Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 24, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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Not True Bill Relieves Tele
phone Company From Bond
of Its Employe.
A IogitlTe From Wyoming and Cal
ifornla ex-Convict Is Liable to
Rearrest at Any Time IT
Demand Is Made.
OREGON CITY, Or., June 23. (Spe
cial.) In the opinion of the Clackamas
county grand Jury J. C. Alnsberry, alias
C. 1 Armsberry and also known as "W.
W. "Warren" and "Bert Lawton, Is not
jrullty of assault with a "deadly weapon
and the inquisitors have returned a
not true bill In Ms case. Under this
rullnsr Alnsberry is now released from
the $1000 cash bond put up for him
by the Home Telephone Company, but
Is liable to arrest at any time as a
fugitive from the state penitentiary
at Rawlins. Wyo., and also as a fug-i-tive
and parole breaker from Kan
Quentin penitentiary, California.
Ainsberry, whose record Is pictur
esque In the extreme, was arrested at
Oswego, May 19, for shooting Fred
Ream, of Willamette, in the groin in
the course of a riot between union line
men and men in the employ of - the
Home Telephone Company. When ar
raigned he pleaded that he had shot
only in self defense, and was bound
- over in J1000 cash ball to await the
action of the grand Jury. The ball
was put up in cash, but Alnsberry, re
fused to permit the court to accep't it,
saying that he might be rearrested at
any time as a fugitive from California,
admitting that he had broken his parole
from San Quentin. He was then locked
A day or bo later he was released on
habeas corpus proceedings, brought in
his behalf by J. E. Hedges. He then
went to his home in Lents, the Home
Telephone Company putting up J1000
cash ball for him on. the charge grow
ing out of the rioting.
Following the returning of a not
true bill in his case by the grand Jury
and the release of Alnsberry from his
bonds. Wyoming and California offi
cers were notified of the status of his
case, and it is believed that both will
seek his arrest on the fugitive charges.
At the time of Governor West's visit
to Oregon City during the socialist
troubles at the mills here, the state
executive said he would not refuse to
grant extradition papers in Ainsberry's
case from either Wyoming or Califor
nia follJwing the conclusion of the
case then pending against him here.
Detectives Demand That She Pay
Reward as Was Promised.
Only by making a trip from New
York to Portland can Miss Amy Butler,
Vaudeville actress, recover her lost
$7000 diamonds, found last week by
Detectives Hyde and Vaughn after the
gems had lain burled more than a year
in a laborer's cellar. That at least is
the present status of the negotiations
in the case. after a week of tele
graphing back and forth in search of
some more convenient way of exchang
ing the diamonds and the $1000 which
Miss Butler posted as a reward.
When the detectives got a tip to the
whereabouts of the Jewels, they had
to promise their Informant tlve reward,
which Miss Butler had posted at the
time of her loss. She approved their
action, but when they dug up the gems
he began to make difficulties.
Tired of dickering with the woman.
Judge Jons announced yesterday that
he would proceed Btrlctly according to
statute, and require appearance in his
court to prove ownership before he
will give the diamonds up to anyone.
With Closing of Schools Popularity
of Playgrounds Is Attested.
Summer vacation begins today so far
practical classroom work or exam
inations are concerned. The last of
the public school examinations Is to
be held this morning, after which the
pupils will be dismissed to reassemble
for a short time on Thursday morning
to receive their grade cards.
Indications of the vacation season
are noticeable in the playgrounds of
the city. Many of the private and de
nominational schools closed last week
and the week before, and since Satur
day, the approaching lapse from work
in the public schotis has brought out
hundreds of children to all of the play
grounds during hours of sunshine.
Approximately 1000 will receive cer
tificates of promotion from the ninth
grade and may enter the high, schools
next Fall.
Union Declares Music at Rose Fes
tival Miide Poor Showing.
A movement has been started in the
Musicians' Union to adopt a resolution
declaring that no union band of less
than 25 pieces will be entered in Rose
Festival parades hereafter. This year
the union musicians were divided into
bands of 12 pieces each, which did not
make much of a showing either as
marching bodies or for the volume of
sound they produced.
