Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 10, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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II nrnn III In nrinllPn I MYRIADS OF MAG-NT FTf!F.'N"T RT.nssmws ATnurrtTT tjv TTrmToswno jrn mTTt. tot. rm ,,.,,, . ,
King Sails Into Harbor Pink
With Floating Blossoms
and Rose Petals.
Royal Oaks Determined to
Keep Home City in Minds
of Everyone.
In Steamer Class, Pomona Wins
First and Bailey Gatzert Second.
Thistle First Motor Boat,
Xenlon S. Second.
Through a harbor covered with float
ing rose blossoms and petals scat
tered broadcast from the boats that
formed his escort. Rex Oregonus sailed
into his Summer kingdom yesterday
Huge steamers flying their full com
plement of holiday colors, and half a
hundred smaller craft dressed with
roses and evergreens, with wlldflowers
and fluttering flags and bunting,
thronged about the royal barge and
formed Us escort.
The harbor was alive with darting
motorboats long before the hour when
the parade was Intended to form In
the lower harbor, and on board the
larger beats there was eager activity
In putting on the last touches of dec
oration before dropping down to fall
Into line.
At 10 o'clock the steamers Ruth and
W. R. Lang, of Oregon City, bearing
the Commercial Club of Oregon City,
swept Into the harbor with their
whistles tied down and bands play
ing on their decks.
Half an hour later there was a gen
eral movement of the smaller boats
toward the lower harbor where the
parade formed, and Admiral C. V.
Cooper In the Charmalee hurried down
to round them into position with the
assistance of his aides, G. W. Kendall
and George Klnnear.
Larger Steamers Leave Docks.
One by one the larger steamers left
their docks and swept down to Join
the two Oregon City boats In the
lower harbor. Whistles bellowed and
shrieked, and the draws of the brldgeB
were kept constantly aswlng. The
flagship of the royal fleet, the Rose
City, dropped down early and fell into
position In mid-channel, a short dis
tance down river from where the U. a
cruiser St. Louis is at anchor. Her
decks were crowded with visitors and
a band on board exchanged musical
greetings with the bands of the other
large boats as they swept past to fall
Into position further down the river.
A gun from the flagship at 11:45
brought the various craft into position
and Ave minutes later, after the royal
barge 8ea Otter had swung Into place
in front of the flagship, a second gun
gave the signal to start.
Bombarded by mingled and deafen
ing noises the flotilla moved up the
harbor. Although one could see the
bandsmen on the various boats indus
triously blowing their instruments, the
little sound they were able to make
was swallowed up completely In the
uproar through which they moved.
Not a boat In the line that had a
whistle but turned It loose for all it
was worth. Mills and factories along
the river and ships that lay at anchor
put somebody to swinging on their
whistle cords and left them there
throughout the time the parade was
The detonations of the aerial bombs
fired from the Rose City as It moved
up through the harbor were answered
by the re-echoing reports from the
guns of the Boston, firing In salute
to the coming monarch of the Rose
The surface of the water was beaten
into countering waves by a hundred
threshing paddle wheels and whirling
propellers and on the waves tossed
tad lifted hundreds of bright rose blos
soms that were strewn from the motor
boats which headed the pageant.
The docks and river banks, the
bridges and even the cyened draws
were black with people who had
crowded to witness the spectacle, and
hundreds of rowboats and canoes hung
along the shores carrying other spec
tators, although the Industrious polic
ing of the harbor by the patrol boats
kept them close In and left the way
dear for the pageant.
Kins; Lands at Stark Street.
The barge of the king swung to the
landing at Stark street, where the
Royal Rusarians were lined up waiting
to receive the Festival monarch. In
a continuous roar of whistles and guns
that made inaudible the bugle blasts
of "William," the Ban Francisco trum
peter, who was sent on board the royal
barge by the Oakland party of visitors,
the rest of the pageant passed on up
the river. The smaller craft swung
out directly above the Hawthorne
bridge and counter-marching down the
river were quickly out of the way of
the big boats.
In the upper harbor the division of
the large boats disbanded and each
I ut back to its dock. The Rose City,
upon which were the guests of the
Royal Rosarlans, continued up the river
for a short distance, and luncheon was
served to the guests on board before
the return to the dock. The Balley
Ootzert also carried a large party of
the Rosarlans and their guests from
Award of prizes in the motorboat
section was a difficult matter for the
Judges. J. C. English. II. T. Duffy and
J. L. Wright. Decorations were taste
ful and profuse, and the consultation
of the Judges was long before deci
sions were finally made.
