11 SO-ACRE farm, most all undur plow, good buildings, "JVi milea to R. R. station; price S.'.O.ono. Conalder Portland, property to tHO-acre farm, one mile from Moro, Sherman County, Oregon, very well lra-IM-oved 200 in wheat Dries 120 000- mn. aider property in or near Portland to i o, uou. Large farm. S45.000. very -well fmnmvfld' consider any Western Oregon . property to Beautiful 2 00 -acre farm, close to. Leba non, S5 per acre. Consider good Port land property to J10.000. soma caab, bal ance mortgage. L. K. Moore, 517 Board of Trade. Portland, Or . W ILL. trade for lot and small cash pay ment, by $1350 equity in $3500 modern bungalow. 50x100 lot. D rooms, 2 bed rooms, oak floors, panel walls and beamed celling in dining-room, artistic combina tion light fixtures, double window shades, builtin buffet aud bookcases, beautiful fireplace, fuu cement basement. wash 'rays, nice bathroom and handy kitchen. t48 64th. 150 feet south Sandy boulevard. Owner, 113i Rodney ave. or AJ 168. Ore Sontsn. FORCED SALE OR EXCHANGE. Am forced to sell my beautiful home in Laurelhurst at a sacrfllce. Make your own terms or will accept a good seven-passenger car as first payment. SPOONER, Marshall 2S4. TO EXCHANGE AT $60 PER ACRE. 180-acre farm in Yamhill County, in Moors Valley, for city or cloe-ln acreage. This farm is 0 miles from good town, 100 acres in cultivation, well watered and doep, rich soil. All of It can be cultivated. This i arm is tne snap or the season. If you rciuiy want a i arm, tnia is an opportunity vi a nieurae. SCOTT & BEESLEY. 212 Ablngton BIdg. TO EXCHANGE. -WaXLAJIIETTE V A LLET DAIRY FARM. We have a very fine dairy farm of 150 acres witnin so mucs or .Portland and one mllo from station, to exchange for Port land real estate. The equity in this farm Is 120.000. WIU appeal to anyone looking for a dairy farm. ' F. K. TATLOR CO.. 40-4-6 Lewis Building. MERCHANDISE WANTED IN EXCHANGE 5 acres good soil, 26 miles from Port land; some buildings, running water, county road; price 54000, mtg. $1500; also 120 acres, some cleared and buildings, running water; price $S300, mortgage $2000; also house in Portland, $7500, mtg. $3700: entire equity amounting to 11,700 and some lncoune paper, for stock of mer chandise, any location. C 169. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE HOUSE FOR LOT Desire vacant lot or modem house with in walking distance Washington or Lin coln High Schools; will exchange modern convenient 7 -room home, all improvements, double lot, magnificent view, two blocks carline, prettiest part of city; easy terms on balance. Give location and price first letter. AH 138. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. For my o.vn use, a good used standard car, 2 to 7-l-Bsenger, up to $2000; havu Income propet'ty, 2 houses, lots, acreage, cash; also has a friend who wants a Light car; drop me a postalcard with your ad dress and phone. Adress room 207, Byron Hotel. 1000 ACRES Canada wheat Lands, $30 per acre, all tillable, rlth large part in culti vation ; close to town and R. R. ; all first class land; will exchange for valley farm, stock merchandise, timber or Portland property. V SMITH-WILXXDTJOHBT CO., Main S770. 90 6th St. for Horses, Vehicle, Etc. HORSES AND WAGON'S 1X3R SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bovght and sold; new wagon and auto beds Aiade to order: livery furnished to business parties at special rate. HAWTHORNE STABaES, 420 Hawthorna A-ve. Phone East 72. B 1363. liORSE 6FOH SALE 2 fine drivers, city broke. 2) saddle horses. 1 new rubber-tired buggy. 2 heavy saddles. 1 set single harness. 1 new light farm wagon, 1 3-S-axle. 444 E. 18TH NORTH. Phone C 1837. WORK HORSES CHEAF. Just 8 head, all good, true pullers, weighing from 1000 to 140O lbs.; price from $35 to $85; come and try then to your own satisfaction. 247 East 12th eft., corner Madison. Little barn In park. WE have a few delivery wagons left, going at greatly reduced prices; also heavy lum ber gears at bargain prices come and see us. lthf Union Ave. N.. Oregon Molina Plow Co. GOOSENECK and camelback wagons, new and second-hand, 1 to 6-ton, always in tock. Borne good bargains and easy terms. Columbia Cge. & Auto Wks., 20S Front St. Main 2802. FOR SALE One team. 5 and 6 years old, weighing 2900 pounds; 1 team, ti and 7 years old, weighing 2800 pounds. 228 WANTED To And a good home for a faithful family horse; will sell cheap. 129 East Yamhill St. WANTED To buy 1 or 2 mares, weighing between 1100 and 130O pounds; must be sound and gentle. Phone East 4804. WANTED Good work team and wagon for $500 Montavllla lot or cows and farming implements. Owner, V 134, Oregonlan. $250 BUYS a team. 2700 lbs., true pullers and sound: harness and farm wagon. Phone Sellwood 17bS. PASTURE for stock, close to Portland, O. i A S. Co. Main 1410. NINE good dump wagons and miscellaneous tools. Owner, 717 Board of Trade bldg. CLOSING out harness at wholesale price. 200 2d. cor. Taylor. GOOD sound delivery horse, weight 900; gentle; S40. Sellwood 770. WORK HORSES, 1200 to 140O pounds, at jivmgiuii pmuirB, rj. mn ana l-icnuyier. STABLE, 10 stalls. 756 East Ash St.; rent $4Q per month. 717 Board of Trade bldg. THE finest road horse. Hailey buggy and harness in the city. G 1.H. Oregonian. THREE young mares. 120 lbs., one saddle horse. IQOOlbs., cheap. 428 E. Yamhill St. GOOD team, harness, farm wagon, nearly new, price $226. AO 194, Oregonian. PAINTING in exchange for good horse. Main 1662 from 6 to 7 P. M. Call for Matheny. SHETLAND ponies. Inquire only Sundays. -03 East 23d St., near Hawthorne. HORSBS for sale at 88 Eaat 7th St. North. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrpmepts. PIANO Elegant mahogany upright, almost new; greatest bargain in city, less than $15Q. fall immediately. 701 Northrup st. W ILL sell my fine piano for first otter: prac tically brand new and beautiful tone. 710 Wayne street. Main 628". Automobiles. CAN YOU USE $500? We oan help you make that much- In vestigate a few of our bargains in abso lutely new Michigan autos. These are not cheap grade oars, but are of last year's model, high in grade but cheap in price. Here is a sample. One 33 H.