Another thing that -did not please
the musicians in connection with the
recent Festival was the lack of torch
lights for the bands, which were
forced to eschew playing the latest
airs and fall back on old favorite tunes
that were known by heart.
Railroads Preparing for Record
Traffic National Holiday Week.
Railroads in the Northwest are as
sembling their passenger equipment
preparatory to handling a record
breaking Fourth of July movement. An
open fare of one-and-a-third for the
round trip has been quoted by all lines
from and to all points in the Norttiwest.
So far as Portland is concerned the
heaviest movement out of the city will
be to Astoria and Salem.
Heavy travel is predicted also to Ta
toma for the Montamira Festo and to
Grays Harbor towns for the "Splash."
At Vancouver, Wash., there will be
the usual military maneuvers.
Much Work Is Tabled for New Ad
ministration. On the ground that the new admin
istration tHouU pass on all oendins
questions regarding expenditures of
money; the Water Board yesterday laid
on the table the proposed purchase of
supplies for the last half of the pres
ent year; me proposed granting of
nevf water mains, and the settlement
of a number of important cases now
before the Board.
Yesterday was the day set for the
purchase of supplies for the last half
of the year. The awarding of contracts
was postponed with the intention of
letting Commissioner Daly who -will
have charge of the Water Department,
pass upon the amount of pipe and
other material to be purchased.
A report of Water Engineer Clarke
showed that there will be needed
within the next six months 3800 tons
of eight-inch pipe, 800 tons of six-inch
pipe and 125 tons of .special castings,
all costing $113,000.
The question of lowering the huge
service mains in the Willamette was
Miss Mary O'Langhlin.
' DRYAD, Wash., June 23. (Spe
cial.) Miss Mary O'Laughlln,
formerly of this citv and also
of Centralla, has secured a five
months" leave of absence from
her homestead in the northern
Lake County, Or., which she
filed on last Fall. The homstead
comprises 320 acres of sage brush
land and is 75 miles from Bend,
the nearest railroad station.
To reach Christmas Lake Val
ley Miss O'Laughlln takes the
train to Bend and from there a
freight wagon to Cliff, her post
office, which is four miles from
her claim.
Miss O'Laughlln also teaches.
Her school is three miles and a
half from her home and has nine
pupils. There are many settlers
and dancing and card parties are
weekly occurrences. Rural phones
are being installed.
Miss O'Laughlln expects to
have a crop of 20 acres of grain
this Fall.
delayed. The work will cost about
Committee Appointed to Confer With
Other Clubs Regarding Plans for
Perpetuating Holiday.
Entertainment for the organized del
egations which visited Portland during
the Rose Festival and were guests of
the Royal Rosarians amounted to $3000,
according to the report made at the
meeting of the Rosarians held at the
Commercial Club yesterday, besides
many large donations made by mem
bers and friends of the organization
which were not in the form of money.
Every bill for entertainment has
been settled and there is no deficit to
be made up. All of the $3000, with the
exception of $350, was paid directly out
of the funds of the Rosarians. Two
hundred and fifty dollars was sub
scribed by business men of the city,
many of whom are Rosarians, to char
ter the Hassalo for a trip up the
Columbia for the guests. The remain
ing S100 was donated to the entertain
ment fund by Fred Kribs, who was
Rex Oregonus In 1912.
The following committee was ap
pointed by Prime Minister Hofmann
to meet with committees from other
organizations Thursday to consider re
organization of the Festival: Dean
Vincent. C. C. Bortzmeyer. G. L. Baker.
F. E. Smith, R.' W. Hoyt, C. C. Craig
and R. G. Morrow.
Following committees also were ap
pointed: Salem excursion Dr. E. A. Pierce, R.
G. Morrow, H. C. McAllister, Frank
McCrillis, W. F. Ross and Robert
Potlatch excursion F. T. Hyskell, N.
G. Pike. H. J. Blaesing, F. E. Smith and
M. C. Dickinson.
Song and yell committee for both
excursions N. G. Pike, Dr. E. A. Pierce
and C. F. Berg.
Prisoner, Temporarily Freed, Tells
of Governor's Kindness Pardon
Petition Is Expected.
