Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 07, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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    nrfe MORyryq oREGomy. battjrpay, june 7, 1913-
Oaks Field Like Tyros and
Pernoll Is Batted Off Hill,
Losing 10-3.
Colts Win, 4 to 2, in Fast Game
in Which They Outplay Vic
toria in All Points.
' T A HTrTft nrt A am T VI a ttti . . 1 . '
Doane's Home Hun Puta Finishing
Touches on Mi tie's Southpaw.
Derrick, Coulson, McOormlck
and Berry Feature at Bat.
rcMto Coast iMKnr Standing!.
W L Pet. w Li Pet
Oakland.. 33 30 .Blfl Venice SO 34 4H9
San Fran 81 34 .477Sacramento 24 32 .42
Yuetevtiay s Result.
At Portland Portlanfl 10, Oakland 3
At San BTanclsco Vsnlce 6, San Fran
'Isco 4. CIO innings).
At Lot Angeles Los Angeles 11, Sacra
mento 3.
Portland had another fleia day yes
terday at the expense of the Oakland
champions. Opportune hlftlne, srood
fleldlns, good baserunntns the Beav
ers did all these-and, as the visitors
had a sloppy day in the field, little
wonder Portland won, 10 to 3.
The victory made it three frames In
four for Portland thus far in the series.
McCredie's men are only an infinitesi
mal distance from the first division
Seals .477 Heavers .475.
Eugene Krapp was on the firing line
for Poriland, opposing two Oak twirl
ers, Pernoll and Parkin.
Pernoll was hammered to the ehade
"f the dugout awning in the opening
game Tuesday and the same rough
ireatment whs accorded him yester
day in the fifth inning.
I)oanea Homer KndN Pernoll.
Pernoll was touched for two runs in
the second Inning, and five runs in the
fourth, so when Walter Doane opened
the fifth by spanking one of Bud'B
southpaw shoots over the right-field
fence for a home tun. Mitze thought it
high time to yank Pernoli.
Parkin got by all right from that on
to the eighth, when Leard and Cook,
added to an erratic day by Inserting
costly boots, and two more runs fil
tered over the rubber.
As for Krapp the little man who
specializes in damp shoots for Port
land Gene had the bases loaded twice
and had two or three thousand women
fans on edge all the time, but he
twirled Invinolble ball in the pinches.
Krapp was touched for nine hits, but
only one of the three Oak tallies was
really hard-earned. Kores' error and
a hit by Ness scored the first; a single
by Coy that was converted into a triple
when the ball bounded freaklly over
Coulson's head, gave the Oaks another,
Iletllng following with a single. Zach
er drove In the legitimate run in the
ninth on a double after Leard's hit.
Beavara Hit In Pinches.
While Walter Doane and Fred Der
rick featured with the mauling stick
for Portland, several other Beavers
swatted in the plnoh.
Coulson'a double. MoCortnick's single,
a boot and Berry's squeeze bunt gave
Portland a two-run lead in the second
frame. The Oaks never caught up and
when the locals mauled out four lusty
clouts In the fourth Inning and herded
five tallies across they didn't have a
ghost of a show.
Doubles by Doane and DerrlcR. sin
gles by Krapp and Lober, and misplayB
by the Oaks Infield will furnish the
key to the fifth-Inning puzzle. Lober
broke in at left flelM in his fTrst game
for Portland and drove In a run with
his lone hit. Chadbourne Is down with
a touch of grip.
Gene Krapp and Rodgers fielded
sensationally for Portland while Beck
er robbed Lober of a clean drive by a
circus effort In left.
The score:
Oakland j Portland
BWW.1. . e 1 4 O OiLober.l. ... 5 13 00
i.earu,.... i l 5 I Derrick,!.. 5 2 11 0 0
Zacher.m. 5 1 4 0 0Rodgera,2. 4 0 I 2 0
Nesa.l.... 4 2 9 OOKoreu... 4 0 2 3 1
"oy.r 3 1 2 0 OjDoane.r. . . 4 1100
Uetltng.I. 3 11 0 Olroulson.m. 4 1100
t'ook.s.... 3 11 5 S!M'C'mlck,J 3 1 2 40
'"rlsp.c 4 0 2 0 ojBerry.c. . . 3 0 4 1 0
1'ernoll.p. 2 1 0 2 0Krapp.p. .. 8 10 40
1'arkln.p.. 2 0 0 1 0
Total.. 3 I 14 11 Total.. 35 8 27 14 1
Oakland o 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 J
Hits o 1 0 1 2 1 0 2 2 9
t'ortland ......0 2 0 5 1 0 0 2 10
Il'ts 1 2 0 4 1 0 0 0 g
Runs Leard 2. Coy. Lober. Doane 2. Coul-j-.jii
2. McCormlck 8. Berry. Krapp. Struck
By Krapp 3. by Pernoll 2. Bases on
lflle--Off Krapp 4. Two-base hits Derrick
Ness. Doane. Zaeher. Coulson. Three-liai-e
ilt Coy. Home run Doane. Kaortfloe
OtM Berry. Krapp. Stolen bases Rodgers.
