Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 21, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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. SATURDAY. JUNE 21. 191S. -t .
' 1 , I, . T f A
..g g pasgment-aoaa fountain ana ice Vr earn Parlors in Basement-Vudor Porch Shades, Summer Furniture, Draperies-Third Floor
Mamcuring and Hairdressing Parlors, 2d Floor-Automatic Refrigerators, Laxvn Mowers, Garden Hose, Etc., 3d Floor -Standa7dCentral Needle Seizing Machines7dir.
'Candy Day9
At the Main Floor Bargain Circle
for today, hundreds of pounds of
delicious Fresh Candies on sale at
special reduced prices. Try a pound.
Sporting Goods
Fourth Floor
Tennis and Baseball goods, Fishing
Tackle, Tents, Camp Cots, Hammocks,
Porch Swings, Go-Carts, Wheel goods,
etc. Complete line at lowest prices.
ds. W orttman & Kin
Saturday Store Hours 9:30 A. M. to 9:30 P. M.
Home Journal
We are principal Portland agents for
Home Journal Patterns and-publications.
Ask for a copy of "Good
Dressing" at the Pattern Counter.
Vacation needs can best be supplied
at this store. Trunks, Suitcases,
Bathing Suits, Motor Coats, Sweat
ers, Outing Hats, etc., at low prices.
White Sale Ends TodayAnticipate Your Summer
Every White Article Reduced Except Contract Lines HVt- Green Trading Stamps Given With All Cash Purchases
Sale Men's Norfolk Suits $12.45
Boys' $5.00 Suits $3.65
Main Floor Young men's Norfolk
Suits of splendid wool materials
in plain colors and neat stripe pat
terns. Smart, snappy styles that
appeal to all young fellows who
want the newest to be had. Reg
ular values to $20 P10 a
special at only P JL 42
Main Floor Here's an extra spe
cial bargain in Boys' Knickerbock
er Suits. Fancy gray, brown and
tan mixtures, mostly in double
breasted .styles some have 2 pairs
of pants. Well made and standard
$5.00 values. Sizes 6 ZQ
to 17. For today at
Sale of Men's, Young Men's Pants
Men's Store, Main Floor Made from the best materials obtainable and
tailored by men who do nothing else but make pants. A great variety
of patterns to select from fancy mixtures or neat stripe effects. Cut
full or semi-peg with turned belt loops and with or without cuffs. Don 't
miss this splendid opportunity. Full line of sizes. Note reductions:
Men's $3.00 Pants on Special Sale at $2.45 a Pair
Men's $3.50 Pants on Special Sale at $2.85 a Pair
Men's $4.00 Pants on Special Sale at $3.15 a Pair
No Charge Made for Alterations in This Special Sale
1500 Men's High-Grade Shirts, 95c Ea.
Men's $1.50 Knit Silk Ties 89c $1 Belts at 75c
Special sale of men's Leather
Belts, in gray, tan and black.
Made from plain split leather, pin
seal and walrus. Hand turned
and sewn with plain metal or pat
ent buckles. Regular $1 7
values, special Saturday JL
Main Floor You have often paid
from $1.25 to $1.50 for no better
Shirts. Styled with soft cuffs
and detachable soft collar to
match, plain colors and fancy
stripe designs. Full line Q
sizes. Sale price, only'''
Main Floor Special Saturday
sale of Men's English Crochet
and Accordion-knit Ties also in
attractive lace effects. Plain col
ors and fancy bar patterns. Beau
tiful assortment of color- QQ
ings. All silk, $1.50, atOiC
Agents for Bachelor's Friend Hose
The best wearing, best looking Hose made at the
price. Come in popular shades and in sizes 9 to 12.
