14 THE MORNIXG OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JTTN13 14, 1913. RELAX ESTATE For Sale Farms. farm lands in central british columbia, along this grand trunk pacific highway. The railroad will soon be completed, giv ing settlers main line transportation ; an irmy of men are rushing the work that It may be completed ice 1914. The land alone this new railway is unsurpassed for fruit. mixed farming, gardening, dairy and stock1 farms; no- irrigation, bummer rains; pea vln and wild grasses to horse's back; rich oil; good climate- nae drinking water, beautiful rivers and lakes, wild fruit, fish and game in abundance; thousands will go Into the country wnen the railway is com pirted. We sell the best valley land In all size tracts at a low priite and on unusually easy terms; can give guaranteed title to every acre we sell; oer 100 atereoptlcon views of Centra.) British Columbia free; everybody welcome. Ca.'l week days; will ).ow views evenings by appointment. For maps, government reports, field notes and full Information call or write W. A. tStock lon, district salesman for the NORTH COAa'T LAND CO., LTD., Paid-up capital. $1,400,000. b-4 Chamber of Commence Bldg., v Portland. Or. " WHAT YOU WANT AND NEED XT 35 acres on Base Line road, all cul tl ated, running water, highly Improved $375 per acre. 40 acres on .Section Line road, S3 cul tivated, running water, good, new house and bam, all implements, stock, house hold goods, ?10,XM: figures about 200 per acre for land. 30 acres, 29 acres cultivated, good barn, bouse, one and half mile from Oreahaun, $HOO per acre. 10 acres nice, level Land, two miles from Git-sham, few rods from carilne, cultivat ed, crop and all for $275 per acre, 40 acres, one and half mile from car ina. 25 acres cleared., small house and bain. $4500. 80 acres on Mt. Hood wagon road, $-1250, Very easy terms. S acres at Pleasant Home, Improved, 5-10-acre tracts in Powell Valley, 160 and $25" per acre, -small payments down. We will arrange easy terms, 6 per cent interest, on any of these. FIRST STATE BANK. GBB6HAM, OR. FIVE ACRES FOR POULTRY. WILL BUILD BUNGALOW AND OUTHOUSES. We have five acres, especially adapted for poultry raising, located 25 miles from Portland. on R. R., depot, post office, school and store less than i mile from front gate; live community and congenial neighbors; others doing well with poul try In name neighborhood. Will build bungalow, laying-house. Incu bator apd brooder house and equip with necessary implements besides furnishing Initial stock. A total Investment of $2800 will start you In the poultry business right; pay 700 cash, balance long time; come in and talk this over with us today and ax range to see It Sunday. C. W. Davis & Co., 006 Commercial blk. FOR PALE A fine bearing orchard, at sac rifice, for quick sale, on account of di vision of property; will sell all or divide; 50 acres, 2G acres in orchard, 10 acres In river-bottom land, fine for pears or ap ples . 7 -room house, packing-house, barn, windmill, all necessary buildings; mils . to b. T. B. station. Just outside City of Rogue River, Price $500 per acre. Also 110 acres, 3 mile Lebanon, Or. ; all in cultivation, fine to subdivide In mall tracts; price $90 per acre. Also 10 acres in City of Lebanon, small house barn, other buildings, price $2S0O. Address S. C. Carroll, Rogue River, Or. FARM for sale, $115 per acre; I will give to the first person bringing me a buyer $40 commission for the following de scribed property: 73 acres. 85 acres of upland. 30 acres cleared, 40 acres of bot tom land, 7 acres cleared and seldom overflows; best of soil, good family or chard, variety of small fruits; an ln--x haustlble supply of good water, new 9 room plastered house, all necessary out buildings, 16 miles north of Vancouver, b miles east of Rldgefleld, &4 mile from Pacific highway. Owner, M. L. Laue, R. F. D. No. 1, box 68. Rldgefleld. Wash. NOT A DAY TO BE WASTED . 330 -acre river ranch in Sutter County. California, for the price of bare land un til July 1; good transportation, two rail roads. 135-acre orchard; 50 acres alfalfa, 70 acres truck garden, balance river bot jom pasture and grain. Values: Crop. $12,000; $15,000 net; buildings, $10.K0; tools and equipment, $11,000; livestock. S400O; all Included and in perfect condi tion : on main canal; 80 year unlimited water. $1 per acre annually: perfect drain age; deep, alluvial soli; will bear closest investigation. Box 241, Maryavllle. Cal. RECEIVERS SALE. Well worth $60OO. but must sacrifice IGo acres rolling land, best of soil; trout stream ; good comfortable home ; several acres crek bottom land cleared; piling Umber alone worth $2500: this property will bear closest Investigation and will be sold for half price to close up the ea tato; terms cash- "no real estate deal"; ordered sold by Circuit Court. Come with me and ti property. Call Main. 575 or -PPly to JOHN A TODD. Receiver. jgl Selling Bldg. I HAVE 320 acres of land under good fence; a natural situation for stock; all good t (liable land, seeded to good pasture ; price $25 per acre. Also one- 140-acre dairy farm; 90 acres In cultivation; all In good trim, good orchards, two good barns, a good nine-room house, with water piped in all other necessary" buildings; price $9t per acre. Buy direct from the owner and save at least 0 per cent of the value. Write for information. Address Ferris .Mayfleld. It. V. D 1, Sprlti gwa ter. Or. THE FARMERS' MECCA. ' Turn your faces toward Harney County. Harney Valley offers you more for your money than any other spot in the North wert; no waste land ; abundance of wa ter ; wheat 30 to CO bushels; alfalfa 5 to 7 tons; barley, 60 to SO buahels. Prices $15 to $40; clearing and first plowing, $5 to $7; some hi sections to exchange Robert U. Tate. 20' Washington st. BT owner, 7l acres in best part of Willam ette Valley ; lies perfectly, all in cultivp -Hon and crop: no hillsides, stumps or waste land; good loam soil, well fenced, running water, fair buildings. ood roads, lose to good town; $100 per acre, includ ing all crops, stock, poultry and Imple ments; $200u down, balance your own time W. C. Roberts. Albany. Or.. R. 6. box 102. FOR SALE Lovely home. 23H acres; will rut 35 tons hay this year; fenced with hog net. orchard, loganoerrles. gooseber ries; all level, fine black sol); "i mile from depot, house barn, wells, all com plete ; parties are home, sick, and don't realize value of this splendla farm. Price S tttO per acre. Address Box 32. Eagle Creek, Or. 176 ACRES RICH SOIL. $2000 30 in cultivation, 20 caally cleared. 50 good piling. 5 creek bottom. 140 tillable land: lots of outrange; house, orchard, t reek, spring . county ro:id. 2 miles town, 1 mile Vayuina Bay and boat lauding, 2 mile R. R. Must erlL Room 11, 2tOH Washington st. 40 ACRES, clear of lticumbrauca, in Rogue River Valley. miles good town, main line S. P., - room house, barn and out building. living springs, 20 acres Tokay Kifc-Pe land, a good as any in the valley. Small amount ot money will handle or will consider trade. No agents. AL 133, Oregonian. AT COTTAGE GROVE. Or., a fine dairy and fruit ran.