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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1913)
FESTIVAL PLANS TO BE IDE OVER Retiring President Points Out Part Annual Event Plays . in City's Development. FINANCIAL PLAN DISCUSSED .Small Direct Tax Favored by Some, While Shorter Period, of Merri ment With Carnival Spirit Injected Is Suggestion. That the Rose Festival of 1914 should mark the entrance of Port land's great annual entertainment to the world Into a period of more lm portance and brilliancy than ever be fore Is the prevailing opinion among a majority of the citizens of Portland who have been active In making the festivals of the past years a success. Tha resignation of Ralph W. Hoyt from the presidency of the Festival Association, and the reorganization that will be made necessary by his stepping out of the active manage ment of the Festival, probably will bring about other changes In the per sonnel of the management of the Fes tival, and the planning for the next ffw months for the 1914 Festival will be largely a matter of determining methods of conducting the entertain ment in the coming years. "While I am resigning from the presidency of the association," said Mr. Hoyt last night, "I am not aban doning my interest as a citizen of Portland In the Rose Festival, and I shall continue to do what may He in my power to help make the coming Festivals successes in every sense of the word. Importance Is Emphasized. "The Festival will be continued; there can be no disputing that. It has become too great a thing and too im portant a thing in the development of our city for It to be possible for the citizens of Portland to discontinue It, even if any were inclined to do so. Were Portland to discontinue the Fes tival, even for a single season, Ta coma is watting for the opportunity to seize upon the rose, which is the great motif of the Festival, and use it In that city. "Methods to be adopted for financing the 1914 Festival will be the first question for determination. When the question of supporting the Festival by a direct tax was brought up a year ago, sentiment was about equally divided upon it. It Is true that this is the only sure method of getting the people as a whole to subscribe to the funds. If It can be kept entirely out of politics I believe It would prove en tirely successful. On the other hand, if the Portland Commercial Club or ome similar powerful organization would head the movement, with all of the affiliated organizations in the city co-operating, the financing of the Festival by subscription would be comparatively easy." Taxation Method Discussed. Thomas McCusker, vice-president of the Festival Association, declared that he believed an organization could be effected through which the funds might be raised without a tax. but In case it should be decided not to at tamPt that metnod favored a direct .,"Th? ,Roso festival Is something that belongs to the entire people of Portland." said A. H. Averlll. president or the Chamber of Commerce, "and In continuing it aa an annual event, I am personally In favor of a direct tax. The aocMsary to support the festival would be insignificant, so far as its burden upon any individual citizen would, fall." C. V. Cooper, president of the Rotary Club, arm E. B. McFarland. of the Port. taxation!"0 Soclety" alS( favor direct Representatives of the Ad Club. Transportation Club, Realty Board and other organization ar v,o,-t;i,. ho moveient to make the 1914 festival something surpassing all previous records and will be active in the preparations soon to be made for the coming year. J;.; Currey, president of the Rose Society, suggested yesterday that the toTS ' M1 feSUval bo niLe from S that" mo3,"" ir'S 6ad f a ful1 wee each diy. featUres be rPed within More Feature. Sussnated. T!ovlJTfmann Pflme mlnlter of the Rojal Rosarians, also favored a festi val shorter in duration but more closely filled with features. He slid in the electric pagreant. for Instance setcial features could buS t dd 1 ?'"leM. th6 floats tha would add a touch of carnival and Jollity to the event which would. I believe be extremely popular. e ' oe "Another thing that is to be taken into consideration in planning for In fest festival, is the new feature wh was evident In the one Just psed iiamely the participation of organized delegations from other cities This Is bound to grow in importance and mag l-mdt, 7th 6aCh 8uccedmg Z and VJL d Immeasurably to the attrac tiveness of coming festivals." alcrac Marine Xotes. Lightship No. 88, which has been nr. derti,nSJmlnor rePal at Oregon dr?: dock, is duo to leave the dock today ih?'Vi,.er.WayJto Po-tland to load for Vnni T e"5, U"ier charI"' to the Royal Mail line the -British steamer Haroalyce has reached San Francisco after a fast passage of 25 days from Manila. The steam schooner John A. Hooper, the largest lumber carrier in the Pa- ?Lt0iC?Za tPad.e' wh,ch camo around the Horn In February, is due to arrive in Portland today on her first trip to this port. She sailed from San Fran cisco Friday, June 13. The Norwegian steamship Kina ar rived from PuKet Sound last night and went to the Eastern & Western Mills to get lined for carrying wheat. The Kina, which is one of the largest ves sels which has called at Portland and has a reputation for cleanliness, is un. ler charter to M. llauser. Captain C. Matsushima. master of the Japanese steamer Senju ilaru, has filed an inward manifest at the Custom house showing that the vessel brought J4 rough, hewn oak logs from lvushiro, representing 1,749,917 feet, board measure, which was consigned to he Emerson Hardwood Company. She 15 discharging at that plant. Though overhaufling ia yet under way aboard the steamer T. J. Potter, of the O.