Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 06, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts, Providing Same Are Paid in Full On or Before the 10th Premium Parlors 4th FI.
Soda Fountain in Basement -Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors, 2d floor Portland Agents Gossard Lace-Front, Nemo and Bon Ton Corsets
Rose Festival
June 9-14
Headquarters for Flags, Pennants, Etc.
Olds, Worttnan & King
Store Hours: 8:30 to 5:30 Daily, Except Saturday
Home Journal
and Publications for Jnly are now in.
Slover to Return to Rank to
Be Left by His Successor
on June 25.
Important "June White Sale" Offerings for Fridau
Change in Every City Department
Probable With Inauguration of
A I bee Administration "Under
Xew City Charter.
Police Captain Riley will be Chief
of the police department a few days
before the new city officials take their
office July 1. E. A. Slover. Acting Chief,
will resign his position about June 25
and will return to his rank of captain,
probably taking command of the second
relief. Confirmation of both changes
was given last night.
Captain Riley, now in command of
the first relief, was informed by Mayor
Rushlight yesterday that for the re
maining 25 days of the Rushlight
regime he will be made Assistant Chief,
a position created by the Council some
time ago, but never filled. Senior Cap
tain John T. Moore, now in command
cm the day relief, wm mentioned for
the position shortly after it was made.
Over the long distance telephone from
Oregon City, Acting Chief Slover last
night confirmed rumors of his resigna
tion. He said he would return to his
rank of captain.
Captain Riloy has also been promi
nently mentioned for the position of
Chief under the new administration.
Riley Object of Attack.
Captain Riley, who was appointed
Acting Captain to fill the berth of the
first relief when Captain George H.
Bailey resigned over a year ago. has
been the object of considerable attack,
and he tendered his resignation to
Mayor Rushlight when an examination,
the results of which were not made
public for some time, showed that a
rating of 100 per cent by Chief Slover,
placed the then Sergeant Keller In the
Captaincy vacancy.
Chief Plover's resignation, the eleva
tion of Captain Riley and filling the
berth of Assistant Chief temporarily
will fill the Captaincies.
Other Impending changes in the per
sonnel of the various ciy- departments
are causing no end of gossip and spec
ulation In Portland, now that the new
commission has been elected and the
smoke of battle has somewhat cleared.
Undoubtedly, there will be numerous
changes. Probably every department
will be affected to a. greater or less de
gree. While Mayor-elect Albee and the
members of the commission-elect are
absolutely mute on this point, indica
tions are plenty that many changes
are to bo made. It would not be sur
prising should there be a new head for
every department not under civil serv
ice, at least.
The chief of the fire department is
under civil service and is therefore not
amenable to dismissal, removal or re
duction without cause. B. F. Do well,
appointed by Mayor Rushlight to suc
ceed the late David Campbell, is the
present chief. The position carries a
salary oPf250 a month.
Health Employes Removable.
In the health department it Is cer
tain there will be changes, as Dr. C.
"H. Wheeler, the Incumbent, has an
nounced he will resign July 1. The
salary of the health officer is $250 a
month. The garbage crematory comes
under this department, too. David E.
Otis, a Jtushlight appointee, is tae
superintendent, at a salary of $200 a
month. There are several applicants
for this position. There are an as
sistant health officer, city physician,
school nurses and school inspectors,
etc., all removable; for they are not
under civil service. .
There is a rumor to the effect that
there will be a new City Attorney,
Treasurer and Municipal Judge and
possibly a new City Engineer. These
are elective by the commission as a
whole and their salaries may be fixed
by the commission.
Secretary to the Mayor is a position
that Is attracting many persons. A
number of applications for that place
have already been received by Mr. Al
bee. A salary of $150 a month goes
with this office.
Under the new charter, it is prob
able that the position of engineer In
the water department will become va
cant, as It Is generally believed that
the City Engineer will do this work.
D. D. Clarke Is the present water en
gineer andKrafrk T. Dodge is superintendent.
O.-W. H. A X. Has Four Tracks
I.ald Hunn'lnpr orth From Bridge.
