Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 11, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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VIEWED BY 40,000
Departure From Usual Festi
val Entertainment Cordial
ly Received by Crowd.
Rivalry for Prizes Keen Among En
trants Many Riders Accompan
ied by Fairer Sex Cross
country Tourist In Line.
Side car class William Hodecker,
first; O. S. Rydmar., second; J. Jonea.
Single car C. M. Luck, first; H. A.
Foster, second: M. E. Kuhns. third!
Tandem class E. Condlt. Ilrst; H.
McCIure. second; L. R. Kauffman.
tandem Mrs.
Special mention William
on Bailey Flyer.
Messenger boys" class George Cot
ton first.
Best entry In parade William Ho
Viewed by more than 40,000 persons
a long line of motorcycles and push
mobiles, all decorated with flowers and
other insignia of the festival season,
passed through Bome or Portlands
streets yesterday morning.
It was pretty early for a festival
w.wwu iu u ciock Dut nearly all the
auo a good many regular in
naonants were out to see the -novel
spectacle. It was ,a departure in the
way of festival entertainment, but was
ui-uiany received.
Prizes had been hung up for ex
cellence In the several departments
i"ere was considerable rivalry for
these prizes. Many unique and artistic
fintr 5fnWere dlsP,ayed. each reflecting
.bwv.c .uu nifl genius of the
respective riders.
A squad of policemen mounted on
"--u.ueu me procession.
Then followed William Hodacker and
wire in Q- m-h(na 1,, "
vwm aiutj car at
tachment, nicely trimmed in pink roses
and ribbons. Mr. Hodacker was grand
marshal of the parade. His entrv also
.woi in me side car division
Aeroplane Kltv.-t Carried.
Kobert and William Bailey were
.-.. cfeiai mention. Their entry
eonslsted of a tandem with an aerobian,.-
attachment. They guided it skill
fully through the streets.
George Colton, a Western Union mes
senger boy, won first prize in the mes
senger class. He had gone to consider
able WOrk to fix up his machine with
nowers. He wore a new uniform and
ap and made a striking appearance.
A. W. Post had an entry that was
unique. On the back of his machine
was attached a big basket, resembling
a cash box. It was filled with various
articles freshly delivered from one of
the department stores. All were artis
tically decorated and combined, as a
rtl l prcaent a Pleasing appear-
LI. A. Fargo attracted much atten
tion. He is on his way from Atlantic
City to San Francisco on his motor
CJ cle and arrived in Portland Just in
time to take part In the parade. His
machine gave vlsibl testimony of a
long and hard trln, but seemed none
the worse for wear.
Rider Accompanied by Family.
. S. Rydmau. who won second prize
In the side car division, had his entire
family on the turnout. His wife oc
cupied the car beside him and his boy
the seat beside.
H. A. Foster s cycle was ornamented
In a manner that gave it the appear
ance of a great basket overt lowing
with flowers.
Jesse T. Jones and wife had a side
cur all decorated In pink. Jrhere were
clnk roses and pink ribbons, with white
as a contrast. Their little poodle dog
proudly rode with them.
F. K. Eddy, attired in a white suit
was one of the handsomest of the
Klngle car entries.
R. L. Erlckson had a pretty display
of Caroline Testouts. The wheels and
the frame of the machine wore cov
ered with them.
U R. Kauffman and wife rode a
tandem. They won third prize in this
H. G. McClure, and wife, who won
second prize in the tandem class, had
an entry of pink, white and red.
R. A. Gaertnc-r had a clever charac
terization of the Fraternal Order of
Cycles Rra crablra Ship.
One of the most novel attractions
In the procession was that of Eloln
Condlt, whose machine was rigged up
to look like a ship. Even the handle
bars were covered and as the entry
moved through the streets it gave all
outward appearance of a river craft
escaped from the harbor and trying to
find its way back into the water. Miss
Lettio Thomas occupied a seat on
the machine with Mr. Condlt.
E. H. Allen and Bruce Bates, wear
ing yellow Jerseys and riding machines
with yellow frames, formed conspic
uous feature.
