Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 11, 1913, Image 10

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Entered at Portland. Oregon, Fostoffice aa
secona-ci&aa matter.
Subscription Rates Invariably in Advance :
Daily, Sunday Included, one year 8.00
Dally, Sunday Included, six months.... 4.25
Daily, Sunday Included, three months. . 2.25
rally. Sunday Included, one month..... .76
Daily, without Sunday, one year 6.00
uauy, witnout Sunday, six raontns s.zt
Daily, without Sunday, three months. . . 1.76
Dally, without Snnriav. one month 60
Weekly, one year 1-50
Sunday, one year 2.50
sunaay ana Weekly, one year J.t
Dally, Sunday Included, one year 5.00
Dally, Sunday Included, one month 76
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full. Including; county and state.
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Kaatern Buslne" Off Ices Verree & Conk
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cago, Steser building.
Sam Francisco Office R. J. Bldwell Co.,
741 Market street.
European Office) Xo. 3 Regent street S.
W., London.
Heavy liquidation has caused a
great decline in the value of securities
In the chief money markets of the
world. Simultaneously has come a
great increase In the offerings of new
Mcuritles for sale. A-s a natural con
sequence the new securities have very
generally failed to sell and interest
rates have advanced. This condition
exists In London, Paris and Berlin as
well as in New York. Some of the
i auses are world-wide, others are pe
culiar to particular countries, but .11
contribute to the general result.
The result has been a feeling of un
easiness which has moved a great
financial authority in Iondon to say
that the American investor has lost
his nerve. Existence of like condi
tions in other countries justifies the
same remark about the British,
French and German investor. All are
in the same mental state. The pri
mary causo was the Balkan war. Fear
that the great powers would be drawn
into It instigated hoarding of money
in Europe and was the beginning of
stringency. That cause has practical
ly been removed by the signing of
peace preliminaries and there is good
ground to hope that mediation will
prevent the allies from fighting over
division of the spoils. But the great
sums borrowed by the Balkan states
and Turkey have been burned, and
more must be borrowed to rehabili
tate their wasted countries.
Fear that they might become In
volved in the war drove European
nations to borrow money for increased
armament and caused European
bankers to hold the money they had
and to turn securities into cash. Then
came China, a new customer in the
money market, with a loan which was
placed only because interest was high
and political influence backed it. Yet
these bonds sold below par. Capital
vhs demanded for new enterprises in
this country, France and Germany,
but the Balkan war had largely ab
sorbed the supply. A large volume of
these securities has been thrown on
the London market, so that the vol
ume of new issues put out there in
the first five months of 1913 exceeds
that for the same period of 1912 by
280,000,000 and Of 1911 by 200,
000.000. The investor was offered
more when he was disposed to take
less. He became nervous in London,
Paris, Berlin and New York at the
same time, sold securities rather than
buy more, and sent prices down within
18 points of the low level of 1907.
While this country was feeling the
effect of the European stringency, the
demand for money for new public en
terprises did not abate, but rather in
creased. New York state and city
came into the market with bonds, but,
though their credit la good, the city's
bonds have fallen below par and the
state has had to resort to an issue of
short-time notes instead of bonds. Our
great cities have been vastly increas
ing their debts and continue to offer
new issues. We are trying to borrow
more money than there is to lend, and
the more eager the borrower grows,
the less willing is the capitalist to
Railroads tlnd that higher wages
and higher cost of materials have
swollen operating expenses faster than
gross earnings have increased, and the
Government hesitates to allow ad
vances in rates. Thus demand for im
provements continues, but money to
pay for them is only forthcoming on
short time at high rates. Industrial
corporations are as little able to float
new issues In this country as are their
neighbors In Europe. The shadow of
Sherman law prosecutions hangs over
them and the new man in the Depart,
inent of Justice threatens to go far
ther than his predecessor in breaking
up combinations. Industry also waits
tor passage of the Underwood tariff,
and its suspense is aggravated by un
wise failure of the Democratic leaders
to iix a date for that law to become
effective so far ahead that manufac
turers can plan with certain knowl
edge of what is to come. The conse
quence is production for immediate
demand and hand-to-mouth buying,
with depressing effect on the price of
such staples as steel and copper.
These are no signs of organic dis
ease in business. They are signs that
we are going through a period of re
adjustment. The inherent Justice of
the railroads' plea for higher rates
must soon be recognized and they will
then be able to secure capital for
those improvements which will
quicken business with better transpor
tation and with liberal purchases of
material. The'law is irradually separ.
ating the sheep from the goats of the
business community, and we are dis
covering that the goats are not as nu
merous as we have been led to believe
A few months will decide on what
tariff policy our industries must be
based and the imperative demands of
100.000,000 people will force the
wheels of Industry tq turn under the
new conditions. Best of all, we are
promised a bountiful crop of wheat
and other farm products, which as
sures prosperity In the great basic in
dustry of agriculture. Whatever dis
location of the financial machine of
the world has resulted from the Bal
kan war will be relieved, for the
great powers will surely squelch the
sputtering? of war between Servia
and Greece on the one hand and Bul
Caria on the other.
