THE MORXIXG OREGONTAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1913. Ready-to-Wear Clearance Sale Closing Out Immediately and Without Reserve New Summer Suits, Dresses, 'Waists and Coats at Clearance Prices Obtained in July Only VISITORS are cordiall) invited to inspect this new establish ment, which is the show store of the Pacific Coast. Our art and picture galleries on the sixth floor are an exhibi tion in themselves, and Tvill be of keenest interest to all lovers of things beautiful. VISIT The Architectural Exhibit on the eighth floor, where original drawings by the most eminent Architects in America are now on view. Meet Yoar Friends on the Mezzanine Floor. which is a most convenient and pleasant rendezvous. Make it a point to visit the Book Store the Jewelry Store, the Shoe Store and the Oriental Rug Gallery. In order to accomplish the clearance of this immense stock of new late Spring and Summer apparel in the shortest time possible, we have marked it at clearance prices we are accustomed to give ONLY at our great MIDSUMMER SALES. We take this week for this occasion in order that the visitors to our Rose Festival may share in the extraordinary economies offered in this great event. The notable feature of the sale is the fact that this is our first season in the new store, with every garment absolutely new and fresh, reflecting the lastest authentic Summer styles. Smartest New Coats For Women and Little Women Selling Regularly to $27.50 Clearance $18.50 saU of plain serges, bedford cords and fancy cheviots, and black and white checked materials. In navy blue, brown, gray, Copenhagen and tan. Made from 42 to 45 inches long, in a variety of fancy cutaway and loose styles. Trimmed with braid, velvet or satin and are lined throughout with satin. A Collection of Novelty Coats Selling Regularly to $35.00 Clearance $23.50 These coats are quite as effective as Paris models that cost $50 to $75. In fact, these coats were made to our order and directly copied from imported model; by custom tailors and embody all the excellent features of a made-to-order garment. Of the finest imported materials in white, navy blue, black, gray and checked fabrics In lengths from 42 to 45 inches, showing the fashionable side-buttoned cutaway style. They have deep shawl revers of satin or velvet and are lined throughout with the finest peau de cygne silk. Walking Skirts, Clearance $2.95 Selling Regularly at $4.00 These tailored skirts ere made of fine wide wale Bedford cord in it creamy white only. Made with the new panel in the front and back with small side plaits and a small slash at one side. Trimming of fancy pearl buttons. Clearance of Petticoats at $2.50 Regular $3.75 Models Petticoats of a good quality all-silk messaline. In black, navy blue, brown, royal, emerald, Copenhagen, American beauty, Nell rose, gray, wistaria and tan. Made with a deep flounce knife plaited in cluster effect and finished at the bottom with a small ruffle. Combination One-Piece Coat Dresses of Crepe Selling Regularly at $15.00 Clearance $10.00 The coat or waist part of these crepe dresses comes in light blue, Copenhagen, lavender, and pink; short sleeves, turnback cuffs, fancy sailor collars piped in white and trimmed with white pearl buttons. The skirts are of the pure white crepe with plaits front and back. These dresses are particularly suitable for street wear, having the appearance of a jacket, yet are very cool and comfortable. Third Floor. About 200 Handsome, Exclusive Sample Model Waists Selling as High as $6.50 Clearance $2.98 The importance of this waist offering may be judged from the fact that these blouses are the best of a large manufacturer's samples, and samples as you know embody all that is finest in both quality of ma terials and workmanship. As to style, they are distinctive and as to materials they include such fabrics as chiffons, crepe de chine, tub silks, messaline silk, striped peau de cygne silks, voiles, lingerie and China silk. There is the ever popular tailored tub silk shirt with Byron collar and turnback cuffs, small side pocket. Waists in pure white trimmed with a dash of color waists with yokes and collars of fine laces with ruffles and shadow laces trimmings of buttons and pipings and waists with hemstitched ruffles, collars and cuffs of self materials. In white, blues, lavenders, pinks, tans, cream and gray. Women's $5.00 Tub Silk Shirts Clearance $2.48 Silk shirts for women of fine quality washable silk in the newest and most popular models. One style is made with crushed detachable collar in the new Gibson style; another has the soft rolling Robespierre collar with soft turned back cuffs. In an assortment of colors such as blue,- black, gray and heliotrope in both wide and narrow striped patterns. 