft and 11. 60tt Northwest bldg RELIABLE men to work. Win pav good saiary. For particulars address F 14,-, Oregonian, giving age, nationality and last employment. TV ANTED Gardener, competent to run a commercial greenhouse; references re quired ; good Job for the right man. Owner. AC 159, Oregonlan. ARE you looking for work that pays big returns? We need men to introduce our tlceless refrigerators. Yamhill Ptiblic Mar ket. Australian Iceless Refrigerator Co. WE want two men to solicit in the city; experience not necessary; we help you and pay you well. Apply 0 to 12. 418 Mohawk bldg. BUSHELMAN WANTED WHO CAN SPEAK GOOD ENGLISH. GOOD PAY STEADY WORK TO THE RIGHT MAN. 353 WASH TNGTON STREET. a SALESMEN WANTED. ' Throughout Northwest for side line will pay salary. 20a Railway Exchange building. WANTED Married man on ranch; must understand irrigation and stock; excellent opportunity; references. Columbia Valiey Orchards, Limited, Sinclair. B C WANTED A first-class man bookkeeper; must be good penman and quick. H 146., Oregonian. WANTED Middle-aged man to work for iboard and room ; good home for right party: must be reliable. H 142. Oregonian. DENTIST wanted permanent position to right man. Chicago Painless Dentists. 291 14 Morrison. WANTED Working foreman: must -hs pol isher and starcher. Apply Pasco Steam Laundry, Pasco, Wash. ETE NOG RAPHE R and bookkeeper; perma neut position. Insurance office; salary Sl5 L 149. Oregonian. MANAGER general store wanted Immediate ly; country store; good town, good busi ness. Inquire 310 Oak st. Main 3 2S3. YOUNG man about 20, shipping and general work In machinery and supply house. Ap ply No. 1 Front st. PARTNER Old fire insurance agency, travel part time ; no money required. Must be 6 oca salesman. r no4 uresonian, WANTED First-class marker and distrib utor at once; no boozer. Gloss Steam Laundry Co., Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED Experienced tickcuttr and sew rr. Apply F. S. Harmon & Co., Tacoraa. Wash. A BUFFER and plater wanted. Call at 311 Stark st. MATTRKRSMAKER wanted. Portland Furn Mfg. Co.. 1249 Macadam Road. Fulton car. SALESMEN and dlst. mgrs. for Oregon Nat. Casualty Co.. 501 Ry. Exch. bldg. PHOTO COUPON agents, new winning con test offer. Sarony Studio, 346 u. Morrison. MAN to learn to drive and repair autos. Hawthorne Garage. 445 Hawthorne. j BAKER wanted. 1329 Hawthorne ave. Sln J gle man preferred. I PHOTO coupon, beat offered, bauty contest started. CutberUi Studio, Dekum bldg. HEI P WANTED MALK INCIDENT. (One of Many! Office Secretary Employment .Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment 120 his total cash asset) If 1 pay you $5 for employment membership I will have only J 15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employe ment membership you will have the Y. M. C. A. with all Us resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined, association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for year 1012: Calls for men fromt employers 2265 Positions filled 1697 Our special employment membership guarantees member will secure employ ment or refund of membership fee; gives two months full and 10 months' social privileges. Constant demand for CLERICAL, TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking employment, specially strangers, are cordially Invited to consult with the Secretary of the Em ployment Department. SPECIAL WANTS TODAY. Eight millwrights, new work, $4. Four rough carpenters, $3.00. Three carpenter's helpers, $2.M. Man and wife on farm at Hood River, $50; see boss here today. Farmhands and milkers, $35 to $40. Others too numerous to mention here. PACfFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 222 and 224 Couch at., bet. 1st and 2d. HIGH SCHOOL AND ACADEMY YOUNG MEN Take your vacation with Company C. Oregon National Guard, in camp at Tillamook, July 8 to 17. You will receive thorough elementary military Instruction, have a good time, see new country, with out cost, and receice $1.25 per day pay. Full particulars given on application at Armory, 10th and Couch sts., any evening. Come and And out what you want to know. READ THIS CHANCE for ambitious young men over 17. You may be one of the for tunate men Who bv nntortn? lhA tt a Navy now, get chances to go on big for eign cruise next Winter. Good, steady jobs increasing pay. wet run information at Navy Recruiting Station, Railway Ex change bldg.. Portland, Or., or write Bu reau of Navigation, Box 320, Navy Depart ment, Washington, for booklet. PRESSMAN wanted In best country shop in Washington: 3 C. & P. Jobbers. Bab cock pony optimus, Cranston; also ruling machine; must cut stock and be able to do average run of binding around country office; only first-class and responsible workman considered; prefer young mar ried man (union). Rltzville Pub. Co., Rltzville. Wash. WANTED Men for railroad work; location from Columbia River to Nehalam Valley. Cditops first-class in every respect. Work will last for several mouths. COLUMBIA & NEHALEM RIVER R. R, lO Spalding bldg., or at the work. Wood's Landing or