'oulson. atcCormlck. lilt by pitched ball
Mct'ormlek by Parkin. Innings pitched By
Pernoll 4. runs S. lilts 8. taken out In
Mr, with none nut and none on bases. Time
'f cams 1:45. Umpires McCarty and Bush.
Notes of the Game.
HI West, one of the best bets in the
league. will plteh for Portland today.
Christian may start for the Oaks.
Allan T. Maum, president of the Pacific
Coast League, watched yesterday's game
front a. box. When Elmer Lober amblan
Into left field for the Heavers, President
Rauni remarked: "There goes the out
fielder with the best arm In the league."
Kugene Krapp manipulated one of the
most brilliant fielding r..,vS of the year in
ne third inning, when he plucked an In
tended, sacrifice by crisp with one hand and
threw Cook out at second. Krapp la un
doubtedly one of the greatest fielding Itch
era In the world.
Justin Fitzgerald will leave Eunday night
to loin the Portland Colts at Vaacouvc,
That will bring the Beavers down to 20
men. No other releases will be handed out
for several days at least.
FTed Derrick is beginning to find his bat
ting ey for fair. He aecued two doubles
yesterday, bringing his average well ovtt
the .3tK mark for the week. Derrick wis
entitled to a third blngla yesterday.
The Oakland club attendtd the Orpherum
it. a d.i test nignt.
Krapp walked two men In the fourth
frame yesterday, filling tahe bases after on
in., iluitc. ne men retired Cook ana
I rip infield.
Bill Rodgers pulled a beautiful fielding
ftunt on an almost cinch hit by Leard.
wt.icDs was Forai rx Rem
it) an Humbles Wolves and Makes 4
Hits, One a. Triple, In 4 Times tp.
LOS ANGELES. June 6. The fourth
straight game for Los Angeles from
Sacramento was all over after the third
Inning today. The Angels pounded
Munsell and Schultx for 10 hits, which
netted 11) runs In the second and third
frames. Lively, who went in at the
tall end of the third, was charged with
but one run, Ellis' home run in the
fourth. Jack Ryan's batting was the
feature. The star heaver of the Angels
got four hits in four times up, one a
triple, and, fatigued by running bases,
he gave way to Rodgors after the sixth
Inning. Score:
Sacramento 1 Loa Angeles
li l! ft, P B tt . n
Kenw'rr'y.2 6 2 2 3 'Page.2 5 2 2 70
e - J,E.Iim,l
3 3 2 u Ol Moore. 1
3 O 1 0 Oi ration 1
H 1 3 0 u, Maggarf .m
a v i x Howard. r. .
4 0 4 0 l. Metaaer.S. .
1112 0 Johnson. I
shlnn.r. . . .
VanBui en. I
Moran.m . .
oun(,l. . .
Rllss.C . . .
Haltmeyar.c 3 1 O 0:Broolu,c. .,
5 O o
2 2 3 OO
1 0 8 OO
a 2 i o o
4)0 10
S 1 2 0 0
. 1 5 10
Muns'l.p... l o 0 0 0IRyan,p. .. . . 4 4 0 10
Shultz.p. .. O 0 O OOjRogers.p. . . 1 0 O 00
Llvely.p. . . 3 0 O 1 o
Totals.- 34 8 24 8 4 Totals. 37 16 27 10 0
Sacramento gOO 1 0000 8 1 '6
Hits i i r. .-. t
Los Anjreles . ( A t: i n , . . "S i .
Hits o 4 18 3 1 1 o 0 ,13
,?unr.?enworthy f Hallinan. Bhlnn,
Bliss, Ellis (2), Moore (2), Maggart, John-""S-
Bok 2- Kyan (2). Stolen bases
seven runs off Munsell, taken out tn third
with none out and one on base: two hits
and three runs off Schultz, pitched to three
men: five hits and one run off Ryan tn six
fea , -T..? ."y":..cnri? a-
b".hlt "Bliss. Ryan. Two-base hit Ken-
t . Vi X.. ,. llle" tiowara. Shlnn Base
on balls Off Munsell 8. off Ryan 1 off
Schultz 1, off Lively 1. off Rogers 4. Struck
K Sby Ryttn - br Rodsers
pitched ball Howard by 'Munsell. VanBuren
rase oy lively. Time 2:22.
umplres Phyle and Held.
Seals streak of Victories Is Broken
by Hard-Hlttlng Venetians.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 6.-Hard hit
ting by the top of the Venice batting
list gave the southern team a victory
over San Francisco today, 6 to 4, after
three straight defeats. Meloan singled
and Bayless knocked a home run In
the ninth. With the score 4 to 3 In
favor of Venice the home team tied
the score In Its half. Carlisle singled
in the 10th with the bases full and two
out, scoring the winning runs.