Business la not sick: it Is organic
ally healthy. It is merely throwing off
some toxins which have Infected its
blood, but which it Is abundantly
able to eject, and Is recuperating for
a new era of activity, the greater In
proportion to the thoroughness with
which reinvigoratlng treatment has
been given.
District Attorney Whitman has
Lgreed to accept the nomination of
the Citizens' Democracy, an independ
ent Democratic organization, for
Mayor of New York and he seems as
sured of the Progressive nomination
In case the Fusionists do not decide
upon him. Republican leaders are
working to land the Fusion nomina
tion for him. Mr. Whitman has made
a better record as a law-enforcer than
Mr. Jerome made; he has stirred the
people more deeply with his convic
tions of police murderers and grafters
than they have been stirred In many
years. If all the anti-Tammany forces
gather behind him and if Governor
Sulzer aids him, he will give the tiger
such a fight as it will not soon forget.
Mayor-elect Albee has wisely de
cided to take for himself in the new
commission government the depart
ment of public safety, and has made
appropriate assignments to the four
Commissioners. Thus the Mayor will
have direct supervision of the police
and firemen and of the health depart
ment as well.
The policy of the administration in
its exercise of the police power will
make or break it, just as it has made
or broken every administration for a
decade or more. There will be no
question under Mayor Albee where to
locate the responsibility for success or
failure. He definitely assumes it at
the outset.
The declaration of the Albee poli
cies will be awaited with poignant
anxiety in some quarters and with
something more than passing concern
by the public at large. The Mayor
elect has said that he does not favor
a restricted district, but he advocates
a home and vocational training for
fallen women. As to the saloons, he
has said only that they must obey the
law, and undoubtedly he means what
he says. Specifically asked at a pub
lic meeting "if the city had a right
to enter into a partnership with an Il
legal business," the Mayor-elect re
plied: The Federal Government, the state and
the city have said that the liquor business
has legal rights, and I. as Mayor, having
sworn to uphold the Constitution, could not
do more than to see that the saloons obeyed
the law; that I would do.
That the saloons should do; and the
people will approve any discriminating
and determined course of the Mayor's
that achieves that desirable result.
We rather think, too, that the so
called grills which foster the presence
of girls and young women and permit
them to be plied with liquor by un
scrupulous men, young and old, are to
have attention. The Infamies perpe
trated there are infinitely more harm
ful and demoralizing than the beer
saloons at Second and Burnslde, or In
the so-called South End.
cost or city government.
The Oregonian prints herewith for
the general benefit the figures of the
assessed property valuations of Port
land for the past ten years:
10O4 $ 46,084. 510
1906 60.897. USO
lSOtJ 131,197,550
1007 166,549.335
1908 213,579.945
1909 215,836,410
lUO 231.161,600
1911 274.SU4.720
1912 296.198.230
1913 308.975.22U
The increase In property valuations
in this brief period was eightfold,
while the population had just about
doubled. In other words, if the As
sessor tells the truth, the average
Portland citizen is worth about four
times as much in 1913 as In 1904. The
Assessor has made everybody rich in
figures. Everybody being rich, It la
well to see how the city spent more
and more money in the succeeding
years of the decade. The amounts
raised by taxes, with the rax rates,
were as follows:
Rate. Amount.
1904 8.30 413.664.63
1905 9.625 467.44S.66
190 5.2 661.946.11
1907 6.7 915,463.21
1908 4.6 920,385.35
1909 6.6 1.369.516.06
1910 4.8 1,0S7.791.30
1911 6.0 1.586.0S5.69
1912 6.80 1.919.199.33
1913 7.70 2,283.941.82
Thus we see that, while the tax
rate has not materially decreased, the
amount raised for municipal taxes is
five times greater than in 1904.
Whether everybody has more prop
triy may be questioned, though of
course many have more; but that all
are paying more taxes is clear. It is
the tendency everywhere. Living
costs more and more, and government
costs more and more.
Possibly the new municipal com
mission will find a way to stop the
leaks, and make government simple,
efficient and economical. But it is a
big job.
The complete control of the Gov
ernment over the water of navigable
streams has been upheld by a unani
mous decision of the United States
Supreme Court. In a suit by the Gov
ernment for the condemnation of '.and
owned by the Chandler-Dunbar Wa-ter-Power
Company on St. Mary's
River, near Saw't Ste. Marie, Mich.,
the lower court awarded the company
8550,000 compensation for undevel
oped water-power. Both the company
and the Government appealed, and
the question whether the riparian
owner has any property light in the
water-power was thus raised for final
decision. In the decision Justice Lur
ton said:
Ownership of a private stream wholly
upon the lands of an individual la conceiv
able, but that the running water In a great
navigable stream Is capable of private own
ership Is Inconceivable.
