8 THE 'MORNING- OltEGONIAN. THURSDAY. JUNE 19, 1913. BEAVERS GNAW OUT FROM UNDER SEALS Portland Coasters Take 6 to 3 Game From San Francisco by Rally Near End. DOUBLE PLAYS BIG FACTOR Jess Baker Stays in Box Only Part of Contest and Douglass Has Bad Time In Eighth McArdle Makes Spectacular Catch. Pacific Coast League Standings.; W. L. P.CI TV. L.-P.C. L. An'gele. 45 2 .B0S'3acramento: 82 87.484 Oakland... 87 3il .n07 Portland .. .. 31 37.450 an Fran. t 38 38 .506,Venice 85 42.455 Yesterday's Results. At San Francisco Portland 6. fan Fran cisco 3. At Sacramento Oakland S, Sacramento 4. At Los Angeles Los Angeles 3, Venice 1. SAN FRANCISCO. June 18. (Spe cial.) The Seala slipped a peg In the going this . afternoon- They couldn't keep, up the pace. .and, although they made a desperate, struggle, with the break of the luck at the outset. It was the Portland team that finally came to the front, evening up the score because of Baker's errors In the seventh and clinching it when -they ripped out five hits off Phil Douglass In the eighth that netted four runs and gave them a victory, final score d to 3. Jess Baker wasn't hit -hard at any stage of the proceedings while he was In the box-, but there were tantalizing scratch singles, and that, combined with the weak style in which he fielded his own position ought to have given the Beavers more runs than the score will show. As it was, Hon us McArdle made a one-hand stop on a drive and turned possible runs Into a spectacular doubt,. while on two other occasions there were double plays that saved the Seals from annihilation. McArdle Does Star Catch. In the six Innings and a portion that Baker stayed in the box. not more than three balls were hit out of the infield. Two of them were fly balls caught by Willie Hogan and. the third a single toward the clubhouse. The hits, as they are totalled, were the luckiest kind of infield grounders which with the errors gave the enemy many a chance. Chadbourne singled as a starter be cause Baker was too slow In covering. Derrick hit Into a double play when he lined one that Baker tipped with his fingers and Corhan handled and the damage was over for the time being. Things looked bad for Howard's men in the second. Lindsay scratched a hit toward third and Korea dumped the ball on the ground In front of Schmidt. Luckily Lindsay was caught off second, Speas annexed a Cincinnati hit. Lober swung on a good ball and it looked as if a drive to right. McArdle Jumped in the air, stuck up one hand and came down with the ball safe and sound. A throw to Corhan finished up the double play. Game Won "With Two On, i ' Portland could do nothing with Baker until the seventh, and then he tumbled of his own accord. When Hodgers hit to McArdle Baker covered but dropped the ball. Lindsay hit one straight at Baker, who had an easy out at second, but his throw was a mile high. Kores, trying to bunt, hit safely in front of Schmidt and the bases were full. A single to center by Speas tallied Rod gers and when Lober grounded out to Charles, Lindsay came home. Baker was removed. Berry then sent a short fly to Hogan, who threw Klores out at home. Douglass got his "needings" in the eighth and incidentally lost his game there. There were two down when it happened. Derrick doubled to left, Rodgere was walked and Lindsay hit to left field in safety. Derrick tried to score, but the ball was winged home in time. Schmidt was too sure of bis out and dropped the ball. Kores fol lowed with a double that sent in two more of the Beaver runs and Speas drove in the last of the quartet. Score: Portland San Franeisc BHOAE 5 2 0 0 0 B H O A E 5 10 0 0 C'b'orne.m Derrick. 1. Rodgers.3 . Lindsay, 3 . Kores. s. . Speas. r. ... I.ober.l. ... Berry.o. . . trb'ham.p Mundorf f.r 5 S 1 13 2 0 Charles,2. . 0 3 2 0 10 0 0 0 3 10 0 S 4 0 2 14 3 3 0 5 0 Johnston, 1. Hogan, m. , McArdle.l. Corhan, s. .. 1 10 2 1 3 7 2 0 a i o o 0 3 0 0 C-wriKht.3. 4 115 0 3 3 3 1 1 6 0 0 Schmidt, c. 4 10 0 0 Baker, p. 0 0 2 Douglass, o. 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Howard.. Total.. 3 7 13 27 15 2( Total.. 