1G TO EXCHANGE. - . I WANTED REAL KSTATE i ZTTTTZ I i " ' " : II..L. trada for lot and small cash pay nient. by Jir,.',0 equity In $3500 modern nuncalon-. uOxlOO lot, 5 rooms. bed rooms, oak floors, panel walls and beamed relline In dining-room, artistic combina tion light fixtures, double window shades, bulltln buffet and? bookcases, beautltul fireplace, full .cement basement, wash trays, nice bathroom and handv kitchen. 648 04lh. ISO feet south Sandy boulevard. Owner, 1130 Jtodney ave. or AJ 1&8. Oi-pc-nlsn. FORCED SALE) OR EXCHANGE. Am forced to setT my beautiful homo In La'ii-elhurst at a scrnice. Make our own rerms or will n.ccept a Eood icvcn-pa?jengiT tar as llrst payment. SPOOXER. Marshall 2X4. TO EXCHANGE. "VVrLl.AMETTiA VALLEV DAIRV FARM. "We have a very Ant dairy farm of 3C0 seres within 3n miles ttf Portland and one niilo from station, to -txclianKe for Port land real estate. The equity in this farm Is $20,it0. "Will appeal li anyone looking tor a dairy farm. F. K. TAILOR :C 04-." Lewis But'Jdlng. MKrn.51 AND1?3 WANTED I.N EXCHANGE o acres ftoou soil. 2' mites from Port land: some buildings. iluinins water, vounty road: price J4U0O. ltitg. $1300; also 1 2o acres, som-e cleared and buildings, running water; price rfSniHl. mortgane S'-rtOtl; also house in Portland. $7fiU0, mite. ?-7UJi; entire etjulty amouniting: to I11.7UU and S'ime income paper, for stock of mer chandise, any location. C 1-59. Oregonian. E X C HAN GE HOUSE FOR LOT Desire vau:ant lot or modern house with in walking; distance "Washin.jrton or Lin coln Mljrh Schools; will exciianse modern convenient 7-room home, all improvements, double lot, magnificent view, two blocks carline, prettiest part of city: easy, terms a n balance. t.lve location arid prico first letter. AH Li. Oregoniajt. LXCHAXGE It'" acres of Irrigated land, HPilliiond distvUrt. Crook fouruy. Oregon: LJO acres reacV to sfled, dltcli in, and all fen--d. Small builnutgs, "i's miles from railroad ETation: $10' per arrf. Trade for an.ythinp: that l.vis th-e values; prefer in come properly ; il or in around Portland. -J. L. Kenton. 1 icwleton, ldalio. $mi(i KQL'ITY In twra-rtiory bouse and 45xl0u Mt. Tabor lot. total value, S2S00. House modern, but requires little additional work to renovate. Excellent proposition for some carpenter or liousebuiider. Will trade for clear vattant city lot. Addresa OOfl roncord buildln.t. TO EXCHANGE. Choice Grand avei.'ae corner; will take close-in acreage up to S5U00: prefer acre Bze, Improved with fa ir buildings. U. Jr Bl'i'.fAN. .r.0S9 Chamber oi Commerce. Main 1063. A 12i7. 5jri.lHH KDL'ITY in J.O.Onf) business lot just off "Washington st. Will trade equity for lo;s or acreage and rssuis e JlO.OOu to $L5, 000 and put in Sf.OOo- caa h. JL H. GOODKINO O.. INC., 401-2-.". WIU'OX BI.DG., COR. BTH AND WAP1 ilNOTON. ATTRACTIVE down-town ftirniture store In exchange for city propel ty or acreage, $10,000; nice, clean, aleabJo stock, all new .finds, cheap rent; owmtr llias other inter ests demandina; his attention. Adress All 100. Oreponian. lO.u.10 EQUITY in city business block which pays 1150 a month net after paying operating expenses, inter est, taxes and insurance. Win trade equity for fine resi dence or lots. Dorr E. K'Ufiey & Co., I'd floor Chamber Commerce bldg. FOR PALE or exchange "by o-wrrer. 42-room l:otel; only hotel In town, for Improved farm or home In small town.; good terms. Investigate. Box -72. WillaminA. Oregon. TO EXCHANGE, by owner. A block of 25 IoIf, near the railroad, in one o:f the new Tillamook Heach resorts. "Want Portland properly, what have you? 1C ltil, Orego nian. FJE acres, close to Kalania. Wasii., splen did place for chicken ranch; price l-'Ou; will exchange for a lot in city to same value. Phillips, 1022 Chamber of Com irterce. Main 7467. WII.l. exchange city property vs.lued at Srt500. bringing in li per cent, for acreage or timber land; give full description of your proposition in first letter. I 162, Oregonian. EXCHANGE my J12U0 equity in a complete ly furnished $3200. nobby 5-room bunga low for clear building lot; baJajico terms. Owner. "Main 11515, o to ti P. JM. Jiveninsa. Wfi,dlawti 14otf. JIT. TABOll district. East ttuth nni Stark fis.. by owner to exchange, for unincum bered lots or country property; my new. modern 7-room home. Phone Tabor o-7l before 11 A. M. and after 7:S0 P. M. TYE have some very auractive propositions to exchange In both city and s-ountry properties. 1 E. TAYLOR CO.. 404-r. -Lewis Building. NEW. modern bungalow. large rooms, 2 blocks car, restricted district, street im provements paid, bargain, 52oi0; want acreage or smaller house. Owner,. V 154. Oreg oni a n. I1, ACRES near Gladstone; 5-room house, harn. chicken-house, 64 feet long; want house and lot in Portland. H1GLEV & BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. EIGHT lots In City of Everett, Wash., Queen Ann Add. Will exchange for 5 or 7-pas-seuger car that is worth $80i. Phillips, 1022 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7417. EXCHANGE. REAL ESTATES 6-room house on 120x120. Price $4000; all clear, close to car; wants acreage Phillips. 1022 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND Income property, $52."0. clear of incumbrance, to exchunge for olear vacant lots. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2d floor Chamber Commerce bldg. WILLAMETTE So. substantial Improvcmwin, buildings. $3000; exchange jetluOo equity for Portland, conservative valuation; csvn ors only. 10.10 Grand ave. North. WE are in a position to offer you quick action if you have property for exchaaig'e. KCPPER & HUMPHRY. 212-T13 Chamber of Commerce Bldjg. THREE lots In city, all clear but $80, to exclianije for a 2 or O-passenger r-ar. Phillips, 1022 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7467. I OR sale or exchange for city or country property, hydrau'.lo mine. So acrea Gov ernment patent. Address G. W. C, Grants Pass, Or. VI ILL trade $12,000 equilv in 22 lota for $2oC.O cash and other unincumbered real estate. p 131, Oregonian. 1M ACRES at North Plains to trade for cltv property. Call 41S Lumber Exchange bldg. 40 ACHES nrst-class orchard land. Hood River Valley, to exchange lor cltv or suburban property. AM ir.S, Oregonian. 1 O lots In Chicago free from incumbrance for small touring car, Ford or Studebaker preferred. L 13s. Oregonian. 16 ACRES Value tlO.000. C miles from Courthouse, to tratie for city pronertv Address. W 154. Oregonian. WILL trade modern 4-rooiti house for lots Phone owner. Marshall ;:f7ri. &-P.OOM furniture for horse, cow Swailk. 817 Hamilton bldg. CARPENTER work wanted In exchange fo real estate. Swank. S17 Hamilton bide bldg. TRADE house or acreage for auto, owner, room 200 Kenton bldg. See KlJ914T1ES ln Jjaurolnurst 'Ota. Tel. Main rOB KENT FAKMS fc.'