LA GRANDE, Or., June 23. (Special.)
Elmer Christiansen, an Oregon con
vict, arrived in La Grande tonisrht from
Elgin, where he attended the funeral
.of his sister, Mrs. Knight, who com-
VmfftAH BllixUa 1. TT
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turning to the penitentiary.
Christiansen is alone and unguarded
and says that he will return at once
to the penitientiary at Salem. He says
Governor West - purchased him a new
suit of clothes and gave hira the money
with which to make the trip. Chris
tiansen arrived in La Grande at 9
o'clock Saturday night and was met by
relatives and Jesse Hindman, of El
gin, who took him to Elgin in his au
tomobile. Christiansen says that the
Governor told him that he need hot
rush back, but to stay with his family
for a day in case they were prostrated
over the death of his sister; that his
time would go on Just the same.
Christiansen says he has been con
fined to his cell only one week, imme
diately following his incarceration in
the prison, and that since that time he
has been working on roads and sleep
ing in tents.
Christiansen's behavior- Is looked
upon by his friends as ample reason
for pardon, as he stoutly denies rob
bing the depot, for which he is serving
time, and in all probability a petition
will be rtrculated for his pardon.
William J. liana's remarkable collection
of relics of Napoleon Bonaparte Is to be sold
a uintiM In PUllad&lnhla.
v. '
Children Await Awarding of
Prizes for Gardens.
After Exhibit Juvenile Market Will
Be Opened for Sale of Fruit,
."Vegetables and Various
Things Made.
Judging the home gardens of school
children began yesterday. Many of
the children who have plots in the
school community gardens also have
plots at home or In some neighbor's
yard or vacant lot, and other children
whose schools did not go In for a com
munity garden are pinning their hopes
for prizes on the. little plots in the
home gardens. -
A preliminary Inspection of these
gardens has been made by the advisory
committee in each neighborhood. There
are three prizes for home gardens for
children of more than 13 years and
three for children under 13. The prizes
are $12, $S and $3.
The exhibition of the products of the
children's gardens will be held Friday.
The Garden Contest League was unable
to secure the Armory this year so the
exhibit will be held in the old Ladd &
Tilton Bank building at First and Stark
streets. The exhibit will be open to
the public from 1 to 10 P. M. The
building will be open to receive ex
hibits from 6 to 11 A. M.
Individual prizes, first, second and
third, will be awarded for each of the
Garden beet, largest specimen, best
four specimens; cabbage, early, larg
est specimen head, best three heads;
loose leaf lettuce, best six plants; head
lettuce, largest specimen head, best
three heads; carrot, largest specimen,
best six specimens; green onions, best
three bunches of five; peas, best 24
pods; potatoes, early, best 12 tubers;
radish, turnip shape, best three bunches
of four; radish, long- variety, best three
bunches of four; turnip, largest speci
men, -best four specimens.
The judges of the exhibits will be
Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, Mrs. W. II. Fear,
Timothy Pearson, Mark Levy and
Ralph R. Routledge.
The Juvenile market will -be opened
the morning of the exhibit when the
prize vegetables and all others exhib
ited will be offered for sale. All children
of school age may bring to the market
for sale all sorts of vegetables, flowers
and fruits grown by them or given
them for the harvesting. They may
also sell anything- that they have mad
Many of the girls are planning to bring
to the market cakes, pies, bread and
canned fruit. The boys will bring fur
niture, hanging-baskets, bird-houses
and many other things.
The officehs of the association are:
President, Stuart Cox, Brooklyn School;
first vice-president, Helen M. Cleft,
Holman School; second vice-president,
Fred Crossette, Buckman School; sec
retary, Cecelia Russer, Peninsula
School; treasurer, Elmer Foster, Wood,
lawn School; auditor, Alfred Teller,
Mount Tabor School
New Bills Open at the
Vaudeville Houses
A QUAINT doddering old Hebrew,
full of those witticisms which
whether dealing with mercenary or
amorous matters, have made the chosen
race famous the wide world over; a
ne'er-do-well son and a stay-at-home
daughter; these three characters in
"Son of Solomon," comprise a sketch
which, in the hands of Hugh Herbert
and his company, is deservedly the hit
of the whole bill at the Empress this
Without Herbert it is difficult to
imagine the play a success; he is so
very lifelike, so natural, so completely
at his ease as this Hebraic antique.