36 10 27 17 S -nauoo tor uoustau in nlntn. P.ortland 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 6 Hits 1 3 o o n n . r 9 19 Kan Francisco .........0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 ' 1 Z 0 3 0 0 2 0 2 10 Runs Derrick. Rodrera ?. T.lndnv t Kores, McArdle, Corhan 3. Two runs, 6 hits off Baker, taken out In seventh Inning,- 1 'u Bim x uul. i wo-oase nits scnmiat 2, Derrick. Kores. First base on balls Higgln--botham 1. Dousrlesa 1. Ktmck- mit Ttv n. Klnbotham 5, by Douglass 1. Double plays liaker to Corhan to McArdle; McArdle to Corhan; Lindsay to Derrick to Berry; Hogan to Schmidt. Earned runs San Francisco 3. T.eft on bases Portland 5, San Francisco 7 Charge defeat to Douglass. Time 1:3S. Um pires MoCarthy and Bush. DARIXG BASE BXXXIXG WINS Los Angeles Victor 5 to 1 When Aided by Venice. LOS ANGELES. Cal.. June 18. Dar ing base running plus lax fielding by Venice and Koestner's occasional wild ness gave Los Angeles the second game of the series, 5 to 1, today. With the score a tie, Los Angeles scored two in the fourth without a hit. Koest ner passing two and Miggert scoring from second on Metzger's sacrifice, Venice leaving the home plate un guarded. Perritt allowed but four hits, none of them counting except in the first inning. Score: Venice I Los Angeles BHOAE! BHOAB Carlisle,!.. 4 1 3 0 0lpage,2 4 1 1 5 0 rVRo'rke.2 3 1 a 8 llEllla.l 4 0 100 Bayless.m 3 0 2 O OiMoore.l . .. 8 1 14' 2 0 Brasho'r.l 3 0 7 0 OiMaggert.m 2 10 0 0 Litschci.3. 4 1 0 2 0Krueger.ro, 10 100 Hosp.s.... 4 13 OSHoward.r.. 2 0 3 00 Meloan.r. . 4 0 2 O l Metzger.3. 2 12 31 EOlllott.c. . 8 0 4 2 o; Johnson, s.. 4 0 0 41 Koestner.p 3 0 1 O 0' Boles, c. . . 4 1 S 20 McD'nell 1 0 0 0 O'Perrltt.p. . 4 0 111 Totals. ..33 4 24 7 4 Totals. . .30 B 27 17 S Batted for Elliott in ninth. Venice 1 O 0 0 0 O O O O 1 Hlta 1 0 0 6 O 2 0 O 14 Los Angeles ...0 1 0 2 2 0 O 0 5 Hits 0 1 0 0 2 O 0 2 S Runs Bayleas, Moore, Maggart 3, How ard. Three-base hlta Maggart. Stolen bases Page. Mnore 2, Maggart. Sacrifice hit Metzger. Sacrifice fly Howard. Base on balls Off Koestner 4, Perritt 8. Struck out By Koestner 4. b Perritt 4. Time 1:45. Umpires Finney and Van Cleef. SACRAMENTO LOSES 8-4 GAME Stroud in Mediocre Form and Oaks Get Eight Tnearned Runs. SACRAMENTO, Cal., June 18. Play ing a loose game behind Stroud, who was not in the best of form, the Sac ramento Wolves allowed OaklnnH tA get away with eight unearned runs for the long "end of an 8 to 4 victory. Stroud was relieved by Klnsella In the fourth and the Oaks registered only two more hits off the relief twirler. But the lead was too great and-Killi-lay held he locals safe. The Wolves made their five errors before anybody was out In the fourth inning-. Score: Oakland Sacramento B H O A E B H O A E Leard,2J. . Gardner.l. Zacher.m.. Coy.r HetIIng,3. teecker.l. . Cook.a. . . Mltze.c. . .. Killilay.p. 5 11 2 1 Soung.s. .. 3 0 3 2 1 8 2 OILewis.l. . .. 4 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0Moran,m. . 4 1 0 0 Shinn, r. ... 3 1 2 OiK-warthy.2 4 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0:Hallinan.3. 2 1 3 4 0 Tennant.l. 3 1 5 1 0 Bliss.c. ..5.1 0 0 1 0 Cheek.c ... 1 0 IStroud.p. .. 1 0 IKinsella.p. 2 0 IVanBuren -1 0 I K' witter". 0 0 Total.. 33 9 27 12 1) Total.. 29 6 27 10 5 "VanBuren batted for Bliss In sixth; Klawitter batted for Klnsella in ninth. Oakland l o. 3 4 0 0 0 0 8 Hits 1 2 2 3 1 0 4 0 0 9 Sacramento 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 04 Hits a 0 0 2 O 1 0 0 1 0 6 Runs Leard 2. Gardner 2, Zacher, Coy, Mltze, Killilay. Toung. Moran. Shinn, Hal linan. Eight runs, 7 Tilts off Stroud, taken out in fourth inning- with none out and a Dave llHnproft, Who Drove in Three Runs for Portland Against Spokane Yesterday and Broke Up 0-0 Tie. man on second; charge defeat to Stroud. Three-base hit Shinn. Two-base hit Mltee, Gardner, Hallinan, Moran. Kenworthy. Sac rifice hits Zacher 2, Killilay. Bliss. Sac rifice flies Coy, Becker. Shinn. Tennant. Struck out By Killilay 4. by Stroud 1. by Klnsella 3. Base on balls Off Klnsella 3, off Stroud 1, off Klawitter 2. Passed balls Bliss. Hit by pitcher Klawitter, Young. Double plays Hetllng to Gardner to Cook to Hetllng to Cook. Left on bases Oakland 6. Sacramento 6. Earned runs Sacramento 2. Stolen bases Leard, Coy. Hetllng, Mltze. Klawitter. Time 2:10. Umpires Held and Phyle. Hogan Gets New Pitcher. TJOS ANGELES, June 18. Pitcher Kepfler of the New Tork Americans has been acquired by the Venice Coast League Club. Manager Hogan received a telegram from Frank Chance offer ing him Kepfler and Hogan telegraphed an immediate acceptance. HARVARD ASD TALE EVEX TTP Crimson Team Take9 Victory After 14-Innlng Battle. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 18. The baseball lines of Harvard and Tale bat tled for 14 innings today to a Crimson victory, evening the series and making necessary a third inning. Score: R. H. E. Harvard .............. ......... 4 10 2 Yale ..3 7 2 The Crimson team tied the score at 3 to 3 in the ninth and in the last half of the fourteenth, with one man out, Gannett lifted a high fly back of sec ond base.