.,,Vav flne stock and grain farm in NNillemette Volley to rent with good buildings, on county road, not far from warehouse, etore and postofficc. on R. li. Parly must have money to purchase per sonal property new on farm and must know how and be willing to work. To such a party will give a good bargain. Don t write or phone, come and see us 8. N. STEELE it CO.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 250. FILLY equipped and Improved ranch 12 acres; 3 miles east of Portland, iiear Uase Line Road; about 70O chickens for ale cheap; 2 cows, horse, farm imple ments, wagon and harness go with the place; good house, barn, mllkhouse pres sure water system. No rent to right party first year. F. J. Raley. owner, &2S Ham I'ton bldg., city. RANCH for rent on shares to married man t foreigner preferred) with some capital part bill and part bottom land, part of bottom cultivable after June freshet" 50 miles from Portland. PS from Taco'ma good chance for good man in more ways than one. lnq.uire D. A. a., care Box 87 Astoria, Or. OR RENT Acre of ground and cozy 4 room cottage, outbuildings. mile from Evergreen Station. Oregon City car. In quire room 11. Muikey bids., 2nd and Morrison. .'T!i"D By responsible builder, lot iu Vernon or Woodlawn district on easy terms, with second mortgage privilege. PHor.e Woodlawn 3KR. i.tij M-t.iv fc.D acre tract on monthly pay ments, must be close to n-cent car give entire information iu first letter. Y liio Oregonian. ' WAVTEn KUt. KSTATE WANT unincumbered new bungalow Rok npre. Ro City. Jrvlnaton. Laurelhurst; have $12."i! cash; equity f200rt in gooa lrin;ton home. AO l Oregonian. "V ANTED A nice 7-room house, aluei up lo SSoOO: offer as first payment acreage up to $4500.; give full description; my agent will call. A3 130, Oregonian. A I WANT to purchase a home north of Ev erett. west of 19th; will pay cash, will go nipn as snu.uuo tor the right place, it must be a home with all modern conveni ences, oive address and phone number of home, will not consider otherwise. No rea' estate agents. A J 81. Oregonian. WANT Portland Heights or Irvliigton home; 1 have Riverdale acreage. $MM.x value, ad part payment. AB 157. oregonian. FOR SALE. Morse., Vehicle, Etc. liOKSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. fecond-hand vehicles bought and 'sold; new wagon and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at epecial rates. 3IAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72. Tt 1351. HORSE SFOR SALE 2 fine drivers, city .broke. 2 snddle horses. 1 new rubber-tired buggy. 2 heavy saddles. 1 set single harness. 1 new light farm wagon, 1 3-8 axle. 444 E. 13TH NORTH. Phone c 137. WIS have a few delivery wagons left, going at greatly reduced prices; also heavy lum ber gears at bargain prices; come and see us. 105 Lnion Ave. !., Oregon Moliae Plow Co. GOOSENECK and camelback wagons, new and second-hand, 1 to 5-ton, always In stock. Some good bargains and eaav terms. Columbia Cge. & Auto Wks., -UU tront Et. Main "Js!2. FOR SALE One team. 5 and H years old. weighing 2UU0 pounds; 1 team," 0 and 7 years old, weighing 2!j00 pounds. 226 Russell. WANTED To find a good home for a faith ful family horse; will sell cheap. 1021) East Yamhill Ht. ii ANTED Good work team and wagon for 3500 Montavilla lot or cow and farming iJioitji.ta. uwiicr, v ah. uregonian. 2u0 BUYS a team. 2700 lbs., true pullers ana souno : narness and farm wagon. Phone Sellwood 17SS. rAa'f C HE for ttcck. cioa ("i K Co. Mair, 1 tlO. to Portland, o. 1. NINE good dump wagons and miscellaneous tools. Owner, 717 Board of Trade bldg. CLOUNG out hai-ncfi at wholesale price. -OH 2,1, co:. Tnylor. WORK HORSES. 1200 to 1400 pounds, at lrvingtc.n Stables. E. 6th and Schuyler. STABLE, 10 stalls. 7t)6 East Ash St.; rent HO per month. 717 Board of Trade bldg. THE fines: road horse, Bailev buggy ancl harness In the city. G laft. Oregonian. THIiEE young mares, 120O lbs., one saddle horso, 100O lbs., cheap. 42 E. Yamhill st. SHETLAND ponies. Inquire onlv Sundays. 20'', East !2ii St.. near Hawthorne. HOkSK for sale at 88 East 7th St. "North. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE Fine Steinway parlor grand piano; beautiful tone, ebony case; also complete furniture, practically new, for a 7-room house find mahogany rolltop desk. 63 East Broadway. Phone East 4SG5. PIANO Elegant mahogany upright, almost "e-v; greatest bargain in city, less than $1". Call Immediately. 701 Northrup st. WILL sell my fine piano for first offer; prac tically brand new and beautiful tone. 713 Wnyne street. Main 6250 AN upright grand pianu for sale cheap. 132 Vermont. Fulton. Antnmoblle Cam you use $5007 We can help you make that much. In vestigate a few of our bargains in abso lutely new Michigan autos. These are not cheap grade cars, but are of last vear's model, high in rrsde hut cheap in price. Here Is a sample. One 33 IL-P. live-passenger touring car. electric lighted and equipped, real value at liBt price, a gift at $1200. We hav eothers as inter esting ot both more and l-sa money. MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY CO., Si t Alder St., Corner 16th. Main 31)00. A 5B2fl OlA N Kit will accept good city property in trade for Ills slightly-used 7-passenger Pierce-Arrow touring car; it Is a beau tiful car and In splendid condition; cost vo, .00 new; if property offered is worth 54000 rock-bottom cash value and 13 fav orably located, an even exchange will be considered. Quick action necessary. THE PIERCE-ARROW SALES CO., II. S. COLTER. North Fourteenth, at Couch Marshall 339. A Co38. A ERY nice; neat, pretty little electric coupe (capacity for three people) for sale very reasonable for cash or real estate, "all to see it at Covey garage, 21st and Washington, or telephone Dr. D. H. Rand, Main 375. MONITOR truck. 1500-pound capacity, In first-class condition, cheap; also 5-passen-ger Studebaker. 11)10, in good condition, very cheap. Columbia Cge, &. Auto Wks., 20i) Front st. Main 2R. . AUTO OWNERS ATTENTION. Can take your auto trimmings off, re plate them and put back in 2 days. PORTLAND PLATING & MFG. CO., 2-i and Thurman Sts. A 52S2. Main 943. BEALTIFL'L.-hlg B-cyllnder Lozier, costing $0300; easiest riding car on the Coast; guaranteed to be In perfect running order; will sell at sacrifice. A 10S. Oregonian. SNAP IN PORTLAND IN AN AU TOMOBILE; COST TWO WEEKS AGO $2950; MAKE AN OFFER, SPOT CASH CALL 714 LEWIS BLDG. FOR second-hand cars inquire Powell Ga rage: cars called for and delivered- au tos for hire; give us a trial. East' 37t'a and Hawthorne. PACKARD 30 roadster. overhauled and painted, like new, JSIj. 315 Hawthorne. E. 3230. 1912 READING standard, single cylinder, slightly used, snap for cash. AB 149. Ore gonian. FOR RENT Garage. Phone East 2G04. 409 Beech st. $3. nntXH, Birds. I'et Stern. Airedale terriers to protect your home and family. Laddix Kennels. Estacada. Or. PEDIGREED" English bull pups for sale at 207Ji 4lh st. Marshall 430. WANTED Good home for French, poodle. C all 243 Grant st. Kurniture for Kale. tLRNlTtRE for residence, comprising leather parlor furniture, librarv furniture beautiful dining suite, bedroom furnish ings, rugs, brass beds, etc.; great oppor tunity for those starting housekeeping. Call Immediately. 