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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1913)
THE RTOTf XT'N'O nTJFflnVTAV TTrmjo-n t Tmm n n " " a i 11 -f .-i. x iiUiXjCi Air. law. , rORTLAXD, OREGON, Entered at Portland, Oregon. P-oatofflca as secona-ciasa matter. Subscription Kates Invariably in Advance: (BY MAID l Dally, Sunday Included, one year ....$8.00 Lslly, Sunday Included, six months.... 4.26 Pally, Sunday Included, three months.. 2.25 Ially. Sunday Included, one month 75 Haily, without Sunday, one year .00 Daily, without Sunday, six months 8.IS Dally, without Sunday, three month... 1.76 Dally, without Sunday, one month 60 Weekly, one year 1-60 Sunday, one year 2-60 Sunday and Weekly, one year 2.60 (BY CARRIER) Daily, Bunday Included, one year (.00 Dally. Sunday Included, one month 76 How to Remit Send poatoffice money or der, express order or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at sender's risk. Give postaffice address in full, including- county and state. Postage Kates 12 to 16 pages, 1 cent; 18 to 82 pages, 2 cents; 34 to 48 pages, 3 cents; 60 to 60 pages. 4 cents; 62 to 76 paces, 5 cents; 78 to 9 2 pages, 6 cents. Foreign post ago, double rates. tail ern Business Offices Verree & Conk lin, New York. Brunswick building. Chi cago. Steger building. San Francisco Office R. J. Bldwell Co.. 742 Market street. European Office No. g Regent street S. W., London. PORTLAND, THURSDAY', JUNE 19, 113. 6 TUB PIONEERS. The best part of the pioneer reunion Is the quiet chat about bygone days. The speeches are fine. The songs are charming, but the pioneers love most of all the stories they tell one another of the years that never will come back. "There are no days like the old days, there are no ways like the old ways." Even the hardships of those early, ex periences are beautiful to look back upon. Aeneas told his men when they were starving and half frozen in a storm at sea, "Some day you will be glad to tell your children even of these miseries." The light that never was on land or sea gilds the realm of mem ory and turns Its sorrows to Joys. "Dear as remembered kisses after death, deep as first love and wild with all re gret, oh, death in life, the "days that are no more." They become all the more precious to the pioneer as they recede farther into the past. With every recurrent reunion he treasures more tenderly the recollections of his start from his Eastern home, the jour ney across the plains, the arrival In the promised land and the struggle of his young manhood that won inde pendence and comfort for his old age. , . The pioneers of all times have been the pick of the people. They are the men and women of vision. They love wide horizons and cherish great hopes. Their hearts beat high with courage. They are ready to leave the good they already possess for the better that fate may have in store for them in undis covered realms. The pioneer spirit led the first adventurers from Europe across the Atlantic to found the East ern colonies. To their children came a new invitation from the Mississippi Valley and the -boldest of them re sponded, building up commonwealths on the ashes of the primeval forests. Finally their children heard the call of the Pacific Coast. With the same old spirit of adventure and deathless hope that has guided the white race from its earliest home across the con tinent of Europe and the width of America, they took up the march across the plains and repeated here the drama of economic and civic tri umph which had been enacted before their time on the stages of a hundred nations. The colonization of Oregon was one of the last scenes In the con quest of the world for civilization. The love of pioneering is in the blood of the white race. In every generation, men and women are born who grow restless under familiar skies. The old landmarks weary them. They are galled by the ancient ties. The eight of the stars traveling so free and high In the blue sets them longing to be up and away. The breath of Spring calls them to the open road. The mountains whisper invitations which they cannot resist. Over the hills and far away He lands more fer tile than human hand has ever tilled. Beyond the farthest horizon there are gold and gems sparkling for whomever will come and take them. So they yoke their oxen to the wagons and the everlasting Journey begins again, the Journey that never will end until "the world grows old and, the sun Is cold Rnd the leaves of the Judgment Book unfold." For some men will always go pioneering. They have come to the shore of the Pacific and there is noth ing but water ahead for ten thousand miles, but that will not stop them. The young men that would have traveled across the plains making the long march up the Platte and sleeping with the winds on the silent mountains will not forego their ancestral mission- be cause there are no more lands to col onize and conquer. They will make new migrations in the realm of the spirit. "Keep on, there are divine things. I swear to you there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell. We must not stop here. However sweet these 1 aid-up stores, however sheltered this port, however calm these waters, we must not anchor here. "We will sail pathless and wild seas. We will go where winds blow and waves dash. What beckonings of love you receive you shall only answer with passionate kisses of parting. After the Great Companions and to belong to them! They, too, are on the road. They are the swift and majestic men. They are the greatest women. For ever alive, forever forward.". It were sad to believe that the human race has reached the Pacific 'both in body and spirit. If the last plain has been traversed and the final