- Cornish dropped the ball and Gannett slid into second. Hardwick then sent the ball far beyond the left fielder. ' It would have been good for a home run ordinarily, but Gannett had crossed the plate with the deciding tally when ' Hardwick reached second. Finishing" the circuit of the bases, Hardwick ran into a wild ovation and was carried from the field by exulting graduates. The next contest will be played in Brooklyn Saturday. The batteries to day were Brown Glle and Budett; Fel lon and Toung. Giants Buy $10,00(r "Phenom." SUPERIOR, Wis., June 18. "Rube" Schauer, the sensational pitcher of the Superior club of the Northern League, today was sold to the New York Na tionals for 110,000, delivery to be made August 15. Schauer leads the league in strikeouts, and has pitched three one hit games this year, his first year in or. ganized baseball. J. P. McNair will do the starting at a number of harness meetings in Cali fornia. He will say the word at Santa Kosa, state air at Sacramento.. Pleaa- anton and Los Angeles. Baseball Statistics STANDING OF THE TEAMS. National League. W. L. P.CI W. L PC Phila 82 17 .653'Boston 2427 471 New Tork at Ifl R?n:FitaH,. . oV.. Chicago.... 31 25 .654ist. Louis.'.'.". 23 3s!41l Brooklyn ... 27 23 .640;Cincinnati. .. 19 37 .338 American Zasm. Phila 41 IS .78IBoston 28 2 619 Cleveland.. 37 20 .649 Detroit 24 36400 Washington 30 2 .339 St. Louis 22 40 35S Chicago 81 27 .584New York.. 14 39 !a64 American Association. Columbus.. 34 24 .68S!Loulville.. . 81 30.503 Milwaukee- 88 2T .685jSt. Paul 30 30 000 Mln'polls. . 33 28 .64lIndlanapolIs 22 38 379 Kansas City 33 31 .SltJiToledo 28 88.877 Western Trl-State. Walla Walla S4 14 .708;.V. Yakima.. 25 24 510 golse 80 18.625:La Grande.. 16 29 .S3 Pendleton... 2S S3 .B32Baker 14 87.273 Yesterday's Results. American Association Minneapolis 4, To ledo 1; Columbus 8, Kansas City 2- Mil waukee 10, Indianapolis ; Louisville 2. St. Paul 1. Western League Omaha 8, Lincoln 8: St. Joseph 3, Wichita 2; Denver 10, Sioux City 7; Des Moines-Topeka game postponed, rain. Southern League Birmingham 2, Chatta nooga 1 (11 innings); Mobile 4. Montgomery 8; New Orleans 2. Memphis 2 (called end of seventh Innings by agreement): Nashvllla 2 Atlanta 2 (called end of ninth on account oi darkness). Portland Pacific Coast Batting Averages. Northwestern AB. H. Speas. . . . Lindsay. . Hlggin'am Kores. ... Lober. ... , Doane. . .. Krause... 5 3 154 50 43 14 206 62 107 30 1H7 63 45 12 .600'Eastley. .. .325 Heilmann .318 Melchior. . .SOOIMahoney.. .280Callahan. .279;Fltzgerald .296WillTams. .256 Gulgnl. .. . .2MMays .250;.lohler. . . .25 Murray . . . .242'Bancroft.. .244Coltrin. .. .215 Hynes. . .. .2105tanley. . i .188 Martinonl .125;Garrett. .. -llllPetera . -O00i AB H. P.C. .342 .2S9 .295 .276 .272 -270 .258 .252 .241 .235 .234 .229 .209 .176 .093 .0R0 .000 .000 35 12 137 41 227 67 130 36 H9 16 37 10 11S 80 171 43 84 8 1S7 44 128 30 171 29 172 86 17 3 32 3 25 2 3 0 8 0 James. . . 39 10 Chadb'rne, 2S3 72 KraPD. 20 5 Derrick. . Rodgers. . Fisher Berry. . . , McCor'ick West Carson . . . Hagerman McCredle, 245 60 264' 64 127 31 83 20 176 87 44 6 8 1 27 8 1 i ' ' , " - I 5 - - - ' N V - ' r f ?i - i . j A j v BANCROFT MAKES HOMER: COLTS WIN Spokane Goes Down to 8 to 0 Shutout With Covaleskie Humbled Hurler. FIFTH INNING TELLS TALE Coltrin's Two-Bagger, With Bases Filled, Adds Good Measure In Eighth Coulson's Debut Marked ty Double. Northwestern league Standings. W. L. PC. W. L. PC. Seattle.... 40 22 .6451 Victoria. . . 30 84.460 Vancouver.: 87 -8 -5B7jTacoma.'. . . 29 36.446 Portland.. 31 2 .OlTiSpokane. . . 22 42.344 , Yesterday's Kesolts. ' At Portland Portland 8. Spokane 0. At Tacoma Seattle 7, 'Tacoma 2. At Victoria Victoria 14, Vancouver 8. BY R03COB FAWCETT. Dave Bancroft climbed a Pole yes terday, the Pole's name was Covales kie, and Dave's climbing was nothing more nor less than a home run poke over the right field fence, driving two men in ahead of him. . The shortstop marvel's circuit clean er furnished the main reason for an 8 to 0 rout of the Spokane Indians by the Portland Northwestern leaguers. The other Important hunk of evidence against the visitors was the bread winning fin of Southpaw Stanley, who sent Conn's tribe to a third consecu tive foundering on four scattered hits. But, to return to Dave and his mod ernized slingshotting. Covaleskie and Stanley were bowling along in a won derful twirling duel, score 0-0, last half of the fifth inning. Covaleskie had not been dented for a hit. Sud denly Catcher Murray he of the ade noid expression whacked a grounder past third base, which so fussed the Pole that he passed Fitzgerald. Coitrln glims Oat Two-Bagger. Stanley