Among the attractive single entries
were those of M. E. Kuhns. A. E Han
S t' tjlnclillr ai C. O. Merrill.
G. N. Luck, who won first prize in
the single division, had a neat crea
tion of pink ribbons and flowers
R. W. Potter, as captain of the pa
rade, assisted the grand marshal The
Judges were G. C. Mack. W. R. John
son and G. E. Miller. The prizes will
be distributed from Ballou & Wright's
Mis. Van Kuren says Husband
Kicked Her Out of Their Home.
Alimony in gross in the sum of $20.
OUu is demanded by Adelaide Van
Kuren, who yesterday commenced di
vorce proceedings in Circuit Court
iy.iinst W. G. Van Kuren. The plain
tiff states that her husband Is worth
at least $150,000. The couple have been
married since 18SS and have two chil
dren, the younger a boy of 17. Mrs.
v an Kuren wants the custody of her
minor son and (30 a month for his
support until the reaches his majority.
Cruel and inhuman treatment is the
ground of suit. Mrs. Van Kuren as
serts that her husband has an Irascible
und disagreeable temper and that he
nies into rages and upbraids her over
trivialities. Other charges are that he
has been In the habit of applying dis
graceful and abusive epithets to her.
that he has kicked her out of their
home and locked the doors, and that
he has struck her.
- Htesisi i ,'kJliKiitUftftlfl,
1, Bob and BUI Bailey, Wltn Aeroplane Rigging 2, E. Condlt and Miss Thomas.
W Inner First Prfae Tandem Clam 3, Mr. and Mrs. William Hodecker. Win
ner. First Prlxe side wheel Dtvulon. '
Feast Held on Council Crest Is En
joyed by Throng or Visitors.
Ldies' Band Is Feature.
The barbecue on Council Crest given
yesterday afternoon by the Piedmont
Assembly of United Artisans In honor
of the Oakland, Cal., Artisans, who are
attending the reunion of the order,
was attended by 1800 persons.
The feast was held in the enclosure
formed by the gravity railway, which
contains many trees. The savory
fumes of delicious coffee and barbe
cued beefsteak kept the serving table
surrounded with persons eager to be
served, and music was supplied by the
Artisans' Ladies' Band.
The affair was entirely Informal and
In many ways resembled an old-fash
ioned picnic as groups were gathered
about on the ground apparently con
tent to enjoy the leisure afforded by
the bright sunshine after they had
finished their eating.
Beside the Piedmont Assembly H. S.
Hudson, supreme master; C L. Hc-
Kenna. supreme secretary; J. W. Mills,
supreme treasurer, and the following
uirectors were present: F. S. Akin, J.
W. Morrow, Portland: Dr. H. S.
'sssssssasisssisasssisssissistiissiTississas ssaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaasaaassaasaaaasaaaaaaaaaA
Schlegel, Spokane, and F. a Jewell,
The Artisans, founded In Portland
19 years ago. now have a membership
of 6000 in the 24 lodges in this city,
and in addition there are 15,000 mem
bers in other states, mostly Western,
but having a few lodges In the East.
Railroad Commission to Sit July 9
in Oregon Hotel Case.
SALEM, Or., June 10. (Special.)
The State Railroad Commission an
nounced today that It would hear evi
dence July 9 in the Multnomah Court
house in the case of Wright & Dickin
son, proprietors of the Oregon Hotel,
against the Pacific Telephone & Tele
graph Company, and the Home Tele
phone Company.
The hotel has asked the Commission
to compel the telephone company to
grant an interchange system in the ho
tel to obviate having two telephones In
each room. The Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph Company is fighting the
McMInnville to See Festival.
M'MIXNVILLE, Or., June 10. (Spe
cial.) The local Elks lodge has secured
a special train for Wednesday to go to
Portland and take part in the Elks pa
rade in Portland Wednesday evening.
More than 200 Elks, their families and
friends, will be in the party to attend
the Rose Festival. The special will re
turn the same evening, leaving Port
land at 12 o'clock. The McMinnville
band will accompany the Elks.