Ross Landing on the Columbia and S. P. & S. R. R. fc RLIT sid line ; want salesmen In East ern Oregon, valley, lower river points and S. TV. Washington, to sell fruit and pro duce as sideline for old-established fruit house. Season now on. Answer promptly. a tM j uv, w re h oman WANTED Two .bright boys, over 16 years old, to learn telegraphy and work as check boys; first-class opportunity. Ap ply chief operator W. L, 5th floor Wor cester bldg. WANTED 2 camp cooks, 2 buglers who can attend O. N. G. camp at Tillamook July u - . laquiro vveu. or jaon. eve. JO. l-L. Armory. EXPERT auto repair man, must have fac tory and garage experience and creden tials; others not considered. AV 106, Ore gonian. SOBER, reliable man to sell or take tickets dramatic road company. Experienced man preferred. State all first letter. Box T l uregonian WANTED An all-around experienced man for dairy in city. Good place for right m n n A T 1 .A JkT-.o.nn4 n WANTED Young man on small country place near city. No stock. Apply room 400 Yeon bldg. WANTED Reliable meat cutter who Is capable of running small shop. Address AO j t, oregonian. SALESMAN for a live proposition, leads furnished ; we help you close. Ill 3d st. BOY wanted with bicycle for delivery, Archer & Schanz Co., oth and Oak. WANT. ED Solicitor for cleaning, pressing . cuinmiBamn oasis. Vi, AlDtna ave. TV ANTED Pressor and dry cleaner at beach report., n,. r,utt, liariDaldi, Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A German or Swede girl for housework; must know how-to ao plain cooking, washing; wages $35. Call morn- ings, s to 12, 340 loth. WANTED A. woman as romnmiv - a-iii give room and board; good home. 900 J i Ul SL IN. -kjkj ana second giri to go to Summer home in country; good wages. Call suit oop Aiexanara ourt. WANTED Competent irl for trn0-ai housework; family of 4; good wages, z St. Clair st. EXPERIENCED cook wanted for private family; must have references; wages 45. Main 7243. A 5198. JUVENILE and character woman; experi enced preferred. New York Theatrical Agency. 603 Eilers. EXPERIENCED girl Cor general housework. Must be good cook. 1028 Raleigh st. Main 8284. 1BN girls over 19 to do magazine work; substantial salary guaranteed. Call at 5H Davis st.. 1 to 5 today. GiRLS wanted to work in r ndv fnmrv Apply Modern Confectionery Co., 13th and RESTAURANT COOK, $12 week; 6 wait resses . (out), $30; kitchen helper, $30. Hansen's Employment Office. 345 Wash. WANTED White or colored nursemaid for , juuug viinuren. xteierences required. Ki. Htnlixa . 1 ,1 1 1 . .. V AN TED At once, girl to assist with housework in small family; must be good cook. 27- N. 2.th at. Marshall 5780. RELIABLE GIRL, to care for children, ages 5 and S, afternoon; teacher preferred; tef frences. 733 Kearney. . near 23d. UA.MbD A girl for general housework; .uat. Kvstju tuun, gooo. wages. uSS Eas 13th N. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270 Vi Wash., room 35 near 4th. Phone Main 8S36 or A 3266. RELIABLE middle-aged woman, plain cook, t to go to country for Summer. No objec- mii iu cnnu. .mam o l-o. WANTED An exDerienced fnnrv iDu. clothes ironer. U. S. Laundry Co., Grand aw. niiu casi lammit. WANTED ReflneVl, capable woman for r sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 600 Roth- wmiu umg., tin ana w asmngton. ENERGETIC woman over 25 for position " uuubc, experience not re quired. D 171, Oregonian. W ANTED Girl for general housework; rtweaisrt or .Norwegian preferred. Phone WOMEN and girls wanted to wrk in fruit cannery. Apply at 290 N. Front st.. near s luiuu. r vrry. nutcninson canning Co. WANTED Girl for general housework x'or particulars enquire 252 3d st. WILLING ETirl or middle-aged woman for i j g q t. nouseworK. aauits. 40 5th. GIRLS wanted, chocolate dippers. f Haradon ec Son, 6th and E.- Davis. MILLINER Steady position to competent trimmer. 385 Alder. UIRL for general housework, good cook. Apply 011 Ladd ave. Phone East 6051. WANTED A head waitress at Watsons Kestaurani, jus otn st. GIRL for general housework. Phone East 1204. 630 East Ankeny. T ANTED Woman to work for husband's room ana noara. v i rtussel) st. FOREIGN gentleman wishes English teach er, j amnm, west fcjtde. GOOD manicure for ono month at Cham ber of Commerce barbershop. WANTED a dining-room girl at 163 12th miu iuornsyn bis. WANTED at once, girl tobacco stripper. 1349W Corbett st. GIRL for light housework; good home; Ger man preferred. Phone Seliwood To. WANTED A girl for general "housework no children. Apply 3bl 10th. WANTED A girl for general housework small family. Apply osf7 Northrup at. GIRL for general housework. good plain vwn. email taaiuy, aauits. jy Kearney. WANTED Body ironer at the Crystal Laun- urj. tai tt.no. sanay xcoaa. GIRT, for general housework. Phone Mars-hall 1076. or A 1676, WAIST finisher for a or 4 days. 722 John son. WANTED girls, one as cook other for second work. Apply 6S4 Lovejoy st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call . 9 T-i lltt St. GI RL for general housework and cookin r5 Marshall st. " WANTED Young girl to help with baby and do light housework. 