Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 06, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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TIXE . 6. 1913.
Everything Smacking of Pre
arrangement to Be Inves
tigated by Senate.
hmoot Clashes With Democrats Over
Question of Interest of Mor
mon Church In Various
Industrial Concerns.
WASHINGTON. June 5. The Senate
"lobby" Investigating committee de
cided tonight to extend its present in
nniry into a. sweeping investigation of
all orsranlxed efforts that have been
made to influence action on legislation
of any kind now pending before Con
gress or under consideration in the re
cent past.
Questions as to the interest the Mot
nmn Church holds in sugar and woolen
factories in Utah brought about a lively
clash between Senator Smoot and Dem
ocratic members of the committee late
.Senator Smoot said the church rep
resented a small amount of stock in
tho I'tah-ldaho Sugar Company and in
the Knight Woolen Mills Company, at
T'rovo; but lie resented questions by
Senators Keed and Walsh that he
thought carried Insinuation that he
represented the interests of the Mor
mon Church at Washington.
Church's Stock ot Beprewented.
"Here in Washington I represent all
the people In Ttah." he said sharply. "I
don't represent Mormon or Jew or Gen
tile, black or white. Methodist or Pres
byterian."" Senator Reed said he had not meant
to insinuate that Senator Smoot waa
the representative of the Mormon
"Don't you In any way Represent the
church's stock, within the meaning of
this Investigation?" asked Senator
"I do not." retorted Senator Smoot,
"no more than you do."
Senators Smoot. Mark Smith. Shaf
froth and Williams testified at the af
ternoon session- They produced new
luindles of literature seut out by va
rious organizations and Individuals.
The Investigating committee Anally de
cided 1 hat it would have to pass on this
literature -and determine whether or
not It was "misleading" or would have
"pernicious" effect.
False Statements Insidlons.
Members of the committee agreed
that even though the raising of money
for publicity campaigns might be le
gitimate, the issuing of false state
ments or misleading; public documents
would be an "insidious attempt" to in
lltienee the people and members of Con
gress. That detectives in some cases have
been used to shadow members or Con
press In the Interest of certain legis
lative action is a point that Senator
Cummins will endeavor to establish.
He asked Senator Smoot today'
whether tho latter knew of any such
activity. Senator Smout said he had
"heard of it." but lie had no informa
tion. Senator Cummins declined to
say that further witnesses would be
produced or to indicate the nature of
the detective work that has been done.
Senator Smoot gave the committee
the names of many persons who had
called on him on tariff subjects. Ha
Hald he had taken no part personally
in the organization of any fight against
free sngir and he did not know of the
existence of a "lobby" or the use. of
money, further than as public adver
tisements indicated It.
Insurance Interests to Be Called.
Senator Williams, whose sub-committee
has had charge of the income
tax feature of the tariff bill expressed
the belief there had been an organized
effort by the insurance companies to
rally policyholders against the Income
tax. Insurance officials probably will
be asked to appear.
R. 1). Bowen. who signed a circular
produced by Senator Williams, advis
ing cotton-growers to urge their Sena
tois to support a higher dutv on cot
ton cloth: C. D. S. W. Cowan, of Texas,
who has been active In the fight against
free meat; A. W. Copp. ex-Representa,
tlve from Mississippi, and C. H. Brown
and Otto Ruhl. of Washington, were
subpenaed tonight.
The decision of the committee to
broaden the scope of the inquiry was
determined on after several Senators
had added to the testimony already
glven tending to show that well organ
ized and vigorous work is being done
by commercial Interests on the sugar,
wool and other tariff Issues. The com
mittee decided to aubpena practically
all persons thus far mentioned by
Senators as among their "tariff call
ers" and to learn the exact nature of
all organized work that is being di
rected toward influencing any member
of Congress on any subject.
Overman Detects w Power.
The efforts of the committee will be
'entered first on the sugar fight, next
on wool and after that a full Investiga
tion that will take In the activities of
prohibition and liquor "lobbies," the
Alaska railway forces, labor unions,
farmers' protective organizations and
practically all other organized bodieB
that have carried on publicity cam
paigns, "endless chain" letter writing
or other means of influencing members
of the Senate or House.