fanned, however, making two outs, and nobody expected much of the Colts that frame. But, Bancroft had ideas. He executed them and Covaleskie at the same time by bang ing the leather high over the right field fence, scoring three runs. Those three were enough to win, but, for overflow measure, the locals bat ted clear around in the eighth inning. Coltrin's two-bagger into deep center with the bases full featured the fire works, and it's too bad Bobby's spank wasn't the wrecker, for then he could have edited himself into the headlines instead of being forced to the seclu sion of the fifth paragraph down. Five of the 10 noble athletes hit safely in that tumultous frame, two others walked and an eighth sacri ficed. Five runs crossed the safety zone and made the total 8-0. The inning in detail follows: Fitzgerald, Heilmann and Melchior singled in a row, one scoring; Peters sacrificed his two predecessors along; Mohler walked, filling the bags; Mur ray singled into right, -scoring one run and then Coltrin banged the pellet al most up against the "boohl," clearing the bases. Five runs. Coalaon Distinguishes Himself. Coulson, ex-Beaver-Colt, made his debut as an Indian and hit for a dou ble in four times up. He had no chance further to distinguish himself. Mil lion switched over to center field, and Crum waB swept off the table. Two of the four hits off Stanley were secured In the first Inning, when a whirlwind double play by Coltrin un assisted, saved Stanley's no-run rec ord. Kraft of Spokane against East ley or Garrett today. The score: Spokane I Portland B H O A El BHOAE Mlllion.m 4 12 0 o;Bancroft,s 4 1 6 20 McCarl.l. , 8 rone. 3 8 Wagner, 2. 4 Coulson, 1. 4 Papna.r. . 3 1 0- Fltzger-d.r 3 2 0 Heilmann. 1 3 0 0 O O 0 2 0 0 2 Oi-Vlelch'lr.m 4 0 O Peters, 1. O 8 1 0 1 0 0 0 Mohler,2.. 0 1 Harb'son.s 2 0 2 lO Murray. c. 3 6 2 0 3 4 10 0 0 2 0 Hannah.c 8 18 10 Coltrin, 3. . CovTkie.p 2 Altman. 0 0 8 0' 0 0 01 Stanley.p. Totals. 28 4 24 10 0 Totals. 28 8 27 0 Batted for Pappa in ninth. Spokane 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 Hits - 2 0 0 1 1 OO 0 04 Portland 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 6 8 Hits OO 0 0 8 O 1 8 8 Puna RanprAft TTlcr.ml V7.H.nnn Melcholr, Mohler. Murray!, Coltrin. Struck out By Stanley 4. Covaleskie 7. Bases on balls Off Stanley 8, Covaleskie 8. Two-base nits Minion, coulson. Coltrin. Home runs- Bancroft. Double plays Coltrin unassisted. Stolen bases Coltrin. "t"lme of gama 1 hour an nunuiss, umpire L Oman. Notes of the Game. Covaleskl fann ed all three men in the first inning. He walked eight men in the game. Nick Williams bad Intended using Gulgni in right and Mahoney in center, but when Manager Powell sent Covaleskie into the box Instead ot Kraft, Nick went back to his former lineup. The Colt infield maneuvered brilliantly, as usual. Bancroft. Coltrin and "Kid" Mohler all distinguished themselves. The day was ideal for baseball and close to 1000 fans sat in the stands. Umpire Jimmy Toman had another good day. Casey and Toman appear to bo the class among Western arbiters. Bush, Held and that stripe are not to be compared. Manager Williams Is delighted with the antics of Outfielder Fitzgerald. While dis appointed at the loss, of Speas, who made three hits in four trips yesterday at San Francisco, Nick appreciates the acquisition of Fits. The latter secured two walks and one hit yesterday The hitting of Murray and Coltrin was a big feature of the game. They secured four of the' Colts' eight hits. Watt Powell, of Spokane. Is having a hard "breaking In," but Watt is recognized as one of the best -baseball heads in the West and his choice will undoubtedly prove popular at Spokane. BEES SLAUGHTER BROWXIES Victoria Slams Out 18 Hits for 14 Runs to Vancouver's 3. VICTORIA, B. C, June 18. It was an awful slaughter the Brownies were forced to undergo in the twilight game here tonight, the Bees knocking out 18 hits for 14 runs against three se cured by Vancouver. - - 'Kiddo" Wilson, who pitched good ball for a while, was the first victim, next came Doty who was touched for eight hits and nine runs in the eighth, and to retire the side with two down, "Pug" Bennett came in from second and. took up the burden, fulfilling his duty. ' ... Narveson pitchej stellar ball, but was wild, in the eighth , and . Vancouver scored ' three runs. " Smith replaced Narveson after the game bad been put on ice. The hitting of Alberts was the feature. He grabbed, a home run. a three-base hit and a two-base hit. The score; Victoria I Vancouver BHOAEI BHOAE Madden. 1 4 0 2 0!Heister,3. B 1 1 4 1 RawUn's.s S 8 6 3 0;Benn't.2-p 4 2 2 1 1 Lynch.m. 4 11 0 0:Kippert,m 5 1 1 00 Meek.l... 5 2 4 0 OiFrlsk.r. . . 