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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1913)
12 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY.' JUNE 19, 1913. PORTLAND HOST TO EARLY SETTLERS VETERANS OF INDIAN WARS OF PACIFIC NORTHWEST IN GRAND ENCAMPMENT - IN PORTLAND - CAUGHT BY CAMERA. JOOM 1 5; M: !" -'. 1 Pioneers and Families Coming for Annual Reunion Ex pected to Number 2000. EARLY CONTINGENT HERE Official Photograph Will Be Taken at 1:3 0, Followed by Business Session at Masonic Temple and Dinner by Women. (Continued from First Fat.) dling by a fiddler of the "Money Musk" days, H. M. Jackson: original address, "Kumtux Klahowyah?" Cyrus H. Walk er, 1SU8, and Edward Eels, 1841, Decern, ber 7. 1838; two, 1811; "Polakly Chahco" ("America"), the entire bunch in unison. Women To Serve Dinner. The officers of the Women's Auxil iary of the Association, having- - in charge the preparation and serving: the dinner. President, Mrs. Charlotte M. Cart wrlght; vice-president, Mrs. John W. Minto; assistants to vice-president, Miss May Failing, Mrs. F. V. Kistner, second vice-president. Miss Kate Holman; secretary, Mrs. R. H. Blrdsall; treasurer, Mrs. P. W. GIBette; executive board, Mrs. Benton Killin, Mrs. D. P. Thomp son, Mrs. P. L. Willis. Reception committee Mrs. Charlotte M. Cartwrlght, Mrs. Abigail Scott Dun lway, Mrs. Matthew P. Deady, Mrs. M. L. Myrick. Mrs. William Grooms, Mrs. P. Selling-. Mrs. M. A. Dalton, Mrs. Mar ' caret O. Moore, Mrs. Thomas Moffett, Mrs. T. T. Struble. Mrs. Robert Porter, Mrs. J. D. Biles. Table committee Mrs. Benton Killin, Mrs. D. P. Thompson, Mrs. P. L. Willis. Each table will be served as follows. No. 1 Miss Failing:, Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton; assistants. Miss Henrietta Failing:. Mm. Harry C. Cabell. Mrs. W. L. Brewster, Miss Olive Falling:. No. 2 Mrs. H. H. North up, Mrs. Tyler Woodward; assistants, Mrs. A. L. Mc Cully, Mrs. Boudinot Seeley. Mrs. F. H. Alliston, Miss Sealy. N- 3 Mrs. A. Meier, Mrs. P. J. Mann; assistants, Mrs. Henry Metzger. Mrs. I. N. Ltpman, Mrs. Slgmund Frank, Miss Genevieve Thompson. No. 4 Mrs. William R. Sewall, Mrs. Pierce Mays; assistans. Miss Mildred Nichols, Miss Ruth Church, Miss Grace Langdon, Miss Margaret Webber. No. 5 Mrs. Harriet K. McArthur, Mrs. George Taylor; assistants, Mrs. I. L. Patterson, Mrs. R. Sinnott, Mrs. J. L. Peters, Miss Mary Adair. No. 6 Mrs. P. L. Willis, Mrs. M. A. M. Ashley; assistants, Mrs. Edwin Cas well, Mrs. C. W. Sherman, Mrs. T. D. Foster, Mrs. C. E. Rumelin. No. 7 Mrs. J. K. Gill, Mrs. John "Bill; assistants. Mrs. W. G. Gillihan, Miss Margaret Dillingham, Miss Elsa Gill, Miss Eleuthera Smith. No. 8 Mrs. L. Allen Lewis, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd; assistants. Miss Sallie Lewis, Miss Lou Flanders, Miss Clemen, tine Hlrsch, Mrs. C. E. Chenery. Some To Be Named. No. 9 Mrs. W. E. Robertson. Mrs. James E. Failing; assistants. Miss Nan Robertson, Miss Mary Robertson, Mrs. David Robertson, MIbs H. Falling. No. 10 Mrs. George W. Weidler, Mrs. John McCraken; assistants. Miss Kate Sherlock, Miss Weidler, Mrs. Hattle Pratt, Miss Huber. No. 11 Mrs. M. C. George, Miss Ger trude Pratt; assistants, Mrs. Gwllym