This decision disposed of the con
tention made by Senators Borah,
Jones, Nelson and others when the
Connecticut River dam bill was under
discussion, that ownership of water
power rests in the riparian owner,
subject only to the limitation that
navigability of streams must not be
impaired. It leaves Congress free to
authorize construction of dams such
as that on the Mississippi River at
Keokuk, la., and to impose royalty
on the power developed, as was pro
posed in the Connecticut River case.
The Government can either construct
power plants itself or can grant fran
chises to corporations for that pur
pose. There appears to be nothing in
the decision to prevent the Govern
ment from co-operating with the
states or from granting franchises to
the states. The decision would not,
therefore, stand in the way of ex
ecution of the Celilo power project on
the Columbia River by Oregon and
Washington jointly, except that it
would necessitate arrangements with
the Government before the work
could be undertaken.
The Government's power to im
prove navigable streams in such man
ner as to earn interest on the invest
ment is now established. The Upper
Columbia from Celilo to the bound
ary can be made continuously navi
gable, and at the same time can be
made to develop- immense power by
construction of dams such as have
been built on Eastern rivers, but with
the addition of power plants. The
power could be transmitted to every
town, indeed every farm. In the In
land Empire, and would immeasura
bly stimulate Industry, while opening
of the whole river to navigation would
afford cheap water transportation.
By implication the decision con
firms state ownership of the water of
non-navigable streams. They have
the same authority on these streams
as the Government has on navigable
waters. The authority assumed by
the Forest Service under the Pinchot
regime to grant concessions for de
velopment of water-power in Na
tional forests rests solely on the Gov
ernment's right as riparian owner.
Unless state law recognizes this right,
it does not exist, any more than the
power company's riparian rights had
any existence in the St. Mary's River
case. The Government's hold on the
water-power of non-navigable streams
rests solely on its ownership of abut
ting land and on the impossibility of
developing power without using this
The decision thus cuts both ways.
While adverse to state rights on navi
gable streams, it confirms those rights
as to other flowing waters.
Mr. O. M. Plummer is an ideal can
didate for the office of School Direc
tor. His experience, sympathies and
habits of thought qualify him to serve
the public admirably in that position.
Those who have followed his career
know that he has a National reputa
tion as a well wisher of the young. He
has spent his time and energy gener
ously for their benefit without looking
for any other return than the approval
Of his own conscience. Mr. Plummer's
name is inseparably connected with
the "better babies" movement, which
is already Nation-wide in Its benefi
cent influences.
It is to Mr. Plummer's credit that
he has educated his own children in
the public schools. For this reason
he regards the system from the stand
point of an intimate and helpful
friend. He has studied the schools
from the inside and understands just
how they might be improved by more
co-operation among the directors, the
teachers and the parents. Mr. Plum
mer has a well-digested plan to pro
tnote this most desirable end, and he
has pledged himself to work It out if
he is elected. The school and the
home will be more closely united than
they have ever been in Portland,
should Mr. Plummer be chosen as one
of the directors.
His spirit would transform the en
tire school system and make it a much
more efficient instrument for educat
ing the young by modern methods and
with modern alms. He is a thorough
ly progressive man in the educational
field and perfectly understands the
aims of those who are working to
make the public schools serve the
highest interests of the city. A man
of keen intelligence, wide experience
and deep devotion to human welfare,
Mr. Plummer would bring into the
public schools those ideals and aims
which already have won him a Na
tional reputation as a friend of chil
dren. When a man of Mr. Plummer's
qualifications offers himself as a can
didate for School Director, the best
thing the voters can do is to elect him.
So far the Episcopal Church has
been rather more active than the
other Protestant denominations in
making good health a condition prec
edent to matrimony. Dean Sumner,
of Chicago, began to demand certifi
cates of physical soundness as well
as marriage licenses from all candi
dates more than a year ago. A little
later the Episcopal Diocese of Penn
sylvania followed his excellent exam
ple by requesting the clergy to "Insist
on a physician's certificate that per
sons wishing to be married were free
from incurable and communicable
diseases." The purpose was "to safe
guard the integrity of the race and
the home," as the Pennsylvania
church authorities stated lt The
Protestant Episcopal clergy of New
York State are considering a similar
plan, as we learn from the Literary
Digest. They have gone so far as to
urge the state to pass legislation on
the subject such as we have in Ore
gon. The Times comments on their
project with approval. "It is well,"
says that paper, "that clergymen
should accept and heed eugenic truths
and it will be better still when the
state acts 'upon them." Best of all, it
thinks, would be "such a wide
spreading of information and intelli
gence that no compulsion of any kind
would be necessary." But the Times
grimly admits that we shall probably
have to wait for the millennium be
fore this happens.
