THE MORNING OREGOIA. TUESDAY. JUNE 24, 1913. 17 FLOUR PRICE ASKED Oriental Buyers Interested New Crop Product. in MARKET NOT ESTABLISHED Quotations on Patents Will Be Maintained Vntil End of Season. Lull in New AVlieat Trading. Crop Iieports Good. Oriental flour buyers are asking for prices cm exports for September shipment, tout millers on this side are not yet ready to mftk quotations, in view of the uncer tainty of the wheat market. On spot busi ness the market remains firm. Patent prices are also -well maintained. Flour is moving out well, and It Is jirobable that stocks will be worked off before new flours com on. Prices on the new crop product will not bo named before the middle of August or the first of September. The wheat market is rather Inactive, as California buyers show little interest. There is a lull In new crop trading on the part of both buyers and sellers. Quotations are unchanged. Reports from the rrowinpr crops are en tirely satisfactory. The rain has been of treat benefit In almost every section. Local receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchant' Exchange as follows: Wheat. Barley. Flour. Onts. Hay. Monday r,l 4 If) 55 24 Year ao .. - .... 1 r, 12 Season to llate 17.3D!1 2"(!2 2'"l:j 1Mi2 2S21 Year ago .14,4".". r,S9 21U3 IfiSD 2T9S The Merchants Exchange's weekly wheat statistics follow: American -lslbl supply Bushels, Decrease. 1.5S2.000 1,73 8,000 1,127,000 l.firtO.000 1,663,0"0 1.506.000 460.000 1,017,000 1,160.000 600,000 June 23, June 24. 1912.. June 26, mil.. June 27, lino.. ; 24.640.000 24.516,000 13,142.000 1 1,251.000 4H.fi37.on' 25, 92.0ll0 14.228. 0 14,055,000 Wefk June 2S, 1000 June 29, TH08 July 1 lt7. Julv 2, 11)06 July 5, l!Kl5 July 5, 5 0U4 Quantities cn passage Week Ending .1 une 21 For Bushels. Week Ending June 22-12 Bushels. 25.4M1.O00 27.128,000 Ending .lime 1 4 Bushels. 24.D6S.O0O 26.216,000 V. Kingdom U4.4so.ouo Continent 23.752.UUO Total . ..48.232,000 61,184,000 World's shipments. principal countries fflour Included! Week Wek Ending - Ending June 21 .lune 14 Fro'-n Bushels. Bushels. I . S. Csn.S.32S.0ii0 5.002.000 Arsr'litlne .1.734.000 l.ifM.COr) Australia . . 0H0.UUO SOO'iVi 52,608,000 exporting Week Ending -June 22-12 Bushels. 4.0T4."00 ".832.000 656.0011 . X24.000 2.034.0"0 2.5U4.0UO luh'u Pts. "2s,fmo tUO.uOO ft USS1H . . 2.0o2.'MMr 2.424.0UO . . 1.S35.00O 2.176.000 India Total .12.217.000 12.:'.12.0(K 12,024.000 CANTALOUPES $1.00 A CKATE LOWER Banana Advance at tiulf Ports New Figs and Prunes Are in Murket. t'antaloupe prices were lowered $1 a crate all around yesterday. Three cars were received in the forenoon, and -at the new price sold well. Standards were quoted at $3 and ponies at $2.50. Strawberry receipts were light,' as was to be expected. The best etock sold at 75 to S3 cents. Eastern Oregon cherries were plentiful and were quoted at 5 to S cents. Five cars of bananas were unloaded dur ing the day. Banana prices have advanced at New Orleans, and local receipts will not be so heavy from now on. A shipment of Hawaiian pineapples was received by way of San Francisco. The first shipment of Tragedy prunes was received from the South and offered at $1.75 a box. The first California fresh figs also arrived and sold at $1.75. A straight car xjt California cucumbers was put on sale at $1 a box. A big shipment of beans came in from the South and added to the local ovorsupply. California beans old down 4r 3??5 cents, and Oregon beans brought 68 cents. Oregon peas were plen tiful at D cents. The first new California bell peppers offered at 25 cents. A car of white rose, new potatoes from Los Angeles was put on sale at 2H cents a pound. STOCKS OF RICE ARB IECLINTNG Honduras Offering- will Bo Cleaned Tp Before Next Month Ends. Commenting on the general rlco market situation. Talmage says. In his weekly cir cular to the trade: "Under good demand the market rules steady. The general assortment is becom ing more contracted as parcels run out, with little chance for duplicating at the primary market except at higher cost. Therefore the gradual depletion of reserve stocks of all styles has a strengthening effect on present holdings. Honduras offerings are growing dally more scarce, and with any ordinary demand the market will be cleaned up high and dry before the next month passes out. Japans aro still in abundant supply, but there is decidedly more Inquiry and the trade Is realizing that Japans are without a doubt a purrhase at preseut figures and worth pushing." Poultry Receipts Light, Demand Slow. The .week, jipctieiij with light poultry re ceipts and no change in prices. Dealers look for some Improvement In the market for hens, but Springs are not likely to sell better. The latter were quoted yesterday at IS to 10 cents and hens at 12 cents. Ducks were nominal with no demand. Country dressed meats, were unchanged. The egg market was very firm and ar rivals were small. Sales were made at 22 V4 cents, case count, and up to 25 cents on candled. There were no changes in the cheese or butter markets. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities eterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland . $1,885,430 $ 63.440 Seattle 2,2rt.374 121.644 Tacoma 507.413 59,339 frpokane . 719,14(3 60.0B6 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain, Flour, Feed. Etc. OATS No. 1 white. $32 per ton: stained and off grade, less. , WHEAT Track prices: Club. 93c; blue stem, 9Sra $l; 4o-fold, 94c; red Russian 92c Valley, 94c, FLOUR Patents, $4.70 per barrel; straights. $4.10; exports, $3.85(63.95; valley $4.70: graham, $4.f.o; whole wheat, $4 80 CORN Whole. $2S.oO. cracked. $29.50 per M1LLPTITFS"-Bran. $24. 500)25 per ton; shorts $2tj.50'jJ27 per ton; middlings. $31 I'er ton. BARLEY Feed. $20.r.027 per ton; brew ing, nominal; rolled, $23.30 2-J.5 per ton. HAY Eastern Oregon timothy, choice $18'ylU per ton; alfalfa, $13gj14. ' Fruits and Vegetables. Local lobbing quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, $S.25S.75 per bx: pineapples. 7c per pound. U.NiCNb New red. 51.25 Tier saclc. VEGETABLES Artichokes, 75c per dozen; asparagua.. Oregon. 50cs3$l.O0 per dozen; oeai.s. :: Ci c per Jtound ; cabbage. Ii2c iDuua ; cauiiziower, s-.uo per crate; -'iu, -ii'c ner aozen: cucumbers, si Tr box; eggplant. 25c pound; head lettuce, $2.60 vcr crate: peas, oc per pound; peppers, 25c ner pound; radishes, !Oe&12c per dozen; . uuuaro. iie per pouna: scanacn. 75e ner box; tomatoes, $1.5 per box: garlic 78c r- i i uis .New caniornia, sjc per GREEN FRUIT Apples, new. $1.50 per box; nld, nominal; strawberries. 75??S.jC v.aiv. cnerrirs, ,1':) per ID. ; gooeo- -'!I3C per pound: apricots. $125 3 l.i'O per box: csntaloime 42 .W1 X ner cvot- peaches", $1 50 per box; watermelons, GHc per S ; "i ' DiacKoernes. loganberries, 1.M per crate: plums, $1.50 per box. SACK VEGETABLES New California. $2 Cl IAl.ll, Dairy and Country Produce. Local Jobbing quotations: POULTRY Hens, UHc; Springs, lSSlSc turkeys, live. ISc; dressed, choice, 25e; ducks, old. 12c; youns. 14c. 2i& Ej Oregon ranch, case count, 22 per d.-j:en: candled. 24Ti25c per dozen. CHEESE OreKon triplets. 16c: Daisies, 17c: Young Americas, ISc. BUTTER City creamery ' butter cubes. 28c per pound: prints 2t4o per pound.- PORK Fancy, IOHS'11 per pound. VEAL. Fancy. 14&14V4C per pound. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia River. one-pound talis, 2.25 per dozen; half-pound flats, $1.40; one-pound flats. $2.45: Alaska, pink, one-pound tails, S5c; sllversldes, one-pound tails, $1.25. HONEY Choice. ?3.253.75 per case. NUTS Walnuts, 18c per pound; Brazil nuts, 12i15c: filberts, 15 15c; almonds, 18c; peanuts. 5&5hic; cocoanuts, 0cl per dozen; chestnuts, 11c per pound;' hick orynuis. S10c; pecans, i7c; pine. 1720e. BEANS Small white. 6c: large white, B.SU'&Uc; Lima. .30c; pink. 4.15c; Mexican, 5c; bayuu. 4.1.Sc. SUGAR Fruit and berry. J5.15: Honolulu plantation, $5.10; beet, $4.05; extra C, $4.65; powdered, barrels, $5.40; cubes, barrels. $5.50. COFFEE Roasted, In drums, 19 35c per pound. SALT Granulated, $14 per ton; half ground 100s. $10 per ton; 50s, $10.75 per ton; dairy, $12.50 per ton. RICE No. 1 Japan, SOo'jc; cheaper grades, 41c; Southern head, 59i814c. DRIED FRUITS Apples, lOc per pound; apricots, l'2f'fl4c: peaches. Stillc: prunes, Italians. 8C'i10c; sliver, ISc: figs, white and black,. 6J4fe7c; currants. 0c; raisins, loose Muscatel, oUfjiHc; bleached, Thompson, llc; unbleached. Sultanas, Sc; seeded, 7Hff8ic: dates, Persian, 7 Q 6c per pound; fard, $1.65 per box. FTOS Twelve 10-ounce. 85c; SO 6-ounce, $1.85; 70 4-ounce, $2.50; 30 10-ounce, $2.25; loose, 50-pound boxes, G-Tc; Smyrna, boxes, $1.10 1.25: candled, (3 per box. Provisions. . Local lobbing Quotations: HAMS 10 to 12 pounds, 20 21c; 12 to 14 pounds, 20 21c; picnics, 14c; cottage roil. 17c. BACON Fancy. 2930c;- standard, 24(9 25c; English, 2223c. i-aku in tierces, choice, 14Hc; com pound, 8c. WRY SALT MEATS Rceular short clears. 14 H fro 1 Be; short clear backs, 12 t 18 lbs.. JDijisc; short clear backs, 18 to 25 lbs., 15r3 18!e: exports. 154 S16c BARRELED BEEF Extra mess beef. $19; mess beef, $10; plate beef, $21; rolled Doneiess beer, $30. BARRELED PORK Best pig pork. $27 pickled pork, $25. Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS- -1912 crop, 12fl)16o per pound: 1913 contracts. 14o per pound. PEjl-TS Dry, 10c; lambs, salt shearling. WOOL Eastern Oregon. 1016c; Valley, 13 lac per pound. GRAIN BAGS. 9a Portland. ' HIDES .Salted hides, lugllUc per pound: salt kip. 1213c; salted calf, 16'817Hc; green hides, lO'glOV-c; dry hides. 21 si 22 c: dry calf No. 1. 25c: Co "A-.- bulls 8c. ' ' MOHAIR 1913 clip. Sic per pound. Unseed OH and Turpentine. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. Kftc- htU.rt barrels, 5Sc; raw, cases, 61c; boiled cases. 63c. OIL MEAL F. o. b. Portland works: Car lots, $35; 5 and 10-ton lots, $34; ton lots. $35. TURPENTINE Barrels. S2c; cases, 55c. FIRM MARKET AT YARDS BEST GRADE OF CATTLE SEXiLi AT TOP PRICES. Choice Hogs Are Tdfted Twenty Cents Over Last Week's Qnotation. Day's Run Is Large. The week opened with a fine r.n -r about 3000 head of livestock at the Nnrti, Portland yards. The marb.t firm basis with a keen demand for quality stock of all classes. Tho hot ,,r. the season were paid for some kinds nf mt. tie. and the hog market was lifted 20 cents on tops. Prime steers brouc-ht SR.?:; to e Kn fair to good quality ranged from $7.60 to SS.lo. Choice heifers were taken at $S and strictly fancy cows at the same figures. Calves held at $. iot many hog sales were reported, but the market was a firm one throughout. A single load brought $8.60, and several loads were sold at a dime less. No sales were reported In the sheep division. Receipts were S59 cattle, 1283 hogs, 813 sheep and 86 calves. Shippers were: Herrett Stillwell. Grang er. Wash.. 1 car of hogs: Walla Walla Meat I o.. Walla Walla. 1 car of hogs; J. w Chandler, Enterprise, Or.. 1 car of hogs: O. M. Hendrlckson, Enterprise, 3 cars of hogs; Vester Showman. Enterprise, 1 car of hogs; Allan & Thompson, Echo. Or., 2 cars of 'mixed cattle and calves: J. W. Chandler. Imbler, Or., 1 car of cattle; D. W. Warnlck. Joseph. Or.. I car of hogs: J. W. Chandler, Lostlne. Or., 1 car of hogs; T. W. Chandler. Wallowa, Or., 1 car of hogs; J. w. Chandler. Wallowa. Or 1 ca of mixed cattle and hogs: S. Plnkham. Nampa. Idaho, 1 car of cattle; J. N. Barry Anderson. Cal.. 1 car of cattle; J. N. Barry! Red Bluff. Cal., 1 car of mixed cattle and calves; A. S. Hunt. Nord, Cal., 6 cars of cattle; W. R. Bishman, Gazelle, Cal., 1 car of mixed calves and hogs: W. R. Bish man. Davis, Cal.. 3 cars of cattle; D. Haines Rosehurg. Or.. 1 car of sheep; H. Trow bridge. Grand Dalles, Wash.. 5 cars of cattle; M. J. Selver. Plymouth, Wash., 1 car of cattle; C. M. Stewart. Roosevelt, Wash., 2 cars of sheep; Talbott fc Son., Lo gan. Mont.. 1 car of hogs; W. S. Jenkins. Hall. Mont., 1 car of cattle: The day's sales were as follows: Weight. Pounds. 23 cows mo $7.75 2 bulls 3210 5.00 1 bull 139H 5.50 "i steers 1173 g 10 27 steers 10S7 7.90 29 steers ...... . nso 7. so 6 heifers 94s 7 50 18 steers mo 8.25 22 cows 6 60 27 steers lu; s.ti 24 steers 120! S.10 1 cow 1120 6.50 25 steers HS2 7. SO 4 steers 105s 750 IS stears 1178 S.1.1 7 cows 1167 fi.25 S8 hogs 207 8.60 SO hogs 212 8.50 95 hogs 219 8.50 105 hogs . 189 8.60 1 hog 210 7.50 1 hog 370 7.50 10S hogs 1KB g.,-,0 t hog 390 7.50 10H hogs 17S 8.50 24 steers 1118 8.35 14 steers ....................... 1059 s.50 21 heifers 961 8.00 26 helf!rs 954 8.00 21 calves 217 9.00 23 calves 220 .00 1 cow 1360 7.50 1 cow i 1133 S.OO The range of prices at the yards was as follows: Choice 3teers $7.75 !g 5S.B1 Good steers 7.25 7.50 Medium steers ................. 7.0O!3 7.23 Choice cows 6.5v( 7.00 Good cows tt.23 6i B.50 Medium cows 8.00 ft 0.25 Choice calves 8.00 9.01 Good heavy calves ............. G.50 7.50 Bulls 4.00 ir 0.00 Hogs Light K.OOffji 8.60 Heavy 7.O0C& 7.50 Sheep , Wethers 4.nn9 5.00 Ewes 0.OO1771 4.50 Lambs : 6.00 6.50 Omaha Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA, June 23. Cattle Re ceipts. 2700; steady to strong. Native steers, $ti.O0(ss.80: cows and heifers. $6.008.25; Western steers. $(i.006.75; Texas steers, $5.507.40; cows and heifers $4.507.00; calves, JS.00S. 10.25. Hogs Receipts, 7800. Steadv. Heavy. $8.30 ff8.45; light. $8.45r8.55; pigs. $6.007.50; bulk of sales, $8.30lff8.55. Sheep Receipts. 300. Steady. Yearlings, J.OOfa'7.10; wethers, $4.5065.60; lambs. SCOO-g 7.50. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. June 23. Cattle Receipts. 18,- .. clJc"cl,l" Juc nigner. peeves, $7.253.10; Texas steers, $7.O08.10; West ern steers. $7.10(3 8.15; stockers and feed ers. $6.00 8.10: cows and heifers, $3.80 8.40; calves. $8.75 9.50. Hogs Receipts, ,43,000. Market, steadv S?,oVron' L'Kht $S.S0gs.SO: mixed, SS.45 j.0.011; ur.ij, . ,,-; rough, $S.25D V75 B-75'3'S C0: bulk of sales, $S.60 Sheep Receipts, 10.000. Market, strong to 10c higher. Native, $4.605.65: W?t. ern. $4. 751S5.65: yesrllngs. $5,5050 50: lambs, native. 5.106.7o; Western, $5 25 Sd.70; Springs, S4.00T7.GU. Wool at Ft. I.cuis. ST. LOUIS, June 23. Wool Steadv. Northern and Western mediums. 