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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1913)
THE MORNIXG OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, JUXE 6, 1913. Additional Economy Offerings Wedged in With Annual "June White Days" Through YES-THE PANAMA CANAL'S IN OPERATION and here in our Fifth Floor, you '11 find it ! A -wonderful working model, showing every detail of the Canal in opera tion. The entire Canal Zone is shown in this model, and geo graphically correct. A special lecturer is here. And you'll find this exhibition intensely interesting. Model displayed without charge. Firth kiwi Announcement! Henry Lawrence Southwick President of Emerson College of Oratory, Boston, will give an Afternoon of Miscellaneous Readings In Our Seventh-Floor Tea-room Friday Afternoon, 3 o'clock Recitals from Sheridan, Mur ray, Shelley, Lanier, Edwards and Dickens. ADMISSION WITHOUT CHARGE BREAD-BAKING DEMONSTRATION on Acorn Gas Kanges Fourth Floor Stove De partment. Perfect baking without excessive heat. A COOL PLACE FOR LUNCHEON is our 7th floor Restaurant, and our special 50c luncheon is the noonday delight of hundreds. Take lunch here tomorrow. Music. 20 Meier Frank Co.'s m r th 1218TH KRIDAY MRPRISE SAI.K. These Waists, 95c A Surprise for Everyone! You'll wonder that Waists of such dainty styles could be offered for only 95c. They're lingerie mod els of voiles and batiste, and find unusual favor for warm weather. Some neatly trimmed in lace and em broidery; others made in fetching styles with col ored embroidery, and of colored voile. Robespierre collars and turn-cuffs predominate on this latter style of Waists. You'll find long and short sleeves, and Waists opening front and back. Low and high neck styles; many having lace yokes. For Friday your choice of these Lin- j gerie Waists, 3 styles as pictured; each a Second Floor, Main Building Mall Order Killed. Sales in Progress Last Day of Glove Sale Men's $15 to $20 Suits, $13.75 Boys9 $6 and $7,50 Suits, $3.85 July Advance Patterns and July Fashion Sheets Now Here. See The New Edition Butterick Embroidery and Stamping Designs. Pattern Section, First Floor, Main Building. Friday Surprise Sale 1218TH FRIDAY SIRPKIVB SALE Neat Silk Dresses, $ 1 1 .85 All Beautiful, New, One - Piece Styles Every Article of White Reduced CONTRACT GOODS EXCEPTED ANOTHER SHIPMENT Yelvet Ribbons Yd. 50c Grades 37c 65c Grades 43c 75c Grades 53c $1 Grades 63c An event that women will welcome enthusiastically, is this sale of beau tiful one-piece Silk Dresses. It places within the reach of all garments pre eminently practical and serviceable for both street and semi-dressy wear. Splendid messaline, poplins and chif fon, taffetas, with chiffon yoke ef fect. Coated Dresses with long pep lum and ruffled net vest also wool Bedford cords, with flowered cuffs and collars. Colors are tan, Sopen hagen, navy, gray and rose." Two gar ments as illustrated. dl i QES All sizes. Friday only P A 00 Second Floor, Main Bolldlns Mall Orders Filled. Hand-Colored Pictures at 25? Less Wallace Nutting's beautiful hand-colored Photographs are included in this Friday Sur prise, and for tomorrow only, choose from these famous pictures at 25 OFT. Kaiser's Hand-Oolored Photographs Scenes of the Northwest, in the most beautiful color ings. Friday only 25 OFF. "September Morn," reproduced in colors, from the famous paintftig by Paul Chabas; Friday only 25 OFF. Fifth Floor. 