Four Venice pitchers went to the
mound. Harkness was taken out in
the eighth after he had forced in a
run with two hits and two walks. Grif
fin retired the side on a strikeout and
a double play. Griffin to Kreitz to
Brashear. Kane batted for Griffin and
Baurn went in, but was promptly taken
out with two men on bases and one
out Hitt finished the game, allowing
but one hit, Soore:
Venice San p-rancisco
Carlisle.l. 4 3 2 2 OiMundorff .r 4 3 2 0 0
Meloan.r. . 5 2 O 0 Ojcharles.2. . 3 2 2 O0
Bayless. m 4 2 0 0 0, tvuf f II. 2. . . 0 0 0 00
Brashe'r.l ;l o 9 1 2 Johnston. 1. 4 13 11
Lltschl.s.. .1 2 6 SO'Zlmui'n.m. 1 1 1 00
O'Ro'rke.2 SIR 2 0Mc.ArdI..l 31810
M Don'11,3 5 1 O 3t:eorhan.a. . 5 1 2 r, 0
Kreitz. c. 4 2 6 0 0 Cartwrl t.3 4 0 2 1 0
Elliott.c. V 0 O 0 0 Schmldt.o. 3 1 lO 10
Harlcn'ss.a 3 1 0 0 0McCorry.p. 4 10 10
Oriffin.p.. o 0 0 1 BBaker.p. . . o 0 O 00
Baum.p. .. 0 0 0 1 0tTonnem'n 1 -O 0 0 0
Kane.... 10 0 OOitHogau... 110 00
Pattfon 0 0 O O0
Totals. 39 13 3O20 2! Totals. 38 Iff 30 IS 1
Batted for Orlffin in ninth
Batted for Kreitz In tenth.
tBatted for Charles In ninth.
IBatted for Zimmerman In tenth.
Venice o 0 1 O 0 1 O 2 2 8
Hits 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 2 2 13
San I'TsncUeo 0 O02O0011 0 4
Hits 1118 10 12 1 112
Runs Carlisle. Meloan. Bayless. l.ltschl.
Harkness. Patterson, Charles. Zimmerman.
McArole. McCorry. Six runs 13 hits off
Mccory. taken out In tenth with 2 out and
2 on bases- 3 runs 10 bits off Harkness.
taken out In eighth, bases full, no outs:
no runs no hits off Orlffin la 1 inning; no
runs 1 hit off Baum in 1 Inning, taken out
in ath, 2 on bases 1 out. Stolen bases Car
lisle. Kreita Cartwrlght. McCorrv 2. Dou
ble plays Schmidt to Corhan; Kreitz to
LMschl; McArdle to Corhan; Carlisle to
Braeliear; Orlffin to Kreitz to Brashear.
Home run Bayless. Two-base hits Me
loan. McArdle, Lltschl 2. Mundorff. Sacri
fice hits Meloan, McArdle. Lett on bases
enlee 10, San Francisco 8. Hit by pitcher
latterson. Earned runs Venice 2 off
MoCorry; San Franclaoo L off Harkness;
charge defeat te MoCorry, credit victor to
Hitt. Bases on balls Off Harkness 7, off
MCLOrry , off Baum 1. Struck out By
Harkness 2, by Qrtffln 1, by McCorry 8.
Time 2:40. Umpires Finney and Van
Washington 1, St. Douis 0.
WASHINGTON, June 8. Washington
made it three out of four from St. Louis
today by winning the final game of the
series, shutting the visitors out, 1 to 0.
St Louis l Washington
BHOAE- Htrniip
Enotton.m. 4 3 2 1 O'Moeller.r. . 3,0 2 0 0
lovau.j... 4 u t i v scrtaerer,2. 4
Johnston. L 3 1 2 0 0 Milan, m... 4
Pratt.2... 4 2 2 0 0;L!andll.l. . . 3
Compton.r. 4 0 2 0 o,Laporte,3. . 2
v o o v.ananas.l . .. 3
Austin. 3.. 3 1 2 0 0McBrtde.a. 1
Asnew.c. 8 0 4 1 0Alnsmlth.o. 8
Leverenzj) 2 1 0 2 0Johnson.p . 2
naiom n.p o u o 10
G.Wma.. 1 0 0 00
Total. .SI K 9a o ni -t- , 7"w. .
5V V0"1" 0 0 OO 0 0 0 0 0 0
V ashlngton 0 0000010 1
t?auas. mis x.everenz, 4 la 7
innings: off Hamilton, none In 1 Inning. Sac
rifice hit Moeller. Stolen base Alnsrnlth.
eft on bases Su Louis 6, Washington 6.
baae on balls By Leverenz 2. by Johnson 1.
H.t by pitcher McBrlde, twice by Leverena.
.--truck out By Laverenx 8, by HamUton t,
by Johnaoa a. Time 1:31. Umpires HHde
brand aad O'Longhlln.
PbUadelph-la 8, Detroit 7.
PItILADEIL,PHIA. June . Tying the
score in the ninth, after two were out,
Philadelphia scored the winning run In
the tenth against Detroit today on
Oldring's double to right, which scored
Bender and enabled Philadelphia to win
its 12th consecutive vlotory, 8 to 7.
Credit for the victory goes to Bender.