Senator Overman, chairman of the
committee, said today that the Investi
gation already had established the fact
that powerful influence was wielded on
Senators by the organized forces con
ducting campaigns to mould or influ
ence public opinion. This, he said, con
stituted a new style "lobby" of-tremendous
The decision of the committee to
night has so broadened the scope of its
work that members do not know when
the inquiry can be concluded.
, Lobbyist Xot Yet Defined.
The next phase of the situation will
be taken up Monday with the calling
of the first men identified with the free
-'jgar ana anti-Tree sugar campaign.
Members of the Senate have almost
unanimously testified that no improper
methods have been used to influence
them and that the men who have called
on them are not "lobbyists" In the
sense that that term Is generally used.
The committee found it impossible to
night, however, to define a "lobbyist"
or to'flx a limit to its investigation. It
was determined, therefore, to investi
gate everything that shows any sign
of having been an organized or pre
arranged plan to influence any Con
sressiora! action.
f'onilnmd Krnm First Para. I
vanles subject to this tax If It could
be shown that they were under the
snu ownership of control as any of
tb bir .umpsnlfj." said Senator Hitch
rock today, "and In the case of the
Lortllard Company it would be subject
to a much higher rate of taxation If it
could be shown that it is owned
controlled by the same Interests that
are back of any other company. It Is
probable therefore, that this tax In the
aggregate would reach $16,000,000 a
year, which is so large that it would
soon cause a real dissolution of the
tobacco trust.
"If it did not, it would yield a hand
some revenue to the treasury and so
handicap the trust that it could not
carry out Its programme of crushing
independent companies. The Govern
ment already has the machinery to en
force this tax. Tobacco and snuff
manufacture In all forms is under com
plete Government control. The power
to tax to the point of destruction is
unquestioned. It is summary, simple
and irresistible. If it succeeds in this
line of manufacture It may succeed in
others. .
Child-Labor Provision Offered.
Senator Borah introduced an amend
ment to the tariff bill which would bar
from all entry all goods manufactured
wholly or in part by children under 4
years of age or by children under 16
years who are required to work more
than eight hours a day or more than 48
hours a week. It also w.ould bar all
imports made wholly or in part by con
vict labor.
President Wilson's position In "sup
port of free wool and free sugar seems
to grow stronger as the day of the
Senate caucus draws nearer. The
tariff bill will be put to the acid test
there and party leaders now feel that
the President's stand will be supported
almost unanimously by the party. There
is an increasing possibility that not
more than two Democratic Senators
will oppose the bill to the end.
Free shoes, free lumber, free agri
cultural products, free wool and free
sugar as provided in the Underwood
bill are to stand, the Administration
leaders declare and tlw possibility of
any amendments in the Sente,to those
Items Is lessening.
MoReynoIds Convinced Dissolution
In Neither Case Meets Require
ments or Sherman Ijaw.
WASHINGTON. June 5. Neither the
Standard Oil nor the tobacco trust has
been actually dissolved to meet the
requirements of the Sherman law, ac
cording; to the views of Attorney-General
When this became known today It
was taken as a forecast of further ac
tion against the oil as well as the to
bacco trusts. If the results of 'the In
vestigation just completed by the De
partment of Justice of tho workings of
the oil dissolution decrees Indicate
that there is a problem which can still
be dealt with under the Sherman law.
The Attorney-General's complaint Is
not against the Sherman law. but
against the decrees of dissolution interpreting-
the decisions of the United
States Supreme Court.
He Is firmly convinced that no trust,
as in these two cases, can be dissolved
adequately by a pro rata distribution
of the stock of Its disintegrated parts
among the same stockholders who con
trolled the original combination.
While each combination must be
dealt with as a separate problem, offi
cials point out that experience Indi
cates that dissolutions of the future
must be such that the control of disin
tegrated trusts will pass to new hands.
It has been known that Mr. Mc
Reynolds looked on the tobacco disso
lution as an "obvious subterfuge," but
it did not develop until today that he
likewise placed the Standard Oil disso
lution in the category of inadequacy.
Alanine' Points Out No Question of
Constitutional Guarantees is
Involved in New Jersey.
WASHINGTON. June 5. A movement
10 include in the Senate Investigation
of the West Virginia coal fields situa
tion an Inquiry Into conditions among
the striking textile workers in Pater
son, N. J., appeared here today. A peti
tion addressed to President Wilson and
Congress asking for an investigation of
conditions in Paterson was brought to
Washington by Frederick C. Howe, di
rector of the People's Institute of New
York. It was signed by a score of
prominent sociological workers.