5 1 1 00 Swain. 2.. 6 8 4 2 2Walsh.l. . . 2 0 4 0 0 Alberts.8. 5 3 0 2 0 Brinker.l . . 8 1 3 00 Delmas, r. 2 11 0 OlScharney.s 8 15 80 Shea.c... 5 3 10 2 0Lewls,c. . . - 2"1 7 2 0 Narves'n.p 41 2 SOjWllson.p. .2 0 0 0 0 Smlth.p.. 0 0 0 OOlHall.. 1 O 0 00 IDoty.p... 0 0 100 Totals 39 18 27 14 2) Totals. 32 8 24 10 1 Batted for Wilson in eighth. Victoria o o O 8 O 2 O 9 14 Vancouver O 00 o 0 O03 0 o Runs Madden. Rawllngs 2, Lynch 2, Meek 2. Swain 2. Alberts 3. Delmas. Narve son, Hetster, Bennett. Kippert. Two-base hits Rawllngs 2, Swain 2, Alberts, Kippert, Three-base hits Alberts. Home runs Meek. Swain, Alberts. Stolen bases Delmas, Helster. Sacrifice hits Wilson. Sacrifice fly WalsH. Bases on balls Off Narveson 4. Wilson 1, Doty 3. Credit victory to Nar- veson, cnarge dereat to Wilson. Hit ly pitched ball Lewis and Walsh, by Narve eon. Hits off Wilson 10 in 7 innings; off Dotv 8 in 1 lnnlna-. Narveson R In R lnnines. Struck out By Karveson,6. Smith 1. Wtl- un uoiy none. 1 mi. j. ,K)K). umpire- Casey. M'GIXXITY ALLOWS HOME RUN' Strait, for Seattle, Goes Around Cir cuit With Two On. TACOMA, June 18. Strait's home run with two men on bases was enough to win for Seattle today, but a carnival of errors aided in piling up a big score. McGinnity was effective in all but the seventh inning. Score: Tacoma I Seattle BHOAE) BHOAE Netiel.l.. 4 11 O0'shaw,3... 5 10 40 Fries.m.. 3 0 5 0 0Nill,2 4 14 01 M'Mul'n.S 4 11 2 1 Stralt.1. . . 5 1 3 00 Keller.2.. 4 10 2 Scadman.c. 5 0 1 10 Nelghb's.r 4 11 O 0Klllllay.m 5 1 3 00 Ruell.s... 4 0 4 2 lJackson,l. 1 0 lO 10 Holder'n.l 3 1 9 0 0Wilson,r. . 5 0 2 0 0 Harrls.c. 3 1 6 2 0Raymond,a 4 1 4 SO M.'Gin'y.p 2 1 0 2 0 Mclvor.p. 4 3 O 10 Glrot.p... 0 0 0 00 Totals 31 7 27 10 5 Totals. 38 8 27 12 1 -Tacoma O 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 02 Seattle 0 O 0 0 1 14 1 0 7 Runs Keller, McGinnity, Shaw. Kill. Strait, Cadman. Jackson, Wilson, Mclvor. Double plays Jackson to Raymond to Shaw to Nlll, Raymond to Jackson. Two-base hits Neighbors. Holderman. Three-basa bits Mclvor. Home run Strait. Sacrifice hit Jackson. sacrlslce fly Fries. Eight hits. 7 runs off McGinnity in 8 Innings: no hits. no runs off Glrot In 1 inning. Struck out Mcuinnlly -4, Mclvor 1. biases on balls Mc Ginnity 2. Mclvor 1. Girot 1. Hit by pitcher Jackson, by McGinnity. Time i:5. umoire Nordyke. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Xew York 5, St. Louis 1. NEW TORK, June 18. The New York Americans evened it up with the St. Louis Browns today, winning the second game of the series by a score or o to 1. in the seventh, when New York scored two runs on Hartzell's pass, Peckinpaugh's double, Borton's sacrifice fly and McKechnie's single, Ford pitched well for New York, win ning his fourth straight game. He was well supported, Peckinpaugh and Cree making sensational plays behind him. Score: St. Louis B Shotton.m 4 New York O A E BHOAE 2 0 1 Daniels.r. Wolter.m. Cree,i Sweeney.c Hartxell.a 2 3 10 btovaii.i. Johnston, 1 Pratt.2. . 6 8 11 B 0 01 13 0 2 0 1 1 o 0 o 0 1 0 o 0 Willlams.r 2 0o; uaientt s. Foster,3. . Agnew.o. 4 O 2 O 0 2 1 UPeclcln'h a 1 4 1 0 0 8 0 Borton.l. 1 OiM'Kech'e,: 0 0Ford,p. . . 0 0 1 0 1 11 1 1 0 4 0 Weilman.p 1 t ompton Stone.p. . -I Totals 32 7 24 12 S Totals. 30 9 27 11 1 -waited lor weuman In eighth, bt. Louis 0 0 1 0 0 O 0 0 0 1 jw mm... u o O O 0 o Z 8 5 Runs Wrellman, Wolter, Cree, Sweeney, Hartzell, Peckinpaugh. Two-base hit Peck inpaugh. Sacrifice hit Cree. Sacrifice flies Borton, Hartzell, Stolen bases Cree, Pratt 2. Double plays McKechnie and Borton, Btovau and Balentl. Bases on balls Weil- man , stone a. otruck out Ford 1 Well man 2. Wild pitch Ford. Hits Off Weil man 7 In 7 Innings; off Stone, 2 in 1 in ning. Cleveland 4, Washington 0. WASHINGTON, June 18. Cleveland scored Its second victory of the- season over Walter Johnson today and defeat ed Washington, 4 to 0. Johnson opened the game for the visitors with a home run drive over the fence, clean hitting in the eighth gave them two more, and an error in the ninth another. Score: Cleveland Washington B H O A E Ft H O A E Johnston.l Turner.s. . Olson, 8. . . Jackson, r. Lajoie.2.. . Ryan.m. .. Graney.l. . O'Neill, c. V.Qregg.p. 5 2 10 1 0:Moeller.r. . 3 3 0 2 l'Gedeon.r.. 0 8 2 1 2 0 Foster.8... 8 S 0 4 1 0 Mllan.m... 3 4 1 2 4 0:Gandll,l.. . 4 4 110 O .Morgan.2-s 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 So 1 0 o 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 2 10 2 1 8 2 0 0 0Shanks,l.. . 4 8 0 8 lO McBride.s. 3 4 1 1 llLaporte.2.. 1 Ainsmlth.o 4 Johnson, p. 8 Williams. 1 Totals. 