Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 18, 1913, Page 20, Image 20

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Entire Stock of French Hand-Made Undermuslins and
Hand-Made Infants' Apparel at One-Fourth Off
Our Special 50c Luncheon The Noon-Day Delight of Hundreds
of Discriminating Men and Women Orchestra Music
25c Guimpes 1 9c
Come to our Neckwear section today,
where you will find the wonderful array of
new Guimpes made from pood quality plain
Net. Shadow Lace or Point d'Esprit; have
Your Kodak Work
when brought to us,
will be done by an ex
pert, formerly with the,
Eastman Company, as
suring you best results,
at lowest prices.
$3.00 WOOLNAP BLANKETS in tan, gray and white ; light and warm ;
most appropriate for camping or seaside use. Special, the pair, S2.25.
$6.00 FANCY PLAID BLANKETS in blue, gray and tan check; niee,
fine quality. Pair only 4.65.
$2.00 COMFORTERS full size, filled with pure white cotton and covered
with fine quality silkoline. Marked special at, each, SI. 59.
Third Floor, Main Building Mall Orders Filled.
Store Opens Today at 8:30
Store Closes Toddy at 5:30
deep yokes with lone body, drawstring at
bottom edgre; choice
white. black
ecru. Regular 25c Guimpes today at Q
only 3 for 50. a special value, each X7C
Frat Floor, Main Building.
Firat Floor, New Building.
office Id Tell Yon All the
News off
The Protection of
Your Furs
is a question easily solved when you bring them
to our Cold Storage, especially equipped for the
care of Purs. Have us explain to you this
superior system of cold dry storage. We will
insure your furs against fire, theft and moth.
Act today on this suggestion. Prices reasonable.
Stor I
A Visit Here Wednesday Will Repay You With Economy
Panama Canal
the large working model in operation on our
fifth floor has created such intense interest
that we have made arrangements for the con
tinuance of its exhibition here inclusive of June
24. See this display today. Exhibition without
charge. See it today Fifth Floor.
Dainty Embroideries and
Laces for Summer Lingerie
3 to 9
Embroidery Flouncings for infants'
and children's garments; widths 18
and 27 inches; the daintiest of de
signs in floral and eyelet,
83c to $1-25 grades, special 0vC
Dress Skirt Flouncings in Swiss;
width 27 inches; large floral and
conventional patterns so much in
vogue for the new, double-flounced
dress skirts. Regularly f Q
$1.25 to $2. Special, yard I70C
Flnt Floor. IVew Building:.
Mall Orders Filled.
$1.25 Shadow, Allover, Ratine and Venise Bands
m white, ecru, net and shadow
edge, 4 to 9-inch widths. Special, yd.
65c Linen Barman Edges and Bands,
inches in width, for trimming heavy
undermuslins. Priced at only, yard
Venise Bands in white, cream and ecru. For
. artistic and serviceable trimmings for coats
and dresses nothing can surpass the .Venise
Bands. They come in . Flat," Venise 'and
Milanese designs and are from 4 to 9 inches
in width.
$7.00 to $8.00, Special, Yard, $4.98
$4.50 to $5.50, Special, Yard, $2.98
. $2.00 to $2.75, Special, Yard, 1.59
Infants' Flouncing 27 inches in width, ruffled
edges and dainty floral designs. Just the
thing for baby's fine little garments. Regu-
larly $1.75, special, yard, 98.
25c Embroidered Edges in cambric and Swiss,
from 2 to 9-inch widths; also 25c Insertions,
from 2 to .3-inch widths always so suitable
for undermuslins. Special, yard, 10.
25c -35c Handkerchiefs 19c
Broken lines of women's - dainty,
Initial Kerchiefs of pure linen, almost
all letters ; also beautiful corner em
broidered Handkerchiefs, hemstitched
borders. Regular 25 e and 33c grades
3 for 50 each 190
50c-65c Handkerchiefs 29c
Broken lines of women's fine, hand
embroidered, Initial Kerchiefs, pure
linen; also lovely corner embroidered
Kerchiefs, hand-embroidered designs,
and some colored novelties. Regular
ly 50c and 65c. Ea. 290 3 for 8O0
5c and 6c Handkerchiefs 3c
Women 's and children' s plain, hem
stitched Handkerchiefs of good qual
ity cambric, Vi-inch hems. Regularly
5c and 6c. Each 30.
15c Linen Handkerchiefs 7c
Plain hemstitched Handkerchiefs of
sheer linen, extra good quality, 4
and -inch hems. This is an excel
lent handkerchief "for "vacation use.