Detroit Philadelphia
Bush.s 4 1 8 6 OlE.Murphy.r 5 2 0 0 0
1 7 0 Oldring-.l. . 5
1 1 0 0colllns.2. . 4
0 2 2 OIBaker.3. . . 4
B - O HMcInnls.l .
11S lOIStrunk.m.
3 10
3 0 0
9 0 0
0 2 0
0 0 0
15 0
9 10
0 10
Vltt.2b 3
Crawford.r 5
Cobb.m 6
Veach.l... 4
Gainer, 1. . 4
Mor'rlty,8 5
Rondeau, o 5
Lake,p. ... 2
3 0 0 0
114 1
13 3 0
4 14 3 0
10 0
8 8
S 30
0 2 0
0 0 0
10 0
0 0 0
0 0 O
0 0 0
0 0 0
2 0 1 1 IBarrv.s
2 4 0 OILapp.o 5
1 0 0 llPlank.p. .. 2
0 0 0 0 Dalev .... 1
Zamloch.p 0 0 0 0 0 Brown. p.. 0
0 D.M rphy' 1
Schank. 0
Wyckoff.p. 0
Bender.p. . 1
Totals. . .ST 12t29 183I Totals. . .41 18 30 21 2
Batted for Plank in the sixth.
Batted for Brown in the ninth.
Ran for D. Murphy In the ninth.
TTwo out when winning run was scored.
Detroit 0 1 2 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 7
Philadelphia O 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 2 1 8
Runs Bush. Veach, Gardner 8, Mortality.
Lake, Oldrlng 2. Collins 2. Baker, Mclnnls
2. Bender. Two-base hit Lake. Oldring 2.
Rondeau 2. Vltt. Gainer. Collins. Three
base hit Bush, Strunk. Hits Off Lake 9
In 4 2-3 Innings; off Halt, 6 In 4 1-8 In
nings; off Zamloch 2 In 2-3 Innings; off
Plank. 11 In 8 Innings: off Brown, none In
8 Innings; off Wyckoff. 1 In 1-3 innings;
off Bender, none In 2-8 Inning. Sacrifice
hits Strunk, Hall, Bush. Stolen bases
E. Murphy. Gainer 2. Crawford. Collins,
Morlarlty. Double plays Vltt. Bush and
Gainer 2; Cobb to Gainer. Left on bases
Detroit T. Philadelphia 10. First base on
ball. Off Plank 2. Lake 1. Hall 8. Brown
1. Zamloch 1. Wyckoff 1. First base on
errors Detroit 1. Philadelphia 1. Hit by
pitcher By Brown (Hall). Struck out
Plank 1. Lake 1, Hall 1. Wild pitch Plank
1. Time 2:27. Umpires Dlneen and Fer
guson. Cleveland 2, New York 1.
NEW YORK, June 6. New York lost
its 13th straight game today, when
Cleveland made a clean sweep of the
series, winning the fourth game, 2 to 1.
Score :
Cleveland I New Tork
wwumwwh, o 4, j. u uinartseil.r. 4
1 1
Chapm'n.s 8
Jackson, r
Ryan.m . .
Graney.l .
Carisch.c .
0 4 OlWolter.m. 8
1 1 0Borton,l. . 4
8 8 0Cree,l 4
8 0 0Sweeney,o. 4
2 0 0 Zeider.2.. 4
2 0 0 Midklfl.8. . 3
8 3 0 Peckinp'h.s 2
1 2 OlFlsher.p... s
0 2 11(1
0 2 0 0
0 9 0 0
0 8 0 0
12 8 0
2 4 3 0
0 14 0
2 8 1 O
116 0
Totals... 29 8 27 13 0 Totals. -.31 8 27 17 0
Cleveland 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
New Tork 0 001 0 000 0 1
ituns Jackson. Rvan. Sweenv Rarrifi.,
wufiuan. Ranier. stolen
Ryan Left on bases New York 5. Cleve
a" uase on balls Off Fisher 1 r,rr
if ?, Btruck out By Fisher 2; by
-Evans and
l.ord.3. . .. 0
Fournier.l. 6
Colllns,r.. 5
Bodie.l ... 5
Maftlck.m S
Weaver.s. 5
Sehalk.c 5
Whlte,p. 2
Russell.p. 2
Boston 4, CThlcago 3.
BOSTON. June 6. Boston defeated
Chicago. 4 to 3, in a 12-inning contest
today, Lewis driving in the winning
run when he hit the score board for two
bases, permitting Speaker to cross the
plate. Brilliant fielding by Mattlck,
Rath and Weaver were features of the
contest. White held Boston to a single
hit in the first six innings. In the
seventh, after Cady and Hooper had
hit for two bases each he was suc
ceeded by Russell. Score:
Chlcago Boston
0 14 1 0 Hooner r. . A 1 1 in
10 4 OiYerkea.2 6 0 12 0
2 S O I Speaker.m 1 0 4 0 0
0 8 0 OiLewis.l. . ., 4 2 1 00
8 4 0 OjEngeLl 6 0 12 2 0
1 8 O OjWagner.a.. 4 0 6 4 1
1 4 80 Janvrin,3. 5 0 180
1 8 2lCady.c 4 2 7 0 0
0 0 2 OiNuna'ker.o 0 0 2 00
0 0 2 0Wood,p... 4 0 2 40
Totals. 48 108 14 2 Totala. 88 5 36 21 1
Chicago 01110000000 0 3
Boston 101 00010000 1 i
Winning run scored with two out.
