THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, TUTIRSPAY. JUNE 19, 191S. When Yon Buy Furniture Here You Can Enjoy Our Club Plan and Pay on Easv Installments Furnit. Tw tti r-u n,j 20 -r-1 I- : n i c - . . v. i -J " !" """i , c ..... Cg,s rpu.ur,ty o, v,ur special juc uuncneon is Partly Due to the Cool and Comfort of Our Restaurant on the Seventh Floor They Blazed the Trail that opened to a great and growing Nation the splendor of the Golden "West and with open arms should we welcome them todaj' not as visitors, but as Fathers and Mothers of Oregon. To those sturdy, thrifty, patient Pioneers much is due, but above all, they cherish loving thoughts and memo riesTo Portland, their Home, let's welcome them. Kodak Days are here now, and your outing trips are not. complete without a Kodak. You'll find in our ex tensive stock just the one to suit you. Prices $1.00 to $65.00. b SAVE YOUR FURS Bring them to our Cold Storage Plant, the only one in the city. Without further bother to your self, we keep them for you, and insure them against fire, theft or moths, and deliver them to you next Fall. Store Opens Today 8:30 Store Closes Today 5:30 Yom Are A: The Willamette' The smooth, easy-running Sew ing Machine with so many exclu sive features is sold on Our Club Plan of Easy Installments. No Interest, No Extras. See them on onr Third Floor, Main Building. . I Books for the Graduate- Bride, Vacation, for evervone. Beautifully illustrated Travel Books, $2 edition, $1.00. Dainty leather Gift edition, regularly $1. Special 50c. All leather setsj standard copyrights, at 25 reductions. wred off . Crisp New Stocks A iw. at The Meier & Frank Store Owing to Immense Quantities Sold Daily-Dependability. Courtesy and Lowest Prices, the Dominant Factors of This Business for Fifty-Six Years The Season's Crowning Suit Offer Unequaled Anywhere Are the Prices On 5 Great Groups Fashion Favored in Every Model The smartness of style and the beauty of finish to be found in these five groups of Tailored Suits, when price is considered, proclaims this a sale without rival this season and every woman, to whom the handsome new Summer Suits appeal, should come to our Garment Salons today and choose from one or other of these great groups. Every Suit is the newest and portrays the season's mode in fabric and color. You will find plain-tailored effects and -dashing models in fancy and semi-fancy styles. Of eponge, wool poplin, serge, tweed, basket weaves and rough mate rials ; jackets strikingly trimmed in contrasting colors of embroidered ratine silk or silk trimmed. Some Suits have fancy side fasteners, with Bulgarian blouse effects ; Norfolk jackets and Russian blouses abound in this sale. Make to day your Suit buying day. It will prove economical for you $17.50 to $22.50 Suits, $11.65 $25.00 Suits $14.85 $30.00 and $35.00 Suits, $19.50 $37.50 and $40.00 Suits, $24.50 . $45.00 to $48.00 Suits, $29.50 Second Floor. Garment Salon Mall Orders Filled. When You Select Your Ne w Dinnerware Today at Our June Sale Remember That Table Linens Are Also Reduced Beautiful Table Cloths Of Pure Linen Damask Snowy Damask Table Cloths are these, of pure linen, attractively made with regular woven patterns and borders all around. Fine, soft quality, in large sizes and at prices that bespeak economy. $ 6.75 Cloths, 214x214 yards, $ 4.50 $ 8.50 Cloths, 2Y2x2y2 yards, $ 5.90 ' $12.00 Cloths, 214x214 yards, $ 8.00 $15.00 Cloths, 2x2 yards, $10.00 $18.00 Cloths, 2x3 yards, $13.00 $22.00 Cloths, 2x31 yards, $15.00 $27.00 Cloths, 214x4 yards, $1800 John, S. Brown's Table Cloths Women who take pride in fine Table Linen know the famous John S. Brown make, for which we are exclu sive Portland agents. Fine Irish Linen Table Cloths at marked. reductions; Important Sales Now in Progress Knit Underwear of Famous Makes Monthly Sale Toilet Goods and Drugs Sale of Imported Grass Furniture All Men's $25 Fancy Suits at $18.75 - Laces