All the fills north of the Burnslde
bridge approach and east- of Knot Sec
ond street have been completed to the
mouth of Sullivan's Gulch, and the
steam shovel has been moved south of
the bridge approach, where several de
pressions are being filled up.
The O.-W. R. & N. has laid four
tracks on Second street northward
from the bridge approach. These tracks
will be carried under the bridge ap
proach south when the approach has
been rebuilt. Steel for a span above
Rast Second street has been delivered
and will be used to support the via
duct above the tracks.
The 0.-W. R. ft N. Co. has had
a large force of men at work on Ea'st
First and East Second streets between
the Burnslde bridsre approach and Sul
livan's Gulch for several weeks re
constructing the tracks already built
there and laying more new tracks. As
yet no movement has been started
toward the erection of the proposed
freight building which was announced
to be built near the mouth of Sullivan's
Ise or Alice L Routlcdge An
unllcd by Court.
Judgment for the defendant was
Siven by Circuit Judge McGinn yester
day In the suit of Alice M. Routledge
against Mrs. Agnes Butts, administra
trix of the estate of H. D. Winters, to
. secure possession at a rental of 150 a
month of property which she contends
Winters agreed tq. lease to her a week
or so prior to his death. Attorneys
for the state, which had started
escheat proceedings, and for the vari
ous groups of alleged heirs, sav that
the property in question was bringing
in 400 a month.
W. W. Williams, a handwriting ex
pert testified yesterday that in his
opinion the purported signatures of H
" inters to a receipt for 5. in which
$35TailoredSuitsat315.95 , Great Sale White Millineru
1 II Iff 111
Second Floor Just 85 suits in this special lot. The season's
most wanted styles, of high-grade materials black and white
cheeks, diagonals, fancy mixtures, blue and black serges, etc.
Square or round corners, button-trimmed and lined with best
quality Skinner's satin or peau de cygne. "W f jf
Latest models. Good range sizes. Vals. to $35 D JL i3 J 3
Women's Coats Special $13.95
Special line of "Women's and Misses' Coats marked low. Serges
checks, double-face materials, striped Summer flannels and
fancy mixtures. Three-quarter length models with straight or
cutaway fronts and fancy detachable collars and cuffs of silk
and linen. Great many different styles and tf f O f jjg
all shades. For June "White Sale priced at X O
All Lingerie Dresses Now at Reduced Prices
White Waists and Sweaters Now Reduced
All Children's White Dresses, Coats Reduced
Children's Wash Dresses 69c and 98c
At the Main Floor Bargain Circle
EVry WiteArticle
ffeducecL-Except a
reW Cootract Lines.
At 69c Several dozen dainty little
Wash Dresses for children on sale at
a special low price. Made French style
of fine percales, trinehams. fyf
X- -7 O O '
ehambrays. Ages 2 to 6
At 98c Children's kimono-style
Dresses with bloomers in colors, pink,
blue and tan, ages 2 to 6. Also waist
style in best materials. Ages QO
6 to 14. Sale price, each JKjC
Center Pieces l2
Dent. Second Floor
. .
June V Jute bale ot cluny and filet lace Cen
terpieces and Scarfs. Some a trifle soiled.
Now at half price. Prices range from $3 to $75.
35c Stamped Pillow Slips and Towels, 34
35c Embroideries for 17c Yard
15c White Laces at 5c Yard
I Linen, Cluny, Filet, Torchons and
otiadow J.ace trtects in bands and
edges. $1.50 grades, 784?; $1.00
grades at 48; 35c gsade GZf
at and 15e exarlcs at J'
$20 Hats $4.98
$15 Hats $6.95
$20 Hats $8.45
No millinery event in recent months has created
such widespread interest. Hundreds of beautiful
White Hats bought at a special low price, on sale at
less than half regular value. Very finest grade
Hemp, Milan and Leghorn straws, exquisitely
trimmed with flowers, ribbons, ostrich feathers, etc.