Jones, Mrs. H. G. Colton, Mrs. R. Scott. Miss Rowena Cochran. No. 12 Mrs. James W. Cook, Mrs. Russell E. Sewall; assistants. Miss Clar issa Wiley, Miss Jessie Farrell, Mrs. James Honeyman, Miss Clyde Reed. No. 13 Mrs. George H. Lamberson, Mrs. P. W. Gillette; assistants. Miss Catherine Lamberson, Preston Gillette, Miss Meussdorffer. Miss Ruth Drake. No. 14 Mrs. George H. Himes, Mrs. E. E. McClure; assistants, Mrs. Harold G. Rice, Miss Margaret L. Himes, Mrs. John Risley, Mrs. William E. Fiebiy. No. 15 Mrs. H. B. Nicholas, Mrs. P. F. Morey; assistants, Mrs. E. M. Waite, Mrs. J. C. Sanford, two to be supplied. No. 16 Mrs. J. M. Freeman, Mrs. A. M. Crane; assistants, Mrs. P. P; Dabney, Miss Alice Crane, Mrs. Frank Moffett, Miss Alice Gadsby. No. 17 Mrs. June McMillen Ordway, Mrs. E. W. Spencer; assistants, Mrs. Fay H. Mann, Miss Brown, Mrs. W. L. Spencer, Miss Eugenia Morse. No. 18 Mrs. W. D. Fenton. Mrs.' A. Mulr; assistants. Miss May Merrill, Mrs. Percy Blanchard, Miss A, L. Lucas, Miss Clara Koehler. No. 19 Mrs. I. G. Davidson, Mrs. T. 8. Mann; assistants. Miss Genevieve Howell, Miss Mildred Riggs. Mrs. W. W. Porter, Mrs. Fred L. Rlggs. No. 20 Miss Gile. Miss Kate Holman; assistants. Miss Katherine Gile, Mrs. W. S. Biddle, Miss Emmons, Mrs. H. Oglesby. 4 Booth Committees Selected. Booth No. 1 Bread, cake, biscuit Miss Nannie E. Taylor, .chairman: as sistants. Miss Lambert, Miss Plummer, Miss Hildegarde Plummer, Miss Agnes Kelly. Miss Linley Morton, Miss Bess Bodman, Mrs. A. H.' McGowan, Mrs. Max Fleischner, Miss Walter Holman, Mrs. R, C. Prince, Mrs. W. N. Gatens. Booth No. ,2 Meat, fish, salads Mrs. r icfPi, ;n , ' v II rr 5 . . ito-6Wtintawa(A-.-:-:':-:--;- W J II ; - ' Herbert Bolman' rMa Mrs. A. L. Pease, Mrs. D. M. McLauch- iin. Mrs. John Burgard, Mrs. Fred Buf fum, Mrs. Harry Coleman, Mrs. J. Keenev. Mrs. o. A l.vmn r. n n..i Marshall, Miss Juanita Matlock, Miss jarsten, Airs. j. R. Holman. Booth No. 3 Milk, "cream, butter Miss Mary McKay, chairman: assistants, Mrs. E. BrviriR.Ti. ATt- - A n.ort -Rnmn Miss Gretohen Breymaii. '' Booth No. 4 Tca nrAMtn ATI.. rM -i -o Teal, chairman: assistants. Miss Bickel, Miss Lena Blnkpl. Mra T i Wwii Miss Lavelle Humasou. Death Roll Given. Secretary Himes declares It Is Im portant that the. women in charge of the dinner should have their tables set and decorated by 2 . o'clock, in order that everything may be in readiness for taking a picture. In the following list of deaths of pioneers during the past year those marked with an asterisk were mem bers of the association: William Adams (1SS2). March 7, 1918; Mrs. J. D. Archbold (I860), January SO, 1M1S; Mr. Sarah J. Armltae (1847), Feb ruary 2S, 1S13; Mrs. Mary J. Barney (1852), November 2-1, lBliS; 'William R. Bishop (1S50), May 25. 1913; -James Blakcly (14), January S9, Iyi3; John D. Blanchet (146), February 4,- 1913; Mrs. Peter W. Bowen 1844t), January 20, 1913; Charles O. Boynton (1S50), March 19, 1913; "Alvin C. Brown- (1MJ), December 25. 1912: Mrs. A. C. Buohnell (1851), January 9, 1913; Isaac M. Butler (1852 , May. 1913; B. P. Cald well (1859); Mrs. N. E. Carnahan (1844), December, 1912: Philip F. Caatleman (189), March 27. 