1718c; slight burry, Jt6 51tjc; fine burry, 15Sf STOCKS RALLY WELL Saturday's Selling Proves Have Been Overdone. to ENTIRE LIST MOVES UPWARD Attempt of Shorts to Cover Reveals Scarcity of Offerings Presi dent's Currency Message Has Xo Effect on Market. NEW YORK, June 23. It was the opinion of many traders today that Saturday's heavy selling of stocks had been overdone, and that there was no sound reason for such h severe decline as that which brought last week to a close. There was in consequence a tendency to-w-ard a recovery which was evident today as soon as the market opened. Attempts to cover revealed a scarcity of stocks. Nervous ness of tho shorts was increased by the be lief that Saturday's break was due principal ly to a bear raid. ay noon practically the entire list was higher with gains running up to three points in the case or union Pacific and Canadian Pacific. In the latter half of the day. trad ing grew dull and prices eased off gradually irom the top. Of influence In the improvement was the Delief that the Interstate Commerce Com mission's ruling in the freight rate case on Saturday had received .too much emphasis as a Dear factor. President Wilson's message to Congress on the currency question had no perceptiBle tniiuence on the market. This was nrob ably due to the fact that delivery of the message was preceded by publication of the currency bill Itself. It Is in the detailed nlan sot forth In the bill that Wall street's chief interest lies. Further slowing down In busi ness was indicated by the fortnightly report on idle freight cars. An Increase of nearly n.u'JU idle cars was shown. Bunds were firm. Steel 5's showed some heaviness, falling to the recent low level. iotal sales (par value) $1,050,000. Panama vS s coupon declined Vs on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. C. building, Portland. Wilson & Co., Lewis Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Amal Copper . . 2S.20O 04 i 02 Vx 63 Am Beet bugar 2-1 Am Can Co 7,300 27 25 2U-j do preterretl ..... fc3 Am Car & fuy. . 5UO 41 40 41 Am Cotton Oil.. 4'JO 36 36 3(i Am fcmel &. Ke &0l 61 61 61H Am Sugar ,.. lubi Am Tel & Tel.. 200 128 127 12b Am Tobacco ... 200 215 215 213 li Anaconda 6i 32 9i 32 1 32 Atl Coast Line.. 200 114a 114i 114 A T dc Santa Fe 2. 600 1)5 - 95 95 Bait &. Ohio ... 03 is 92 H 924 Brook R Inn.. 00O t7i oSl.s b6",B Canadian Pac .. 11,000 216iB " 214V 215',. C Sc O L0OU 57 o'Ji. 56 Vj O & U W 200 lSli Un C Ac N W 120 "3 C, M & St Paul. 3.200 102 1U1V 101 Central Leather ' 20 Central of N J 275 Chino 4,800 33 i 32 3274 Col Fuel & Iron 30U 27 9 20Ti 27 U Col Southern ..... 30 Consol Gas , 128'4 D & K U 15-k Distilling Secur. 12 Vs Erie 4,200 i8 23 23 General Elec ..... 134 Gt North Ore .. . 1.900 31 29 S1H Gt North pi' 3"0 1221, 121 121 Illinois Central. 5O0 109H 109 109 Interboro Met .. 600 15 35V 15 do preferred.. S.bOO 567 55 00 Inter Harvester. 200 105 I04 104 K C Southern.. 510 27 26Ltj 21 Lehigh Valley .. 3.600 1SOV4 148 '3 140 Louis & Nash .. 2W) 130 130 130 M, b P & S S M 20O 1241;, 123 123 Mo, Kan & Tex. 300 20 19 20 Mo Pacillc 2.30O 29 2S 29 National Lead ..... ..... 45 N If central ... 200 98 98 98 N Y, Out At Wes 70O 32 31 31 Nortolk & West 1.000 103 102 101 North America. 65 Nortnern Pac .. 1.300 107 106 106 Pacific Mail . 28 Pacillc T & T.- 28 Pennsylvania ... 6.SOO 110 .109 110 People's Gas " . . 7. . 109 Reading 46,400 157 155 156 Republic S & I , 18 Southern Pac .. 2,000 94 93 93 Southern Ry . . . 900 21 20 20 Texas Oil 99 Union Pacific .. 46.000 144 141 142 do preferred 90 U S Steel 43.600 52 El 51 do preferred.. 1.400 193 102 102 Utah Copper ... 2.000 41 40 40 Wabash 2 Western Union.. "o , 00- 60 60 Westing Elec ... 400 58 57 5S Wisconsin Cent. l.Soo 43 -43 43 Total sales for the day. 2SS.211 shares. Reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co., Board ot Trade Building, Portland. Bid. ABked. . 93 94 . )7 t7 . BO 91 . 88 88 . 94 95 .99 3 . 54 55 .92 94 . . 93 93 . 6S. 6S . 74 74 . 93 94 65 . S3 84 . 91 . 92 . 92 92 . 87 8S . 90 91 . 95 96 . 99 99 . 93 93 . 87 SS . S7 9 ..l'U 101 . 73 74 . SSI. 90 . 99 99 04 90 83 ...... .75 - 77 A ten Gen 4s Atl Coast Line 1st 4s B & O Gold 4s B R T 4s Ches & O 4s C M & St P Gen 4,is r R 1 Coi is Cal Gas 5s C B Q Joint 4s Erie Gen 4s ............. Int Met 4 s Louisville At Nash Un 4s.. Missouri Pac 4s N Y C Gen 3 Vie N W 1st Con 4s Northern Pac 4s Oregon Short Line Ref 4s Oregon Ry Nav 4s ........ Pac Tel 5s Penna con 4s Reading Gen 4s So P Ref 4s S P Col 4s Co R.r 5s do 4s j-. ' . T.'n Pac 1st and Ref 4s U S teel 5s West Shore 4s Westlnghouse Elec cv 5s . Wisconsin Central 4s Western Pac 5s Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. June 23. Closing quotations. Allouez . 30 iMlnml Copper .. 20 Amal Copper .. 00 Mohawk 4X Am Zinc L & B. 19 INevada Con . Arizona Com .. 2N!pissing Mines. Bos & Corb Cop North Butte ... ti Sll Mg ...-354 iNorth Lake . Calumet "e Ariz 50Old Dominion .. Calumet & Hec.405 jOsceola Centennial . ... lOVilQuincy Cop Rtt Con Co. 38 (Shannon . 43 8 24 1 4 75 50 7 22 2 22 35 40 7 40 1 44 E Butte Cop 11. n' oujjonur ...... 3, Sup A Boa Mln. 1 Tamarack . . . . 