Senator Martine, of New Jersey, one
of thfe members of the sub-committee
charged with the West Virginia in
quiry, declared he believed the Federal
Government could do nothing In regardj
to tne raterson situation.
"Certainly the Paterson matter will
in no way be connected with the West
Virginia probe. he said. "In West
Virginia the question of suspending the
constitutional guarantees and imposing
a military government is Involved,
while in New Jersey the entire matter
has been handled by the civil courts
under the law. The strikers have their
remedies under the law and I believe
a Federal Investigation could do no
Y. M. C. A. Secretary Arrested.
COUNCIL BLUFFS, la., June 6. W
Cottrell, general secretary of the
a. (a. li x. at council Bluffs, was ar
rested today at Clarlnda. Ia.. on in
formation filed by County Attorney
Capell. charging him with an attempt
to burn the local T. M. C. A. April L
He was arraigned before a Justice of
the Peace here and released on $S00
oonas. mis Rearing was set for July 3
Mall to your friends In the
East The Oregonlan during Rose
Festival week, beginning Mon
day, June 9, and ending with the
great Sunday edition. June 15.
Complete and exhaustive re
ports with numerous high-class
half-toned Illustrations will be
featured daily.
The Portland Annual Rose Fes
tival has been widely advertised
throughout the United States,
and no . more attractive testi
monial to your friends could be
given than a subscription to
Oregon's great daily during the
Orders given now at the busi
ness office or aent by mail to
The Oregonlan will receive
prompt and careful attention.
Subscription price for the en
tire week, including postage, is
20 cents.
General Land Office, Governor
Says, Has Too-Many "Po
litical Antiques."
Address Sent to Governors' Confer
ence at Salt Lake Suggests Di
vision of Reclamation Proj
ects Into Districts.
SALT LAKE. June 5. In an address
sent to the conference of Western Gov
ernors and read before that body today.
Governor West, of Oregon, gave voice
to the most positive views heard by
the conference. Conservation of nat
ural resources ho defended as a Na
tional policy not only wise, but neces
sary. Departmental administration of
that policy from Washington he at
tacked, as often arbitrary. stupTd and
dilatory. creating irritation among
those whom the Government sought to
serve which too often redounded in the
end to the benefit of large aggregations
of capital which has strength, foresight
and patience to seize, hold and tempor
ize until rightful claimants let go in
"The Interior Department." said the
Governor's address, "more particularly
the General Land Office. Is carrying too
mucn dead timber. It is loaded up with
lot of political antiques who could
never hold a position with a mouern
Lbusiness concern. Manv of these de
partmental clerks, while not being in
touch with conditions In the West, are
permitted to determine matters of vast
Importance to it."
Ham man Cited is Example.
The late E. H. Harrlman was in
stanced aa an executive who had the
wisdom to know what things he did not
know, and whose strength lay In his
choice of able men to whom he left the
details of their own departments. Some
such policy should apply, the Governor
tnougnt. to the Department of the In
terior, "It is Impossible,'' he argued, "for the
Secretary of the Interior or the director
of the Reclamation Service to grasp all
of the details Incident to construction
and operation. He should have on his
staff a consulting engineer of high
standing, who should keep in touch
with th- work of the different projects
and be his adviser on all matters of a
broad engineering policy. He should
have also on his staff a high-class legal
assitant and an auditor or chief ac
countant, who could be given full
charge of the accounting end of the
service and thus relieve his chief of the
detail which attaches to this depart
ni-.trt.-HnK Flan Outlined.
"The West should be cut uo Into dis
tricts, each to cover say from three to
five projects. Kach district should have
a competent engineer as executive
head he to select his project engi
neers and other assistants, the project
engineers to select their own subordi
nates. These district heads should be
given a reasonably free hand in all ad
ministrative matters and a fair chance
to work out their own ideas."
Admitting the many blunders the
Government had made. Governor West
did not believe the charge that millions
of acres of. valuable agricultural land
are being bottled up in the Federal for
'There may be tracts here and there,"
he wrote, "suitable for agricultural
purposes, but the acreage is small. In
1901 700,000 acres were eliminated from
the Olympic National forest In the
State of Washington on the ground
that it was chiefly valuable for agri
culture and that the settlement of the
country was being retarded.