Briefly it is the old story of money
taken from the bank, hiden at home
and the secret entrusted by father to
daughter who in turn guilelessly hands
it on to the son. But not with the
inevitable result, for this time a phono
graph prevents either theft or patricide
by the son and. a moving-picture film
is put to novel use as showing the
state of the son's mind when he thinks
he has killed his sister.
A father and son act opens the bill.
Thomas Wilton and Robert Merrick
providing as they put it, "a feat or two,
on a bar or two, with a laugh or two,"
which is correct except as far as the
number of feats, bars or laughs go, for
all may be multiplied.
Elliot and West, clever clowns, both
white faced and black dressed, give
good exhibitions of grotesque dancing
which keeps the audience's feet tap
ping in sympathetic harmony, and then
Gilmore and La Tour not only keep up
the fun but increase it. He is a man
with a fine bass voice, used to ex
cellent effect and with great clarity;
she is a. girl with a giggle as infec
tious as It was seemingly spontaneous.
Mae Dolly and Charles Mack gave
selections on -violin and banjo, which
varied from serious opera to gay musi
cal comedy hits and all the latest rags.
Tempo and touch of both are good and
selections varied .
As a wind-up to a fine bill there are
beautiful maidens and handsome men
in poses taken from Greek statues,
from famous paintings and historical
occasions. The scenic effects are beau
tiful and the poseurs shapely.
EVERY act is of top-notch quality at
Pantages Theater. Not one offer
ing that isn't well worth while and it
all blends together into a mighty fine
"The Girls From the Golden West"
head the bill. There's six of them, five
beside the leader. They wear gorgeous
uniforms, changing a half dozen times
and appearing at the last In spangled
one-piece garments of unusual beauty.
Each plays a horn of some variety.
Cora Youngblood Corson is the lead
er and has a solo specialty on a horn
almost as big as the stage and which
completely hides her when she plays It.
Esthellita, an exquisitely graceful
dancer of Spanish dances, has a great
big place on the programme. She is
a whirlwind of beautiful motion.
Ed Vinton and his almost human ca
nine. Buster, are absolutely wonders.
Apparently without signals. Buster
goes through amazing tricks and obeys
suggestions that attest not only his
own sagacity but the patience and
kindness of his master.
Two exceptionally talented and pret
ty girls are Misses Adair and Hickey.
One of them, a Titian-haired beauty,
keeps the piano from being lonesome
and the other, a slender, supple bit of
dainty glrlishness, ragtimes in song
and dance all over the place.
Those four kids Brown, Wood, Bar
ry and Dore have a lot of what they
call youthful pranks. They sing de
lightfully, exchange jokes and make
puns. and. wind up with a dance of the
rapid-fire" sort. They were called back
a dozen times, but for that matter so
Damascus Dairies are located amid healthful and sani
tary surroundings these factors are the essentials of
Pure Milk.
Always Look for the Trade Mark Cap
Dairies Must Measure
Up to Established
T AM ASCIIS quarterly "dairy scor-J-'
ing" means a rigid inspection of
the cows and the premises wherein
they are quartered. Absolute sanita
tion is demanded and at all times main-
tained. The results
on file at the City Hall and are at all
times open to the public. Such thor
ough methods of inspection, coupled
with DAMASCUS transportation facil
ities and service methods, assure the
consumer of milk of the very highest
At All Reliable Grocers or
Delivered By Us
Quality, Not Price, Should Guide You
in Choosing Your Milk
EAST32'qo r fir b 6153 J -
S Samascusyiectineiy
was everything else on the bilL The
opening act is a comedy splash Harry
Fisher and company said company
consisting of one cyclist on big wheels,
little wheels, half wheels and trick
JESSE L. LASKY, who makes a spe
cialty of sending Importations into
the vaudeville world, has sent his new
est and best to headline this week's
Orpheum bill. "Trained Nurses" is Its
title and there's a dozen of them, all
beauties, all good dancers, all good
singers, garbed in white uniforms and
making a play world out of the san
itarium atmosphere. A dignified doc
tor, and a flirtatious "matron," and
one frisky patient with a special nurse
to hold his hand and listen to his heart
beats. These are the principals.