701 Northrup. v car. A 2S HOOZIER kitchen cabinet, nearly new. $15; .$ refrigerator 10; also ma. hogany parlor ect. Phone Woodlawn G53. Ft UNITI HE of 10-room house, most of It used only a few months: party leaving state: house for rent. 778 GMsan st. HOUSE for rent, lurnlture for sale, rooms, near hospitals. Main 4204. 5-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale 4Q 1 E. Couch, near Grand ave. Poultry. .1. l EXJ Setting hens, R. I. rteds pre ferred. AE 155. Oregonian. livestock. IOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow, S5. Phone tSellwood K92. Afsvchineir-f . FOR SALE. A 45-horsepower, 05O-volt. Crocker Wheeler motor, complete with ttanaard nlade starter, no voltage release and 76 ampere overload, I. T. E. circuit breaker. In A-l condition. Address room 203. ore gonian bldg. FOR SALE. One 123-volt direct current generator, complete, with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker. This machine Is In good repair. Address room 203, Orego nian bldg. FOR SALE. A 40-Tv. W., 500-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker. In good condition. Address room 203, Oregonian bldg. Miscellaneous. RUBBER ROOFING RUBBER ROOFING Wo are almost giving this away. And It's brand new stock. M. BARDE & SONS. 240-242 Front St.. .cor. Main. THE HOUSE OF A MILLION" BARGAINS. SAFES Mosler Safe Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy terms. Safes opened and repaired. Bargain in second-hand safes. 10S 2d st. Phone Main 7670. ENTEY organ, walnut, nearly pew $25, In cluding flne stool. 320 Lumber Exchange bldg. RIDPATH Library of Universal"-Literature. 25 vols., new, value 100; sell for $15. 3:: W'orcester bldg. NEW gasoline boat without engine; length 40 feet, beam 9 feet; special price for cash. A 157, Oregonian. MOTORCYCLES Big cut In prices while they last: this Is your chance. El NORTH BROADWAY. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. SS10 to fiR NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO. 2f!2 Stark st. DENTA1, electric engine at lvalf price: good condition: alternating. Address A R 153, Oreponlan. .' FEET Iumi er, roueh fir, 1x12x16, never been used. Main 300O. NATIONAL cash registers; get my1 prices. T'ovey. 351 H Wash., basement. Main 60H DERBY desks snd office furniture. E. K Haley tek Co.. 210 Broadway. Main 5R7. USE Basset's Native Herbs for constipa Uorv 50 tablets for 25c; all druggists. THE MORNING Miscellaneous. LUMBERMEN. ATTENTION! We have bought the entire Seaside uoor and Lhr. Co. planing mill and dry kiln plant and offer all or any part of same .including Boilers, Engines, tiPlaners. Re-saws. Cut-off saws. Pipe, Drykiln trucks, etc., etc. We can save you from 50 to T5. Will that ray? M. J11ARDE & SONS, 240-24O Front St.. Cor. Main. The House of a Million Barglns. YOUR FIRST PLEASANT SHAVE WITH "Silcor"; finer than a strop; faster than a hone, one drop of 4,Silcor,' one stroke on the strou keeps a keen edge on your Tazor. Y'ou can sharpen your safety blade and shave in less time than it takes to Knave with a new blade. 25c at your dealer's, or postpaid on receipt of 25c and your dealer" name. H. A. Ackley ' o., sole aistributor, 001-2 Rookery bldg. Spokane, W'ash. MANURE I!ST CAR LOTS Stockyards manure in car lots. $1 per ou, 1. o. o. cars, .Norm Portland. -Book your orders earl v. PORTLAND LTNIOV STOCKYARDS CO., North Portland, Oregon. SAFES, new and second-hand; low prices; easy terms; sjifes opened, repaired and painted. PI'RCELL SAFE CO. and PORT- LA:U SAf K CO., 3 5th St. Main 6MOB. SECOND-HAND roll-top desk. 2 flat-top desks and 3 chairs. BushonsT & Co., til rarlt 81. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front fit., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of anv kind. If you have anything in this line can 31am liui". Our buyer calls promptly. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. COS 1st., between Taylor and Salmon, will pay best price for your furniture, carpets, etovts. etc., etc. New and. sec-ccd-hand furniture our specialty. PHONE MARSHALL 5BS1. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and eell them on easy terms. W . Macauley. j Burnsiue st. Phone Main 3S1. A 1516. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladies' and men's cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 2080. 234 First, The Globe. WE want to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture in the next 30 days anu pay all the cash it is worth. Williams Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 036. FAIR DEAL opened again; we pay highest firices for your second-hand clothing ana lousehold goods. Phone Main D272. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. M- R. Seater. Phone East 3134. 34S Hawthorne ave. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 81)51, A 2445. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 40O Dekum bldg. NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable. Phone Main 60, A CHUG. TRANSITS and levels bought for cash, outj Concord bldg.. Portland. WANTED Second-hand laundry machinery. J. B. Becker. 4-tsl Market st.. S. F. HIGHEST price paid for ladles" snd men's eecond-hand clothing. Marshall 3932. W'E want SI O.OO0 worth of second-oand fur nlture; highest prices paid. Sell-jrood 1U.12. WE PAY highest prices for second-hand clothing. 294 3d Bt. Prone Main D263. SECOND-HAND goods bought for cash or taken in exchange for new. Tabor 4346. Itrr unvTvn -it 1 1 1 WANTED Hustling paint and varnish t)a.tvaixxtxn 10 mairte neaaquarters at 1 ort land; splendid proposition for the right man: gtlt-edge references required. GENERAL LEAD COMPANY, Inc., lit! New Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. YOUNG MEN wanted for Company K, Third Infantry, O. . N. G. We offer athletics, a fine rifle range, a splendid outing with pay and military Instructions. No floaters or mollycoddles wanted. Call at the Armory any evening after 8 and see what we offer. TRANSIENT Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS can se- y-uits lurmsnea rooms at reasonable rates la the new fireproof association building, cor. 6th and Taylor ets.. and have privi lege of consulting Advisory and Employ ment Department. WE have a few good fields open for compe tent salesmen. If you appreciate the ad vantage of selling for the largest and best-known nursery in the West at the best terms offered, apply today. Give reference. Oregon Nursery Company. Orenco, Or. CIRCLE sawyer, $3, close In. 3 railroad men. S2.50. 