-n. io acres. 2o cultivated: good h now, barn. 4 springs, 7 acres orchard, sightly local hut. just outside citv limits, i or a limited tini at ISA uer acre, or will divto to mill . S. B. Morse, Box 21$, Cottage Grove, Or. ONLY 27-" se.-tires small farm; terms; will I v buyer ah a re in profltN ; ruarantce 7 per cnt , bU'Sl ('liniatf; good markets; fin I n v est ment whether you ever move on land or not. Write quit-kly for views and particulars. G. W. Den. Box 472. Way cross. Cln. 809 ACRES. 40 acres bottom land, under ditch, IH ncT .-s hill land, balance pasture and good timber; will sell or consider trade for all or part ; can divide in good small farms A. L. W RIGHT. Dn fur. Or. NEWBEIU:. the city of home and schools, a short way south from Portland. White t 0. can get you bargains In farms, nmall tracts or Newberg property and will treat j on right. Look up their sign. White A Co.. 705 First t , Newberg, Or. 81 17 ACRES, pnty of water, euibuildlngs u nrn, fair house. 3 rooms, big creek runs through the place: about 0 acres cleared; all kinds of fruit; $75 per acre; best of soli Washington County. Box 106. Rome No. B. Sherwood. Or. VQto SALE 72 acres on Silet River, about 33 acres ready to cultivate, balance brush a rid some t briber ; land wei 1 adapt ed t e cranberries an.l river navigable : $76 per acre; will take part trade. owner. Phone fckjJIwood 406. Woodward nv.;. FOR SAI.K CHKA P A well-Improved T- i acre ranch: good buildings, family orchard, i running water, jut outside city limits of Newoers. Or. W. H- Panhorst. owner. Newberg. Or. $:.t AN Ai'RE buys one of best farms in Willamette Valley; 12n acres, bottom land; 10U acre under cultivation; large creek, springs: terms. F ISO, Oregonian. 103 ACRES FOR $2250. A real barsr.ln; fine soil, fair improve ments, term. For particulars, J. W. Mor gan. Corvallis. Oregon FO H SA l.E fiV-acre farm. 3 miles from town; oO acres In cultivation. Addrens Thurey .lohnson. C'aetl Ro-k, Wash. MQ aCREfl in iook County, cheap for cash. Well located, close to water, write owner. J a x . Wilson. Route I . Boring. Or. RANCH. 60 acres, with buildings; 18 miles from Portlsnd. near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner, 1S2 Morrison st. FOK farm paying lOO per cent net annually see Landts. 610 McKay bldg-. and get proof before buying. REAL ESTATE. Miscellaneous. 100x100 CORNER. 2 houses, room for 8 more, short distance Broadway bridge; eacrlflce, $5500, terms. Owner, Woodiawn 2151. TO EXCHANGE ACREAGE to trade, automobile to trade, good, big car. Just the car for stage line; timber-land to trade for residence or lots; a ten-acre tract, 3-year-old walnuts, equity to trade, small monthly payments, balance big bargain. 608 McKay bldg.. Marshall 2500. SCO-ACRE improved wheat ranch, Benton County. Wash.; 250 acre now In crop. Will take small valley farm or city prop erty for $7000 equity. Price $20 an acre. Kaate Bros., 618 Henry bldg. TO trade, by owner, for clear lots or farm land, new. modern 7 -room house, 2 blocks from car. in ML Tabor district. Call phone Tabor 3270 before 10 A. M. and after 7:30 P. M- TWO lots, 50x100, 6-room house, situated at Grants Pass, Oregon, for acreage near Portland and electric line. Address 542 East 25th St., Portland. FOR SALE or exchange. $2000 equity in modorn 6-room house and lot in Medford. What have you? Address owner. L.. 1126 Willamette boulevard, SL Johns. Or. FOR SALE or exchange, 113 acres of all cleared land and loo acres in crop In the Willamette Valley, and by .depot and good college town. AG 132. Oregonian. I WILL take part cash and a good diamond or automobile or a few shares of Indus trial stock for my $700-iot in res trie tea district. L 134. Oregonian. PENNSYLVANIA farm, 50 acres, improved, $5000. for good Western real estate. 1023 B. Irving St.. Portland. Or. WILL exchange a fine diamond, nice white stone, or a good beach lot for good horse or rig. 14 Union ave.. comer of Ash. WHAT have you to trade for 160 acres of timber land, 4,00-f,000 feet, unincumbered? Or sell for $3000 cash. 810 Falling bldg. TIMBER, 520 acres, consider Eastern prop erty or part cash and terms. Phone Main 3539 or V 143. 40 ACRES in Washington Countj for house and lot In Portland. J son, 316 Chamber of Commerce. . Oregon, W. Wat- STR1CTLY modern 8-room house. Tenth ve,, Spokane, TV inn J. it. posson. Ta tj. of C. bldg. TYPEWRITER for gent's tailoring, or what r nave you - a lis, oregonian. , VACANT lots for cheap land. 197 E. 7fi N.. Portland, Or. FOR TRADES OF ALL KINDS SEE GARLAND & CO.. J.91 4TH ST. EQUITIES In Laurelhurst lots. 3814. Tel. Main COLORADO Irrigated, Improved farm for Portland home. A. J. Moulton, 30 N. 20th. WANTED- vKAL ESIATK. BUNGALOW for $3000 spot cash; must be worth the money and in good district; give address and description. AK 137, Oregonian. WANTED 10 00 acres cheap stump land, good soil, for cash Colony within 100 miles Portland. Colony waiting quick re ply. C03 Oregonian bldg. WANTED To trade my block of 22 lots In restricted district (price $15,000) for chicken ranch or close-in acreage and some cash. Y 185, Oregonian. VCK RALE T1MBKK LANDS. HALF Interest in sawmill on railroad and Columbia River, timber very acoessibl e ; mill new and ready to run ; about $5000 required; orders for lumber on hand. L. B. Snyder, Collins, Wash, TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN, 34 McKay bldg. CHEAP STUMPAGE ideal location for tie mill, stream run ning to R. R. spur. No. 75 5th st. 80 ACRES timber land, Washington bldg. 0 per acre. 33 FOR RENT FARMS RANCH for rent on shares to married man (foreigner preferred) with some capital; part hill and part bottom land, part of bottom cultivable after June freshet ; 50 miles from Portland. 95 from Tacoma; good chance for good, man in more ways than one. Inquire D. A. G., care Box 62, Astoria, Or. FOB SALE Implements, stock and crop of 85 acres, cheap, farm for rent, 1T4 miles south Preston Station Estacada car. H. Billings. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicle bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES. 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72. B 1369. FOR your Summer outing -Swell camping outfit, oomplete: match team, sorrel, ride and drive single, wagon has folding bed; stove and cupboard end lockers. Take Estacada or Boring car. get off at Kendal Station. Will be there until Monday. CLOSING out new delivery wagons at second-hand prices; also second-hand deliv ery wagons at real bargains. Call and see them, Oregon Mollne Plow Co., 105 Union ave. Jl. $125 BUYS bay horse, about 9 years old; wclght 1200 lbs., sound and good worker; Including light Mitchell farm wagon, al most new and good harness. East 12th and Hawthorne ave. ; bam in the grove. A FINE black Shetland pony or a good team of ponies for good 1 100 or 1200 pound horse. 