414 11th st., Apr. 307. WAITRESS wanted. 391 Stark st. " LADY barber; steady. 205 Madison st. WANTED Waitress. 312 Burnslde st. WANTED Two lady barbers, 314 BurnaldeJ HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONES OPERATING WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID "Y7HILK LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE! & TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE), COR, OTH AND EAST ANKENY STREETS. OR MAIN OFFICE, WEST PARK AND ALDER TELEPHONE HAST 250. WANTED TODAY. Restaurant cook, $10 week' Kitchen helper. $3ok room and board. Cook. 5 men, $30 month. Chambermaid. 7 week and room. 31rl for housework, country, PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Ladies' Dept.. 205? Morrison. SEWING siachlne operators. Bag factory experience preferred. Ames Harris Neville Co., loth and Hoyt sts. "i.-oiJ ary goods woman as floor manager and assistant buyer in a depart ment store; must be thoroughly postod on all lines of dry goods; permanent position rf,apable Prson- Kennard & Adams. 039 ave. I'none East 577, O 1415. FEMALE help wanted at the Union Laun dry Co.. 2d and Columbia sts. WANTED Teacher or well educated lady possessed of business tact and depend ent upon her own efforts; must have good references and be willing to make short " t ncceaaary, y ip, Oregonlan. WANTED! W ATPni WiVTpm 5 GIRLS to learn beauty culture. Pay v eurnns; position guaranteea. 400- -tj- ienum uiug. canuary Parlors. WANTED Competent girl for general housework in family oi three at Astoria. Address Mrs. Geo. v. Sanborn, cor. 17th and Grand. Astoria. WANTED Reliable girl for cooking and general housework. 3 grown people ; good wages, references required. Call 707 Flan- uci a. WAN TED Good linen-room girl ; some v w ; booq wages ; must have 'euue ; reierences. Ps ortonia Hotel, 11th, near Washington, after 9. MAN of the best families of the city are registered: with the Domestic Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and r k ina. quo Leninu oiag. At. 7607. WA-NTI Girl who Is a plain cook to keep house for family of four; all working. Call after 6 o'clock tonight. 40 East ANTED Girl for general housework, two muuiy, ngut washing, $30. Lieut. Lenta. Quarters 13, Vancouver Barracks. G.IKL or woman to assist in plain cooking; good wages. Call 856 Marshall st., near HEI.P WANTBII MISCELLANEOUS. SHORTHAND SCHOOL Exnert men ta7h ers. with $500,000 equipment, moderate fieeS .i"1!01 run to maKe money, but con- "U,-LC,J j uusiness men to aid young men in securing practical education. Regis ter now. Y. M. C. A., corner Oth and Tay- JUi BIO. NO expense to learn electricity, automobiles. ju.ii uuiS;, correspondence lessons fur nished; then actual work on contrart inhR your work pays expense; 300 students last ear. cet free catalogue. United Traue -i.uui contracting uo., Los Angeles. - PRIV ATE Instruction in English Latin, arithmetic, algebra, geometry; students preferred for civil service examinations oy practical teacher. University of Mich Igan graduate; will call. M 146, Ore gonian. 100 ME N and women to learn the barber traae in 8 weeks in ai: its moaern meth ods; Bond for catalogue; tools free; learn a trade that ou can get In business for yoursen. aioier jjaroer College, 35 N. 4th. PORTLAND mall carriers postal clerks. ovu uniL year. $xuu raise to $1200. a imiunB. ruruana examinations coming. .-jjci-inicu yuemious tree, r ranaitn insti tute. Dept. 330 E. Rochester. N. Y. TV I LL eet you nosition. Srtn mnnth n-ith chance of advancement, if you will Invest iv monm in city property. iirasier x JucKman, Washington st. MAN and wife, -without children, for tnoun tain country dace: must tnomnphu nr. derstand farming; and wife good house- "i , emu luuiia. t . iOX 1U. GOVERNMENT positions, parcel post sys tem requires additional help; salary up to $1800; -'free book." Pacific States School. iucnay Plug., ortliinu. Or. GO ON STAGE. Will tell you how. Send 10c for par ticulars. Address M. Poeth, Vancouver. Wash. : i f-UbKA fil Lib, any system, to prove i"c aim laKe positions; calls com is in now. Worcester block. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual unirucuon. l MlUKIhAM), book- keeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 4258. MEN, women to learn barber trade, eight ceny, jjoe.wou guaranteed. Oregon Bar- uer vouege, s.jj .Madison. 268 Couch st. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING SCHOOL o- iiin ai. xx. JtWd. INSTRUCT' N. UlrtLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn , learning. ia Kothchild bldg. Keister's Ladies' Tailoring College and t-"' o ecsiiiaiving. 