-W. R. & N. fleet, she will be Piven her annual inspection today. aptaln" Ed Budd, superintendent of water lines, avers that with new carpets throughout, tho interior freshly dec orated and the exterior repainted with a coat of glossy white, the Potter will be in her old-time form when she re enters the North Beach service June 28. At the instance of masters of river steamers operating between Portland nnl Astoria and other Lower Columbia points, the lighthouse tender Heather was sent Saturday to shift the Cathla met channel light to Nassa Point, on k t ' . M. -K- the Washington shore. The Heather will proceed to Puget Sound this week with supplies and to look after naviga tion aids. The tender Manzanlta is loading for light stations as far south as Cape Blanco. The Royal Mail steamship Harpagus. first steamer of that company to come to Portland under the newly established line from London, arrived In Yokahama Juno 13. On the same date the Harpalyce of the same company arrived at San Francisco under instructions to load cargo at Pacific Coast ports for the Orient, and to sail on return voy age July 15. The Royal Mail steamer Falls of Orchy, en route to Portland via Puget Sound, sailed from Yokahama May 31 and Is due on the sound. Movements of Vessels. ASTORIA, June 15. Sailed during the night rSteamer Yellowstone, for San Fran cisco. Arrived at 7 and left up at 9 A. M. Steamer Catania, from Port San Luis. Ar rived at 7 A. M. and left up at noon Dan ish steamer Kina. from Victoria. Sailed at 7 A. M. Steamer Yosemite. for San Fran cisco. Sailed at 8:30 A. M. eteamer O. M. Clark, for San Pedro. Arrived at 5 and left CTEAHEB IXTZLLIGKNCB. Due to Arrive. Name. From. 5e,,OT l-os Angeles.. Roanoke San Diego.... Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook.... Alliance Coot Bay. . . . . 2ear Los An roles. . Breakwater. . . .Coos Bay Rose City San Pedro... Geo. W. Elder. .San Diego To Depart. Name. For Harvard S. F. to L. A., Beaver. ...... . Loi Angeles. . Paraieo San Francisco Alliance Coos Bay. Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook.... Roanoke San Diego.... Northland San Diego. . . . Breakwater. .. .Coos Bay.... gear Los Angelea. . Geo. W. Elder. .San Diego. ... Rose City Los Angeles. . Date. 1 n port In port June 11 June 10 June 10 June 17 June 21 June 23 Data, .June 14 June 19 June 17 June 17 June 17 June IS .June 1 8 . June 19 . June 21 . June 25 . June 26 Service. Date. . . In port . June 24 ..June 2S ..July 2U . Aug. IS . .Aug. 27 . Sept. 2 Data. ..June SO .July 1 . .Aug. 1 . Sept. t . Sept. 0 European and Oriental Name. From. Kina. ......... Vancouver. . Falls of Orchy. London Saxonta Hamburg... C F. Laelss. . . .Hamburg. . . Cr"n o C'stle. . Antwerp. ... Brisgavla Hamburg. .. Veatalia., London Name. For. Falls of Orchy. Orient Saxonla Hamburg. . . C. F. Laelss. ...Hamburg. . . Brlsgarta Hamburg, .. Vestalla London up at 9 A. M- Gasoline schooners Ahwan eda and Mlrene. from Newport. Arrived at noon and left up at 2 P. M. Steamer Roan oke, for Ban Diego and way porta. Arrived down at 6 P. M. United States cruiser St. Louis. San Francisco, June 15. Sailed at noon Steamer Camlno, for Portland; steamer Rose City, for San Pedro. Arrived at 1 P. M. Steamer San Ramon, from Portland: at 2 P- M. Steamer Portland, from San Pedro. Coos Bay, June 15. Arrived Steamer Breakwater, from Portland. Honolulu, June 14. Arrived Schooner Dauntless, from Columbia River. Columbia, River Bar Report. Condition at the mouth of the river at 5 P. M., smooth; wind aouth, eight miles; weather cloudy. Tide at Astoria Monday. High. Low. 11:45 A. M....6.5 feetl B:3S A. M 0.1 feet 11:0ft P. M 9.3 feetf 5:10 P. M 2.9 feet Reports From Vessels. By Marconi Wireless. Steamer Porter, Monterey to Linn ton. 220 miles north of San Francisco at 8 P. M.. June 15. Steamer John A. Hooper, San Fran cisco to Astoria, nine miles north of Cascade Head at 8 P. M., June 15. Steamer Bear, San Francisco to Port land, nine miles north of TJmpqua River at 8 P. M-. June 15. Steamer Yosemite, Portland to San Francisco. 115 miles south of Cnlnmhia River-at 8 P. M., June 15. ' bteamer Manchuria, Orient to San Francisco, 603 miles from San Fran cisco at 8 P. M.. June 14. Steamer Siberia, San Francisco to Orient, 819 miles out at 8 P. M.. June 14. Steamer Lurllne, Honolulu to San Francisco, 879 miles from San Fran cisco at 8 P. M., June 14. steamer Camlno, San Francisco to Portland. 