Thistle Wins Prise.
In the motorboat section, flrst
prise was awarded to the Thistle,
owned by Alexander Q. Riddell: second
to the Nenlan a. owned by S. N. Steele.
Honorable mention was given the Betsy
B.. which ranked third, and the Judges
also commended the decorations of the
Eva and the Dlx.
In the steamer section the flrst prize
was awarded to the Pomona, and sec
ond to the Bailey Gatzert, with hon
orable mention for the flreboat, George
H. Williams. B
The Thistle was driven by Mrs. A.
G. Riddell. and she was accompanied
In the boat by Mrs. G. L Wade. Mrs.
A. D. Wllloughby, Mrs. W. C. Beaumont
and Mrs. R. W. Blackwood. Pink roses
were used In the decoration, on a back
ground of Ivy, and the design was com
pleted with streamers of the pink fes
tival color.
The Nenlan S.. whoch won second
prize, was covered with pink roses and
evergreen over its bow. Pink roses
were also the feature of the decora
tion of the Betsy B.. and over Its bow
an eagle was poised. The young women
who rode in the boat wore white dresses
and big hats trimmed with pink roses.
Other striking decorations were those
of the Mario, which consisted of mock
masts and sails constructed out of
evergreens and roses: the Anita, which
was smothered in Scotch broom; the
Ruth K., which was covered with ever
green and pink roses: the Dlx, with
American flags, evergreen and locust
blossoms, and the Naughty Girl, cov
ered with Scotch broom and Japanese
lun terns.
1 First Prize. Single Rose, Mildred Grant, E. B. McFarlsad. 2 Mixed Varie
ties Massed Artistically With Pergola Background. 8 Second Prise. Single
Hose. Mme. Melanle Soupert, Mrs. C. R. Webber. 4 Caroline Testont
Display, the Show's Most Beautiful Feature. S First Prise. Basket Mixed
Roses, Mrs. J. N. Davis. 6 Vase Exhibits. Section E.
Armloads of Blossoms Borne
by the Rosarians.
Plans for Today Include Excursion
TJp Colombia River In Hassnlo
and Review of Electric Pag
eant From Special Stand.
10:00 A. M. Excursion leaves the
Ash-street dock on the steamer Has
salo with Rosarlans and guests on a
trip to Cascade Locks. Returns at
4.80 P. M. Parties of guests which
remain In the olty will be entertained
In the grandstand for ths motorcycle
parade at 10 o'clock or will be taken
on trips about the city.
8:00 P. M. Guests assembled In
the Rosarlans' grandstand for ths
i electrical pageant of Rex Oregonus.
i Chairman of the day P. T. Hyskell.
Vice-chairman H. D. Kllham
Royal Rosarlans. thronging to the
station yesterday with armloads of
roses, welcomed the first organized del
egation from California to the Rose
Festival and began their week's ac
tivities as hosts to the visitors who
come In organized bodies from all parts
of the Pacific Coast.
The Knights of the Pasadena Tour
nament of Roses were the first tc
reach the city. Their special train
pulled In at 8:45 and was closely fol
lowed by the special of the Royal Oaks,
of Oakland, with whom came the del
egation of Artisans, who are to par
ticipate in the "Night in Rosaria"
pageant tomorrow night.
Drill Team Forms Escort.
Amid cheers and greetings between
the two visiting bodies and the
Rosarlans, lines were finally formed
and the guests marched up Sixth street
under the escort of the Roearlan drill
team and committee and were taken
to the hotels where they are to make
their headquarters. The Oakland party
will be at the Oregon and the Pasadena
party at the Multnomah. Women of
the parties were taken to the hotels
in automobiles, provided by Rosarlans
and friends.
Shortly before 10 o'clock the Rosa
rian committee escorted the guests to
the docks and they went on board the
flagship Rose City and the Bailey
Gatzert for the marine pageant which
escorted the barge of Rex Oregonus
Into the city.
The party on board the flagship went
for a short cruise up the river after
the disbanding of the parade and by
courtesy of the officials of the steamer,
luncheon was served on board before
the return to the dock.
Rest Allowed Guests.
The guests were left to their own
devices during- the afternoon, so that
they might rest after their long Jour
ney and be ready for the reception
of Rex Oregonus at the Armory at
The principal feature of the Rosarian
entertainment today will be an excur
sion up the Columbia River In the
steamer Hassalo, which will leave the
Ash street dock at 10 A. M. and return
to Portland about 4:30. Tonight the
visitors will occupy the Royal Rosarian
grandstand at Thirteenth and Morrison
streets for the electric pageant.