11 til st. HELP WANTED MAXj: OK FEMALE. WILL pay one-half fare of any one going to Minneapol is, Minn., w ho will -accompany and care for elderly man. Address n i ig. oregonian. Fl&K Teachers' Agency secures positions for leacners. jiu journal blag. Alain 4830. SITUATIONS WANTED MALK. KuokMcptfk auti Clerks. TO LUMBERMEN Office man. expert bo"ok- i&eeper, stenographer and lumberman, de sires position. Have a clear record. Can give con a ana furnish best of references. Can Install and operate cost system. Fa miliar with lumber tariffs. Quick and ac curate and a hard worker. Married. Call Marshall 2790 or address 617 Tcnino ave.. WILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements, install systems, Gillingham, auditor, 414 iewis Diag. Aiarsnau 1 1 WANTED Position as hotel clerk, city o: ' country or in hotel accounting departmen by experienced single man; can give reler ence. L 147. urtgonian. I NEED a Job badly; can do stenograph; and bookkeeping If necessary ; anything AG 14 V", Oregonian. POSITION as hotel clerk, night or day A E 145, Oregonl an. BuuKKEEPE R, several years experience. lJhone fc-hel drake. Main 77.V M iscell an eous. MaN and v if e, with references, run apart inert house; experience cooks; man work aione in oaaery. logging camp or sawmill, boarding-house, in or out of city. H 145, Oregonian. MARRIED gardener. German auorentlce. competent and reliable, wife excellent cook, want steady position. AH 148, ore gonian. &v ISS-FRENuH. neat, sober man, 37. good family cook, ice cream, etc., wants situ ation private imiiy; reierences. D 16, 8 YEARS' experience with railroad work; vtuin some position as snipping cleric first-class references; wholesale house pre f erred. AN 148, Oregonian. CARPENTER and builder. H. M. Harper. 262 Broadway. Main 566d. Out-of-town work, a specialty. AT 170, Orego nlan. FI RST-CLASS Japanese chauffeur wants position in private family. J 147, Ore gonlan. T HOROUG H LY experienced grocer ymian wants position ; best city references. AJ 147. Oregonian. DANE, 27 years of age, not afraid to work, wants a steady job, any kind. Phone East 1141. or ask tor Mr. Andersen, 363 E. 11th. EXPERIENCED young man wishes position in garage or driving; no bad habits. AR 144, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED salesman wants good side line for outside territory. AH 175, Ore gonlan. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall 791, A 4910. Portland Waiters' Club, 148 5th. Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald, manager. GEN ERA L housework and cooking by ex perienced girl. T 122, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants a position as waiter on taoie auer o r. j 140. oregonian. EXPERT pastry and ail round baker wants position. A. Grlnii:h. 129 Grand avenui. JaP wants porter or other work from 8 to 11, forenoons. K 154. Oregonian. WORK wanted by reliable young man. YOUNG man with experience wants work, driving or la garage. K. 147 Oregonian. SITUATION U ANTFI) MALI Miscellaneous. MECHANICAL and marine draftsman, tech nical graduate. 7 years with Eastern ship yard and iron works; expert estimator, calculator and propeller designer. Can you use met Salary no object. AP 145, Ore gonlan. SHOE department manager and buyer of executive acuity desires to connect him self with a reputable house; a life's ex perience In the shoe business. Age 38. Dis engaged August 3. First-class references furnished. X 149. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, expert mechanic also, five years' experience in Portland, wUhes per manent position with reliable concern on truck, or for private family; references. AN 146, "Oregonian. SWISS-FRENCH Neat, sober man, 37; good its.mii y tuun, iuo vreitiii, etc, wants situation private family; references. D 168, Ore gonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. bookkeepers aod Stenographer. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, highly com petent, Al local references. Phone Main 0859. YOUNG lady of high school education wishes a position as cashier, or work in an of fice. Inexperienced, but willing to learn light bookkeeping or anything else re quired In an office. AJ 149, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; prefer manufacturers office; closest attention to every detail. Phone Marshall 4956. BOOKKEEPER; very accurate, 10 years ex perience, all lines office work, wishes position. Served 5 years as secretary. H 144, Oregonian. TEACHER desires position In office during vacation, clerical work, or position In doctor's or dentist's office. Phone Tabor 2472. or AL 3 49, Oregonlan. CAPABLE girl, high school graduate, de sires position office girl or telephone op erator private exchange. Main 2l39. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. experi enced, wants position. Phone East 57.!. Drrwma Iters. NEABAC1I & SCHAARAR, dressmaking reasonable, home or day. S67 lOtli st. Main 3958. GOWNS and tailoring; infanta' wardrooea made to order. Tabor 3351. SEWING by the day. $2. Call Main 9226. N ursct. EXPERIENCED middle-aged nurse, care in fant, elderly, invalid. Reasonable. Call Main 0975. NU RSE w isaes more engagements, terms reasonable ; little housework ; references. Marshall 4992. Houm keepers. REFINED and experienced lady would like position as manageress of rooming house or small hotel. Apply 283 Fourth st., room 3, trum 10 A. ju. till o p. M. WANTED position as housekeeper in gen tleman's home by capable, intelligent wo man. Good cook and manager. Marshall 5372; 9-1. AK 150 Oregonlan. REFINED lady wants position as house keeper for elderly couple or gentleman wita nice home that ueeus a woman's care. AC 149. Oregonlan. CAPABLE middle-aged woman desires housekeeping, widorewr. 