-P. five-passenger touring car, electric lighted and equipped, real value at list price, a gift at $1200. We hav eothers as inter esting at both more and less money. MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY CO., 614 Aider St., Corner 16th. Main 3P6ft. r026. OWNER will accept good city property in trade for his slightly-used 7-passenger Pierce-Arrow touring car; it is a beau tiful car and in splendid condition: cost J55HO new; if property offered Is worth 4000 rock-bottom cash value and is fav orably located, an even exchange will be considered. Quick action necessarv. THE PIERCE-ARROW SALES CO.. H. 8. COLTER. North Fourteenth, at Couch Marshall 339. A 0538. AUTO OWNERS ATTENTION. Can take your auto trimmings off, re plate them and put back in 2 days. PORTLAND PLATING & MFG. CO.. 2Cd and Thurman Sts. A 5282. Main 943. BEAUTIFUL, big S-cyllnder Lozler, costing (.50O: easiest riding car on the Coast; guaranteed to be In perfect running order; will sell at sacrifice. A 308. Oregonlan. BIGGEST SNAP IN PORTLAND IN AN AU TOMOBILE: COST TWO WEEKS AGO 29;.0; MAKE AN OFFER, SPOT CASH. CAUL 714 LEWIS BLDG. FOR second-hand cars inquire Powell c, rage: cars called for and delivered- an tes for hire: give us a trial. East' 37th and Hawthorne. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Pee my ad. under "To Exchange, Real Estate." Address room 207, Byron Hotel. PACKARD 30 roadster, overhauled and painted. like new, $gJ5. 816 Hawthorne. E. SI30. MOTORCYCLE. 7 H. P.. Excelsior. $225 fully equipped, In fine condition: a bar rain. Roy W. Brown, 408V6 E. Morrison. 1til2 hRADIXG Standard, single cvlinder. slightly used, snap for cash. AB 149. Ore con Ian. "HALMERS touring ra7 good condition, nearly new: a high-class car at a great sacrifice. A 14QS. WARREN roadster. 1912 model, cheap for cash. Main 7491. FOR RENT Garage, 400 Beech, . 13 Phono East 2604. Automobile muAuoK truck. 1500-pound capacity. In '""" condition, cheap; also 5-passen-ger Studebaker, 1910. in good condition. -rL "-oiumoia ge. &. Auto Wks. 20i Front St. Main 2892. $3600 NEW fi-room modm-r, ho. Sill'1? fxturea. shades, gas, close 'to car; $30 0 down or will accept auto or lots. - ..mnj unuqf, i uiur avdq. Pogs, Birds, S'nt btoea A1eda! terriers to protect your home and j-ifj-mnjt Avenneis. n:stacada, or. Po?,I,?RFliD English bull pups for sale at 207 H 4th st. Marshall 450. Furnltnre for Sale. PXTR.N1TUP.E for residence, comprising . luiiuLure, iiDrary furniture beautiful ltint,, ,.(. 1 l - . . . """ "ujtc, ucunram iurnisn- ings. rugs, brass beds, etc.; great oppor- . tv nui inrup. vv car. NEAT little 6-room cottage $.10. furnished oomplete, 1160. Terms. 802 Erie sr.. St Johns. LIVING-ROOM and dining-room furniture, rugs and sewing machine. 411 87th N. Tabor 4500. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale, 8 IJTMtOCk. Ui HIAD of good fresh milch cows; fine; . -- o .... ' n u uiim , aurno young neirers; price right. Woodstock car to Sfth ave.. walk 8 blocks west. ONE iresli cow for sale, tj gallons milk day. 1QQ7 Oswego St., St. Johns, Or. l KA fine fresh Jersey cow, four years "'J imiaer; ivo. beilwood 141. Machinery. FOR SALE. A 45-horsepower, 650-volt. Crocker v Heeler motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 75 ampere overload. I. T. E. circuit breaker, in A-l condition. Address room 203, Orc gonlan bldg. FOR SALE. One 125-volt direct current generator, complete, with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker. This machine Is in good repair. Address room 2o3, Orego nian bldg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W., 500-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker, in good condition room mo, oregonian bldg. F2?o 6AL,E 13-!n. lathe in good Bhape $180. Roy W. Brown. 40S E. Morrison. Miscellaneous. LUMBERMEN. ATTENTION! We have bought the entire Seaside Door and Lbr. Co. planing mill and dry kiln plan-t and offer all or any part of same .Including Boilers. Engines. Planers, Re-saws. Cut-off saws. Pipe, Drykiln trucks, etc., etc. W'e can save you from 50-to 75. Will that pay? M. BARDE & SOK5, 2i40-24O Front St., Cor. Main. The House of a Million Margins YOUR FIRST PLEASANT SHAVE WITH "Silcor"; finer than a strop; faster than a hone, one drop of "Silcor," one stroke on the strop keeps a keen edge on your razor. You can sharpen your safety blade and shave In less time than It takes to shave with a new blade. 25c at your dealer's, or postpaid on receipt of 2c and your dealer's name. H. A. Ackley Co., sole distributor, 601-2 Rookery bldg.. Spokane. Wash. MANURE IN CAR LOTS. Stockyards manure in car lots, 1 per ton, f. o. b. cars. North Portland. Book your orders earlv. PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS CO North Portland, Oregon. SAFES, new and second-hand; low prices easy terms; etis opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORT LAND SAFE CO., 85 6th st. Main 6309. 3-H. ELEC. motor. IX X, for sale : good "V. "'" ' . -v; inanogany mantle, f . - " la: bargain. Phone Main 9134 1 K Pari SAFES Mosler Safe Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy terms. Safes opened ana repaired. Bargain in second-hand safes. -V. J PL. XTIIUHO iYl tLl II O f O, EXISON phonograph, good condition, $20, ,viuuinK uy-iu-u&iB reooras. B20 Lum- ESTEY organ, walnut, nearly new $25, ln- ,ih 11 " 13 av xjumoer .exchange RIDPATH Library of Universal Literature 25 vols., new, value $100; sell for $15. 324 NEW gasoline boat without rnln- 40 feet, beam 9 feet; special price for " -iX joi, uregonjan. MOTORCYCLES? Big cut in prloes while .'j una is your on an ee. 31 NORTH BROADWAY. bECOND-HAND roll-top desk. 2 flat-top desks and 3 chairs. Bushong & Co.. 91 i r n SI- TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 10 to $65 NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO. 262 Stark St. DENTAL electric engine at half price; good u-uiiumuu, niiemuuiis. Aaaress AR 153, Oregonian. NATIONAL cash registers; get my pricea Povey. 351 H Wash., basement. Main 608. ABOUT 7000 feet lumber. $40. mostly lxl2x DERBY desks and office furniture E B Haley Desk Co.. 210 Broadway. Main 687. UPE Basset's Native Herbs for constipa tlon: 50 tablets for 2.1c: all druggists. LARGE palms for sale cheap. C54 1st st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front St.. buys second-hand furniture carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kln,d-,,If yu nav anything in this lino call Main 9072. Qur buyer calls promptly. GEVTJRTZ FURNITURE- STORE, 208 1st., between Taylor and Salmon, will pay best price for your furniture, carpets, stoves, etc.. tc. New and second-hand furniture our specialty. , PHONE MARSHALL 5tll. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms. W .1. .V.araulfy, ;jo4 Burnside st. Phone Main 181", A 1S16. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladies and men's cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 20S0. 234 First, The Globe. W E want to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture In the next 80 davs ana pay all the cash It Is worth. Wi'lliams- f urniture rjxenange. East 638. 'AIR DEAL opened again; we pay highest prices for your second-hand clothing and household goods. Phone Main 9272. WANTED Lady' s"" b I cycle; state price, con (lition. 