The chairman for today is F. T.
Hyskell and with him will serve H. r.
Kllham. Julius I Meter. Eugene Brook
ings, V. V. Jones, A. L. Stephens, P. E.
Arlett, J. I Miller, D. N. Mosessohn.
B. E. McClaren. T. J. Swivel. C A.
Whltemoro. J. M Scott and Charles
German In Quaker Schools.
Germans in Philadelphia are demand
ing that their language be taught In
the elementary schools of the city.
Guns Boom and Sirens Whistle
Welcome to Royal Craft.
Californians Divide Honors With
Blackfoot Indians and Miss Spo
kane, Willie River's Edge Is
Thronged With Humanity.
(Continued From First Page.)
the Rosarlans who provided them
with every pleasure and comfort that
the Festival programme offered. Ac
commodations had been reserved on
board the steamer Rose City, the offi
cial escort of the King.
Once on board the palatial vessel the
Californians had to divide honors with
the savage-looking but peacefully-behaving
Blackfoot Indians from Glacier
National Pank. who, 16 In number, are
here to enjoy the events of the week.
Californians Make Merry.
The Indians, however, were tame
compared with the Californians. The
latter group really were the life of
that little trip down the river and back.
As soon as they landed on the boat
they started to make their presence
known both visibly and audibly. Their
trim uniforms were conspicuous, as
were -the manly figures that wore them,
and the harmonious blending of their
voices, raised either In song or in
shouts, rivaled only the Juvenile band
that proved Itself a master of music
Big Chief Three Bears of the Black
foot tribe held a continuous reception
on the Rose City. Nearly everyone on
ioard wanted to shake his hand. He
Is 82 years old and a warrior. C. C.
Chapman Introduced him to the party
assembled on the upper deck. Three
cheers were given for Three Bears but
In spite of all the fuss they made over
him the old Indian stood like a stole,
his face unmoved and his expression
unchanged. He is an unimpressionable
Indian, old Three Bears is.
Miss Spokane Honored.
Sole representative of the City of
Spokane and the organized delegation
exploiting the Pow Wow that will be
held In S,pokane next week, was Miss
Margaret Motle, who is known far and
wide as "Miss Spokane," and who had
an honored position on the Rose City.
She, too, was introduced to the Indian
party. Miss Spokane was presented to
each Indian In person. The ceremonies
took place on the forecastle head of the
vessel. One of the redskins who can
speak English fluently made a brief ad
dress, presenting her with two large
featherB which he placed in her hair
and which she proudly wore during the
remainder of the day. All the Indians
then danced around her and one Indian
woman tried to teach her the Black
foot dance. Although Miss Spokane Is
an accomplished dancer of the con
ventional sort she could not quite catch
the step.
Captain Rankin and other officers of
the vessel proved royal hosts on board
the Rose City. The captain's cabin was
handsomely decorated with roses and
other flowers and refreshments were
served there constantly.
"Movies" Record Event.
The Rose City at the head of the
marine pageant moved slowly to the
north until near Sauvles Island, where
she encountered the royal yacht carry
ing His Floral Majesty. As moving
picture machines recorded the entrance
of the king Into the harbor the whistles
of the escort fleet blew a mighty salute
and the cannons boomed a welcome.
The roar and the din continued un
abated until Oregonus had arrived on
shore. The siren whistle of the cruiser
St. Louis added to the nolSy demonstra
tion as the procession passed her in
coming up the river. The St. Louts ajd
the familiar Boston in the upper har
bor each fired a salute of 21 guns In
honor of the Festival monarch. The
Rose City did likewise.
The river banks contained their
capacity of humanity. The bridges,
which remained open while the parade
was in progress, likewise were packed.
The docks and wharves and the roofs
and windows of all buildings command
ing a view of the river, too, were loaded
down with sightseers who waved
flags, handkerchiefs and flowers In
salutation. Nearly every vessel in the
harbor was in festival rigging. Every
craft from the tiny launches to the
giant oceangoers had steam up and
most of them seemed to be making an
effort to let It all escape through the
Kins; Bows Greeting.
Good old Oregonus bowed his royal
head In recognition to many of these
greetings and waved his scepter of
authority to others. He rode on the
Sea Otter. H. C. Wortman's trim launch.
Ralph W. Hoyt, president of the Fes
tival Association, and a group of "court
attendants" stood by him.