mountains climbed we might as well He down and die. Life means the onward and up ward impulse. It means the opening of new mines and the possession of undiscovered countries. Where shall we find them now? When the Chinese had filled their empire with people they could see no new horizons. Their civilization contented Itself with what It had and for twenty centuries their existence was nothing more than a dull routine of eating.i sleeping and dying. They had lost the art of pi oneering. With the help of Providence we shall never lose it in the United States. We shall not grow contented with things as they are. Our race is still evolving. Human nature rises a little nearer to the divine with every gen eration that is born and with our new capacities comes the glorious longing to pack up and march forward again. Here we have no abiding place. The discontent of the pioneer with his old home la the spur that drives -us ever onward. TJeber alle Gipfel 1st Rnh, over the farthest mountains is our rest. But we never cross the farthest mountains, for new and shining peaks rise beyond every horizon we traverse Man is the child of God and his home like his Father's, Is in the limitless eternities. When he Is no longer a pi oneer he Is dead. IN IXVE WITH Ills DISGUST T Mayor Gaynor, of New Tork, Is a sadly disillusioned man. In a recent letter to Governor Sulzer he said: .The partisan vlleness down here is some thing dreadful. There are people here that purr around you and me only to betray us at the first opportunity. I suppose you have already perceived that. They are scoundrels of the worst kind. They have not an honest hair in their heads. They are not men for you and me to associate with or have anything to do with. Yoa have an honest purpose In view. They have not an honest thoughts The better I do. or try to do, the better any head of a department here does, or tries to do. the more venomous become their attacks. They do not want any one to do well except themselves. And they are incapable of doing anything worth the while. They have neither the length, the breadth, nor the thickness to do It. If this be his opinion of politicians why does he stay in politics? One would expect a man. who held such a poor opinion of his associates to re tire into the wilderness and live in, a cave, where vile humanity could not reach him. But Mayor Gaynor was so anxious a year ago for enlarged opportunity of becoming the object of venomous attacks that he was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President. He seems to cling to that Which he loathes. REWARDING FERTILITY. There are grave objections to any exemptions from the income tax. Pub licists often argue that the Govern ment ought to be supported -by direct taxes, since there is then no possible deception about its burdens and who must bear them: Moreover if every person must contribute in proportion to his ability all will feel an active in terest in Keeping the Government hon- to. au euuiiuuiiuai. - i No doubt the true way to escape I public servants to be less wasteful. This policy is only another of the But if there must be exemptions the many ways of eliminating the middle new plan proposed in the Senate of man. That is the end to which we alTnnrnw E ft A .. . , , , . .. n .... 1 - J I js I . - . , """"'s jui k v lt cnua in inet'3 w-u mug in uispusai or otner corn- family, seems as Judicious as anv. One mc-dities. Why not of bonds? lAllca .rf f..ll( .1.1 v. . 11 I causo of our falling birth rate is the 'est cmiaren diminish the com fort of the household. There is also - j a lic uvmu. i iit i c is also the natural apprehension that means , By te11- lobby inquiry the Demo may not be found to educate them c'at8 destroying one American in- properly and give them a fair start in tire, f eelings or this kind operate JuulJua" win mourn, x nat is tne man powerfully to check the increase of ufa-cture of public opinion in favor of the population and any measure that SDeclal interests. The Senate commit. HL'ilT tBIIll n alia. . V. - J i . . tPf 1AJK AlTTVWlH n.ililfn ...... 4-1... .. ... ....... a.iia.j L IIC ill 1H ap to D6 wise from the standpoint of the states man. The exemption of $500 nf th fam ily Income for each child will not belpJ matters a. great deal, but it will do something. It will at least show the country that the Government has be come aware of thft falling .I-tV, Ia and realizes that it is not far from uie danger point. This exemption, in adequate as it will probably prove, may be the feeble beginning of a course of legislation which will posi tively promote the well-being of the family. We have all heard mmnMHo. f quent talk about the sanctity of the uumo ana tne necessity of preserving it, but legislation which will bring about that most desirable end fails to make Its appearance except in scat tering instances. For this proposed exemption is an encouraging iis ii aim many win praise It who do not in thfiorv nnm-nvA f a,-., II -- xj. a.,ijr T5Jk.uSll tions or discriminations in levying taxes. The French government has gone imicn rarther in this direction. It offers prizes for large families. Com mon sense teaches that secure employ ment and good wages are the best en couragement to marriage and children, but other things may help. PATERNALISM HERE AND TTLSETVYTELBRE There was an UnterwKt lnr stnn yvr o Russian land swindle told in a dis patch the other dav. Rrlsflv ti several scoundrels Induced many con- iiiuug persons to enter on and fence government land on the representa tion that the fencing wouM s-tv. the. title. The swindlers nroflterl hir Ing the lumber and also trafficked in sales and resales of entries. The per petrators of the fraud escaped, but the government Imprisoned on a charge of trespassing all the poor fellows who had been deceived, and also their buildings and fences. The account RimniiAn o-nn.? pie of barbaric injustice, and while our hearts are -bleedlnc- in the poor peasants of Russia, let us araw a contrast with American pro cedure. In the State of Wash chael Earles, owner of Sol Due hot springs, in the Cascade Mountains. In the course of improving the springs by the erection of buildings, construction of highways and the Uke, Mr. Earles established a small sawmill. A Na tional forest adjoins his land and is di vided from It by an unsurveyed, un marked line. Without intent by or knowledge of himself or associates, the mill was built on OovmmAnt icr some Government timber was cut and sawed. Forestry asrents r im,. ous thereabouts, but they said nothing until the mill had cn-mniotoH v, .