740Vs Minnesota ave. Call even ings. W E pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. M. R. Seater. Phone East 8134. 348 Hawthorne ave. WANTED To buy one second-hand elec tric pool sign; must b.e cheap. AS 129, Oregonlan. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8051, A 2445. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 40O Dekum bldg. NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable. Phone Main 606, A 8606. TRANSITS and levels bought for cash. 600 Concord bldg., Portland. HIGHEST price paid for ladl es' and men's pT-v-mm-ua.nn cioirung. jU.araoaii WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur- . ....... Vi .- j m. i-i-il A J Ul xDnj. WE PAY highest prices for second-hand clothing. 94 8d st. Prone Main 9363. WANTED A few room-size rugs; must be In good condition and reasonable. A 4402. SECOND-HAND goods bought for cash or taken in exchange for new. Tabor 4346. HELP WANTED MAIt. HOUSE to house canvasser for tea and coffee business. Apply after 9 o'clock. T, .. . . T I ItM 1- 1 i ' l 11-1 i- 'J - , A 1-1- I -HI 1 1 1 Ull GENUINE house-to-house solicitors for an article that sells itself. 723 C. of C. after TO Mr. Gareide. SHIPPING clerk, one who can furnish good references: steady employment. V 167 Oregonlan. IF you can sell anything you can sell Pan ama Vacuum Sweepers. 219 Worcester WANT all-around restaurant man for nucht FIRST-CLASS machinery blacksmith want ed. Call 222 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Young man over Id to learn bar ber trade. Call or write 832 Mississippi a v. WANTED Experienced Janitor and wife for first-class apartment-house. C 2072. BOTS wanted with wheels. Call or write L. Nathan. 76 3d St. GOOD, honest boy to run elevator, $40 per month. AH 159. Oregonlan. TO distribute circulars, by the Oregon Dis trlbutlng Co.. 85 East "th St. North. SALESMEN and dist! mgrs. tor Oregon. Nat. Casualty Co.. 501 Ry. Exch. bldg. PHOTO COUPON agents, new winning con teat offer, earony Studio, 848 Morrison, INCIDENT. fOne of Manv) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment (20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment membership I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M. C. A. with all its resources between you and starvation. Result Young man joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for year 1912: Calls for men from employers 2295 Positions flll?d 1697 Our special employment membership guarantees member will secure employ ment or refund of membership fee; gives iwu montns- run ana 10 months social privileges. Constant demand for CLERICAL, TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL MEN. BcniiiH cm n. . no. l, especially atrans-ers. are rnrdlnllv invited to consult with the Secretary of the Em- ymjiHon1 department. FIRST-CLASS mechanic to con struct and erect light structural steel and Install small pump ing plants; must be good drafts man; permanent position; state briefly experience, age, wagea to start and appointment will be made for interview. N 131, Oregonlan. A PRICE clerk, familiar with pipe, fit- tings. anrtllanCOM and ,Antriiflinn sun. plies, must be accurate. sneeriv and a good penman; steady position for the right party; answer in own hand writing, stating age. experience, references, salary expected ana pnone number In first let ter. AL 153, Oregonlan. WAITED Men for railroad work; location irom uolumbia River to Nehalem Valley. amps rirst-ciass in every respect. Work i.isi lor several months. COLUMBIA ac NEHALEM RIVER R. R. 16 SDalding bldlT.. or at thn work- W'nH Landing or Ross Landing on the Columbia aiiu 3. f. at s. R. R. WANTED YOUNG MAN. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Has opening for young man desirous of learninrr accounting, who Is a good sten ographer; answer In own handwriting, stating age. experience, references, salary expected and phone number. 1 157. Ore gonian. YOUNG MEN wanted for Companv K. Third Infantry. O. .N. G. We offer athletics, a fine rifle range a splendid outing with pay and military Instructions. No floaters or mollycoddles wanted. Call at the Armory any evening after s and see what we offer. TRANSIENT Y. M. C A. MEMBERS can se- tuie xurnisnea rooms at reasonable rates in the new fireproof association building, cor. 6th and Taylor sts.. and have privi lege of consulting Advisory and Employ ment Department. WE have a few good fields open for compe- w" - -,j ii. i . uu appreciate tne ad vantage of selling for the largest and best-known nursery in the West at the best terms offered, apply today. Give reference Oregon Nursery Company, Orenco, Or. WANTED A capable salesman to handle uiuuei-ato priced fortlana property. We have an attractive proposition for the right man. See Mr. Larson at 286 Oak at. In the morning. WASTED An engineer for large sawmill; jiiuai nave reierences. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 222 Couch Street. SALESMEN calling on lumber and manu facturing COnoemM to a-ru a V.t ....1.4 roof and metal paint as a side line; lib eral commission. Postoffice box 701, San Francisco, Cal. WANTED Competent dry goods and gen- nnjrcmuiuiBe saiesman tor out-of-town department store: also experienced floor man; give references, experience and phone number. V 155, Oregonian. WIRELESS OPERATORS in constant de- iiiana. x nis coming vocation taught at 1. M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night Schools; complete equipment; best on Coast. WANTED Young man over 21, single, to v. o cull Duiiuii, penence unnecessary, but must be willing to work; good pay steady work. Call 9 to 11 for Mr. Gll- WANTED Single man of good habits, about p muur aruunu iniana laKe ; one familiar with work on boats preferred; your experience, references and phone number. AG 156. Oregonlan. ' A CO a -wtr-r A young man wanted to do assaying and - --i a. a. j .ii i ii k uceuea arouna mine. Copper, gold and silver assaying. Apply at once to room 348 Portland HoteL RELIABLE, energetic, hustler, capable of producing business and taking charge of district. Splendid opportunity. Call bet. 9 and 11. 