The announcements said It was "high
noon" when the king landed. Now if
"high noon" carries with it the Idea
that it is Just a little nearer the day
than merely "noon," which Is com
monly understood to mean 12 o'clock,
then It must be granted to Rex Ore
gonus that his landing be described in
the superlative degree which makes it
"highest, noon." There is nothing too
good for this Oregonus person!
Once on dry land at the Stark-street
dock, "his royal nibs" was hustled Into
a waiting automobile and, escorted by
a company of Royal Rosarians, was
conveyed to the City Hall, where Mayor
Rushlight presented him with sym
bolical keys to the city.
Mayor Extends Greetings.
"I greet you," said the Mayor, as the
royal personage was presented by Mr.
Hoyt, "and on behalf of the people of
Portland I welcome you.
"I hope that your reign will be one
of happiness and sunshine particularly
sunshine." f
Tightly cluthching the keys in one
hand and holding his crown on his
head with the other, the temporary
sovereign of the city drove away to the
Portland Hotel, where he will retain
his royal suite through the week.
This ended the formal ceremonies of
welcoming the King to his domain. The
holiday spirit then broke forth. It was
exemplified In divers ways throughout
the day and night. The streets were
crowded until midnight. The festive
spirit, which manifested itself notice
ably last year, had possession of everyone-
The electric Illuminations on the
public buildings and business struc
tures shone out in all their glory and
splendor. The decorations flashed
forth in all their glory.
Fireworks at the Oaks last night
attracted thousands. This feature add
ed much to the first day's success.
With the motorcycle parade and the
electric parade scheduled for today. In
terest next will center In the auto
mobile parade on Wednesday, the for
mation for which will be as follows:
Electrics Form on Harrison street,
east of West Park, facing east.
Runabouts and roadsters Form on
Montgomery street east of West Park
street, facing west; also on Park street
between Harrison and Mill streets, fac
ing Montgomery street: also on Mill
street east of West Park street, facing
Touring cars Form on Market street
east of West Park street, facing west;
also on Park street between Mill and
Market streets; also on Clay street east
of West Park street, facing west.
Clubs and organizations Form on
Columbia street east of West Park
street, facing west; also on Park street
between Market and Jefferson streets,
facing Columbia street; also on Clay
street, east of West Park street, facing
The following Judges have been ap.
For electric and runabout division
Robert Krohn, Mrs. R. J. Grace and
Folger Johnson.
For touring division Frank B. Riley,
Mrs. Sol Hirsch nd H. L. Pittock.
For clubs and organizations Mrs.
Leo" Barnes, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd and
Judge Morrow.
All Week Long California Visitor
Will Have Some Entry in Prac
tically Every Pageant Paid
and Drill Team Here.
Enthusiasm of the Royal Oaks, of
Oakland, had only been whetted to a
finer edge by the entertainments en
countered en route, when they reached
Portland yesterday morning, and the
first thing they began to do when they
were settled In their headquarters at
the Oregon Hotel was to begin prepa
rations to keep Oakland in the minds
of everyone in Portland every minute
of the Rose Festival.
With the Royal Oaks came W. D.
Nichols the expert processer of ths
delegation, and immediately the Oak
landers established in the old lobby of
the Oregon an exhibit of roses and
President Festival Association.
We planned on a larger scale for
the festival this year than ever be
fore and everyone has labored hard
during the past few months to make
this the greatest festival in the his
tory of Portland.
Unusual and several unforeseen dif
ficulties were encountered In the
preparations. Many of these have
been surmounted and today we are
presenting to the people of Portland
and of the Pacific Coast the results
of our labors.
In many details the festival at Its
opening gives promise of being bigger
even than we hoped. The electric
and other pageants this year will. I
believe, be the best yet held.
At the opening of this festival I
would urge upon the citizens of
Portland that everyone constitute
himself a committee of one to see
that visitors in the city do not lack
plenty of roses. Bring the roses
from your garden down into the city
and leave them at hotels and head
quarters of various organizations for
distribution among visiting guests in
the city. Carry a bunch of roses in
your hand and if you meet a stranger
upon the street who Is not adorned
with the official flower of the festi
val, give him a rosebud or blossom
and make him feel at home.
flowers which he had processed, and
which form a strikingly beautiful dis
play. The Oakland party will plant this
week 100 budding rose bushes taken
from gardens of Oakland. In the parks
of the city, as a souvenir to the city
of their visit here, and will also Dlani.
at a, date to be set, a live oak, to
typify the character and activity of
their association.