'rvr Building. "1218TII FRIDAY" STTRPRISK SALE School, College Pillow Covers $ 1 .23 Pillow Covers with beautiful emblems or mono- f grams of Portland High Schools, State University and many Fraternities. They're ot the best quality telt with correct colors. Sell usually at $2. For Friday ulv, eacll, $1.23. iMfth Floor. -i-t BullrtlnK. Mull Orders Filled. V 1218TH FRIDAY SVRFRISE SALE 1218TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SAL.E Candy Surprises 70c Melba Chocolates, the lb., only 48 60c Chocolate Marshmallows. milk chocolate covered, per pound, 38 40c Butter Cups, special, the pound, 25 40c After-Dinner Mints, the pound, 23t 40c Assorted Cream Wafers, pound, 25 Grocery Surprises No Telephone Orders Taken Canned Tomatoes latest pack, standard quality, in No. 2Vo - cans ; only 4 cans to a patron. Friday only, w Sped, 4 CANS FOR OC 10c Macaroni in full pound packages, limit 4 to a patron. For Friday only on sale, 4 PKGS. FOR jOC :1218TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE $5 to $ 1 0.50 Trimmed Hats, $3.95 Only 250 women are given this opportunity to choose Trimmed Tailored and Dress Hats that pos sess both chic and charm for only $3.95. It's a sur prise offering of $5.00 to $10.50 Trimmed Hats, for Friday only while any .of the 250 Hats remain. Rough-and-Ready" Sailors Rough and Ready Sailor Hats a most timely offering for this Friday Surprise Sale. They're ideal for outings, and even for street wear. From one lot we offer vou choice for KO4. $1.50 Rough and Ready Sailor Hats 95. - All Misses' and Children's Hats Reduced. Second Floor, Millinery Parlor. 1218TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 25c Handkerchiefs 12c Women's Initial Handkerchiefs, with daintily embroidered let ter, good quality pure linen or shamrock lawn ; also corner em broidered Kerchiefs in various designs a clean-up of broken lines of 20c and 25c qualities. For Fri day only, these will be placed on sale at, each, only 12c 1218TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 1218TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 1218TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SAI.K 25c and 35c Ribbons, the Yard 1 7c Heavy all-silk Ribbons in plain and fancy stripes, 5 to 7-inch widths, checks and prints, shown in light and dark colors, for hair bows, sashes and millinery Also black and colored velvet Ribbons Regular 25c and 35c grades for Friday they are offered at low price, the yard Women's 12c to 20c Vests fine ribbed, knit, with low neck and no sleeves, in reglar sizes; plain and fancy yokes. f These splendid Vests will be on sale Friday only at, each Women's $1.25 Silk Gloves 16-button lengths, with double finger tips. They're made of heavy Milanese silk, white, black, navy, gray, pongee ; sizes 52 to 8. For Friday only q J this splendid line of Silk Gloves will be on sale at, pair j C !1218TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SAX.E" $1 and $1.25 Golf Shirts Only 69c Sizes 14 to 17V2 Mostly Sizes 15 and 15V Here's an opportunity for men to supply their Summer needs in Shirts at an exceptionally low price. We've in cluded in great number and splendid array Golf Shirts which we special for Friday only at 69c. One lot includes starched and soft French cuff styles. Those made with stiff cuffs at tached are coat style and mostly plain bopom, in pleasing variety of neat stripes and figures and patterns. Light and dark colors. These are regular $1.25 grades, in sizes 14 to lT1. Those with French cuffs are of soisettes, silk mercerized and madras materials, with ch6ice of desirable colors and patterns. Some have soft collars to match, both attached and detached. Mostly sizes 15 and lS1. g Regularly $1.25 to $2.00 Shirts. Choice Friday only 0"C Iot Inside Morrison -St. Entranf. 25c Lace Pleatings 1 7 c New Lace Pleatings, in white and ecru, 2 inches wide. Assorted patterns, ex tra good qualities; regularly 25c. Friday only, the yd. 1T? First Floor, Main Bnlldlns. 25c Folding Paper Fans 5c Folding Paper Fans, in a large variety of sizes and col ors. Sell regularly at 10c to 25c. Special for Friday, each, at 5. First Floor, Main Tlulldlnc. 