Runs Rath. Collins, Bodle. Speaker 2
Cady, Wood. Two-base hits Fournier, Bodie'
Cady, Hooper, Lewis. Three-base hit Schalk!
Lewis Hits Oil White, 8 in 2-3 Inning- off
Russell, 2 In 5 Innings. Sacrifice hits Mat
tick 2. Lewis, Speaker. Sacrifice fly Speaker
Seolen bases Rath. Fournier. Left on bases
Chicago 7. Boston 10. Base on balls Off
White 4. ofT Russell 3, off Wood 1. First on
errors Chicago 1, 'Boston X. Hit by pitcher
By Russell. Wagner. Struck out By White
2; by Wood. 10. Passed ball Cady. Time
2:43. Umpires McGreevy and Connolly.
Boston 5, "h icago 4.
CHICAGO, June 6. Boston bunched
hits behind errors by the locals and
made it two straight from Chicago to
day 5 to 4. Zimmerman, of Chicago,
strenuously questioned one of Umpire
Byron's decisions at third and was
banished to the clubhouse. Dickson
was hit freely by the home team, but
the support behind him was sensa
tional, the visitors making three light
ning double plays and Seymour making
a magnificent running catch in deep
center. Score:
Chicago I Boston
Leach.m. .3120 OlMaran'le.a. 3 1 2 3 O
Evera.2... 4 2 2 1 OlMyors.l. . . 2 o lO 10
ScbuUe.r. 4 2 O 0 0!ConneIly.L 2 O O O0
Zlmme-n.3 2 2 1 0 0 Lord. L . . . . 1 1 l on
Phelan.2.. 2 11 8 lSweenev.2. 3 0 2 6 0
Saler.l. ... 4 O 9 O 1'Smith.r. . . 0 0 1 00
Mitchell,!. 3 0 2 0 0!Titua.r. . . . 3 1 1 00
Brldwell.a 4 2 3 8 1'Seymour.m 4 0 5 0 0
Archer.c 4 1 7 8 0'MDonald.3 4 1 1 lo
Pleroe,p.. 8 0 0 4-lWhaUugc 4 1 4 20
Miller... 110 0 OjDlckson.p. 4 10 20
Totals. 34 12 27 17 4' Totals. 30 "6 27 14 0
Batted for Pierce in ninth.
Boston 2 003 000 0 0 6
Chicago 0 08 0 1 000 0 (
Runs Leach, Evers, Schulte 2, Myers,
Connelly. Titus. McDonald, Dickson. Two
base hits Titus, Zimmerman. Three-base
hit Fhelan. Sacrifice hit Connelly. Sacri
fice fly Sweeney. Stolen bases Schulte.
Double plays Myers to Maranvllle: McDon
ald to Sweeney to Myers; Sweeney to Ma
ranvllle to Myers. Base on balls Off
Pierce 4, off Dickson 2- Hit by pitcher
By Pierce (Titus). Struck out By Pierce
5, by Dickson 3. passed ball Archer. Time
2:05. Umpires RIgler and Byron.
Philadelphia 3, Pittsburg 1.
PITTSBURG, June 6. Seaton
pitchers' battle from Hendrix
Philadelphia defeating PItsburg
Philadelphia I Pittsburg
j3ecKer,m. 4 ( u tSBooe.m. .
Knabe,2... 8 0 1 2 0Carey,L . .
Lobert.a.. 4 O 1 0 0lviox,2.. . .
a 8 O 0 Wagner, a
v a vviaiiiier.i
Magee.l. . . 4
Cravath.S. a
Luderus.1. 8 1 18 1 Olwilson.r.V
Doolan.a. . 8
Dooln.o... 8
Seaton.p. . 8
0 OOByme.3...
Simon. c. . .
Butler. . .
Kelley.c. .
won a
3 to 1.
0 4 00
0 0 00
1 1 40
1 1 8 o
0 12 0 0
2 3 00
Totals. BO 8 27 13 01 Totals. 81 B 27 9 0
Diuea tor nimon in eighth.
Philadelphia 0 2010000 0 8
Pittsburg O0 O 0 0 O 1 O 0 1
Runs Magee 2, Luderus, Wagner. Two
base hit Magee. Three-base hits Dooin,
Wagner. Wilson. Stolen bases Magee. Sac
rifice fly Miller. Sacrifice hit Cravath.
Base on balls Off Hendrix 1. Struck out
B? -Beaton B, by Hendrix 5. Hit by pitcher
Wagner, by Seaton. Double play Simon
and Wagner. Time 1:55. Umpires O'Day
Amateur Athletics.