A marvelous collection of this season's newest mod
els. Hats worth to $10 at S4.98 Q
Hats worth $15, $6.95, and up to $20 0TrO
Second Floor
Women's Long
$1.50 White
Main Floor 1500 nairs "Women 'r
Imported Mercerized Lisle Thread
Gloves in 16-button' length. Styled
with two clasps at wrist. Extra
quality. Full line of all JZCZg
sizes. June White Sale "JCe
White Lisle Gloves at 45c the Pair
Gloves $1.25 Long Silk Gloves 75c
tl HiT .' m n-r a
Main Floor Women's Pure Silk
Long Gloves. Full 16-button.
length, with double tipped fiugers.
All the popular colors, black and
white. All sizes in the V C? .
Main Floor Women's WntkoW.
White Doeskin Gloves. One-clasp
style, P. X. M. sewn, with spear
backs. Splendid wearine- oualitv
Come in all sizes. 42 f O C?.
Sale P iJ
lune White
lot. June White Sale
Main Floor Wide rane-e of stvle
and patterns, in widths from 2 to
27 inches. $1.25 grades at 68c;
85c grades at 37S f J
and 35c grades for only J. C
65c Fancy Ribbons at 33c Yard
joc luinen ouars at Unly 5c
Main Floor Immense assortment
of all the latest novelty Ribbons.
Bulgarian, Dresden, stripes, plaids,
etc. Values to 65c. Spe- Q90
cial at only, the yard wOt
Women's embroidered T.inen Col
lars in plain and Dutch effects;
some slightly soiled. Values to
35c. You may choose them S f.
today at the low price of''
Women's $1.00 Fancy Neckwear $48c
A special, offering of several hundred pieees of women 's fancy neckwear
Stocks, Jabots, Frills, etc in every conceivable style. These are our
regular values up to $1.00 specially priced for today at, each, 48
oc Guimps some slightly soiled special for today's sale. each. 2R
3500 Pairs Women's Fine Shoes
Special Purchase 200
Men's Norfolk Suits
Regular $20.00
Values, on Sale
Today Only at...
In Men s Store, Main Floor, Morrison-street Way Todav we
offer a special line of Men's and Young Men's Smart New" Nor
folk Suits, in a splendid assortment of newest patterns, in fancy
mixtures also in neat checks, light brown, dark brown, light
and dark gray and a few navy blue serges. Strictly hand-tailored
and finished in the best possible manner with high-grade linings,
canvas, etc. Suits that are standard $20 val- ff f f
ues. While the lot lasts take your choice at).0v"
Boys' Norfolk Suits $4.45
Sizes Range From 9 to 17 Years
Juvenile Department, Main Floor Good, sturdy Suits that will give the
very best of wear. About a hundred Suits in this special lot Norfolk
and double-breasted styles some with two pairs of pants. Splendid all
wool materials. , Pants cut full peg and ful' lined. Coat collars and
shoulders hand padded. A remarkable sale of Boys' Suits S JB CZ
that will bring many parents to this store today J tt tt 5
$1.75 "Eskay" White Gloves at $1.57
$1.50 "Lelia" White Kids SI. 35
Women's fine white French Kid
Gloves. Famous "Eskay" make.
Two-clasp style, overseam sewn,
with Paris point "J EZ!
backs. $1.75 grade V O '
Women's "Lelia" White Kid
Gloves. "Reyneir" make. Two
clasp style, P. K. sewn, Paris point
backs, French kid. 3 t "
Regular $1.50 Gloves PX00
Women's $1 White Lisle Hose 19c Pair
wmte sale tioot Hose at 45c
1000 pairs of imported white lisle
thread Hose, with lace openwork
and embroidered ankles. Regular
vames to 3U..UU. Uur June f Q
White Sale Price, only JL IC
Women's pure thread Silk Boot
Hose, with lisle thread tops and
soles. Extra good values. All sizes
in the lot. Our June CTf
White Sale Price, pair
Women's 'Honest Dollar' Silk Hose 90c
thuds' White Hose 22c Pair
"Honest Dollar" Silk Hose for
women. The best $1.00 Silk Hose
made. Every pair with manufac
turer's stamp of quality. Ckt
June White Sale Price Cvt
Children's white ribbed seamless
lisle thread Hose, with spliced
heels and toes. Very dressy
stocKings. uur June O O,
White Sale Price, pair 5C
Children's White Silk Lisle Hose at 31c
infants7 White Ribbed Hose 15c
Infants' fine ribbed Mercerized
Stockings. Seamless and elastic.