40 mtles north of Point Reyes at 8 P. M., June 15. Steamer Herri n, Portland to San Francisco, 99 miles north of San Fran cisco at 8 P. M.. June 15. SUNDAY PUPILS GET FLAGS Schoolchildren of Various Churches Participate in Exercises. SALEM. Or., June 15. (Special.) In celebration of Flag day, the "Wom en's Relief Corps of the Grand Army of the Republic, at the First Congre gational Church this afternoon pre sented flags to the members of the Sunday schools of the First Methodist, the First Congregational and the Bap tist churches. Mrs. C. M. Lockwood, patriotic in structor of the organization, was In charge of the exercises, and addresses were made by R. C. Halley, commander of Sedgwick Post, and Dr. James Lisle. The members of Sedgwick Post and the Sons of Veterans attended the ex ercises. Students Paddle Down River. OREGON CITV. Or., June 15. (Spe cial.) Coming down the "Willamette from Eugene in two days in a canoe, Thornton Howard and Wallace Cau field, well-known young men of this city, arrived here yesterday afternoon. Both are students at the State TJniver sity. They found the river comfortably 1 LAST WINDJAMMER HERE 2 SHva "i "S" "-"Vvv, ft AJM -"ask Tc" a BRITISH BARK ARRACAJf AT OREGON & CALIFORNIA DOCK gram .v,0, 1 ha" BHUsh bark charter for S. .W1 have her carBO stowed beneath the hatches this SS; hhCi W!h bue the ta"endr f the grain fleet to saU for ThJ ;.,S dlsc,ha-ginS ballast at the Oregon & California dock C KhtWf the new elevator the Globe Grain & Mining Company which is nearing completion and from which wheat wm be shipped in bulk for the first time In this district. THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1913 i II ' I I -I II ! I ! PORTLAND ACCORDION PLEATING. K. Stephan, accordion, side pleating, buttons covered, goods sponged. 383 Alder. M. 9378. ASSAYER8 AND ANALYSTS. M?TANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory ana ore-testing work. 188 Morrison st. ATTORNEYS. bARGENT & SWOPE. 918 Cham, of Com. iter.: Merchants Nat'I, Ilartman & Thomp son. Bankers, arid Dorr E. Keasey & Co. BARBER SUPPLIES. Lewis-stenger Barber Supply Co., 10th sc Mor BOAT BUILDING. O. P. i;r .i ii a w i) .V...II.,! , - .. , ing. Marui6 ways, toot Abernethy st. CARPET WEAVING. nuniHWIST RUG CO. Rugs, from old carpets, rag ruga 153 Union ave. CELLULOID BUTTONS, BADGES. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 2 0th sj. Phones Main 812 and A 1254. CHIROPODISTS. William, Estelle and Dewane Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors. 802 Gerllnger bids.. S. W. corner ana Aiaer. rnona Main 1301. C1LIR,ODT and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Offices, 429 FUedner bldg. Main 3473. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M. H. M'MAHON, 121 4th, delivers the goods at $10 a month; $10,000 equipment; board, room and treatment. is 7 weak Af nman. " Ablngton bldg., has no $10, OOO equipment; $10 a week; expert work. COAL AJTD WOOD. EDLEF8EN FUEL CO.. East 303, C 2303. for elabwood not watersoaked. ALBINA FUEL green slabwood. CO. for Summer orders. COLLECTION AGENCY. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg, Main 1708. ... mu.Liiuii, no cnarge. DANCING. FROF. WAL. WILBON-S Dancing School hummer dancing lessons, 25c; waits" fcl.TTS"1" etc": S1a'"antee teach any i..7hho V.k,now to "an": failure impossible. BS'j Bth st. Phone Main 7637. HSATil-s Dancing School, 109 2d St., bet. ." an? Stark lons dally; waits ana twoptep guaranteed in four lessons; class Friday evening, 8 to 10 at 109 2d nBESS.MAKJyGANP TAILORING SCHOOL V rfENTI,N,E'3 . 5 tem ladles- tailoring. drewsmaklng taught. 152 Grand ave. A1A-PE1Y Parisian Scientific Dressmaking Tailoring; teachers wanted. 895 Yamhill. A T I .i - . . K-lLFCiR,D ADV" co-' Board of Trade bldg. Jvth, Adv. (,.. Inc.. Commonwealth bldg. Mlt..A,01?Ct;7'Tl"RAI' IMPLEMENTS. TAuclk.Vewl" Staver Co., Morrison 4b 2d. iOH,5ERK PU)W CO.. Morrison & 2d. M WADE A CO., 822-28 Hawthorne ave. AIM HITECTI 1UI, "WIRE AND IRON WKS. Portland Wire & Iron Wks., 2d and Columbia r T..,.Al'r0 AND BUGGY TOPS. Dt'BRUII.LE BUGGY TOP CO.. 20O 2d at. AUTOMOBILES. wiiS5ey- Lwl & Staver Co., E. Mor. 3d. HOWARD Automobile Co., 14 and Davis. N. W. AUTO CO.. 617 Wash. Reo. Hudson AUTO LAMPS AM) RADIATOR REPAIRING. PORTLAND AUTO LAMP CO.. 610 Alder at. AUTOMOBIIJS SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT. 7lh and Oak. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage A Omnibus Transfer. Park & Davis. BAKER & CONFECTIONERS' SUPPLIES. GRAY, M' LEAN & PERCY, 4th and Gllsan. BARBER SUPPLIES. OREGON BARKER SUPPLY CO.. 72 th at. BAR FIXTURES, r Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 48 Fifth at. BICYCLES. MOTORCYCLES SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT. 7th and Oak. POPE F. P. Keenan Co., 190 4th at. BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 247 Ash st. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES. Brunswlok-Balk-Collender Co.. 46 Fifth at. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery & Conf., Inc.. 11th and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY W El N HARP. 13th and Burnslde. CANDY MANUFACTURERS. COFFMAN'S CANDY CO.. 48 Front street. CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER. F. T. Crowe & Co.. 45 Fourth st. COFF-EEH. TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSF.TT & DEVERS, l-ll N". Front at. BOYD TEA CO.. -JOfl Salmon at. DAIRY AND CREAMERY SUPPLIES. Monroe ft Crlssel. 