The Washington High School tennis
tournament, which has been going on
for the past week. Is down to the semi
finals. In the boys' singles the race
now lies with Harold Whoeler and
Byron Mathews. The girls' singles were
won by Miss Emma Du Brllle.
The basketball game scheduled be
tween the freshmen girls and the sen
ior co-eds of the Lincoln High School
for yesterday afternoon was postponed
until Monday afternoon. The June 13
and the February 14 class games will
be settled on that date, t4o.
m m m
The Young Men's Christian Associa
tion will hold its first Summer swim
on Thursday, Juno 19. Several of these
meets are planned, the last, a medal
meet, will be pulled off In August.
Each meet will have four or five
events, ribbons being given to first,
second and third winners.
The Jefferson High School diamond
will be the scene of an Interesting
game of baseball at 2:30 o'clock this
afternoon between the Portland Realty
Board nine and the fast Progressive
Business Men's Club team.
The Jefferson High School baseball
team, champions of the Portland Inter
scholastic League, will leave this
morning for Corvallls, where the mem
bers will battle with the freshmen of
Oregon Agricultural College.
Baseball Statistics
National League.
W. L. Pet
W. L. Pet
Phll'delp'ia 25 13 .6761Pittsburg... 23 22 .500
Vew York.. 23 17 .5S43t Louis 30 24 .455
Brooklyn.. 22 18 .550. Boston 16 23 .410
Chicago... 22 22 .5u0;3inclnnatl.. 17 28 .378
American Learne.
Phll'delp'a 84 10 .778Boston 20 24 4E5
Cleveland.. 34 18 .723pt Louis. . . 20 32 .885
SVashlngt'n 25 20 .566lDetroit 15 31 .367
-iilcago... 26 22 .542INew York. . 3 13 .209
American Association.
Columbus.. 26 17 .605Mlnneapolls 24 24 .500
Milwaukee. 2 23 .54jSt Paul. . , . 23 24 .489
Louisville.. 27 21 .66frndlanap'lU 19 26 .409
Kan. City. 27 25 .519roledo 16 23 .333
Western Trl -State.
Walla Wis 27 13 .675Pendleton. . 20 19 .613
Boise 23 16 .090 La Grande.. 16 28 .395
N. Yakima. 20 19 .513. Baker 13 38 .317
Yesterday's Results.
American Association Toledo 9. indUvh
apolis 2; Columbus 7. Louisville 5; Kansas
City 5. St Paul 4; Minneapolis-Milwaukee
game postponed, rain.
Western League Des Moines 10, Omaha
6; Topeka 7. Lincoln 3; St Joseph 11. Sioux
City 7; Denver-Wichita game postponed,
Southern League Chattanooga 7, Atlanta
5: Montgomery 2. Mobile 1: New Orleans
Memphis game postponed, rain: Nashville
Birmingham game postponed until Sunday.
Beaver Batttlng Averages.
Lindsay.. 121 44) . 330' James. .. .
Hlttglnra 35 11 .314'McCor'lck
Kores.... 170 49 ,2SSiCoulson . .
Lober.... SO 23 .287l,Berry.
Krapp... 19 5 . 267; Fitzger"ld
Doane... 170 45 .264!Caraon. . .
Chadb'ne 247 61 .26o.Wost
Fisher... 106 27 .237iHagerman
Derrick.. 221 66 .2iS'ShIlds
Rodgers. 2'JT 5.5 . 224;McCredl.
Krause. . . 34 8 .235j
35 S .228
161 36 .217
14 3 214
88 17 .204
85 17 .200
7 1 .142
37 6 .135
24 8 .125
1 0 .000
1 0 .000
Malioney Scoots Home While Short
stop looks at Ball 4Baggex by
Murray la Fifth Ties Score.
His Hit Later Wins.
Northwestern League Standings.
W. L. Pet.! W. T. TV-,
Seattle 31 30 . 6 08 Victoria. . . 25 87 .481
Vancouver. 29 21 -oSO.Tacoma. . .. 28 30 .434
Portland... 26 21 .55S 3pokane 19 14 .359
Yesterday's Result.
At Victoria Portland 4. Victoria 1.
At Vancouver Vancouver 9, Taooma 8.
At Seattle Seattle 8, Spokane 0.
VICTORIA, B. C. June 6. (Special.)
Patsy Callahan twirled, fine ball to
day and the Colts won, 4 to 2. Alberts
was good until the fifth, but from then
on he was hit with fair regularity. At
that he did not do badly and should
only have had three runs scored
against him, one of Portland's counters
being chargeable to Rawllngs, who
let a runner sneak home while he held
the ball.
Everything considered the Colts de
served, to win. Outside of an apparent
superiority in the box they outclassed
the Bees la the field, playing snappy
brllliant ball at all times.
Victoria got a run in the second and
In the third inning on three hits.