609 Northwest bldg. COLiPLE for general housework; man to act as butler and woman must be first-class cook and laundress. Address Mosler. Or P. O. Box 103. OFFICE boy for large manufacturing plant, about 18; fine opportunity for young man willing to apply himself; state age and references. AS 132, Oregonlan. WANTED Boy about IT years old to learn to feed cylinder press, also apprentice boy about 16 years for composing-room. James, Kern & Abbott Co., 48-60 1st st. WANTED Good real estate broker. Must be good on exchanges, fine opening for right man. Security Development Com pany, 275 Pine st. WANTED First-class solicitor; circulation work on country newspaper; good prop osition to right man. Address Wallowa Sun. Wallowa. Oregon. WANTED Married man on ranch: must understand irrigation and stock; excellent opportunity; references. Columbia Valley OrcHards. Limited, Sinclair. B C WANTED Five young men, solicitors. Call at 52 3d st. 6 to S P. M.. room 25. Mr. James. WANTED Live salesman to sell loan con tracts, capital security Co.. 603 Oregonlan CAi-.il; FOREMAN wanted well A.nmTnsni ed. good wages to right man. fog Wash- ington st.. ancouver. wash. Phone 08. Bovs wanted (twol with bicycles; wages $40 to $60 per month; steady work. Andv SVj. Chamber of Commerce bldg. at once. ONE chickenplcker -wanted. Apply Hazef wood Co.. Front and Ankeny sts. Ask for iM r. t ook. WANTED Experienced advertlsinir oll. itors for newspaper on special edition. Call aner i A. M. 324 Henry bldg. WANTE P wo men for work that, will n,v . ieiy , iuan--:aas men can aouole that 316 Northwest bldg. WANTED One second cook. Apply 80 N. "in bi. i;aoinet liar. PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest started. Cutherth Studio. Dekum bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl for general housework; no UAU1K. t iSJAllHUIl HI. MIDDLE-AGED lady to help with house work and care for children. 204 N. 24th. WANTED Girl for general housework. 557 E. Morrison. COMPETENT girl for general housework In small family. 274 N. 24th, corner Overton. WANTED A lady partner, very little cash required. Phone East 6823. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 205 Serene Court Apts. WANTED An experienced waitress at 163 12th, cor. Morrison. WANTED Girls who can sing and dance ,.,1 AUUC,IIC MCL. AiaiQ OOl. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted for fam ily hotel. Apply at Mallory Hotel. 9 A. M. WANTED Experienced family second girl. tlO fi, T niil. . .. .. ,..! ...1. - - -l - - - " 1' 11. .1 1 1 1 WANTED Girl to wait table from to 7 WANTED Good, plain cook. 245 St. Clair street. WANTED Neat, reliable girl to assist with )- rill Lini-r.-li rall a . i i.- " i I A V S: 1 11 1 I Tt I . TWO women for good paying position; work ensv nnH T,laoun, 01. ... v. ,. . WANTED IMrl for general housework. Broadway car to 19th. 677 fSchuyler. TWO starchers. also feeders and folders. Crystal Laundry. 21st st. and Sandy road. GIRL for general housework, family of 8 jiA nuyi bi,, near AUtn. GIRL for general uousework, T21 Haisey st. Phone East 1100. A WOMAN to take charge of house. East 6250. WANTED Waist Journal bldg. finisher. Apply 305 GIRL for general housework and cooking 78814 Kearney, near 23d. NEAT respectable woman, housekeeper, plain plaoe. St. Louis Agency. Main 2039. WANTED Young girl to help with baby and xJ nam m,uon m p.. , 1 , A 1. L II St., Apt. 807 WANTED A woman to work for husband's mnm and hnfkni U71Z. X? , - n , 1 , WANTED Girl to assist with general liuuncnmi. poi .loicmup, near ZlSt. STENOGRAPHER, accurate, to commence at $30 a month. B 139, Oregonian. HOUSEG1RL. no cooking. Apply at once Union Depot Restaurant. ' WANTED A plain clothes ironer. Apply Jt, Lace House Laundry, 26 N. 20th WANTED A marker and a sorter. Apply Lace House Laundry, 28 N. 20th. WANTED Lady barbar. 281 Burnside st. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMEN To operate power sewing machine. Apply at superintendent s office before 9.30 A- M MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. W ANTED A competent woman stenog rapher, who can learn to take care of small set of books in a law office. Po sition in nature of private secretary. Pros pect of food, permanent position for the right individual. Answer In your own handwriting. Address V 150, Oregonlan. FEMALE help wanted at the Union Laun dry Co.. 2d and Columbia sts. WA.NTI.D Competent stenographer and bookkeeper; must be rapid; state age, ex perience and salary desired; neat appear ance and general office experience essen tial. A KT lm WA.NTED Girl to do general housework and assist with cooking; Finnish girl pre ferred; small family; salary $20. Call be tween 6 and 7 P. M.. 6d E. 41st st. North, corner Couch. WANTED at once, private exchange tele phone operator, one who has soma ex perience in filing department; state age. salary expected and past experience. K 16( Ore ,nnUn TRAVELING salesman should Investigate: want to open territory up for automobile necessity; good commission. Call or write W. Schwartzenburg, 609 Washington aU. Portland. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED I 5 GIRLS to learn beauty culture. Pay T. US. learning; position guaranteed. 400- 414 n,klim ttl.'cr --... 1 -.... T i A GIRL to help with child of 6 to go to the beach In exchange for board and room and small wages. Apply 710 Over- Inn at noa- OA WANTED Girl for general housework. 8 in family, light washing. $30. Lieutenant Lentz, Vancouver Barracks, Quarters 13. Phono 870. MAN1 of the best families of the city are registered with the Domestic Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girls. 306 Central bldg. M. 7667. LADIES wanted to take orders on commls slon; no experience. Call Mrs. J. Wagner, 887 Webster, bet. 11:80 and 1:30 or after 6:30 P. M. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework in the country: no wasuing-. no children. 1" A&tji Sel!lnS bldg., between 10 and EXPERIENCED contralto or soprano sing er. Italian preferred, call 2 to 4 P M at 128 14th st., between Washington and Alder. WANTED Thoroughly capable woman to keep house In widower's family, out of olty, good wages; for Information call at REFINED lady to care for little girl and do light housework. Good home for right party. Call mornings after 9:00, room 608. Seward Hotel. Irtth anH iu.. AN experienced girl for general housework; must understand cooking; no washing; " "yfij uwiuuipB a.j .vi ii it. n a 1. WAVTFTl A ... ii-i.) nii-I Z7Z V "Z r. " n,i.iug Kin Aor Keil- eml inncii-vn.' - 1 1 , 1 ----- wfouiufi. io cooiting. 80OH Glisan, corner bth. Phono A 4402. WANTED Healthy wet nurse for three months' old child; one without infant nre- - - -.1 u 1 . n 1, . 1 1 ' .1 U. WANTED Nurse maid for two young chll dren. 854 Melinda ave.. head of John ston at V.l. tl.im WANTED Young girl to take care of babv, with some experience. 410 East 24th st N Phone East 21H6. WILL room, board, clothe and school young girl for assistance with children. 750 East 17th, near Rhone; Sellwood car YOUNG lady with business ambition. Splen did opportunity. Call bet. 9 and 11. 609 IVUllnDSl UlUg YOUNG girl for housework; small family no washing. 415 Medical bldg. or 037 E -'3d N. Phone Main 5S19. WANTED Girl for general housework; none mpoLcui ucip iieeu apply. 7o3 Thompson. WANTED- A competent stenographer, one Who iinilapDl a n Ha H;.,.