-i. for which It was built. Then M Earles was sued for extraordinary damages and the Gove rum e.n r hao H n- clined to settle on a fair basis. The chief distinction hAtwAan -. A paternalism of the Little Father of Russia and that of our own pin.iint. ized Forestry Bureau is quite definitely marked. In Russia the sanctity of the Czar's land is preserved most rigor ously against defilement ant peasant. In our own enlightened or tne rree an encroachment on Government preserves Is more heinous when It is incident to some improve ment that will 'benefit the country and is perpetrated by a wealthy and promi nent citizen. If a snecial scent on.n Oo.t meaning man . of substance in the un witting violation of some bureaucratic regulation, woe to the man of sub stance and great exaltation for the vig ilant and active special agent. Even so, the small rancher would better beware lest his straying stock nip the sacred grass that i3 being protected and preserved for future generations. The Oregonlan would not be under stood as not desiring adequate protec tion of the National forests, but the methods of law enforcement, the tech nical advantage taken to mulct unin- is not far removed from th yJt I The COmmittBA nf fh. -D.ltt.1- -n Hament which Investigated the Mar- con! r n n rl ca l . . ji cnnl o . ,1 1 i . .. 1 . cAuiicitica Liie ac-I cused ministers of all charges, but one Of lta mAmhaM T . ti . ,. I of its members. Lord Robert Cecil HT": LSaZ?L DOt, treanS the vuuimvaj wirn I ran kn ess and says they were guilty of grave Impropriety In dealimr in m(riA., - - e mu.l JVOi MoMnnl ..V... vt , " . , ono-rea. unairman Spicer I Roumanian, Austrian and German press says Sir Rufus Isaacs should have had I rePresent"-tlv"! from permission to see oper nothlng to do With the deal Tli. . aons would have been Impossible.- The nothing to do with the deal. The re I I " : port is expected to cause a bitter wrangle when the House debates it and many Liberals believe Sir Rufus Isaacs should resign, Lord Murray should be repudiated and Mr. Lloyd George should apologize. The Union ists will not be satisfied unless Lloyd George be driven from', office. The scandal has weakened the govern ment and might cause its downfall if the three parties to the coalition had not so much at stake in its survival. A HINT FROM BALTIMORE. Baltimore furnishes a hint to Port land as to the best means of over coming the difficulty of placing city bonds at & fair price. Baltimore is selling city stock, as it calls bonds, over the counter to small investors in denominations of $100 at 90, and cakes. The Baltimore Sun is aiding in tne work and In the first few days sold over $300,000 worth. Men are drawing money out of the postal sav ings bank to invent In tria itva se curities, and a fine spirit of civic pa triotism has been awakened. Mayor Hocken, of Toronto, watched the sale with much interest and announced that he would go home to sell $5,400, 000 of bonds over the pnnntpr There is every reason why this plan or raising money for municipal pur poses should be followed. The city . w . wiw u jivi uuf tua and gives its own citizens an Interest in maintaining its credit and in watch ing its government. The financial m denenderjjcA of tho ortmrnnnitv to cue tained, and interest, which would otnerwise De drained into other parts or the country. Is simply paid from the city treasury to the citizens. Should occasion arise for sain nf fu ture issues of bonds in other money centers, tne fact that our own ninia noiu. laage uiocks or tne city s secun- ties would be an aid to the sale, for 1 ONE INDUSTRY DESTROYED. dustry the fate of which no good Re tee has exposed to the public eye the work of rjfidri AirnntR whri ov frm place to place getting themselves In terviewed in "easy" newspapers! who furnish articles to "boiler plate" con cerns for a consideration, that thev may "work" the farmers through the country papers; who strive to enlist in their cause railroads and profes sors and Who VTI t rv rk ffAt a finan cial grip on newspapers with a view to using tnerr columns. One of these agents entertains Congressmen at din ner "with good effect." Another seeks to Influence the votes of Iowa Sena tors by holding out the bait of sugar refineries in that state By throwing the light on the work of iuuujjsis ana press agents in manu facturing public opinion, the Senate committee Is destrovlny fhlr useful ness. Any man who hereafter adopts tneir metnods will be easily recog nized as what he is and whatever he says will be discounted 100 nr cent. Hope of retaining the sii car tariff vanished with these revelations. But the only hope of finally killing tariff lobbying is a Tariff Commission, which will make independent, impar tial, nrst-nana inquiry into the facts as to which the lobbyists have been roonng us and our representatives. Such a commission's work would re move excuse for