Lynch's three-bagger and Nordyke's
single supplied the first and Swain's
homer the second. In the fifth the
visitors turned loose on Alberts and
Mahoney"s single, followed by Murray's
home run. tied the count. They turned
another brace in the sixth after two
men had fallen. Speas singled. Ma
honey walked anl Murray hit for a
base, sending Speas home and landing
Mahoney on third. On the throw-in
from Nordyke Rawllngs held the ball
while Mahoney scooted for the plate
and, when the shortstop did decide to
throw to Shea, It was too late to catch
the runner even If the peg had been
true, which it was not.
Coltrln, the Colt shortstop, was dis
missed from the game in the fifth for
kicking about a close decision at the
home plate, on which he was retired,
when he and Fries attempted a double
Nick Williams and Heilmann are out
of the game for the time being, the
former having put his thumb out of
lotnt and the latter suffering from a
slight attack of tonsilitis. Score:
Portland ! Victoria
B H O A E;
Bancrofts 4 0 2 6 OlFelts.I. . 4
Frles.r.. 5 O 1 0 OiRawIlngs.s 4
Gulgnl.2. 4 0 2 8 0 Swain. 2 2
Melch'r.m 4 1 2 0 0 Meek, 1 4
Speas, 1.. 3 2 9 0 01 Lynch. ni. 8
Mahoney,! 3 2 1 OOiNordyker 4
Murray.c. 4 2 6 OOlLamb.S... 4
Coltrln.3. 2 11 0 01Shea,o 4
Mohler.2. 2 0 4 lOAlberts.p. 4
Totals SB102711ot Totals . S3 i 27 17 2
rorudna n Q 0 0 2 2 0 0
Victoria OllOOOO-O
0 10 0
0 15 1
114 1
1 13 0 0
1 ' O 0 0
2 1 00
13 4 0
0 5 20
0 2 0 0
Runs Spear Maloney (2), Murray, Swain.
rwo-oase nit Callahan. Three-
Home runs Swain, Mur-
base hit Lynch
ray. Sacrifice !
S2fi Lamb to Meek: Bancroft to
, oioien bases Lamb
Struck out By Callahan 5, by Alberta 3'
Bases on balbj Off Callahan 2, off Al
berts 2. Hit by pitched ball Lynch. Time
1:50. Umplre Eddlnger.
Tigers Put TJp Game Fight bnt Ben
nett's Drive Turns Tide.
VANCOUVER, B. C, June . In a
free hitting contest here today the
Canucks won from the Tigers by a
score of 9 to 8. The Bengals made a
great bid for the game in their half
of the ninth with the score 8 to 5
against them. A pass and two hits
filled the bases with none out and then
Ingersoll was rushed to Hall'
.McMurdo sent a runner across wheri
he grounded to Bennett. Kurfuss flew
out to center. McMulIen filled the
bases when he drew a pass and then
Kellar cracked out a single, sending
across two runs and tleing the score.
Neighbors was passed and Holderman
ended the Inning with a grounder to
With the score tied at 8 all, Heister
doubled to left and Bennett sent him
home with a hit to the centerfield
fence. Score:
Vancouver I Taooma
x j. psa Aiurno.m
5 1 3 3 0 Kurfuss.r..
8 14 0 OlMcMullen.3
4 2 0 0 llKeIIar.2. . .
4 17 1 O'vcigahors.l
4 16 OOHoI'rman.l
4 2 0 7 llRuell.s
4 15 0 OOrlndle e
8 2 12 OJBelford.p
Heister. 3..
Bennett, 3.
rrisk.r. .. .
Walsh. L. .
Lewia.c. . .
Hall.p. . . .
Ingersoll. p
0 0
McG'nlty.p 2
Burrell . .1
H.Harrls.m 0
s .Harris . 1
Urotp. ... 0
( o
3 0 0
3 5 1
0 0 1
7 0 0
13 0
5 10
0 00
0 0 0
0 O0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Total.. 37 12 27 15 2 Total.. 88 11416 1
Batted for Grlndle in ninth: batted
for McGlnnlty In ninth: tone out when win
ning run scored.
Vanoouver o 8 1 1 0 0 0 t 1 9
Tacoma 2 o 2 0 1 0 0 0 3 8
Runs Halster, Klppert 2. Frisk 3. Brinker,
Scharnweber, Hall, Kurfuss 2 McMulIen
Kellar, Ruell. Burrell. H. Harris. Two
base hits Frisk, Heister, Bennett. Neigh
bors. Kellar. Klppert Home run Hall.
Pitchers record 8 runs 4 hits off Belford
in 1 1-3 Innings: 5 runs 6 hits off McGlnnlty
In 6 2-8 Innings; 1 run 2 hits off Glrot In
1-3 Inning; 5 runs 10 hits off Hall In S
Innings: 3 runs 1 hit off Ingersoll in 1 In
ning. Credit victory to Ingersoll. Charge
defeat to Olrot. Double play Kellar unas
sisted. Wild pitches McGlnnlty. Hall 2.
Struck out By Hall 1. by Belford 1. by Mc
Glnnlty 2, by Girot 1. Bases on balls Off
Hall 2, off Ingersoll 2. off McGlnnlty 1.
