Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 06, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Pardoned Man Served Only 4
Years and 10 Months for
Murder of Woman.
Cause off Shooting Is Because Vic
tim Refused to Drink With
Blodgett, Who Took Her
Life Deliberately.
SALEM, Or.. June 5. (Special.)
Governor West's prison system is again
in the limelight, under the operation
of which It has been determined that
tour years and 10 months is sufficient
length of time for a saloonkeeper who
admitted killing premeditatedly a wo
man with whom he lived illegally, to
sojourn in and about the penitentiary.
The Governor, following the recommen
dation of the parole board, secretly
pardoned, April 30, George L. Blodgett,
who, on the morning of March 23, 1906,
1.-, 4 1 .. n4 1. I 1 1 1 , I I . ( , , , . , . . r- , a 1 en I
known as Alice Gordon.
Xot satisfied with making Blodgett.
who was once sentenced to be hanged,
a free man, the prison authorities, with
the knowledge and approval of the Gov
ernor, the day after he was pardoned,
gave him a position as superintendent
of the poultry farm at the penitentiary
at a salary of $100 a month.
He was considered a good man for
the place and was asked to accept it
permanently, but after serving during
"May he pocketed his 5100 and went to
his old home in Washington State.
Pardon Considered Serious Error.
The pardoning of Blodgett Is con
sidered by residents of Salem, who be
lieve that murderers and cutthroats
should be behind prison bars, even a
more serious disregard of the rights
of the people than the recent paroling
of a man who waylaid and shot in the
back a prominent physician of Salem,
nnd was arcused of having broken into
a store two nights before and battered
a boy who lay asleep, on the head with
a blunt instrument.
More than one year ago when Blod
Kett had served about three years of
a life term he was informed that if he
would take charge of the poultry farm
nd make a success of it, he would be
made ;t trusty and continued as such
during good behavior us long as he re
mained tn the penitentiary. He took
much Interest In his work, and was
romplimentcd by the prison authorities.
Tie had been promised 25 cents a day
for his work, but when he was par
doned there was no money with which
to pay htm. The authorities explain
that he wan employed after his pardon
was granted so he could recover in that
way the money that had been promised
him. This does not explain, however,
hfs being offered a permanent place.
Supreme Court Reverse.
The Supreme Court reversed the judg
ment of the Multnomah County Circuit
Court that Blodgett was guilty of homi
cide in the first degree on the ground
that John Manning, District Attorney,
made an improper argument. A motion
that the verdict be set aside on the
ground that the defendant's confession.
In which he frankly admitted killing
the woman, was overruled by the higher
court. At the second trial Blodgett was
a gal n found gu llty and was sentenced
to a life term in the penitentiary.
Blodgett, In his confession, said the
woman he killed was 32 years of age
and had been the wife of George Min
thorn. of Duluth, Minn. He said he
w?s born In Idaho and reared in Mon
tana. He had conducted saloons In
various places. He had a wife and chil
dren and three brothers and two sis
ters. The woman whom he killed he met
In Helmvflle. Mont. She was then an
actress in a variety theater. He was
conducting a saloon at Columbia Falls
at the time. Blodgett said that
th nirht before ' the killing he
had been drinking heavily. The next
morning when he entered a saloon he
said lie was suffering from a sever o
headache. His confession continues:
"Where did you go after leaving the
sa loon?" asked Deputy District Attor
ney Moser, who questioned the man as
he made his confession.
"I came out and stood with this man
'Mule Allen.' We stood there and
talked, and walked up and down the
sidewalk and to the corner, and walked
back, and had another drink. Finally.
I says to him, I will be back in about
15 minutes. I am going up to the room
snd 1 will be back.' I said. 'I am going
to ask Alice to have a drink and If
she refuses I am going to kill her.' I
went up and 1 guess you know what
Blodgett Admit Shooting.
"Now what did happen?"
"They say I killed her, and I guess
J did."
"Did you ask her to take a drink
with you when you went up there?"
"I did."
"And did she take one or refuse?"
"She refused."
"Then what did you do?"
"1 don't know; the rest is a dream to
"What did she say to you?"
"She says. 'George, don't kill me.' "
"Then after that you had tired an
other shot?"
"1 think I did."
"And you had no reason to shoot her
except that she refused to take a drink
with you?"
"She refused to drink with me
something wt aid 'I am done with
you, and 1 don't know exactly what it
"And for that reason, and for that
alone, you shot her?"