Variety of Exhibits Declared
Greater Than Found at
Other Displays."
Squaws and Chiefs Dash Among
Spectators and Capture Palefaces
of Opposite Sexes as Part
ners In Tribal Dance.
Not for one mcment yesterday was
there any abatement in the throngs
that trooped toward the Armory to
see the roses In all their glory on
exhibition; roses massed In great pro
fusion; roses standing alone in their
daintiness; roses by the half dozen and
the score in competition for the va
riety exhibits.
Long before President Currey was
ready to open the doors yesterday
morning, there was a crowd of peo
ple waiting to enter, and that was but
typical of the crowds that poured in
all day. What brought forth from
all the visitors expressions of genuine
astonishment was the wonderful man
ner In which these far-famed flowers
of Oregon had held up their heads,
despite the fact that they had been
on exhibition for over 48 hours.
So pleased were the Blackfeet In
dians with their previous visit to the
show that they were present again
yesterday afternoon. Each one was in
troduced by J. L. Shoemaker, who
afterwards briefly gave history about
them all. Then they gave their famous
dances for the benefit of the throngs
that had crowded round, saving a sur
prise for the last. This was the dance
in which each of the chiefs and the
squaws suddenly dash out Into the
crowd and select a pale-face partner.
The alacrity with which the whole
thing was pulled off was startling,
and the crowd cheered to the echo.
Indian Maid Capture Policeman.
Dawn Mist, said to be the most beau
tiful Indian maiden in the world,
showed her predilection for the boys
in blue by seizing on to Patrolman
Riley, while Chief Three Bears, Chief
Long Time Sleep et al. took for their
partners Miss Portland, Miss Snokane,
Miss Pasadena or Miss Guest-from-somewhere.
Patrolman Riley wore a smile on
his face for the rest of the afternoon.
He couldn't help telling everybody all
about it. "She didn't rest content with
taking me by the hand and danclne-.
not she," ejaculated the good-looking
policeman. "She just put her arms
around me tight and led me on, but
you bet 1 was there all the time."
Large crowds had followed the
Blackfeet up to the Armory and the
huge hall was packed all the time
they were there.
Those who saw the exhibit last year,
in comparing it with the present one,
say that there is a far greater variety
of blooms and that the arrangement
of the flowers themselves this year is
on a much better plan than in pre
vious years, as It allows the great
crowds to move rcund easily and with
out blocking the view of the exhibits.
The roses will be on exhibit again
tomorrow, which will make the third
day for most of them. Considering
how many prijie have passed through
the Armory, me change from the out
door temperature to that of a build
ing with a tin roof and the fact that
they can last for two days, let alone
three, has been surprising to the ma
jority of the visitors.
EiWMt Surpsam Others.
In most of the big cities, whenever
rose shows are held, they last for
about six hours of one day, the London
show being an example of this. A
visitor who had seen the last exhibi
tion in the great English metropolis
was emphatic in hit opinion of the
beauty of the exhibits here and of the
rarity of the atmosphere and the hard
ihood of the roses themselves.
The band was busy all the time,
people thronged the upstairs seats,
enthusiasts and connoisseurs engaged In
making notes comparing this Amer
ican Beauty critically with that, some
Papa Gontler with another, or the yel
low of a William Allen Richardson
with the deeper colors of some other
equally well known variety.
At the west end of the hall four
charming maidens distributed nowers
to one and all, the whole day long.
One of them early In the morning had
gone to Portland Heigltts to secure
masses of the nowers, and others of
the girls had gone to various places
gathering In all they could, for thou
sands were needed, as at a conserva
tive estimate between 7000 and 8000
people visited the show during the day.
Today Is the last day of the exhibi
tion, for, as one of the Judges put it.
even Portland roses cannot be ex
pected to last forever,"
Many Parents Bring Children to See
Festival Parades.