33 9 27 13 a Totals. 38 9 27 16 2 Batted for Moeller In seventh. Cleveland 1 o 0 O 0 -2 1 Washington O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Runs Johnston 2, Graney, V.Gregg. Home run Johnston. Sacrifice hits Turner. O'Neill, Milan. Stolen bases Gregg. Shanks, Morgan. Double play Jackson to O'Neill; Johnson to McBride to Gandll. Bases on balls Off Johnson 2. Struck out By Gregg 7. by Johnson 2. Wild pitch Johnson. Time 1:52. Umpires Ferguson and Dineen. Chicago 0, Philadelphia 5. PHILADELPHIA, June 18. By bat ting Bender and Wyckoff from the slab in the early Innings today, Chi cago gained such a lead that Phila delphia could not overcome It. The final score was 9 to 6. Score: Chicago I Philadelphia B H O A E! BHOAE Rath.2. . 4 2 11 O'E.Murphy.r 5 111 Lord. 8 . 4 0 a OlOldrlng.l.. 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 00 14 3 1 2 0 6 1 1 12 0 1 0 0 0 0 hase.l . .- 4 r.Colllna.r 6 Bodle.l... 4 Mattlck.m S Weaver, a 4 Schalk.c. . 4 E.Walsh.p 4 fl 0 0 J.Walsh. 1. 8 0 0 E.Collins.2 3 8 OOBaker.S... 8 8 1 01 Mclnnes.l 4 2 2 l;3trunk.m.. 0 ' 9 2 O Daley'-m. 4 0 2 0iBarry.a. .. 1 8 10 1 0 5 0 0 0 O 0 1 1 Orr.s 2 Lapp.c... 4 Bender.p. . 1 IWickoff.p. O ITaff.p 2 . 0 o 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 D.Murp'y' 1 TnomasL. 0 0 o 00 Totals. 89 14 27 10 l Totals. 14 10 27 17 4 Batted for Strunk in first. Batted for Taff in ninth. J Ran for D. Murphy In ninth. Chicago 3 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 9 Philadelphia 0 0 000400 1 6 Runs Rath 2, Lord 2, Chase 3. J. Collins z. weaver, uoiiine, ucinnei, laiey, urr, Lapp. Two-base hits J. Collins. Mclnnls, Orr, Baker. Three-base hits J. Colins, Wea ver. Hits Off Bender, 6 in 8 Innings; off Wlckoff. 6 In 1 inning; off Taff, 8 In 5 in nings. Sacrifice hits Lord, Chase. Sacrifice fly Bodle. Stolen bases Rath 2. Doubla plays Weaver to Chase: Mattick. Schalk to Rath. First base on balls Off Walsh 4, off Bender 1. oft Wlckoff 1. Struck out By Walsh 8, by Bender 1, by Wyckoff 1, by Taff 3. Time 2:09. Umpires Hlldebrand and Loughlln. Boston 7, Detroit 6. BOSTON, June 18. Boston defeated Detroit, 7 to 6, today, errors figuring largely in the run-getting. A bad throw by Janvrln In the fifth inning with the bases full and two out let in two Detroit runs. Captain Wagner of Boston will be out of the game for some time because of blood poisoning In one of the finger's ot his right hand. Score: Detroit Boston BHOAE - BHOAE Bush.s.... 4 1 3 0 0 Hooper.r. . 5 1 2 0 0 Yitt,2,S... 4 10 8 1 Yerkes,2... 6 0 1 81 Crawf 'rd.r 2 0 2 0 0 Speaker.m 8 2 6 X 0 Cobb.m... 4 2 S lOLewls.l... 4 0 2 0 0 Veach.l... 3 0 4 0 0 Gardner,8. 2 2 0 6 0 Gainer. 1.. 4 18 OOEngel.l... 8 2 13 0 0 Mori'rity.8 8 1 0 2 1 Janvrln,!.. 2 0 0 12 H'n'sey,3. 0 0 0 0 0 Carrlgan.c 3 2 3 00 St'nage.o.. 8 0 2 1 0 Collins.p. .. 4 0 0 20 Rondeau,o 1 0 0 0 0 Wlllett.p... 3 10 3 1 Hall.p 1 0 0 21 Dubuc... 1 1 0 00 Louden" 1 0 0 00 Totals... fc3 8 24 11 4 Totals... 31 9 27 13 3 Batted for Morlarlty In eighth. Batted for Hall In ninth. Detroit 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 6 Boston 0 1 0 3 1 2 0 0 7 Runs Bush, Vltt. Crawford. Cobb, Vsach, Wlllett, Yerkes, Speaker, Gardner 2, Engei, Carrigan 2. Two-base hits Bush. Vltt, Gainer. Carrigan 2. Speaker. Three-base hits Cobb, Speaker, Gardner. Hits Off Wlllett. 6 in 4 1-8 Innings: off Hall. 8 in 8 2-8 Innings. sacrifice hits Vitt, Jan vrln, lngie. stolen bases codd, veacn. Double plays Cobb and Stanage; Gardner, Terkes ana ttngie. First on Bans orr wu lett 2, off Hall 1, off. Collins 2. Sacrifice flies Crawford. Veach Carrigan. Janvrln. Left on bases Detroit 5, Boston 7. First base on errors Detroit 2, Boston s. struck out By Hall 1, by Collins 2. Time 1:45 Umpires Sgan and Evans. Jackey Warren, former Tacoma out fielder, has been transferred from To ledo to Fort Wayne in the Three-Eye League. . ' TRI-STATE IS INTACT Caldwell, Idaho, Replaces La Grande, Or., in League. . FRANCHISE TURNED OVER Slx-Clnb Circuit Continues With Lit tle Interruption as Result of "Spuds' Blow-Tp Bears and Boise Win Wednesday. The Western Tri-State League is to be continued as a six-club organization, with Caldwell. Idaho, taking over the La Grande franchise and team. W. N. Sweet, president of the league, last night Instructed his secretary, L. M. Brown, to arrange to transfer the fran chise. Sweet, with the Boise men, will go to Caldwell Thursday. Caldwell wanted to get into the league at the first of the season, but preference was given to La Grande, a member of the organiza tion last year. While the La Grande "blow-up" came suddenly to the fans, the league officials had a few hours' warning and tried to get another town to take the franchise. Both Boise and Walla Walla won their games Wednesday, Boise beating North Yakima. 