Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 06, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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President Says, However, No
Solution Has Been Offered
by Either Side.
It Is Now Regarded, as Certain
Courts Will Be Required to Act.
No Proposal for Arbitration
Is Vet Made.
WASHINGTON, June 5. President
"Wilson had a brief conference today
with Ambassador Chinda, prior to
which he had gone over the Japanese
note with Secretary Bryan and had ex
pressed the opinion that the communi
cation opened the way for "Interesting
and friendly negotiations." He had ex
plained earlier' that he did not expect
to make any official reply to the Jap
anese Ambassador, but would discuss
the Toklo note orally.
The President let it be known there
was much matter for discussion In the
Japanese notes, but that none of the
documents thus far exchanged by the
two governments . had themselves sug
gested a solution of the land law dif
ficulty. Court Decision Xecesssry.
He Indicated that the negotiations
would proceed slowly and carefully,
with a view to obtaining a frank ex
pression of opinions by the two na
tions. Sooner or later. It was Indi
cated, the meaning of the Federal laws
on naturalization would have to be de
termined by the courts, though the Ini
tiative might have to be taken by Jap
anese residents, as the Government
could not Institute proceedings.
No recommendation for arbitrating
the difficulties has thus far been made.
It was learned authoritatively. but
White House officials today reiterated
their confident expectation of an ami
cable adjustment eventually.
Cabinet 10 (irt Rejoinder Today.
Japan's latest word In her protest
against the California anti-alien land
law will be presented to the Cabinet to
morrow. It Is more than probable that
the Cabinet will consider the rejoinder
only in a preliminary way.
The next step in the negotiations is
a reply to Japan's rejoinder. This Is
expected to take up the Tokio govern
ment's reiterated contention, that the
Webb law Is In contravention of the
treaty of 1911, derogatory to the equal
treatment which Japanese expect under
international law and therefore a radi
cal discrimination. The whole tone of
the Japanese note Inviting further ne
gotiations upon the controverted points
Impressed official Washington more
than favorably.
Conferences With American Cham
bers, of Commerce "Desired.
NEW YORK, June 6. The New York
Chamber of Commerce received a let
ter from B. Nakano, president of the
Chamber of Commerce of Tokio, in
which Mr. Nakano extended the thanks
of his organization "and all other
Chambers of Commerce In Japan" to
the New York chamber in connection
with Its opposition to the passage of
the California anti-alien land law. The
letter was written May 7 and reads as
"I beg to Inform yon that Dr. Julchl
Soyeda, honorary member of this
chamber, formerly Vice-Minister of Fi
nance and until recently Governor of
the Industrial Bank of Japan, accom
panied by Kadao Kimaya, honorary
chief of this chamber, is proceeding to
your country per steamship Shinyo
Mam, due at San Francisco on the 26th
day of this month.
"Both gentlemen are commissioned
by this and all other Chambers of
Commerce in Japan to convey In person
the deep appreciation of the chambers
of your kind assistance In regard to
the land bill question in California and
to seek further co-operation tp wards
arriving at a complete solution of the
situation, whereby we may well estab
lish a perfect understanding of har
mony between the two peoples and
serve to promote mutual friendship
and oommerce of the two countries.
"Any courtesy and attention you may
extend to these two gentlemen will
he greatly appreciated not only by this,
but by all the chambers of the empire."
In reply President Claflln, of the New
York Chamber of Commerce, sent the
following cable to Mr. Nakano:
"Your letter highly appreciated. Will
cordially co-operate with your repre
sentatives to promote mutual friend
snip of our respective countries."
Rose, Planted by Rosarlans, and Oak
Tree to Be Brought Here.
OAKLAND, Cal.. June 5. (Special.)
i ne rirst blossom rrom the rose bush
planted in Oakland by Claude Craig
and H. L. Pittock. representing the
Portland Rosarlans. will be processed
and taken to the Portland Rose Fes
tival by the Oakland Commercial Club
delegation. The plant commemorates
the Pomanders' appreciation of Oak
land's hospitality to them when they
ame from the North last December. It
ha? thrived wri i'.orfullv well under th
special care that has been devoted to
It at the direction of the Oakland Com.
merclal Club. since the first blOBSom
has appeared, a special officer has been
detailed to guard it so that it might
ne sareguaraen until its maturity.