5 3.75 Novelty Blouse Waists In More Than Two Score Styles Clearance $2.45 So many styles, you certainly can get the very blouse or blouses that you desire. Novelty styles of the finest quality white voile in low neck effect with deep sailor collar and fancy elbow sleeves. The front, collar and sleeves are made with wide bands of shadow lace insertion, plaits and clusters of fine pin tucking, finished at the neck with a small colored bow. xb,rd Rose Festival Visitors Are invited to make use of our writing and Rest Rooms on the Second Floor Accommodation De partment and Po8tofnce on First Floor c Merchandise of cJ Merit .OnT These New Suits at $17.85 Are Practically Sold at Cost FOR THEY SELL REGULARLY AT $27.50 TO $32.50 A revelation of tailored fitness. Dozens of suit problems will be solved at the sight of them. Never such style and such diversity of models at this price. Suits of serge and whipcords in the popular navy, black, brown and gray, as well as fancy mixed materials. There are plain tailored styles for the woman who prefers a mannish effect in her costume and fancy trimmed styles, some with a touch here and there of braid. silk or buttons that gives them an individual air and others more ornate in their construction, which gives you a suit suitable for evening and afternoon wear. Every jacket is lined with silk and the skirts are made in newest plain gored styles. Remarkable New Suits at $13.95 A Price Ordinarily Impossible FOR IT'S A CLEAN-UP OF SUITS SELLING TO $25.00 Strictly man-tailored suits for women of fine all-wool English serges, cheviots, whipcords and fancy mixed materials in a great variety of plain and fancy trimmed models. The jackets are in the newest cutaway effects as well as in the always popular straight front and semi-fitting styles. Every jacket lined with silk and perfectly finished. The skirts are cut in the newest gored shapes, representing the latest fashions. Custom Tailored Suits, Clearance $22.50 Copies From Imported Models REGULAR PRICES FROM $32.50 TO $37.50 The suits in this offering have taken their style inspiration from the most ex clusive foreign models and represent the very latest fashions in plain tailored and fancy trimmed styles. On many will be noticed the cutaway front and others with the straight front. Every jacket is silk lined and the skirts are draped or plain gored. Made of a fine imported mannish serge, worsted and fancy materials. In black, navy blue, brown, gray and two-toned effects. Linen Tailored Suits, Clearance $12.50 MADE FROM THE FINEST IMPORTED LINENS Selling Regularly to $18.50 These suits are fashioned from -the finest imported ramie linen and can be had in white, natural linen shade, navy, Copenhagen and rose. The jackets are fashioned in the new four-button cutaway style, semi-fitting, hav ing five rows of fine tucking in the back. The collar and cuffs are of white pique trimmed with fancy white pearl buttons. The skirts are plain gored. Third Floor. IRISH BILL PASSES Commons Scene of Fiery De nunciation by Opposition. LORDS SURE TO REJECT 4 i XatlonaU sis Dtmnheartrd in J'V-ar Prwent Government Will Not F-nst for Third Neceesarr Passage of Measure. LONDON, June 10. The House of Commons passed tonight the second reading of the home rule for Ireland Wll without division an amendment by Mr. Balfour for the rejection of the measure having been defeatod previous ly by a vote of 868 to 270. The an nouncement of the figures was received with cheering by Liberal and Nation alists. The debate was marked by fiery dec larations by the opposition speakers who predicted home rule -would result in civil war In Ireland. sir Edwards Carson. the Irish TTnlonlst leader, said: "For my part. I will continue to support the Ulster men and will take full responsibility for their resistance. Tou may seise their homes, or send troops, but you will not settle the Irish question." Beresford Offers Services. Lord Charles Beresford declared: "If the Government sends troops to Ireland. I shall offer my services, poor as they may be. and help my fellow countrymen." John Redmond, the Irish