The patient is Henry Bergman, tal
ented in toes and voice; the nurse is
Gladys Clark, also a past-graduate In
Of headline caliber is "Kick In." the
story of stylish crooks, written and
staged by Willard Mack, and played
by that excellent stage craftsman, his
lovely wife, Marjorie Rambeau. and
two assistants. There's not one min
ute of time wasted in the action and
not one minute that isn't chuck full of
intellect. Mack is Chick Hewes, Miss
Rambeau is Molly Hewes, hotel
thieves. How they plan a get-away
after a big Jewel robbery, are almost
captured and their clever outwitting of
the detective is told in the sketch.
Mack is at his best, and, as we all
know who have Been '-him in traveling
productions and stock, that best is
splendid. He is a convincing, finished
artist. Miss Rambeau plays the role
of the girl thief Molly with indescrib
able sincerity. She makes the role
dominant, and It fairly shrieks truth.
One of - the really sparkling little
teams of a dozen that have come and
gone Is ' fluffy-topped Muggins Davis,
and her dancing-singing-chattering
partner, Walter De Leon. Their song
hits are from "The Campus," written
by Mr. De Leon.
The Le Grohs, two boneless men and
a woman, also boneless, give a pos
itively hair-raising demonstration of
contortion work. Their act Is truly
marvelous. 1
Professor Ota Gygl, a picturesque
youth, took the house by storm with
his exquisite violin music
Cecile Beresford. an English com
edienne, offers character Bongs, some
of them at the piano. Lew Hoffman,
the hat maniac, opens the biU with a
Juggling specialty.
THE weekly turn of the Lyric pro
gramme presents an exceptionally
rich show. It is one of the best in
musical numbers which has been seen
at the stock house for some time. "Sin
bad the Sailor" is the title of the mu
sical melange.
The story is about as follows: Sin
bad is a truly heroic sailor, played by
the charming Ilene Edwards. His love,
portrayed by Kate Carlson, is kid
napped by a pirate chieftain, TIney Sny
der. Some striking sailors get on board
and sink the ship to carry on the plot.
Half the band is hurled onto an island,
populated only by pretty women. They
have not seen a man In ages and Im
mediately adopt those of the wrecked
steamer. Of course that Is the end of
the story.
Lew Dunbar, Frank Confer and Billy
Onslaw furnish most of the comedy as
the three members of the hobos' trust.
Their refusal to work saves the day
in several instances. .
Ilene Edwards and the- chorus made
one of the biggest hits In weeks with
their singing of an old favorite, "Cud
dle Up a. Little Closer." As an encore
they gave the song "Splash Me," made
famous by Alice Lloyd.
Tlney Snyder was at his best. He
sang "Son of the Desert."
Kate Carlson and the Romlg twins
made good In their specialties, the
two little members of Keating &
Flood's company winning . their ap
plause with an Indian song.
of "scoring"
Platform Declared to Be Simple,
Chief Tenet Being Complete
Before an audience made up of stu
dents of art and prominent society folk,
Mrs. H. C. Wortinan. who recently at
tended the international art exhibition
in New York, gave her Impressions of
the impressionists, post-impressionists
and other modern schools of art that
have provoked so much discussion at
LM A" museum yesterday. Apropos
of the new movement Mrs. Wortman
"Impressionism Is still a difficult
vruuiem ior many; and add to this
greater subtleties of conception, fur
ther strangeness of technique, and in
some cases an entirely new idea as to
Subiect. and nro fa v. .
...o DuuuiciftCU 111 tL
mist of confusion and uncertainty. To
" raisi ii is necessary to
enter sympathetically into the prob
lems Of the nSW TTirvamnn l. ..I.. I
to the impulse given to the other arts.
mi niemLure ana music and to the times
and conditions out of which it has
The platform of the Impressionists.
. mrnpie, tne chief tenets
i ma movement Delng "complete spon.
taneity independent nf mi o
outer nature swift, succlnt and power.