208 Jth. Main -Uwtf. REFINED young woman desires position as housekeeper in widower's family, with 'iilHran XI 1JT .- YOUNG woman aud baby wants housework in tne country. Phone Marshall 2346. Catholic Women's League. 129 N. 10th. lometlca. NEAT woman, 49, desires housework, plain lamlly, or nurse Invalid, J25. 2o8 5th. st. Main 2039. A 4775. GIRL wants day work. Call up this place. Tabor 4494. 387 E. 59th N. Miscellaneous. STUDENT who Is good cook and house keeper would Ulce to help mornings and evenings in refined home for room and board. Give name and telephone number. AL 147, Oregonlan. WANTED Position as public school teacher normal school graduate certificate In Washington and Oregon ; eight years' ex perlence. AV 104. Oregonian. YOUNG Enlish lady, high school student, wishes care of children, $20 per month. Cail Main 2451, A 2906. from 10 to 5 o'clock. CAPABLE woman desires small first-dab? apartment house to care for or housekeep ing in good. home. Good salary. S 119 Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes posi tion, cashier, clerical or general office work. AG 1Q, Oregonian. EXPERIENCE D Swedish girl desires situa tion, light chamber work. Maui 2039. A 4775. CATHOLIC GIRL wishes position, light housework, as one of family. Call be- t ween 1 and 2. Seliwood 701. WANTED By middle-aged woman. dokI tion housekeeper and cook on ranch, for 3 or more men. 300 ith st. A YOUNG Japanese woman wants position, small family, or help cooking and house work. Call A 7598. 29 North 3d st ANTED Work by widow with one child between 1 and 5 years old. Call at 52 3d st., room 17. between 9 and 12 A. M. HON EST Japanese girl. Cooking and housework. N 124, Oregonian. GERMAN lady wishes work by "the hour. Phone Seliwood 527. GIRL wants general housework. Call after 7 A. M. Phone Seliwood 578. SEAMSTRESS, day work, $2 per day. Mrs Smith. Phone Marshall 5882. LADY wants to do laundry and housework by the day. A 3123, Main 5251. LACE curtains, draperies, linens laundered by expert. Tabor 317. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED 12 - room unfurnished "hoi7a must be strictly modern aud have large grounds; prefer house with 3 baths, billiard-room, etc.; will pay $125 per month. maul ojww, - House. WANTED HOUSES TO RENT. If you want to rent your houses, list them with us. We have a number of people waiting for houses. UMBD EN STOCK. Ac LARSON CO. 286 Oak st. Main 7750. WANTED A 12 to 1 6-room house, in good repair, suitable for a school; central loca tion, good neighborhood; reasonable rent. Phone Marshall 4123. WANTED To rent a well-furnished home in oesiraoie location, West Side; small family; no children. Edwin F. James, Ma jestic i heater. Marshall 2684. Hi July l, 5 or 6-room modern house, fcun- nysiae. ere ay tenant, adults; 915 to $18. A fct 1 4". Oregonlan. Rooms WANTED to rent a suite of rooms close in, for family, of 5; no small children; and man or woman wishes to work for party to pay rent. H 14;;, oregonian. Booms With Board. lobNO business woman desires sunny light ruom, vim ureaaiast ana dinner. rort land Heights preferred. K 148, Oregonlan. Busrns plaice. WANTED suitable quarters for motorcycle club. AG 340 Oregonian. TV ANTED AGENTS. WANTED Lady solicitors to solicit for an article used in every home; salaries paid. Phone Marshall 493 -between lo and 32. FOR KENT. urnlbed Koooo. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 652 WASHING TON EsT. Elegantly located, fireproof; new and moaern rooms, wua or wltnout bath. $2 5o week up; special rates to permanent guests; all outside rooms. THE VIRGINIA HILL HOTEL. 14th and Jefferson. An establisned hotel. Rooms ea suit or single; rates reasonable. A 602S. M 9233. hotkl M v. v w irv thai v. , . ness people ; centrally loca ted ; elegant rooms; modern conveniences. Broadway and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel. opposite prpheum Theater. Main 916. HOTEL NETHERLANDS" 126 13th st., at Washington. Rooms, $3.50 per week up; under per sonal management owner. J. v. Bushong. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh street. New modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably furnished. Transients solicited. CENTRAL HOTEL. opposite Pan tag eT. modern outside rooms, $3.50 up; with prl vate bath. $5 up. Come and see us. HOTEL Edwards, Grand ave.. E. Belmont; rooms $12 mo. and up; $22.50 and up with bath; absolutely respectable. East 323. THE BEVERLY Nicely furnished room to $4.5 week; transient. 