3 wood bucks. $2-.oo. Stationary Engineer. SS5". PIONEER EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 14 N. Second. WE can -use several first-class bovs living on the West Side for Oregonian routes that pay good money; no boy under 17 years will be considered. Apply today. City Circulator, room 202, Oregonian bid. WIRELESS OPERATORS In constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at 1. M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night Schools; complete equipment; best on Coast. WANTED Single man of good habits, about 30, for general labor around inland lake; one familiar with work on boats preferred; your experience, references and phono number. AG 156. Oregonian. TRAVELING salesman should Investigate; want to open territory up for automobile necessity; good commission. Call or write W. Schwartzenburs, 609 Washington St., Portland. RELIABLE, energetic, hustler, capable of producing business and taking charge of district. Splendid opportunity. Call bet. t and 11, 009 Northwest bldg. TWO men's clothes pressers; must be ex perienced on pressing machines, at East Portland Cleaning & Dye Works, cor. E. 10th and Lincoln, city. WANTED Gardener, competent to run a commercial greenhouse; references re quired; good job for the right man. Owner. AC 159, Oregonian. OFFICE boy for large manufacturing plant. 'ipiuriuiuiy tor young man wil.lng to apply himself; state age and references. AS 182. Oregonian. WANTED Live engraving salesman for Portland and surrounding territory. An swer giving name, age and experience. S. Oreve, St. Paul. Minn. WANTED Good real estate broker. Must be good on exchanges, fine opening for right man. Security Development Com pany, 273 Pine st. WANTED Married man on ranch; must understand Irrigation and stock: excellent opportunity; references. Columbia Valley Orchards. Limited. Sinclair. B. C. GOOD proposition for a German-American who has a wide acquaintance in this lo callty. 622-Chamber f Commerce. BOY wanted at once with bicycle, $2 per day; steady work. SVi Chamber of Com merce bldir. AGENTS A live agent for H. money-maker; feittie or county nsaia; -no cnarge. :3j The Oregon Hotel. WANTED Bell boy for residential hotel, not over 16 years old. Campbell Hotel, 23d and Hoyt. WANTED sober man as helper in dog and i iit mure, pon.ru, rcuin anu wages. Apply r.07 Washington st. WANTED Boy to learn automobile busi ness; per weeK. uulmage Auto Co. 46 N". 20th St. BAND SAWYER and tjhaper hand wanted. union More J-'ixture Co., E. 15th and Powell. WANTED Live salesman to sell loan con- trccis. vapuai toecurity Co., 603 Oregonian bldg. HOUSE to house canvasser for lea and coiiee Dusiness. Appjy alter 0 o clock Boyd Tea, Co., 200 Salmon st. GENUINE house-to-house solicitors for an article tnat sens ltseit. J. of C. after 10 Mr. Qarside. FIRST-CLASS machinery blacksmith want- eu. v.aii - -wOmmerciat I.IUD niag. WANTED Young man over 16 to learn bar- ner trace. iail or write K.VZ Mississippi av. BOYS wanted with wheels. L. Nathan, 76 3d st. Call or write SALESMEN and diet, nigra, for Oregon, "ai. -,But-1 1. y v-o.. ooi. rty. JS.XCI1. Dtag. PHOTO COUPON agents, new winning con test offer. Sarony fcjtudlo, 846 Morrison. MEN wanted to distribute circulars bv Or egon Distributing Co.. SS East 7th Korth. pstra pli 15S. Or. five uhone. A K -.x(.iElt wanted for Saturday; wages guar anteed. 26l First St. BARBER wanted, steady Job. 205 Morrison street. WANTED 'Advertising man on old-estab-llshed .paper. 211 Oak St., upstairs. EXPERIENCED," sobT hedmaker. $10.50 week and room. 51 N. 2d st. MEN wanted at 14th and Savler sts, to shovel dirt. WANTED 2 -rood bill clerks. Elliott-Fisher machines. AT lfi4, Oregonian. A BARBER wanted at Lents barber shop Lents, Or. BARBER wanted. 245 ii Yamhill. OREGOXIAN. FRIDAY. INCIDENT. fOne of Many) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment (?20 his total cash asset) If I pay you 55 tor employment membership I will nave only $13 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M. c. A. witn all its resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a. week he had satisfactory employment. Record for year 1912: Cells for men from employers 2263 I'osnlons tilled 1097 Our special employment membership guarantees member will secure emplo ment or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full and 10 months' social privileges. Constant demand for CLERICAL, TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially Invited to consult with the Secretary of the Em ployment Department. BETTER .ourself by becoming one of the fortunate young men who loin the Navy Julv 1. Many of these will go on the big foreign cruise next Winter. Get a good steady lob at regular increasing ray. Call at Navy Recruiting Station. Railway Exchange bldg.. Portland. Or., for complete information today, or write Bu reau of Navigation, Box :t26, "Saw De partment. Washington. for interesting booklet. FIRST-CLASS mechanic to con struct and erect light structural steel and Install small pump ing plants: must be good drafts man: permanent position; state briefly experience, age, wages to start and appointment will be made for interview. N 131, Oregonian. , VANED Men for railroud work: location from Columbia River to Nehalem Vallev. Camps first-class in every reaped. Work will last for several months. COLUMBIA & NEHALEM RIVER R. R. 716 Spalding bldg., or at the work. Wood's Landing or Ross Landing on the Columbia and S. P. & s. R. R. BOYU File your applications today for Oregonian routes. Will soon have some good ones c-eii. We will need live, wide awake boys who are capable of earning from $20 to $65 per month and not afraid of work. Sen City Circulator, room 2n2, Oregonian bldg. PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest started. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg. HKLP XV ANTKri Fr.M.lLB. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR 1ELK PHONH OPERATING WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID T7HILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COM , PANT (EAST OFFICE), COB. 6TH ANT EAST ANKEXY STREETS. OR MAIN OFFICE, WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 250. WANTED TODAY. Cashier. $25 month. Two waitresses, $35 month. Housekeeper, country, $20 month. Waitress. $10 week. Two chambermaids $33 month. Two cooks, $40 month. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY", Ladies' Dept. 205 'is Morrison St. WANTED A competent woman stenog rapher, who can lenrn to take care of small set of books in a law office. Po sition in nature of private secretary. Pros pect of eood, permanent position for the right individual. Answer In vour own handwriting. Address V 150, Oregonian. TWO boarding-house cooks, $40; chambc-r-inald, $35; 2 waitresses (out), $35; clerk dellcatesse, $1) week; ranch cook, $40; waitress, mountains. $23. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 3451 Washington St. FEMALE help, wanted at the Union Laun. dry Co., 2d and Columbia sts. WANTED Teacher or well educated lady possstied of business tact and depend ent upon her own efforts; must have good references and be willing to make short trips if necessary. Y 155. Oregonian. WANTED at once, private exchange tele phone operator, one who has some ex perience in filing department; stale age. salary expected and past experience. K I60, Oregonian. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! o GIRLS to learn beauty culture. Pay while learning; position guaranteed. 400 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. HANY of the best families of the city are registered with the Domestic Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girls. 300 Central bldg. M. 7GG7. W ANTED Finishers on coats, one who can make buttonholes and do first-class work; steady work and good pay to tlrst-class hands. Tom Gallagher. 3-S2 Washington st. LADIES wanted to take orders on commls slon; no experience. Call Mrs. J. Wagner, 3S7 Webster, bet. 11:30 and 1;30 or after r.::t0 P. M. AN experienced girl for general housework; must understand cooking; no washing; good wages. Apply mornings Saa Marshall. WANTED Healthy wet nurse for three months' old child; one without Infant pre ferred. Phone East 3556. . WAXTED Nurse maid for two young chll dren. S34 Melinda ave., head of John ston st. Main 2439. "WILL room, board, clothe and school young girl for assistance with children. 75o East 17th, near Rhone; Sellwood car YOLNG lady with business ambition. Splen did opportunity. Call bet. 9 and 11. C09 Northwest bldg. MIDDLE-AGED, refined woman, very cap able, an mother's helper, except cooking; fine references. Tabor 4303. A RESPONSIBLE nurse to take care of two little girls and assist with second work. "Apply 84 N. 21st st.. corner Flanders EXPERIENCED girl for general housework must be good cook. 1028 Raleigh st. Phone Main S2S4. WAITRESS wanted, experienced, for check restaurant. Apply 321 Main, Vancouver Wash. WANTED Experienced body ironer on coats; good money to right party. The Palace Laundry, cor. E. 10th aiid Everett. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY Washington bldg., 270V4 Wash., room S3, near 4th. Phone Main W836 or A 32H6. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 609 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. IOO WOMEN for canning and assorting fruit, Oregon Packing Co., East oth ana Belmont sts. EXPERIENCED- lady cleaner ani Preiser for fancy gowns. Oregon Dye Works, 351 Burnside. GOOD girl to assist with general house work. Must be a good cook. Apply 274 N. 25th st. Take W car. WANTED A young woman to do light housework and care for child ot two years, phone Marshall 22S2. GIRL or woman for general housework; 3 adults. C03 East Morrison, corner 15th. WANTED Experienced arm waitress. Apply Creamerle Restaurant, 108 4th st. WANTED Elderly lady to do light house, work; care for invalid. 351 Ross St. GIRL for general housework; good plain cook, small family adults. 73'J Kearney. GIRL for general housework, go home nights. 454 E. 23d North, l'hone E. 227. GIRL, general housework, family 3 adults; must oe gooa cook. "ui .Hancock. WANTED An experienced "waitress at 163 12th. cor. Morrison. YOUNG GIRL, easy work, 5 while learning. 212tj; First et., top floor. WANTED Experienced family second girl, $:'.u. St. Louis Agency. Main 20.(9. GIRL for general housework. 1007 Savier st.. near 29th. WANTED Girl for general housework; ex perience unnecessary. 472 Salmon. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Morris. 91 Gth. near Stark. GIKL for general housework. 21 Halsey st. Phone East 1190. GIKL for general housework and cooking. 695 Marshall st. MIDDLE-AGED lady to help with house work and care for children. 204 N. 24th. COMPETENT girl for general housework in small family. 274 N. 24th, corner Overton. WANTED Good, plain cook. 213 SL Clair street. WANTED Girl for general housework. 677 Schuyler. Broadway car to 19th. GIRL for general housework and ccoklng 733l Kearney, near 23d. WANTED A plain clothes ironer. Apply Lace House Laundry, 26 N. 20th st. WANTED A marker and a sorter. Apply Lace House Laundry, 26 N". 20th. WANTED Lady barber. 231 Burnside. at. T TT "NT TT Ort 1 (H KJ 1 a- mVi .l.sx-. 2o GIRLS at once for basket factory in Washington: piece work; good money can be made: faros advanced. See- Mr. Mc Donald, S North Second at. Phone Mar. 364. HELP XX ANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FISK Teachers Agency secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4i35. HELP WASTED MISC1EIXASKOC8. THE demand of the stage for good attrac tions - has prompted a corps of profes sional artists to open a first-class studio designed for the training of those who desire to engage in the entertainment pro fession. Standard plays quickly learned, proticlency assured where ability exists for any line of theatrical work. Character playing, musical comedy, drama, dancing, monologue, operatic work and all lines of the stage profession are thonou-hly taught. Call or write THE LEE F.VRNl'M CON SERVATORY; OF MUSIC. OPERATIC AND DRAJdATIC ART, 40S-4O9 Steams bids cor. ftth and Morrison ets. SHORTHAND SCHOOL Expert men teach ers, with $500,0M) equipment, moderate foes. Not run to make money, but con ducted by business men to aid young men In securing practical education. Regis ter now. Y. M. C. A., corner ttth and Tay lor sts. 10O MEN and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks In all Its modern meth ods; send for catalogue: tools free: learn a trade that you can get in business for yourself. Moler Barber College. 33 N. 4th. PORTLAND mail carriers" postal clerks. 800 first year, $100 raise to $1200. Va cations. Portland examinations coming. Specimen questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 330 E. Rochester. N. Y GOVERNMENT positions, parcel post sys tem requires sdditlonu.1 help; salary up to JISOO; "free-book." Pacific States School, McKay bldg., Portland, or. TO gr, on the stage, will tell you how. Send 10c for particulars. Address M. Poelh, Vancouver. Wash. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 425ft. MEN. women to learn barber trade, eight weeks: position guaranteed. Oregon Bar . ber College. 233 Madison. 2fi Couch st. WE start you in mail-order business, big profits guaranteed. 4336 12th ave.. No. E., Seattle, Wash. STENOGRAPHERS, any system, to prove their worth and talce positions: calls com ing In now. 629 Worcester block. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING SCHOOL 269 14TH ST. M. 3S93. EXP. INSTRUCTTN. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money while learning. 613 Rothchlld bldg. lieister's Ladies' Tailoring College and School of Dressmaking. 143 H 11th St. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. tloonkerpers and Clerks. AM 32 years old, married, 10 years best business experience, stenographer, book keeper, salesman and manager; energetic, ambitious, good appearance and am money maker; can do anything along business lines; best references; bond if desired; try me. AT 15. Oregonian. HIGH-SPEED shorthand typist and book keeper desires change In lumber business, either mill or town office; experienced manifesting, invoicing, etc. AJ 137, Ore gonian. YOUNG man, 26, high school education, good penman, some knowledge of typewriting, desires clerical position. $12 per week 10 start. A'.i 160. Oregonian. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITii up books, prepare balance and statements, Inctall systems. Gilllngham. auditor, 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. BOOKKEEPING or clerical work, 7 years' experience; operates typewriter; with very best of references; desires position. M 161, Oregonian. TRANSFER from Clerk Bureau of Stand ards, Washington, D. C. to Portland; my salary $1400. What Is yours? L. E. Morales. POSITION as hotel clerk, night or day; rvf erences. I, HR), Oregonian. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man of neat appearance -with two years' road experience in selling special ties, would like to get in touch with, reliable people; can furnisli good refer ences and an interview might be to the advantage of both. V 130, Oregonian. YOUNG man. experienced In managing gen eral merchandise business, wants position; country town preferred: first-class ref erences. C 161, Oregonian. MARRIED gardener. 30. no children, com petent, life experience, wants charge of private or commercial place. AT 157, Ore gonian. POSITION Man and wife, experienced cooks, cook and helper, or man would work as laborer outside. Phone E. 39G2. AP 15S, Oregonian. MECHANIC wants position, experienced with boilers, engines, pumps: do any pipe fitting and good rigger. M. H. C, 605 Washington st. M. 440S. YOUNG man, with selling ability, wants position as traveling salesman, have had several years' experience in clerical work. J 158, Oregonian. THOROUGH accountant and general office man. good systematizer, married, age 35, wants position. AM 159. Oregonian. JOLOKED man wishes position in private family, understand care of horses. AL 156, Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced chauf feur. Diploma from automobile shop. AC 153, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED mine foreman wants posi tion; wili take working interest in favor able property. AO 19 1, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man wants work, all-round Janitor, handy man around place. AP 155. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted, temperate man. edu cated, experienced as bank watchman. P 135. Oregonian. POSITION as clerk in general store, sma.l town; go anywhere; bank ret. J. T. W., Sheridan, Or. WANTED By experienced grocery clerk position In or out of store. Address "W. S. B.." 914 Johnson St., Pendleton. Or. LANDS-CAPE and vegetable gardener wants situation; can milk; lius city references. Address AM 15w. Oregonian. WANTED PoelUoii as nightwatchman, rail road experience: best of references as to character. Phone Main 3755. CAPABLE young man, good appearance, best references, wants work, any kind. Im mediately. AL 160. Oregonian. WANTED by steady, reliable man, speak German, a permanent position. H 155, Oregonian. F1RST-CLAHS waiters furnished. Marshall i j to. roruana v alters Jiut. 148 5th. Portland. Or. O. C. CieraM, manaRer. YOUNG man, German, want position as gardener and drive auto; can -give refer ences. Addrees AF 159, Oregonian. HOTEL clerk, bet references, wants work any kind. AO 1SJ. Oregonian. POSIT ION in laundry by aobr. industrious married man. Main 3423. Hardy Gates. HIGH school ftudont. 'wants work during vacation. O 120, Oregonian. JAPANESE wants Job, any kind work, every morning. A B 1 Oregonian. Ui-oK I NO In private family and porter work. M 13H, Oregonian. STRUCTURA L draftsman, live years' cipe-rU-nce. wants xsRlon. J Oregonian. MAX and wife to cook in camp, out of town. Phone Tabor 1:850. Mrs. Hoffman. VOUXO man with experience wants work driving or In garasc K 147. Oregonian. 8rTUATTONS WANTED FKMALE. Bookkeepers and Htenographers- ST K X OG RAPHE R. u years' experience aten oRraphic, neral office work, desires po sition. Main 2451. STENOGRAPHER, with experience, wants position. HQ a week to start. AE 106. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper with knowl edge of stenography. desires position. Phone Pellwood 81J. WANTED by educated girl, position as clerk, cashier, office assistant. K., 4ir S. E. 31st. COMPETENT stenographer desires substi tuting work. Main Gyi'l. YOLNG -girl would like to assist In house work. 4o5 E. Ankeny st. Phone 4o.?5. DrrMnakert. EXPERIENCED Eastern dressmaker will accept a few more engagements by the day. Workmanship and ' fit guaranteed. Rest local references. Tabor 1H34. DRESSMAKING at home or by day. TaBor inres. MATERNITY nurse wants case; will do light housework. Main 147. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes raaea, cKlerly invaltd. companion. Main 2039. A 477". Housekeeper. LADY 38 wishes managing housekeeping po sition refined widower's home ; first-class service; references exchanged. Call 23 4th, room 3. LA DY, 1. w ith gi r 0, position housekeeper for renP.ctb1-n man. AD 13. Oregonian. M i sr e 1 1 a 11 emj . WANTED Place to take care of baby by young girl with some experience. V 133, Oregonian. GIRL wants day work. Call up this dace Tabor 4494. GST E. Stb, N. SITUATIONS WANTED TFEMAI.E. Miiicellaneous. A STRONG, capable girl. 20 ear.i old. a good cook and housekeeper. wishes a position to work In a private family for room, board and small wages, during one half day and about two hours evenings. Position on west Side preferred. Address 1497 E. 9th j-t. N. Portland. YOUNG WOMAN desire- position as lady's companion, or children's uursc, with fam ily going to Europe. A P 159, Oregonian. or Main 353G. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes position as cashier or In doctor s or dentist s of fice. F 16'. Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires position In refined home as a governess. Phone Tabor 36U4 or call at 1351 E. Lincoln. WANTED care for two or three little gins age .,1, and over, by motherly ladv at her home. Tabor 3954. DINNERS cooked and parties served bv ex-perlenced- woman. l'hone Marshall 5974. GIR1 15. wishes general housework. Phone Tabor 2351. LACE curtains, draperies, linen laundered by expert. Tabor 317. RKLIAlll.E iedy cashier wants position. Phone East 552. A GOOD woman wants work full dais. Tabor 2445. CCCLl-t41 D ''ADV ""'li-' day work. Phone COMPETENT wonian wants day work; ref erenees. Phone Tahor 7ul. nui i.,triT win uo party work; also day ""-'si jii-jii-.T .viHrmian -.'IM. SWISS girl wants second work. East 3404. WANTED AGENT. LIVE specialty salesman can make f-Jil d:iv no com net li inn I eo --.-i . .-. i.: erenccs required. National Liquid Register AUh..Nl at once. A-l proporltl .il. 5:',S 5th .