"No: not exactly for that reason: it
was for the trouble we have had: the
.trouble this woman has caused me."
Family Broken I p.
"You shot her, I suppose, as much
because she refused to live with you as
for any other reason 7"
"Yes: that is about it. She broke me
and my wife up and caused me to lose
my friends and made a tramp and a
bum of me."
Upon the evidence and the summing
up the jury found the defendant guilty
and ;;e was sentenced to die. The re
versal was not upon the ground that
II evidence did not show guilt, for it
had been admitted by the defendant In
his confession, but upon the ground
that the District Attorney had injected
matter in his argument which was not
in the record of testimony.
purpose is to better social conditions.
Its statement follows:
The executive committee of the commit
tee of 10 wishes to express itself as very
much disappointed with the one-sided report
given in the news columns and editorial of
last night's Chronicle (The Dalles paper)
concerning the raid on the disreputable
houses last Saturday night. We are also
greatly chagrined to know that those who
have taken oath of office are not only ready
to wink at open violation of law. but willing
to go on record declaring the town to be in
excellent moral condition.
Such statements as "It is the broadcast
consensus of opinion that there was not the
slightest reason or excuse for Governor
West's interference here," and "his action
being uncalled for and without the slightest
provocation." and other Insinuations of a
general nature that the entire city is in
dignant and resentful at the Governor's ap
pearance here, are misleading and actually
misrepresent the attitude of the city toward
the Governor's action. We note that those
who were willing to publish statements
against the Governor's action are from
among those responsible for the present
moral conditions of the city and some of
those in town who are the boldest in their
declarations that the Governor's action was
unwarranted were among those who backed
down three years ago when a purely local
clean-up was attempted, we are glad, how
ever, to note the omission of the names
of some of our city officials.
It is safe to say that at least 13 CM)
Dalles church people, and a large majority
of the best citizens of the city, are heartily
- 'IsMt
Minis Mamie Winters.
BURNS, Or., June 5. (Spe
cial.) -The name of Miss Mamie
Winters was sent to the Senate
a few days ago by President
Wilson to succeed John K. Log
gan as postmaster in Burns.
Miss Winters is a native of Burns
and has made an excellent rec
ord for intelligent industry and
business ability. She has con
ducted a confectionery store and
ice cream parlor here the past
few years, supporting an aged
mother and recently an invalid
sister. Last March she was
elected city treasurer almost
Mr. Loggan. the retiring post
master, has been one of the most
efficient officers in the state.
In favor of this movement, and will back
It to the finish. The executive committee
of the committee of 100 have been besieged
on every hand by the citizens of The Dalles
asking that Governor West be requested to
come. In and take charge of the situation.
This plea upon the part of the cltlxens
was brought to the attention of the Gov
ernor by the committee, resulting in the
sending of special secret agents to obtain
such evidence as would show the t.-ue status
of affairs. Only partial Investigation dis
closed an official veneering over such base
immoral conditions as to warrant an Imme
diate raid to be made without consulting all
local officers. The refusal of the officers to
receive either prisoners or evidence brought
by the constable, and their evident opposi
tion to lite whole movement made it Inevit
able that the Governor bring the state mili
tia and come personally to see that the law
was upheld.
We wish to state that we believe the
Chronicle to have been unfair and unwise
in Its denunciation of the Governor and the
men who were deputized to assist, and
would ask the citizens who desire the best
moral conditions and who are loyal to our
city to be slow In forming conclusions until
the full truth Is revealed, and which cannot
be disclosed in full at the present time.
The Executive Committee of the Committee
of One Hundred.
Press Correspondent.
The Kev. H. Scliuknicht, of Portland,
Speaks Bishop Bell Discusses
Social-Economic Problems.
TILLAMOOK. Or.. June 5. (.Special.)
Dr. 'P. O. Bonebrake presided Over
the United Brethren Conference last
night, when a hearty welcome to Tilla
mook was accorded by representatives
of various interests of the city.
T. H. Goyne spoke for the Christian
layman; H. T. Botts in behalf of the
legal profession and T. L: Shrode for
the business man. The good-natured
addresses of welcome were responded
to by the Rev. George E. McIonald, of
Seattle. Wash. This was followed by
an address by Bishop Bell on "Eco
nomic Conditions."
There was a large attendance at the
conference today. Reports of pastors
and committees have furnished the hu
mor, pathos and oratory. The report
of the committee on finance drew the
keenest interest.