1913; J. K. Charlton (1851). April 26, 1918; 'John W. Cochran (1S50). February 21, 1913; George w. Colt man (1852). March 11, 1913: Mrs. Sarah A. Collins (1S52). April 19, 1913; Mra. Jane Corabi (1852). January 7, 1913; Mrs. Flor ence t,. Connacher (1851), March 3. 1913; Norman Darling (1853), November 19, 1912; Alvah 1. Davis (1S.72). June 13, 1913; Mrs. Lemuel E. Davis (1852), January 24, 1913: Isaac Durbln (1S45). February, 1913; James Elgin (1832), January 13, 1913; John End 1SS2. February 26, 15)13; Mrs. W. S. Glbbs (1S52). November 16, 1912; Mrs. Henry S. Gile (1S53), February 12, 1913; Mrs. Mary Gilllland (1852), March 2., 1913; Mra. J. H. Guild ( IS5), April . 9, 1913; Nathan Hackett (184!)). February 9, 1913; Mrs. Sarah J. Henderson (1845). November 25, 1912; 'Mra. Adeline Herren (1845). Jan uary 10. 1913; Mrs. Drusilla Heslln (1S52), February 9. 1912; Mrs. Arrane Hester (184G), January 22, 1913: 'Joseph Howell (1S50). October 14, 1912: Howell, Thomas J., (1850) September 3, 1912; 'Mrs. Mary Jane Jack (1871. February lti 1913; Mrs. Mercy S. Johnson (1858), February 20. 1913; Mrs. Catherine Juker . (1853, February 6, 1913; Jacob Kamm (18E0), December 14, 1912: Patrick Kearney (1S55), pbruarj 18, 1913; W. C. Kennedy ' (1S52), March 12. 1913; Mrs. Sarah Ingram Kiernan (1852), Feb ruary, 1813; Mrs. Mary Jane Lake, (1S52-), January 19. 1913; Lee Laughlln (1S47), May 25, 1913; William T. Legs (1S47). January 25, 1913; "Mrs. Sallle Applegate Long (1S4S), November 2, 1912; "James H. McMillen (1845), June 1, 1913; Mrs. Sarah A. P. Merrill (1833), January 25, 113; Joaquin Miller (1841). February 17, 1B13: Thomas A. Milllorn (1849). March, 1913: Isaac V. Mossman (1S53), October 11, 1912: Miss Theresa Newell 1S5),' January 26! 1913: Levant Pease (1852), March 15, 1913; Mrs. Sarah A. Pettyjohn (1S7). February 18. 1918; 'Seth L. Pope (1853). October 27. 1912; Nathan D. Raymond OS52). April 81. 1913; James S. Royal (1&52, February 9, 1913; Jason Lee Royal (1853). January 28. 1918; W. H. H. 6ampon (1856). March 13, 1913; J. H. Bettlemier (149), February 20, 1913: Joseph H. Sharp (1852). April 1. 1913; 1 Veteran the Cay use War, Reading; Prom Left to Right, Charlea Bolda. w. D. StlllweH, J. c. Nelson and Sol Dnrbin. -" 2 Ladles' Auxiliary and Dangkten of the Indian War Veterana. 3 Three of the Oldeat Veterans Who Attended John Minto, 90s T. M. Ranasdell, 91, and J. A. Pauaell, 9T. John H. Simmons (1845), November 1, 1912; Mrs. Martha Simpson (1845). No vember 22, 1912; Sylvester C. Simpson (184), March 3, 1913; Mrs. J. T. Tate (1851), March 13, 1913; 'Mrs. Elisabeth Warner (1S62). February 10. 1913; Mrs. Lucy E. Walker (1847), March 19, 1913; Lewla W. Watts (1847). March 9, 1913; Mrs. Mary Ann Watts (1S30), February 19, 1918; 'Henry Wehrung (1852) February 6, 1913; 'Mrs. Minnie West (1852)' 'Mrs. Elizabeth M. Wilson (1851), February 26, 1913; 'Mrs. Lavina E. Wright (1843), September 19, 1912; 'Mrs. Margaret G. Wygant (1841), November 1. 