- . .1 U "."v.j aii'b. auui W3B in own B , r Aoo, uresooian. A .f-E:jpo'SIBEE nurse to take care of two & aui mii wiui second work. Apply 34 N. 21st st.. corner Flanders. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family foreigners. 1119 Denver ave. Woodlawn 3174. CHAMBERMAID, $35; restaurant cook waitress. $25. St. Louis Agency, 208' 5th St. Main 2089, A 4775. ALTERATION hands on ladles' coats and gowns. R. M. Gray. Broadway and Mor rison. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; .-in... u t Bu,u cuua. aus A.aieign st. J n one Main 8284. GIRL to wait on table and work In lunch room. Tom's Place, cor. 10th and Burn side. i- (1 X, t-ll.-'l' V-l- .. . . : .... 1 , i - . a nun jpuujjic, iiiorougmy ex perienced In notions. Roberts Bros., 3d WANTED Girl to do housework and plain cooking in family of 2. Call 323 Lumber i-,Acua.nge. ana frtaric st. MIDDLE-AGED woman for light housework anu care oi cnna oi i years. Phone Mar shall 2282. WA.M-E.U competent girl for general housework; good wages. Call room 4 Vir- Kiuiii mil raotei. WANTED Experienced marker and sorter; steady position. Portland Laundry Co., wi auu i.uui;u bis. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, Washington bldg.. 270 Wash., room 35, near 4th. Phone Main h836 or A 3260. wajnted Experienced girl for general housework; must understand cooking; no washing; good wages. 770 Marshall st. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 609 Roth- miu oiug.. ta ana v asnington. loo WOMEN for canning and assorting fruit, Oregon Packing Co.. East 8th and Belmont sts. COMPETENT girl for general housework; small family: good wages. Mrs. Strong, WANTED Experienced and competent con. eral housework girl with references; wages v-mt a. iiujhih. f nunc war, oooo, Torenoous. GOOD -girl to assist with general house work. Must he a good cook. Apply 274 -ijin si. i cuve w car. EXPERIENCED lady cleaner and presser Aor lanry gowns, uregon Uye Works, 851 Burnside. W' ANTED -Lady help 2 hours exchange for housekeeping rooms. AH 158, Oregonlan. WANTED Neat appearing canvassers; sal ary. Apply 127 13th st. GIRL for general housework and cooking 695 Marshall st. HELP WANTED MALE Oft FEM A IB. MEN and women wanted at once to make big profits. Call at every house in your Luiiuiiuiiuy aim accept money Tor the Dustless clothesline holder. A big part of this you keep. Sells everywhere. Sam ple postpaid 50c Call or write 332 Lum ber Exchange building. Portland, Or. WANTED 50 experienced salesladies-for all departments; 12 cash boys. A.pply super intendent Hamberger's Dept. store. 143 2d st.. today. 8 o'clock. FlriK Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 816 Journal bldg. Main 4S35. HELP WANTED MISCEIJASEOrS. 100 MEN and women to learn the barber trade in S weeks in all its modern meth ods; send for catalogue; tools free; learn a trade that you can get in business for yourself. Moler Barber College, 85 N. 4th, PORTLAND mail carriers postal clerks, $800 first year, $100 raise to $1500. Va cations. Portland examinations coming. Specimen questions free. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 330 B. Rochester. N. Y. GOVERNMENT positions, parcel post sys tem requires additional help; salary up to J 1800: "free book." Pacific Slates School, McKay bldg.. Portland, Or. MAIL CARRIERS WANTED Average $00 month; examinations coming. Specimen questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 328 D, Rochester, N. Y. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. txt;tiO bauKToAND, book keeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 425S. MEN, women to learn barber trade, eight weeks: position guaranteed. Oregon Bar ber College. 233 Madison. 268 Couch st. STENOGRAPHERS, any system, to prove their worth and take positions: calls cora i Ing in now. 62'J Worcester block. 6HORTHAND, TYPEWRITING SCHOOL 269 14TH ST. M. 3S93. EXP. INSTRUCT'N. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money while learning. 618 Rothchild bldg. Kelster's Ladies' Tailoring College and School of Dressmaking. 143 11th at. SITUATIONS WANTED MAUL Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPING or clerical work, 7 years' experience; operates typewriter; with very best of references; desires position. M 161, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, 8 years' experience banking business: best refer ence. O. Q. Wooten, Oregon City. Or IF YOU are in need of a first-class book, keeper, stenographer and general offlc man, xiUona. aat 79 booKkeeper and Clerks. AM 82, years old, married, lO years' best business experience, stenographer, book keeper, Ealesman and manager: energetic, ambitious, good appearance and am money maker; can do anything along business lines; best references; bond if desired; try me. AT 156. Oregonlan. YOUNG man, age 25, stenographer and col lector, understands bookkeeping, 8 months experience in local wholesale house, de sires position; can do anything In office or stockroom; moderate salary. Phone Main 8211. WANTED by young man, position as book keeper or timekeeper, logging camp pre ferred; seven yearB' experience; can fur nish references as to ability. R. S. Libby, 268 12th St. YOUNG man, 26, high school education, good penman, some knowledge of typewriting, desires clerical position. $12 per week to start. AG 160. Oregonlan. WIL.L. AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements. Install systems. Gillingham, auditor, 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. TRANSFER from Clerk Bureau of Stand ards, Washington, D. C, to Portland; my salary $1400. What la yours T L. E. Morales. POSITION as hotel clerk, night or day; ref erences. L 1Q0-. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man. experienced In .managing gen eral merchandise business, wants position; country town preferred: first-class ref erences! 161, oregonlan CHAUFFEUR wants position; 6 years' ex perience; do all own repairs; best of refer ences. Phone A 3327. Marshal 40O0. Athens Hotel, room 18. Ed Rollins. POSITION Man and wife. experienced cook and helper, or man would work as laborer outside. Phone E. 3062. AP 158. Oregonian. MACHINIST and chauffuer from Pierce Arrow factory, married, can furnish A-l references, also experienced on Packard Wlnton. Q 158, Oregonian. MARRIED gardener. .10, no children, com petent, life experience, wants charge of private or commercial place. AT 157, Ore gonlan. YOUNG man, with selling ability, wants position aa traveling salesman, have had several years' experience in clerical work. J 15S, Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced chau feur. Diploma from automobile shop. AC lo5. Oregonian. PRINTER Job or ads, would like to get work out of town or city; union. T 130, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS patternmaker wants position; will go out of the city if necessary. C 1 60, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man wants work, all-round Janitor, handy man around place. AP 3 55. Oregonlan. WANT WORK as cabinet-maker, hotel, fao tory, etc; good references. H 156, Ore gonlan. BO of 15 wants work on farm for room and board and some pay. George Bemer, Tigard, Or., care of Zlmmermann Bros n'ANTED By experienced grocery clerk position In or out of store. Address "W S. S.," 914 Johnson St., Pendleton, Or. WANTED by steady, reliable man, speak German, a permanent position. H 155, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall 791. A 4!10. Portland Waiters' Club, 148 Va 6th. Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald, manager EXPERT chauffeur needs work: acquainted with city; best of references. Call in uiufuuig only. isoor 33tJS. YOUNG man, German, wants position as garueuer ana arive auto; can give refer ences. Address AF 159. Oregonian. HOTEL clerk, best references, wants work. " jr i ii la. aw j " u, xi egoman. POSITION in laundry by sober. Industrious mameq man. Alain a4g. Hardy Gates. JAPANESE wants job, any kind work, every iiviiiiii6. n auu, eg""iau. COOKING In private family and porter "ia. .i ue. urejfonian. YOUNG Japanese wants position In bar or nquor etore. a hv, oregonlan. STRUCTURAL draftsman, five years' expe- n-m-e, nunia wsumn. J 1QH, Oregonlan. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, best references wants steady position. Phone Main 8663. ' YOUNG man with experience wants work unvius or in garage, a. m, oregonian GROCERY man, experienced, cltv references wants position. N 130, Oregonian. ' BITCATIONS WANTED FE3IAT.E. Bookkeepers and Stenotrruuher. STENOGRAPHER. 6 years' experience sten. OfrraTthir ,nn,nl r.? ft nrn-i. .4......., Eftion. Main 24M. ' CAPABLE girl, high school graduate, de sires DOSltlOn. Office B-L.-1 (lr flonhr.n erator. private exchange. Main 2039. blLNOURAPHER with six months' expe rlence wants position. E 158. Oregonian. Oreiinifiker. A FIRST-CLASS dressmaker will come to your homes and make evening and party dresses, evening coats; fit guaranteed. Ta bor 47J9. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants few more engagements by day. Work guaranteed. Marshall 1570. N arses. MATERNITY nurse wants case; will do light housework. Main 147. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes cases, elderly, invalid, companion. Main 2039. A 4775. Houhekerp-ec. WIDOW lady with boy of 3 years wants housekeeping position. Call at room 410-12, Hotel Ohio. RELIABLE girl desires housekeeping, city or country. AN 156, Oregonlan. NEAT woman, girl 5, desires housekeeping. widower. 208 5th st. Main 2039. Mlsc eilan eo u a. A STRONG, capable girl. 20 years old, a good cook and housekeeper. wishes a position to work In a private family for room, boartl and small wages, during one half day and about two hours evenings. Position on VVest Side preferred. Address 1497 E. i)th st- N.. Portland. YOUNG MAN. 21 or over, to work in clgair and pool tables: must be a good pool player, and have references as to hon esty Is required, and not afraid to work. AR 155, Oregonlan. YOUNG WOMAN desires position as lady's companion, or children's nurse, with fam ily going to Europe. AP 159. Oregonian, or Main 5536. DAY work of any kind or by the hour; wages X25: competent young woman ex perienced in all kinds of housework; hon est. Alice Prltc-h. Main 2603. A REFINED young woman would like to go to the beach or mountains for Summor. as companion. State particulars in an swer, rv. joo, uregonlan. lOLNG lady desires nosiHon in fln,H home as a governess. I'huna Tabor 361(4 or can at jj.ii ri. Lincoln. EXPERIENCED woman wants dav work washing, ironing or cleaning. Call Tabor 2745. PRACTICAL woman with 2 children wants work of any kind In exchange for a good ""ic. .-Jt ii. uregonian. WANTED Care for two or three little girls, age ., and over, by motherly lady at LACE curtains noma laundered, 25c and up special rates to hotels. Mia Anderson. Phone Tabor 4109. RELIABLE woman wants day work, cleaJi Ing. phone East 3013. room 17. DINNERS cooked and parties served by ex perienced woman. Phone Marshall 5974 EXPERIENCED woman, day work, washing. " uicAiiinn. Main ZU3'J, A 4775. LACE curtains, draperies, linen laundered i' r jri i. laDor ,11. EXPERIENCED colored girl wants Cham- ' ' l n Jl v. A 1 1 I ' " I -HBl LADY caterer will do party work; also day --"""a- . " aiAianan ut4. LACE curtains washed and stretched by ex pert. Tabor 2445;C-2227. Mrs. Scott. WASTED AGENTS. LIVE specialty salesman can make $20 day. i . .i mi. v.ii-n.1 u l proposition; ref erences required. National Liquid Register Co. Room 402, 88 6th st. WANTED TO RENT. House. I WANT to rent a modem home for one - - - J '--- -in idb west side not on Portland Height west of 16th st. Must be modern and well furnished will pay the right price for the right place; must have 4 bedrooms and servant's rooms, musicroom. garage, etc. Four adults and 2 servants; best of references. i. a i.u AAwuoca au A-trJisx If you want to rent your houses, "list them with us. We have a number of people waiting for houses. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO. 296 Oak st. Main 7750. WANTED To rent a well-furnished home in desirable location. West Side; small family: no children. Edwin F. James Majestic Theater. Marshall 2684 Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; must be clean and In good neighborhood: private family preferred! can give references. Phon Marshall 6343. itooma. l LARGE, light, airy room suitable for permanent sample room. Down-town dis trict, state location and price. 8 C Multnomah Hotel. Rooms Wit b Roara. YOUNG lady wishes a nice place to board baby. Address AC 100, Oregonlan. FO RENT. furnished Itooma. ANNEX HOTEL Washington St-, Cor. 12th. Walking distance to all: 150 rooms, fire proof, modern, both telephones. SPECIAL RATES. Daily Weekly Monthly. With, bath privilege or private bath. ANN EX HOTEL Charles 11. Rowley, Mgr. ROWLAND HOTEL 207 4XH. PARSONS HOTEL. 09 4TH, MINOOK HOTEL, 213 V, 4TH. Are you looking for nice, clean rooms, with hot and cold water, private baths, homelike and respectaole. at VERY MOD ERATE PRICES? If so you will be satis fied at any of the 3 hotels above. Give us a trial and you will be the winner, and besides save money and got the best. THE HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th. between Morrison aud Yamhill; re cently opened, every modern convenience, plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful lobby; rates $4 week and up; with pri vate bath $5.60 week and up; transient rates, 75o and up. Free phone. Main 4226 lot NG man rooming in Y. M. C. A. wants roommate to reduce rooming expense- rea sonable cost; fireproof building; shower baths, vacuum cleaned; many club ad vantage; in $5O0,(.K1O building. inquire business office. Y. m. c. A., cur. 6th and Taylor sts. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 652 'i WASHING TON ST. Elegantly located, fireproof; new and modern rooms, with or without bath $2 50 week up; special rates to permanent guests; conducted above reproach. THE VIRGINIA HILL HOTEL. 14th and Jefferson. An established hotel. Rooms en suite or single; rates reasonable. A 6628. M 92S3. HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; modern conveniences. Broadway and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel, opposite Orpheum Theater. Main 916 HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh street. New. modern brick building, steam-heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort- aoiy lurnisneq. Transients solicited. HOTEL NETHERLANDS, 126 18th St., at Washington. Rooms. $5.50 per week up; under per aonal management owner. J. W. Bushong. HOTEL Edwards, Grand ave.. E. Belmont; rooms $12 mo. and up; $22.50 and up with oatn; aosoiuteiy respectable. East 323. THE LARRABEE, 227 is Larrabee. Rooms $2 week up. Brick building, steam hear. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished rooms with all modern conveniences, 6th and Main. NICELY furnished rooms, with bath, $2 50 week and up. 4th floor Goodnough. 5th and Yamhill sts. CENTRAL HOTEL, opposite Pantages. modern outside rooms $3.50 up; with pU vate bath, $5 up. Come and see us. THE PALACE. 308 Vi Pino St., newly fur nlshed rooms, $2 and up. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. CONGENIAL gentleman or lady may have pleasant home with widow, little daughter in modern house, piano, $8. 94 Brainard. cor. Mississippi ave., l block south from Killingswoith. Alblna. L or St. Johns car. NEWLY furnished room In private family. East Side, with or without board; 15 min utes' walk from 3d and Washington sts. by Steel or Broadway bridges. Call Home phone C 1270. FOR RENT Three newly and nicely fur niehed looms with connecting bath and toilet on Hawthorne ave., near 14th st Prices reasonable. Phone East 63H. NICELY furnished rooms, from $2 weekly, easy walking distance. Phone 655 Wash ington. N1CEUY furnished front room, no other roomers. Phone and bath. Marshall 533. NICELY furnished room, modern conveni ences, central, fi week. 404 Clay, near loth. $1.75 PER week, neat sleeping room for gentleman: close in. 251 W. Broadway. SINGLE sleeping rooms, $2.50 and up; phone and bath. 221 13th. NEATLY furnished front bedroom, walk ing distance, $1.75 per week. 431 6th at. DESIRABLE furnished room, 124 East ISth st. Phone E. 1S59. $1.25 SINGLE sleeping room, also one suit able for baching. SI. 75. 604 Kvnrert VERY nice room with board in private fam ily. Nob Hill, 253 21st st. Marshall 1487. NICE front rooms, close in, one or a couple auuits. iu to lo month. 21 N. 11th. LOWER front room anil porch room, very uesirauio ana cueap. i;ii l-In St. CLEAN, comfortable room, very reasonable Call Main 3005 or 49 N. 14th. LARGE furnished room, running water; also puiio, reasouauie. no noyt. Mar. 4753, IaU;HT. airy room; moderate. 26S J2th st Koous With Board. NORTONIA HOTEL, 11th. Just off Washington st, American and European. Beautiful dining-room, tearoom and roof garden. Very attractive rates to families and bachelors. MODERN ELEG Ar."T EXCI.IIS1VK American and European plan; near City a-a,v, lumcuicui iu uariine. TUB HILL. Washington, at 23d st. Renldentiu-l and Tourists Hotel, Attractive rates to permanent and tran sients Main. 754. bUR Y. M. C A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned; shower baths, swim, mine pool, club facilities; tpecial rates at cafeteria, and loo other features. Full particulars at business office, cor. tith and layior sts. THE MILLARD HOTEL MOURISON A.D PARK! .TK European and American, $2 per day with meals. Rattrs by the month and week with or without meals very reasonable, 3s'ew, modern and fireproof. ELTON. COURT. Select yamilv Hotel. Modern rooms with excellent table board, very reasonable rates. 11th and lami.iu sts. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 366 Montgomery St.. at West Parle, mod em conveniences; rooms with or without bath ; excellent table service; reasonable rates tor regular ana transient guests. LA ROB beautifully furnished rooms with board, suitable for 2 or a. Separate beds, use of piano and home comforts. 111 11th st. Main 6381. TH K WH IT EH A LL, S.S3 GT H ST. A residential hotel, large sun porch ; rooms with or without baths; home cook ing; table board a specialty. THE LAMBERSON, 654 Couch, cor. 17th; outside rooms; Bteam heat, running water; special rates for good table board. THE MAN'ITOL. 61 13th St. Excellent table, large, airy rooms. 6ummer rates. "J" car at TJepot. THE HAZEL Large outside rooms, steam heat, running water; with or without meals: moderate price. 3S5 3d st. PORTLAND WOMEN'3 UNION'. 24th year"; rooms with board, use of sewing-room li brary. G10 Flanders, Mrs. E. K. Wilson, sup. EXCELLENT board and beautiiul rooms, faring the park. 374 Park st. Rooms With Hoard In Private Fam.lv. EXCEUaE.VT rooms and board- two Te" finel young men; walking distance. East 4616. ROOM and board in private family- rates rea,onaer;smodern home witt, privileges. PLEASANT, airy room, use of piano. 301 loth st. Main 3312. Jinu. ayx 241 N. 'J2D ST., well-furalshed room, por.-h and grounds; excellent meals. Main 1'071. W"-k board baby Eirl. 738 Minnesota av. . Call after 10 A. M. NICELY furnished room with board, wnlkin .1 1 u ! -1 .1 1. .1 Tafn it 1 ! . , ..... $20 Front rooms or for two; modern cou- Boom. Vtlth tViaro la invm. h.miu. TWO or three young Indies can have at", tractive rooms and excellent bord an the privileges of homo in rertntd mode:0 home, on the wv.t Side, easy walking distance; rat.-s JJ-.io per month. lhon Marshall 2-i.iJ. LEWIS LODGE. T 7.5 Trospect drive. Phone Main 10.-.7. Just the place for business people to snenit the Summer; a few minutes to the center or city; all modern couveiue ncea. KOOM with board for man and wife or two young men; splendid bourd and large cool room, adjoining bath; ail modern conveniences and home privileges- ocr month. Phone Marshall 24:l. " SI. ITE of rooms, sleeping porch, with bath, between rooms, with board; best of lioina cooking.; no other boarders, now and mod ern. AN Oregonian. LAKGK, beautifully f uniislicd room, modern home, best home cooking, tine location very reasonable; reforcaocs furnished t;i3 Kearney t. NJ,Cfc; comfortab'.e rooms, with breakfast hot and cold water, bath, phone! naming distance, reasonable. 