The Rosarlan rose in of the Caroline
Testout variety and is. gorgeous In Its
glorious pink coloring. W. D. Nichols.
who gained International fame for his
processing of blossoms and foliage, la
ti give especial care to the prepara
tion or this girt to peruana.
The Oaklanders Intend establishing
in Portland a living permanent expres
slon to the Rosarlans and the citizens
o, the city and state of appreciation of
the hospitality which they will receive
during the coming festival. A live oak
tree the emblem of the club will be
taken to Portland on the coming trip.
It win be planted at whatever spot
1 preferably In a public park may be
schools; Supervisor Andrews, County
Superintendent Baughman and R. Y.
Porter, chairman of the board of direc
A basket dinner was served on the
school grounds.
Idaho Cities and Many Outside Are
Represented at Convention.
WK1SER. Idaho. June 5. r Special.)
With a large delegation present, repre
senting nearly all parts of the state
and many other cities of the United
States, the ninth annual convention of
the Idaho Bankers' Association opened
its three days' session here this morn
ing. The elaborate programme an
nounced is Deing carried out in every
detail and with dispatch.
Features of the opening day were the
Above 3Ils Mary Hartunsr. BcIott
Minn Gertrude Walling;.
LEGE, Corvallis, June 5. (Special.)
Appointments which will place several
more members of the present gradu
ating class of Oregon Agricultural Col
lege In the teaching- profession in this
state are announced, as well as one
which sends a graduate student to the
normal school at Aberdeen, 8. D.
Those who will have charge of high
school work in Oregon in addition to
those previously announced are Misses
Henrietta Walker, of Cleveland; Mar
garet Osborn. of Newport; Helen Cow-
gill, of Baker; Opal Wasser, of Corval
lis; Mary Hartung, of Eugene, and
uertruae waning, or saiem.
MIes Walling and Miss Hartung go
to Springfield, where they will have
the classes In commerce and domestic
science respectively. Miss Wasser will
go to Baker to assist Miss Keren Davis,
who initiated the domestic science work
there last year. Miss Osborn will be at
Prairie City and Miss Walker has ac
cepted a position In domestic science at
H. H. Biggar, who has been doing ad
vanced work in agriculture, is to take
instructional work In his subject at the
Aberdeen. S. IX, normal.
reports of the various officers and an
nual address of the president.. Reports
show a very gratifying condition of the
association, which is rapidly gaining in
strength and is an important factor in
the financial world in the great North-
THE young man of today will save for tomorrow's needs if
he is careful in his expenditures, making every dollar do
its full duty.
These young men's suits at $10 are worth, far more than the
modest price we ask. Normally they are $15 and $20 suits in
1912 models we want them to render service now, so out
they got at the reduced price. You'd better see them, fellows!
$5 will buy a mighty good suit for the boy espe
cially if you choose it from these $6.50, $7.50 and
$8f 50 Suits that we 're offering at $5.
Made of sturdy fabrics, woven especially to hold active boys browns, grays,
tans and fancy mixtures in double-breasted styles.
a present with every suit.
HALF PRICE on a great array of children's dainty wash
suits madrases, percales, and other washable fabrics, in
pleasing colors. You pay now only one-half for suits that
were $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4, $4.50 and $5.
second floor
Junior Government Election
Campaign Grows Warm.
Oregon from Nelllsvllle, Wis., where h
was identified with extensive lumber
interests and continued in the same
industry in this locality. Mr. Huntley
leaves two sons and two daughters. His
wife died several years ago.
Owner of Waterworks Demands
S i 1 ,000 for Plant.
M ILWAU KTE , Or., June &. (Spe
cial.) At the meeting of the Council
last night. Mayor Elmer presiding. City
Auditor Mathews was instructed to ad
vertise the $20,000 water bonds author
ized by the voters at a recent special
election. The funds are to be used
to construct a municipal water plant.
The city stands ready to purchase
the Milwaukie Water Works from B. F.