Put up two, three or four pairs to the box 1.00
A New Line of Men's Motor Coats
Linens, Reps, Alpaca, etc. good serviceable dust
shedding garments that are almost a necessity. All
styles and all sizes. Priced at 52.50 up to jglO
$4.00 Handbags at $2.89
Leather Goods, Main Floor
Women 's high-grade leather Handbags full leather-lined
with fancy engraved or plain frames. Extra well constructed
and styled with round or gusset bottom and in- CJO OQ
side coin purse. Regular $4.00 grade, at only pwOl
35c Fancy Ribbons, 22c Yd.
Full Line Velvet Ribbons
Main Floor Fancy Bulgar
ians, Dresdens, .Novelty
stripes and plaids also plain
Taffetas and Moire in every
desirable shade. Widths from
4 to 6 inches. Reg- O
ular 35c Ribbon, at"
Main Floor As usual, we
show the most extensive line
of Velvet Ribbons in the
city. Any desired width in
black and all leading colors.
Portland's greatest ribbon
store here. Look them over.
300 Trimmed Hats, Today at $2.89 Ea.
$3.50 Panama Shapes at $2.29
Second Floor Todav we will
sell over 300 beautiful trimmed
Hats at a mere fraction of their
real worth. Very newest shapes
and trimmings and CJO OQ
best grads straws Oi
Special one-day sale of Peanut
and Panama Shapes the same
grade you see elsewhere at $3.50.
Very neat and serviceable for
outing wear. . On PO OQ
sale, special, only p&.&Z
Hiah-Grade Hat Shanes at 79c
W Hemp and Peanut Straws
ff jYuiiinery uepanmenx, becona loor inal clean-up of high-grade
; Hat Shapes today. Several hundred in this special lot. A wide
V, variety of styles in small, medium or large shapes and all the 7Q
W5 wanted colors. First quality hemp and peanut straws, at iC
Antr tny St tT r. IP.. A1 Ck. Tm nr-i-j -r i
New Novelty Neckwear 58c
Hundreds of Late Effects
Dept. Main Floor Imperials, Jabots, Stocks, Frills, Dainty
Shadow Lace effects and Crepe Novelties; many of these
shown at this store only. Any woman who loves pretty neck
wear will find rare bargains in this collection. Over
a thousand pieces to select from. Choose them at"C)C
Spec'l Stationery Sale
Three Splendid Bargains
Stationery Dept., Main Floor The following items will be
on sale today Saturday only at the prices quoted below.
Complete stock, Favors, Score Cards, Table Decorations, etc.
5 Quires HuTd's Linen 59c
Hurd's Damask Linen, 120 sheets to the pound. Regular
price 20c quire, now 5 quires 125 Envelopes for 5J)
Gold Edge Correspondence Cards 19c
Gold Edge Correspondence Cards 24 cards and 24 envelopes
to the box. Regular 35c grade, priced for this sale at 19
90 Sheets 0. W. K. Paper 15c
Our famous "O.W.K. Special" Pound Paper 90 sheets for
X5 50 envelopes to match, Saturday, Special at 15
Women's Large 'Waitress' Aprons 39c
women's overall b itted Aprons 69c
Center Circle, First Floor Women's
Fitted Aprons, large Coverall style, with
sleeves. Made from best grade ginghams
in neat stripe and check patterns. Ex-
Center Circle, First Floor Supply the
Apron needs today at a special low
price. Women's large white "waitress"
Aprons with strap bibs also large,
square gingham aprons, fitted O
style. Well made. Special only-''
cellent values at this low price. JQ
Placed on sale for today at only vi?C
Women's $4 and $5 Shoes at $3.35
All Popular Lasts and All Sizes
Shoe Department, Main Floor An opportunity to buy high-grade stylish footwear
at a remarkable saving. All perfect, new stock, just received from one of America's
largest makers of fine footwear. Women's Pumps, Oxfords and Boots in velvet,
suedes, patents, satins, white nubuck and linen, on the latest lasts". Also several
hundred pairs Men's Shoes and Oxfords of tan Russia, tan, willow, gun- t Q Q EZ
metal and velour calf, in button or blucher styles, $4 and $5 Shoes at PJ. 3L
Girls9 Summer Coats V2 Price
Ages 2 to 14 Years
LfiUdren s Wear, Second Floor-
of Children's Coats at jnst half
Attractive styles in Norfolk and
wide range of materials, inciudin
made and trimmed. Broken lines
$2.85 Coats
$3.75 Coats
$4.50 Coats
$5.50 Coats
now S1.S8
now S2.25
now $2.75
Special one-dav sale
regular marked price,
plain box effects, in a
g wool and linen. Well
of season ?s best styles :
$' 6.50 Coats now S3.25
$ 8.75 Coats now S4.38
$10.50 Coats now 5.25
$12.75 Coats now $6.38
Children's Coats 1-4 Off
Ages 2 to 6 Years Special line of Children's stvlish
new Coats in the popular Norfolk models also in plain
tailored style with belted back. Large sailor collar and
cults ol contrasting materials. Good assortment of neat
-i- -. i , , . . . . .