14 Union ave,, corner of Ash. $40 TAKES good true work horse; $60 buvs extra nice little horse, fat and chunky. Absolutely gentle. 247 E. 12th st., corner Madison. WANTED A colt, for saddler, about S years old. that will grow to 10 hands; need not be broken. Chaplain Lloyd, Vancou ver Barracks. $185 BUYS mare and horse and harness, weight 2700 pounds ; Just the team for ranch or any kind of work. East 12th and Hawthorne; little barn in the grave. FOR SALE One team. 5 and 6 years eld, weighing 8000 lbs.; 1 black mare weigh ing 1500 lbs. ; 1 young team weighing 2S00 lbs., sound and true. 226 Russell St. 12 HEAD of work horses, average weight 150t lbs.; also wagons, scrapers and grad ing tools. Owner. 717 Board of Trade bldg. A GOOD rubber- tired laundry or dye wagon, cheap, or will exchange for horse. 14 Union ave.. comer of Ash. FOR SALE 3 good horses. 4-ton platfrom springs furniture wagon and 7-year-old business. Phone Woodiawn 916. FOR SALE Light team. 6 years old, sound and true; good wagon and harness. 6323 Powell Valley road. WANTED To buy a good young delivery 1, Orse wlsrhing about 1 100 lbs. Phone t - $1W BUYS iam ana narness, weignx lbs- Kasi 12th and Hawthorne; small I brn In the grove. W A NT ED- -Ti o young delivery horses, pounds each, phone Sellwood 392. 900 MUST sell this week, easy payments, 5 6-room bungalow. Phone Sellwood 7. BARGAIN ".-year-old coal back delivery horse, wajjoii and harae, E. 4639. FIVE head driving and work horses. Irv ing ton Stables, East 6th and Schuyler. PASTURE for stock, close to Portland. O. L S. Co. Main 14TQ. GOOD CsunilT horse and buggy for sale at a bargain. 1029 E. Yamhlli. lLi -l NG ou 200 2d. cor. harness Taylor. at wholesale price. WANTED from 3 t To buy a JHO0 or $1000 horse i 6 years old. 444 E. Burnslde. FOlt SALE 1400-pound horse, cheap; two-seated surrey. Phone East 2486. HOKS KS for sale ;t East 7th at. North. Piano. Orjrans and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE Piano. Ludwig. less than half price: splendid tone. Call Marshall Ward, 322 EL 28th st N. MUST sen my fine piano. Practical J brand new. About half price. 715 Wayne st. IVERS & POND piano, in good a SMilftoa 5S3 Miller ave. wood 277. condition, at Phone Sell- PIANO Elegant mahogany upright, almost new; greatest bargain in city, less than $ ; r.o. . ! all immediately. 701 Northrup st. Dog. BlrnW, Pet StocK. THREE bfa-.-.tlf ul sable and white, pure bred pedigreed Scotch eo'.lle puppies at Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. 169 2d t.. near Morrison. Airedale terriers to protect your home and family. Laddix Kennels, Estacada. Or. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Persian kittens. Phone Sellwood 7S. AIREDALE pups. 4 months old. Dell Elliott. route X. Portland. Tabor 226L Fnmitnre for s1r. FOR SALE Flv. Must sell 665 rooms of furniture, cheer E Morrison. FURNITURE very cheap. of 6 rooms ; house for rent ; 409 Main st. FURNITURE of 8-room house $150; garden and fruit; rent $14. 171 Graham ave. TWO chiffonier, mattre 81, SL Francla. rug 9x12. Apt. FOB BALE. Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE for residence, comprising leather parlor furniture, library furniture, beautiful dining suit, bedroom furnish ings, ruga, brass beds, etc. ; great oppor tunity for those starting housekeeping. QaJl immediately. 701 Northrup. W car. Automobiles. REBUILT AND REFINISHBD. WINTON "SIXES. We are not in the second-hand busi ness. All cars listed were traded in on new Win ton Sixes and we made our profit on the new cars. There are no brokerage fees, no profit on second-hand cars. We are glad to get what they cost us. There arc no lame "ducks" and no "come on' cars. Every traded-in car on our floor Is worth owning. Furthermore, we'll be at the same old place of busi ness to make good on every sale. Let us show you the great values that you' 11 be proud to own. Rebuilt Wlnton "Sixes" In 4, 5 and 7 passeugers. 0 Packard 7-passenger. Peerless 7-passenger. Stevens-Duryea, 7-passenger. Lozter, 4-passenger. R. C. H. coupe. 3-pasaenger. THE WINTON MOTORCAR CO 23d and Washington. SPECIAL AUTO VALUES. A few 1012 slightly used, 4u H. P. elec-trlc-lighled. fully equipped, special price $1100; 33 EL P.. new and slightly used, special colors. $850 to $120. MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY CO., 514 Alder St.. corner 16th. AUTO OWNERS ATTENTION. Can take your auto trimmings off. re plate them and put hack in 2 days. Have your auto plated in time for Rose Festival PORTLAND P LATUM & MFG. CO.. 22d and Thurman sts. A 52S2. Main 943. A REAL bargain; Chalmers 30, newly paintf ed and overhauled; looks like new; must be sold this week; no reasonable offer re fused; cash or terms. E. F. Higgins, 202 Beck bldg. FLANDERS 2ft, top. wind shield, good tires, one new eating. 2 extra tubes; car in A-l condition, suitable for pleasure or light delivery; $285 cash. Apply Portland Belt ing Co.. C5 1st St. WE have some 2, 5 and 7-passenger second hand automobiles on which we are mak ing very attractive prices. Mitchell, Lewis Staver C,o., n.asi jjornson ana x irsi. FOR second-hand cars inquire Powell Ga rage. Cars called for and delivered. Au tos for hire. Give us a trial. E. 37th and Hawthorne. BEAUTIFUL, big. 6-cylinder Lozier costing $6500. Easiest riding car on the Coast. Guaranteed to be In perfect running order. Will sell at sacrifice. A 108, Oregonian. 1812 30Amerlcan underslung car. former price $1250. now $850; also 1 single cylin der Cadillac at 123 N. ffth st. MOTOR TRUCK for sale, used very little, at half price ; terms. Inquire 221 First st. - WANTED 5 -passenger automobile. Ford preferred; give price, condition, make and model. Address AM 131, Oregonian. FOR SALE Cheap for cash. Ford runabout, in running order. Fred Dundee. 575 Jeffer son st. WANTED First-class 5-passenger auto in exchange for two fine lots on Gladstone avc. ; valued $1200. AM 129, Oregonian. FOR SALE 1 5-paasenger touring car at a bargain. Inquire at 500 Burnslde st. or phone Main 9460. INDIAN motorcycle. Just overhauled, for sale cheap for cash. 2001 E. Stark St. WILL pay cash up to $S00 for auto. Oliver, 206 Alder st. GOOD motorcycle agency, very' reasonable, two machines left. Inquire 130 13th st. SEVEN - PASSENGER, 40 horsepower 1911 Chalmers auto for sale. Call Main 7491. 7-PASSENGER car at half price, by owner, 182 Morrison st. WARREN AUTO, 1912 model, good condi tion, very heap. AF 131, Oregonian. $150 MUST sacrifice 2-passenger runabout; leave Monaay. mat xayior st. 1912 -PASS. 40-h. p. You can't beat this 750. E. M. Trullinger. Lents. Or. Poultry. WANTED Duck eggs and white Orpington eggs, cheap ; S White Wyantlots, 2 months old. cheap. Phone A 7033. Green's Chicken Exchange. 20i tealmon St. WANTED Light Brahma setting eggs. AJ Oregonian. Livestock. 