Ami i 9 Y- . TV irnena Amt Underwear for Women Possesses a Dis tinctive Claim for Comfortable Fitting, Soft, Clinging Weave, Smoothness of Finish. Sold in Portland Only at Store Opens Today at 8:30 Store Closes Today at 5:30 Special Luncheon Today 50c A WONDERFUL EXHIBIT is the working model of the ru-nama Canal, now being shown on our fifth floor. Every manwom an and child in Portland should view this ex hibit and hear the ten-ininute lecture. It's of timely interest and will place you in close touch with that marvelous engineering feat The Pana ma Canal. Exhibition without charge. 1 ""j' .fei jnaeruuear i oaayi -The Meier rank Store! The Shopping Center for All Portland 1 - . i 0 None on Approval Fortunate indeed will be the first 200 women to select from this won derful group of Dresses we special for Friday only at $5.00! Every Dress is pretty and new and there are only 200 included for the sale. Two styles are just as pictured at the left. There's a pleasing indi viduality to each of these Dresses; included are one-piece styles and also combination Dresses', with fetching coat effects of dainty flow ered materials and plain white. Crepe skirts; also all-over flowered Dresses, or stripes and fancy mate rials in Tissue, Cotton Repp, Crepes, Voiles and Ginghams. Some Dresses have dainty em broidered collars and vest effects in white, lace trimmed, all sizes to p honsp trnin -in h nn " "'"j fJixiiv, llliXY. Friday only, while any of these two hundred !fe Jl Dresses remain, -nnr ohnioe -fnv fl-iia croi' o 1 cola o fl fr 0 7 J v.v-.v -i JJ, V.IU1 kJC J-V CAU r i ctty r ai j . Neat, Trim H .WVV NO PHONE ORDERS TAKEN T Want Several of Th. 1 MEMS" ! Friday at $ 1 . 1 6 use Dresses and Every Woman Will ft II MM iujuj Vsriitissv Second Floor, Garment Salon. Dainty Waists, Friday at 95c? SEE FIFTH-STREET WINDOW f" ?Ptnal is this lot of Waists entered for the Surprise Sale Friday is 95e Thn ISf!nade1Uate'he,n y casider our pricefor Friday only wrm f3, ,hD.gerie and voilo and an economical waist for the present Z t m Peasln varieties of styles, both plain and fancy. We cannot accept 'phone orders for these waists, fpecialed Friday only at 95 "1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE'' Dress Ginghams Good quality Dress Gingham, regular 12,o' "grade, excellent for dresses or aprons,' Friday only, yard, 8 l-3. 50c Bleached Cotton Damask, the yard. 39. 10c Bleached Muslin, good quality, yard, 8 l-3. Remnants, White Goods, at reduced prices. First Floor, IVew Bulldlnsr. 1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE" Women's 15c to 25c Vests for 9c Women's low neck, sleeveless Vests, with plain and fancy yokes, in odd sizes; regular 15c to 25c, Friday only, 3 for 25S each, 9. First Floor. Main IIuITiHhr. ' Mall Orders Filled. The thrifty housewife prides her self on the possession of several neat, attractive House Dresses, and for Summer outings at Mountain or Beach the House Dress is the gen eral purpose garment. For Friday we offer a splendid group, in goodly number, of unusu ally attractive House Dresses for only $1.18 each; neatly and service ably made from good quality Cham bray, Percales and Lawns; two styles just as illustrated; are becomingly trimmed with embroider' collars, either square or round, of white Pique edged in plain colors or self material; others have one-inch plain aidxiiiiiu, LuiimjjjQg. csinpea and fi"-- ured Dresses are included black 2nd white, blue and white, lavender and white. While anv of these 11ULlsc Ull,aaes n, your choice, Friday, only I 1220th FRIDAY SIRPRISE SALE" 25c Embroid'ed Collars for 15c Xew embroidered Ixnd Byron Collars, in neat, designs, ideal for wear with Summer gowns. Ordinarily 25c, special for Fri day only, each 15. First Floor. Main Dulldlnc. "1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE" T5c Linens 49c Fine 75c Mixture Linens in 36 and 45 inch widths, priced special for Friday only, the yard, 49. 