Passed ball Grlndle. Left on bases Van
couver 4, Tacoma 6. Time 1:60. Umpire
Timely Hitting Gives Spokane Long
End of 3 -to -2 Score.
SEATTLE, June 8. Timely hitting
won today's game for Spokane, S to
2. A base on balls and two singles
gave the visitors their first run in the
opening inning; a single and a double
added .another in the third, and Mil
lion's home run in the fifth gave Spo
kane the game. Seattle hit freely, but
Cadreau was effective in the pinches.
Seattle I Spokane
3Uaw.3... 3
N'elll.2.... 2
Straltl ... 4
-adman.c. 5
KlUllay.m 4
Jackson. 1. 8
Wllson.r.. 8
Raymond,e 4
Meikle.p . . 2
Brown ... 1
Ful'tont.. 0
3 1 0 (i Million. 1. . . 8 2
2 SliYohc.3.
1 0 OlWagner.2..
8 0 1 Crum. m .
1 0 OiPappa.r.
Harbison, a.
UCCV1.1 .
Auer.c. . . .
AItman.o. .
0 0 0Cadreau,p .
0 0 0
9 0 0
2 0 0
3 6 0
0 10
0 o
2 3
0 8 01
0 110
1 6
0 0
0 0
9 0
0 0
0 0
4 0
0 0
4 0
Is Going
To Take Lunch With Us
in Hillsboro Sunday
Round Trip 50c
Totals.. 31 8 27 12 2 Totala. ..37 10 27 18 1
Batted for Melkle In ninth,
t Ran for Brown In nlntb.
Seattle 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Spokane 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 6 0 3
Runs Shaw. Melkle, Million. Tolie 2. Two-
base hits Shaw, Harbison, Wagner. Home ;
Train Leave- Front and Jefferson
Streets at lO A. M. Sunday
Tomorrow will be an ideal day for an outing in the coun
try. Bring your family and friends and come with us to
the Eden of the Tualatin Valley. Our cars will not be
crowded only 200 will be taken, and everyone will have
a seat. Lunch will be served in Hillsboro, and a band
concert given; the Commercial Club will hold open house,
and a jolly good time is predicted. Secure your tickets
now and be at the station Sunday at 10 A. M., whether
you are considering buying property or not; we want
everybody to see Hillsboro, if for no other reason than to
get acquainted with the beauties of Oregon's suburban
Fine Big Home Sites in the
Center of Hillsboro
From $90 Up
Easy Terms
For years our property has been held intact as an estate
the city has grown all around it the P. R. & N. and S. P.
Electric pass the property the Oregon Electric is just a
block away. The Court House is a block from the property i
the business section two blocks away in fact, and to be
brief, it is the "hub" of the city, around which the com
mercial and social life revolves. It is priced at a figure
making possible handsome profits for the early investor.
If the city of Hillsboro should never grow up you'd still
have an investment par excellence, but as Hillsboro is
BOUND TO GROW it can't help it every property
owner is going to make big money on his holdings.
Call us up for information, Main 8770
Smith-Willoughby Co.
90 Fifth Street Portland, Or-
run Million. Sacrifice hlt Nlll 2. Stolen
base Crura. Struck out By Melkle 8. by
Cadreau 7. Base on balls Off Melkle 1,
off Cadreau 6. Wild pitch Cadreau. Hit
by pitched ball Xltman by Melkle; Shaw by
Cadreau. Double plays -Raymond to N1U
to Shaw ; Harbison to McCarl. Time 2 .12
Umpire Casey.
I i it eftrDhKiHlt isr if KcHsUil AsK h. Jjs&UsHBB3eflr -'ltl i k
1 ittlll iy i lij (sssssTlHHrB mm. wSfRwEluM Wmml ll bbsb
Our Future City
One single generation of men has seen practically the entire growth
of every city west of the Allegheny Mountains.
Property which is now worth so many dollars or so many thou
sand dollars per front foot was not worth enough even to take posses
sion of it when they were boys.
Who in the world would have thought seventy years ago, that this
great republic would stretch from ocean Xo ocean before their eyes
were closed t
Look around you today as you walk down the streets. Here are
big buildings on every side of you where once was bare land. Here
on every side of you have arisen the homes of men, where once were
only the homes of the squirrel and fox.
And with the homes of men and the business of men have come
the values of Real Estate.
Now comes the second step forward in the progress of the race.
And this is the step which means land ownership for all.
The country is being opened up for smaller and more numerous
farms. Real Estate men are reaching out into the suburbs of the
city for wider and newer subdivisions. They are taking more vacant
spaces which soon are to be filled with homes.
And remember this, that vacant property is the ground floor of
All of this property yon have seen you and your father before
you. You know exactly what is going to happen.
So don't let your opportunity slip away.
Read the Real Estate Advertising in the Want Ad columns of this
paper. Answer that Advertising, get in touch with the men who are
opening new subdivisions and creating new land values. Arrange
to get your share of property in order that America's future may
be your future as well.
And mention The Oregonian each time yon answer an Ad, in order
that the advertiser may know he is dealing with an intelligent, far
seeing man.