33;U S S R & M . Franklin Giroux Con .... Granby Con . . . Greene Cananea jvI do pfd Isle Rovale Cop 18.t"tah Con Kerr Lake .... 3iL'tah :dp Co Lake Cop 0 Winona . .. La Salle Cop .. 3 V i Wolverine . Money. Exehante, Etc. XEW TORK, June 23. Money on call, steady. 1 (it 2 per cent; ruling rate, 2; closing hid. 1: offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, easier; 00 days, 3(5-3 per cent; 90 dais. 34 per cent; six months, 5tft'5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, R per cent. Sterling exchange, firm, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4.83 for 0O-iay bills and at $4.S7 for demand. Commercial bills, $4.82. Bar silver, 5sc. Mexican dollars, 48c. Government bonds, easy; Tallroad bonds, lirm.. LONDON. June 23. Bar silver easy. 20d per ounoe; money, 3&r3 per cent; rate of discount in open market for short bills, 4 flll-ll! per cent; do, three months' bills. 4ii'4 7-li per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, June 23. Silver bars 58c. Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts, sight, lc; telegraph, 4c. Sterling on Lon don, 0 days, $4.83; do sight. $4.87. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. June 23. The condition of the United States Treasury at the beginning of business today was: Working balance '. . $ 57.778.779 In banks and Philippine treasury 55 947 840 Total of general fund . 189.01l'o53 Receipts Saturday 4.431144 Disbursements 2!sil'964 The surplus this fiscal year is $14.450.'243 as against a surplus of $4,715,925 last year. The figures for receipts, disbursements and surplus exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK. June 23. Coffee futures opened steady at an advance of one point on March, but generally unchanged to S points lower, and sold off to a net loss of about 4 to 11 points during the middle of the day. Offerings were not particularly heavy and prices rallied In the late trading on covering of shorts or buying for reaction. The close wss steady. July. 9.25c; September. 9.49c; October. 9.54c; December. .65c; Jan uary. 9.09c; March. 9.7Sc: Mav. 8.S3c Spot quiet. Rio, No. 7. !c; Santos, No. 4 llc. Mild coffee quiet. Cordova, lSlilOHc. Raw sugar firm. Muscovado. 2.S3&2. 80c: centrifugal, 3.33 3.B6c ; molasses, 2.583 2-Glc. Refined steady. Cut loaf, 5.15c; crushed, 5.05c; mould A- 4.70c: cubes, 4.30c; "XXXX" powdered, 4.50c; powdered, 4.45c; fine granulated, 4.35c; Diamond A, 4.35c; confectioners' A, 4.20c; No. 1. 4.10c SAN FRANCISCO PltODCCE MARKETS Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Vegeta bles, Fruits, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO, June 23. The follow- ng produce prices were current here today: Fruit Apples. 75c3$1.50; Mexican limes. nominal; California lemons, choice, 38 8.50; common. $46; pineapples, $1.50u 2.50 Cheese New, 1413c; Young Ameri- caa, 17 c. Hay Wheat, $23 25: wheat and oats. $21.u0&22; alfalfa. $12014. .butter r ancy creamery, 2Sc; seconds, 7c. vegetables Cucumbers. ' 40fi75c:- green peas, 3 4c; string beans, 2fij: 5c; eggplant 5 10c. OnlonsNew, red. 50T65c per sack; yel- ow, bow 75c per sack. Potatoes New River whites. flflrft St fr.- Early Rose. $l1.25; old, river Burb&nks. auiff ioc; Oregon, laceysi; new. $101.50. -r-gffs tatore. 221,sc: faucy ranch, 25c Receipts Flour, 38,787 quarters: barlev. 2387 centals; potatoes, 1850 sacks; hay, HUS tons. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, June 23. Conner, nominal. Standard snot. 13.50c bid: June. 13.62c bid: July and August, 13.62to 14.12c; electrolytic. 14. ouit!i5c; lake, 14. 1 oil 15.25; casting, 14.50 14.75c. Tin. weak. Snot. 42.35c bid: June. 42,OOri3 42.25c: July and August, 42.2542.30c. Lead, quiet, 4.3Uc bid. Spelter, quiet, 0.05t 5.15c. Antimony, dull. Cookson's, S.75t?r9.00c. Iron, quiet. No. 1 Northern. 416vr 10.50: No. 2 Nurthern, $15.75016.25: No. 1 South ern. $15,504 16; No. 2 Southern, soft, $15.50 io- London markets closed: Copper, firm. Spot 62 17s 6d; futures, 63. Tin, easy Spot, 193; futures, 193 15s. Spelter, 21. Lead, 20. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 53s 6d. Wool Listed for London Sales. LONDON, June 23. The listing of wool for the fourth series of auction sales closed with today's arrivals, as follows: New South Wales. 30.000 bales: Queens land. 10.000; Victoria, 18.000; South Aus tralia, 8000; West Australia, 3000; Tasmania. sooo: New Zealand. 125.000; Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 62.000. Of this stock 78.000 bales of Australian and 54,000 Cape of Good Hope and Natal were forwarded direct to spinners, making tho net available for the sales (.including 49,000 old stock) 171.000 bales. Good Prices at Madras Wool Sale. MADRAS. Or.. June 23. At the wool sales in Madras today a large number of growers sold about 600,000 pounds. Prices generally were satisfactory. For fine wool the highest price was 14 cents, and Tor coarse wool the highest was 3 6 cents. The Baldwin Sheen Company's cllo of 140.000 pounds sold at 14 cents: the Black Butte clip of S0.00O pounds brought 1 cents. Secretary Hoke, of the Oregon Wool- growers' Association, has organized a local association for Central Oregon. New York Cotton Market. NEW TORK, June 23. Spot cotton closed quiet. Middling uplands, 12.30; do Gulf, 12.55. Sales. 