Regularly 15c. Dozen 80c each 7 O
10c Kerchiefs at Six for 25c
Women's and children 's Initial Ker
chiefs, hemstitched, hand embroidered,
good quality, unlaundered. Regularly
10c. Special, 6 for 250
75c to $1.25 Kerchiefs 57c
Women 's beautiful, hand-embroidered
Handkerchiefs, of Madeira, Ap
penzelle and Spanish emb'd'y, hem
stitched and scalloped borders. These
are slightly soiled. Reg. 75c to $1.25.
Special, 3 for 1.65 each 570
Men, Attention! Every
25 Fancy Suit
Now at $ 18.75
You've unrestricted choice of all our handsome,
new $25 Fancy Suits now for only $18.75. Nowhere
else can you find the equal, even at $25, of these fine "
all-wool, hand-tailored garments -that we offer at
this special price. The newest shades and patterns
are shown, all - with the individual cut and style of
the best designers.
Styles are here for young men and elderly men
two and three-button sacks, Norfolks, form-fitting
or box back. All sizes from 34 to 56 for men of regu
lar, stout or tall stature.
'Twill be worth your while to come today and
select a handsome Summer. tff .
Suit, from our entire stock of JSv i if A 3
$25.00 Fancy Suits for only H a & f
Hundreds of new and
beautiful patterns are in
cluded in this lot of Boys'
"T TT Alt TIT 1 N i fr
S T OCT rine au vvooi ouus we 01
vJnlV $J.OJ fer at this special price.
Norfolk and double-
Splendid Garments breasted styles are shown
. and all sizes from 6 to 18
Worth $6 to $7.50 years. Suits that sell reg-
ularly at $6 to $7.50 and
serviceably made. The Knickers are full lined and
all seams are taped. Your opportunity dQ QC
now to buy a good, stylish Boys' Suit for pj.OJ
Third Floor, tn Bulldinc Mall Order. Filled.
oys Suits
Save on Floor Coverings
Rugs of Fiber and Wool in attractive colorings of
tan, blue and brown, most appropriate and inexpensive
for Summer homes, 'tents, porches, etc.
Rugs, size 8-3x10-6, special, each - .... S5.95
Rugs, size 9x12, special each.'. ; -S6.85
Grass Rugs reversible, made with plain centers and
figured borders; in bright, pleasing colors.
Rugs, size 8x10, special, each ..... i ...... . 6.98
Rugs, size 9x12, special,, each S7 95
Rugs, size 3x6, special, each ...... 125
500 Rolls of Matting Now Reduced
All Chinese Matting priced special at, yard, 15cV. 20d and 25
All Japanese Matting, regular 30c grade, the yard 22 d
The Perfect Lace
Front Corset Is
La Camille
Here Exclusively in Portland
There's grace and beauty in the
"La Camille" that's found in no
other Corset. The Lace Front is
of a distinct type and the ven
tilated back adds much to the
comfort and health of the wearer.
Every pair has the patent shield
and is boned with Galvano Duplex
staves, giving perfect lines and
freedom of movement. Ask our
expert corsetieres about La Ca
mille Corsets. at $3.50 to 15
Second Floor, Kew Building;.
Demonstration of Dress Fasteners
In this day of close-fitting garments, an imperfectly fast
ened gown will mar the effect of the most stunning toilette. A
special demonstration will be; held this week of
Kohinoor Dress Fasteners. Four cards for only . I C3
25; single card of one dozen priced at only
OMO DRESS SHIELDS contain no rubber, are odorless
and moisture-proof. A pair for each costume is a wonderful
75c Omo Dress Shields, Zouave, lac trimmed, Nos. 3, 4 and 5, the
pair, 500
60c Omo Dress Shields, Zouave, Nos. 2 and 3. the pair at only 390
30c Omo Dress Shields, of nainsook, No. 4, the pair priced at 250
22c Omo Dress Shields, of nainsook, No. 2, three for 5O0; pair 180
Stay-in-shape Hair Rolls, light and sanitary and very satisfactory for
the present coiffure, Regularly 25c. each 150
15c Celluloid Hair Pins, Va dozen in box, assorted shapes; box, 1O0
5c Wire Hair Pins, in papers, assorted lengths, two packages for 5
10c Bronze-bone Collar Supporters, very durable, black or white; spe
cial, the card, 50
Children's 10c Warrior Supporters, in white only; the pair for 50
6c Jet Head Hat Pins, in assorted lengths. Special, three for 5
5c Corset Laces, white, in 5-yard lengths.. Special at two for 50
Flra Floor. Pltw Bnlldtn-.