HOOD RIVER, Or., June 10. (Spe
cial.) Hood River is sending large
crowds down to Portland on each train
this week to participate in the Rose
Festival. Many families with children
make this an occasion for a visit to
the neighboring metropolis, when the
youngsters may be given an oppor
tunity of witnessing the parades.
Several hundred persons irom Hood
River will be in Portland on Friday
and Saturday.
Riot Against Russian Police Is Se
quel to Accident.
ST. PETERSBURG, June 10. Fifty-
persons were drowned by the sinking of
a dilapidated ferryboat while crossing
the River Tcheptca on the Russian
Ascension day, June B, according to
delayed dispatches today from Vyatka.
A riot ensued In the populace of the
district owing to their Indignation of
the laxity of the police supervision of
the ferry.
4 LiNK 11, li;
" .
Kil9sssnsnsnsnsHsnsV ZeKM wSft 4 "RBSsBSbC 4Bwto
He SbssVs31 ynSj ssssnsBssfnsf aaasT aMjHfc" i j
Oaks, Pasadenas, Enakops
Led by Rosarians, See Beau
ty of. Multnomah Falls.
Rose Festival Visitors on River
Excursion Dance All Over Big
Steamer Hassalo and Strip
Banks of Flowers.
10 A. M. Special trolley cars
will take guests of the Royal Ro
sarians for a trip to Council
Crest, leaving from In front of
the Multnomah Hotel.
2 P. M. Visiting delegations
will view the automobile parade
from the Rosarians' grandstand
at Thirteenth and Morrison. Of
ficial guest badge will admit all
8:30 P. M. Guests not partic
ipating in the "Night In Rosarla"
parade will occupy the Rosarians'
Chairman of the day, C. C.
Chapman; assistant chairman, W.
E. Coman.
Grand marshal of auto parade,
Rosarlan C. J. Cook.
Grand marshal of " Night in
Rosarla" parade, General W. E.
Sound of festival penertated far up
the Columbia, where the Royal Rosa
rians and their guests from Pasadena,
Oakland and Spokane yesterday passed
the greater part of the day on board
the O.-W. R. & N. steamer Hassalo.
On shore or on shipboard it was all
the same to the hosts and the visitors,
and at the slightest Impulse they let
their Jollity bubble over Into songs and
cheers or manifest itself in dances or
impromptu serpentines.
The Oakland boys' band was brought
on board the boat by the Royal Oaks
and scarcely had the Hassalo left the
Ash-street dock when the musicians
plunged Into a rendition of "Row Row,
Row, Way Up the River."
Royal Oaks Have Sport.
Half a dozen of the Royal Oaks, with
their toes still tingling from the rag
time celebration at the Armory on the
previous night, formed a serpentine and
started aft through the cabin. Knights
of the Pasadena Tournament of Roses
and ftoyal Rosarians Joined them.
Women of the party crowded laughing
into the line and, swaying to the lilt
of the music, they circled throughout
the boat, up and down over every deck,
only stopping when the exhausted
bandsmen ceased to play.
All the way down the Willamette
and after the boat swung Into the
Columbia they frollicked like children
and whenever the musicians sufficient
ly regained their breath to start an
other tune, the hilarious serpentine
wwum materialize m an Instant and
circle in and out about the decks.
C. C. Chapman, stationing himself in
the bow of the ship, assumed the du
ties of "spieler" when the boat reached
the N portion of the river where the
scenic splendor of the gorge Ilrst be
gins to be apparent. As the rugged
scenery became more and more im
posing the festival party abandoned its
dancing and serpentines and lined the
rail to pay tribute to the beauty of the
river and its shores.
Multnomah Falls Seen.
A landing was made at Multnomah
Falls and the guests went ashore to
view the falls near at hand. All along
the river banks at this place wild flow,
ers were abundant. White spirea, tiger
lilies, Indian pinks, maidenhair ferns
and scores of other specimens out
matched In their varied colors the
streamers and ribbons of the festival
With exclamations of delight the
guests plunged in a body toward the
bank of wild flowers and each merged
with both hands full of blossoms. The
wild flower hedge for several hundred
feet from the landing place was
stripped of tiger lilies within less than
a minute and everybody was marching
triumphantly down to view the falls
with a great burden of the brilliant
The visitors were unstinting in their
expressions of delight over the enter
tainment, the trip and the scenery of
the Columbia, which many of them
were seeing for the first time.