2430 bales. Futures closed steady, 4 to 11 points lower. June, 11.97: July. 12; August, 11.90: septem ber. 11.61; October. 11.42; November. 11.35 December. 1L40; January, 11.35; February, 11.37; March, 11.45; May, 11. 40. NEW ORLEANS, June 23. Spot cotton quiet, unchanged. Middling. 12 9-16c; sales. lu ualee. Hops, Xtc, at New York. NEW TORK, June S3. Hops steady State medium to choice, 1912, 14;'i'19c; 1911. 9fo 14C; Pacinc. 1912. 1&I&J0C; 1911. 11S14C. Hides firm. Bogota, 29 jj 30 c ; Central America, 29 c Petroleum steady. Refined New York, duik, $0: barrels, $s.7(i: cases, $11. Wool steady. Domestic fleece, "XX" Ohio, A I C. Dried Iruit at New York. KEW YORK, June 23. Evaporated apples steady, fancy 7Sc; choice, 6'8c; prime, 5 0.6c. Prunes firm, California s. 3 12c; Ore gon, 5ig Sc. Peaches quiet, choice, 6?i6c; extra choice, 64i7c; fancy, 77c. Naval Stores.. SAVANJJAH, Ra., firm. 39. Sales June 23. - Turpentine 1004: receipts, 9SO; shipments. 2910; stocks. 21.138. Rosin firm; sales :i:;3; receipts 2537; shipments HS77; slocks 110,917. Quote Ah 80O; Cd K90: E 405; Ff:h 413; T 420; K 455; M 515; N 5S5; Wg 025; Ww 630. Duluth Linseed Market. DULUTH. June 23. Linseed. $1.33: Julv. $1.31; September, $1.34; October, $1.33 asked. ChlcHSo Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. June 23. Butter, unchanged. Eggs, unchanged: receipts. 13,611 cases. Hops at London. LIVERPOOL. June 23. Hops at London Pacific Coast, 4 10a at 5 10s. Klgln Butter Market. ELGIN. HI.. June 23. Butter, firm. J7c. PRODUCERS' DAY CHANGED Hood River Arranging for Manu facturers or Oregon. HOOD RIVER, Or.. June 23. (Spe cial.) Instead of on Friday, July 25, as was formerly planned, "Home Products and Oregon Manufacturers' Day" at the Second Horticultural Chautauqua of the Hood River Valley will be held on Sat urday. July 26. Mrs. Edith Tozier Weatherred, who has been touring the state in the inter est of the Oregon Manufacturers' As sociation, was here last nisrht. confer ring with C. NT. Ravlin, manager of the Chautauqua, and making ready for the. meeting here of the manufacturers who will come from all parts of the state. The day is changed in order that the visitors may be permitted to remain in the Valley on Sunday. CORN AREA IS DOUBLED Railronrt's Distribution of Seed Adds to Hood River Crop. HOOD RIVER, Or.. June 23. (Spe cial.) The free distribution of seed corn by the O.-VC. R. & N. has been ef fective here in causing a large acre age of this cereal in the) valley, the crop being double that of any former year. Every rancher . who had any available land secured some of the seed and is now tilling his corn patch. In former years ranchers have se cured seed from the dry regions of Idaho and have succeeded in raising ex cellent crops, the yield running as high as 60 bushels to the acre. POTATO PROSPECT BETTER Hood Kiver Merchant Contracting for Tubers at $1. HOOD RIVER, Or.. June 23. (Spe cial.) Although many potatoes plant ed by local ranchers last year are still in the ground and will never be dug, growers who have planted large acre ages this year are looking for good prices. . VV.. H- Rhodenhlser. an Tapper Valley merchant and farmer, is al ready making contracts for 25,000 bags of tubers at. $1 a bag. . Potatoes grow well on the newly cleared land, here and new potatoes are in the market supplying the demand of local consumers. Beach Travel Accommodated. BAY CITY. Or., June 23. A motor car was installed for service on the Pacific Railway & -Na-viRation run ning between Mphler and Tillamook, to accommodate the beach travel. This is the first motor car to be put in service in this territory., and. it is attracting favorable comment. WHEAT YIELD BIG! Harvest Returns From Ne braska Break Records. SLUMP IN CHICAGO MARKET Early Reports of Damage in South Dakota Contradicted in Part Corn Ixjwer Because Relief From Drouth of CHICAGO. June 23. Assertions that the Nebraska harvest was showing the largest average yield per acre ever known East of the Rockies caused a. sharp break todav In the price of whe:t.. The market closed nervous. c to i&c under Saturday night. Latest trading left corn Blc down and oats ofT 1c to lc. For provisions the outcome was a net advance of 2V.fw5 27 c. In contrast with final developments, wheat early displayed considerable strength. The nrmness came about through . statements from experts that a big section of South Dakota had been damaged 50 per cent and threatened to become a total failure. Later. however, good authorities contradicted the damage reports in regard to at least a part of tho ground spoken of. primary receints of wheat were nn nnn bushels, against a holiday a yer ago. Ex port clearances of wheat and flour eoualed S38.000 bushels. General rains covering the chief nrortnr- Ing states and affording relief from drouth, made the corn market sink. A notable In crease in stocks on hand tended also to en courage soiling. ideal weather for the growing croo nut oats under bear control. Besides, the visible suppty increase was heavy. rnnuentlal buying lifted orovlslons. Bui ness, however, did not reach a large total. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. . ..$ .904 $ .91 ... .91 .91 Low. $ .90 .90 .93 '.5 Close. $ .9') .90 .93 July Sept. Dec . .. .91 .94 CORN. ... .60 .60 ... .1 .61 ... .58 .5S OAT3. ... .40 .41 ... .41 .41 ... .42 .42 MESS PORK. July .59 .0 .57 .K9 .60 .57 Sept. Dec. July Sept. Dec. .40 .40 .41 .40 .40 .41 July Sept. ...20.80 20.97 ...20.45 20.70 LARD. ...11.12 11.17 ...11.27 11. S2 ...11.35 11.40 20.80 20.45 20.87 20.70 July Sept. Oct. 11.12 11.27 11.32 11.17 11.32 11.44 SHORT RIBS. ...11.77 11.82 11.77 ...11.75 11.80 11.75 .. .11.55 11.65 11.55 July fcept. Oct. 11.80 11.80 11.05 Cash prices were: Corn No. 2, 60 "2 61c: No. 3 white. "S ' lc; No. 2 yellow, 60 6tic; No. o. o'j(3.u3,c; o. 3 white, 60j.61c: No. 3 yellow. 0S61c: No. 4. EOiK&BOn: x-n t white. 59 BOO He; No. 4 yellow, 69 a 00c Rye No. 2. 61c. Barley 50 66c. Timothy i3.50 4.50. Clover Nominal. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, June 23. The visible supply of grain in the United States Saturday. June . as compiled Dy the New York Produce exenange was as follows: Bushels. Wheat 31.H72.0OO Wheat in bond 3.777,000 Corn 9, 08.;, 000 Oals 12.027.0OO Oats in bond 825,000 Rye 3SD.00O Barley Barley in bond 147.000 Decrease. 1.5"2.000 22.000 2,351.000 279,000 299.000 33.000 2H.0O0 7,000 Increase. Minneapolis tirain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June 23. Close Wheat, July 90c; September, 92-; December. 94 iff 94 '.-iC. Cash No. 1 hard. 02c: No. 1 Northern. 91 43 92r: No. 2 Northern. S090c; No. 2 hard. Montana, &94j90c; No 3 wheat. 87'.S8c. - Flax $1.51 'is 1.31 : barley, 4849c. Kuropean Grain Markets. LONDON, June 23. Cargoes on passage quiet. LIVERPOOL. June 23. Wheat Spot, steady. Futures, steady. July. 7s 6d; Oc tober. 7s 3d: December, 7s 4d. Weather In England unsettled. San Francisco Grain Market. SAN FRAXnSCO, June 23. Spot quota tions Walla Walls. $1.62 & 1.63 ; Red Russian, $1.60ri 1.02 : Turkey red, $1.72 eil.73: bluestem, $1.7241.73. Feed bar ley. $1.3.V 1.37 ; brewing, nominal. White oats. $1.52 bid. Bran $27.00 ii 27. 50 Mid dlings, 32.0032.rO. Shorts, $28.00 26. 00. July barley. $1.33 bid, $1.38 asked. Call bo:ird Wheat, steady. No trading. Barley easy. December. $1.49; May, $1.42; July, $1.33 bid. $1.38 asked. Puget Sound Orain Market. TACOMA, June 23. Wheat Bluestem. 97 ?98c; forty-fold, 94c; club, 93c; red fife. far receipts 3: hay. 7. -Wheat. 21; barley. 3: SEATTLE. June 23. Wheat Bluestem. 94c: forty-fold. 92c; club, 91c; fife, Ooc; Red Russian. 90c. TIMBER FOR SALE SOON Millions of l-'eet in Crater Lake Kegioii to ; to Bidders. KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. June 23. (SpeciaL) One hundred and twenty five million feet of timber is to be offered for sale in the Crater Lake National Forest Reserve at an early date. Forest Supervisor Erickson is here from Medford to complete the arrangements for this sale, which will then be advertised. It is thought that local mills will purchases the entire lot, as the large lumbering companies can buy indi vidual holdings for less money than the Government asks for stuinpage. Bitulithic is friendly to horses and automobiles o. J.C.WILS0N & CO. STOCKS, BONDS. fiRAIV AND COTTON. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, NEW TORK COTTON EXCHANGE, CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE, THE STOCK AND BOM) KX. CHANGE. SAN iKANClaCO. v PORTLAND OFFICE: Lewis Building, 269 Oak Street. Phones Marshall 4120. A 4187. We Own and Offer the Unsold Balance ol $70,000 City of Albany, Oregon . 696 Improvement Bonds Dated April 1, 1913 Denomination $5C0 Each Principal and Semi-Annual Interest Payable at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon, New York City Albany is the County Seat of Linn County and one of the most substantial, well-established, prosperous communities in the Willamette Valley. These bonds are similar to CITY OF PORTLAND IMPROVEMENT BONDS and are applicable as security for Postal Savings Deposits as well as for State and County Funds in Oregon. We unhesitatingly recommend the same as a very safe and attractive investment. Descriptive circular containing detailed informa tion, price, etc., furnished upon request. MORRIS BROTHERS RAILWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING PORTLAND LADD &TIL.TON BANK Established. 