Nationalist leader, said Sir Edward Carson had taken on himself a grave responsibility and did not represent Ulster's opinion. The Nationalists were willing to make any concessions. "But." added Mr. Redmond, "twenty four counties will not allow themselves to be intimidated by four." Andrew Bonar Law, opposition leader, said that If there were a bar g:iin between the government and the Nationalists the House oucrtxt to know. Mr. Redmond denied the existence of a bargain and Premier Asqulth sup ported the denial. Lords Sure to Itejeet. The bill now enters the suggestive stiiKe before its inevitable rejection by the lords. Bird Kdward Carson, after the pas sage of the bill, said the Irish Unionist members would refuse to take part in any further discussion, because it was merely an elaborately staged farce In whk-h their suggestions would certain ly be rejected. Those members, in a body, will tour the principal cities in England and Scotland, holding meet ings to protest against the bill. The Nationalists are downhearted at the possibility that the government will not last for the third passage of the bill necessary to make It a law. 0LE0 LAW NOT VIOLATED TVdrral Grand Jury Finds XV Evi dence of Collusion. CHICAGO. Juno 10. The Federal grand jury, which has been investi gating alleged collusion between oleo margarine manufacturers and United states revenue officials, reported to Judge Land Is today that It had found no evidence to show that any false representations wre made to R. F. Cadell, revenue commissioner. The jury in its report declared that 1 f there had been any violation of the law in the carrying out of the Mac Veagh compromise settlement whereby the manufacturers settled revenue tax claims amounting to more than $1,000. 000 by the payment of $102,000, legal action necessarily would have to bo taken in the TMstrict of Columbia. JERE KNODE COOKE WEDS I'nlrocked CI ergyman an d oretta Wnalley Married by Justice. STAMFORD, Conn., June 10. Jere Knode Cooke and Floretta Whalley were married by a Justice of the Peace in the parlors of a local hotel here to day. The unfrocked Episcopal clergyman and his bride eanie here last night, af ter a trip to Hartford, and went to WU lamantlc to get from the Judge of the Superior Court a certified copy of the decree of divorce in favor of Mrs. Ma rinda Clarke Cooke, who was the wife of Cooke, a necessary preliminary to the application for & marriage license in this state. THROWING OF BOMB FATAL Man Who Hurls Missile at Lisbon Himself Hurt by Splinter. LISBOX. Portugal. June 10. One per son was killed and several others wounded by a bomb thrown today at a procession in honor of Portugal's great epic and lyrto poet, Luis de Catnoona. The bombthrower was wounded by a splinter from his own missile. When taken to the hospital he declared that he wished to commit suicide. CARD OF THANKS, We wish to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to the many friends and acquaintances who extend ed their sympathy and donated the beautiful floral offerings at the funeral of our beloved wife and mother, Mrs. W. Jacobson: also to the employes of Hotel Multnomah. and the international Union of Steam Engineers WILLIAM JACOBSON. ALFHILD JACOBSON. WOMAN DEAD IN RIOT I. W. W. Pickets Attack Ips wich Mill Workers. men lost their lives today when a passenger train on the Wabash road struck an automobile in which they were riding, eight miles east of here. The dead are R. J- Carroll. EJ. C. Ever son and J. H. Cauer, merchants of Chi cago, and George Bartell, of Spring field, who was driving the car. MAN KILLED BOARDING CAR Roth IS Cnt Off in Kail From Mount Scott Train. sham to withdraw the nomination of Kdward W. Exam, recently appointed, but not yet confirmed, as United States Marshal for Cordova district, Alaska. Wlckersham filed with the President various papers setting forth charge that Exam has been proprietor of a house of ill repute in Alaska and that while engaged. In that business gave a promissory note which he refused to take up on maturity, asserting the loan had. been made to conduct his illegal business. He maintained, accord ing to charges, that this was not a legal debt, and. that ho could not be compelled to pay. If the President does not withdraw Exam's nomination, Wlckersham has been assured by Senator Chamberlain that he will ask the Senate to reject It on the grounds stated. SALEM SENDS POLICE AID Seven Others Wounded by Bullets