That education and the diffusion
of intelligence upon the consequences
of disease in the marriage relation
are sadly needed is proved by many
facts. It seems to be a common im
pression that the union of two per
sons who are almost certain to bring
defective offspring into the world has
something sacred about It. Their
wedding is supposed to have been ar
ranged in heaven and any interfer
ence with it is Indiscreet if not sin
ful. The will of the Almighty, we
are told, is that every human being
should "increase and multiply," and
what right have we miserable sinners
to thwart this intent? The opinion
that every person has the right to
marry and bring children Into the
world, no matter at what cost of suf
fering, is exquisitely set forth by the
Rev. Henry Woods, who writes in
"America," a religious weekly, upon
this subject. Mr. Woods takes the
Episcopal clergy to task for their
wish to require health certificates be
fore marriage. "They are trying to
establish a matrimonial impediment,"
he declares with true theological in
genuity. The fact is, of course, that
the impediment already exists and the
Episcopalian ministers refuse longer
to shut their eyes to it. The facts
would survive Just the same if no
clergyman said anything about them,
and it is the facts that form the im
pediment. But some theologians have
always shown an enviable indepen
dence of facts. The Rev. Mr. Woods
calls the requirement of sound health
in marriage "a new toy." The mother
in "Damaged Goods" who found her
child tainted with a loathsome dis
ease would have called It something
more serious than a toy and so would
hundreds of women who are in
veigled daily into marriages that
every consideration of humanity and
mercy ought to have prevented.
It is to the everlasting honor of the
Episcopal clergy that they have put
common sense to the fore in this mat
ter and left empty word-chopping to
their critics. Mr. Woods gives a
lovely example of what logic can do
in defense of all that Is bad in the
article we have cited. "Moreover, the
idea of protecting the offspring by
forbidding" the marriage of diseased
persons, "is hugely absurd," he says.
And why, pray? Because the off
spring have not yet been born. Since
they do not exist they cannot be pro
tected. The Rev. Mr. Woods prefers to
play with words rather than improve
the condition of mankind. He has
many a companion In his folly. In fact
hfe does not seem to believe that we
have any right to Improve human con
ditions. "As death is the common lot
of all," he writes, and the only gate
way to heaven, we must not fight too
vigorously against "the physical de
fects that lead to death." If there
were no diseases, nobody would ever
die, and so nobody would "enter into
immortality." We must treat the
weddings of diseased persons with
great tenderness, inasmuch as they
Increase the number of those who
may be expected to go to heaven
speedily. If they produce idiots and
epileptics, so much the better, since
such individuals "give scope for the
exercise of charity, patience and other
virtues," which prepare us for heaven.
It Is perhaps as well to assure the
reader that Mr. Woods was not jest
ing when he wrote this charming dis
course. He was in deadly earnest.
Could we ask for a better example of
the effect of a certain sort of educa
tion on the Intelligence? What he
says comes to this: We must fill the
earth as full of misery as we possibly
can in order to prepare ourselves for
heaven. When such men get to
heaven they will want to repeat the
same programme In order to prepare
themselves for some other world to
which they will then be looking for
ward. They will never be happy any
where unless they are miserable. The
proper place for the Rev. Mr. Woods
and his kind is in the socialist party,
an organization which boldly opposes
progress on the ground that it will
delay the "great revolution." Write
"heaven" in place of "revolution" and
you have Mr. Woods' position pre
cisely. Both he and the socialists
fight against the forward and upward
movement for the sake of a fancy
which pleases them more than human
betterment. Eugenics is going to be
the most potent factor in creating a
better race for the next three or four
centuries. Ignorance and folly will
naturally oppose it as they oppose
everything good, but mankind has
happily a way of forging ahead in
spite of fools.
One at least of Secretary Houston's
new projects for the Department of
Agriculture will be an Improvement.
He intends to get rid of the stilted
and pedantic language which makes
so many of the "farmers' bulletins"
unintelligible to rural readers. His
plan is to establish a publicity bureau
with a newspaper man at its head,
who will deal out scientific facts to
the farmers in a style they can un
derstand. We hope he will find the
right newspaper man.
Aswell, of Louisiana, Introduced a
bill yesterday to make a Jim Crow
classification of Government employes.
Nothing of that kind Bhould become
Federal law. The Afro-American who
aspires to a Government Job and gets
It stands on equality with his white
brother and is within his rights.
Governor Foss of Massachusetts
proposes to apply the Installment plan
to the payment of fines rather than
send petty offenders to jail and leave
their families in want. He would sus
pend execution of a Jail sentence im
posed In lieu of fine so long as in
stallments are paid regularly.
Surgeons have replaced diseased
vertebrae In a Los Angeles man with
bone from his leg and he Is reported
recovering. By and by medical skill
will be able to give the weak brother
a section of the backbone of the mule
and enable him to amount to some
thing. If the Taft Administration did bun
gle the tobacco trust dissolution,
which is by no means proved, we must
make the best of it and rely upon Mr.