An extraordinary a"ood value at
Reg. $4r and $5
Grades Choice
Today Only for
From one of America's largest and most prominent mak-
T-C rT li'Arti nn 'a fnnfwaon . . I. I. j. i
w. "iuvh a "v'l n' (n cuuico I II IIS t t. HI M H M lit 1 pUT"
chase Shoes that would find ready sale ordinarily at
$4 and $5 a pair, but bought by us at a big reduction
to allow the maker to clean up his surplus stock. Every
pair perfect in every way and right up to the minute in
style. Lot includes women's shoes, Oxfords and pumps
on all the latest lasts Ooze, Velour, Willow and Russia
Calf, Patents, Velvets, Satins, etc. ; also White Boots' and
Pumps of best selected Sea Lsland stock.
All sizes all widths priced at, the pair
Shoe Dept.
Main Floor.
Children's fine quality ribbed silk
nsie otocKings. Seamless and very
elastic. Complete line of all sizes.
Choose them todav atOI-
- -a.
j the low price of, the pair
this price: All sizes in f
the lot. Special, the pair C.
Embroidered White Parasols for $1.35
special &l.80Ghilds' Parasols 45c
rrr . i .
White Parasols
Main Floor 800 women 's Parasols.
Plain white or fancy embroidered,
with long natural wood handles,
silk cord and tassel. (1 Q E?
June White Sale V-i00
Women's rlain white Parasols
with embroidered openwork edge,
long natural wood handles, silk
cord and tasseL In
the June White Sale
500 Children's Parasols on sale tn.
day at 45c each. Plain white,
with neat handles and good strong
frame. Medium size. Our A
June White Sale Price OC
June White Sale Linen Handkerchiefs at 9c Each
Armenian Kerchiefs 31c-Initial Kerchiefs at 22c
Women's all pure Linen Handker- " Women's fine Armenian lace-adfre
i. : r : i- a l. : i 1 . t . T .... '-'
rianaKercniets, hand made. Beau
tiful assortments of patterns and
fine, sheer quality. June O "J
White Sale price, each 3JLC
chiefs. One-eighth-inch hemstitched
hems. Fine, sheer quahty.A thou
sand dozen in the June White Qs-
Sale at the snecial nriee ofaC
Women's fine quality imported
pure linen Handkerchiefs. Hem
stitched edge, with embroidered
initial. In the June White 00
bale today at, specialC
Children's Initial Handkerchiefs Three in Fancy Box for lOc
'Housekeepers Day' in the Bas'ment
20 Crowd-Bringing Specials in Wash Goods and Domestics
Extra heavy LTnbleached Outing
Flannel. WeM fleeced. Soft finish.
2000 yards Bleached Outing Flan
nel. Extra quality, well fleeced.
39-ineh Unbleached Muslin. Good
heavy quality. Extra fine finish.
Extra fine, soft finish Crash
Toweling. Comes full 15 in. wide.
16x20-in. Absorbent Huck Towels.
Red border. Lay in a good supply.
Double bed size Spreads. Heavy
quality. Choice Marseilles patterns.
ii 44x22 -inch Mercerized Damask
Towels, with hemstitched ends.
32-inch Krinkle Seersucker in neat
stripe patterns. No ironing.
Rich, silky wash materials, 27 in.
wide. Beautiful line of patterns.
32-inch Dutch Blue Calicoes in a
' great variety of patterns.
Splendid heavy Bleached Muslin.
Seamless. Hemmed ready for use.
45x3G-inch Bleached Pillow Cases.
Good heavy grade. Only 10c each.
5000 yards of Apron Ginghams. 27
inches wide. All popular checks.
Mill ends of from 10 to 20 yards.
Fine line of patterns. Fast colors.
27-inch worsted finish Suitings in
medium weight. New patterns.
