16 THE MOKXIXG OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY. JUNE 6, 1913. TO EX C HAN G E WEST SIDE 100x106-FOOT CORKER. W have a Weat Side 100x106 corner. Inside 50 feet improved with a new a part -meat house, under lease for 5200 per month. Corner vacant. This ts a rood revenue producer; owner desires to ex rhanje his equity for apartment-house ite, or would consider other property. Whit have you ? F. E. TAYLOR CO.. 404-5 Uwli BIdB. FARM FOR SALE AND TRADE. One of the finest farm In Yamhill County, only H mile from station, on fine graveled road, contain 183 acres with 180 acre In high state of cultivation. 3 acres oak timber, a complete set of new buildings, only built 8 years, also an old set of buMdlngs, 40 acres of fine clover, acres Jn other crops, land almost level, j j. ng distance to town,, railroad and stores, only 39 miles from Portland; price $115 per acre; will take house to $3600 as first payment, balance time. 6M1TH-WILLOUGHBY CO.. 90 Fifth St. Phone Main S770 FARM FOR HOUSE. SO acres, located in Cow lit County, Washington. 20 acres In crop, 26 acres fine pasruro. balance timber, the timber Is worth $700; good 6-room house, fine bam, several chicken-houses and outbuild ings; with place goes a complete set of farming tools, 300 chickens, team. 3 cows, etc.; water and electric lights In house. mile from school, S miles from Kalama; price for ail only $5300; will take a house and lot In Portland up to $3500, balance t ime. SM I YH-W ILLOUGHB Y CO.. Phone Main S770. 90 Ffth WANT LOTS OR ACREAGE Near the city up to $2500 for equity In fine S-room naodarn homo In Lau re 1 hurst ; $500 cash, mortgage $2000. years. O. C. if. ELLIS & CO., ,109 Board of Trade. WANTED HEAL ESTATE. WE have buyers for cottages, can pay $50 to $150 cash. If you have one to sell, list it with us. We can sell It for you. IOWA REALTY CO., 629 Chamber of Commerce Mar. 604. WANTED Modern 5 or ti-room home in re stricted district to $350O from owner who will accept choice acreage as part pay ment. AJ3 11S. Oregonian. WILL pay $10,000 cash for West Side In come or close-In East Side property. A 1 19. Oregonian. CORNER lot, clear of Incumbrance, to trade for homestead relinquishment; must be good. AK 114, Oregonian. WILL pay oash for a home if a snap; give total price and location. B 97, Oregonian. FOR SAM'. TIM It F It LANDS. TIMBBIi lands BOUGHT AND HOLD. Q J. M' CRACK EN, 34 McKay bldg. CHEAP STUMPAGE Tdeal location for tie mill, stream run ning to R. K. spur. No. T.' 5th st. AM tired of paying taxes on my 100 acres timber. Jackson County; who wants a real snap ? AN 59. Oregonian. FARMS WANTED. FARMERS and land owners. If you wish to sub-divide and sell in small tracts to thote who will Improve; I can sell your land for you. Experienced, reliable and In touch with good class of buyers. Write AG 124. Oregoi.lan. a : i : - . j FOR RENT FARCV1S IMPROVED small farm, near car; berries ready to pick. 620 Henry bldg. FOR BALE, Horse. Vehicles, Etc IIORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds made to order; Mvery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STAJ3LE6, 420 Hawthorne Ave, Phong East 72. B 1869. BARGAIN Rubber-tirea surrey, steel-tired surrey, nearly new steel-tired top buggy, new breaking cart, rubber-tired racing rait, 2 work teams, 1 big team of cheap brood mares, good rubber-tired dye or laundry wagon. 2 old farm wagons and 2 dump nagona. 14 Union ave. UK AD cheap workhorses, some would maive ood ranch teams; these horses must be sold at once, as we have no work for thm' and want to stop feed bills: also good light farm wagon and double harness. This stock will sell guar antee. 181 East 12th near Hawthorne ave. $ 1 35 BU YS Nice, fat, gentle horse, buggy an dhar- ness; this horse Is a dandy; safe for a lady to drive or ride and gentle for children. 251 East 12th, near Hawthorne RESPONSIBLE parly wants to hire teams for orchard work; will buy 8 teams If pnoi right and five months' time given, i 'all or phone room 221, Seward Hotel, Friday forenoon. MUST sell at once, leaving city for Cay., good ranch team, nearly new $100 wagon and good harness, all for $22.1. Inquire for Hosier's rig. 14 Union ave. ONE pair matched horses, half brothers, 5 years old. gentle, well broke and sound every way ; weight 250t lbs. G35 E. Pine St. Trial allowed. TEAMS WANTED 15 teams, heavy stock, $30 and found; railroau work, free trans portation. Hanley Employment Agency. 2SVk N. 2d. FOR SALE, cheap. I carta, 1 top steel-tired buggy, 3 sets of single harness. C35 E. Pine st. Also one 1050-lb. ranch horse. ONE rubber-tired buggy in first-class con dition; 2 covered delivery wagons, nearly new. 226 RusselL WANTED Two wagons. standard tread. 4-lncn axle; must be good and cheap. 005 Buchanan bldg1. MY driving and work horse, weight about 110. Open top buggy, harness: reason able. Mr. G.. 424 Hamilton bldg. ALL kinds of horses for sale; several fancy ones. 444 E. 13th, N. Phone C. 1837. Call mornings. $60 TA KES a pair of serviceable ranch mares, absolutely reliable ; weight 2200 lbs. 167 East Stark St., Monta villa. ONE team, 6 and 6 ears old. weighing 2900; one team d and 7 years old, weigh ' log 2800. 226 Russell. CLOSING out harness at wholesale price. 200 2d. cor. Taylor. PASTURE for stock, close to Portland, O. I, S. Co. Main 1410. GOOD driving horse, 7 years old, sound and gentle, weight 1000 pounds. Sellwood 141. BU ; bay mare, harness, wagon, $275. 835 uaat I'stn si. v w car. MEIER & FRANK, wagons cheap, at cor.i pany's barn. 2d and Jefferson sts. HORSES for sale at 83 East 7th st North. Pianos, Organs and Mutual Instruments. PIANO Elegant mahogany upright, almost new greatest bargain in city, less than 1B0. Call immediately. 701 Northrup st. LEAVING city, offer $450 tVT 4VJrttfl pi ano cheap. M 117, Oregonian. I Birrii, Pet Stoca. FINELY marked St. Bernard pups, from registered and pedigreed mother and well marked . he ; j w eignt father ; t hese dogs have behind them 7 generations of win ners. Roc hat, route Spokane. Airedale terriers to protect your home and family. Laddlx Kennels. Est ac a da. Or. Furniture for sale. FURNITURE for residence, comprising leather parlor furniture, library furniture, beautiful dining suit, bedroom furnish ings, rugs, brass beds, etc; great oppor tunity for those starting housekeeping. Call immediately. TOl Northrup. W car. COMPLE I K furniture of 5-room cottage. Summer's wood, lot of chickens, one-half acre garden, all for 175; leaving city; house rents, for $15. Phone, at once, Tabor S953. FLR.N1TURE of 5 - room modern house only SHOO, terms; house for rent, only sCil 50, Phoi.e Marshall S1S4. BRAND NEW FURNITURE of three-room apartment for sale at a bargain. 