-.o. 1-1. r-eattie, wash. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANT to rent a modern homo for one or two years, must he on the West Side not on Portland Heights west of Kith St. Must bo modern and well furnished will pay the right price lor 11... i,-r,.' place; must have 4 bedrooms and servant's looms. muslcrc-om. garage, etc. Four "ni'ia miu - HrrianiB, DCSt Ot references A 1 60. Oregonian. WA NT ED HOUSES TO RENT If you want to rent your house's lint mem with us. we have a number ot people waning tor nouses. UMBDENSTOCK U LARSON CO 2S6 Oak St. . Main 7750 NICE 0-room house, JIS. 912 E Mder at cor, ot :;oih. 914 E. Alder St., $17. Rooms. BACHELOR wants room; uo objection to nuis. i-t too, oregonian. Kooium With lli'ant WANTED by 2 women and hov 4 vp art, olii room and board in rofined "family; must WANTED By lady employed, home for boy .-c-xiii uiu, 11 1 omrr ciiuaren; reason able. V 3 5S, Oregonian. FOR KENT. lurnlrbeU Hoomi. ROWLAXD 20 tn fiH. PAKSONS MINOOH HOTEL 4TH. Are you looking: for n ice, clean rooms, wiiii hot and cold water, privaio I. at ha, homelike and resooctable. at VEKV AloO K KATli PKlCEa? If so you will be satis fied at any of the 3 hotels above, tilve us a trial and you will be the winner, ana besides sae money and set the beau A X N EX. H O T K r. Washington St., Cor. 1'th. Walking distance to all; 150 rooms, fire proof, modern, both telephones. SPECIAL li A T li S. Daily Weekly Monthly. With baih privilege or private bath. A X X E X HOTEL Charles H. Rowley, Mgr. THE HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th, between iloi n&ou and Yamhill: re cently opened, every modern convenience, plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful lobby; rates $1 week and up; with pri vate bath $5.u0 week and up; transient rates. 75c and up. Free phone. Main -Jlti. A O L N tj man rooming n V. Ai. C. A. wants roommate to rcducu rooming expensa; rea sonable cost ; llrtyroof building; shower baths, vacuum cleaned; many cluh ad vantages; iu $3o4j,ouo uuildinjj. lnTu.re business ottice, V. Ai. C. A., cor. tita and Taylor ets. HOTEL. 11UCK1NGHAM, i WASHING TON ST. Elegantly located, fireproof: new and modern rooms, with or without bath, $-.00 week up; special rates to permanent eueBts; conquctea aoove reproacn. THE VIRGINIA HILL HOTEL. 14th and Jefferson. An estaMiancd hotel. Rooms en suite or auiHte; rates reasonable. A titiils. M yjs. HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi ness people: central lv located : ele nut rooms ; modern conveniences. 13 road way ana iayior, oiock irom i'urlland Hotel, opposite urpheum Theater. Main 010. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh street. New, modern brick building, steam-heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably -fumisht'd. Transients solicited. HOTEL NETIIERLAXDd, VJo 13th st., at Washington. Rooms, $3.50 per week up; under per sonal management owner. J. JJushong, HOTEL Edwards, Grand ave., E. Belmont; rooms $1:1 mo. and up; Jl'.&O and up with bath; absolutely respectable. East 3-U. TH E LARRABE E, Larrabee. Rooms f'J week up. .Brick building, steam heat, hot, cold water, bat h, phone, electricity. CENTRAL HOTEL. opposite I'autages, modem outside rooms, up; wiih pri vate bath. up. Come and see us. HOTEL COXOTtESri Beautifully f urnished rooms with all modern conveniences, 6th and Main. NICELY furnished rooms, with bath, $2.."0 week and up. 4th, floor Goodaough, 5th and Yamhill sts. THE FALACE. SOS Va Fine at., newly fur nished rooms, and up. rurnlnhrd Rooms Ln Private Family. NEWLY furnished room in private family. East Side, with or without board; 15 min utes' walk from 3d and Washington sts. by Steel or Broadway bridges. Call Home phone C 1270. NICELY furnished, attractive rooms, mod ern, nice location, pleasant surround in km ; only ft minutes to business district. iiU-J 11th st., near Columbia. TWO nicely furnished rooms, very reason able to two gentlemen ; J 7 minutes' walk to town. 'J17 Cherry st. Phone East 4r7.". THE BEVERLY Nicely furnished room, $J to $.i.A wr-ek; transient, 00c to $ L a day. Park and Yamhill. NICELY furnished, airy rooms, $1.5t to $3 wn?k y : good 1 oca 1 1 1 y . 300 1 '2 1 h. NICELY furnished front room, do other roomer. Phone and bath. Marshall T33. $1.75 PER week, neat sleeping room for gentleman ; close in. 201 W. Broad way. 541 Y AMU 1 LL IT lare. newly f u rnished rooms; sin?;l- room every c"n v-u lenoc. NICri sipping ntom, morning sun, $2.00 per week. L't.;,; li'th st. FCIlX LSH ED rooms for gent lenu-n in a private family. West Side. Marshall 4o4t. LARGE, wtll-f urnished room, tiucsL location. ::2l West Park. Marshall HL'iI. VERY nice-room with board in private fam tly. Nob Hill, 203 2lgt St. Mar-hall 1 4a7. LARGE furnished room, running water; also suite, reasonaoie. .t Hoyt. Mar. 4703. ONE well -furnished room, $6. 31 1 Main st. 20 Fiont rooms or for two; modern con- veniences. SS 1 7th st.. near Everet t. LIGHT, airy room; moderate. 'JfiS 12th st. Booms With Bnara. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 3S6 Montgomery st.. at West Park mod ern conveniences; rooms with or without bath ; excellent tablo service; reasonable rates for regular and transient guests THE WHITEHALU 203 6TH ST A residential hotel, larxe sun porch; rooms with or without baths; homo cook ing; table board a specialty LA HGE, beautifully furnished rooms with board, suitable for 2 or a; separate beds i:se of pi-no and home comforts. lui 11th st. Main 6:.si. CHOICE single and double rooms, first-class table. C3 N. 17th, one block from Wash ington. THE LAMBERSOX, ZTti Couch, cor. 17Ht outsioe rooms; steam h-at, running water special rates for good table b .-... THE MANITOC. 2rtt lUth St. Excellent table. large. airv rooms. Pummer rates. J" car at Depot THE HAZEL Larfce outside rooms, steam heat, running water; with or without meals; -moderate price. 30 3d st. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, tMth year; rooms with board, use of sewinjr-roorn li brary. 510 Flanders, Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. K-oom Witu i-ur-a. NORTONIA HOTEL. 11th. just off Washington st. American and European. Beautiful dining-room, tearoom and roof garden. Very attractive raus to families and bachelors. MODERN ELEGANT EXOLl S 1 V S . American and European plan; near City Park; convenient to carline. THE HILL. Washington, ot 'J3d st. Rshlential and. Toiirisis' Hoii, Attractive rates to permanent and tran sients. Main 70i. EOR . M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned; shower baths. sni:n minjc puol, club facilities ; special rates at MtVi.M-ia. and 1 uo oih-r features. Full Parti. -iiiurs at business oifice, cor. 6th and Taylor sts. T 1 1 H W ILL-VKLi ! OTEL, MOUP.ISON AM) PARK. STS. Kur.'poH'i and American, per day wth meals. Rates by tliu month and week with or w it hout meals very reasonable. New, mod-rn and fireproof ELTON COLRT. Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms with excellent tabl toai u. very reasonable rates. 1 1th and 1 amhiU sts. EXCELLEXT board and beautiful room. facing the park. ;,74 Park st. Rooms With ttour.-.; lo lrivir t-ainlLr. TWO or three young Indies can have a traetive rooms ami exi client hoard snd the prixileges uf home iu reflmd modern home, on I he WV.-i t-itle. easy wa Ikirg distant?.-; rates $:i2.o0 per moiua. l'hone -Vtarsiiall J-i:;s. LEWlr? LODGE. 70 Prospect urive. phone Main 10T.7. Just the piae for business peopie to spend the Summer; a few minute. to the center of city; all modem con eniences. ROOM with board for man and wife or two young men; splendid board and larce. cool room, adjoining bath ; all modern conveniences and home privileges- $J0 per monrh. Phone Mifr-ma.l 24:S. FOR KENT New ly furnished room board in private home. Imitp la n-n id and porches, best Southern home cooking, us of piano. Marshall It!1.".. fcLllE of room?, sle-ping porch, with bath. bet-Aocn rooms, with board; best of home cooking.; no other boarders, new and mod e r n . .V X 102. O r t o i 1 ; a n . NICK Lomfortab! rooms, with breakfast, bouid, hot and cold water, bath, pnone, v aiking distance, reasonable. 120 X lath corner Gllsan. M. ;iu:t7. MOST desirable large front room wit h all modern conveniences, including txcailoi.t table board. Located with in easy walking distance. Inquire Mi Main st. LA KG K, fell -furnished room v ith t w n meals, for J young people at a special Summer price; It will pay to 1 ing I-t ;;2t. LARGE, nicely furnished front room all conveniences, with or without board, close ln- Salmon. Marshall 4410. ROOM and hoard for young women, modern convenience and walking distuncc. l'hone E. 4 T "J "' , ROOM and board iu privStLo family; rates reasonable ; modern bom with privileged. H 1 P.. ui egonlan. 241 X. 22 D ST., w el 1-f urnished room, porrti and grounds; excellent meals. Main 2071. NICELY furnished room with board, walking distance. Main GG04. 1 00 X. lGi h st. NEATLY furnished irnt room, s-s per month ; with board. HH. ;ibii 12tn si. FL'RX I SHED rooms with board, sleeping pore?.. ::l'o 11th. Phone A ItKitt. ROOM and t. I'lion East nrd iu an Irving ton home. PLEAt-ANT, airy room, use of piano. G1 lt'th st. Main ;?::i2. BOARDEKS and roomers wanted, find loca tion. 77 Ghsan. Marshall 704. Apart mrnta. THE 1" Ps? HER. 2Gth and Upshur sts. Fur nished 2 - room Hp is., $1G. $ I up ; steam heat, hot and cold water In everv apart ment; public bath, electric lights, gas ranges, laundry room, all free. Tako "o, ' -0 a or " cars north. Main bo9. HARRI MAX Al'Ta. (Annex-, 7-5 living st. One 0-room apt., furnished wi; h two rea 1 bedrooms and two disappearing beds, phone, cic. References. Main o0t or Mai shall 3M. ALEXANDER APARTMENTS. 0 01 4 rooms, Iart;e sunny, splendid corner. $10 or $J0; also furnished, pays to see them. Phone li yt E. lULh st., corner Washington. KINGS B CRY, Ford, near Washington st. High-class apart meuts; one u 11 fur nished of S rooms, with private bal- cony ; reasonable rent. MONT G OM E R Y A PA RT M EN'T.S. Third and Montgomery; new, modern, out side furnished 2-room apartments; eleva tor; close In; $J0 to $110, Main fc4GG. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated a room apartments. $20 and up; good jani tor service, walking distance ; references. 712 Washington, opp. Ii2d. Main 71S4. SIX large rooms, hardwood floors, water, heat, private phones, large sleeping porch, front veranda, new and every convenience. Grace Apartments, 717 Northrup. IF YOU look for apartment, better see Cheltenham, litth and Northrup ; healthy place, all outside rooms, finest furniture, fireproof bldg. 3-ROOM modern furnished npartment; heat, light, phoned wa ter furnished, for $23.50. t;o E. 2;d st.. 1 block north Hawthorns ave. East H7S. ALCO APARTMENTS. Union ave. and Couch, modern, new. furnished 2-room apts., walking distance, $11-2. 00. THE LA VIERri. 710 Wayne tit. Main 62 R0. Modern furnished or unfurnished apart- menis. tnree to six rooms. BROWNE APARTMENTS, Cor. 14th and Taylor. Unfurnished 2 and 3-rooru apartments Ftrletly modern. THE WAYNWOOD, 109 N 18TH. 1. '2 and C rooms, modern, furnished and unfurnished apts; 2 to $C 5 per month. Main S193. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park St., at Madison. Modern II and 4 -room furnished apart ments by the week or month. THE ORMONDE, 4 and 5-room apartments, modern, furnished or unfurnished Sum mer rates. 000 Flanders, Nob Hill. Main ;j;i. GENEVA APTS., SAX FRANCISCO, S40 Van Ness Ave. First-class modem 3-rooin, furnished; liner., si lver. SUMMER RATES. l-room nicely furnished apart men t ; all large, coo, outside rooms; J bath, phone and on carline. $ "o41. Tabor 2J4;i. THE M'KINLEV APARTMENTS. East 7th and Moi rison sts. Very central; anl o-room apartments, furnished com pletely; private baths; from Jl'O to $Jl.0). AR DMA Y TERRACE. Except lona 11 y Jargre living-room 10x2f 1 ; everv convenience. 12th and Harrison sta. MiEP.N ;:-room apt., with sleeping porch, s:to per month ; a tso sin k le rooms, reason -Hide. Lanlnre Apts.. 1 nth and Jefferson. FLORENCE, 38$ UTH. 3 and 4 rooms, completely furnished; up to date; roof garden; from $27.50 up. ANGELA AI'TS. 37-39 Trinity place, 2, :i and 4 -room spis., nicely furnished, modern. low ra t. THE HOUSMAN APTS., 7. Hoyt st.; mo e in on Summer prices to exit ml through t?e Winter. ALTON I A, Marshall and HUh sts. Lars, airy 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; quiet and exclusive neighborhood. 5-UOOM modern flat; fruit, roses, firrp.a; -h-minute walk from postoiLce. o i. 1 1111. Main 7u10. A GOG 1 . THE MARLBOROUGH, Nob H.:i district 6 room apartment; every convenience. Main 701 G. TH E Hrlekston. 4 i 1 1th Nicely furnishea '2 and r.-room modern outside apts.. near Heights. Airs. F. W. McCune. Marshall 07. HI-EN A VT3TA. 12th and Harrison '2 and G-room apart ments; best service. App-y " premises. THE DE7.ENDOKF. "OS Sixteenth, n'-n r Taylor. One unfurnished 0-room apartment. THE STANFIELD. New '.'-room apts, light and gas In cluded: $10 to $20. 'Jt-4 porter st. M. Tot 2. BRYN M A W ! I APTS.. ISO K 10th, near Yamhill ; 4 -room apts.. modern. ILL 1 H EE APTS., 47 Taylor 2-room apart ments, well furnished. $17 and up. tE DAYTON large rooms, apt., porches, every convenience; low rent. 0S Flanders. HERM KN1A, 4h Hall st., new building. Turnisneu, raoccni. lLr aiau G444. MAYO Apts.. Union ave. and Sacramento -.- .!, f-i-Hnte. rea son a d T i- i- wtn FURNISHED ar.d unfurnished 3-room apts private hath Mnln P.GJ. 64S Thurman. CHEAP APARTMENT " n rooms, furnished. Phono Marshall 1171 Wash. Hlgn-ciass; rerorencey. Holh phones 1-ROOM apts. furnished. modern; refer ences. romwpii ywinex. .'VM Columbia. FURNISHED apartments at the Luxor. 24 i;-trh st. THE LEONARD, "-room apartment; mod ern. u-Go East Main. Phone East 1449.