1218TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SAL1L Sale of Tennis Rackets For those who enjoy this outdoor sport, this is a timely op portunity. Here are high-grade Rackets offered for Friday only at pronounced reductions. Come today to the Sporting Goods Department. $1.50 Tennis Rackets, each, $1.23 $2.00 Tennis Rackets, each, $1.69 $2.50 Tennis Rackets, each, $1.99 $2.75 Tennis Rackets, each, $2.23 FRIDAY 53 00 Tennis Rackets, each $2.49 FRIDAY vtt v $400 Tennis Rackets, each, $3.29 A vtt i UN LI $5.00 Tennis Rackets, each, $3.99 UN LI $5.50 Tennis Rackets, each $4.39 $6.00 Tennis Rackets, each, $4.99 $7.00 Tennis Rackets, each, $5.98 $7.50 Tennis Rackets, each, $6.23 45c Tennis Balls, Friday only, each 39 25c Victor Tennis Balls, Friday 19 $1.00 Tennis Racket Cases, of felt, with monogram, Friday . . 73& Fifth Floor. Jfew Building. "121STH FRIDAY SITIPRISE SALE" $6 Cut Glass Sugars, Creamers $3.79 An adornment to any table are these beautiful Sugars and Creamers of Amer ican Cut Glass, in the popular hob star cutting, as illustrated. Regularly you pay $6 for this grade. Friday only, pair $3.79 fC Cut ipJ Glass Fern Dishes $3.69 Handsome Fern Dishes, as illustrated, of Ameri can Cut Glass, in deep cut attractive designs; 8 inch size with plated lining; sell ordinarily at $5; for Friday only, each, $3.69. First Floor, Main BnlldlnK. Mail Urderi Filled. " I L'lSTH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE? Garden Hose Surprise Sale it Goodyear" Guaranteed Thousands of feet of "Goodyear'' Hose the standard for durability and fully guaranteed now offered at prices which cannot be ignored. In 25 and 50-foot lengths and fitted with 40c adjustable nozzle and couplings ; high grade cotton covered Hose in V2-inch and 34-inch sizes. Prices for Friday only. 25 Feet H-in. Goodyear Cotton Hose, complete, $2.15 25 Feet 34-in. Goodyear Cotton Hose, complete, $2.79 50 Feet Vj-in. Goodyear Cotton, Hose, complete, $3.99 50 Feet 34-in. Goodyear Cotton Hose, complete, $4.69 '1218TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE" $1.25 Feather Pillows 62c Soft full Feather Bed Pillows are these we include in this Friday Surprise. Filled with a good grade odorless feathers and covered with A. C. A. ticking. Regu larly sold at $1.25. Now on sale very special, each $1.25 Cotton Sheet Blankets tan, gray and white ; excellent for tent or seaside ; for Friday only,- pair p X (UD 82c 1218TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE New 75c Initial Stationery 59c Box This new Mignon Initial Stationery wins instant favor with every woman. Box contains 24 sheets of paper, 24 correspond ence cards and 48 envelopes, of fine qual ity linen finish paper, with the popula fancy long gold initial. Regularly 75c Special, Friday only, the box, 59. First Floor. vr Hnllillnc Mall Orders Filled. 1SS7 mm 1813 QjUALITV STORlr OF PORTLAND FiftK. Sbct "MorrlsoTv Alder 31a. "1218TH FRIDAY' SURPRISE SALE" Women's' to 50cHose25c 1200 Pairs of Fine Imported Lisle Timely in arrival for this Surprise Sale are 1200 pairs of wom en's fine quality Lisle Hose, included with an additional lot of domestic Hose that have plain and lace boot. Choice of black, white, tan, etc. Also a silk Boot Hose, with lisle top and sole, in black only. This is assuredly an extraordinary offer ing, and for Friday only you may choose these 35c and 50c Hose at, special Women's 50c Ajax Hose of silk lisle, Summer weight, black only, with maco feet. Friday 3 pairs $1; pair First Floor, Main Bnlldlns. Mall Orders Filled. 35c ssssssssjssssss s s a glSTH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 1 Upholstered Cots Only $ 1 .98 Ideal for Beach and Camping Uses Just what you need for beach, camp- 1. . ClT""" I ing or home tent these handy TJphol- ySigSifpllj stered Cots. They're strong and well SSggiaggiggpF supported in 2-6 size. 600 of these Cots, I Igpia- that sell regularly for $3.75, are marked for Friday only at each, $1.98. Fourth Floor. Main Building Mail Orders Filled. i i