1859. Capital Stock ...........,...$1,000,000.00 Burplus and Undivided Profit". ......... 1,000,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, available in all parts of the world. OFFICERS, !Y- M. Lad 4. President. Robert S. Howard. Asst. Casals Kdward Cookina-ham, Vloe-Praa, J. W. Ladd. Asst. Cashier. n . H. Duncitley. Cashier. Walter M. Cook. Asst. Cashier. First National Ba Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 900,000 Oldest National Bank West of ths Rocky Mountains CORNER FIRST AKD WASHINGTON STS. (1 H la i tZZ" Sailings from So LA LA PROVENCB July r LA 1XIKBA1NK Inly 17 LA 1.0KKA1XE Aug. 7 tFKANCE (new) July 24 1.A 1'KUVENC'K Aug. 14 Twin-screw steamer. tvluadruule-screw steamer. SPECIAL SATURDAY SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK. S P. M. ONE CLASS CABlN (II) and IH1BU-CLASS Passengers Only. Masara June 21 Chicajto June 28 Kochambeau. . . July 5 C. . Minger, 80 tith. t. ; A. 1. uarlton, 33S Morrison t.; J. O. Thomas, C. M. & St. P. By.; Dorsey B. Smith. 6 -J 5 111 St.; A. C. Sbeltlon, loo 3d t. ; H. Dickson. 123 3d t.: North Bank lioad, itli and Sturk sts.. aeents. Portland. The smaller companies, by purchasing from the Government, are assured of a supply lasting over several years and the outlay in ready money is not so great as if they were to buy that much timber outright. These sales are having a depressing effect on the price of timber lands held by private in dividuals. ESTABLISHED 1894 $ox?), $acoti $L "5avis iSngmeers ACT AS CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTING ENGINEERS OPERATING MANAGERS APPRAISERS PROPERTIES FINANCED 58 SUTTER ST, SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS TRAVELERS' GUIDE. AUSTRALIA TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND. Round Trip Kate: 1st cliiss to Tahiti $135, to Wellington $2t.50, to iSydney :iOO. bpeclal Pacific Ocran Tour (including South Sea Ibles) to Sydney via TahiU. llaro tonga. and New Zealand and returning to i.r. Francisco or Vncourer) via Auckland. Fiji or Sumo, and Honolulu, 1st cUsv. Ktop'overs any point, good one year. Sail ings from San Francisco Juno 25. July August 20, eta , In ion Stamnhip Co. of New Zealand, Ltd. Office: 079 Market Street. San Francisco- EXPKESS STEAMERS FOR San ITanclaco and Loa Angeles WITHOVT CHANGK. S. S. ROSE CITY Sallu S A. M. June 26. S. S. BEAVKR duly 1. THK SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND 8. S. CO.. Ticket Oftire Sd and Washing ton. With O.-W. K. ii N. Co. Phone Marshall 4500, A 6121. UAH1A, BIO DE JANEIRO. SANTOS. UJ1M IlltU AttO KOSAKIO Large, New rd Fast Passenper Steamers from New York ererjr alternate Saturday. Tor rntea.ete apply local ticket Agents. or Comp&gme Generals Transatlantlque Direct Lin to Havre-roxia (France) New York every Thursday at 10 A. M, SAV0IE Thursday. July 3 10 LA SAVOIE July 31 TRAVELERS- OCIOBV. EXCEPTIONAL SECOND ACCOMODATIONS BY BOSTON SERVICE The S. S. (XKVELAND. CrNCIlV NATI and BUfclilER are chips of unusual tonnage, providing; spacious cabins, staterooms, and deck space. Tho Second C;ibin accommodations compare favorably in comfort and luxury with, the first cabins of Tea sels of less tonnage. From BOSTON to LONDON P.VKIS HAMBURG Cincinnati July 13 Cleveland .................. .July 29 Cincinnati Ausutit 16 Cleveland September 12 Hamburg-American Line 180 Powell St., tan Francisco, Cal.: South ern pacific Co., so 6th St.; O.-W. R. N. Co., Nor. Pacific, D. & R. G. R. R.. Burl ington Route, Milwaukee & Puget Sound P.. R.. Orsat Northern Railway Co.. Dorsey B. Smith, 09 8th St., Portland. Oreeon. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder. Sail L"very Wednesday Alternately at ti I. M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. ISt: Third St. Phones Main 1314, A 1311. LOS ANf.F.I.KS ANI SAN IIK.) BTEA.MSMll'S VALE AND H A flV ART Railroad or nny stesmer to an Francisco. t'ie lixpo Ci'y. Urutiit, fastest and the ONLY strictly f iriit-i-luss passtns-r ships on the Cdst. Avcr.B t-ped mi'ics u-i hour; cost xJ.uun.ou J ejeh. SAN FRANCISCO. I'OKTLAN I I.. A. S. N. CO.. Main 20. Irani. Uollain. Agent. A 4508. Third Strevt. COOS BAY LINE bTEAMSUIP "BitAKW lTir ails from Albers Dock, No. 8, Portland, at S A. jA. J una 4. d. 14. 19, 24. 20. July 4. a. 14, 19. --:4. 2B, thereafter every five day, a A. M. Freight received dally until 5 P. M. except day previous to sailing, previous day 4 P. M. Passenger fares: First-class, llo; second-class. $7. including berth, and meaia. Ticket office at -Albers Dock No ft rOKTLAMl Jt COOS BAY S. S. LINE. U H. K LATINO, Aj;eut. Phone Main 5863, A 611L Drain-Cocs Bay Auto Line Now Daily to Itfarshfield. Wire reservations to O. Mattoon Drain, Oregon. CLASS