"When the lands were thrown open
to entry, most of them were filed upon
under the timber and stone law, which
requires an oath that the land 'is valu
able chiefly for timber, but not fit for
cultivation." An Investigation ten years
later (1911) showed most of the lands
to have passed Into the hands of tim
ber companies. Only 100 settlers were
living In the area eliminated and the
total amount of land in cultivation was
but 570 acres, or an average of less than
six acres to the settler. -
Timber Holdings Centralised.
"Prior to the creation of the National
forests our timber resources were fast
slipping from public ownership into the
hands of a few large corporations,
whose aim appears to be control of
the industry. Their policy is to ac
quire and hold, letting the other fellow
supply the demand of today, well know
ing the time will come when they will
control all that remains of our once
vast timber supply and therefore be In
position to dictate the prices at which
it shall be sold.
The timber supply of the North
west is placed at about 1,500.000,000,000,
or a little more than oO per cent of
that of the Nation. Two-thirds of the
timber in the Northwest is in private
hands. One-half of It is heid by 37
owners -and one-fourth of it by three
owners the Southern Pacific, North
ern Pacific and the Weyerhaeuser In
terests. The holaings of the Southern
Pacific amount to 106,000,000,000 feet of
timber and about 3.300.000 acres of
land; the Weyerhaeuser interests 96,000,
000.000 feet and 1,945.000 acres, and the
Northern Pacific 36,000,000,000 feet and
3.000.000 acres. These timber holdings
of the big three in the Northwest are
more than one-half as great as the en
tire holdings of the Federal Govern
ment. Their combined holdings in Ore
gon and Washington are as great as
that of the Federal Government in the
said states.
Compact Executed Tardily.
"From the foregoing it will be seen
that our timber resources have been
gradually slipping to the oontrol of sel
fish interests and had not the policy
of Federal reservation and control been
inaugurated at an early date, every
acre of desirable surveyed land would
by this time have passed to private
In contrast to the wisdom of .conser
vation as a policy. Governor West cited
the tardy execution of a compact made
between the Federal Government and
the state when Oregon warf admitted
to the Unon. Under the terms of this
compact the state was granted sections
,16 and 36 of every township for the
support of her schools. In the event
that any of these lands were found to
have been sold by the Government, it
was provided that other lands, as con
tiguous as possible, could be selected
In lieu of such losses.
"Just the other day." continued the
Governor, "the department's attention
war called to the selection lists, which
had been lying in the general land of- j
fice for 10 or 12 years. If a selection
Is in order when filed there is abso
lutely no reason why it should not be
approved and the lands passed to patent
within a year."
St. Paul Extends City Boundaries. I
ST. PAVU June 5. (Special.) At aj
special election held Monday, tho cityl
boundaries were extended to embrace
over twice the original territory. a
Place Your Order With
Nicoll at Once
Our window is but an index
of what's on our tables.
Drop in and look over the
new arrivals. You 're sure to
be suited. No trouble to
show goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed in all rases.
Osrments to order In a day If required.
Full drees and tuxedo suits a specialty.
Wm, Jerrem.s Sons
new city charter was also adopted. The
city authorities are considering electric
lights for the city.
BORfOW sso.oon.oon.
Programme of Construction Planned
With Bulk of Proceeds of
Short-Term Securities.
6AN FRANCISCO, June 5. (Special.)
The Southern Pacific Company applied
to the Railroad Commission today for
authority to issue $30,000,000 in notes.
This is the largest application for an
issue of securities which has ever been
presented to the California Railroad
The money is to be used by the com
pany partly in an extensive programme
of construction and improvements.
The application asks for an Issue of
$30,000,000 of two-year 5 per cent col
lateral trust notes. The notes are to
be dated June 1. 1913, and will be due
June 1 , 1915. They will be subject to
redemption at par with interest on June
1. 1914, and December 1, 1914, on 30
days' notice. The company says that
the money is to be used for the follow
ing purposes:
Reimbursement of the treasury of the
Southern Pacific Company for cash ex
pended, representing a part only of the
capital investments heretofore made
and not Included In the following.
Cash payments for equipment in ad
dition to equipment trust notes, $3,460,
000. Additions to facilities of Atlantic
steamship lines, $1,763,000.