3 to 1, while Walla Walla trounced Baker, 8 to 4. At Baker Umpire Carroll's decisions and two bad errors by West, the Baker center fielder, coupled with some hard hitting, did the work for Walla Walla. Martini, who hit a homer Tuesday, sent another over Wednesday. Harmon was the batting star, getting five hits in five times up. Baker made much ob jection to Carroll's decisions. The score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Baker 6 9 3WallaW.. .8 18 2 Batteries Ward and Troeh; Shader and Johnson. At Boise bunched hits and passed balls gave the Irrigators their victory. Lockhard, for North Yakima, allowed fewer hits, hut Melter, for Boise, was steadier and had better support at crit ical moments. A double and a single gave North Yakima her only score. The score: R. H- E. R. H. E. Boise 3 4 3.V. Yakima.. 1 6 3 Batteries Melter and Gard; Lock hard and Talyor. NATIONAX. LEAGUE. , Chicago 4, Philadelphia 0. CHICAGO. June 18. Chicago cut down the lead of the Philadelphia team In the pennant race today one full game by shutting out the visitors for the second time during the series here, 4 to 0, while New York defeated the Cincinnati club. Humphries, who was on the mound for Chicago, pitched a wonderful game. Seaton, who had won thirteen games and lost two for Phil adelphia before coming here, could not stop the locals. Score: Philadelphia Chicago BHOAEI- BHOAE Paskert.m 4 0 3 0 OjLeach.ra. . 4 2 6 00 Knabe,2.. 4 11 2 o'Bvers.2. . . 4 0 110 Lobert.3.. 4 O 1 OiSchulte.r. . 4 18 00 Magee.l.. 8 0 1 Oizim'rm'n.S 4 1 1 20 Becker.l.. 10 0 O'Saier.l. . . . 8 1 7 00 Cravath.r 4 0 8 0 II Mitchell,!. 2 0 8 00 Luderus.l. 8 1 1 0 Bridwell.s 1 0 4 10 Doolan.s. . 2 0 4 2 l'Br'sn'han.o 8 2 8 0 Dooln.s... 3 5 2 0iH'mphrs,p 1 0 O 21 Seaton. p.. 2 0 O 4 0' Miller.,. 1 1 O 0 0 Rlxey.p. .OOOIO Totals. 81 8 24 14 2 Totals. 27 7 2T 6 1 Batted for Seaton In eighth. Philadelphia 000000 0 0 Chicago ... , 0 0 1 8 0 v 0 4 Runs Schuite. Zimmerman. Saier. Bres- n ah an. Two-base hit Leach. Hits Off Sea ton, 7 in 7 Innings; off Rlxey. none In one. Sacrifice hits Humphries. Sacrifice fly Mitchell, Brldwell. Base on balls Off Sea ton 2. off Humphries 1. Hit by Ditcher By Seaton (Saier). Struck out By. Humph ries 8. by Seaton 1, by Rlxey 2. Brooklyn 8, St, Louis 1. ST. LOUIS, June 18. Ragon was in vincible while Griner was hit when men were on the bases, St, Louis los ing the third game of the Brooklyn series, 8 to 1. Score: St. Louli I BTooklyn- B H O A E BHOAE Hugglns.2. 3 0 1 OiMoran.r. .. 6 0 8 0 0 Sheckard.r 4 0 3 1 1 hi 0 0Cutshaw.2. 0 0 :3tengel,m.. 3 1 Whaat.l. .. 13 10 3 3 10 akes.m . . Whltted,3. Konetchyl Magee.l. . , 0 0 Uaubert.1.. 1 0 4 2 Smith. 3 Hauser.s.. Wingo.o. .. It Patrick. Mlller.c. . .. Kagan.p. . 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Roberts.o. Griner.p. . Hurcp. . .. Total.. II 37 II 8 Brooklyn St. Louis Total.. 8 13 27 13 3 ..8 0080300 0 8 ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Runs Roberts, Cutshaw. Stengel, Wheat, Kirknatrlck 2. Miller 2. Ragan. Two-base hits Cutshaw Stengel, Smith, Miller. Three base hits Miller, Ragan, Magee. Hits Off Griner, 10 In 6 Innings; off Bum, 3 In 8 innings. Sacrifice bits Huggtns. Stolen bases Stengel, Kirkpatrick. First base on balls orr Ragan 1, orr tiurKa 1. atrucx out By Ragan 2, by Burk 2, by Griner X. Time 1:35. empires Rigler and Byron. Boston 2, Pittsburg 1. PITTSBURG, Pa.. June 18. Pittsburg lost Its sixth straight game by a one run margin today and the visitors made it their third straight victory here by a score of 2 to 1. After two men were out in the last inning Bos ton got its winning run. Maranvllle knocked a triple and scored on Myer's single. Score: Boston Pittsburg BHOAEI BHOAE M'r'nVle.s 6 11 OIByme.3. . . 4 1190 Mvers.l... 8 v2 12 OOCarev.m.. 1 S T0 1 1 20 Lord, I . a x OjViox.a. . Sweeney,2 8 Tltus.r. .. 4 0 Devlln,3.. 3 1 3 I) 0 0 3 0 8 0 1 0 Wagner, Mlller.l.. Wilson.r. 0 3 22 3 0 13 1 00 Mann.m. . P.ariden.c Tyler, p. . . -sutler... x Wocd.l... 4 0 0 0 111 lOIGibaon.c. 8 i"Hendrlx 1 8 0 0 OOO 0 0 TJbsooe. .... o Cooper.p.. 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 Totals. SB 1 2T 14 0 Totals.. 