check and mixed rjatterns.
$3.85 Coats now 2.89
$4.25 Coats now S3.19
$6.85 Coats now S5.14
$7.25 Coats now- $5.44
On sale at One-Fourth Off
$ 8.25 Coats now $8.19
$ 8.75 Coats now S6.56
$10.00 Coats now S7.50
$12.50 Coats now $9.38
Children's Coats 1-4 Off
Ages 6 to 14 years Smart new Bulgarian and Norfolk
models in three-quarter lengths; also full-length styles
with belted back and large collars. Many attractive
coats of plain red, navy, shepherd checks, fancy mix
tures, stripes, etc. This lot on sale today, a fourth off.
$ 5.85 Coats now $4.39
$ 7.50 Coats now S5.G3
$10.50 Coats now $7.88
$12.50 Coats now $9.38
$15.50 Coats at $11.63
$19.50 Coats at $14.63
521.00 Coats at $15.78
$22.50 Coats at $16.8S
Children's Dresses at 1-3 Off
Ages 6 to 14 Years Dept. Second Floor
Plain blue and brown serge, shepherd
checks, etc., in two-piece sailor, Peter
Thompson's and fancy Xorfolks; also one
piece waist styles. Neatly trimmed with
braids, pipings, fancy buttons, etc. Prices:
Children's $ 9.75 Dresses, now at $ 6.50
Children's $10.50 Dresses, now at $ 7.00
Children's $15.50 Dresses, now at $10.34
Wash Dresses at 1-4 Off
k. Ages 6 to 14 Years Percales and ginghams,
'- reps, ratine, linens, chambrays, etc., in plain
kJ colors, checks and stripes. Russian blouse,
one-piece Dorothy, Norfolk and Bulsrarian
styles. $2 to $10.50 at $1.50 to $7.88
Children's Waist Style Dresses at 98c
Children's Bloomer Dresses 98c
Chambrays, Percales and Ginghams in
pleasing patterns, dainty waist styles
with low neck and 6hort sleeves.