Additions to facilities of proprietary
line in Louisiana and Texas, $5,505,000.
Additions to facilities of Pacific sys
tem lines, including proprietary com
panies of the Southern Pacific Com
pany, $9,775,000.
Excursion Xot Sanctioned.
The so-called "Inter-School" excur
sion on the Bailey-Gatzert .Saturday.
June 7, is not authorised or sanctioned
by any of the following schools:
Lincoln High School, T. T. "Davis, prin
cipal. Portland Academy, J. R. Wilson, prin
Columbia University, Rev. Joseph J.
Gallagher, principal.
Washington High School, H. H. Herd
man, Jr., principal.
Jefferson High School, Hopkin Jenkins,
Alfred Austin's Body Cremated.
LONDON. June o. The body of Alfred
Austin, the late poet laureate, who died
on Monday, was cremated at Golder's
Green today without any ceremony. A
memorial service was held in the chapel
Royal, St. James Palace, at the same
Gompers to TTndergo Operation.
WASHINGTON, June 5. Samuel Gom
pers, president of the American Fed
eration of La did r, will undergo tomor
row a second operation for a mastoid
abscess. Physicians said today Mr.
Gompers was In good condition to un
dergo it.
Plain or
On Your Vacation
With one of our Letters of Credit you
can obtain money in any amount, within
the limit agreed upon throughout the
Security Savings and Trust Company
Fifth and Morrison Streets
Capital and Surplus $1,400,000
Even if You Could Buy Clothes Else
where for the Same Prices We Ask,
They Wouldn't Be Schloss
HE first question our old customers ask us when they come
to see the clothing on sale at these low prices, "Are these
Schloss Bros, make?"
Emphatically Yes. But every garment now on hand must
go the new firm must settle with the old and there's impera
tive need for rapid selling; therefore we offer
!4 Off on Every Fancy Suit at the Salem
Woolen Mills Going-Out-of-Business Sale
$ 1 5.00
$ 1 6.75
SPECIAIr 250 Suits in young men's styles, sizes 33 fc i r rf
to 37. Have been selling for $15 and $20. Saturday P 1 U.UU
Bill to Oompe I la y me n t of Wa-ges
During Motherhood Debated In
Chamber of Deputies.
PARIS, June 5. The question of the
protection of working women in France
during motherhood came up In the
Chamber of Deputies today and gave
rise to a lively debate. Deputy Fernand
Engerand offered a measure to compel
employers to continue paying the wages
of working women during four weeks
in case they are abseqt from their em
ployment owing to motherhood.
"France and Turkey are the only Eu
ropean countries in which motherhood
is not protected." he declared. "The
death rate among children put out to
nurse in France is 60 per cent, while
that among children nursed by their
mothers is only 12 per cent.
"The number of births In Germany
exceeds the deaths by 800,000 annually.
In France the excess Is only 40,000."
"If France had passed a measure of
this kind 20 years ago," said Deputy
Henri Schmidt, "the Chamber of Depu
ties would not be obliged to vote now
a law for Frenchmen to serve three
years In the army, nor to appropriate
for our
$15.00 Suits
for our
$18.00 Suits
for our
$20.00 Suits
for our
$22.50 Suits
Successors to Salem Woolen Mills Clothing Co.
the many billions we are called upon to
Initiative Beaten in Illinois.
SPRINGFIELD, IlL, June 5. A reso
lution providing for the submission to
'.he voters of an initiative and referen
The most successful song ever
given in any cafe in the world,
as sung by
and the
Eight Hotel Multnomah
This part of .the entertainment
will continue indefintely, that
all may have an oportunity of
seeing and hearing this novelty,
which can only be produced in
"The Arcadian Garden"
Colonial Pumps
Fashion has decreed that the
Colonial Pump will be one of
the most popular styles for
Spring. We invite your inspec
tion of the elegant new Han an
Colonial Pumps we are now
Portland's Best Shoe
!-' Tenth.
Xesr tVaali.
Bros. Clothes
for our
$25.00 Suits
for our
$30.00 Suita'
for our
$35.00 Suits
for our
$40.00 Suits
dum amendment to the constitution was
defeated in the lower house of the Illi
nois Legislature tonight, Tho measure,
in slightly changed form, hud passed
the Senate. .
China has one ooal field with an area
of 1 .OOP squurr
m v