The Rev. H. Schuknlcht. of Portland,
representing the Evangelical Associa
tion, read an able paper bearing on
paternal greeting and having refer
ence to the contemplated educational
federation. Bishop Bell read a care
fully prepared paper on the far-reaching
import of the committee on social
service and community work, after
which H. L. Sheldon, of Portland, su
perintendent of the Oregon Anti-Saloon
League, made an address outlining the
plans of the league to make Oregon
"dry" in 1916.
T3 V If '
-s k xi
LIVELY, snappy new
models for you young
men in -suits ; new creations for
Spring and Summer fresh from
the skilled hands of the
& Marx
tailors; you'll not see any such clothes
anywhere else; might as well give up
trying to find anything as good. New
all-wool fabrics, in beautiful pat
terns ; imported aad American cloths,
designed for young men; for men of
all ages; you ought to see them.
We can do exceptionally well for you
at $20 and $25, but you can pay more,
or less, and get good value.
For your Hats and Furnishings you'll find
the best to your liking here. Why not come
in and get acquainted. All merchandise of
high standard makes only.
Copyright Bart Sohslntr & Marx
SamT Rosenblatt & Co.
The Men's Shop for Quality and Service
Northwest Cor. Third and Morrison
Chinese merchants In Hongkong are es
tablishLng department stores modeled on the
American plan.
Or:;:niUaiioii of The Dalles Issues
Statement Aceuslng Official.
THK DALLES. Or.. June 5. (Special.) I
A statement declaring that the com
mittep of one hundred of The Dalles
approves the raid recently made by j
aenta of Governor West on disrepu- '
table resorts of this -lty has been is- j
sued by the executive committee of)
that organization. Tiie committee ot
one hundred is an organization whose t
Mail to your friends in the
East The Oregonian during Rose
Festival week, beginning Mon
day. June 9. and ending with the
great Sunday edition, June 15.
Complete and exhaustive re
ports with numerous high-class
half-toned illustrations will be
featured daily.
The Portland Annual Rose Fes
tival has been widely advertised
throughout the United States,
and no more attractive testi
monial to your friends could be
given than a subscription to
Oregon's great daily during, the
given now at the busi
ness office or sent by mall to
The oregonian will receive
prompt and careful attention.
Subscription price for the en
tire week. Including postage. Is
20 cents.
Baritone in Recital Wins
George rTotchklss Street Appear, at
Christ en sen's Hall Before i.nrge
Tillamook County Beaches
via the
Every Saturday in Summer
Leave Portland Union Depot, via Fourth street 1:00 P. M.
Leave Fourth and Yamhill streets 1:10 P. M.
Arriving beach points in time for dinner.
Leave Tillamook Every Saturday Afternoon at 4 o 'Clock.
Arrive Portland About 10 P. M.
Week End (Saturday or Sunday) 93. GO
Good for return Monday.
Season Tickets (on sale daily from June 1st) S4.00
Limit for return October 31st.
Call at City Ticket Office, 80 Sixth Street, Corner Oak
4th and Yamhill Streets or Union Depot.
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
panist and piano soloist, and was a dis
tinguished success. She is clearly a
pianist of commanding merit and tal
ent, and she is quiet and pleasing In
her platform presence.
I baritone, once soloist at Calvary
Presbyterian and Grace Methodist Epis
copal churches, and who as a singer is
probably better known in Berlin and
Paris than this city, appeared in re
cital last night in Christensen's hall
and gave pleasure to the audience that
comfortably filled the hall and ap
plauded every number that he sang on
a long and varied programme.
The night was warm and one heard
the merry "toot toot" of autos outside,
as vibrant reminders that the season
now is when the call for the open is
upon us. Tet, so great was the
curiosity to hear Mr. Street sing that
the crowd came doubtless from cool
lawns, heavy with the perfume of
growing roses, to the city. And the
trip was worth the trouble.
Mr. Street stamps his singing with
beautiful finish and shading, and .he
has had good vocal lessons in Europe,
as his voice now shows. He is espe
cially successful In his German lleder,
and his French songs were delightful,
particularly the two Hahn and the
Holmes selections. Some of the songs,
however, Schumann's "Die Belden Gren
adiere" and Horner's "The Paupers'
Drive" and "Prospice," were a tax on
his vocal strength, and he was three
times out of tune. This was not the
fault of the piano accompanist, or the
piano, but the fault of Mr. Street. His
explanations of the songs were inter
esting wnen they could be heard but
ne dropped his voice and his talk then
became indistinct. Talking to an audi
ence is a special gift, and few singers
succeed in this department. All of
which Is written with kindness to my
friend. Mr. Street. It is to be hoped
tnat ne Is not yet above taking advice
He is young.