1912. . . LUNCHEON IS PLANNED CHRISTIAN COXFEREXCE WILL ENTERTAIV 68 'SPEAKERS. Function Will Be Under Auspices of Oregon Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers. One of the special features In . the way of entertainment during- the Christian Citizenship Convention, the only functional feature as 'yet ar ranged, will be -the- luncheon given to the 68 or more, noted speakers appear ing on the programme at various meet ings during? the conference. . The luncheon' will be given under the auspices of the Oregon Congress of Mothers, and Parent-Teachers' Asso ciation, at. the Oregon Hotel. July 3. Covers will- be laid for 500 "or more. Dr. Foster, of Reed College, will be the master of ceremonies. Decora tions will consist of roses and Ameri can flags, suggesting alike the floral emblem of the . city . and the National emblem so much In evidence particu larly at the approach of Independence day. The luncheon committee consists of the following: Mrs. R. H. Tate and Mrs. F. S.' Meyers, ex-officio members; Mrs. H. R. Albee, Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, Mrs. TV. A. Laidlaw, Mrs. Milton Wag ner. Mrs. I. Jj. Cohen. Mrs. John Man ning. Mrs. A. King Wilson, Mrs. Bertha Taylor Voorhorst, Mrs. Thomas Greene, Mrs. C. W. Hayhurst, Mrs. John Risley. Mrs. Simrnonds, Mrs. H. W. Holden, Mrs. W. S. Brande, Miss Flor ence Dayton, Miss Frances Dayton and Mrs. R. E. Bondurant, Chairman. Those wishing to reserve plates are directed to call up Mrs.. Bondurant, Tabor 839, or Mrs." R. H. Tate, phone Marshall 235. Will Be Lucky if They Hurry. We Have Fully Seven Hundred Pairs, Such as "Nettletoii 99 Shoes Packard, Barry, Upham Bros., Keith and Hurley's High-Class Shoes. You Men With Particular Feet Come Now A Few of the $6 to $7 Kind at We do not claim to have all sizes, but if you are a seven-footer and wear 12 in size, we can fit you as readily as those who wear a bird's size. WARNING At the rate we are selling Shoes since moving into our present store, the Shoes will go quickly. SO HURRY! SAMPLE SHOE S T ORE 129 FOURTH STREET Next to 5c, lOc, 15c Store, Near Washington BOSTON OLD FIGHTERS MEET Indian War Veterans Desire Further Legislation. HIGH OFFICE IS CONTESTED After Baslness Session Luncheon Is Served; and Prowess of Defend ers of Homes Is Iauded in Address ty It. A. Miller. While Indian War Veterans made their twenty-eighth grand encampment, held at the Woodman Hall yesterday, an occasion for felicitation over the favor able legislation recVently passed relating to pensions and reimbursement for vet erans, a movement was begun in their business session looking to further leg islation which will be for the benefit of those who fought against the Indians. Cyrus Walker, grand commander of the Encampment of Indian War Veter ans of the North Pacific Coast, reviewed the legislation in Congress, up to the signing of the bill by President Taft last February, which raised their pen sion from S to $20 a month, and re ferred with praise to the enactment by the recent State Legislature, which re imburses the veterans of the Volunteer Mounted Riflemen, for horses furnished during the campaign against the In dians. Geaeral Recognition Sought. The bill passed by Congress, however, provides only for veterans of the wars of 1847-48 and of 1SS5-E6. General opin ions were expressed by the veterans present and a resolution was adopted urging similar pension provisions for veterans of other wars. Among other resolutions adopted was one introduced