172 Broadway. Apt. iL Main 72S6. GOING away, my new, high-grade furni ture at a great sacrifice, no dealera.sPhone B 27S4. KIKXITl'KE of 8 -room cottage, rent 5; snap, call mornings, 711 East Tlbbets. BEDROOM and other furniture, reasonable Apt, for rent. Ford ham Apta.. see janitor. IIOTJSB for rant, furniture for sale. 2j u 8th. city. Inquire 80 N. 5th. OFFICE furnltme set for sale at a bargain. Owner. G07 Couch bldg. FURNITVR E for sale at 686 Henry eve Sellwood car. Call erenlngs, 1 AiitomoDllM. FOR SALE Piano, Ludwlg, less than half price, aplendid tone. Call Marshall Ward. ?t'2 E- 2th st. N. -PASSENGER White Steamer, first-class oudltJon. cheap: cr tradi. Dundee Ga i ite, rT5 Jefferon st. FOR S ALB 1 6-passenger touring car at a bargain. Inquire at 500 Burnslde st. or phone Main 60, J fc-TON motor truck for aale. onty used 6 months: nn Installments. Inquire at 1-S 3d. TWO 7-paasenger cars cheap. Auto Top Co.. 616 Alder, FOR SALE. Automobile REBUILT AND REFINISHED. WINTON SIXES. We are not in the second-hand busi ness. All cars listed were traded In on new Wlnton Sixes and we made our profit on the new cars. There are no brokerage fees, no profit on second-hand cars. We are glad to get what they cost us. There are no lame "ducks and no "come on" cars. Every traded - in car on our floor is worth owning. Furthermore, we'll be at the same old place of busi ness to make good on every sale. Let us show you the great values that you'll be proud to own. Rebuilt Wlnton "Sixes" in 4 5 and 7 passengers. Packard 7-passenger. Peerless 7-passenger. Stevens-Duryea, 7 -passenger. Lozler, 4-passenger. R. C. H. coupe, 3-pasaengeT. THE WINTON MOTORCAR CO., 23d and Washington. 1912 OVERLAND 30, 5-pasa, foredoor. finest condition! $750. 1912 Regal 30, underslung, foredoor, roadster. $550. 1912 Chalmers 36, 5-pass., foredoor, self starter, 91350. 1912 Oldsmoblle 40, fl-pass., foredcor, practically new cost $4800; price $1350. 1911 Maxwell 30. 4-pass., foredoor, like new, $450. Over 30 cars in stock. CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO CO., Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. SPECIAL AUTO VALUES. A few 1912 slightly used. 40 H. P. elee-trlc-Ughted, fully equipped, special price $1100; S3 H. P., new and slightly used, special colors, $S50 to $1200. MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY CO.. 514 Alder St., Corner 16th. AUTO OWNERS ATTENTION. Can take your auto trimmings off, re plate them and put back In 2 days. Have your auto plated In time for Rose Festival. PORTLAND PLATING & MFG. CO.. 22d and Thurmaa sts. A 5282. Main 943. BEAUTIFUL, big. 6-cyllnder Lozler, costing SG500. Easiest riding car on the Coast. Guaranteed to be in perfect running order. Will sell at a sacrifice. A 108, Oregonian. FEDERAL truck, one ton, same as new. If bought right away a bargain; owner leav ing town; can be seen at 86 10th st. Ask for Slgle. AUTOMOBILES wanted I have some fine lots, also a house and lot that 1 will trade for automobile. Call Tabor 4343. 1912 7-PA SSENGER Rambler, same as new, cost $3000; will sell for $1100. Call Tabor 4343. 7-PASSENGER Plerce-Arrow ; snap for cash ; consider some iraue. v us, uregoiuau. Livestock. 6 LARGE Durham cows, all fresh, big milk ers and good testers. A. Hess, Foster road. o blocks east Lents. Take Mount Scott car. FOR SALE cheap, one Jersey bull, 4 months old. Call at 21st and Irving. Machinery. FOR SALE. A 4'n-harsepower, 550-voIt, Crocker Wheeler motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 75 ampere overload, I. T. E. circuit breaker. In A-l condition. Address room 203, Ore gonian bldg. FOR SALE. One 125-volt direct current generator, complete, with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker. This machine Is In good repair. Address room 203, Orego nian bldg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W., 500-voit Crocker-Wheeler generator complete, with field rheostat and circult-toreaker, in good condition. Address room 20-3. Oregonian bldg. Mlettellaueou. MANURB IN CAR LOTS. Stockyards manure in car lots, $1 per ton, f. o. b. cars. North Portland. Book your ordrrs early. PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS CO.. North Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE Roll top typewriter or other roll top office desk; also Remington type writing machine, golden oak office table, four metal and one-half space docket file. Cheap for cash. Mr. G., 424 Hamilton bld. 00 BOXES Dr. Price's genuine cuticle soap. 6 bars to the box, retails at 26c cake; will eell In 10-box Iota and upwards 40c box; 25-box lots, 5 per cent off. Sen Mr. Hewitt, 304 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. SAFES, new and second-hand; low prices; easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORT LAND SAFE CO., 85 5th st. Main 6309. ONE of the finest 16-foot Morris canoes, in cluding sail and leeboards. Call Rahn, Marshall 020. SEWING machine, Slng"er, good as new, cost $45; take $17.50. Call Marshall Ward, 822 E. lMth St. N. MAKE offer on Gibson mandolin, good as new; also extreme wide angle lens. AD 184. Orygonlan. MOTORCYCLES Big cut In prices while thev last; this Is your chance. 31 NORTH BROADWAT. SECOND-HAND roll-top desk, 2 fiat-top desks and 3 chairs. Bushong & Co., 01 Park st. FOR SALE for 1-3 value, my house antiques, very rare, valuable collection and high art paintings. AL 111, Oregonian, TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $5. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 262 Stark st. NATIONAL cash rgisters; get my prices. Povey, 351 S Wash., basement. Mam 00B. DERBY desks and office furniture. E. B. Haley Desk Co., 210 Broadway. Main 687. USE Basset's Native Herbs for constlpa i ion : 50 tablets for 25c ; all druggists. 100 DISK records at a bargain. Phone Home A 4105. WILL trade restaurant fixtures for motor cycle. W 108. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 20S 1st., between Taylor and Salmon, will pay best price for your furniture, carpets, stoves, etc., etc. New and second-hand furniture our specialty. PHONE MARSHALL 59hL LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co.. 221 Front at., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of anv kind. If you have anything; in this line call Main 9072. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terras. W. J Macauley. 334 Burnalde st. Phone Main lilb. .-V JSlb. WE BUY CLOTHING AND F 1 3 R N I T ETi t E Highest prices paid for ladles' and men'i cast-off clothing and shoos. Call Main 2US0. 