Plain, fancy" and openwork de
signs in good range of patterns.
Fine linen-finish Huck Towels.
Size 16x30 inches. Heavy grade.
I Heavy 8-4 Bleached Sheeting,
! Standard. Supply your wants.
58-inch Mercerized Table Damask.
Standard quality.
Rich, durable, crepy material for
Summer dresses. 30 inches wide.
$1 and $1.25 Fancy Silks
At the Main
Floor Center
Circle Today
Here are Silks that will make up beautifully for "dresses, waists petti
coats, etc. Splendid quality chiffon taffetas, in attractive stripe and
checked patterns, in the season's most desirable colors and combinations
A silk offering you should not overlook. Grades that sell n
usually at $1.00 and $1.25. Special today at only the yard
Demonstration 'Wear-Ever' Aluminum
" A1 Pji7C T?ntf1 1 rtftriG Drawnwork and Jacquard effects, with hemstitched borders. White C V-l
VW MfUfa - if vJ- and cream. Regular 45c Scrim on sale on the third floor at only MtlL M LIT LI
16-In. Ball Bearing Lawn Mowers $5.1550-ft. Garden Hose with Nozzle $4.5024x45 Adjustable Window Screens 40c
This 3-Piece $5.50 Set for $4.72
This special combination offer is for today (Friday) only
and consists of one $4 "Wearever" Teakettle, one 85c "Wear.
ever" lipped saucepan and -one 65c "Wearever" ff Mn
stewpan; total value $5.50, for this special sale at
the terms of the proposed lease were
set out, and to a letter in which he
referred to the alleged agreement for
a lease, were not genuine. He believed
that they had been traced from a gen
uine signature. He said that no man
writes his name identically the same on
any two occasions, yet the two signa
tures in evidence were the same down
to the minutest detail.
The proposed lease was to have been
for five years, with option of renewal
for 12 additional years on the same
Max Oohen Allowed 3fl Days.
Judge Bean yesterday granted Max
G. Cohen, convicted Wednesday of sub
ornation of perjury in United States
District Court. 30 days in which to pre
pare action for an appeal. In case the
appeal Is granted- Cohen will be tried
in the Tjnlted States Circuit Court of
Appeals at San Francisco. His bail
was yesterday increased from $2500 to
Executive Board Accepts Milwaukie
Street "Work From Contractors.
After an expert employed by property-owners
examined the condition of
the paving on Milwaukie street from
Holgate street to Nehalem avenue yes
terday and did not discover any seri
ous defects, the Executive Board for
mally accepted the improvement in be.
half of the city. In taking this action
a long drawn-out tangle of affairs in
connection with the contract was
brought to a close and the contractors
will receive their pay, amounting to
$137,351.31. which has been held up for
several months.
Property owners complained about
the paving being defective. The Execu
tive Board, at a special meeting, re
cently considered the complaints of the
property owners and held up the ac
ceptance of the work until an investi
gation could be made. One place in the
paving was found which was defect
ive. This was repaired. Investigation
in other places revealed no defects.
Superintendents Are Re-elected.
' SAT .EM. Or.. June 5. (Special.) The
board of control has reappointed all
superintendents and assistant superin
tendents of state institutions. The
board having been created, by a law
which became operative Tuesday, it was
necessary to make the appointments.
and Pick Strawberries? -
The O.-W. R. ft N. on June 4 to 11,
inclusive, will sell round trip tickets
to Hood River for -12.55. Final return
limit June 30, For further particulars
apply at City Ticket Office. 3d and
Washington sts. Phones, Marshall
4500. A 6121.
Encampment Sites Sought.
Adjutant-General FInzer, of the Ore
gon National Guard, returned yesterday
from Tillamook, where he went to se
lect a site for the annual encampment
and field maneuvers of the Third Regi
ment, which begin July 8. He has
three sites under consideration, two
near Tillamook andthe third near Moh
ler, in the vicinity of Neah-kah-nie
You People in the Flood District
Does Your Basement Need Disinfecting?
American Disinfectant Co.
A 4536
248 Main Street
Marshall 1596