126 Front. M. 64Q, R 6429. DRUGGISTS. CLA-RKK--WOOrWARD DRUG CO.. Aide. high, and had no trouble negotiating the rough spots and were aided by the current In making- one of the swiftest passages on. record. The distance cov ered In the trip Is approximately 108 miles. AVhale Drifting Off Coast. ASTORIA. Or., June 15. (SpeciaL) Captain Dixon of the steamer Roanoke, arriving today from San Francisco, re ports sighting: the carcass of a huge whale drifting about 16 miles off Cas cade Heads and 63 miles south of the entrance to the Columbia River. Coos County 5C1U Burns. MYRTLE POINT, Or., June 15. (Spe clali) Heller Bros.' lumber mill at Mc Klnley, Coos County, was destroyed by fire last night. The loss was $3000, with no insurance. The blaze started from a spark which lodged In the saw dust pile. 1 3 6Ui Anniversary of Flag Observed. HOOD RIVER, Or., June 15. (Spe cial.) The one hundred, and thirty sixth anniversary of the flag was ap propriately observed here yesterday by the members of the Canby Woman's Relief Corps and Canby Post, Grand Army of the Republic. The two or ganizations also initiated three new TO LOAD 1912-13 GRAIN. "W tJ''; -4 "4 i""a'irrftiftm-fi--1 ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators, bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H M. H. Electric Co.. 31 First at. North. Phone Main 8210. WIS buy, sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand motors; repair work a spe clalty. Western Electric Works, 213 Bth. EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THUOAli ' Ireatraent by specialist. Glasses fitted. Dr. F. P. Casseday. 418 Dekum bldg., 3d-Waah. FURNITURE HOSPITAL. BOWERS & PARSONS, 100 Front. M. 7443. Furniture Hospital. Packing and shipping. HAT FACTORY. EASTERN HAT FACTORY, 64-06 8d street. Men's soft and Panama hats cleaned. Best $2 Hat on earth for men. INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon Are insurance company. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. BETTER landscape and general gardening. - 8WIS3 FLORAL CO.. East 6320. C 1514. PA-?iFIC Landscape Garden Company. 513 Rothchlld bldg. Phone Marshall 2308. I.KATHKB AND FINDINGS. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished" 18S8. 189 Front St. LIP READING. KINO SCHOOL for the deaf and hard-of-hearlng. 808 Central bldg. MKSSEN GER SERVICE. HASTY Messenger Co. Day and night serv ice Phone Main CS. A 2153. MUSICAL. PIANO lessons 50o during vacation. 10th St. Mar. J 737, A-3072. 331 i, PIANO STUDIO Modern methods. 289 14tn. obuo. Arrangements Tor practice. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 325 FUedner bid. A 41GO. Mar. 1629. NATUROPATHIC 1'HYSICIANS. Dr. Grover, specialist In oaralysls, nervous, chronic diseases. 703 Oregonian bl. M. .'!142 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSKXANS. r. R. B. Vorthrup, 415-16-1T Dekum bldg. Nervous and chronic diseases Phone, office M. 840; res., East or B 1028 PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 348U. PATENT ATTORNEYS. Patents procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-law. late of the TJ. S. Patent Office, Booklet free. 1010 Board of Trade bids:. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS wTr?I.8,1E,BT METAL STAMPING. WES1ERN Tool & Die Works. 36 Pine st. tWUS. FLEIaCHNER-MAYER ft CO.. 207 Ash at. IT T irTu irA i ui-imi STUP-Ba ELECTRICAL CO.. Bth and Pine at, T r-LKP9S1FJrtlN1)OW8 AD IOORS. J. C. BAlbH, Front and Market sts. MALAR KEY A CO.. Inc.. 149 Front at. CROWN MILLSBordt'Trade bldg. ' I- BAYER, Front and Market sts. A'ij BZ?5;15.l'1,'n yront and Marshall SFrRA.sTORD CO., Lewis bldg. BALFOUR-GUTHRIE ft CO.. Board of Trad. 5XofcSSUSER' Board of Trade. SST.HE:RN gkaIN WHSE. CO.. Br. Tr. THE W. A. GORDON CO., Board of Trade WALDS8LQS, (69?75 N" Frnt" - . , IIATS AND CAPS. THANH ATTg ER HAT CO.. 63-55 Front at. J. H. Klosterman aCo 'leading hajr dealers KAtnrKtrYA"?' "W. XR8. -Kt 3,KSxJJFI'Ts. WOOL. TALLOW THR, H. F. NORTON CO.. 53-55 Front st. UIlD tw f l r a i-Mi M NEFF- BROTHERS. 614 "Vorcester bldg. IRON WOKKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East 8d and Burnslde sla ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS. Complete Stock of Beams, ancles, channels. PLATES. PORTLAN D PHO T O S U P PLY C oT 14 3d. HfR?.lAa'?gHSS ?.T0.R SUPPLIES: ClitJ:vMAtlTIC CO - 7 Pront Leath er of every description, taps, mfr. fandinga. ... v,--v i OILS. Balfour. Guthrie & Co.. Board of Trade. .......... i F. B. MALLORY & CO, 231 Pine st Loggers A Contractors' Mach. Co.. 71 Bth at. . MAIL ORDER, at W pNrk N C- 182 Frnt Iu:i: IV.. . ..-.-.... ' members. Mrs. George H. Stelnhoff. Mrs. George P. Crowell and Rev. W A tT,Y' vFI,a.?s wero "own on the public buildings of the city yesterday. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, June 13 Maximum tem perature. 70.8 defrrees; minimum, 48.8 de rreea River reading; 8 A. M . 23.8 feet fr."8?,t 24 hours. 0.1 foot fall. To tal ralnfl.V 5. P" M" to 6 P" M trace; to rlnfall alnce September 1, 1S13. S4 86 S?a??nehe1i0rT V', 43 08 . lnehes: deficiency, utea- noJki-0-1 ?Utt",,'e, 6 houri JO mln ete?' hours ' m'nutea. Barom foBoo 'incheL84 t0 " leVOl ' 6 M- THE! WEATHER. " Wind STATION sr S State ot Weatasr Baker ..... Boise ' Boston . . . ."