and Embroideries Underpriced How and Where Are You iummel? In the Mountains? At the Seashore? Wouldn't you find it a great comfort at the end of a day's tramping and fishing and after the appetizing camp supper to listen to the latest song hits and recitations f Or at the beach cottage, to plan for neighborly dances with musical equipment of the latest waltzes, two-steps, the popular tangos f Then own a Columbia Phonograph. At Your Country Bungalow? -,iHSV; ? Columbia Graphophone on the porch; invite your neighbors. Thev will all delight in hearing the newest vocal or instrumental records. Are You Staying at Home? All the greater need for the change in interest a Columbia Graphophone will provide, and here in our Fifth Floor Talking Machine Parlors you w 11 find an Un limited selection of records bv orchestras and bands. ' Come today and ask to have played for you many of the new records that are found most pleasing for Summer entertainment. Any style Columbia Phonograph sold on Club Plan of Easv Installments. Fifth Floor, New Building. Panama Canal Have You Seen It? Fifth Floor To view this realtstio model of the much - talked - of P a n a ma Canal Is nearly aa beneficial as a trip to the Canal itself. Tou m a y see the miniature ships coming from the east and entering the locks of the Canal and continuing on in the water ways their trip across the Isthmus, finally leavinsr the locks on the western side and entering- the Pacific Ocean. Kvery part of the Canal and the surrounding country is repro duced here just as it is; each de-' tail and proportion is geographi cally correct, and one, listening to the ten-minute lecture, leaves feeling highly informed on that great engineering feat, the Pana ma Canal. Kxhlblted Without Charge. Here's Relief forTroubledEyes No matter what may be the trouble with your eyes we want you to feel free to accept the serv ices and advice of our graduate and registered optometrist. If you are in need of new glasses nowhere can you be better fitted. $5 Gold-Filled Frames with finest quality lenses, perfectly fitted to your eyes. Special, per pair, $3. First quality Lenses fitted to your own frames, per pair, SI. First Floor. Sew Bnlldlns. 3 -Day Sale en 9 9 W men '9 Child rem s H ose Here You Will Find Hosiery Service the Most Gratifying in All Portland Women s Hose Women's $1.50 Silk Hose in plain black, pure thread silk, with double silk tops and lisle tj1 OQ soles. Special, the pairp51 Women's 50c Silk Boot Hose with lisle tops, in black, white and tan; 3 pairs for $1.00; OP. special price, the pair, on!y5f C Women's 50c Lisle Hose light weight, extra wide, double tops, in black only; outsizes; 3 pairs 1Q for $1.20; special, per pair, Women's 85c Lisle Hose plain, imported hose with double elastic tops and soles, black, white OQ and tan; 3 pairs for 85c; pr., Women's 50c Silk Lirfa TTnse. Ajax brand, extra wide elastic, tops, Maco split spies; in black Of only; 3 pairs $1.00; the pair, JJC Women's 25c Lisle Hose plain and mercerized, seamless, in black, white and tan; 3 pairs 50c; OZ specially priced, the pair, vfC Women's 20c Cotton Hose light weight, seamless; in black only, foot in black and tan; 3 "I O pairs 35c; the pair, at 2C Misses 75c Silk Hose with lisle tips and soles, flat shape, Cf" in black; priced,, the pair)"C .Misses' 25c Lisle Hose full fash ioned, light Summer weight, sizes from 7 to 9Y2 ; in black, 1 01 white and tan; pair, 2C Women's 50c Lisle Hose in black, white and tan, Hermsdorf dye, light weight, double tops and soles. These imported plain lisle Hose, 3 pairs for $1.15; OQ or, the pair, for anly'i'C Women's 35c Cotton Hose im ported, with double garter tops and Maco split foot, in black; OQ 2 pairs 55c; the pair, onlyOC Children's Hose Children's 20c Hose fine ribbed; in black, white, tan and colors; also boys' medium weight cotton Hose, in black only; 3 pairs f nj 35c; special- the pair. 1 V2C Children's S5c Silk