25c Dimities, special for Fri day, the yard, 12y2. 40c Voile, special the yard, only S5. First Floor, Kew Building. ISZOth FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Infant's 20c Hose, Only 10c Infants' and children's Hose of lisle and cotton,' in colors of sky, piiik and red only. Regu lar 20c grades, Friday onlv 3 pairs for S5, the; pair 10. 'rst Floor. Main Building. - . . Mail Order Filled. "1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Women's 20c Hose 122cPr.,3Prs.35c Women's 20c light weight cotton Hose with seamless feet; in black and tan. Special for Friday only, 3 pairs for 351, the pair 12yafc. First Floor. Main Building. Mall Orders Filled. "'1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE" Our Ready -Made Lingerie Stamped for Embroidering An opportunity- for women to select dainty ready-made Lingerie all stamped for embroidering, with enough D. M. C. embroidering cot ton included for finishing. Night Gowns, Combinations, Chemise, Corset Covers and Drawers are shown, made with beading and hand HaTprice113" Chog frm 23c to $1I0 Stents, Friday only, at ' J -rt Section. Third Floor. "1??rTl FRIDAY SlRPnUK SI,E" en s Golf.Sh forts at 35c Marvelous Cleanup for Friday & Saturday wts. n ' 1 1 w i i ii -mn i rr r n m viwr&wti ws3i--ri'- rr. v j mums There'll Be 3 ffir 1 Mostly Sizes 14, 14 12. 15 LKJl fi I6V2, 17 and 1712 ODD LINES AND BROKEN SIZES a Veritable Scramble for These Shirts o7 TnooVf Z - 7 ctedfon lu price. It's a tremendous clean-up of 4000 Go f Shirts; odd lines and broken sizes, taken from our regular stocks, and you wjl find endless assortment to choose from;-some, however, are slight soiled-Shn-ts of blue Chambray and white pleated dress Shirts, plain white stiff wlTifJ 1 !rtS Zlth Uffs c.hed separate; hundreds of fancy Golf Shirts in Krftdar.k patterns neat stripes and figures, etc.; and even many good num bers ot our famous Gotham Shirts, with cuffs attached or semr-ite np?ni toSI,, erlv tnPled Shirf0r TS mSM Vyulocone early today for most complete selection of or t-g r1 W " J these Shirts,, worth to $1.50, we offer for -J TOY p 1 - -tLCLCll 35c 1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE SAI.K Shadow Lace PIgatings at 1 5c Shadow Lace Pleating, of good, fine quality in white or ecru. A splendid assortment of pleasing patterns from which to choose. Regular 25c grades, special Friday only, yd. 15. First Floor. Mitln Rullrilns. JIall Orders Flllril. Second Floor, Garnlrst Sal 1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE" Your Auto V eil This Sale at 89c Chiffon Auto Veils in pleas ing new shades and staple col ors, in two-yard lengths, hem stitched all around. "Ordinarily you pay $1.50 for this grade. Friday, each only SOS First Floor. Mnln Rullrtlitic. Mull Order. Filled. 1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 25c Maline 18c 3 Yards for 50c 27-inch Maline, of fine qual ity, moisture-proof, shown in all wanted colors, for which you pay ordinarily 25c, Friday only, 3 yards for 50S the yd." 18. First Floor. Mala ICuilillnu. Moll Orders Filled. 1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE" Chiffon Veiling Yard, Only 49c Fine Chiffon Veiling, 20 inches wide, in all the desired shades; with finished striped border. Regular & grade, Friday only, the yard 49. First Floor. Main DulldlnK. Mall Orders Filled. '1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE HangingBook Shelves As Illustrated, of Solid OaK, Golden Wax Finish Regularly $4.50 Friday at $2.49 S.L. "SSJgpyJK ' v I r 4 Fourth Floor, Mala Bulldlns Mall Orders Filled. "M220th FRIDAY SIRPRISE SALE" bale of Famous 99 Hammocks CopyrigrUted. 