75 HEAD choice dairy stock, R registered Guernsey bulls, 8 registered Guernsey heifers (2 in milk), 12 milch cows (10 fresh), 40 high-grade Guernsey yearling heifers (some bred to registered Guern sey bulls and recently brought from Wis consin), 3 yearling native heifers and 11 grade calves, subject to tuberculin test, to be sold at private sale at Fir Grove farm, 3i mile east of Clarks Fork. Idaho, June 20, 1913. 11 A M. B. E. Ralph, owner, Clarks Grove. Idaho. BROOD SOWS in farrow, some with litters, boars and pigs for sale. P. Bechler. Gresh am. Phone Farmers 93. Ranch near Llnnemunn station, Estacada line. ONE fresh cow for sale, 6 gallons milk a day. 1007 Oswego St., St. Johns, Or. Machinery. FOR SALE. A 45-horsepower. 550-volt, Crocker Wheeler motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 75 ampere overload, I. T. E. circuit breaker. In A-l condition. Address room 208, Ore Ionian bldg. MACHINERY of all kinds. See us for any thing in this line, from the smallest part to the largest machine. We buy, sell and rent. M. BARDE & SONS. 240-242 Front st., cor. Main. The House of a Million Bargains. FOR SALE. One 125-volt direct current generator, complete, with field rheostat. ammeter and circuit breaker. This machine is in tood repair. Address room 203, Orego nian bldg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W., rOO-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator complete, with field rheostat and circuit-breaker. in good condition. Address room 203. Oregonian bldg. Ml&cellaneoue.. FT J RN ITITR E S PEC T ALS . Sanitary couch with mattress, $5; 120 refrigerator for 10; $2S Vulcan gaa range, 10; 514 Vulcan gas range, $7 ; cook stoves, $6.;0 to $12 ; solid oak sideboard, $5; kitchen cupboard with erlass doors. $5; kitchen safe. $2.50; folding beds. $5 to $25: extension tables, .1.50 to 14; drop leaf dining tables, $1.50 ; $50 two-piece nak bedroom suite, $12.50 ; hotel dressers, $4 to $7.50; full-size drassers. $6 to $12 : library tables. $3.50 to $9 ; 26 mission hall rack. $13.50; bookcase, $S.."0; lady's writing nesK, s f.ou ; New i mme arop- head sewing machine, $16.50; Morris chairs, $4 to $7.60; upholstered couches, $2 lo $5 : flat top desk 54x30 inches, golden oak. $13.50; room-size art rugs, $3 to $6; room-size Brussels ruKa, to $u ; room - Bin Axminster rugs and carpet. $9 to 1S, and lots of other bargains. Come and so; them. We pack and ship goods free of charge and deliver to any part of the city with our own team. Easy payments. Wc carry both new and fine second-hand fur niture and can furnish everything In that line. Western Salvage Co., 545-547 Wash ington, bet. 16th and 17th sts. Open Sat urday evening until 3. Both phones. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. See our stock. Get our prices. It will pay you. M. BARDE & SOXS. 240-242 Front ?t.. cor. Main. The House of a Million Bargains. PIPE PIPE PIPE. See Us for Bargains in PIPE. M. BARDE & SONS. 240-242 Front st., cor. Main. The House of a MllMon Bargains. FOR -SALE One mahogany flat -top type writing desk, one mahogany upright fold ing bed. also one oak mantel bed. Gels ler & Dorro Furniture store. 386 E. Mor rison St. GROC ERY wagon, sui table for bakery ; re frigerator, 4x5; automatic oil tank, holds 150 gal.: scale, showcases, etc. 564 Gli san, near 17th. Phone Main 6333. Private house. SAFES Mosler Safe Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy terms. Safes opened and repaired. Bargain in second-hand safes. 103 2d St. Phone Main 7076. SAFES, new and second-hand ; low prices; easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. Pl."RCELL SAFB CO. and PORT UND SAFE CO., 85 ftth st. Main 6309. HAVE from 10 to 100 share of United States Cashier stock for sale at 12fe. v. E. Thompson, room 326 Henry building. MOTORCYCLES Big cut in price while they last; this Is your chance. SI NORTH BROADWAY. SECOND-HAND roll-top desk, 2 flat-top desks and 3 chairs. Bushong & Co., 91 Park at. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. S10 to $65. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 26; stark st. 19-FOOT 6-hp- launch; will IcU for motorcycle. "all 249 5th st. TENT 10x12. absolutely good, chfap. 1119 Michigan ave. FOlt SALE -Singer swln; machine, $19. Call 394 4 th. UNDERWOOD typewriter. No. 5, practically new. cheap for cash. K 146, Oregonian. NATIONAL cash rg inters; get my prices. Povey. 851H Wash., basement. Main 606 DERBY desk and office furniture. E. B. Haley Desk Co.. 210 Broadway. Main 537. FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. YOUR FIRST PLEASANT SHAVE WITH "Sllcor," finer than a strep; faster than a hone, one drop of "SUcor," one stroke on the strop keeps a keen edge on your razor. You can sharpen your safety blade and shave In less time than It takes to shave with a new blade. 25c at your dealer's, or postpaid on receipt of 25c and your dealer's name. 11. A. Aekley Co., sole distributors, 601-2 Rookery Bldg., Spokane, Wash. MANURE IN CAR LOTS. Stockyards manure in car lots. $1 per ton, f. o. b. cars. North Portland. Book your orders early. PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS CO.. North Portland. Oregon, WASTE! -MISCELLANEOUS. GEVUBTZ FURNITURE STORE, 20S 1st., between Taylor and Salmon, will pay best price for your furniture, carpets, stoves, etc, etc. New and second-hand furniture our specialty. PHONE MARSHALL 5081. WANTED A gentle horse 2 days each week for 8 or lti weeks, to cultivate garden. Harness and light wagon also needed. Ad dress Routledge Peed and Floral Co., 169 2d st. Phone Main 0056 or A 3811. LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front st., r.uys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. If you have anything in this ilns all Main u72. WE buy for cosh second-hand National cash registers ana sen tnem on easy terms, w . J. Macauley, 3b4 Burnslde St. Phono Main 1S1G. A 1816. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladies' and men's cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 20S0. 234 First. The Globe. WE want to buy JlOoO worth of second hand furniture In the next 30 days and pay all the cash it is worth. Willlams Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 630. PARTIES arriving from Chicago can secure aavantaguous lnlormatlon by caJling Llast 5602. FAIR DEAL opened again; we pay highest prices for your second-hand clothing and household goods. Phone Main 9272. WE pay the hishest cash price for second hand furniture. M. R. if eater. Phone East 3134. 84S Hawthorne ave. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951, A 2445. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. NATIONAL cash registeY; price must reasonable. Phone Main 60ti, A 3'106. TRANSITS and levels bought for cash. Concord Bldg., Portland. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur niture; highest prices paid. Sellvrood 1682. WANTED Bees is off. AV 75 about July Oregonian. 1, after crop WE PAY highest prices for second-hand clothing. 