84 T 27 IT 4 -ijattea tor Wilson in nintn, Batted for Gibson in ninth. tRan for Hendrlx in ninth. Batted for Cooper in ninth. Boston 0 0 1 00 0 0 1 2 Pittsburg O O0 1 000 0 V Runs Maranvllle 2. Wood. Two-base bits Carey, Wood, Meyers. Three-base hits Maranvine. btoien bases Myers. Bases on balls Off Tyler, 2; off Cooper, 3. Struck out ay ryier , by cooper . New York 7, Cincinnati 3. CINCINNATI. June 18. New Tork succeeded in making it three victories over Cincinnati today by winning, 7 to 3. Johnson was started as Cincinnati's pitcher, but received such a lively re ception that he was taken out before the initial Inning had been completed. score: . New Tork ! Cincinnati B H O A E BHOAB 8 3 10 0 Bums,r. .. Shafer.3. . S 2 3 0 0 Bescher.I 3 0 Bates.m Z 0 4 1 1 4 0 4 1 3 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 1 3 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 Fletelnr.s. 3 Hoyle.2... 6 Merkle.l.. 7 Murray, 1.. 4 Myers, c. 4 3'dgrass.m 4 Demaree.p 3 Crandall,p 0 S O.Maraana.r. 4 0 Tlnker.s. . . 5 0 Hoblltsell.l 0 e!Dodge,3. .. 0 0 Groh.3. ... 0 0Clark.o. .., 8 0Johnson,p. 0 0 Brown.p. .. (Packard, p. Almedia .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 luevore" 1 1 IKllng".,. 1 Total.. 37 12 27 13 0 Total.. 33 3 27 17 2 Batted for Groh In ninth; batted for Brown in eighth; batted for Packard In ninth. New York 4 1 0 0 0 0 3 7 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 02 Buns Burns 3. Shafer, Fletcher, Hoyle, Crandall, B esc her, Devore, Two-base hit Hi 1 WmWi mind, and into a sulky shirker. "Start the day right" by getting into cool, light woven, loose fitting B-V. D. Coat Cut Undershirts and Knee Length Drawers, or Union Suits.. You'll keep "feeling right" all day and you'll "raise your battine average"yar the day. This is the simple prescription of "Doctor Common Sense." On every B. V. D. Undergarment is sewed This lUd B. V. D. Coat Cut Undershirts and ICnee Length Drawers, retail at 50c, 75c, $1.00, and $1.50 die Garment, MADE KOR THE, ifiilj BEST RETAIL TRADE (Irmj, Mart JUr- K & Pat. Of. tmd Rnipt Cmaaria.) Get a good look at this label and insist that your dealer sells you only underwear with the B. V. D. label. The B. V. D. Company, New York. FLEISCHNER, IsUJKSIS tlirTeA)ToiS) Shafer, Meyers. Three-base hits Burns. Merkle. Hits Off Eemaree. 8 In 8 lnnliTss; off Crandall. 1 in 1 Inning; off Johnson. 3 (none out In the first inning); off Brown, S in 8 innings: off Packard. 3 In 1 Inning. Sacrifice fly Tinker. Double plays Dovle, Fletcher to Merkle; Fletcher, Doyle to Merkle; Dodg, Groh to Hoblltzell; Marsans to Groh. First base on balls Off Demaree 2. off Brown 1, off Packard 1. Hit by pitcher By Brown (Shafer). Struck out By De maree 3, by Brown S. Adams and Kivlat Invited. NEW TORK, June 18. Secretary James E. Sullivan of the Amateur Ath letic Union, announced last night that Men's Shirts, These shirts are made in plain and pleated negligee styles, with French and stiff cuffs attached. In neat hairline stripes, in many colors, and in plain white. The material is silky, spft-, finished soisette. An immense assortment of styles complete in all sizes. Many of the shirts have soft turn-down collars of the material, so popular for midsummer wear. Fir.t Floor. Price and Quality Investigated and Approved. Merchandise AUTO POLO and AUTO RACES "Bob" Burman The Man Who Drove the Fastest Mile Ever Traveled by a Human Being-, Will Pilot His Giant 300-Horsepower Blitzen Benz IN THE TWO-DAY MEET OF THE PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE CLUB AT THE Country Club Track, Friday and Saturday June 20 and 2 1 AUTO POLO The latest and most thrilling form of sport for motorists, will be played each afternoon by ten experts. Raise Your 'Batting Average With B. V. D. y the came of life, and of wits, what you accomplish per day depends upon how feel by day. Bodily depres s quick to act on a man's to turn an eager worker. frown Label B. V. D. Union Suits (Pat. U.S.A. 4-30-07.) retail at 51.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and $5.00 the Suit, - MAYER & CO. PRODUCTS. he had sent a special invitation to Piatt Adams, the Olympic champion high jumper, and Abel B, Kivlat. the noted runner, to become members of the American athletic team which is to make a tour of Australia and New Zealand next Winter. Johnson Beats Hendricks. LONDON. June 18. Wallace F. John son, of Philadelphia, today beat A. Hen driks. by three straight sets 6-1, 6-3. 6-1 in the second round of the open singles In the London lawn tennis championship tournament. Clearance 95c You Pay Anywhere and rightly too $1.25 and $1.50 for These Same Shirts By way of emphasizing the importance and preparedness, of this sale, we caught compari sons on the most staple of men's apparel SHIRTS. They are radically different in material, style, tailoring, fit and finish from the ordinary, cheaply made sale article so often used by the ordinary department store. of cJ Merit Only A i