Miss Frances Batchelor was accom-
University of Oregon Students Pre
sent J. C. Moreland With Cilft.
SALEM. Or., June 3. (Special.)
Appreciating the encouragement and
advice given them by J. C. Moreland,
clerk of 'the Supreme Court and bar ex
aminer, the students of the law depart
ment of the University of Oregon upon
the conclusion of the bar examination
here today, -presented him with a hand
some traveling bag, decorated in the
celors of the Institution.
C. W. Robison, who while a student
of the Portland Academy won the prijs
in an oratorical contest by rason oi
the vote of Judge Moreland, he being
one of the judges, made the presenta
tion speech on behalf of the students.
Judge Moreland repsonded with an ao
dress of appreciation.
Accompanying the gift was a docu
ment setting out in a few words the
appreciation of the students.
turned over to the county at that
time. The bridge is of the Brooklyn
bridge type, the span being 500 feet,
and is 304 feet above the river in the
center of the bridge.
2 2 Jackson Widows Apply for Aid.
ASHLAND, Or., June 6. (Special.)
Twenty-two dependent widows with
children have applied to Jackson Coun
ty for pensions under the new law. The
amounts asked for range from $8 to
J62.B0 a month, and if these claims
are allowed the aggregate will amount
to over $500 a month. The largest
claim filed is by the widow of the late
Sheriff Slngler. Claimants reside In
the following precincts: Ashland, 6;
Medford. 7: Butte Falls. 2; Jackson
ville. 2; Talent. 2; Qfeold Hill, 1; Central
Point, 1; Applegate, 1.
Father Brady Catches Woman Pick
pocket Operating in Church.
LOS ANGELES, June 6. Turning de
tective in an effort to discover the mys
terious woman pickpocket who has been
operating successfully for weeks at St.
Vibiana's Cathedral, Rev. Father Brady
arrested Miss Annie Murphy as she was
about to purloin the pocketbook of a
worshipper kneeling at evening ves
pers tonight.
W ind River Bridge Nearly Completed
STKVEXSON, Wash.. June 6. (Spe
cial.) The new suspension bridge
across Wind River, four miles back of
Carson, will be completed June 14 and
Rose Festival Sale
Rose Carnival Week Only
To Be Sold at Cost and Less Than Cost
Farmer and Sons Surfer.
(Special.) It has been learned that Mr.
Johnson and two sons, while attempt
ing to cross the divide between Row
River and Mosby Creek lost their way
and suffered severely in spending the
iiignunine open wltnout food or fire.
Excursion Fares East
The World's Greatest Transportation System.
May 28th to September 30th.
Limited to October 31st.
MlDDeapolla. o.
St. Paul e.
i. on
Chtraa-o T.rto
St. I.oula 70.00
TmlljinapolU 70.10
Hetrolt. S3.RO
IVew York. lOS.r.o
rrnir IW.70
Philadelphia. 30N..-.0
Pittsburg. 91.50
Boston IIO.OO
Portland. Me I in. nr.
Ottawa. Out lOX.'-o
Montreal, P. l.
Stopovers Going and Returning. Have your tickets read one way
through the Canadian Rockies, or via Crows Nest Pass Route.
For descriptive matter and further particulars apply at Third and
Fine (Multnomah Hotel Building), or address
FRANK R. JOHNSON, General Agent, Portland, Or.
The night was wet and stormy and ditlon when they reached home the
the youngsters were In a serious con- I next day.
Driving Wagons, Top Bug
gies, Carriages, Surreys,
Open Business Wagons, Top
Business Wagons
Both Visitors and Buyers
Always Welcome
Studebaker Bros.Company
330 East Morrison St.
Portland, Oregon
Practical demonstration daily at
the Architectural Exhibit, Eighth
Floor, Lipman-Wolfe Store. Open
Saturday evening until 10:30
Every property owner in Port
land should take advantage of this
free demonstration. Inspect the
Rector System personally. This
wonderful equipment is the most
efficient and economical house
heating device on the market.
Just push a button and you have
exactly the amount of heat when
and where you want it.
Automatic, Inexpensive and