Caroline Testont Souvenir.
Mr. Nichols has charge of the flrst
bloom from the Caroline Testout which
was planted in Oakland during the
visit of the Rosarians to that city re
cently, and this bloom has been pro
cessed to bo preserved forever as a
souvenir of the Rosarian visit.
All week long the Royal Oaks will
be In Portland, and In practically every
pageant of the week they will have
some entry. They have brought with
them a band which will march with
them in the parades, and the Royal
Oaks drill team is also one of the feu- y.
tures of their organization.
Throughout the trip to Portland the
Oaks spread the Rose Festival enthu
siasm in every city In which they
stopped. On the train a paper was
published, and wherever they stopped
they alighted and saw to it personally
that some of their enthusiasm and in
terest in the Festival was absorbed by
the natives of the city In which they
happened to be.
Special entertainments were given
them at all of the cities in Oregon in
which they stopped on .their way to
Extensive Tour Planned.
The Oaks are planning an extensive
tour through the Northwest to follow -their
week's visit in Portland, and will
pass Thursday, June 19, In Spokane as
guests of honor at the Pow Wow. On
the return trip they will visit Portland
for a short time and then will return
direct to Oakland. Tacoma, Seattle,
Vancouver, B. C; Victoria and Spokane
lie in their proposed extension tour
The membership of the drill team
of the Oaks follows:
Jules Abrahamson. Louis After, M. M. Bar
net. Bert Bercovtch. J. M. Burroughs
Thomas Badard. J. E. Calne. Hugh Car
penter G. T. Crompton. H. L. Dungan
J. Feehan. Theodore Gler, R. Horst, E.' B.
Johnson. Irving Jonas, E. C Kayser, S. H.
Kltto. James Kohler, A. s. Lavenson. Harry
Lelmert. H. B Lyon, Kenneth Milllcan, sec
ond lieutenant. A. M. McCarthv. L. F.
Moore. F. J. Mayhew. Leslie F. Rice, cap
tain. Fred E. Reed, first lieutenant. L.
Richardson, J. H. Robinson. Charles L.
Smith. Fred Seulberger. Clyde M. Shrader. - '
S. B. Swan, A. Schlueter. James Taylor,
L. J. Wetzel, T. A. Woods.
The full list of members of the Royal
Oaks' party follows:
H. L. Dungan. Jules Abrahamson and
Mrs. Abrahamson, M. M. Barnett. Mrs.
Barnett and son. W. A. Brlmer. B.
Bercovtch, J. X. Burroughs, Hugh Car
penter. O. T. Crompton. C. J. Fee
han. W. M. Fltzmaurlce, E. A. Hoas
locker, F. R. Haley and son. C J. Helser
and Mrs. Helser. E. C. Kayser and Mrs.
Kayser, A 8. Lavenson. S. S. Lawrence.
C. N. Le Nolr. Alan N. McCarthy, E. J.
Mayhew, w. D. McGlllivray. L. F. Moore.
Fred E. Reed and Mrs. Reed. Leslie F. v
Rice and Mrs. Slice. L. Richardson and
Mrs. Richardson. H P. Roach and Mrs.
Roach, Jamea H. Robinson. A. W. Swauger
and Mrs. Swauger, Charles Leonard Smith.
V. W. Smith. Mrs. Edward Singer, son and
daughter, S. B. Swan. Clyde M. Schrader.
Fred Seulberger and Mrs. ' Seulberger, James
Taylor and Mrs. Taylor, T. H. Whitehead,
T. A Wood, S. S. Samuels. F. E. Wllber,
Mrs. E. A. Wilbur. Louis Aber, G. W. Colby
and Mrs. Colby. A. S. Day and Mn. Day,
Colonel Theodore Gler. L. V. Hill. R. L.
Horst. S. Kltto and Mrs. Kitto. Irving Jonas,
E. B. Johnson, Harvey B. Lyon, Kenneth
Milllcan, A. Schlueter. F. W. Toakum. W.
D. Nichols, Mrs. E. G. Davis, C. Vincent.
Albany Hears Dr. Mcfian.
ALBANY, Or., June 9. (Special.)
Speaking in the interest of the com
ing World's Christian Citizenship Con
ference In Portland, Dr. James S. Mc
Gaw, of Pittsburg. Pa., general field
secretary of the Second World's Chrls
tlon Citizenship Conference, addressed
a large audience of Albany people In
the First Christian Church here this
afternoon. He spoke on the subject.
"Present Day Battles and the New Recruit."