Flsch at the appraised value of $5500,
but he declines to sell at these figures
and wants $11,000, which the city re
fuses to pay. It was reported at the
meeting that construction of the new
plant will start as soon as the bonds
have been sold. Pipe will be bought at
once and laid on Front and all streets
which are to be improved. The water
bonds run 20 years and will bear 5 per
cent Interest.
The Council passed a resolution pro
viding for the oiling- of all the principal
streets in Milwaukie, the work to be
done at once.
Standardization of Rural Institution
(Special.) Celebration of what la
thought to be the first standardisation
of a rural high school In the State of
Oregon occurred at Walker, Wednes
day. The school was only organized
last Fall and was standardized
March 17.
Among those on the programme for
addresses were Director Haight. Su
pervisor O'Reilly. Guy C. Stockton, re
tiring superintendent of th Eugene p.
Sirs. William Preston Wins First
Honors at Eugene Show.
EUGENE, Or.. June 6. (Special.)
Mrs. William Preston was awarded the
first prize for the best general exhibit
of roses at the Fourth Annual Rose
Show, held today by the Ladles' Auxil
iary of the Eugene Commercial Club.
Mrs. G. D. Linn won second prize.
The University of Oregon gardens
also sent a splendid display. There
were hundreds of entries for the single,
three and six-specimen displays, and
ribbon awards were made for these.
Especially pleasing to the women in
charge of the display was the general
interest taken not only in the city, but
in the surrounding territory in fur
nishing beautiful specimens for the
competition and for decorations of the
banquet room of the club, where the
exhibit was held.
Notice, Strawberry Pickers!
June 4 to 11. Inclusive, the O.-W. R.
& N. will sell round trip tickets to
Hood River for $2.55. Final return
limit June 30. For further particulars
apply at City Ticket Office. 3d and
Washington sts. Phone Marshall 4500,
A 6121.
Don't forget thlsi Insecticide kill.
the bedbug. Main 2Si. at .160 Third.
wmmer .Drug to.
Headquarters In Chamber of Com
merce Kept Bnsy Handling Coins
That Will Go to Improve
Home for Newsboys.
With a total of 19.236 ballots already
cast and counted, and several "dark
horse" candidates conserving their
forces, the Junior Government election
is working up to an enthusiastic pitch.
All the juvenile candidates and their
youthful friends are "boosting" with
might and main for the campaign In
general, and for some favored con
testants in particular.
Milton Margulis. In the lead for
Mayor, leaped up In last night's count
to C183, safely ahead of his nearest
rival. Clair Kldd. who totaled 2047. Joe
Scnnitzer Is Jubilant over his big lead
for Auditor, but Joe Weinstein. his
rival, Is saying nothing and looking
wise, hlntipg of mysterious plans he
has for a whirlwind finish. Julius
Steinberg in the race for Commissioner,
proudly claims the honor of having
been Indorsed by a "really-and-truly"
Commissioner, William L. Brewster.
Henry Pander Jumped to the lead
for Commissioner late yesterday after
noon, supplanting Alice Campbell.
Mrs. G. J. Frankel and her assist
ants In the Junior Government head
quarters, 202 Chamber of Commerce,
have been busy every evening count
ing the coins from the ballot-boxes.
Saturday the candidates will conduct a
"sure-enough" campaign.
Dorr E. Keasey. president of the
Newsboys' Home Association, has as
sured 'the contributors that every penny
will go toward improving the newsboys'
home on Front street.
The standing of the candidates to
date Is as follows:
Wilton Marzulls S1S3
Clair Kidd 204 T
Helen Quinn S7S
Barney Perlman 449
Bud Thompson . -J04
Charles Cohan
Andrew Young 4
R. a. McNary ; 11
Total for Mayor 9987
Joe Scnnitzer 7SO
Joe Weinstein -tQJ
Total for Auditor 04;!
Henry pander 1.965
Alice Campbell 1,835
Sranland Collins 1.087
Julius Steinberg s3
nnlnh P.r H&lzmtO 833
Emma Colli, 623
Abe Weinstein 60
William Bolser 1
Earl R. Goodwin 1
Total for Commissioners 8.306
Grand total 19,236
John Huntley Is Burled.