294 3d st. prone Main 9268. SECOND-HAND goods bought taken In exchange for new. for cash or Tabor 4346. WILL kalBomlne rooms for $2.50; paint house at your price; reliable. East 323. HIGHEST price paid for ladles' and men's second-hand colthing. Marshall 8932. HELP WANTED MALE. YOUNG MEN WANTED. Bright young men, between the ages of 16 and 20; an excellent opportunity to learn the business. Meier & Frank Co. Apply at superintendent's office, 6th floor, between 8:30 and 9; 30 A. M. WANTED Assistant to advertising manager In large department store; must be capable of writing forceful, compelling copy ; give experience, references and salary expect ed In first letter. AS 105, Oregonian. WANTED Men for railroad work; location from Columbia River to Nchalem Vailey. Camp first-class in every respect. Work will last tor several month. COLUMBIA & NEHALEM RIVER R. R. 716 Spalding bldg., or at the work. Wood's Landing or Ross Landing on the Columbia and S. P. & S. R. R. TRANSIENT Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS can se cure furnished rooms at reasonable rates In the new fireproof association building, cor. 6th and Taylor sts., and have privi lege of consulting Advisory and Employ ment Department. WE have a fw good fields open for compe tent salesmen. If you appreciate the ad vantage of selling for the largest and best-known nursery in the West at the best terms offered, apply today. Give reference. Oregon Nursery Company, Orenco, Or. WANTED Flrst-clasji apartment-house wants janitor; must be sober, married man and be familiar with references required. CaJl 10;30 only. Stelwyn Apt. and Wash. 11 burner: it front door cor. St. Clair SALESMAN WANTED In every locality on the Coast on a new commodity. An opportunity that you cannot afford to overlook. Pacific Coast Sales Co., 1 01 5 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland. HAVE excellent proposition to offer capable (and well known among grocery trade) -salesman who can produce business and turn In orders. Answer In full, T 100, Oregonian. WIRELESS OPERATORS in constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at Y. M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night Schools; complete equipment; best on Coast. WANTED At once man who understand vulcanizing automobile tires and changing tires; good wages, steady Job for right man. 330 Burnslde st. WANTED Single young man to leave town at once; must be over 21, neat appearing end willing to work. Call 9 to 11, Carlton Hotel, for Mr. Githam. WANTED A good, steady boy to attend to grocery store and deliver goods, to take orders; must give reference. Morris Kaln. 753 Sandy road. GOOD salesman to canvass city with sta ple line of jewelry on easy payments; sal ary' or commission to right man. See Mr. Thomas. 207 Corbett bldg. EXPERIENCED stockman to take charge of stock ranch; must be married. William Johnson, 527 Chamber of Commerce. 4 to 5 P. M. CHAUFFEUR, thoroughly experienced for Fierce-Arrow car; only best need applv Address with references S 106. Orego nlan. BOY to sprinkle lawn evenings on Portland Heights; state age, wages desired. Ad dress G 129, Oregonian. WANTED Two good solicitors for out of- town work. If not a hustler, don't apply to room AZl tjiara otet. WANTED Party to travel for wholesale firm; must furnish casn to cover samples. &aiary or commission. j i .i. urenon i an EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, con. tracts cashed immediately; liberal commis sion. 268 Madison st. I WILL pay an experienced stock salesman well for a few days work. AK i:t5, Ore gonian. WANTED Man to work 2H hours morn ings as porter. Apply to Mr. Johnson, Wonder Millinery, Morrison and Fourth. SETTE Kri. doggers, edgerman, oiler ana other sawmill hands. 222 Commercial Club bldg. WANT to taJk to a young man who can sell goods. R. M. Plummer, 260 Third sL. mornings. WANTED Five solicitors. Apply lO A. M. to 11 A. M., 126 W. Park st. Commission. FIRST-CLASS American baker. Apply 410; Morrison, cor. 11th, room 1ft. BARBER wanted for Saturday, 460 14 Jeffer 00 n. WANTED View operator, ave. Call 122 Grand WANTED Two boys with bicycles: good pay. 441 Stark st, JANITOR for light work, room and small wages AF 133. Oregonian. HAVE R. M. , fine side line for out-of-town. See Plummer. 260 Third St.. mornings. WANTED Young man over 16 to learn bar ber trade. Call or write. S32 Mississippi a v. PORTER wanted. Tuna HalJ. 4th and Yamhill. barber shop. AT once, a good frame 803 Oregonian bldg. carpenter. Apply WANTED 2d bread baker at once at Ore gon City. Phone Main 24. WANTED Man with scj-the to mow lot. Stlnson, 901-2 Lewis bldg. Main 2381. WANTED Office boy, call between 4 and tt, 519 S wetland bldg. CALLER t3V photographer. E. Burnslde. Ayres, 392H SALESMEN and dlsL mgrs. for Oregon. Nat. Casualty Co.. 501 Ry. Excb, b Id g. PHOTO coupon, beat offered, beauty contest started. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk; must be well recommended. L 142, Oregonian. WANT oon( man to learn dairy luncla S4 Washington st. business. WANTED Agents, solicitors, in and out of town: big mony. 701 Rothchild bldg. BOY to ride ncss. Appi wheel and learn hardware busl T $T1 Oak st. BARBER wanted. 205 Morrison t PORTER wanted. 146 lat. Browning's Bath. HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department. Y. M. C A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment membership I will have only $15 between me and 6tarvatlton. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M. C A- with all it resources between you and starvation. Result Young man joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for year 1912: Calls for men from employers 2265 Positions filled 1697 Our special employment membership guarantees member will secure employ ment or refund of membership free; gives two months full and 10 months' social privileges. Constant demand for CLERICAL, TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking t mployment. especially strangers, arc cordially Invited to consuit with the Secretary of the Em ployment Department. WANTED Experienced hard candy helper. Apply Modern Confectionery Co., 13th and Hoyt. HELP WANTUD FEMALE- FEMALE help wanted at the Union Laun dry Co., 2d and Columbia sts. WANTED Head waitress; must be thoroughly familiar with management of first-class dlnlngroom: none other neea apply. Address We in hard -Astoria Hotei. Astoria. Or. WANTED Capable young women to enter training school for nurses. For particulars inquire of Miss Rogers, superintendent of HoQulam General Hospital, Hoqulam, Wash. WANTED 2 girls, one for plain cooking and general housework, one for nurse girl and assistant. Call bet. 10 A M. and 1 P. M., 170 N. 22d sL WANTED: W A NT ED! WANTED! 5 GIRLS to ieara oeauty culture. Pay while learning; position guaranteed. 400 414 Dekum Bldg. Sanitary Parlors. MANY of the best families of th city art registered with the Domestic Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girls. 