... Calvary Chicago ... Colfax Denver .... J Dea Moines . . . Duluth Eureka .... .." Oalveston Helena Jacksonville Kansas City . . lvlrimath t. Tl 5810.00 S'NWjPt. cloudy 5010.001 iLvw pt cloudy 74'0.0016iSW Pt. cloudy .'010.00 calm Pt. cloudy 0.28 14 SW Clear 7010.001 S 3 IClear 2;0.00 (M fV cloudy S'O.OOI 41SW IClear 8S0.00 1iW Clear SOI0.00 8-N" Clear i00.O0fl0iSB tPt. cloudy 74)ft DD I, vwUi ... .1 840.O0 ISE Clear ffi'u.uviijrt Clear 70 O.OOHixw Pt. cloudy '1,0-011 7iSW Cloudy 740.0O 10ISW IClear 64 0. 00 4 -VWIPt. cloudy 72,0. 00 il2NW;Pt. cloudy 7Si0,24l 8i8 Pt. cloudy 84(0.001 glE Cloudy SO0.0o!l2lsB Clear 66 0.5218'S Cloudy 721O.00 USE Clear S'SiO.oOi 8 NWlClear 70; T. I 4(W ICloudy 68 0.00112'n Cloudy 78;0.00!10S jclear 4'O.00.12!.SW Clear 9SI0.00 KilNW Clear t6'0.0O!j4iS Clear 54!0.0011W Clear 72 0.001 4;E Pt. cloudy 66,0.04110'W IRaln 54il.3(ii 6:V :Raln 7010.00 4 NE Iciear 9'J O.00! s )Pt. cloudy KTio.oo; calm Pt. cloudy 7710.00 calm IClear S'0.00 26iW Clear 74 T. 8jSW ICloudy Laurier Los Jknr.Ua Marshfleld . .. '. '. Medford ........ Montreal New Orleans .... New York North Head " Nocth Ya.klma. . . Phoenix Portland , Rniwhiir. Sacramento St. Louis St. raul Salt Lake San Francisco . . Tacoma ...'. Tatoosh Island . walla Walla .. Washington . . . . WeiHer Wenatchee Winnipeg Yellowstone Park WEATHER CONDITIONS. The barometer is relatively low over the Rocky Mountain States and relatively hich along the Washington and Oregon coasts. A weak high pressure area overlies the Gulf fetatea and a disturbance of slight en ergy, but of great magnitude. Is central north of the lakes resrlnn . i. , . 24 hours showers have occurred in North- Oregon, western Washington, Northern Wyoming and at widely scattered places in the Northern States east of the Mississippi River. The temperatures have risen In Northern Idaho and Western Mon tana, while elsewhere the changes since yesterday have been small and unimportant.- In the upper Mississippi Valley the temperatures are from 15 to 38 degreea above the seasonal averages. The river reading at Portland at 8 P M. was 23.8 feet and It will remain sta tionary for the next two or three days. The conditions are favorable for fair weather In this district Monday, except In Northwestern Oregon and Western Wash, ington, where showery conditions will con tinue for another day. FORECASTS Portland and vicinity Showers, south west to west winds. Oregon Fair, except showers northwest portion; sotvth to west winds. Washington Showers west, fair east por tion: wcsterlv winds. Idaho Fair. EDWARD A. BEALS, District . Forecaster. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT. 22 years' practice. U. a and foreign patents. 600 Dekum bldg. REFRIGERATORS AND ICE BOXES. Built to order, any size, $7.50 up. P. C. Bed Co., 64 Union ave. South. Phones East 243. RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMPWORKS. 28tWash. st. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. - Bth at. Phones Main S12, A 1254. SEWING MACHINES. NEW. all makes, factory prices: second hand, 2 up; machines rented and re paired. Main 0431. lau 3d. near YamhllL SHOWCASES, BANK Jt STORE FIXTURES. WESTERN FIX. & SHOWCASE CO., loth and Davis. Showcases to order and in stock. THE LUIKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap tds Showcase Co., tfth and Hoyt. K. Lutke, manager. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new and old window display and cabinet work. . STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van & Storage Co., co7. 15th and Kearney sts.. Just completed new fire proof warehouse for household effects, pianos and automobiles contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated pianoroom, trunk and rig vaults; track age for carload shipments; vans for mov ing; reduced freight rates on household goods to and from East in through cars. Main 5840. All departments. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., offices and commodious 4-story brk-k warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts.; pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic ano foreign ports. Main 690. A 296 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St.. cor. 13th. Telephone Main 69 or A 1169. General transfer and forwarding agents. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in the city. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO.. general transferring and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. Teams and auto vans for long distance moving 87-89 Front St. Main 54i or A 2247. TYPEWRITERS. $15 TO $35 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER; rebuilt as good as new; all makes to choose from at Gill's. 3d and Alder: terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phono for representative. Main anoo or A 6068. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on the Coast; Investigate: all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Exchange. 351H Washington st. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR, Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 83 Filth St. MILLINERY. B. O. CASE & CO.. 6th and Oak. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th ata. MOTORCYCLE DISTrTbUTORS. THOR A DE LUXE. APEX CO., 124 lath at. t , 5iJ?T,ON'S AN " FANCY GOODS. MILLER SIMINGTON. Calhoun Co., 45 4th. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND HIKE. Portland Wire & Iron Works. 2d & Columbia xIcJ;ANTS OUj VARNISHES. KASMLShEN & CO.. Jobbers, palnu. oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. W. p. FULLER CO., 12th and Davis. PI AN OS. KOH LER gt CHASE, 375 Washington at., manufacturers and wholesale dealers. T PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 186 First at. X,..,., JA1NTS, OILS, VARNISHES. BAS3-HI ETTER PAINT CO.. 184-188 2d at H--TJtfCKL:S ANU VINEGAR. KNIGHT PACKING CO.. 474 East Alder. PIPK. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVEsT M. L. KLINE. 84-8.1 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-hU Front st. M. BARDE & SONS. 240 Front st. POULTRY. EGGS. CALVES HOGsl HENKY EVERDINQ. 45-47 'Front "u PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS BVERDINO & FAR K ELL 140 FronVVt. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE " Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. POST CAKDS AND NOVtLTIEs! " Louis Schelner, S6 N. Uth St., Porland. Or. SAND AND GKAYKL COLUMBIA JJICK1ER CO.. Foot Ankeny t. - ?A1H- lOORS AND GL.ASS. : W. p. VI Li. er & c(A ivth anrt TjHvIa, tttt . SAW-SIILL MACHINERY. ' PORTLAND Iron works, 14th and Northrup. riT SECOND-HAND itkmtcrk. 50 cheaper than elsewhere. 24 Union ave. SODA FOI NTAIN- SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. w Front . WALL PAPER- " " Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co.. 172 lirt at. mqk;an wall paper cb.. aau ad at. WINES AND LIQUORS. JOHN ECK LUND, 123-125 First St. vtiiw, IKON works, Portland Wire t Iron Wks.. '.'d Xr ColumMa. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or Sunday. .. Per Line. One time 12 Same ad two consecutive times ZX Same ad three consecutive times Sue Bame ad six or seven consecutive times.. See The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all otaer classifica tions except tho follow Ins: Situations Wanted, Male. Situations Wanted, female. For Rent. Rooms. Private Families. Rooms and Board. Private families. - Ilousekeeplne Rooms. Private families. Kate oa the above classifications Is 7 cents a line each insertion. When one advertisement Is not run In con secutive 1m.ucs the one-time rate applies. blx average words count as one Uno on cash advertisement and no ad counted for lesti than two lines. . ," "'"J1" "dveitUements charge will be based on the number of lines np'nrUi in the paper, rraartUess of the number ol words in each Uno.,,m cure- lines. T'1"r''.tonl,,n r accent classified ad vertUements over the telephone, providing k Sr.T.SiMl'l '2 b"br to either phono! HXtP IT? T,U bo ouol over the phone, but .J'111 b? rened the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depend opon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisements. (Situations Wanted ud rr somU advertisements will not bo accepted over the telephone. Orders for one inser tion only will be accepted for "furniture for bale, "Business Opportunities." "itoomlnr iionses" and "Wanted to Rent." Tho Oregonian will not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors occurriui la telephoned advertisements. The Oregonian will not be responsible for nLore.,n"n one lcorrect Insertion ot any "tar"""" ordered lor mors than rhJilT'Z, Id"y" a" ,ertlements sr. Lach measura only, 14 linos to the erdVrslIttnCe" mu,t "ecompany out-of-town MEETING NOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLE, A. A. O. N. M. S Shrlnera special train for the Spo kane Pow-Wow will leave Portland from tho North Bank station Tuesday, Juns 17. at 10 P. M. Round trip fare. Including Pullman, will ,nVa-uo- Tne return trip will be made Thursday, June 19. arriving in Portland at .uuies desiring to make the pilgrimage are requested to leave iH cnames at the cltr ticket office. Fifth and Stark sts.. as snon as possible '"jiabi.m, potentate. WILLAMETTE LODGE NO 2 A. V AND A. M. Special com munication this (Moildav) even ing at 7:0 o'clock. Wofk in K. A. degree This lodge has been , ,,T . " "y romana Lodge, No. a, 1, '' n Pectl services in commem oration of St. Johns day, to be held In Tay V;"1"?, ME" Church, on Sunday evening. -til tauci a visit in k brethren """th room. Masonic Temple R' T:30 o'clock on above date. Kull attend anco desired. W. s. WKRks s HARMONY T , i ta , - ir- .. a. v. v', ..y- '- , -, - r-tj,eciai com munication this (Mondavi eve. at 't" and F. C. degrees, vinitin. kr.ih. ren welcome. W. M. DE LIN. See. WASHINOTOV LODGE. NO. 46. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Mondav) evening. 7 o'clock. East Sth and Burnslde. E. A. and F. C. de grees. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. J. ri. RICHMOND. Sec. CAMELIA CHAPTER. NO. 27, O. K. S. Stated communication at Maaonla Temple this (Monday) evening. By order of W. Matron MARIETTE ROBINSON. Sec. A AMPSE31ENTS. HE 1 1 tfi THEATER - nth and Morrison Phones Main 1, A 1122. TONIGHT TT-KSDAV and a w liDNKSDAV SPECIAL PRICE MAT. WED. Cohan & Harria Present Raymond Hitchcock Assisted by FLORA ZABELLE In the Musical Play, "THE KKI) WIDOW." SO COMPANY 20 ORCHESTRA. Evenings Lower floor 82.00, l 50: bal cony J1-O0 75c. 50o. Special Price Wed. Matinee. J1.50. gl.OO. 75c, 60o. SEAT SALE TOMORROW. Mail Orders Received Now. 3 SEES. NEXT THURSDAY SPECIAL PRICHJ MAT. SATURDAY. Chaxlos Frohjnan Presents BLANCHE BATES In tho London Sensation "THE WITNESS FOR THE DEFENSE. A play by A. B. W. Mason, M. P. Evenings: Lower floor $2.00, tl.50, SI 00 Balcony $1.0O. 76c. 60c. Saturday Mat inee, S1.50, 11.00. 