5ou to ST a di Park and Yamhill. THE LA R RAH EE, 227 Larrabee. Rooms $2 week up. Brick building, steam heat, hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished rooms with all modern conveniences, ota and Main, FOR RENT. Furnished Kooms. ROWLAND RESPECTABLE MI NOOK HOTEL HOMELIKE HOTEL Sivila 4TH ST. MODERN 213 4TH ST. N Sice, choice, clean rooms, hot and cold ntdia uMUiB, mceiv lurnisiiea at $3 per week and up; if you want full wa aiue tor your money give us a trial, we can certainly suit you. One call means another. ANNEX HOTEL Washington St., Cor. 12 th. Walking distance to all; 3o0 rooms, fire proof, modern, both telephones. SPECIAL RATES. Daily Weekly Monthly. With bath privilege or private bath. ANNEX HOTEL Charles H. Rowley. Mgr. THE HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th. between Moi nson and Yamhill; re cently opened, every modern convenience, plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful lobby; rates $4 week aud up; with pri vate bath $5.50 week and up; transient rates. 75c and up. Free phone. Main 426. FOR Y". M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof; build ing, vacuum cleaned; shower baths, swim ming pool, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria, and luo othvr leatures. Ful particulars at business office, cor. Oth and Taylor ita. FURNISH ED rooms, neat, clean, welt To- i-aie o., per weetc. lJH ourth st. XrtE PALACE, bosij, Pine bt., newly fur-iiisht-U rooms. S2 and up. Furnished Kooms In Private Family. N L WLY furnished room in private family. East Side, with or without board; lo min utes walk fiora 3d and Wasun.gton sts. by Steel or Broadway oiides. Call Home phone C 1270. MY" private 3 -room suUe. facing park and hills, scrupulously neat, hoiucy and at tractive, ground floor, very reasonable; also one 2 -room suite, second floor. 45o Park. A 2740. ' NICELY furnished, attractive rooms, mod ern, nice location, pleasant sunouiidiags; only O minutes to busmess district, 3U9 llih st., near Columbia, NICELY furnished room, modern conveni ences, central, $3 week. 4o4 Clay, near loth. $8 MONTH, pleasant, neatly furnlsluxl Lay window room, all convenience. 123 23d st. N. NEAT youns man w anted to join another and rent apts. and bach. o 144, Ore gonian. GENTLEMAN who would appreciate home in private lanuiy. No cigarettes. Marshall 4122. NICELY furnished rooms, from S1.50 week ly; easy walking distance. Phone, G55 Washington. FU tXlSHE D room in private home ; no other roomers ; 3 biockii iroin the Broau way bridge ; lady prelc-rred. East -U3;. FURNISHED room, ground floor, wKh piivi Use of kitchen for geuiug breakfast. 549 'xhlrd st. CLEAN, neat, bright room; moderate. 208 j.'tn st. NICE light sleeping rooms, 0, $ LO ptr month. 20O I2ih. SiNGLE sleeping rooms, cry reasonable, tree phone anu bath. 221 13th st. FURN I SHED housekeeping and sleeping rooms, $1.75 per week and up. 2721 Mill. 1 FINE large room with windows on throe sides, like sleeping porch. 414 Market tt. $2 TO $3 Weekly. Clean, airy rooms. De sirable location. 3o5 Twelfth street. rLHXlSHEU rooms, l.5 per week and up. 19 TV. Park. b' L'KMSH ED rooms for gentlemen in a private family. West Side. Marshall 4o4l. auuuia ltd Ouara. NORTONIA HOTEL, 11th. just off Washington st, American and European. Beautiful dining-room, tearoom and root garden. Very attractive raits to families and bachelors. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE. American and European plan; near City Park; convenient to carline. THE HILL. Washington, at 23d st. Residential and Tourists' Hotel. Attractive rates to permanent and tran sients. Alain 754. WORKING boys away from home, earning small salaries, will find a good place iu board and room at the Y. M. C. A. Boys Club building; $4 per week. Call at bos u-pt., Ceuu Y. M. C. A-. or phone Main 7t05. THE WILLARD HOTEL, MORRISON AND PARK STS. European and American, $2 per day with meals. Rates by the month and weeK with or without meals very reasonable. New, modern and fireproof. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms with excellent table board, very reasonable rates. 11th and Yamhill sts. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 3S6 Montgomery st., at West Park, mod ern conveniences; rooms with or without bath; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular and transient guests. THE WHITEHALL, 253 OTH ST. A residential hotel, larsa sun porch ; rooms with or without baths; home cook ing; table board a specialty. LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms with board, suitable for 2 or 3; separate beds, use of piuno and home comforts. lul 11th st. .Main 6381. CHOICE single and double rooms, first-class table. 33 N. lith. one block from Wash in g ton. THE MANITOU, 201 13th st. Excellent table. large, a iry rooms. Summer rates. 'J" car at Depot. THE HAZEL Large outside rooms, steam heat, running water ; with or without meals; moderate price. ss3 3d st. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 24th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary, tiio Flanders. Mrs. e. n, T ilson. sup. ROOM, board, bat h, home cooking. 15 week up. Table board. $4.50. 8 Main. EXCELLENT board and beau -if ul facing the park. 374 Park st. THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison, corner 13th st-; rooms, board optional; summer ratos. Kooms With Board In Private Family. NICE, comfortaole rooms, with breakfast. ooara. not ana coid water, hath, phone; walking distance, reasonable. 