McReynolds to make a better Job of
the next trust dissolution.
Rustling is a science In the Palouse.
Three men stole an entire dairy herd
of twenty-nine head, and the owner
knew not of the loss until the supply
of cream ran short.
The chairman of the House pen
sions committee is an Alabaman. Now
watch for a bill to pay pensions from
the Federal Treasury to Confederate
After three years Porter Charlton
must return to Italy for trial on the
charge of killing his wife. Primeval
man found uxorcide a diversion; this
Is denied to civilized man.
Californians and Washlngtonians
certainly have the neighborly spirit
and Portland will do Itself proud
when her time comes for reciprocity.
American and British refugees were
compelled to pay large sums for the
privilege of leaving Mexico. Still, its
worth quite a bit to leave Mexico.
A Chicago Judge having announced
a closed season on "mate-shooting,"
Inquiries are in order as to the date
of the next open season.
The Balkan allies are now on the
point of a free-for-all. They've got,
separately and Individually, too much
ego in their cosmos.
The 5-cent fare to Milwaukie, Linn
ton and St. Johns will spur to strenu
ous endeavor other towns within the
range limit.
Sightseers who got home late made
little complaint. This is the week of
the year when a little discomfort does
not count.
Vancouver has become the modern
Gretna Green since the Oregon hy
giene test went into effect
Sudden cold snap has hit the East.
Sunshine and roses here.
Von Klefn was kissed when he
should have been hissed.
We have a picture of the Kodak
trust dissolving itself.
The weather man bids) fair to be
come popular.
The Rose Carnival gets better as it
gets older.
More roses and finer roses is tht
In the Land of Plenty
By Addison Bennett.
Ti- week Portland people are en
dea :g to extend & hand of wel-
corru nd friendship to every guest to
the end that all may enjoy themselves
and depart after the festivities feeling
that Portland is a fine city and the
Portland people worthy of friendship
and esteem.
But the Rose Festival has a higher,
deeper, more exalted Interest in the
welfare of Portland visitors than their
mere amusement and entertainment.
The roses are a mere incident toward
the end of reminding them of our mag
nificent climatic conditions. Their visit
was made In June in June, when the
East is sweltering in the breath of
a tidal wave of heat In spots, of cold
in other localities. In places in the
Middle West during the last week there
has been frost or flurries of snow,
while close by people have almost suf
focated with the heat and many have
died of sunstroke.
I say these things not in derision,
but to contrast conditions and empha
size the vast difference between their
climate and ours. I believe the Pacific
Northwest the most delightful place to
live in that there is in the world the
Pacific Northwest, mind you, not mere
ly Portland. For the Portland people
are not narrow; the Rose Festival Is
not merely a local affair. The people
of Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane. Vancouver
and Victoria take the same pride In it
that we take in the annual events giv
en In these cities and all are given
for the good of the entire Pacific
However, I wish to call attention to
something of more importance than
our large cities. There are hundreds
of small towns in the Northwest In
any one of which will be found pros
perity such as It is difficult to see in
any other portion of our country. For
the reason the basic reason that the
country districts are prosperous, the
farmer, the fruitgrower and the stock
man are gathering more than a usual
percentage of gain for their labors.
Therein lies our prosperity; thereby
our greater cities are growing, our
banks and mercantile establishments
expanding and enlarging. In no other
place in this country can the agricul
turist, the fruitgrower or the animal
Industry husbandman get so good re
turns from his labors and investments
as he can in the Pacific Northwest.
So, if you have not studied our agri
cultural advantages, you have in a
great measure overlooked one of the
chief aims of the Rose Festival. We
want more people on our lands. This
we want, first, for a selfish reason
to build up the Pacific Northwest as a
whole; secondly, and yet principally,
we want more people on our lands be
cause we know, with any sort of in
dustry, economy and perseverance,
there lies in wait for every husband
man a fair measure of success.
Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Victoria,
Vancouver and each of the smaller
cities- the better people of these will
tell you the same thing; and if you
visit them, they will take pleasure In
showing you their lands and getting
homes for you at reasonable prices and
on easy terms and after you locate,
they will treat you as brothers, as we
have treated you this week, for the
people of all these places are men and
women and children with great big,
warm hearts.
Coming down to those who are here
for the avowed purpose of looking for
homes, and there are many such, a
study of the meat question for the last
two or three decades will show that as
population has multiplied our meat
animals have decreased until we are
approaching a meat famine. Meats will,
perhaps, never again in this country be
as low as treble the prices of three
decades ago.