78o, 60c. BAKER THE AT R E Main S. A 5360 Geo. L. Baker.Mgr. Broadway and Morrison. Tonight bargain night, all seats 25c. Two packed houses again yesterday. Greatest suc cess of the season. Special engagement of Henry Hall. Alice Fleming, with the Baker l&yer9 "GRAUSTARK" (Not Beverley of Oraustark). Dramatiza tion of George Uarr McCutcheon'a famous romantic novel. Faaclnating, beautiful, thrilling and rich in comedy. Evening prices, C5c. ar.c. 60c. Matinees. 25c. Mats. Wed and Rat. Next week "Tho Ne'er Do Well by Rex Beach. MATTVEK DAILT. Main . A IMS. Dooble Headline Bill. LONDON PALACE GIRLS and MISS NORTON AND PAUL NICHOLSON live MuMral Gormnna Jones and Sylvester (i. 6. Melvtn. Govt Trio and Mia "Mlk" nm-b1 iMt Wcelt Edison Talking Pictures. Matinee Seat 15 Cents f i M i i mi 11KKE BSSSBBSSSI GOES Ray Thompson's HIGH SCHOOL HOUSES. J. Herbert Erank A Co. In "The Arm of the" 4 Other Headline Acts 4 COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN TTEKK JOTB 16 The Trrl Whwl lrU, !iHf ;11ts spiro, Klnln Krln-r, Harry Holmna A Co., Marks A Kom, Orchestra, lantaKecMpe, Willy Zimmerman. Popular prices, lioxes andi first row balcony r vrd. Itox office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Phones A, 23i, Main 4636. Curtain 2:80. 7:lfl and 0. LYRIC WEEK JUNE 1 "Married Bliss.' Hand some a-owns. pretty girls and funny come dians. Tuesday nicht. athletic contest. 1'ri day night, chorus girls' contest. N'ithts, 15c and 25o. Matinees, any seat, 16e. The Oaks Portland's Great Amusement Park. FBKK ENTERTAINMENT. This Afternoon and Tonight at t:S0 and 8. Marsraerlto Favor and her wonderfully dainty, dancing dolls. In entirely new programme. Vltale. boy band leader. Oaks Ilawallans. Mr. and Mrs. John Brew, uniquely new comedians. TONIGHT, and Saturday and Sunday afternoons. ROYAL ITALIAN BAND. Cars at First and Alder. Launches Morrison Bridge. MEETING WOttCBS. OREGON COMMANDERT, NO 1, K T. A special con clave will be held ln their asylum Monday, June 16, at I o'clock P. M for tho pur pose Of Cnniliitln. , . , . . .. services of our lata fraternal sir knight. V. J. Ilatfleld All knight templars of Oregon Commandery, No. 1, ar- ursed to be present. By order Eminent Commander. C. P. WIEGAND, Hecorder. AUCTION SAL-fiS TODAT. At private residence, 566 8d at. Pnrnlturo of cottage. Sale at 2 P. M. Geo. Baker St Co auctioneer. " At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M. Furniture. 106-8 First at. Ford Auction House, 211 1st, Furniture, carpats. etc. Ealo at 3 P. M- BORX. R1ESLAND In Portland, June 10. to Mr and Mrs- Ben Rlesland. in Broadway a girl. DIED. JACOBRON June lat 219 Pars street. Alfriila Jacobson. aged 32 years. 6 months and 22 days, beloved wife of H. Jacobson Kernalns at A. K. Zellafa parlors 592 Williams avenue. Funeral announce'ment later. SCOFIELB In this city. June 15. Bessie, aged IS years, beloved daughter of Mr and Mrs. Casslus M. Scofleld. Remains forwarded by tho Holman Undertaking Co. to Buxton. Or. LOWS In this city. May IB, Bessie Lowe acd ,11 years. Remains are at the new , yarlors of J. p. Flnley tc Son, Fifth ana Montgomery streets. Funeral notice hero after. PCNERAL NOTICES. VTVIAV In this city. June 13, at her late residence. 36a Sacramento at.. Mrs. Emma lylan. aged 67 years 11 months IS days. 1-rienda Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlor at 11 A. M. today (Monday), June 16. Interment In the family ceme tery plot at Deer Island. M'MILLAN The funeral services of the late Duncan McMillan, of Beaverton, Or will be held Tuesday, June 17, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the new chapel of J. P. Flnley & Son. Fifth and Montgomery streets. Friends respectfully Invited. Incineration at the Portlund Crematorium. BERG In this city, June 14, at 931 Savler St., Helena Berg, aged 5 years, beloved wife of M. H. Berg, of Seaside, Or. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Tuesday). June 17 Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. FAN,ING":Th, url services of the late Vllllam Fanning, brother of Mrs. Georgo Franklin, of this city, will be held todiy (Monday) at 1:8 P M. at tho new chapel of J. P. Flnley & Son. Fifth and Mont gomery streets. Friends respectfully in vited. Interment Mount Calvary Ceme tery. WARREN At the family residence. -334 Montgomery st.. June 12. Royal K. War ren, aged 73 years 2 months 11 days Friends Invited to attend funeral ,er,. Ices, which will be held at First Presby terian Church. 12th and Aider sts . at 1 P: M. today (Monday). June 16. REED At South Bend, Wash.. June 11 Nels W Reed, aged 35 years 6 months -d days. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Hoi man's funeral parlors at 10 A. M. tomorrow SEES!' l7' Inte" RosecTt? FEITELSON .Tune 15, Samuel Fcitelson V 4,2 J' Ptuwal from Holman's finer1 Prlr' t 12:30. P M. today (Munduyl. June 1C looay DUG I 1 M FTNEKAL DIRFCTORS. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the lending fo nerml director. 20 Third street, corner Sal mon. Lady assistant- A 1511. Main &U7. P. PINLEV SON, PCNERAL SERVICE. Lady Attendant. Montgomery, at Fifth St. r. S. DUNNING. INC. Fast Side 1'uneral Directors, 414 Alder St. East 6S. It S5J5. DUNNING. M'ENTLE. funeral directors. 7th nnd Pine. Phone Main 4U0. Lady at- I KKf 'H 1, , t -r l7 . . . ' v - amsr and Slith. Last 7i. It 1880. Lady attendan" K 1. K1V " 1 IVIll'TlUIVi ........ . " andCiay. Main 4i8. A a-il. Idy "tteudantl A. It- ZEI.l.EK CO., Kast 1088. C 108. Lady Atteuaaou Night Service .... . iuiiihiiu .iiarii Works. t4 th. opposite City Hall. Main 85S4. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM. S80 Glen wood ave.; take Sell wood car. Open to vls ttors dally from 8 A. M. to S P. M. MEMORIALS j OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OITICE NO. 320 UNION AVENPE. COR NER MARKET STREET. Phone East 142S. B 2515. Horse ambulance lor sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cruelty tothis office. Open day and night. NEW TODAY. $550 30th and Knott Corner lot Knott is hard-surfae nearly to this street, tni vtluS"rJ advancing rapidly. Uy from owner and save commission. Terms. AS 84. OREOONIAi. A SNAP LADD'S ADDITION to suit. Address or apply to OWNER. SOI OUKGO.MA.N ilLILDlXQ, Mortgage Loans Improved Property Only. Commerce Safe Dep. & Mortgage Co t Third St- Cham, of Com. Bids;. Edward E. Goudey Lewis Building. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 par cent on best business properties. per cant and T per eant on other closa-in, buat ness and reaidencs sscuriUas. Mortgage Loans If you have A-l Heal Estate security wa can loan you any amount at lowest rates. CALLAN & KASER 722 - 24 Ya CITY & FARM LOANS Loans of 1000 and up at lowest rates on Oood Improved City or Farm Pros, ertles. If you need money call today. Our Installment payments are attractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO. g03 MeKsr Blda- Third nnl Stmrst ata. CITY & FARM LOANS 11000 and up at lowest rates. C. M. ZAD0W 14 Corseit Bldg. A 1418, Marshall 2. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CR0NAN 02 Spalding Mldg. Portland, or. MORTGAGE LOANS Om Own Money at Current, Its tea. WESTKK1W BOND A MORTGAGE CO, Commercial Clus lilda: Portland. Or. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PAK.K Portland's Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Large. Permanent. Modern Both phones FARM LOANS ONLY We loan our money at 1 and 894. We charge no commission. DETEKEAIX MORT1.AGK COMPACT. 1007 Spalding Bid.. Portland. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Peck. William G., 21S-31t KaUlns; bids BRUBAKEK. C. L. & CO.. loans. 317 Hall way Kxchange bldg. Main Chapln & Herlow, 83 Chamber of Commerea Jennings A Co.. ilain 1S8. 0i Oregonian" PAL.MKR-JONE3 CO.. 1L P.. 404-"o5-4o! Wilcox bldg. . THE Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand avs. at Multnomah at. (Holiaday Addition.) REAL ESTATE Por Kale Lota. CHOICE BDILDIN'G LOTS ON WEST SIDE. Glenelyn Addition, restricted district. Inside 8-mile circle commanda an unob structed view of Tualatin Valley and ML Hood; walks, surface graded streets and Mull Run water ln and Included ln price -Fourth street line runs In front of prop erty, the electrification of which Is now in process. Prices range from J300 up Select your lot and we will build to suit you for small cash payment down. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. OWNERS, Second Floor aelllnE Bldg. LAUiUSLHUKST. " We specallze on this beautiful prop erty, we handle no other, w handle the best that is lor sale, we know Laurel hurst and can save you money; Laurel hurst Is Just what you want. Tou can always flati us at the tract of fice. 3'Jth and Eut GUEan sts PELAHUXT V & CLK.MENTS. J1100. Broadway lot. BoxlOO ft., near E. S2d St., Improved street, adjacent to Sullivan Gulch factory district. H. p. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox Bldg. l'hunea M. 6'ii), A 26S3. $2000. " 1 aero on E. 6LM St.. 8 blocks from Montavllla car and near Twohy'a shops. It's worth the money. H. P. PALM KK-JOXES CO. 404 Wilcox BldK. Phunes M. 86l9, A Ca.",a. NOTICE. Laurelhui-t buildei-jj. I have two lota slz BOx64. one block to car; $ftS0 each, 10 per cent cash; a second mortgage for balance; money furnished to build, phone B iVSl. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Hoicks, lotp. tracts and acreage. A'l views, locutions and prices. Marshall 48J7 BROOKK. A 3SSO $350 FINE lot. Woodmere Park. 1 blo.-lc u-cent carline; easy terms. V. M. nc Farland, 309 Twit blrlir. LOT4. $1400. Marguerite ave.. r,0xll4. near Division St.. paved. t'oy below value. Sellwood 442. R. T. STREET. IRVINGTON LOTS. IRV INGTON LOTS OUR SPECIALTY NEUHAUSEN & CO. MAIN 8078. LOOK, 2 nice, corner lots. Lents. 4 blocks car, $700. Owner. Tabor 3414. frmw. VERNON lot. 17i h at.; will tacrifice lor cash. East 6110. HAVE equity of $150 in Rose City lot bai. ;300 on lot. X 1:10. Oregonian. LOTS near car, Ja75; $3 monthly. Ownr. 720 Chamber of Commerce. Mln 1106.