1913. Palmer Hammocks excel in com fort, appearance and durability. These are expertly made, finely woven, and full size, 32x84 inches, with valance and throw-back pil lows. Striking patterns. Regular $2.50. $2.75 and $3.00 values. FRIDAY ONLY, 1.89. "1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE" Candy Surprises 70c Melba Chocolates, 4S. 60c Chocolate Marshmal- lows, milk covered, the lb. at 38 40 c After Dinner Mints, the lb. 23 - 40c Butter Cups, lb., 25 50c Chocolate-Covered Cara- mels, lb., 33 Friday only. F'"t Floor. New Bulldlnc. Basement, Maiu Bulldlns. "1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE'" No Phone Orders TaKen for These Friday Grocery Surprises Jersey Brand Butter, in two pound rolls, splendid grade, the roll. 60d- Laundry Soap, good satisfac tory grade, 12 bars for 25cS Delmonte Brand Raisins, reg ularly 3 for 25c grade, Friday Only, 4 Packages for 25S ' Pure Food Grocery, Basement -"122th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE" To $ 1 2 Trimmed Hats, $5 Our force of clever milliners have just trimmed a lar-re number of most original and smart tailored effects in white and colors for the Sum mer ladies ; some are plain white, while some have tasty flower and tancy feather trimmings. Values $7.50 to $12. Friday onlv nn Patel? AL06? HatS' V"y Smart and attractive Patent Milan hemp and fancy straws; colors black, white and burnt Values from $1.50 to $3.50. Friday only 95S . Second Floor. Sew Bulldlns. 1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE- 500 Vacuum Hand Washers Regular $3.50, Today 69c With case and 'without injury to the materials you may wash the shee'rest fab rics and laces, as well as the heavier goods, when you tise this Vacuum Hand Washer. The perforated soap pocket in the center evenly distributes just enough soap. The 42-inch handle permits one to hold their body in a restful position whila using this Hand Washer.. Regularly $3.50. Friday only, each (iflS. 10O Reserved lor Mall Orders. BIT Basement Store. "1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE" $2.25 Silver-Plated Knives and Forks Friday, Set $ 1 .79 ? You will not care to take your sterling ware with .you on your outingr-trip or to the sea shore, and these sets will bo conveniently take its place i n e s e Knives and forks are heavily plat ed with high-grade sil ver on a heavy blank nickel-silver base, and will srive you excellent service and wear, even with constant use. 2.2S First Floor. Main Building;. 122th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE"" Croquet Sets, $1.23 Taj&0BZ& 8 Ball Croquet Sets with striped wickets and mallets to match Fck4Voohard wood tox, sold regularly at $1.75, Friday only, the " " " Firth "oor, Xew Building Mall Order. Filled. "1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE SAI Carpets and Border Remnants, 50c and 75c 1 to Ih Yards Long These Carpets and Border Remnants, in addition to the many uses in the home are ideal for the Summer house or the cottases at the shore or in the mountains. They are beautifully patterned, and a lai-e selection is here for you. The Remnants are of Wilton, Wilton Velvet Wool Velvet, Axminster and Body Brussels. One to 1'.;, vards in length. Friday Only, 50 and 75. " -Third Floor, Maiu Building. ' ta7 sr """""" - 913 j TM E- Q.UAL ITt StO RE- OF- Po RT L AH D 5bcU"Moi-risot Alder Sta. I ' 1 ' Hail Orders Filled PHONES Marsh'll 4600 A-6101 f" 1220th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALK BUY ESTRU( TRUNKS and travel m peace, knowing mat your lugg-age is perfectly "" j-nese wonaerrully Trunks are in.urrrl fnr aeainst firp. tlipfr. . - J "'HI UL" struction. We are exclusive agents in Portland. made years de- "1220th FRIDAY f-l RI'ltlSK" Don't Keep Your Furs Home and run the risk of having them ruined by moth or pos sibly fire. They will be in sured against fire, theft and moth in our cold storage for furs (the only one in" Port laud), and at a moderate cost 4o you. Call us up today. i