2S4 First, The Globe. WE want to buy $1000 worth of second - nana lurniture in the next 30 davs and pay all the cash It is worth. Wllllama Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 636. WILL kalsomine room at $2.50 and up and clean woodwork; painting, papering, grain ing. All work first-class. Phone Main FAIR DEAL opened ftgain; we pay highest prices for your second-hand clothing and WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. M. R. dealer. Phone East 3 1 34. 34S Hawthorne ave. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 901, A 2445, CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 4Q0 Dekum bldg. TRANSITS and levels bought for cash. 600 Concord Bldg.. Portland. WE want $10,000 worth of second-nand fur niture; highest prices paid. Sellwood 1SS2. NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable. Phone Main 606, A 9263. WE PAY highest prices for secondhand clothing. 204 3d st. prone Main 9263. SSOOND-HAND goods bought for cash or taken In exchange for new. Tabor 434H. j WILL kalsomine rooms for 2.50; paint auuac u.l your price; reiiaoie. Last Oio. HELP WANTED MALE. COMPETENT, reliable and experienced man to manage moving picture show; refer ences required. Y IIS. Oregonian. WANTED Men for clothing advertising proposition. Call bet. 4 and 519 Swet land bids;. A FIRST-CLASS saddlemaker. Apply E. L. Power, Pendleton, Or. PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest started. Cutbertfa Studio. Dekum bldg. LOCAL manufacturer wants salesmen, also collectors. Call evenings. 544 Vi Wash. st. MEN to sort, patch sacks, steady work all Summer. 550 Front. YOUNG man to usher after school. New Grand Theater. 105 0th st. WEAVERS wanted: night or day work. Ap ply Portland Woolen Mills, St, Johns, Or. HAM baner, permanent to competent man. Morris9. 15th and Marshall. WANTED Boy, over 16. Multnomah Hotel 1 snoring to., 1-4.00 m s wi BARBER wanted. ilOtt First at.; wages guar anteed. FIRST-CLASS tailor wanted. Rav Bark hurst. 6th and Stark sts. JAPANESE boy for general housework and taking care of lawn. Inquire 67 6th st. MATTRESS-MAKER wanted. Portland Mfg. Co., 1"49 .Macadam road. Fulton car. MAN wanted to paper rooms. 811 Main at. HELP WANTED M 4 T.TC. SPECIAL WANTS TO DAT. LOGGERS FOR NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. SHIP TONIGHT AND TOMORROW. FARE PAID. FARE PAID. FOR GRAYS HARBOR. WASHINGTON. Men for box factories, shingle mills, planing mills, sawmills, etc. FARE PAID. FARE PAID. SHIP EVERY DAY. SHIP EVERY DAY. OTHER SPECIALS Lath puller, $3. Ratchet setter. S3; carriage riders, city, $2.73. Lumber truck teamster, S2.50t Cut-off sawyer, shingle mill, S3 up. Ten mill hands. S2.50 to $S. Frame maker, shor, $8 up. Three boys for box factory, city, $1.50. , Carriage rider. $2.75. Ten Scandinavian yardmen. $2.75, fare paid. Two millwright's helpers, $60 and board. Donkey engineer, $3.50. Raftmen, $3. Blacksmith and shoer, $4, camp. Twenty-live loggers, $3 to $5 day. Newsboys, railway service. Dishwashers, city, $10 up. Bus boys, porters, etc, etc Two hospital orderlies, city. Ten farm hands, $30, $35 and $40. Milkers. $40. Man and wife on farm, $50 See boss here today. Youny man to help peel chlttam bark, $35 month and board. Young men to work In hop yard $1 and board. Shingle bolt cutters, $1.25 cord. Twenty woodcutters, $l.2f cord. Others too numerous to mention here. Hundreds of new jobs every day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 222 and 224 Couch at., bet. 1st and 2d. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset; If 1 pay you $5 for employment membership I will nave only $15 between me and starvatlton. Secretary if you pay 5 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M. c. A. with all Its resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for year 1012: Calls for men from employers 2M5 Positions filled 1097 Our special employment membership guarantees member will seeure employ ment or refund of membership free; gives two months' full and 10 months' social privileges. CoPStant demand for CLERICAL. TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially Invited to consult with the Secretary of the Em ployment Department. YOUNG MAN WANTED. By the Meier & Frank store; good op portunity to learn the packing business. Apply at superintendent's office, 6th floor before 9:30 A. M. WANTED Men for railroad work; location from Columbia River to Nehalem Valley. Camps first-class In every respect. Work will last for several months COLUMBIA & NEHALEM RIVER R. R. 716 Spalding bldg., or at ths work. Wood's Landing or Ross Landing on the Columbia and S. P. & s. R. R. WANTED Industrial commissioner for the city of New Westminster; competent to produce results. Applications should state experience and salary expected. Address becretary. New Westminster Progressive Association, box 401, New Westminster, B. C. TO ONE man residing in or near very small town who can give good references and devote entire time to our work, we will extend an opportunity of making money m an honest and legitimate way. Address Box 87, Welser, Idaho, Inclosing stamp for reply MACHINIST WANTED Man for special work, one with railroad or mrin ovnt-i ence preferred, and who is member of tin 'on or who can Join. Good wages to vxLj. AUdresa r v. Dox 32S, Seat tle. giTing e x Prien c ejnam e and address. THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper capable of taklnir full rhnr r.r rr one with ability to operate typewriter and act as nrlvate secretary preferred; state uannLouuua nnu reierences. A 120. Oregonian. TRANSIENT Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS can se cure furnished rooms at reasonable rates in the new fireproof association building, cot. 6th and Taylor sts.. and have privi lege of consulting Advisory and Employ ment Department. WB have a few good fields open for compe tent salesmen. If you aDDrceiatA tin art vantage or selling for the largest and best-known nursery in the West at the best .. wueieu, appiy toaay. Ulve reference, Oregon Nursery Company. Orenco. Or. MAN for clerical work, wholesale house, one acquainted in hardware or kindred lines; iiiuai. oe accurate ana quick at figures address in own hand writ in a. sratino- nf experience, references and wages wanted' Address X 115, Oregonian. FOREMAN for structural steel shop em ploying about 10 men, steady position give references, experience, and salary expected. WeBt Coast Wagon Company, Tacoma. Wash. WIRELESS OPERATORS In constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at V M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night Schools; complete equipment: beat on Coast. OLD established flro insurance business wants partner who can sell and get oth ers to sell; no money required but If you uro not as described don't waste my time A g 113. Oregonian. WANTED Two men. single, over 21 to travel with crew and solicit. Men ex perienced in dealing with country peo ple preferred. Call 9 to 12, Carlton Hotel and ask for S. Llvermore. GOOD salesman to canvass cltv with ata ple line of jewelry on easy payments; sal ary or commission to right man. See Mr. Thomas. 