and Many More Hurt by Plying Bottles and Bricks I. W. W. Officials Arrested. TPSWICH, Mass., June 10. One woman was shot and killed, seven other persons were wounded by bul lets, and many others. Including sev eral policemen, were hurt by flying missiles in a strike riot outside the Ipswich hosiery mills tonight. Seven persons. Including leaders of the In dustrial Workers of the World, were arrested. The dead woman was a spectator of the fight Five of the wounded were hurried to the Salem Hospital in an automobile. An appeal for help was sent to Salem, and 18 officers were rushed here In automobiles. The ac tual fighting did not last more than five minutes. The trouble started when pickets of the Industrial Workers of the World, who have conducted a strike against the hosiery mills for seven weeks to gain an increase In wages, interfered with the 500 English - speaking em ployes as they left the mills tonight. The 30 policemen on duty tried to pro tect the employes, but could not re store order. Bricks and bottles began to fly as the police charged the mob. Accord ing to spectators, shots were fired from two tenement-houses overlooking the scene occupied by mlllhands. Of ficers in the street began firing and the mob broke and fled. Several victims of bullets were stretched, on the pavements. Blood was trickling down the faces of many of the officers, where broken bottles and bricks had hit them. Physicians said the dead woman had been shot through the top of the head She was leaving her work in another mill, when, attracted by the crowd in front of the Ipswich mill, she walked down the street to see what was the matter. She was caught In the rush of the crowd, and before she could get away was shot down. Among the 15 persons arrested are Nathan Hermann, an organizer for the Industrial Workers, and E. L. Plngree. secretary of the Industrial Workers In Lowell, and his wife. Arno P. Abell, a grocery salesman, SO years old, tried to board a no-stop Mount Scott train at East Twenty second street and Hawthorne avenue about 6 o'clock last night and was thrown beneath the wheels and almost instantly killed. Abell, who lived at 406 Harrison street, apartment D, tried to catch the front car of the train when it was moving at a speed of at least 15 miles an hour. Inbound, said Motorman Ack enbeck. He was thrown between the first and second cars and was caught by the wheels of the rear car, being dragged about 100 feet and having both limbs severed. People to the number of nearly 100. who quickly gathered, halted the dead wagon of Dunning & McEntee, on an other call, and the body was taken to their parlors to await action of the Coroner. WICKERSHAM'S PROTEST IN Wilson's Appointee Declared to Have Kept Hoaee of 111 Repute. OREGONUX NEWS BUREAU, Wash- Ington. June 10. President Wilson has been requested, by Delegate WlcRer- Today's Beauty Recipes By Mme. IVMIlle. Fonr Killed in Auto "Wreck. KPRLNGFIELD, HI., June 10. four ""Women may want the vote, but the desire for masculine prerogatives does not extend to the wearing of whiskers. Superfluous hair on face or forearms always will be abhorred by women. To remove wild hairs, make a paste with powdered delatone and water, cover the hairs with this paste for two minutes, wash the skin and the hairs will be gone. 'The use of powder tends to clog and enlarge the pores of the skin, causing blackheads, ft is much better to use a lotion instead of powder. Dissolve an original package of mayatone in a half pint of witch hazel and apply in the morning. It will hold all day and will not look 'mussy if you perspire. Mayatone prevents sunburn, tan and freckles. "You can restore life and strength to faded and falling hair by correct sham, poolng. Dandruff causes moat hair troiiDies. ana Jiumer rnampoo aireci ly attacks the dandruff parasite. Get a package of Mother's Shampoo (only ! 25c at your druggist's), use It Just once, and your hair will be bright, clean, j wavy, beautifully lustrous and eay to arrange, aqv. $83.50 DETROIT and Return ACCOUNT First Annual Home -Going Michigan Societies VIA TOO TO MISS SPECIAL TRAIN THE FINEST ON WHEELS "Will leave Portland Union Depot 3 P. M., June 27, 1913 Going O.-W. E. & N., OREGON SHORT LTNE, DENVER & RIO GRANDE, UNION PACIFIC Returning as you please any time prior to October 31 Let us tell you all about it. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 3D Aim WASHINGTON. PHONES: MARSHALL 4500, A 6121