Metuuun oi symDolic color.
Matisse. Van dna-yt a.T.i. j, .
zanne. the fomrunnAva v. .
" . . v. . j vy j. mc luuveuivai,
' ' wcvitarcu, an serious of ln-
iciiiiuu, ana sne added that she believed
the latter mn t .
i-it5so ana uu
Champ the latter the painter of the
iNuae .Descending the
Stair, were also serious. These men,
she said, sometimes were called the
post-post impressionists. "They are the
men who have called down the ava
lanche of criticism and concern with
their geometrical forms, cubes and
: - i
Report Is That Many Flimsy Secu
rities Are Accepted Giving Of
fenders Chance to Get Away.
Latest of numerous instances, of the
flimsy security furnished by many ball
bonds given in Municipal Court, the
case of Charles McAlpin, alleged ab
sconder from an appealed sentence of
80 days, .was partially threshed out
yesterday and will be finally deter
mined today. Contention is based on
the question whether the court was
Justified in holding $250 deposited by
Paul Spath for McAlpin beyond the
time when he was convicted and an
appeal taken.
The bondsman, with his attorney,
was present yesterday, asking that the
money be released, but Deputy District
Attorney Deich resisted, and promised
to show that the bail was at the com
mand of the court until final disposi
tion of the case. He will present au
thorities this morning. He also alleges
that Spath did not in fact furnish the
money, but merely advanced it as a
loan to McAlpin's sister.
McAlpin, as keeper of the Bay City
lodging-house, was convicted of ac
cepting a deposit from a lodger and
then repudiating the transaction when
the lodger asked for the return of his
money. Other evidence was offered to
sue? jun t
if H w m
Washington Street. Corner 12th, PORTLAND, Or. Charles H. Rowley. Mgr.
Auto bus meets trains and boats. 150 rooms. Fireproof. Modern. First
Class. Both Telephones. Room rate per day, with bath privilege 1 SI SO
12; with private bath, $1.50. 2, 2.50. 3. '
show that the place has been the scene
of much rudeness toward transient
guests. On being convicted, McAlpin
gave notice of appeal and is not now
to be found. It had been agreed by
both sides that the bond was to re
main up, but Spath asserts that it was
his money and that this was done
without his consent.
While the few professional bondsmen
around local courts keep well under
cover and have given no cause for scan
dal, it Is possible for one on the inside
to bilk the authorities under the sys
tem in vogue, and it is often done. At
the best, when a bond is forfeited, it is
necessary to bring civil suit against
the bondsmen, and there are numerous
cases where this has not been done be
cause the bondsmen were not worth
a suit. Cases have occurred where co
defendants have given bond for each
other and both were worthless. Cer
tain unscrupulous attorneys have fre
quent resort to this device and. after
being convicted, give notice of appeal
furnish a straw bond and allow it to be
forfeited, knowing that It is not col
Saul Silverflelr, In Damage Suit,
Denies Malice.
Saul Silverfield, furrier, defendant in
the $25,000 suit brought by Ross C.
Barnes, formerly an employe in his
store, for alleged malicious prosecution
and false arrest, was on the stand in
his own behalf yesterday. He relter
ated the belief, which he expressed at
the time he caused the arrest of
Barnes, that the furs which he found
in the store of a rival furrier, M. L.
Gumbert, bearing the letter "S" were
really his. He declared that he had
acted in good faith in causing the ar
rest of Barnes.
Several of his employes. Including
Mrs. u. Hart, D. a., Applegate and Mrs
Delia Carter, were witnesses In his
behalf. Mrs. Hart testified that Barnes
had informed her that he was going to
leave Silverfleld's employ and engage
in the fur business for himself. Others
stated that . Barnes, as foreman, held
the key of the storeroom and that they
had to apply to him when they needed
One of the Incidents of the trial
which caused considerable comment
and amusement was testimony to the
effect that Silverfield marked his
goods at the bottom price at which he
would allow them to leave the store
and that he gave his employes a third
of all they could get over and above
the marked prices.
Judge Davis yesterday overruled a
motion for non-suit presented at the
end of the plaintiff's evidence.