Age 6 to 14 years. Priced at
Children's Bloomer-style Dresses of seer
sucker and madras. Plain or Bulgarian
belts and trimmings. Light rQQ-
dark. Ages 2 to 6 years. OnlyOC
June White Sale of Women's Summer Underwear, Gloves. Hosiery. Parasols
Women's "Crestwood" Union Suits at 48c
"Richelieu" Union Suits $1.00
Women's 65c "Crestwood"
fine White Lisle Union Suits,
high neck, long sleeves and
ankle length. Regu-Xi.0
65c grade, special at"Ol
Richelieu white lisle thread
Union Suits, low neck, sleeve
less style, with tight - fitting
knee. All sizes. jj f ffh
Priced, garment " "
Women's Fine Sleeveless Vests. Special at 31c
Swiss Ribbed Sleeveless Vests, Special at 48c
Women's Outsize Silk Lisle Hosiery at 39c
women's suk Lisle Hose 31c
Women's outsizes silk lisle
Hose in medium weight for
present wear. High spliced
heels, double soles and QQ,
tans. June Sale trice2't
Women's fine white silk lisle
Hose. Double garter welt, dou
ble soles and toe, high spliced
heel. June White Sale 91
price at. the oair. for5-I-t
"Burson" Full Fashioned Hose, 3 Pairs, $1.00
muarens indestructible Hose, 3 Pairs, $1.00
"Eskay" White Kid Gloves for $1.57 Pair
tC AT V V V- -m -m ,
r ownes" L,ong nm uioves $3.50
Women's Eskay fine French
Kid Gloves; two-clasn 6tvle
with Paris point backs, over-
seam sewn. Un
sale at, the pair
Women 's 16-button length
French Glace Kid Gloves, three
pearl clasp at wrist and over
seam sewn. All tf? O T f
! sizes at. the pair PJ.JJ
O. W. K. Imported LambsRin Clnv Pnif 5l 17
Women's Long Lisle Gloves, Special Price 45c
Plain Taffeta Silk Parasols, Special, $1.95
women's tancy rarasols $2.50
Plain Taffeta Silk Parasols in
newest shades, long black
handles, gilt frames, silk cord
tassels. On sale P M Q fi?
each, priced at liJ
Fancy SilK Parasols,
Women 's Parasols in black and
white stripis, novelty combin
ation and plain colors. Long
handles. Silk (Pp fiTl
cord and tassel pw0l
India Style," at $3.50
New Line Children's Satin Parasols at $1.25
Saturday's Special Sale of Drugs and Toilet Articles
irus wepaxiuiem,, mam jcioor just wnen everyone is planning the Summer outing comes a splendid opportunity to lay in a supply of Toilet Needs at
special reduced prices. Owing to the extreme low prices Quoted here it will be imnossible for 11C in fill tloi-tViArio rxy f T J . il. .
-right to .limit quantities sold to any one person. Take advantage of these extraordinary low prices. S. & H. Green Trading Stamn with ,h r,w.
5c Ivory or Fairy Soap; Special Price, the CaKe, 3c
Imported Bocabella Castile Soap (Large CaKe), 75c
Soaps Will Be Delivered Only with other purchases
Imported Castile Soap, cake at 8
Pears' Unscented Soap, cake llf
Scott's Toilet Paper, dozen at 95?
15c Whisk Brooms for only, ea.,
50c Scott's Paper Towels, only 35
50c Soap Lake Salts for only 25
25c Petroleum, one pound, only 10J
$1 4711 Violet Vegetal at only 65
25c Imperial Talcum Powder 19
25c Sanitary Belts, now only 1J
15c Hand Scrubs, special at onlv 8?
25c "Zeltz" for Tired Feet, at 15
50c Sempre Giovine at only 2j
75c Pompeiiau Massage Cream 4i)J
Listerine, 7-ounce size, at only 35
Glycothymol, six-ounce size, at 39
Peroxide, half-pound size, only SJ
Dioxogen Med., special, at only 37
Absorbent Cotton, one pound 21
Borax, full pound, special only 8J
Boraxo, special sale price only 17
Delatone, Saturday special at 75
Mercolized Wax, special only 65j
Saxolite on sale today, at only 45p
Sperm Wax, Saturday, at only 39
Pond's Extract Med., special 39
Witch Hazel, 16-ounce size at 19i
Bathasweet, special at only 17
Bathadora, large size, at only 65?
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur at 79
Pinaud's Eau de Quinine at 75
Danderine, small size, at only 19
Herpieide, large size, at only 79
Canthrox. special today, at 35
Swedish Hair Powder, now at 45(J
$;.00 Lambert's Listerine at 65
Melba Facial Cream, at only 50
Melba Face Powder, 25 50
Braman's Stomach Powders, two
sizes, priced at 50 and $1.00
35c Nail Files, all sizes, only 19
35c and 50c Pure Gum Bathing
Caps, two styles, special only 250
Lyon 'a Tooth Powder at only 12?