Consider this and then look over
our lands with a view to raising cattle,
hogs, sheep or poultry, attended, of
course, with such side lines as profit
ably go with intelligent mixed farm
ing the dairy, bee, egg, fruit, cereal
and vegetable products. For the men
who will go into any of our fine val
leys or Into our splendid logged-off
sections, or on our bench or prairie
lands and wisely plow, plant, cultivate
and harvest, and at the same time
study how best to conserve his re
sources by feeding the bulk of his
products on his land If he will, In a
word, become a broad-gauged, intelli
gent farmer, animal industry farmer,
there Is no place on earth where his
efforts will count for more than on
lands in this Pacific Northwest.
It Should Be Shown nt Annual Meet
ing, Says Mr. Alderman.
SALEM, Or., June 9. (To the 9di
tqr.) May I call your attention to the
fact that there is no more important
day In the year, as far as our state is I
concerned, tnan the annual school
meeting day, which occurs this year
on the 16th day of June? The people
get In any form of government about
what they demand and if only three
or four people attend the annual
school meeting, it shows that their
demand is lacking. School officers an-d
teachers become discouraged, and, as
a consequence, poor results follow.
I would ask that the whole popula
tion go to the schoolhouse, look Into
conditions and make plans for the
year? I find that some districts have
much better schools than others, al
though they spend but little, if any
more, money. It Is not all a question
of expenditure; it is a question of
looking after things and having the
right kind of co-operation. Members
of the School Board of the state re
ceive no pay, and are very seldom
thanked for what they do.
A few schools last year made much
of the annual school meeting day;
took time to look over their property,
suggest Improvements, and plan for
the future. In each of those districts
conditions improved at once. I am
sure a man or woman who attends the
annual school meeting and does his
duty will feel more like celebrating
on the Fourth of July.
I assure you that your co-operation
in this matetr will be appreciated.
Supt. Public Instruction.
The Nolaea Get on Her Nerves.
PORTLAND, June 9. (To the Edi
tor.) I am an American and very
proud of my country and especially of
the beautiful city of Portland, from
which I have been absent for a num
ber of years, and have only known of
the annual festivity, the Rose Carnival,
through hearsay or the newspapers,
consequently had promised myself a
rare treat. A friend kindly accom
panied me to a good point of observa
tion on the bank of the river, where
we seated ourselves upon the grass to
await the coming of what promised to
be a grand pageant. Small craft
beautifully bedecked with flowers,
some with music on board, sailed down
the lovely Willamette to meet the royal
craft which carried His Higness Rex
Oregonus. The scene as the boats
passed and the eound of the music float
ing upon the waters was ideal.
But the unearthly noise.
An ocasional whoop might have been
tolerated, but as the procession moved
slowly up the river, the continuous un
earthly screams of the whistles could
only be compared to what we would
Imagine would come from the lost souls
of Dante's Inferno; not an Interval to
the sweet music from the various bands
on board, but the everlasting, continual
schreeching. Deliver me from a like
experience. I am not alone in my feel
ing. I have heard many expressions
of criticism in regard to this, the open
ing feature of what should b a truly
enjoyable affair. Is it because we, as
Americans, must be nothing If not
noisy?. MRS. L. H.
Independence Held - crriaary to Erad
ication of the Social Evil.
PORTLAND, June 9. (To the Edi
tor.) Your exceldlent editorial beaded
"Women Can Help Greatly" strikes the
true optimistic note. In my opinion,
women can help greatly in minimizing
the Boclai evil by understanding the
fundamental truth that any sexual
morality not based on the Ideal of ra
cial welfare and advancement is crim
inal and should be wiped out.
That is lust the reason why women
should strive for the attainment of
economic Independence and for the de
velopment of that self-reliance upon
which moral responsibility necessarily
rests. They can then determine their
own sexual morality, basing it upon
their especial needs and functions as
worrren and as mothers of the race.
Once they have this racial ideal and
this moral responsibility, they will not
hesitate to send to the historical Junk
heap tho exclusively man-made code
of "morals," derived from patriarchal
times, which ordains, as Havelock Ellis
points out, that one group of women
should be set apart to minister to men's
sexual necessities, while another group
should be brought up in absolute as
ceticism as candidates for the privi
lege of ministering to their household
and family necessities and the need of
providing legitimate heirs to their
property titles.
If we take the writings of Ellen Key
as fairly representative of what Is go
ing on In the minds and hearts of ad
vanced women all over civilization, we
are pretty safe in saying that they are
going to Insist upon a single standard
of morality truly enough. But It Is
not going to be a standard according
to which a woman will have to starve
and stunt her affectlonal and maternal
Impulses, to suffer In body and soul,
until she agrees to the conditions laid
down in our patriarchal man-made
code. If she has economic independ
ence and Industrial and political pow
er, she is going to exercise again some
of that freedom she enjoyed In every
age and clime where there has been
equality between the sexes.