Columbia Theater
Sixth and Washington streets.
Prorrummfl Pathe'a WsHtlr. "Tli Moth
ering Heart" (drama) "Mmokrd to a tn
th" (comedy), "Cupid's Lariat" (comedy),
new sode by Mrs. Brash, soprano; orch
estra, uptn ironi 1 4 A, a. to 11 X . Ja.
Cor. Vaughn and Tvrenty-fonrta Sts.
JL'.N K S3, 24. 25. 28. ST. 28. 2.
Games Brgln Weekdaya at 3:15 I. M.
&undaya -i30 r. 91.
Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers
Portland Famoiy Hotel
vi 1 1 1 vuniitt i4ii(ut,uii tuui
Hotel Cornelius
In the theater and shopping district, one block
from any carline; rates $1.00 per day and up; with
bath, $1.50 per day and up.
Take our Brown Auto 'Bus.
C. W. Cornelius, President. . E. Fletcher. Manager
Portland's Newest and Most Magnificent Hostelry.
Opened March 4th. 191. -"
Five hundred elegantly furnished rooms, nearly all
with private baths: 100 specially equipped sample-rooms
for the commercial trade. Located oa Broadway rignt
in the heart of the city.
When tn Seattle Stop at the Hotel Seattle.
Fourteenth and "Washington Streets.
Rooms, with bath, $1.50 day.
Rooms without bath, $1.00 day.
All outside rooms, fireproof construction.
Special rates for permanent guests.
Ross Finnegan, Mgr. Victor Brandt, Propr.
Absolutely Fireproof
100 rooms Jl.SO per day
200 rooms (with bath)Z.OO per Jay
10 rooms (with bath)$I.S0 per day
Add 1.00 per day to above prices
when two occupy one room.
If. C rtOWERS. Manaaer.
MAIN 1. A 1122
lower floor SI. Balcony "5c, 50c
Lew Fields' All-Star Cast, in
Max Rngrrn, Boblir North, Harry Cooper,
Clay Smith, Artlinr Carlton, Christine
Ninann. Myrtle (.ilhrrt. lora May. Vir
ginia EnuR, I'rrcy Writer, (Wm.) Mont
gomery & Moore (ElorcDco)
Evenlnps ?, $1.50. Jl. 75c. 50c. Satur
day Matinee, $1.50, $1, 75c 50c
Main 3. A 5S60
Geo. L- aker.Mcr.
All "Week Mats. Wed. and Sat.
First Time In This City.
Dramatized from the widely read novel
of Rex Beach, by Charles Klein, by authol
of "The Barrier" and "The Spoilers." Even
ings 25c, 35c. and 50c. Matinees Wednes
day and Saturday. Only 25c. Next week
"The Girl tn the Taxi.
Mala A Hit.
Mack and Rambrau Offer "Kirk In."
Professor Ota Gyrrl, Vloiinifit.
Walter le I .eon and "MnirKin" Daries.
The LeGrohs. European N'oTelty.
Lew Hoffman. Hat Maniac.
Cecile Beretitord, Comedienne.
Any Matineo Seat 13 Cents
Hueh Herbert Co.
ModelH de Luxe.
4 Other Headline Acts 1
Rroadwav and Alder Streets
Ed Vinton and ioK. 1'antaReacope. La
Estrelllta. ramons etpanisb. dancina- oeaui ;
Cora Y". Corson's Sextette. Tbose Fonr Kldc.
Harrr Fisher & Co.. Adair & Hickey. in
"A Revelation in Ragtime." I'opular prices.
Boxes and first row balcony reserved. Box
office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M.
Phones A 2236, Main 4636. Curtain, 2: JO,
7:15 and 9:10 o'clock.
Lit mi, r tii 1 1 ii uu 1 . ...... - - -
added feature, "THE BAREFOOT DANCE:"
the American Opera Company will present
"SIN BAD." a comedy M-rcaio a musical
treat. Tuesday night, athletic contest; Fri
day night, chorus girls' contest. Night, 15c,
25c. Matinee, any seat. 15c.
4 P. 31. AND 9:30 P. M.
Cars at First and Alder.
Launches Morrison Bridge.