VOL.. L.III. XO. 16,390. PORTLAND, OREGON. FRIDAY. JUNE 0, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS. WILSON SELECTS DOZEN DIPLOMATS List Taken Informally to Capitol. MARBLE ROOM FOUND LOCKED Hasty Conference of Twenty Senators Is Called. POSTS NOT ALL ASSIGNED Word From Foreign Governments as to Acceptability of Individuals to Be Awaited Before An nouncement Is Made. WASHINGTON, June 5. President Wilson appeared unexpectedly at the President's room at the Capitol today with the biggest Hat of diplomatic se lections he has made since he took of fice. It was the President's fifth visit to the halls of Congress, but this time he found the door of the "marble room" locked. The Senate had adjourned end the scrgeant-at-arms was taken by sur-' rrlse. "I guess I'll have to get a duplicate key for this door." said the President, smilingly, as the sergeant-at-arms hastily dispatched a messenger for the key. Hardly any Senators were in the building-, but Secretary Tumulty soon sent out a call for about 20 of them and they came in Quickly from the Sen ute office building. RepublieanM Also Consulted. Although the President has not defi nite!' fixed on some of the appoint ments, he ha.s chosen the men who will get the posts, and about these he con sulted Republican as well as Demo cratic Senators. The individuals about whom the Pres ident talked and the countries associ ated with' them follow: Thomas Nelson Page, of Virginia, Ambassador to Italy. Justice J. Marard. of New York, to be Ambassador to Spain when the bill making Madrid an embassy instead of a legation is passed, probably within a few -weeks. Colonel Thomas H. Birch, of New Jer sey, to be Minister to Persia. Princeton Secretary Rewarded. Charles TV. McAlpin, secretary of Princeton University, to be Minister to the Netherlands. Joseph K. Wlllard, of Virginia, to be Minister to Belgium. Major E. J. Hale, of North Carolina, to be Minister to Costa Rica. P. A. Stovall, of Georgia, to be Min ister to Switzerland. Ex-Governor McMlllin, of Tennessee, to be Minister to Peru. Dr. H. I Jefferson, of Colorado, to be Minister to a South American coun try, probably Argentine Republic. Henry Morgauthau. of- New York, to be Ambassador, probably to Turkey. Albert Schmedemann. of Wisconsin, to be Minister to Norway. Frederick C. Penfleld. of Pennsyl vania, probably Ambassador to Austria. Official List Withheld. When the President got through talking to the Senators he met the newspaper men in the corridor and ex plained that his visit had been chiefly concerned with diplomatic appointments and that no official list would be made public until word was received from the various foreign governments as to the acceptability of the individuals named. The President left the Capitol as in conspicuously as he went. The attend ants held an elevator for him, but the President thanked them and declined. "I guess I'm' a good Democrat and can walk down," he said. Other names on the President's list about which he consulted Senators Kern and Shively, of Indiana, were ex-Representative Lamb and Meredith Nicholson, the author. The countries to which they may be sent are said to have been undetermined. INDIAN SYSTEM ASSAILED Woman Tells Senate Committee Red Men Must Bo St-ir Supporting. WASHINGTON.. June 5. Mrs. Laura' Kellogg, a student of the American In ctan. told the Senate Indian affairs com mittee today only when the Bureau was uboltshed and the Indian allowed to tight his own problem of existence would the red man return to the proud place he once occupied. She suggested the establishment, of model villages to be conducted by the Indians themselves. Mrs. Kellogg con demned the Indian education system and said that It had proved a failure. DUCHESS OF ORLEANS FIRM Prince Pretender to Apply to Pope IT Separation Suit Is Sot Settled. PARIS, June "5. Proposals for an amicable settlement of the suit for separation recently brought by the Duchess of Orleans at Brussels against Prince Louis rhillipe. pretender to the throne of France, thus far have been t unsuccessful. It is reported that if the Duchess de. cllnes to settle the case the Prince will apply to the Pope for a dissolution of the marriage, which Is childless. JAPANESE COLONY STARTED IN BRAZIL 1500 IMMIGRANTS LANDED IS SOUTH AMERICA. Arrivals Are But Vanguard of Great Population of Orientals to Be Sent to Neighbor Continent. SEATTLE, Wash., June 5. (Special. How Japan is colonizing Brazil was given jn detail here this morning with the arrival of the Japanese steamship Sanuki Maru. Fifteen hundred Japanese emigrants were landed at Pantos, Brazil, May' 15. They are the vanguard of a great pop ulation to be sent to South America to become a part of the first permanent Japanese colony in Brazil under- the Sao Paulo colonization " agreement recently entered .into between Japan and Brazil. The first award of