207 Corbett bldg. W ANTED Bright, capable young man of good habits for office work, about 19 years of age; state references, etc M 121. Oregonian. MAN of food addreas to represent local lirm in field; must be able to handle so licitors preferred. Apply 302 Northwest bldg. STRONG, healthy younjr man. of good habits, to learn TIRE REPAIRING; also one first-class repair man. Oregon Vulcanizing Works. 550 Washington. EXPERIENCED and rapid stenographer for lumber Invoice clerk; give references, experience and salary expected Milwau kee Lbr. Co., St. Maries, Idaho WANTED A first-class repair man; no stu dents wanted. East Side Auto Repair Co 561 Hawthorne ave. BRIGHT young man for window demon etrator, experience not required. Lion .niins u., iii bu, corner aiorrison. WANTED All around machinist; muet be ttuuu ia.Lo nana. iraya Harbor Iron d TAILOR, an all-around man, able to take lu'Bw wi a. 1, uomcai. tau at e34 fcar.dy road. WANTED SALESMEN. Throughout Northwest for side line; will pay salary. 208 Railway Exchange. WANTED Sticker man, also sash and door man. Union Door Fixture Co.. East 15tb and Powell. $50 PER MONTH Man with family, on al falfa ranch, near Kennewlck, Wash. Ref erencea. AO 110, Oregonian. WANTED Agents to handle the best-selling article on the market; very profitable un. limited tcrrltor3". 617 Henry bldg.- ARCHITECTURAL draftsman; state experi ence and salary expected. AD 182, Ore gonian. TWO bright men to solicit for old estab lished corporation ; good future for right man. Apply 9 to 12, 4 IS Mohawk. YOUNG man. neat appearing, good talker Apply Mr. Campbell. 833 Chamber of Commerce between 1 and 4 P. M. TOUNG man, over 16, to learn barber trade. Call or write. 832 Mississippi ave. WANTED Solidtora Apply Transfer Co.. at 7 A. M. at Oregon MAN and wife re commended. on dairy farm ; must be Phone Sellwood 849. BARBER Saturday from 8 to 7 $3. Sell- w-ood car barn shop. Phone B 2406. COMPETENT carpenter, side house by the square. Tabor 3823. WANTED Young man. Leighton's Dairy Lunch. 332 Washington st. BARBER wanted every Saturday, guarantee good man $4.50. Phone Sell 555. WANTED Experienced elevator boy; must be 5 ft. 4. weight 140. 705 Davis st. Apta. BARBER wanted at 245 Yamhill st. Steady Job. SALESMEN and dlst. mgrs. for Oregon. Nat. Casualty Co.. 601 R y. Exch. bldg . SEVER AL salesmen and district managers wauttd. 210 Worcester bldg. BOY3 wanted with wheels. L Nathan 76 3rd st. Call or writi TWO barbers next week. Hotel Oregon. BARBER. Imperial Hotel Shop. GOOD barber. 233 Aider st. HELP WANTED MALE. ACTIVE. AMBITIOUS MEN OVER 17. In vaatltal) the Navy's newest opportunities. Chante to go on big foreign cruise next vv Inter; opening of Panama Canal, great Ban Francisco Exposition, etc. ; no ex penses; good pay; easy hoars; trades taught. Call Navy Recruiting Station. Railway Exchange bldg., Portland, Or., tor information. Or write Bureau of Navigation, box 320, Navy Department. Washington. for interesting Illustrated booklet. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED WRAPPERS AND INSPECTORS wanted by the Meier. & Frank store. Ap ply at superintendent's office, 6th floor, before 0:30 A. M. THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper, capable of taking full charge of office, one with ability to operate typewriter and act as private secretary preferred; state qualifications and references. A 120, Oregonian. WANTED Two first-class comptometer op erators for work in Portland. Must be quick and accurate in figures; good chance to work into a paying bookkeeping posi tion. Apply by letter to Frye & Company, Seattle. HOiEL cook, county. $50. city $10 week; five waitresses tout), $85 and $30, fare paid; chambermaid, $25 and room; second girls. $3 0; carnival waitress. $2 day; beach $30. Hansen's Employment Office. Z-io ashington st. AGENTS wanted to take orders for me or establish business of your own ; the big gest legitimate money-maker yet. Call Mrs. J. Wagner, 387 Webster, bet. 11 and 1:30 or after G P. M WANT 60 women to handle high-class prop osition for this week and rose week. Good money in it. indorsed by our best busi ness men. Apply room 207 Merchants Trust bldg-., 6th and Washington. CANNERY will begin operations about June 10. Vantew, lOo women. Call and reg ister now. Oregon Packing Co., E. &th and Belmont. EXPERIENCED cashier and stenographer; must hJivo had local experience; refer ence; salary $40 month. Lennon's. 30V Morrison st WANTED : WANTED ! WANTED ! 5 GIRLS to learn beauty culture. Pay while learning; position guaranteed. 400 414 Dekum Bldg. Sanitary Parlors. WANTED Woman for general housework on farm, 4 adults In family, $25 per month. Address George Twldwell, Satsop, WANTED Competent girl with city ref erences to do cooking and general house work; no washing. 482 Harrison. Main or A 2576. Apply mornings. WANTED Housekeeper who is well and strong to care for home of couple and boy of 10 years; good home and treatment. Wages $15. Call 529. Hamilton bldg. WANTED Woman or girl for cooking and housework, no washing; must be good cook and have good references ; best wages. Sellwood 1488. WANTED Trained masseuse for steam bath parlors; must be neat and proficient, middle age. 833 Madison at. German or Jw edlsh preferred. WANTED Lady stenographer, one with newspaper work preferred; only those de siring permanent position need apply. AC 112, Oregonian. WANTED -Competent family cook no washing, no housework, $35; references. Mrs. Clark W. Thompson, Cascade Locks, Or. MAN of the beat families of the city are registered with the Domestic Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girls. 300 Central bldg. M. 7687. WANTED At Virginia Hill Hotel, young girl living in neighborhood as day op erator In private exchange ; small wages. A LADY to work in boarding-house for her nusoana a room ana board. 1214 Russell st. East 4765. WAiSTED Telephone operator at 741 Washington st., from 5 to 9 P. M. Wages $15 per month. V ANTED Experienced girl for general housework; references required. Phone C 2256. 524 E. 10th N. BEAUTIFUL girl to show signs in window and help demonetration ; apply 8:30 to 10 A. M. at 2G6 Washington st. GIRL for general housework; no washing. S16 per month. 