lobbying and all its concomitants. President Wll erly put the assailants of the Urider- wuoa tanrr on tne defensive by his broadside against the lobbyists, but he at the same time nmvMo thA Rakha. licans with a most convincing argu- in-ent in support or their Tariff Com mission policy. The Underwood tariff win not do the last. The next will be based on the work of a Tariff Com mission. EXIT THE WAR CORRESPONDENT. The days of the war correspondent are over. The truth of that statement began to dawn on the minds of the men who were sent to describe the Russo-Japanese war. but wr int cooling their heels in ia tvl-i. tels for weeks after hostilities began. it nas Deen driven home by the ex periences of correspondents sent to the Balkan war. In modern urfni-a tv correspondent is regarded as little bet ter tnan a spy. Reasons of policy or humanity prevent him from being hanged as such, but ha -1 tAnt -in rear, not permitted to see the fight ing or anytnmg else worth seeing and his dispatches again and delayed in transmission un til tney are valueless as news. mat is the substance of what uvanv Fox tells Us in the Lmnlnn -Motinnai Review about his own experiences in the Balkan war. He satirically de scribes what he calls the new war correspondent, who teii.a n tti-di of a. battle as it did not happen, sometimes of battles which happened. He gives directions "how to be a war corresnonrlnt" n i- hew plan, which embody the general methods of fabrication pursued by a yellow Journalist. He then tells in these words whv the othr anr-t war correspondent, who nxunii,, studied and recorded oneraHnno seems to be doomed: The mora AnmnAtAnt - . , . - w iuo mure accu rate he is. the greater danger he is to the j " " no accompanies. His dis patches, published in his newspaper and , ' , - V, - J "jd omer sme. give to them at a cheap cost that Infor mation of what is going on behind their oticcu 01 scouts wnlch Is so vital to tactical, and sometimes to strategical. disTlositlrmAi Tn . . . . i . . . . . - 1 uuiattii iimi i in o Ta rnation an army pours out much blood and ' mm iniormatlon an army will consume a full third of its energies in an elaborate system of mystification. A modern army must either banish the war correspondent altogether or subject him to - ..u.ib -i consoranip as to veto honest, accurate and prompt criticism or record of operations. ThA TtiilfAHnn ac., a- .,- - . . . " w wiiicn i was at tached during the first phase of the recent war. had not the courage to refuse author isation to the swarm of Journalists which descended upon Its headquarters. Editors nad argued It out that the small Balkan state, anxious to have a "good nnu" m fcurope, would give correspondents a good ShOW. Tint th IJ 1 1 . - - - o . . . auluuiuich, anx ious as they were to conciliate foreign pub- "w",5?""ntaUv"- from ..u uw.w.uu, uawcu uui aiiow a free run to sf-c, u j uiuucra war, in ore were spe cial reasons why the Bulgarian should bi nervous or observation. They were waeini till- An "tApln II... ,t . "'' 1 ete,ouces wUh the knowledge that officers iii uku Boncmuy iraniDort officers hrl to do almost the impossible to win throu Further, they had the knowledge that some cases the corritnAniiAnr n. . w w utu ki iiupossiDie to win through ,ome the correspondents were repre in mentsr tor newspapers' aid", wont nana-in-nana on the Continent) of nat,on" which were at the very moment iM.e-a-tenln. "'"H00. a.?aln" the Balkan havo specially excented all Roumanian. Austrian and German press - iinyuiuiv, - ins method was adopted of authorizing as many press correspondents as cared to apply, then carefully pocketing them where they could see nothing, and instituting such a rigorous censorship as to guard effectively against any Important facts, gleaned indirectly, leaking out. A few managed to earn enough of the Bulgarian confidence to be allowed to go through to the front and see things. But even then the censorship and the monop oly of the telegraph line for military mes sages prevented them from dispatching anything. Most of these conditions, says Mr. Fox, will rule over all future wars. Therefore, the day of the war cor respondent is over. We shall have to rely upon official bulletins for news from day to day, as was the rule before the telegraph was invented. Long afterwards military historians will tell us th connected story of each war, filling in those facts which were suppressed on the bulletins. No wars were ever fought when facilities for transmission of news were better than during the Russo- Japanese and the Balkan wars, but nunc emce tne Crimean war were worse reported. The means which would have facilitated transmission of news have compelled military com manders to forbid their use. Though 81 years old. Lord Rob erts, England's greatest general, is making a campaign for his policy of universal army service for national defense. He has appealed from the Parliament and the politicians to the people and for months has been strlv. ing by speeches in the great cities to arouse public opinion. He proposes tnat every man undergo military train ing between the ages of 18 and 21 years, serving only a few months the first year and a few weeks the two succeeding years. His aim is to pre pare the nation for a levy en masse in case of foreign, invasion. He Is a splendid, picturesque figure, whose long service to the British nation compels respect for his words. A Michigan Jury has found an ef ficient means of settling a spite fence controversy, which is worthy of imi tation. F. C. Russell, of Iron River, built a fence eight feet high within three feet of Jacob T tips' hnmA Tnun tore down the fence, saying it shut oft tne ngnt so that he had to use lamps all day. Russell sued to have Ipes put -under bonds to keep the peace. The Jury after an hour's delibera tion oTougnt in this verdict: Tht Iboth parties in the case be put un- . , . . - . 