306 Central bldg. M. 7667. LADY solicitors to sell Velvet Finish polish for wood and metal; salary and commis sion; no delivering ; good position to right i-y. Auurcbj v tit, urcgonian. COOK for delicatessen and better-class lunch-room ; also one to can fruit and make homemade Jellies of all kind. The cooKery, 623 wash. st. WANTED Middle-aeed woman widow nr. ferred. as housekeeper for widower with cniiaren. Aauress J. N. aprlngsteei Houlton, Or. WANTED Young lady who can use type writer and assist on books: give expor ience, references, salary expected and phone. AM 133, Oregonian. WANTED Girls, 16 to 20 years of age, aa apprentices to ieam me millinery business: paid while learning. Apply Monday. Lo- .... 1 1 , ' ' WANTED Neat, capable woman house keeper, widower's family, country. St. Louis Agency, 208 Oth. Main 2CS9, A 4775. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 270 Wash., room 35, near tn. rnone Alain ssau or A WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED -Competent woman for general nouscworK. going to fceasice lor August Call 433 Holladay ave., cor. East 7th. CHAMBERMAID, country. $30. fare: wait. ress. $30. Howe's Agency, 35. 270 Wash ington. WANTED Young woman with some knowl edge of bookkeeping as office assistant; wages, yiu K-r week. F 132, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced cook. Good wages, no laundry work. Apply to Mrs. Asurreu, iawtnorne ave. WAN TED A nrst-class cook for a country resort; also one dishwasher. Phone Main EXPERIENCED fitter on ladies" garment-. state where last employed and salary ex- pec tea. jr oregonian. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework. 383 N. 32d, Willamette -Helgnts. WANTED Experienced marker and sorter steady position. Portland Laundry Co., 9th anu toucn. WANTED An experienced waitress in pri vate family. 145 North 20 th at. Phone Alain oTS, A 4771. WANTED Pastry cook, lady preferred; ask for Mrs. Smith. White Dairy Lunch, 145 - : sl. TWO experienced cloak and suit sales lad wanted. Apply S:30 A. M. 430 Washing tun sl. REFINED lady as housekeeper by man 2H. iu nours own tin-, can noia other po sition; best references. T 103, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER and private exchange op- eraLor; siai experience and. salary ex pected. Sealy-Dresser Co. WANTED An experienced waitress in prl- vu.it laraiij. xsorin irvrn st. rnone Main 2578, A 4771. 100 WOMEN for canning and assorting fruit, Oregon Packing Co., East 8th and Belmont sts. WANTED experienced waist and shirt fin- lstier at once. N. Danlelson, 407 Central bldg. YOUNG girl to help with housework, small iarnuy, one to sieep nome uignts preierrea. Call 498 E. ISth at., N. Phone East 5746. WANTED- Woman for country home, must be good cook, good wages. Call 745 Over ton st. Main 5003. YOUNG LADi" wanted to post books and acr as cashier with some experience and ref erences. Call 945 Montgomery at. WANTED Girl for smal 1 family. Tabor general 3 736. LADY barber wanted, can make good monv, Call at 49 Ml N. 3d st. EXPERIENCED North. 28 Union ave. FINISHER wanted on coat at once. 2d st. WANTED Girl to do housework. Call be tween 4 ana u, oiy b wetland bldg. EXPERIENCED waitress for family Apply Mai lory Hotel. 7 AM. hotel. WANTED For cooking and downstairs work. Marshall SS2. 5-S2 Clifton st. GIRLj Ice ( ream and confecthlonery. Washington st. EXPERIENCED dining-room girl. Call to day. Begin Sunday. 167 11th st. COOK and helper. $110. Hansen' Kmploy' ment Office, 345H Washington st. WANTED Saleswoman for cloaks and suits The Bartholomew Co.. 400 Washington st! WANTED Mangle hel"p! Palace Laundry Co.. E. tOth and Everett. WANTED Flrst-claaa Lipman. 311 Selling skirt bldg. maker. GIRL for housework, no Medical bldg. washing. Call 415 WANTED Girl for general housework. fi2. ussefna Lecu, ur. GIRL for general housework. 696 Clacka- WANTED Waist finisher. Apply 303 Jour nal bld. WANTED Girl for general housework and to assist with two children. S99 Tillamook. HELP WANTEP MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Men and women, good talker, to engage in a proposition of protit to themselves and to the company. Address 863 E. Washington, phone East 861. LATIN teacher for private instructions. AK 136, Oregonian. FISK Teachers' Ageacy secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4S35. HF.L7' WANTED MISCtl-ANEOrs. 100 MEN and women to learn the barber trad in weak in all lis modern meth ods; send for catalogue; tools free; learn a trade that you can get in business for yourself. M,"ler Barber College, 35 N. 4tn. GOVERNMENT positions, parcel post ss' tetu require additional help; salary up to $1800; "free book." Pacific States School, McKay bldg., Portland, Or. MAIL CARRIERS WANTED Average $90 month; examinations coming. Specimen Questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 28 D, Rochester, N. Y. GOVERN MENT post t tons are easy to g-t. My free booklet, Y369, tell how. Writa today NOW. EARL HOPKINS. Wash lnt;ton. L. C. WANTED At once. 2 men to learn to drive and repair autos and trucks for Spring work. Call Hawthorne Garage. 45 Hawthorne ave. SHORTHAND, any system. tynewritinir. bookkeeping, rapid short courses, positions guaranteed. o-U Worcester block. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE- Individ ual instruction- GREGG SHORTHAND. bookkeeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 425.S MEN, women to learn Daroer 1 1 ade. eight weeks; position gcaranteca. Oregon Bar ber College. 233 Madison. -tiS Couch st. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money wnlle learning. 613 Rothchild bldg. MADAM, get your FREE $10 cleaner. Phone Marshall 5S22. Keisters Ladles Tailoring College and School of Dressmaking. 143 ' 11th st. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING SCHOOL 269 14TH ST. M. 3S93. EXP. INSTRUCTN. nrrrATioNs wanted mala. Bookkeeper and Clerk. BOOKKEEPER, young man, 26 years old, graduate business school. Paased Spring Civil Service examination. Have had 7 year' experience ; references furnished, AN 134. Oregonian. . POSITION a bookkeeper, cashier or of fice manager; 5 years" experience ; but two years a office manager with wholo sale hardware house. AM 141, Oregonian. WILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITK up booas, prepare balance and statement. Install systems. GUMngham, auditor. 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. YOUNG man want position with estab lished firm, has stenography, also sales m ar.sh tp experience, best of references. A J 133. Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer and bookkeeper w isnes neaa y pes i t ion . will worn reaso n -able to start in with. Home phone A 5657. Addrea 150 11th St.. Portland, Or. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper, stenographer and on ice man wann position. rnone can 2340. Miscellaneous. SITUATION wanted by young Chicago man. age 25. who has come to the North weat to live. Have high school and one year col lege education, 3 years general office ex perience and past five years circulation manager of Chicago newspaper concern. Want permanent location with some growing business. Am used to hard work and long hours. Also in best of health ; have originality and can furnish A-l refer ence. A personal Interview will convince. No objection to leaving town. N 106. Ore gonian. SITUATION wanted by superintendent or manager of a big dairy farm, course in agricultural school and graduate of dairy school; lO years' experience In farming and dairying. Can give best of reference. Can speak German and English. Am ingle, no bad habits, know how to han dle help, can make a tuberculosis test on cattle. Address AK 133, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by implement and ma- cninery salesman, live years on roau, tnrce years manager one of largest implement concerns In country. Address Walter H. Kelly, gen. delivery, Portland. GARDENER, experienced In landscape and vegetable garaeniug, win bo at liberty after the 17th ; can milk and care for poultry. Address AS 10S. Oregonian. WANTED Strong:, reliable woman to take iuu cnarge or nome; must oe xooa plain cook ; references required. Call at 625 Everett after 4 P. M. ELECTRICAL AND STEAM ENGINEER. EXPERIENCED AND TECHNICAL EDU CATION, IS OPEN FOR A POSITION. W 143. OREGONIAN. GOOD all around man wants outside work; specialty sign-hanging-pain ting. Com petent chauffeur. References if required. L 135, Oregonian. PRINTER, all-round, country, wants posi tion; steady, reliable, no booze or tobacco; married; will go anywhere. E 134, Ore gonian. WILL give -$10 for information placing me with leading law firm, low salary or office rent. Fully trained. AO 178. Ore gonian. v WANTED Position by man and wife as camp cook and helper; both experienced cook. AH 135. Oregonian or phone B 1895. Call room 8. FIRST-CLASS chauffeur, good Japanese mechanic, wishes position with private family ; con do own repairing ; reference. D 147, Oregonian. SITUATION as undertaker; licenses Wash ington and Oregon; 18 years' experience; will go anywhere. W. A. C, 1099 Gar field ave., or phone Woodiawn 2025. YOUNG man, do bricklaying, plastering and cement finishing, want Job. AH 137, Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes to get work on farm; age 29 ; state wages. Address AH 133, Oregonian. A THOROUGHLY experienced logging road locomotive man with best of references wishes a position. AE 134, Oregonian. l'ul.'NG man. experienced timekeeper, wants position ; speaks several languages; refer ences. AG 131. Oregonian SITUATION wanted by experienced repair man and chauffeur ; good habits, efficient, AK 134, Oregonian. WANTED By young man with two years' experience, position, either in grocery store or delivering. A 135, Oregonian. WANTED Job as foreman on large ranch, have years of experience. Call or write GO prescott St., Portland. BAKER All-around, competent, exper ienced, wants position. Inquire L. A. . 135 Klllingsworth. WANTED Position by a first-class plumber; have come to Portland to stay. Telephone Mar. 1242. G. H. Gates. COLLECTOR-SALESMAN want position of trust; can qualify in every way: in Port land Tuesday next. AT 87. Oregonian. WANTED Your building, repairing. Bleep ing porcher. screens; experienced workmen. Phone Sellwood 1665. Fi RST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall 791. A 4910. Portland Waiters Club. 148 H 5th, Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald, manager. MAN and wife, no children, wont Job on farm, wife cook for men; experienced. 64 9th St.. K. WANTED Girls t Chicle Co.. 14th roll gum. and Johnson. COOK. 25. speaks English. German. French, wants situation, new. A 131. Oregonian. EXl'E RIENCED milk-wagon driver wants position. AL 131, Oregonian. CARPENTER want work, day or contract; screens made to order. Main 9134. GOOD Japanese wants cooking, porter chamber work. N 109, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by middle-aged baker. Address AS 107, Oregonian. YOUNG man with experience wants work driving or in garage. K 147. Oregonian. SITUATED WASTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and Stenographers. STE N'OCI HU'HER. 3 year experience. wants permanent position : law or profes sional preferred. Main 2451, A 2996 after 10 A. M. CAPABLE KtrL high school graduate, de sires position, office girl or telephone operator private exchange. Main 2039, A aj isw 6TENOGRAPHER, with some experience in office work, wishes position, moderate salary. Stenographer, 475 Morrison st POSITION wanted by a stenographer and bookkeeper (iiw beginner). Phone Tabor 4233. COMPETENT stenographer desires piece work; can call lor aictation. .Main jj. EXPERT stenographer Phone Marshal I o733. desires position. Ores- maker. NE A BEACK SCHAARAR. dressmaker. hnmti or by day; reasonable. 367 10th st. Main J95S. D It ESS.M AKIN Q. embroidering and mllll ncry ; experienced lady from East. Tabor DRE.SSES made to fit at home or out by the hour: work guarunteea. rnone J-,ast 47U.1, FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wants moro gagemctits by day. 2. .i" . hast b t 65. Nures. TRAINED nurso would care for invalid giving m.issaKO ana vioratory treatments; experienced with infants: object good homo with refined lady where only part time required; physicians relerence. Afcl i:;t., ( t- gonian. MATERNITY nurse want case, will do light housework. WOOGiaWTJ Wmm. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes cases, elderly. invalid, companion, atain 2U39, A 4nJ. PRACTICAL Eastern nurse; hospital expert ence ; all cases. Sellwood 502. Moune keeper. SWEDISH woman about 40 would like place as nousoKeper. ft a arena snavfr si. SITUATION ai working housekeeper. E. Market. r write .iol Domestics. COMPETENT girl wants day work. 8130. MlMcellaneous. REFINED, middle-aged Southern lady wants position as managing noueeeper or com n.i 11 ion to invalid; understands traveling references exchanged. Main 2461, A 2996 after lu A. M. RELIABLE woman will care for children afternoons, evenings, at tneir noraes, Ta bor 2904. TWO sisttrs. experienced cook and. second girl, wish position in gooa private Tamlly. Call 17-i 'irovcr bl YOUNG Japaneso woman wants position housework; can't speak English very much. AG 134. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman cook, small hotel, $4(1 ; capable girl, klVchen helper. Main 2039. COLORED lady wants chamberwork or housework, will go home nights. Phone Main t-209. COMPETENT young woman wishes second work or care for child, with family go ir. 10 the beach. L 131, Oregonian. WANTED By sensible, practical woman, post tlon as demonstrator or to travel for business Arm. AM 143. Oregonian. i W.VNT washing and cleaning by day. East 3018, room 19. WOM A N wants work Saturdays; references. Woodiawn 1611. SrTTATTONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. AN experienced hotel ladv wishes a posi tion a housekeeper in a flrst-claaa hotel or management of apartment-house; bet references. Phone C 3105. COLORED LADY war.ts day work. 315 Wil liams avenue. C 1741. WANTED AGENTS. LIVE AGENTS Are sellinc the Jaeger vacuum cleaner. Why not you ? Call 701 Rothchtld bldg. WANTED TO RENT. Hous- WAN TK l H OUSE3 TO RE NT. If you want to rent your house, list them with us. We have a number of people waiting for houses. t'MBDENSTOCK Ac LARSON CO.. 2Si Oak at. Main 7750. WANTED A 12 to 16-room house In good repair, suitable for a school; central loca tion, good neighborhood, reasonable rent. Phone Marshall 4123. W AN TED To rent 5 or 6- room modern furnished house. West Side. X 135. Ore gonian. WANTED 4-room flat, furnished or un furnished, s S 3 Roas at .. Z blocks from Broadway bridge. WANT to lease for a year, modern 6-room bungalow, with furnace, not far from school. Address H 1SS, Oregonian. Koom With Board. YOUNG man wants room or room and board In private family ; state add res. AG 1S3. Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Room. ROWLAND HOTEL 207 Va 4TH. PARSONS HOTEL 209 4 TIL MINOOK HOTEL 213 H 4TH. Are you looking for nice, clean rooms, with hot and cold water, private baths, homelike and respectable, at VERY MOD ERATE PRICES? If so you will be satis fled at any of the 3 hotels above. Give us a trial and you will be the winner, and besides sa e money and get the best. THE VIRGINIA HILL HOTEL, 14th and Jefferson. An established hotel. Rooms en suite or Ingle, rates reasonable. A 6-28. M 9283. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 652 WASHING TON ST. Elegantly located, tlreproof ; new and modern rooms, with or without bath. S2.50 week up; special rates to permanent guests; conducted above reproach. HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located: elegant rooms; modern conveniences. Broadway and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel, opposite Orpheum Theater. Main 916. THE STAN PIE LD -Special rates. $1 per day. new house, new furniture; 8 minutes by car; 15-minutes walk from Pos toff ice. South Portland car to 204 Porter st. Phone Main 7392. HOTEL SAVON 131 Eleventh street. New, modern brick building, steam-heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably furnished. Transients solicited. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th St.. at Wasuington. Rooms, per week up; under per- sonal management owner. J. W. Buahong. BRIGHT, newly furnished rooms, each with private bath, suitable for two or three people. The Winston, 341 14th street, at Market, phone Main 1739. HOTEL KLICKITAT. Corner Holladay ave. and East First ; new building; all outside rooms; $1 per day. $4 per week. TRY US, HOTEL Edward. Grand ave.. E. Belmont; rooms $12 mo. and up; (22.50 and up with bath; absolutely respectable. East 323. THE LARRABEE, 227 Larrabee. Rooms $2 week up. Brick building, steam heat, hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished rooms with all modern conveniences, 6th and Main. NEWLY furnished room, reasonable. The Dezendorf Apis.. 208 16th st. M. 4795. THE PALACE, 308 Pine St.. newly fur nlshed room. $2 and up. Furnished Rooms tn Private Family. ROSE CARNIVAL visitors can find desirable accommodations ; cool, airy rooms, large lawn, porches, splendid view parades, at moderate fates. Call A 5280. 575 Couch St.. corner ISth COMFORTABLY furnished room adjoining bath; all conveniences; suitable for one or two; walking distance, is on best car line In city; rent very- reasonable; o--a'k-fast If desired. Call East 4438. NEWLY furnished Voom In private family. East Side, with or without board: 15 min utes' walk from 3d and Washington sts. by Steel or Broadway bridges. Call Home phone C 1270. ELEGANT front room, fireplace. closet. porch, everything new and modern, pleas ant home, every convenience; reasonable. 692 Everett St. Marshal 4857. NICELY furnished rooms, modern, pleasant surroundings; very close in: 6 minutes to business district; reasonable rent. 309 11th st. NICE room in steam -heated apt., furnish rd or unfurnished. Inquire afternoons 295 12th st.; references. BEAUTIFUL, lortie front alcove room, sult- atue tor one or two, large lawn and veran das. 414 Market. NEAT furnished room, hot and cold water; aiso dandy suito to September 1, reason able. 745 Hoyt. Marshall 4753. FRONT room. $10 month; all modern con veniences: nice neignuornood. 1M N. ISth, close in. Marshall 5512. NICELY furnished outside room, all con veniences, mouern, private tamllv, rea sonable rent. 7o East 10th St.. North. LIGHT, airy, well furnished room close In reasonable, o J ullliuil corner 10th. TWO ladle, having 6-room cottage, will rent one or two lumlshed. 16S 17th at, S. LARGE front room, also large porch room. very cneap. al i.-in. FOR RENT Nice, clean, furnished rooms. 594 Thurman st. Cheap rent. FURNISHED rooms, $L75 per week and up. aw w est jt'otk. near yamniiL, NICELY furnished rooms, from $2 weekly or 50o dolly. 655 Washington. NICELY furnished rooms, week.up. 31 N- 1st st. modern, $2 per NICE, light front room. 266 12th at. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO unfurnished rooms, gas, water, sink, separate entrance: West Side, ground floor. 498 Clay L , Rooms With Board. NORTONIA HOTEL, 11th, Just off Washington St, ' American and European. Beautiful dining-room, tearoom and roof garden. Very attractive rates to families and bachelors. MODE RN ELE GANT EXCLUSIVE. American and European plan; near City Park; convenient to carline. SPECIAL RATES ROSE CARNIVAL. THE HILL. Washington, at 23d St. Residential and Tourista Hotel. Attractive rates to permanent and tran sient. I . Main 7584. FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned; shower bath, swim ming pool, club facilities . special rates at cafeteria, and 100 other feature. Full particulars at business office, cor., titb and Taylor sts. THE WILLAKD HOTEL. MORRISON AND PARK STS. European aud American, .$2 per day with meals. Rates by the month and week with or without meals very reasonable. New, modern and fireproof. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern room with excellent table board, very reaaonabie rates. 11th and Yamhill st. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 886 Montgomery st.. at Weat Park, mod ern conveniences: rooma with or without bath; excellent table service; reasonably rates for regular and transient guests. THE WHITEHALL. 253 6TH ST. A residential hotel, largo sun porch; room with or wit Itout baths; home cook ing; table board a specialty. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 24th year; room witn ooara, use 01 sewing room, li- room, 1 : -Lso n, sup. orary. oiu r lauuern, airo. t, .n . Hson s THE LAMBERtfON, 534 Couch, cor 17th outside rooms; steain heat, running water special rates for good table board. THE MAN1TOU. 261 13th sL Excellent table. large, airy Summer rates. 'X' car at Depot. THE HAZKI. arge outside rooma. sit-.mi rater: with n- , ,.. . heat, runni meals: moderate price. 31i5 3d at. CHOICE board. aiiiglc rooms. firat-claaa table 3 N. 17th; block from Washington. Room With Board in Private, Family. LARGE, airy room, reasonable, cloae in, with or without board. $53 12-th. Marshall a