"I have been in Europe many times,"
said one man from Pasadena "and
there is nothing in the Alps that can
compare In grandeur with this. This
trip has certainly been a revelation to
After the boat started on the Teturn
trip from Multnomah Falls the guests
were assembled In the dining-room,
which had been fitted into an im
promptu theater, and were entertained
at a "matinee," performers for which
were sent by the People's Amusement
Company. Frank McCrillls presided
over this feature and In an intermis
sion captured a share of the applause
for himself with a striking rendition
of "Casey at the Bat."
The serpentine Impulse seized the
voyagers once more when the band re
sumed Its playing after the entrance
into the mouth of the Willamette. Al
most all the way up through the harbor
the men of the party danced breath
lessly about the decks or, gathering in
the cabins, vied with one another in
singing the songs of their organiza
tions. Miss Margaret Motie, the "Miss Bpo-
Bottled Only at the Spring, Neuenahr, Germany,
and Only with its Own Natural Gas.
The Spring
from which the
Whole World Drinks.
kane" who rules over the Enakops:
Fred Reed, the Monarch of tho Oaks,
and "Bill" Hanley, who was captured
at the last moment and "shanghaied"
on board the Hassalo, were guests of
honor among the visitors. Mr. Hanley
was dragged aft at one time during tho
trip to give an address and rose to tho
occasion with a stirring oration on co
operation and good-fellowship between
the people of the Paciflu Coast.
Autos Convey Royalties.
After the arrival of the Hassalo in
Portland the royalties of the party
were taken to their hotels in autos,
while the Royal Oaks drill team
marched through the streets with its
band to the Oregon Hotel.
F. T. HyskclJ was chairman of tho
day and, assisted by Dean Vincent,
kept the fun going throughout tho ex
cursion. Refreshments, donated for the trip
by various firms of the city, were
served during the afternoon.
Visiting Oaks and Knights of Pasa
dent who did not take the trip on the
xia&aaio were entertained with trips
about tho city and many attended the
Artisans' barbecue at Council Crest In
the afternoon. Several of tho visitors
from other cities were also guests at
the luncheon of the Rotary Club at the
Commercial Club at noon.
The entertainment today will be in
charge of the following committee: C.
C. Chapman, chairman; W. K. Coman.
vice-chairman; A. L,. Finley, C. C Craig
H. I. Keats. C. H. McGirr, R. P. Meyer!
H. C. McAllister, R. H. Crozler A A
Schell, F. E. Watklns, M. G. WInstock,
Roy Flke, G. M. Hyland, Sol Baum E
T. Carswell and Dr. C. W. Cornelius.
Party From North Reaches Portland
by Steamer Front Ka lama.
One Seattle contingent occupying 13
autos arrived yesterday to visit tho
Rose Festival and owing to the fact
the road between Kalama and Rldge
fleld Is covered by water because of
the freshet, the party was compelled,
to span the submerged area on tho
steamer Joseph Kellogg, which brought
them here. It is said the road is vir
tually impassable between Carroll's
Point and Kelso. If sufficient cars
are listed the owners of the Kellogg
will make a special trip Saturday af
ternoon to carry the machines of those,
wishing to return north that evening.
E. Whitehead, general sales agent of
the Associated Oil Company, which op
erates a line of tankers here, arrived
yesterday from San Francisco with a
party of friends to remain during the
week. Mr. Whitehead has been a vis
itor to every June Festival since the
inceotion of the avstpm n.H k
valuable single-handed advertiser at
oaii rrancisco io.- tne annual rose
The new German war tax assesses the
Krupp estate Sl.tfOO.OOO. And yet some
people affect to think that there is no
such thing as poetic Justice. Cleveland
Plain Dealer.