444 Rodney ave. Take U car. YOUNG lady of neat appearance to do spe cial work for local firm; must be able to do collecting; salary. o02 Northwest bldg. FINISHERS on custom pants, 50o the pair. steady employment. S. Lowen. -'J-.-j Stark St., 2d floor. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, small family, verv good home. Appiy 484 E. 17th at., N. "I" car. EXPERIENCED demonstrator to introduce new article, well acquainted" In city, good talker. Address P 1 IS, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced marker and sorter, good wages. Oregon City Laundry. Oregon City. Come or call at once. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Apply after 10 A. M.. The Hong Kong Cafe, ,107 6th at. WANTED Experienced waitresses for short hours. Apply tearoom, 4th floor. Olds. Wortman & King. YUCN'G lady, experienced in photo studio work; must We good saleslady and neat In appearance. 601 Dekum bldg. WANTED Experienced fancy ladles clothes irontra U. S. Laundry. Grand ave. and East Yamhill. GIRL wanted for general housework in su burban home; wages $30. Apply 353 Stark st. Phone A 7401. COMPETENT nurse maid to care for two little girls and assist with second work ; good wages. Apply 94 N. 21st st. lOUtiKKEEPER and cook wanted, capable of taking entire charge; two In family, wages $30. phone Marshall 4920. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg 270H Wash., room 35, near 4th. Phone Main 8836 or A 8266. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavt Co., 609 Roth cmiODiog.. 4tn and Washington. A GOOD cook, who is willing to go to beach for the Summer. Call mornings, 245 King st. WANTED Experienced feeders and folders ror mangle, u. o. Laundry Co.. cor. Grand ave. and East YamhHL WANTED Experienced lady checker; give reierences ana appiy at once. AK 116, urugonian. WANTED Two good hand Iron era. 3 man" gle girlB. State Laundry Co.. 3U5 Broad way. WANTED General housework srirl. e-ood wages, no laundry. 68 Trinity Place, off of RELIABLE girl for general housework; no i-QUKing. 1 12 BUBSsau, WANTED A woman to work for Irusband's room and board. A 5053. WANTED Girl to help with housework ana taKe care 01 oaoy. rr.one Main S0 GIRL to assist with general housework. Call mornings. 14 n ism st. WANTED Experienced waitresses at the lrgmia n.111 Hotel, ztso I4tn st. v.A.MhJJ woman for general housework. Aiust oe gooa cook. 4iu .tj. lath North. GIRLS wanted at Multnomah Hotel Latin dry. Call at Baggage room on Ash st. WANTED Cook at 97 North 17th. Call mornings. GIRLS, handy with needle, to sew knit goods ; gooa pay. zia 4 jr irst st. LADY barber wanted. 30O Couch St., bet. WANTED A good waitress, good wages to gooa girL Boston Lunch, 4 6th st. Experienced a-Irl to bushel men's clot h in Max Michel. 286 Washington st,. room 210. COMPETENT girl, must be good plain cook auu gonmi no use ww. ;ib jjovejoy st. GIRL to assist In house work. Woodlawn 1049. WANTED Girl for general housework. East Ankeny. Phone East - i. CAPABLE cook for small but high-grade WANTED Girl for general housework. Call at it m. situ Js, or pnone i. 2196, COMPETENT girl for general housework. ai Nortnrup st.. Apt. B. WANTED Young lady for light housework. can at 436 asmngton st. EXPERIENCED girl for housework. 574 rioyt st. WANTED Experienced waist and sleeve neip. reesda:e, 14S 13th st. WOMAN to do light housework and take care 01 baby, l aoi . FINISHER and buttonhole maker wanted at once. za st. WOMEN to patch sacks, steady work all summer, oau -ror.t st. EXPERIENCED pants finishers; piece work, hpst ra v. r.rtr. lSRU 21 rnnm a SHIRT MAKERS wanted. Jacobs Shirt Co. S3 6th st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. good cook, asu lain. SKIRT and waist finishers wanted. 316 Tel ford bldg. MIDDLE-AGED woman, cook for four men country, near La Grande, phone B llOS. A RELIABLE girl for general house work an a cooaing. i as t earney. n ear d HELP WANT ED FEMALE. WANTED TOL'XO LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID 7HILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE &: TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. TH AND EAST ANKENY STREETS. OR MAIN OFFICE. WEST PARK AND ALDER TELEPHONE EAST 230. EPERIENCED GLOVE AIESWOMEN wanted by the Meier & Frank store; good wages to competent people. Apply at superintendent's office, 6th floor, before 0:SO A. M. COMPETENT woman housekeeper and cook for small country hotel; woman with daughter to teach small school preferred. AF 115, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED, at White Salmon and Underwood. The Spokane. Portland ii Seattle Railway has made a fare of 2. 55 for the round trip to either of the above places from Port land or Vancouver, Wash. Tickets are on sale at Portland June 5 to 11 Inclusive and at Vancouver. June 4 to 11. Inclusive. Good wages are being paid by the berry growers, who are anxious to pick the crop Quickly. For further Information inquire at city ticket office, 5th and Stark sts.. Portland, or depot ticket office, Van couver. BOYS or girls wanted, over 1 years old. to wrap soap. Mt. Hood Soap Co., 108 N. 4 th. MAN and wife without children to work on rruit rancn. inquire room 8O0, Yeon bids FISK Teachers Agency secures positions Tor teacners. aiu journal bldg. Main 4a3o. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 100 MEN and women to learn the barber vaae in weeks m all its modern metn 9us; send for catalogue; tools free; learn a trade that you can get In business for yourself. Moler Barber College, .... N. 4th. GOVERNMENT positions, parcel post sys tem requires aaaitionai help; salary up to S1800; "free book." Pacific States School. McKay bldg., Portland. Or. MAIL CARRIERS WANTED Average $5K m on in ; examinations coming. specimen questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. S28 D, Rochester. X. Y. MEN, women to learn barber trade, eight m eeKs; position guaranteed. Oregon Jtsar ber College. Madison. 208 Couch st. WANTED Few more ladles. organizing li utessionai Dana ; experience inanxereni. W 115. Oregonian. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individ ual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, bookkeeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 425&. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools. idovs sa st. (near JUorrisonj. rtooms , and 8. Phones Main 4048. A 3044. STUDY LAW; enroll now ; evening classes. ror.iana Law school, 631 Worcester blk. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money wmie learning. 013 Kotnrhlld blag. Koistcr'a Ladles Tailoring College and tscnooi or JresamaKlng. 