Calox Tooth Powder, at only 19
Graves' Tooth Powder at only 12
Rubifoam, special sale, only 19?
Euthynol, special sale price at 15
Pebeco Tooth Paste, now at 280
Lavoris, special sale price at 390
Kondon's Catarrh Jelly, now 390
Olive Oil, 1-quart size, only 790
Household Ammonia, a bottle 100
Napthaline Camphor at only 100
Packer's Tar Soap, the cake 150
Stuart's Buttermilk Soap only 190
Certified Complexion Soap at 120
Eclipse Peroxide Soap, box at 190
Vichy, special for today only 390
Kissenger, special today, only 4O0
Lithia, three grains, special 190
Seidlitz Powders, now at only 80
Carter's Little Liver Pills at 150
Anti Kamnia Tablets, now at 190
Bromo Seltzer, sale price at 390
Maurine Eye Remedy at only 190
Pierce's Remedies today for 790
Swamp-Root, small size, at 390
Ozomulsion, special . at only 790
Scott's Emulsion, special only 450
Augier's Emulsion, small size 400
Milk of Magnesia, special at 410
' ' Exposition ' ' Toilet Paper,
1500 sheets to the roll, 1O0
Sale of Gevurtz Stock
of Kitchen Utensils and Household Needs
Continues Today
Everything Marked About V2 Off
Cut Glass, Silverware, Chinaware, Glassware, Kitchen Utensils, House
furnishings, etc. the greatest opportunity Portland people have yet had
to buy high-grade, home furnishings. As fast as we can mark and ar
range the stock if will be placed on sale in Basement at and below half.
Consisting of Olives, Spoon Trays, Nappies, Handled Bon Bon
Dishes. Comports, Relish Dishes, Etc. A shipment just received
by Gevurtz from Quaker City Glass Co. Beautiful Patterns.
Wonderful bargains in Cooking Utensils, Decorated China, Fancy Art
Pottery, Jardiniere.s, Casseroles, 5 o 'Clock Tea Kettle and Stands, Elec
tric Portables. Odd lines open-stock Dinner Ware suitable for Summer
cottages on 5c, 10c and 15c tables. Remember new goods are bein
added as fast as we can get to them. On sale in the Basement store5.
Basement Sale Trim'd Hats $1.98
In the Basement Your unrestricted choice of any trimmed Hat in the Basement today
at $1.98. Over 500 beautiful new hats to select from. This season's most ap- 7 f QD
proved styles in all popular straws with richest of trimmings. Hats to $10 at P L.sCy
Women's $25 Tailor 'd Suits $9.98
In the Basement Odd lines of Women's Fine Tailored Suits on sale today at a ridicu
lously low price. Fancy mixtures, diagonals, worsteds, etc., also a few in 0 QQ
cream serges. Mostly in plain tailored styles suitable for general wear. $25 at
O. W. K. Imperial Roast Coffee
Regular 40c Grade, the Pound gy fry
Grocery, Bakery and Delicatessen Departments 1 J
on the Fourth Floor. Coffee will not be delivered ttij Cl
except with other purchases. Phone your orders.
" f II
i ,
Government Considers Oregon Prod
uct for PostofXlce.
Samples of Oregon stone from the
leading quarries of the state are to be
placed In the hands of the proper au
thorities in Washington, in the cam
paign to have the new postofflce build
1ns constructed of local stone. A letter
received at the Chamber of Commerce
from Congressman Lafferty informs the
Chamber that an order has already
been issued from the offlce of the Sec
retary of the Treasury to the effect
that Northwestern quarrymen and
stonemen shall be given & chance to
offer their bids on furnishing stone for
the new building.