The free woman of the new age will
make motherhood sacred. She will
shame out of existence the brutal prac
tice of ostracising the unmarried
mother, while paying; homage to the
sordid creatures who marries for so
cial position, for wealth, for vanity
or for mere conventionality's sake.
We demand to be ourselves. We de
mand the economic and social Inde
pendence which will make self-development
possible. The advanced woman
Is ready to assume rioral responsibility
for her acts, recognizing that on her
falls the chief burden of making each
succeeding generation wiser and
stronger and finer. She seeks to be
the companion and co-worker of man
In striving for better things. She dis
dains to be either a slave or a para
site. When the vast majority of women
have attained the point of being sat
isfied with nothing less than this, the
social evil will have been cured.
Mazes of t nkempt Grass Brings Pro
test From Busy Gardener.
PORTLAND, June 7. (To the Edi
tor.) The blue grass and clover lawn
surrounding my bungalow has been
given a haircut, shampoo and shave;
It is smooth as velvet stroked by a
lady's hand. The edges are trimmed as
neatly as banker's Vandyke beard. The
flower beds are spaded and raked and
shaped to perfection. One hundred and
thirty-six rose bushes are dressed In
carnival robes of white and pink and
crimson and gold. Between the rose
bushes are giant pansies in miriad
fancy hues. Across the front and along
the sides of the bungalow great climb
ing roses are reaching for the eaves.
The steps and walks glisten like those
of spotless town. I am ready for the
Also I have mowed the lawn along
those two vacant lots that intervene
between my place and the cross street.
The native grass and clover yields
readily to the lawnmower, making a
splendid carpet of green. I have done
my duty to myself, to the community
and society, by keeping things in shape
and beautifying the neighborhood.
Therefore, while I am reasonably
content with myself and life in general.
I don't like the attitude of the people
who hold title to vacant lots In my
neighborhood. One magnate who owns
a score of lots and finds time, while
waiting for unearned increment, to
locate the auditorium and settle the
public market question allows grass
and weeds to encompass the home
owners' grounds. A sense of decency
should make him clean up. If he Is
devoid of such sense then In that case
he should be compelled to clean up
his vacant lots and his attitude toward
those who really do something for the
upbuilding and beautifying of the city.
Such men are willing to take all
Increased valuation given their prop
erty by the efforts of others, but they
persistently refuse to contribute any
thing to society, except advice.
For years and years I have puzzled
over the question of who is the mean
est man in the world. I now believe
him to be a man who puts a for sale
sign on his lot, holds it at twice the
purchase price, allows weeds to cover
the walks and underbrush to cover the
land, refuses to clean up for the Rose
Festival, and gives the public advice.
My contribution represents $4000 and
a pair of hands like rusty hams. My
place is a model of cleanliness and
artistic endeavor. I'm proud of its
beauty, but I don't like to wade
through a Jungle to get to It.
R. G. D.
Madamotselle Marabath Is the Loveliest
Model in Europe.
Chicago Tribune.
Cast in so slight and exquisite a
mold, so mild and gentle, so pure
and beautiful, that earth seemed
not her element, nor Its rough
creatures her fit companions.
Dally before a photographer's win
lows in the Graben, the Austrian
Boulevard des Itallens, Viennese of
high and low degree jostle one another
to gaze upon the lovely face of Mile.
Marabath, the Postcard Queen of Eu
rope. Mile. Marabath has become the fav
orite choice of Parisian dressmakers
and milliners to carry the styles afar
from the French center of fashion. At
Christmas time her face goes around
the world on postcards, and at the
season of valentines she thus bears
sweet messages from lover to lover.
Mile. Marabath has been posing for
photographers ever since she was a
little girl. In Vienna it is the custom,
just as, indeed. It Is elsewhere, tor
beautiful girls and women to have
their photographs placed on exhibition
by photographers and sold for the in
come they will bring. Many a woman
of fashion has earned pin money In this
easy way. And more than one poor
girl has thus found her face to be her
There are Innumerable models with
whom this young girl competes, but she
easily carries off the palm through the
delicately Intellectual quality of her
sweet young face.
In figure she is slender. Her feet
are slim, with well-arched insteps.
Her hair is superb and her even teeth
are as white as milk. Her complexion
Is clear and fresh. She has a pretty
trick of archness in her glances and
her manners. The delicate tint of
her cheek, the deep shadows of her
eyes, are lustrous with health.
Twenty-five Years Ago
From The Oregonian of June 11. 1SSS
San Francisco. June 10. D " B
Murphy and John McGlnnls. of Port
land, are at the Baldwin.
Yesterday at the request of the prin
cipal and graduating class of the Eaat
Portland public school Rev h k
HIm-s r. rx, delivered a discourse in
Methodist Episcopal Church of this
F,R.e,T IArthur J' Bron. pastor of the
First Presbyterian Church, was called
t?,an. rjincisco by the death of his
wife's father.