by John Minto, urging that the battleship after leading the parade of ships through the Panama Canal, be stationed off Astoria, in the Columbia River to serve as a training ship for the naval militia. In the election of officers some ex citement was developed by opposition to the re-election of Cyrus Walker as grand commander. Mr. Walker was elected and a motion made to have him transferred from active to . honorary membership and his election declared void, was voted down. ' Officers Are Elected. Other officers were elected as follows: Santa. Fe sions on sale daily commencing May 28. Good for return until October 31, 1913. When you go Santa Fe through California, you avoid the excessive heat and have stopover privilege for visit to Grand Canyon, also you may visit San Francisco and Los Angeles. Let me arrange details of your trip, and send you our picture folders. H. E. Vernon, Gen. Agt., Santa Fe Ry. 260 Alder St., Portland. Phone MAIN 1274. senior vice-grand commander, W. B. Stillwell; Junior vice-grand command er, Sol Durban: grand adjutant. Otto Kleeman; grand commissary sergeant, C. H. Chambreau: grand marshal, John Cullin: grand chaplain, W. D. Ewlng; captain of the guard, John Storan; members of relief committee. Otto Klee man and Charles H. Chambreau. A luncheon was served at noon by the sons and daughters of the Indian War Veterans and was followed by a pro gramme, at which Colonel R. A. Miller gave a eulogy upon the Indian War Veterans. EDINBURGH PARSON COMING Rev. John Lamond to Attend Chris tian Citizenship Conference. The Rev. John Lamond, D.. of Edinburgh, who 19 one of the distin guished foreign representatives to tbe World's Christian Citizenship Confer ence, to be held In this city June 29 July 6, arrived at Portland Tuesday on his way to Salem, where he delivered the commencement address at Willam ette University yesterday. From Sa lem be will go to Boise. Idaho, where ha will speak at the Chautauqua assembly and return to Portland for the confer ence. Mr. Lamond is senior city minister of Edinburgh, minister of Greencastle Par. ish Church, chaplain of the Edinburgh, prison, a member of the committee for promoting friendly relations between Great Britain and Germany and is iden tified with many other public move ments. He was a personal friend of Francis Murphy and John B. Gough. and in his early manhood was called the "Scottish Gough" by reason of his tem perance work In Scotland and Ireland. A WORKER APPRECIATES THIS. Wm. Morris, a resident of Florence, Oregon, says: "For the last fourteen years my kidneys and bladder incapaci tated me for all work. About eight months ago I began using Foley Kid ney Pills and they have done what other medicines failed to do, and now I am feeling fine. I recommend Foley Kidney Pills." Huntley Bros., Fourth and Washington streets. GRAY-HAIRED VETERANS OF INDIAN WARS WHO ASSEMBLED," WITH THEIR FAMILIES, IN ANNUAL REUNION YESTERDAY. r j ; II i :-:.x.:,:::::V'::. 5T i 1 1 Z " --not ' IV"""' ' wnwwmwifwa " " " wmwuuniii " il " i ' wmimJiu n "'waww ! m . J,.....,. , ,. .j. .auju. t J-.-i? .'i-j--: to?5 B4s- rnrtA -4 -r-pu) c v .... j GROVI I'HOTOGRAPIIED IX FRONT OK WOODMEX OK WORLD HALL, WHERE MEETING WAS HELD. , 1