1 1"" 1 " ior iwo years; tnat the fence where it shuts off the light j . , ' 4 " " iiuiiio db cut u own io 4 leet. 811 H i costs of the case be assessed iuaiij iKiwcen tne parties. If as much common smsa rmiH ho injected into all court decisions, what a nappy world this would be! The liberties of Finland are lost forever. It was one of the most high ly civilized countries in Europe. Bar barous Russia is turnine it into a mill tary camp. Every promise the Czars moe to tne rlnns has been broken. The country is to be made the base for an advance upon Sweden and Nor way, which Russia greedily longs to devour. The meal will be a hot one. The sons of the vikine-! win nni ohk mit easily to autocracy with its knout ana inoiy synod and Siberia. There may even be a return wave, whlr-h iwiii send the Czar nackl ttiter nis -Drotner, the Turk. Martial law is a seductive remedy for disorder, but so Is opium for pain. The resulting habit is worse than the disease. The historic Anglo-Saxon practice Keeps the military subordi nate to the civil authority except in actual warfare. It shames some of our states where martial law .is de clared on slight pretexts to remem ber what England ha r-omn thivi.h without resort to it. Her civil courts nave shown themselves equal to all emergencies. Are they more depend able than ours? A plentiful croD of lawsuits l ised when the income tax becomes law. The New York Sun says that, in mak ing corporations collectors of taxes from their stockholders, tho iTnor. wood bill will impose considerable ex. pense upon them without reimburse ment. It calls this taking private property for public use without from- pensation. That will furnish some litigious corporation and some indus trious lawyer material for a lawsuit. Cambridge. Mass.. has adontnr) plan of giving public school erst rlnn tpii authoritative advice about their choice of vocations. The young people were assembled and lectured upon this im portant matter. It would he better sOll to have a qulat talk with each graduate and give him personal ad vice. Best Of all WOUld be BVtmaHc vocational instruction from the begin ning or scnool lire. We are coming to this slowly but inevitably. Japanese iincoejt havA tv.c .... i trait of imitation. They will meet to day to get "liberty or death," to stir up the diplomatic spirit against thia country. What Japan needs most Just now is an off-color celebration of the Fourth of July to work off the effer vescence. Kincaid, of Nebraska, has an i rides -ent dream of th 1-Vri era l nnvArtim.Tit buying land and sellins- it in email acreages to worthy young farmers. rrir . . -mis poor, oia governments back would break If It had to carry all the ioaas people would place on it. Pride mav keen the vnrnip vwrnon in Kansas City from attending church because she cannot afford to contrib ute a mite, but it does not always de ter the young man in Portland from passing up the box when it is shoved oerore nun. The position of the State of Wis consin in the line of progress will be better understood by the announce ment that its university this year grad uates 822 young men and women. Hood River i irrnwlne- a af-Tu ixrHom-iT as large as an nnnlo nn if-a vii. Newtown, of course, but the size of a smaii appie. Doing a thing well has iiuuu xtiver ramous. One of the Riddells. of Polk Conntt- has invested in a flying machine, the Detter to look over their extensive holdings of real estate and thorough bred stock, probably. Portland nnntnl honV v.l. . uu.u UOIUAIU amount to three-quarters of a million. iviucn oi it couia te put into real es tate with better results. When one of th Afa vn n -rn-h ester, Minn., says cancer can be cured poupie win peueve mm, and he says it. The barnacles do not e&Am ,vA ...... . L J LJ C getting into office under Commission ruie. What would be Pioneer rlav wlthm. a rainl WOMEN NOT RADICAL IN POLITICS Recent Elections Show Desire to Co operate With Other Sex. PORTLAND, June IS. (To the Edi tor.) The recent vote of the good women of Portland is surely indicative of the fact that they will prove a poli tical power that need not be brought into question by the male sex.- The women of Oregon are not going to be extremists, and will not be so radical as to make the attempt to upset present political methods until they are more fully posted. They are not going to "rush in" and demand offices for their sex while they have the positive knowl edge that a sufficient time has not elapsed for their sex to become efficient in the conduct of state or municipal af fairs. Some women have the desire to advertise a business or a profession through a political campaign. Such women are a menace to their sex and tend to cast discredit on a movement that will, eventually, prove of benefit to both sexes. Intelligent co-operation with the op posite sex will give women a recogni tion that the right kind of women must desire. Opposition as between the sexes will not avail and cannot bring about satisfactory results. The average man is quite intelligent and as a rule, very much of a gentleman. Why not co-operate? The average good woman believes that her happiness in life Is In an In timate association with that sort of a man. Sweet, lovable contact makes them such, as was originally intended, and such contact, such association, re sults in a progeny that makes the foun dation of the state or Nation. The writer has been married 81 years to one man, is a grandmother, and further, a most happy wife, mother and grand mother. With her large experience in Western life and with a keen observa