This evening Rev. Ezra Haskell will
Pvmr a" adJress the Mechanics'
l Uion on the vices prevalent in the
City of Portland, on the laxity of offi
cials in enforcing the laws and on the
EE"??' ,0,crreaort on the p of ciu-
cTr?i " Up and lmProve muni
cipal government.
irnteVen,0n- the well-known San
Francisco oarsman, arrived in the clty
.C,K ttnu l0oay will meet with
Z ?,-?ranse a race to take place
on the Willamette.
Robert J. Burdette preached yester
day morning at the First Baptist
Church in East Portland; 4 o'clock
found him addressing an audience at
1. M. C. A. hall and four hours later
he was In the pulpit of the First
Baptist Church in this city.
Half a Century Ago
From The Oresonlan of June 11. 1S63.
The new town at the Umatilla Land
ing is said to be thriving wonderfully
Less than a month ago there were only
three buildings In the place; now there
are more than 20 substantial struc
tures and new houses are being erected
as fast as the lumber can be furnished.
.u0n?r Iay last week a gentleman of
the Vt ebfoot persuasion arrived at The
Dalles, having with him a cargo of
cats. He had heard that in California
in the early days cats commanded $10
each and thought an invoice of cats
safely landed at Boise would pay. He
had a number of boxes fitted up in
menagerie style and, gathering up all
the loose cats in the valley, he started
out. Wagon, cats and all reached The
Dalles by the steamer Iris safe and
sound, and the next morning our Web
..oot friend started out. He had driven
out but a few miles on the Boise road
when an accident occurred. The
couplings of his wagon were rather
frail and in going down the hill there
was a general smashup. in which the
cages were stove in and every mother's
son of a cat escaped.
New York. June 4. A peace conven
tion was held at the Cooper Institute
yesterday. The principal speaker was
Fernando Wood.
Chicago. June 5. A telegram from
General Burnslde tonight says the
President has revoked his order sup
pressing the Chicago Times.
They Often Cfeuse a Lot of Bother,
Says BerrrzrOKer,
BEAVERTON. Or., June 8. (To the
Editor.) It Is natural that city people
should enjoy getting out in the coun
try, especially during the Spring and
Summer, and all farmers like to have
their friends visit them, yet there are
two sides to this question. The city
man spends six days between brick
walls and dreams of spending Sunday
with friends or relatives beyond the
suburbs. At the same time the coun
tryman tills six days in the week and
during harvest time almost six nights
as well. He looks forward to Sunday as
a chance to get his breath or a few
hours' needed sleep under his favorite
cherry tree. Berry growers who live
in outlying districts, especially those
who sell at the early market, literally
work day and night in the berry sea
son, as they start with their loads
anywhere from 11 P. M. to 3 o'clock
in the morning.
What would you do? Stop Sunday
visiting? By no means. But let the
callers look at It from both sides and
make their visits rather few and lim
ited in the harvest season. The farmer
is lightly known as a friendly host,
but often it is at the cost of aching
backs and tired muscles of which the
office man is (luckily for him) entirely
And then the "good wife." It is a
fact that company causes more extra
work for the women than for the men,
or at least the women allow them
selves to be put to more trouble. Of
course, the visitor will say, "Now,
don't go to a bit of trouble for me,'
and the hostess responds: "O, no; it
is no bother at all!" Both are sincere,
yet the hostess puts extra effort into
every piece of work she performs and
will do so as long as time continues.
Still the farmer and his family enjoy
company and some, especially those
who were raised or have lived In town,
think the country would be unendur
able without it. BERRYGROWER.
"The Biplane" Sculpture, by Rodin
Paris Cor., Philadelphia Ledger.
Details have Just come out of a re
markable work of sculpture that
Rodin is now engaged on, which he
calls "The Biplane." It is only sym
bolical and is described by those who
have seen it as of marvelous beauty.
The sculpture consists of a tall, slen
der, unadorned shaft surmounted by
what may be described as a length
ened sphere on which twin figures
stand side by side, their bodies, which
almost touch, curving gracefully back
ward. Their faces are upturned. Only
one foot of each rests on the sphere,
which seems to spring from beneath
them in the moment of flight, and
their wings are only half opened. The
two figures, which seem to aid and
support each other in flight, symbolize
the two wings of the biplane.
How Newspapers
Can Aid
A former advertising manager
of one of the largest drug con
cerns in the United States, in a
forceful speech before a New
York club, said newspapers were
in a position to render adver
tisers valuable co-operation.
It was his experience that his
salesmen were not able, gener
ally speaking, to report condi
tions in local fields as they
should be reported.
1f The editor of the local paper,
he maintained, was best quali
fied to supply National adver
tisers with reliable information
concerning his particular local
ity. This is a subject worth
thoughtful consideration by
publishers generally, arid it
should also bring to the mind
of the national advertiser the
universal usefulness of the daily
newspaper the one medium of
communication with everyone,