ASHLAND, Or., June 5. (Special.)
The funeral of John Huntley, who died
June 1, was held here today. He was
61 years old, and came to Southern
Dynamite Conspiracy Case to Go to
Jury Today Arguments End.
BOSTON. June 5. The dynamite con
spiracy case in which President Wood,
of the American Woolen Company,
Frederick E. Atteaux and Dennis J.
Collins are on trial, charg-ed with
"planting" explosives at Lawrence to i
flicrofllt tha tovtil,, etrllrcru in 11!" !
will be given to the jury tomorrow.
The defense completed its case today
and counsel made their final arguments
tonight. Judge Crosby will charge the
jury tomorrow morning.
In the arguments the attorneys for
the defendants and for the common
wealth made an issue of John J. Breen,
the Lawrence undertaker who was fined
for placing the explosive. Counsel for
Wood and Atteaux declared that Breen's
confessions of falsehood made him un
worthy of belief. The District Attor
ney warmly defended the credibility
of the prosecution's chief witness.
Chamberlain Objects to Re
newing Arbitration Pact.
Frledmann's Former Associate Will-.,
ing Test Should Be Made.
WASHINGTON. June 5. Dr. M. A.
Strum, of New York City, formerly as
sociated with Dr. Frledraann, came here
tonight to give Surgeon-General Blue,
of the Public Health Service, a quan
tity of the Friedmann vaccine with a
view to demonstrating its efficacy.
He will see the Surgeon-General to
morrow. Dr. Friedman refused to add
to the small quantity of his cultures
originally furnished the service or to
give any details of the use of his treatment.
McAdoo Notifies Federal Emplojes
at San Francisco When to Quit.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 5. Three
Federal officials of this port were ad
vised by telegraph today by Secre
tary of the Treasury McAdoo that their
resignations would be accepted as soon
as their successors had qualified for
the positions.
Those affected are George Stone, na
val officer of this port; Duncan Mc
Kinley, ex-member of Congress, now
surveyor of this port, and John G. Mat
tos, Jr., Appraiser of the Customs
A similar notification already had
been received by Collector qf the Port
Referendum Arguments Today.
SAXJEM, Or., June 6. (Special.) Cir
cuit Judge Galloway will hear argu
ment tomorrow morning In the suit to
compel Secretary of State Olcott to file
the petitions for a referendum of the
bill regulating the practice of den
tistry. Mr. Olcott rejected the peti
tions on the ground that they were
not regular. It is probable that the
case will be appealed.
Stumps of trees of certain kinds, such as
the Cuban pine, the ions leaf ptne. the
Douglas fir and the redwood, sometimes
continue io grow for years after the trees
are cwt down.
agreements With Italy and Spain
Take Same Course as That. With
Britain Delay Will Not Be
for Extended Period.
"WASHINGTON, June 6. Renewals of
several treaties, all three of which have
expired within the last few days, were
favorably reported today by the for
eign relations committee and the Sen
ate' went into executive session to con
sider them. The treaties with Italy
and Spain were promptly ratified, but
when that with Great Britain was re
ported Senator Chamberlain objected
After some discussion It was agreed
that If one was to be held up even for
a short time, the other treaties should
not be ratified, and by unanimous con
sent the former uction was reconsid
ered and all went over.
Great Britain's protest against the
provision in the Panama Canal act
granting free tolls to American vessels
was submitted several months ago:
long before the expiration of the arbi
tration treaty. Consequently the Brit
ish contention is that whether the con-
vention is renewed or not, it can have
no bearing upon a proposal to arbl
trate this question. Senator Chamber
lain fears the renewal of the treaty
may affect the canal situation.
It was believed tonight that none of
the tnree treaties would be held up
long, though there may be some de
bate in executive session when they
are taken up again.
Senator Chamberlain is author of a
resolution, now in a pigeonhole of the
interoceanic canals committee, abro
gating the Hay-Pauncefote and Clay
ton-Bulwer treaties under which Great
Britain and the United States agreed
concerning the construction of the Pan
ama Canal. He was the only Senator
to voice an objection today but it Is
known that Senator Bacon holds a
view somewhat similar and Senator
Root, who drew up the arbitration
treaty when he was Secretary of State
has contended in debate that the toll
question was subject for arbitration
under it.