tion in a number of sections in our commonwealth, she does not believe that her sex is quite ready to assume the reins, of government without more ex perience under the privileges granted her sex. . The vote on the school election Is an evldenoe of the fact that other women took the same position. The Oregonlan should have great credit for Its stand in indorsing Mr. Plummer. "The right man for the right place." The writer Is not a school teacher and never has been and In consequence pos sesses no personal or financial Interest She is only a mother and a grand mother and for such reasons Is in terested. ELLA FLORENCE. SEPARATION OF RACES ESSEXTIAJU Opposition to Japanese Not Based on Their Inferiority. EUGENE, Or.. June 17. (To the Edi tor.) The letter of the Japanese and the reply to same in The Oregonlan re cently brings to light or prominence some of the peculiar phases of the race question as being agitated or in attempted revival or recrudescence at the present time. The Japanese.' In common perhaps with most or all his countrymen, puts the question on the basis of race prejudice or claim of superiority of one race. This we think, though there is a. plain fact of race prejudice or aversion and that strong, is not the chief point at Issue. It is that of a racial Inoomnatibilitv or nn- mixableness, to coin a word. The two races are so constituted hv training heredity, practical and theoretical, in cluding religious beliefs and customs and moral codes, that the two civiliza. tions represented are unresponsive and unsulted to each other. There is almost If not quite as much racial difference as that between the negro and Cauca sian. Hence, it follows that it Is best to Keep them separate. They need dif ferent environment and, in a word, different locations and national rov- ernment and laws In order to give them proper play and room for r rrv- Ing on their Individual customs, views ana lire. Only trouble can come from trying to mingle them. Hence, the obvious course: Be friends in an Inter national sense, but let the intercourse be limited to commercial and strictly general relations such as a proper view or Interpretation of laws of nations permit. If It Is true that the Japanese aim at something more than this they should take warning at once. The wnite race will never submit to doraina tion Dy the dark or colored races. It is going to preserve Its identity at any cost. At tne same time it has no ob jection to the other races doing the same. Let the dark man stay on his ground and the white man on his. One should claim no more from the other. It is plain that the two Americas were destined for the white race. At tempts to override this plan or ten dency so far have only resulted in confusion, trouble and generally evil results. Those natives (Indian) who were on the ground when the Euro peans came have, of course, the claim or protection and some think eaual treatment so rar as they conform to the dominant civilization, but bevond mat, or concerning the colored races. the evil of their Introduction should be rectified as far as possible and further extension of the evil condition should be rigidly prevented at any cost, as there is nothing so pervasive and dif ficult to deal with as unnatural racial mixtures and entanglements, as history irequenuy snows. IX. s. WARNER. BOY SOLDIERS IN , CIVIL WAR Y out a at Enlistment Accounts for 'umbpr of Llvlnc Veterans. PORTLAND, June 18. (To the Edi tor.) After reading The Oregonlan editorial commenting on the verv read able writeup of the Civil War by the p-ewberg Grapbtc I thought the fol lowing statistics of the ages of the sol ders of that war at the time of their enlistment would be interesting. The ioiiowing information, furnished some years ago by Senator McCumber when he was chairman of the Senate commit tee on pensions, may throw some light on the question why there are so many Of the Civil War veterans living today. under 10 years. 25: between 10 and 11 years, IS; between 11 and 12 years, ii; between 13 and 13 years. 75: be tween 13 and 14 years. 1225; between 14 and 15 years, 103,462: between 15 and 16 years, 126,064; between 16 and 17 years, 613,840; between 17 and 18 years. 306.54$; between 18 and 21 years. l.vua.aou; Detween zi and Z5 years, 571, 885; between 25 and 45 years. 30.555: over 45 years, 16,070. ' Total, 2,778,309. Of these boys less than 675.000 are now living and the death rate this year so rar is nearly 120 per day. These figures taken from the pension rolls show that per cent were under 18 years of age at enlistment and 36.3 per cent were between 18 and 21 at enlistment. There were about 125,000 officers commissioned during- the war, and two years ago' the number was a scant 20, 000 and the ratio of deaths among them is greater than among the privates. Of more than 600 Major-Generals and Brigadier-Generals of that war in the Union Army hardly a score remain. uur numbers are fast diminishing-, but the courage that took these bovs through Antletam. Gettysburg. Chicka- mauga ana up Missionary Ridge, and tne more tnan 8000 other battlefields of the South still abides with them, though softened by time and with many of us by the spirit of Christ, May all sectionalism and bitterness be laid in the grave as the survivors of these two armies of boys meet and exchange fra ternal greetings on the historic battle field of Gettysburg. REV. ROBERT H. CLARK, "B" First Conn., H. A. So Thoughtful of Him. Philadelphia Record. Nell The Widow Dashaway's hus-' band didn't leave her much when he died, did he? Belle No, but he left her very often when he was alive. Stars and Starmakers By Leone Cass Bte'r. A talented Portland c-lri 1. ..,j. lly climbing to a Dosition n .v. leading stock