143 fc 11th st. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING SCHOOL. :tiW 14TH ST. M. 3893. EXP. INSTRUCT N. HITUATIONS WANTED MALA Bookkeeper. tnti Cterka. YOUNG married man, experienced grocery- man, wisnes a position; thoroughly com petent and can furnish best of refer ences; not afraid of work. AP 114. Ore gonian. WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up dooks, prepare balance and statements. Install systems. Giliingham, auditor, 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. BOOKK.EE PER, high speed stenographer. maic, aesires cnange in position ; salary $80; willing to go out of town. AB 114. Oregonian. YOUNG man 27 years of age, married, ex perienced in construction accounting, wishes position with some contracting firm In city; references. AO 111, Oregonian. YOUNG man (Scotch) bookkeeper (with Knowitage or typewriting ana snortnanaj. would like position in office. AM 114. Ore gonian. AN Y clerical, competent In any line execu tive utmity nign cnaracter, reierences. AJ 113, Oregonian. MiM-el laneoue. SUPERINTENDENT of construction, 10 years tuccesslui experience, in bridges buildings, and R. R. work. Have large following of good men. Address AC 113, Oregonian. YOUNG married man wants position; years "i experience rtuiroaa worn as ciern; references; will consider any kind clerical work. X 119. Oregonian. WANTED Position by clean-cut young man. za, sometning witn chance ror aavance ment. Phone Main 2442, Salem, Or., at my expense. CHAUFFEUR, careful driver, good repair man, desires position, private or otherwise, any car ; good references, Al. S73 East Couch. East 13S7. AN experienced grocery clerk and solicitor wishes a position as solicitor or city sales man; best references given. L 121, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, solicitor, de livery man ; must have Bteady employ ment. v 117, Oregonian. A YOUNG MAN with some experience wants work, driving or in a garage. ax ixz. Oregonian. SPECIALTY road salesman, seven years ex perience; producer; now working city; wants country territory. X 117, Oregonian. GARDENER, thoroughly experienced in the care or lawns, flowers and vegetaDies; Dest of references. L 120, Oregonian. ' GENERAL construction foreman Is open for engagement ; steel work and reinforced POgCTStte my specialty. AF 111, Oregonian. EXPERT horseman wants position In pri vate; good references; been in the Ger man cavalry. AB 117, Oregonian. WANTED "For young man and wife. German-Swiss, work on a farm or dairy. P 119, Oregonian. i'UL'NG married man wants position In warehouse or wholesale house. Y 117, Oregonian. SOBER man wants inside position, not for Summer months, but permanent work, AF 110, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED colored man wants work in garage or private family or work of any kind. phone East 644'J. VACATION work. outdoor preferred, by Reed College student ; references. Y 119, Oregonian. BY young married man to take charge of well Improved farm on salary; best of references. L. Farm, Fair Ground, Or. Fl RST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall 791. A 4910. Portland Walters Club, 14S Bth, Portland. Or. G. C. Gerald, manager. YOUNG married man, experienced farmer, position on ranch. X 11 S. Oregonian. SOBER young man wants Job. any kind, Sl.oO day. AN 118., Oregonian. A JAPANESE boy wans a Job In wvenlng. B ay, oregonian. A SOBER man, 36, wishes position any kind. J 119, Oregonian. ELDERLY man, good orchatrdist and gar dener. O 11t. Oregonian. RELIABLE young Japanese boy wants poa ltlon as porter. AS 108. Oregonian. BAKER. German, on bread and cakes, wants position. Buehllng, 22H -d st. JAPANESE would like to take contracts for cutting wood. 293 Burnalde st. Main 0521. JAPANESE schoolboy, few hours work, any thing. AE 111. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTEU FEMAI.E. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, thor oughly experienced in insurance, real estate and mercantile lines. No objection to leaving city, Adaress AL IIS, Orego nian. FIRST-CLASS stenographer desires either permanent or substitute position. Two years experience. Reference. Marshall 5634. STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly competent, ten years experience in railroad and com mercial correspondence, desires position at once. R 118, Oregonl an . COMPETENT stenographer dealres position; considerable experience, stenographer, gen eral office work. Main 245L STENOGRAPHER. 3 years' experience, de sires permanent or temporary position ; references. Phone Main 6921. EXP. stenographer, dictation, circular work, addressing, etc., reasonable. Main 5558. STENOGRAPHER, with some experience, wants position. K 120. Oregonian. Dressmaker. GOWNS and tailoring. S2.30 per day; beat of references. Tabor &S5L SITUATED WANTED FEMALE. Dreaf makers. A-l DRESSMAKER wants work home; per fect satisfaction, one-piece suits, evening gowns. a 1369. Marshall 287L TRAINED nurse has room, care for invalid; city references. Tabor BIS. Hooaekeep e r. A WIDOW wants a position on a farm to keep house, where a grown daughter can have her board; refined, capable and a good cook. AD ISO. Oregonian. SITUATION as working housekeeper for gentlemen. Call at 331 E. Market. Domestics. EXPERIENCED girl wishes to go with a nice family for general housework to Sea side. Or. ; can give good references. Ad dress Sherwood. Or., route 6. box 135. COMPETENT girl wishes second work or upstairs work in private family, city ref erence. 597 E. 14th N. East 2S69. EX PE K IE NC ED w oman desire chamber work or Janltress. Main 2039, A 4775. ILESPiCTABLE place to do chamber work. Call Tabor 3508. Miss M. Allen. Miscellaneous VOCNG woman wants work aa chamber maid In hotel or rooming-house; experi enced and Industrious, not afraid of work. Phone East 1375 or R lift, Oregonian. WANTED A position as housekeeper for apt. house or rooming-house; references. AD 18. Qregonlun. East 4613, C 14ft3. NEAT, 17-year-old girl wants care of 8 or 4-year-old child or second work In a nice home. W 116, Oregonian. LADY masseur wants work In exchange for room or charge of children nights. Phone Main 1112. LADY caterer will manage dinners, card parties, evening refreshments. Phone Marshall 2594. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, washing, ironing or cleaning. Call Tabor 2745. FAMILY cook. city, references, desires situ ation. 