Sale of Toilet Requisites and Drugs
25c Sanitol Tooth Powder, 2 for
25c Williams' Talcum, all odors,
2 for 250
25c Bathasweet Bath Powder, 2 for
50c Pompeian Massage Cream,
25c Berset Tooth Paste, 2 for 250
50c StiUman's Freckle Cream,
10c Jergen's Violet Glycerine
Soap, each, 50
50c Java Rice Powder, all shades,
25c Mentholatum, special for 160
50c Colgate's Bay Rum, for 350
50c Pitch's Dandruff Cure, 390
Flrat Floor, New Building. Mall Orders Filled.
. .. sa iota . H
The- QjjalitV Store of- Portland
FiflN. 3t5cLh."MoT-risoi Aider 3ts-
Feminine Desire for Beautiful Dresses
Will Be Fulfilled With
Economy Here Today
4 Groups Underpriced
Beautiful and serviceable are these new
one-piece Dresses of Foulard and Silk and
Wool, many with the ever popular polka-dot
effect and. Dutch Collars of Embroidery, the
draped skirt and pleated belt in navy and
black.: Shown also are pleasing'styles of Shep
herd Checks, in Serges, Messalines, Poplins.
Crepes, with stunning effects in trimmings of
Bulgarian and fancy buttons. Other Dresses
for afternoon and evening wear are of Crepe
de Chine, trimmed in Chiffon and Shadow
Lace Every pleasing shade is represented and
all sizes. They are divided into four groups.
Choose today from this beautiful array for
$7.45, $11.85, $18.50 and $29.50 47
Second Kloor
Main ButldlBK-
A Special Purchase of Men's Handkerchiefs
First Floor. Main Building;. BOUGHT IN BULK AND NOT BOXED -Mali Order, Filled.
LOT 1 This timely special purchase of Lien's LOT 2 For men most particular this special
Handkerchiefs permits us to offer you an all pure purchase offers you the finest quality of all
linen, finely woven, neatly hemstitched, with pure Belfast Linen Handkerchiefs, sheer and
-mch hem. These are of the finest 25c j fine hemstitched, yA and V2-inch hem. nH
qualities. Today at, 3 .for 50; each 1 C Positively the best 50c quality.. EACH ZDC
Annual June
Sale of Dinnerware
Today brings that opportunity you've . eagerly awaited our Annual June
Sale of Dinnerware which permits you to purchase bright, new services for
the table, or to replenish broken sets of your present tableware, at noticeable
savings. '
You are certain to find in our immense stock of beautiful Sets and Pieces
for the dinner table just the ones to please you most; the selection is varied and
you can easily match those pieces you now have. Come early to make your
selections at these decided reductions. r: v
, : s
Entire Stock Dinnerware 10 Less
: ,
American Dinner Sets
A most serviceable set for any table; plain white
with embossed edges, in practical and attractive
60-piece dinner sets, special at only, the set $4.32
100-piece dinner sets, special at only, the set, S6.75
English Dinner Sets
- Semi-Porcelain
An exquisite dark blue border and garland design,
very striking and will help to brighten np the table.
60-piece Dinner Sets,. special, the set only $ 7.88
100-piece Dinner Sets, special, the set only $11. 70
English Dinner Sets
A beautiful and conventional floral design in pink
and gold, on new and attractive shapes.
60-piece Dinner Sets, special, the set only $ 9.36
100-piece Dinner Sets, special, the' set only $13.73
Austrian-China Dinner Sets
The ever-desirable plain white china is one of our
direct importations from Leipzig and here is offered
an exceptional quality.
60-piece Dinner Sets, special, the set only S 8.89
100-piece Dinner Sets, special, the set only $12.99
American Dinner Sets
A beautiful set is this, and a popular shape in a
pleasing pattern of white and gold lace border
60-piece Dinner Sets, special, the set only $ 7.99
100-piece Dinner Sets, special the set only 11.95
English Dinner Sets
Here is a dainty set with a neat border decora
tion of pink roses with gold edges.
60-piece Dinner Sets, special, the set only S S.IO
100-piece Dinner Sets, Special, the set only $12.47
Austrian-China Dinner Sets
A rich set, artistically designed, with pretty pink
flowers and pale green foliage, daintily offset with
60-piece Dinner Sets, special, the set only $16.99
100-piece Dinner Sets, special, the set only $26.99
BI(C Basement Store Mall Orders Filled.
The Trunk
That Makes
The Baggage
Man Respect
'INDESTRUCTO., They're insured for -five
years against fire, theft, loss and destruction.
Every trunk is registered. Buy an Indestmcto.