women in America is riorence riart, the sister of Harry L. Hart, a locaj hop commissioner. Miss Hart Is In private life Mrs. Alfred .Cress, and her husband, a well-known leading man. Has Just closed a five months' engagement with thA Lyceum stock in New Britain, Conn. just now they have gone to the Cats kills for a vacation before returning to the New Britain stock, where they have signed to play next season. Pretty little Rhea Mitchell, slender as an Art l'Mode model and adorned in smart toggery, is home. Home is Portland. She arrived last week and will spend the rest of this one with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Mitch ell. Rhea has been away nine months first as leading woman in Sidney Ayres sketch in vaudeville, and the rest of the time as Ingenue, with the Alcazar stock. She is en route to Van couver. B. C. where she opens at the Avenue July 7 In a play of her own choosing. .Clara Byers. the leading woman, opens the engagement, June 30, in "The Girl of the Golden West." Then Miss Byers rests the second week and Rhea Mitchell olava th ioi -r Mitchell is going up for the event," wnicn promises to be a gala one be cause Rhea Is a great favorite in the Canadian city, where for one entire season she played In stock. Next Fall she returns to the Alcazar, that Is if she doesn't go Into the "movies." She had two chances and turned them over and down because the theatrical ones loomed larger. But always she nursed the ambition to act on a cur tain, and when the Vancouver engage ment is finished we may all be drop ping in to some picture house to see the little Portlander in a silent drama. Blanche Bates opens at the Heillg tonight in "A Witness for the De fense," And right here Is where I'm going to record the cleverest piece of press agency put over on a long suf fering public In a year. When Miss Bates started out in this play It was not an assured frt thit good bookings could be secured, and it wasn't a positive fact that this play was exactly going to suit Miss Bates' followers. So the man who is responsible for the publicity work for this Frohman star gave out the story and a delight fully pleasant bit of news it was too that that rare old bird, the stork, was hovering over the chimney of Mrs. George Creel, the reg'lar name of Miss Bates. Get the idea? If the public didn't take kindly to the play It could be shelved and everybody could think about the stork and be happy. But tne play has been a tremendous suc cess. So the busy little press agent has had to come forward and take it all back. In Los Angeles Margaret C. Bealey, a Tacoma girl, is suing Walter F. Bea ley, an actor,1 who has appeared in small bits with the Baker players, for divorce on the grounds of desertion and non-support. Mrs. Bealey asserts that "he has sufficient ability to earn $400 monthly, but that he Is Indolent to an extent that prevents him from keeping an engagement long." The plaintiff asks $150 monthly for her support and $250 to pay an attor ney to prosecute her action. From the post of chariot driver in a circus to that of a headliner. th hi,- ct amomon or a vaudeville performer. is tne Climb made by Ray Thompson, owner of the high school horses at the Empress, In less than 14 years, and Portland has been the scene of various steps of his advancement. In 1899 Thompson visited this city with the Walter L. Main circus, with which he was a handy man, driving a chariot in the mimic Coliseum races or hold ing his own on the back of a inmnino- mule as ordered by the ringmaster. luumpson came to Portland as the principal rider in a hurdle-mule act presented by Rintrlinir T?thr circus. He also appeared In this city with the Barnum & Bailey circus and ne was seen here twice with th xt,,t. falo Bill Show, In which he presented his own horses. Thompson takes his whole family along with him on his va.uaevine tour, an unusual procedure in the "three-a-dav" fielrt. TJ. 1. companied by Mrs. Thompson, his lit tle daughter, Thelma, who Is five years old, and Ray, Jr., who was born In Winnipeg. Canada, Just eight weeks ago. In former visits to Portland ir Thompson appeared as an equestrienne. "Mike" Is not an assumed ffn-t tn harmonize with "The Girl From Butte" in the billing of Miss "Mike" Berkin, the young violinist at the Or pheum. It is an honest-to-goodness name that became hers when she was 7 years old and Mike she has re mained. Miss Berkin has livd nil her life In Butte and on a ranch a few miles out of town except when she went East to further hA. vniin education. Miss Berkin was discovered by Carl Relter of Seattle and mri v.r first Orpheura appearance there, play ing t-ortiana second some little time ago. "Hanky Panky" brings along a Portland girl, but not In the profes sional capacity. She Is Mrs. Edward L. Bloom, the wife of the manager of the company. She was a Miss Lodge. Her step-father, Harry Brown, ap peared in ravld Harum for years, and his manager was George H. Jordan, who is now advance man for "Hanky Panky." Mr. Jordan Is a brother of the Jordan in the firm of Sanger & Jordan, who sends us all the European show novelties. With Mrs. Jordan he is at the Nortonia Hotel. Papers have been prepared by the city authorities of Watts. Log Angeles County, against Kolb and Dill, the Ger man comedians now appearing here in skit, which they call "Lonesome Town," asking $25,000 damages because of alleged Injury done to the little city because of the comedians' Jokes. The business men of Watts claim that the remarks perpetrated by the showmen at the erpense.of their tou-n ha i. Jured the sale of bonds, bnd made "aits tne ouit or jokes and Jibes for all classes. An Injunction will also be asked restraining Kolb and Dill from continuing the skit "Lonesome Town," it being alleged that the title is a sneer at Watts and does the place an injustice. Oh, Watts the use? Fanse In the Courtship. Philadelphia Record. He was hopelessly in love. An floun dering. "There are sermons in stones." he said, aoroDOs of nothing- "-v-no pectally In solitaries," she added, rieln-fully. I Half Century Ago From The Oregonlan of .T..n 10 ic The dispatch today reports much dis affection and rage among the Copper heads of Indiana because of the pros pect that the conscription law is likely to be enforced, and we are glad to no tice that vigorous measures were In stantly taken to quell the disorders. Judge B. F. Tantis and Major G. C. Blankenship arrived yesterday from the Spokane country, from whom we learn that the mining prospects in the vicinity of the Pend d'Oreille and Up per Columbia rivers are very good many of the bars on the Columbia pa-i ing from $4 to $12 a day to the hand. Miners are at work all the way from Priests Rapids to the mouth of the Pend d'Oreille. a distance of some 200 miles. From Boise The Journal publishes a letter written at Bannock City which rives glowing accounts of the richness and extent of the mines. One claim was sold for $10,000 cash and cheap at that. Excellent quartz leads were found. James Hickey, a reported horse-thief, was killed by Andrew McKay at Placer yille under circumstances that were be lieved to Justify the act. Chicago, June 12. The expedition of Colonel Corwln from Corinth to Flor ence. Ala., left on May 28. crossed the Tennessee River on the same night and proceeded towards Florence, playing the devil generally. Wlllamettes No. 1 were out on a arm last evening and their engine was made to throw a stream of water 190 feet, which is said to be a little further than any machine in this city has done be fore. Wells, Fargo & Co. brought down on the steamer Wilson G. Hunt last even ing $30,000 In gold dust from our north ern mines. About $26,000 came down in private hands. Twenty-five Years Ago From The Oregonlan of June 10. 18S8. Potsdam. June 18. The service over the remains of Emperor Frederick was held at Frledrichskron Castle last evening. Chicago, June 18. By a vote of 31 to 20 the Republican National Commit tee chose Thurston of Nebraska tem porary chairman of the National Con vention. M. M. Estee. of California, will undoubtedly, from every Indication to night, be permanent chairman. Olympla. W. T.TTune 18. Governor Semple today appointed the members of his staff as follows: Quartermaster. General, with rank of colonel. W. H. Blair of Montesano; inspector-general! with rank of colonel. A. P. Curry of Spokane Falls; Judge advocate general, with rank of colonel, Elwood Evans, of Tacoma; paymaster general, with rank of colonel. Mr. Kaufman, of Tacoma surgeon general, with rank of colonel J. . Randolph Smith, of Vancouver; chief of ordnance, with rank of colonel John H. Sharpstein. of Walla Walla aides de camp, with rank of lieutenant colonel. James Hamilton Lewis, of Se attle; Gwin Hicks, of Olympia, Wash,; Vlnce H. Faben, of Seattle, and Henry Kelllng. of Walla Walla; assistant adjutant general, with rank of major, J. Kennedy Stout, of Spokane Falls. Salem, June TT. This afternoon Charlie, 13-year-old son of L S. Win ters, a groceryman. fell off the trestle work near the Salem mills and broke his right leg. Judge Deudy is making some prog ress in securing subscriptions for the library buildings. C. H. Lewis and H. W. Corbett have each subscribed $5000. which brings the amount subscribed up to $30,000. E. A. Hartshorn, general organizer of the American Protective Tariff League, arrived yesterday morning to ursaiuze a local league in this city. Portland. Mayor. Van B. De Lash mutt: Police Commissioner. George P. Frank; counellmen. First Ward, Rich ard Hoyt; Second Ward, S. Farrell; Third Ward. William Showers. East Portland Recorder, A. W. Llewellyn; marshal, William Morgan; treasurer, V. D. Pape; assessor, H. H. Holmes; counellmen. First Ward. J. K. Hardie; Second Ward, J. M. Lewis; Third Ward. E. Shannon: Fourth Ward, W. W. Geary. Alblna Mayor. M. C. Laughlan; recorder. John T. Hughes; treasurer. A. Stoldt; marshal. John F. McCartv; councilmon, John Kelly, T. E. Kraeft, T. W. PIttenger, Peter Knos. The Bteamer Hassalo will start on her voyage around to Puget Sound this morning. Captain James W. Troup broughf the steamer D. S. Barber down from Rlparla to a point above Celllo yes terday and piloted her through Turn water Rapids. Thrlllins; Moment In Finance. Kansas City Star. Mother It shocks me awfully to think you took the penny. Remember, it is as much a sin to steal a penny as a dollar. Now how do you feel. Willie? Willie Like a. chump. There was a dollar right alongside the penny. Forerunner of Bell's Phone. Kansas City Star. The French inventor of a telephone antedating that of Alexander Graham Bell by 20 years, recently died, in com parative obscurity in Paris. June Roses and June Brides I "Happy be the wedding day," runs an old English song. 5 Happy, indeed, is the bride who is remembered by her friends who rets a shower of presents as well as a shower of rice. I"Vhat to give a bride? 5 Thousands are asking them selves and others this question this month; but it shouldn't be a difficult matter to decide, for advertisements in The Oregonian are brimful of really helpful suggestions. J Something in gold or silver? 5 Something in cut glass T Something in lingerie or footwear? J All these questions are an swered in the advertisements, and as you read over the pages today or later you'll be glad of the suggestion. J Make it a point to search the advertisements if you want to give some friend a pretty gift, or if you are in doubt which store to patronize.