45 up. Main 2039, A 4773. WANTED Day work by German lady, care of . hlldren or cooklr.g. 411 Sumner St. WET nurse; answer by return mail AG 120 Oregonian. A GOOD woman wants work by day. phone Tabor 2443. WILL care for 2 or 3 little flrls not under :i years. Tabor 39.14. LACE curtains, blankets and draperies laun dered by expert, 25c and up. Tabor 3678. WANTED AGENTS. Are selling the Jaeger vacuum cleaner. Why not you? Call 701 Rothchlld bldg. AGENTS, either sex, J5. 6 hours. Article never sold in Oregon. 'ZZZt 3th St., room 10 from 9 to 3. COMPILE and sell names: profitable side ime. .instructions zoc. tauwoa actney, Yorkvllle. S. C. WANTED Flrst-claes life insurance agent with good references. 60S Oregonian bldg. WANTED TO REM. Houses. WANTED HOUSES TO RENT. If you want to rent your house. list them with us. We have a number of people waiting for houses. UMBDENtiTOCK A LARSON CO., St Oak st. Main 7730. FURNISHED house. 4 or 6 rooms, at once; $15 to S2u. AC 125, Oregonian. Bourns. YOUNG lady. In business, wishes two unfur nished rooms in refined home ; modern. West Side. V 117, Oregonian. YOUNG business men want room, sleeping porch; everything refined. Nob Hill dis trict. P. O. Box 353. TWO or three unfurnished rooms wanted. West Side. 422 Columbia. Main 1911. ROOM In private family for 2 gentlemen ; must be reasonable. AK 113, Oregonian. Room and Boara. YOUNG girl wants room and board Jn pri vate family; must be reasonable and on East Side; please state terms In first let ter, p 116. Oreonlan. WANTED Some one to take a bright lit tle girl 4 years old, for this Summer. Phone East 870. FOB REN1. furnlsned aooms. ROWLAND I'OTEL 20 1 4TH. PARSONS HOTEL 309 4TH. MINOOK HOTEL 2134 4TH. Are you looking for nice, clean rooms, with hot and cold water, private baths, homelike and respectable, at VERY MOD ERATE PRICES? if so you wUt be satis fied at any of the 3 hotels above. Give us a trial and you will be the winner, ana besides save money and get' the beat. THE HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th. between Morrison and lamhill ; re cently opened, every modern convenience, plenty of hot water and heat; beautiiul looby; rates $4 week and up; with pri vate bath 5.50 week and up; transient riUes. 75c and up. Free phone. Main 4220. THE VIRGINIA HILL HOTEL, 14th and Jefferson. An established hotel. Rooms en suite or slngie, rates reaaonabla. A 6228. M t2ba. IIOTE L BU CKiN G H AM. W2 U WASH! N G -TON ST. Elegantly located, fireproof; new and modern rooms, with or without bath. 2.50 week up ; special rates to permanent s. conducted above reproach. HOTJ&L REN WICK. Ideal home for busl neas people; centrally located; elegant rooms; modern conveniences. Broaawuy and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel, opposite Oipheum Theater. Main 910. CENTRAL HOTEL, opposite Pantages, in heart of theater and business district, large outfelde rooms with or without bath at reasonable rates ; transients solicited. HOTEL SAVON lai Eleventh street. New. modern brick building, steam-heated, pri vate hatha, hot and cold water, comfort ably furnished. Transients solicited. t MADRAS HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON si.uo and up day. 3.50 and up week. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th St., at W ashington. t rtooins, o.ou per weea up; unaer per lonal management owner. J. W. Bushong. THE LARRABEE, 227 hk Larrabee. Rooms $2 week up. Brick building, steam heat. hot. cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnlahed rooms wiin all modern conveniences, 6th and Main. HoTEL Edwards, Grand ave.. E. Belmont; rooms (12 mo. and up; $22.50 and up with bath, absolutely respectable. East S23. THE PALACE. 8l8 Pine at., newly fur nished rooms $- and up. NEWLY furnished room reasonable. The Dezendort Ap.s.. 208 16th st. M. 4793. FURNISHED rooms, $2 weekly and7 up"; clean, fine location, 108 H Fourth st. sTursdabed Rooms in Private Familr. NEW LY furnished room in private family, East Side, with or without board; 16 min utes walk from 3d and Washington sta by -Steel or Broadway bridges. Call Home pnone j.- ), NICELY furnished, cosy rooms, all conven iences, choice location, absolutely clean. 265 13th BU MODERN room with large sleeping-porch for 1 or 2 gentlemen. West Park. Mar shall 421G. Phone A. M. NEAT front bedroom and parlor for two ; gentlemen preferred; bath, lights, $4 per week. 484 E. Ankeny. $2, 00 WEEK, large, cool front room, well furnished, all conveniences. 420 Jef ferson. COSY room for two gentlemen, new7 fur niture, both phones. East 6171, B 2734, walking distance, $j week. CARNIVAL visitors ; parade passes house ; rooms 50a and 76c a night. 655 Washing- ton. SUIT of rooms, with hot and cold -water ; nicely furnished; to September 1: reason able. 745 Hoyt, Mar. 4733. ONE beautiful, large, front room, pretty porches and lawn. 350 Madison st. LARGE, well-lighted room ; moderate, "an 12th st. A NEAT room, electric light, bath and phone, walking distance. 438 3d. M. 4712. TWO connecting rooms; gas, bath, phone reasonable. 30 East 13th at. North. NEATLY furnished front room SS per month. with board $23. 366 12th st. Fl.KAsAXT, airy room, use of piano 301 10th st. Main 3312. NICKLY furnished large room, suitable for two; running water. 745 Hoyt. Mar. 4753. ROOMS, modern conveniences, walking dis tance. 260 14th at. Phone Main 3893. 327 SIXTH Large, airy front room, suitable for gentlemen. Modem residence. NEATLY furnished sleeping room. 1 block to 8 car line a, 266 42th. NICE furnished room, $6 per month. 67 N. 14th, between Davis ana Everett. FOB KENT, Furnished Rooms in Private Family. TWO pleasant clean rooms, new modern r013!!, mfHfS, convenience, reasonable; board If desired- Marshall 4857. 62 1 Everett. Fl i.MSHED rooms. 7th and W. Unfurnished Rooms. "hOVw i1-1" fu"iished rooms and bath. iter and iriit r- i w . . 375 iStWk Beftutirul rard! Shade." Rooms W i t u Boa r d. NORTON IA HOTEL, 11th, Just off Washington St. American and European. Beautiful dining-room, tearoom and roof garden. ery attractive rates to families and bachelors. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE. " American and European plan; near City Park; convenient to carllne. SPECIAL RATES ROSE CARNIVAL. THE HILL. Washington, at 23d St. Residential and Tourists' Hotel. Attractive rates to permanent and tran ients. Main BAl FLAiE,P,,ENTS FOR RENT ON PAL i.E HILL. SIX MILES SOUTH OF 5S5Sfi HOURLY TRAIN SKRVTCH. ETARLES IF DESIRED. MRS. J. K. COLL. OSWBQO. R. F. D. NO. 1. PHONE A wBZS. FOR Y. M. a A. MEMpTeRS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned; shower baths, swlm nilng pool, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria, and 10O other feat urea Full particulars at business office, cor. 6th and Taylor sts. THE W1LLARD HOTEL. " MORRISON AND PARK STS. European and American, 92 per day with meals. Rates by the month and week with or without meals very reasonable. Now, modern and fireproof. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern roomi with excellent table board. ery reusonuoie rates. 11th and lamhill sts. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 3S6 Montgomery sc. at West Park, mod ern conveniences; rooms with or without bath; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular and transient guests. THE WHITEHALL, 2C3 6TH ST. A residential hotel, large sun porch; rooms with or wiihout baths; home cook lng; table board a specialty. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 24th year; rooms with board, use of sewing room 11 brary. 510 Flanders, Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. THE HAZEL Large outside rooms, steam heat, running water; with or without :ii-j.1s; moderate price. 3S5 3d st. THE LA M S E RSON. 554 Couch, cor. 17th: -jutsiQe rooms; steam hea.t. running water; special rates for good table board. THE MANITOU. 261 13th St. Excellent table, large, airy roomi. Summer rates. "J" car at Depot. CHOICE single rooms, first -class table uoaru. o.-t mn; diock rrom w ashington. EXCELLENT board, beautiful rooms facing UM V" o t l aJK SI. THE CAS A ROSA. ;O0 JEFFERSON. Furnished rooms and board. Rooms With Hoard in Privai 1- umtlr. LEWIS LODGE. 725 Prospect drive, phono Main 1057. Just the place for business people to spend tho Summer; a few minutes to the center of city; all modern conveniences. BOARD and room, sleeping porch In re fined home of widow fur business couple or elderly lady or gentleman; modern and new; best of home cooking. AH 114, Oregonian. THE WAYNE. Large fi-rooru apartments. Inquire jan itor. King's Hill Apts., King and Wayne sts. EXTRA large room, nicely furnished, suit able for two; separate beds, good board and home comforts; also sleeping porcn. 191 11th st. Main C3l. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS RESIDENCE OFFERS ROOM AND BOARD TO PEO PLE DESIRABLE OF EXCLUSIVE SUR ROUNDINGS. MAIN 5U34. NICE, comfortable rooms, with breakfast, board, hot and cold water, bath, phone, walking distance, reasonable. 120 N. 18tn corner Glisan. M 3097. WANTED Three refined gentlemen; one double and one single room In private Sout hern family. Marshall 5532. IN private family, furnished room with board ; references exchanged. 650 Glisan. FIRST-CLASS room and board In private home. 166 North 21st, Main 4220. 241 X. :'2D ST.. well furnished room, porch and grounds; excellent meals. Main 2071. S20 FRONT rooms for two, $40, now. mod ern. 8s 17th. near Everett. GOOO runm and board, moaem, close in. 472 Salmon ft. Marshall 4273. LIGHT, airy room, with or without board, reasonable. 353 12th st. Marshall 4410. FINE, large, light room and board, strictly modem, price right. 574 E. Salmon. ROOMS and board; Ladd Addition. E. 484. ROOM and board at 332 10th. Main 6979. Apartment. THE PARK HURST. North 20th and Northrup Sta. Homelike furnished 3 and 4 -room apart ments, outside rooms . balcony to every suite; all conveniences; ref. Phone M. 1173, CUMBERLAND West Park and Columbia ste., 2 and 3 -room completely furnished, apts., all modern conveniences, choice lo cation, facing the Parks. Only 0 minutes walk from business center; references. H ADDON HALL. ' One unfurnished corner apartment with screened-ln balcony, also one furnished apartment with balcony. 414 11th st. Marshall 1171. THE CHEToPA. 18th and Flanders Sts. Two. three and four-room modern apart ments, furnished or unfurnished; elevator, bath, phones and good janitor service, hot water. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS, 15th and Everett 2, 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished; private baths; $J0 and up; completely ren ovated; under new management; walking distance; convenient and best service. KEELER APARTMENTS. 14TH AND CLAY STREETS. First-class 3-room apartments, unfur nished, private vestibules, bathrooms and phones; references required. THE WINSTON. 341 14th St., at Market. New two and three-room apartments, complete! v furnished; walking distance; prices reasonable. Main 1769. GRANDEST A East Stark and Grand ave.; new building, nicely furnished 8-room apartments; private bath and private phone, $25 to $27.50; walking distance. Phone East 208. SUMMER RATES. 3-room nicely furnished apartment; all large, cool, outside rooms; $22.50; bath, phone and on carllne. B 3041, Tabor 2293. APAJ.TME.N'T, 2 or 4 rooms, finest residence district, 2 blocks from car; hreproof build ing and best i urniture. Inquire 2f5 19 th at- North. Phone Marshall 25U9. BUCK. APARTMENTS. 3 and 4-room. furnished or unfurnished, modern. 21st and Flanders. Main 27S2, Marshall 5255. Janitor, A 3885. THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS. East 7th and Morrison sts. Very central; 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished com p'etely; private baths; from $20 to $21.50. KINGSBURY. Ford, near Washington St. High-class apartments; one unfur nished of 3 rooms, with private bal cony ; reasonable rent. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park St. at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments uy the week or month. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Third and Montgomery; new, modern, out side furnished 2-room apartments ; eleva tor; close in; $20 to $30. Main 046C THE ORMONDE, 4 and 5-room upartments, modern, lurnished or unfurnished. Sum mer rates. 656 Flanders, Nob H11L Main 825L GENEVA APTS., SAN FRANCISCO. 840 Van Ness Ave. First-class, modern, 2, 3-room, furnished; linen, silver. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. Fourth and Lincoln All outside 2-room apts; Summer rates; walking distance. Florence. 388 uth . 3 and 4 rooms, completely furnished; up to date; roof garden: from $27.50 op. FUKNISK l'.D 2-room apartments, modern. $8 to $16. Main 5061. 181 Grover. THE CAMAR. 704 Lovejoy, 2 and 3-room furnished apartments. Marshall 2916. 1-KOOM apts.. furnished, modern ; refer ences. Cromwell Annex. 291 Columbia. THE DAYTON 0 large rooms, apt., porches, every convenie nee; low rent. 658 Flande r a THE LAURETTE. furnished 3-room apart ment; private bath and phone. 229 11th. MAYO Apts., Union ave. and Sacramento New up-to-date, reasonable. Phone E. 920. HE RM EN I A, 400 Hall stT, new building, furnished, modern, rates. Main 6444. UNFURNISHED 4-room steam-heated flat, modern. Cottel Drug. Co. BR YN MAW It APTS.. 185 TBtrT near Yamhill. 4-room apts.. modern. UNFURNISHED apartment, galow. 454 11th at- ILL1HEE APTS.. 487 Taylor 2-room apart ments well' furnished, $17 and up.