Senator O'Gorman, of the canal com
mittee, and other Senators, however
are known to hold that the tolls ques
tion Is one of vital interest and that it
was herefore Included In the specific ex
ceptions or the pact.
Officers Pass Examination.
(Special.) Captain H. K. Metcalf and
Lieutenant Lee Roy Woods, of Com
pany Six. Coast Artillery Corps, sta
tioned here, are two of six who passed
the examination at the officers' school
recently held at Fort Stevens.
Farmhouse Burns With $4000 Loss.
AURORA. Or., Juno 6. (Special.)
The residence of William Kraus,
farmer, near Aurora, was destroyed
this afternocn by fire, entailing a loss
Hillsbor o
A Delightful
Sunday Outing
Get Your Tickets at Our
Office Now
Round Trip
Including Lunch
Next Sunday we will run another one of our popular
excursions to Hillsboro. As we can only accommodate 200,
secure your ticket now and be at the Jefferson-Street Depot
at 10 Sunday morning and join In this delightful Sunday
outing in the beautiful Tualatin Valley. You'll enjoy the
ride through the wooded hills you'll enjoy the view of the
Willamette unwinding its silvery length as far as the eye
can reach you'll enjoy the kaleidoscopic panorama of the
fertile Tualatin Valley with its busy cities and magnificent
suburban homes you'll enjoy the lunch in the open after
the bracing trip from the city come! bring the children,
bring your friends you'll return refreshed and delighted
and better informed as to Oregon's suburban growth.
Hillsboro Holds a Fortune
in Trust for Every Far
Sighted Investor
Mr. Louis Hill, In a recent speech in Hillsboro, is quoted
as saying that "in a very short time Hillsboro would oc
cupy the same relation to Portland that Harlem does to
New York." Mr. Hill ought to know, for it's his line that
is planning to tunnel the hills just east of Council Crest
and shorten the running time between the two cities by a
great many minutes. Hillsboro property is going to double
and treble in value this is not an exaggerated statement,
but is based on facts that bear the closest Investigation
we have property right In the heart of the city that Is sell
ing from $90 a lot and up on easy terms, too, and it's
completely surrounded by attractive, high-class homes
it's right on the P. R. & N. the Southern Pacific Electrio
Extension, and a block from the Oregon Electric. Surely,
such property Justifies your inspection surely, if you want
your spare earnings to work for you for all they are worth
this Is an opportunity worth looking into at once. All we
Only 200 Can Go
Get Your Tickets Now
Smith - Willoughby Co.
90 Fifth St. Phone Main 877o Portland
of nearly $4000, with insurance of
1300. The household goods were
saved. The origin of the fire was a de
fective flue.
Retrial Denied Adams.
ASTORIA Or., June 5. (Special.) A
different straw hats
buy your election hat
at m. sichel's. largest
assortment in the
northwest of all lead
ing makes, including
the new english block
with narrow brim
and high crown.
staw hats $3 to $7.50.
Panamas $5 to S30.
bankoks $7.50.
agent for knox, christy,
blum & koch
and monroe straw hats
m. sichel
33 1 Washington st., bet. broad way and sixth
motion for a new trial in the case of
Jackson F. Adams, who was recently
convicted of murder In the first degree
for killing Barney Chamberlain, was
argued before Judge Eakln of the Cir
cuit Court this afternoon and denied.
The motion was based on the affidavits
of two physicians, stating they believed
Adams was mentally unbalanced.
Low Rates
Rock Island Lines
May 28th
September 30th
Return Limit October 31, 1913
The Route of the
De Luxe
Rockiy Mountain Limited
By pnrchfwing yonr tickets st our office, yon have your
choice of any hue out of Portland. Special attention to
women and children traveling alone.
Tickets, Reservations, Information, Etc,
General Afent Faasecrcrr Dpartmnr
264 Start St.. Portland, Oregon Phones Main 334, Home A 3666