Lisle Sox imported; ribbed tops; all in plain colors. All sizes; 3 pairs QC 65c; the pair, special at-OC Children's 25c Lisle Hose plain lisle hose, with seamless foot, linen heel and toe; in black andOQ tan; 3 pairs 60c; the pair,-C Infants' and Children's 20c Lisle and Cotton Hose in colors of sky blue, pink and red only; 31A pairs 25c; the pair, for 1 UC Men's Hose Men's Silk Lisle Socks in solid colors of tan, black, gray, navv, lav ender and red; specially - Q priced, the pair, at onlv Men's 50c and 75c Silk Socks pure thread silk, plain and fancy colors; also Jacquard effects, ribbed silk and two-tone effects; 3QP pairs $1.00; special, the pair35C Men's 25c Socks Ajax brand; all plain colors; tan, black, gray and navy; 3 pairs 50c; specially 4 J priced for the pair at only 1 C Men's 35c Ajax Socks OC specially priced at the pair"3C Men's 50c Ajax Socks 3QC pairs $1.00; the pair at onlyC Men's 25c Mercerized Socks in black, tan, navy and oth- " O er colors; special, a pair C Men's 25c Mercerized Socks in fancy plaids and stripes, also 1 f black lace effects; the pair, AvIC $10.00 Cloths, 24x214 $12.00 Cloths, 2Ux2U yards, $ 6.00 yards, $ 8.00 $15.00 Cloths, 2y2x3 yards, $10.00 $16.00 Cloths, 2i2x2i2 yards, $10.50 $20.00 Cloths, 2y2x2H yards, $14.00 $22.00 Cloths, 2yxsy9 $27.00 Cloths, 24x4 yards, $15.00 yards, $18.00 SATIN DAMASK NAPKINS full 27-inch size, of fine weave .and soft finish. $12.00 Napkins, dozen, $ 8.00 $15.00 Napkins, dozen, $10.00 $25.00 Napkins, dozen, $15.00 $26.00 Napkins, dozen, $16.00 THE TOWELS FOR THE BEACH OR MOUN TAIN CAMP can be made from this heavy weave all-linen Crash; with either blue or red borders -l i and 17 inches wide; 15c grade, special, yard 1 lC t Floor. Tfew Bulldlner Mail Orders Filled. Clever and New Are These Balkan Sweaters OtferedHere, 1st in Portland ' ""' piacg lace ettects; the pair, vv jj Ever first to offer to our patrons the newest; we're now showing, for the first time in Portland, these clever Balkan Sweaters, shown in All White or All Red Red, with Navy Collar, Cuffs. Tie White, with Red Collar, Cuffs, Tie They're just the thing for camping or seaside; all sizes for women and misses. Positively the newest in Sweaters, these Balkans will be in immediate demand, so better come early today and choose one. They r are priced at, each, pjiOU Second Floor, Main BulldinK. Mall Orders Filled. Royal Banquet A Matting SllltcaSC Flour $1.15 Graham Flour, No. 9 sacks, at 29c Whole Wheat Flour, No. 9 sacks 29 Salad Dressing, Durkee's, bot. 25 Pure Cocoa, per pound, at only 20 Dried Pears, per ponnd, at only 5 Dried AppleB, per pound, at 8 l-3 Grape Juice, Haines', pt. bot. 17V2 Cocoanut, Schepp's, pound X7y2 Head Rice, New Japan style, four pounds, 25 Oregon Apples, No. 8 cans; the dozen, $2.75 can, 25( Lunch Salmon, medium, 'Va-lb. cans. for 8 l-3 Shoulder Hams, sugar-cured, the lb., at only 13V2 Ceylon Tea, 50c grade, pound 39 r "V JNDESTRUCTD I mm bu " - Sold Here Exclusively in Portland. Fourth Floor, Main Building. For iiMnier Trave is What more suitable, for your Summer trips, than a cenuine Mat ting Suitcase? Made light and durable and shown in 24-inch size, with leather corners and handles and two strong leather straps all .T. ana cloth "aed. with shirt fold. Ordinarily yon a pay lor this grade matting Suitcase we now o otter at this opportune time at the low price of, each ouc ana uc faput Bamboo Telescopes suitable for picnics or out ings, special, each, only 30 and 35c. Fourth Floor. Main Bnlldlns. Mall Orders Filled Phones Marshall 4600 and A 6101 g 1867 The- Quality' Storp of Portland rTfUv. 2bcUtfai-riaocv Akks- Ota. Mail Orders Filled At Sale Prices 5000 Boz. Mason Jars At Lowest Prices A Timely Sale for Canning Season Genuine Ball Mason Jars Complete With Porce lain Lined Caps and Rubbers Mason 1 Pint Jars, Dozen Only 49c Mason 1 Quart Jars, Dozen for 58c Mason 'a Gallon Jars, Dozen at 79c Bin Basement Store.