120 N. 18th, co rn er Glisan. M. 3097. LARGE, new ly furnished room with board, suitable for 2 or more separate beds; use of piano and home comforts. M 03tl. 191 inn st. PLEA&AN i front room facing Broadway; home comforts, pleasant surround in e board optional. Two blocks south of Jef- WALNUT PARK Nice private home. large . ... .... . HUIIIC -UUIHII. UU1 lawn 2025. ROOM and board for young women, modern convenience and walking distance, phone E. 4732, NICE large room with board for 2 persons in. West Side family; Southern home cook ing, easy walking distance. 20 Everett st. 241 N. 22D ST.. well-furnished room, porch and grounds; excellent meals. Main 2"7 1 NICELY furnished room with board, walking distance. Main 0054. 3 53 N. 16th st. 332 lOTIL room and board, walking dis tanre, rates reasonable. Main 6979. ROOM and BOARD. 712 Flanders. Main 1547 EXCELLENT rooms. board; two refiiif-l youns men; walkin? distance. East 4010. LOVELY furnished rooms and board reason able. Mar. 2T05. 625 Everett. Apartments FOR RENT Dover apartment, 4 rooms un furnished. Inquire 387 N. 24 th st. Mar shall 4531. ARDMAY TERRACE. Exceptionally targe living-room (16x20 ; every convenience. 12th and Harrison sts MODERN 3-room apt., with sleeping porch $30 per month; also single rooms, reason able. Landore Apts.. 10th and Jefferson. THE Drickston, 44S 31th Niceiyfurnis iieo. j and 3-room modern outside apts., near Heights. Mrs. F. TV. McCune. Marshall 57 EUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison and 3-room apart ments; best service. Apply on jrernises. THE DEZEXDORF, 20S Sixteenth, near Taylor. One unfurnish ed 5-room ap'a rtment FLORENCE. 3SS 11TH. " 3 and 4 rooms, completely furn'shed up to date; roof garden; from $27.50 up! THE STANFIELD. New 2-room apts., light and pas in cluded; 15 to $2o. 204 Porter st. M. 7302. BR YN MAWR APTS.. 1S5 ,E. 15th. near Yamhill; 4-room apts., modern. THE DAYTON 6 large rooms, Bpt., DorehTs ex-nry convenience; low rent. 60S Flanders' HERM EN I A. 4dii Hall st., new building. furnished, modern, rates. Main 6444. MAYO Apts.. Union ave. and Sacramento New -up-to-date, reasonable. Phone E. 92. 1-KOOM apts. furnished, modern : refer ences. Cromwell Annex. 201 Columbia. ILLIHEE APTS.. 4S7 Taylor 2-room apart mcnts, well furnished. J17 and up. FOB RENT. Apartment. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS. 2'2d and Glisan Sts. Walking Duuacc. Very exclusive, egantly furnished 4 room apartments; all larse, bright out'sid rojjus. References Required. Marshall 3102. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets. Walking Distance. Ftirn'yhe J r-ompleie, 2, 3 and 4 -room apartments ; building new and strictly modern; service Ilrst claa. THIN IT PLACE APARTMENTS The House of Tone. Largest and finest r.nart ments on the Pat-i:lt- l oast i j hnr-t .tP ajjartment-hous district. New and mod rn. In -'xry pnrticuiar. Apartments fur nished and u:iturnisheu ; exclusive Vachelor quarters wita dubrvnnas in south wing; sleeping-porches in every apartment; high class serviet. reimed clientele ; no disap pearing furniture; terms reasonable; in- ruction invited; references reoulred. I hone Marshall 1101. !-', AjAi--K, cur. 21m and Irving si J his new four-story brick now open; liished ana unfurnished iu 2 ;: and 4-r sts. fur- suites: reeeiition hull- ..l....ti-in n..tniDHA elevator, Ho!m8 disappearing beds, built in buri'i t and writing desk, t'iis range, ica box. p.eiity of closet rooms; both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phone A 1 744. Marshall 1161. STELWTX APT?., Cor. St. Clair and Washington, largest and most beautitnllv furnished, hih-clas apartments; sleep tng-porche and roof garden ; uieal loeauon tor Sum mer; hih-elass service; reasonable rates; references required. Marshall 3000. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Faciiio Coast. i- urnished complete. Roof garden In connection. W alking Distance. References. WELLESLEY COURT. East 15th and Belmont, 3 block of Mor rison; blKKest and uest on East fc'tde; 4 story. modern, luoxluo; furnished and un furnished; walking distance. LUCRETIA COURT. I.ucrctia st.. near Washington and 23d. Most modern unfurnished apattment house in the city; 2 to 5-room apurtments. Investigate before deciding eisewhere. References. Manager, Marshall 1513; jan itor. Marshall 150O. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia. C and 3-room apartment?, furnished: strict.y modern and new; references; close w alking distance; service first class. HIE UI'SHUR. 26th and Upshur sts Fur nished 2-room apts.. $10. $18 up; steam heat, hut and cold water in every apart ment ; public bath, electric liRhts. gas ranges, laundry room, all free. Take 'S,' '-"d" or "W" cars north. Main t-50. DE.-i R A Li LK 4 -room apartment, f urnisned or unfurnished; arranged tor 2 bedrooms; best iu city, considering rent, location, service, etc. ; out.!le rooms, private bath, direct phone. KH EKFI ELD APARTMENTS. Hroadway. cor. Jefferson. aIE A AI.O.N The nearest to Union Depot of all East Side apartments. 