120 N. ISth corner misan. M. 30117. NICELY furnished, attractive rooms, raod S!1?:, '!,ce ,locat'on, pleasant surroundings; oniy tj minutes to business district. Mii il th t., near Columbia. M2, de8,rab! larsTfront room with all fKi r? conveniences, including excellent . UJlc ,j -ii am SI. ViiM. nd, boara w,tu '"Other and daugh ter two In a room preferred, $-.; Bnt,-;8, o0; working g;ria or men; walkins du- relerences. riawthorne ave. LARGE well furnished modern room, board. tIoso ' ver' reasonable, l.ajt LAHijE. nicely furnished front room all conveniences, with .,r without board, close in. 4,4 Salmon. Marshall 4110. NICELY furnished large front room, with board, suitable for two. 102 13Th st. ApartmeniA. C ARMKMTA, Jefferson and 13th sts. 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments? exceptionally well arranged; walkinc dl tance. Rates TCeasonsbla. modem. Kerercncea. THE WHETET-DON ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets. Walking Distance. Furnished comi-iete, 'J, a and 4-room apartments; building new and strictly modern; sen-ice tirst class. TK1NITY PIACE APARTMENTS Tha House of Tone. Largest nud finest apart ments on the Pacific Coast. In heart of apartment-house district. New and mod ern In every particular. Apartments fur nished and unfurnished; exclusive bachelor quarters with clubrooms in south wing; sleeping-porches in every apartment; hlgii ciass service, refined clientele; no disap pearing furniture; terms reasonable; In spection invited; references reaulred. Phone Marshall 1101. STELWYN APTS., Cor. St. Clair end Washington. Largest and most beautifully furnished nigh-class apartments; sleeping-porches and roof garden; ideal location for Sum mer; high-class service: reasonable rates; references required. Marshall 3669. VILLA ST. CLARA. 1-th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast. Furnished complete, . .. . Root garden In connection. TValking Distance. References. VTELLESLEY COURT East ISth and Belmont, 14 block of Mor rison; biggest and best on East Side- 4 story, modern, 100x100; furnished and un. lumlshed; walking distance. CUMBERLAND. W. Park and Columbia ts-l two very choice unfurnished apts.. one S -room and one --room, northeast cor ner, beautiful location overlooking- the parks where we have band concerts week ly, all modern conveniences, close In, oniy 5 minutes' walk from business center: ref erences LUCK ETI A COURT, Lucretla St.. near Washington and 23d. Most modern unfurnished apartment house in the city; 2 to i-room apartments. Investigate before deciding" elsewhere. References. Manager. Marshall 1513; Jan itor. Marshall 1S0O. THE CROMWELI, Fiflh and Columbia. 2 and S-room apartments, furnished : strictly modern and new; references; close usance; service Ilrst class. DLi-IRABLE 4-room apartment, furnished or unlurnlshed; arranged for 2 bedrooms; best In city, considering rent, location, service, etc.; outside rooms, private bath, direct phone. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, -1 2 Broadway, cor. Jefferson. THE AVALON The nearest to Union Depot of all East Side apartments, S blocks of Broadway; beautiful furnished 3 and 4 room apts.; all linen, silverware, private phone, bath and sleeping-porches; Sum mer rates. Phone East 1367. l!So Ross. THE WiNSTON oil lltn St., at Market. New two and three-room apartments, completely furnished; walking distance; prices reasonable, phone Main 1789 GRANDESTA. East Stark and Orand ave. isew building; nUely furnished 3-room apartments; private bath and private phone; SJo to $--7.W; walking distance. Phone East 20J3. " LUZERNE APTS.. Cor. 3d and Hall Cozy 2-room furnished apts.; bunding new and striotly modern; all outside rooms: s minutes to P. O : rates yep- reasonable. Marshall 46.17. THE PARKHUKST North i.',,th antj jsorthrun Sts Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments; outside rooms; balcony to every suite; all conveniences; ref. Phone M. 117S. CUMBERLAND. West Park and Columbia sts; - a"d "-room completely furnished apts.; all modern conveniences; choice !o-T.".,1,,-.. 'aclng the parks; only minuter -vva.k from business center; references. THE WHEELDOX Corner Park und Taylor. 3 blocks from rostoffice. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished complete; modern, first-class service. THE LET A . beautiful 5-room apartment all large outside rooms, nothing like this In the city, like a private home. Steam heat large balcony. Phone Marshall 32o" 4oi 7th. st. bi:ck-h.vrtford7 list and Flanders, modern 2. 8. 4-room apts., lumlshed and unfurnished walk ing distance, w car. Phone Mgr. A 7441 Janitor A ,14.s.-. Mi i-co THE WASHINGTON. s9 Northrup 5-room unfurnished apartm-mt with bath and all modern conveniences. telephone. steam heat gas. electric light, etc. Take W car A uVs -Northrup. Phones Main 437s. NOKOM1. l.th and Marshall, walking dis tance, new. clean, ele?antlv furnishea. well ventilated outside rooms; disappear ing beds, private phone, bath and dress- ing-rooin; Summer rates. Marshall sui7 WELLINGTON APARTMENTS. l.-.th and Everett 2. u and 4 rooms, unfurnished; private baths: $20 and up; completely ren ovated; under new management: walking distance; convenient and best service. KEELER APARTMENTS. 14TH AND CLAY STREETS. First-class 3-room apartments, unfur nished, private, vestibules, bathrooms and phones; references required. O R 1 E R L E I 3H 82 Grand Avetius., 3-room apartments, completely furnished, private, baths; new management; modern and con venient: walking distance; best of service: rate3$13tot3a LINCOLN APTS.. 4TH and LINCOLN. " All outside 2-room furnished apts., low rates include free light, heat, prlvato phone; a complete home. Clean and quiet. Janitor 8"rvi e. Main 1377. ' MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, t'aiK at .uauison. Modern a and 4-room furnished apart ments bv the week or month. THE ORMONDE. 4 and S-room apartments modern, furnished or unfurnished Sum mer rates. tiii6 Flanders, Nob Hill Main 6251. GENEVA APTS, SAN FRANCISCO, 840 Van Ness Ave. First-class modern 2, 3-room, furnished linen, silver. SUMMER RATES. 8-room nicely furnished apartment: all large, cool, outside rooms; $22 50- bath phone and on carline. B 8041. Tabor THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS" East 7th and Morrison sts. Very central -2 and 3-room apartments, furnished rom pletely: private l.aths: from $20 to $21 r.o AF.DMAY TERRACE Exceptionally large living-room 16xn every convenience. 12th and Harrison s' THE CHETOPA. ISth and Flanders sts. 2. .1 Auu -i-iTOm -uuueru n , ' ' ' 1 tni'TiLa, furnished or unfurnished- Both phones. wu -..' W.s 1 (Olfl.l,