The movement to secure favorable
consideration of Oregon stone from the
Government authorities has been car
ried on by the Chamber in conjunction
with the Manufacturers' Association
and the Stonecutters' Union.
A letter from the Department of the
Treasury requests that samples of Ore
gon stone be sent and all 'owners of
quarries in the state are to be requested
to furnish to the secretary of the Port
land Chamber of Commerce their com
panies' names and addresses and com
plete data concerning the quality of
stone they are able to furnish. Each
quarryman will be requested to send
samples of the output of his quarry
to his Congressman, to be deposited
with the proper officials in the Treas
ury Department.
AVoodburn Re-Elects Two.
WOODBURN, Or., June 20. (Special.)
At the regular school election, held
here Monday, A. E. Austin was unan
imously re-elected school director and
Vv". J. Mishler was re-elected clerk.
Assessments on Franchises Are in
Controversy In Some Cases.
With a view to Instructing the Dis
trict Attorney's office to take such
legal action as may be necessary to col
lect the amounts or clear them from the
books in case they are uncollectible
the County Commissioners have ob
tained a list of the larger amounts due
as personal taxes for past years. The
largest amount, more than $13,000. is
due from the Paclfio Telephone & Tel
egraph Company. Others delinquent
are the Western Union Telegraph Com
pany, the Postal Telegraph & Cable
Company and the Title Ouarantee &
Trust Company, the last named of
which is In the hands of a receiver.
The taxes against the telephone and
telegraph companies are on their fran
chises. The county beat them in a test
case to which the Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph Company was a party in the
Circuit and Supreme Courts of the
state. Then the telephone company
applied to the Federal Court and ob
tained a temporary injunction. This
was in February, 1912. The county ap
pointed L. R. Webster to defend and in
August, 1912, he filed a demurer. It
has never been argued and the tem
porary Injunction still stands. The
outcome of this case will control as to
the other two companies.
In the Title Guarantee & Trust Com
pany case District Attorney Evans has
filed in Federal Court a motion re
questing the court to direct the re
ceiver to pay the taxes. He takes the
position that as taxes are a first lien
the county is entitled to be a preferred
Factions Divide Over Dress and War
to Go Before Commission.
A factional fuss over the costume of
a small monkey is to be one of the first
puzzles to face the new city Commis
sion when it takes offlce July 1. The
monkey is the property of an Italian
who appears on the streets with a
grind-organ. One factiqn desires to
force the owner to keep him muzsled.
while the other objects to him having
anything over his ace.
The problem came before the health
and police committee of the City Coun
cil yesterday and was shoved along to
the Commission, owing to the fact that
the monkey is to operate under the
jurisdiction of that body after the 1st
of the month. One petition is before
the Commission asking that the monkey
be muzzled for the protection of the
public. Another petition Is on hand from
the Humane Society objecting to the
Burglar Taken Ttedhandcd.
A young man, who gave the ad
mittedly felse name of John Jones,
was arrested by Patrolman Gould
about midnight, when he was In the
act of entering the "Wardrobe," a
pressing and cleaning establishment at
Raleigh and Twenty second street,
north. The burglar had broken a rear
window. A bank-book, not hla own,
and a bunch of passkeys were taken
from the man. after Oould had thrust
a revolver In his facs and made him
throw up his hands. He was charged
with burglary.
Caught in Bnrglarious Attempt,
Other Circumstances Suspicions.
J. D. Percival, a dapper youth ap
parently from Salt Lake City, is un
dergoing a rigid investigation by De
tectives Goltz and Royle. following his
capture in an alleged attempt at bur
glary by Patrolman Gould early yester
day morning. Percival had broken a
window In a cleaning establishment
when the officer came vipon him.
When searched, Percival, who gave
the alias Jones, was found to be carry
ing a number of Salt Lake check books
on various banks, and had two checks,
aggregating over $400, written out.
The detectives found that he had four
suitcases, of which two were In pawn.