3 blocks of Broadway; beautiful furnished 3 and 4 room apts. ; all linen, silverware, private phone, bath and sleeping-pore lies; Sura mer rates. Phone East 107. 2S5 Ross. THE WASHINGTON. 6.M Northrup 5-rooia unfurnished apartment with bath and all modem conveniences. telephone. steam heat, gas. electric light, etc. Take W car to I'lst and Nurthrup. Phones Main 4376. THE EVERETT. G44 Everett, Bet. 2uth and Ella Sts. Furnished three-room apartment; all outside rooms; sleeping porch and all modern conveniences; walking distance. TH K WINSTON. 341 14 in St., at Market. New- t o and three-room apartments, completely furnished; walking distance; ices reasonable, phone Main 1730 GRANDETA, East ritark and Grand ave. -e w uuMouig; niceiy lurnisned 3-room apartments; private bath and private phone; yj. to $27.50; walking distance. Phone East 20S. THE PARKHURST. North 2(th and Northrup Sts. Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments; outside rooms; balcony to every suite; all conveniences; ref. Phone M. 1178 CUMBERLAND. West Park and Columbia sts. 2 and 3-room completely furnished apts.; all modern conveniences; choice lo cation, facing the parks; only 5 minute' waik from business center; references. J U L 1 to tTe-pt. 1 j, artistically furnished corner apartment, 4 rooms, t leeping porch, piano, modern building-, elevator Nob Hill district, rent nominal. Main WELLINGTON APARTMENTS. 15th and Everett 2. 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished; private baths; $20 and up; completely ren ovated ; undr new management; walking distance; convenient and best service. HARR1MAN APTS. (Annex). 7&5 Irving st. One 5-room apt., furnished with two real bedrooms and two disappearing beds, phone, etc. References. Main 350 or Mar shall 3M. STEVENS APARTMENTS. Six rooms, bath and maid's room; front, back and sleeping porches; yard, hot water heat and telephone. 7U1 Northrup. near 24th. ALEXANDER APARTMENTS. 3 or 4 rooms, large sunny. splendid, corner. $15 or $2u; also furnished, pays to see them. Phone B 2012. yo E. 13ttx st.. corn er Washington. KEELER APARTMENTS. 14TH AND t LAY STREETS. Plrpt-class 3-room apartments, unfur- nlFhed, private vestibules, bathrooms and phones; references required. THE EMERSON. 2. 3, 4 -room furnished and unfurnished apartments. $12 to 30. corner Williams and Emerson ts.. Kast .id; 3 car lines. Phono Woodlawn fi.3 or 3173. OR DER LEIGH 82 Grand Avenus., 3-room apartments, completely furnfshed. private baths; new management; modem and con venient; -walking distance; bett of service; rates $ 13 to $30. LlNCOLNA PTS.. 4TH and LINCOLN. All outside 2-room furnished apts.. low rates inciuue free light, heat, private rhone; a complete home. Clean and quiet. Janitor service. Main 1377. THE WHEELDON. Corner Park and Taylor. Three blocks from Postoliice. 2. 3 and! 4-room apartments, furnished complete, modern, first-class service. GA U)S Eli. r-or. Uith and East Ash.- Beau tiful .Vr-join. all la rye and light. In cen tral East Portland, splendid location, ev ery thing f i i st -class, rent reasonable ; ref-''Tic-f. I Mi one East "S7 1. LUZERNE APTS., for. 3d and Hall Cozy 2-room furnished apts.; butluln new and strictly modern; all outside rooms; s minutes to p. O.; raipg very reasonable. Marshall 4f.::7. KINGSBURY. Ford, near Washington st. lligh-c'.ap.s apartments; one unfur nished of 3 rooms, with private bal cony; reasonable rent. Tiiu SAN MARCO. Nicely furn. and i.nfurn. ."-renin mod. pts. ; private bat h a mi phom s : w alking ci ist a nee ; ? 1 s up. Phone E.it L'77C. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 room apartment s. $2o and up; od Jani tor service, walking; distance; references. 71 2 Washington, op p. 22d. Main 7 134. GENEVA APTS., SAN FRANCISCO. S4U Van N'esa Ave. First-class modern 2. 3-room. furnished; linen, silver. SUMMER RATES. 3-room niceiy furnished apartment; all large, cool, outside rooms ; $22.50: bath, phone and on car.ine. 1 311, Tabor V2&3. THE .M'KIM.KY "APARTMENTS" Ea'st 7th and Morrison sis. Very central ; 2 aid 3-room apartments, furnished com plete ; private baths; ;rom $2u to $21.50. NOKOM1S, 17th and Marshall, walking dis tance; nt- .v, clean. eleg. ntiy furnished. wil ventilated ouisi-ie rooms: private phone, bash uiiJ dre?ging-room. Mar. 4047. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Third and Montgomery; new. modern, out side furnished 2-room apartments; eleva tor; closo In; $20 to $5o. Main 0466. 5-ROOM modern flat; fruit, roses, flreplac; S-minnte walk from postoffico. 543 Fifth, Main Tt'b.i. A o.mi. Beautiful apartments, furnished and 'in. f urnifhed. iiu :unlng nrep.ai-e. ete. E. 3.-,k rriE MAKi.noiLLr; room at.artmeiit ; Main 7516 K. Nob Hill district 6 cvei y convenience. C-'Mi'I.KTl.Y furnished apartment in the KeeKr; 5 rooms and bath. Phone Marshall 574 0. 421 WEST PARK. 3-room furnished apart ment, desliaht"; no ch ildren. THE King-Davis. 54 Kinic St., N. nr. Wash. Hish-class; references. Both phones.