territory com prises approximately 150,000 acres of agricultural land. Another Japanese Brazilian coloniza tion enterprise has been completed and passengers of the Sanuki say that the two governments have arranged for the concession of a considerable area of fertile country which will be settled by Japanese. Settlers for this colony will leave Japan about the end of the preserft year. Japanese contract labor Is now being sent into South Africa and both Brazil and Peru are being supplied with coolies, who leave Japan under contract with various South American industrial organizations. The first of these con tract laborers left Yokohama .for one of the Peruvian ports last month ana another shipment of 150 will go from Yokohama on June 21. These laborers will be employed on sugar plantations and contracts have been made for 500 at a rate of 60 cents a day with free board. MAYOR-ELECT IS TOUCHED Mr. Albce's "Boys" at Church Hope Leader Will Sot Desert Them. Mayor-elect Albee was deeply moved yesterday when he received from "his boys" of the Play Fair class in the Westminster Presbyterian Church letter, in which they expressed the hope that his new duties would not take him away from them. The letter was signed by every member of the class, Vhich he has taught for eight years. "We, the undersigned members of the Play Pair class, wish to congratulate you on your election as Mayor of Port land," read the letter. "While we are glad you won your campaign, we sin cerely hope y.our new duties will not take -you away from us." It was signed by Edwin E. Guy. Mer rit B. Whitte'n, Marsh Davis, Jolrh Holden, Max Brown, Paul M. Goodwin, James Lakin, Sidney Robinson, Earl Sears, Paul Wiggins, Lawrence Brown Clifford BrasHeld. Eugene Kelly. Allan Mann Porter Randall, Roger S. Plum mer, Norman Edwards, Sohn Hurt, Christopher S. Hurtt, Addison E. Kna'pp, George J. Beggs, John McCourt, Darrell Povey, David Povey, Raymond Kilbrun. Donald McDonald, . Brlly N. Little, Car roll Pulton. Lawrence Porter, Harold Connolly, Charles Jackson.' Francis Jackson, Raymond Versteeg, Russell Ferguson, Martin Parelius, Winfield McLean. R. H. Stoneroad, John Benkie, George Hyland. Campbell Dean, Russell Peer. GAYNOR TO OPEN TOURNEY New York's Mayor Will See Mc I.oughlin Play Today. NEW YORK, Juno S. Mayor Gaynor will lend the" dignity, of the municipal ity to the Davis cup International lawn tennis matches tomorrow when he tosses the balls into the turf enclosure of the West, Side Club, where the Americans and Australians will meet In the preliminary matches of the 12th series for the trophy. M. E. McLough. lin, the National champion, and Horace Rice, of Sydney, N. S. W., will be the first competitors in the singles, start trig at 2 o'clock. At the end of their match R. N. Williams, of Harvard, will play S. N. Doust, captain of the team from the Antipodes. All the players reported, for practice today, despite the fact that they had decided to rest. A. B. Jones, the Aus tralian, who has been ill, seems to be greatly improved in health. Lamed de voted a lot of time and patience to Williams, who Is not showing up as strongly in th singles as could be Wished. POSTAL SAVINGS CLIMB UP $753,898 on Deposit at Close of May Shows Gain for Month. , At the close of business on May 31 last there was $753,898 on deposit In the postal savings bank In Portland, an increase of $20,550 for the month. The number of new accounts opened within the month was 551; the total number since the office was opened September 9, 1911. has been 13,943. A total of 489 accounts were closed In May and the total closed since the of fice was established was 8196. leaving in force 5757 accounts. There was made in May 270S deposits and since the office waa opened 53,645 accounts. DARE TAKEN; BACK BROKEN Girl Falls lYom Tree. When Out With Joyriding Party. MARSHFI KLD, Or., June 5: (Spe cial.; Miss Kamona Ladd, aged about 18. while out with a party of jov riders last evening was dared to climb a tree in Empire. She climbed up about 30 feet and the branch broke and she fell.. She is In Mercy Hospital, and it is said her back was broken by tbe fall. TARIFF BLOW AIMED AT TOBACCO TRUST Tax According to Out put Proposed. ' SLIDING SCALE IS OUTLINED Amendment Has Approval of Attorney-General. SMALL' COMPANIES EXEMPT Senator Hitchcock, Author of Plan, Believes It Would Compel Real Dissolution Borah Would Bar Infant-Made Goods. WASHINGTON, June 5. In accord with suggestions of Attorney-General McReynolds. Senator Hitchcock, of Ne braska, introduced today an anti-trust amendment to the Underwood tariff Dill which would levy a SDeclal ad ditional excise .tax on a sliding or graduated scale on manufactures of ci gars, tobacco, cigarettes and snuff. The amendment, coming from, a Democratic member, will receive thorough con sideration from the finance committee. The progressive excise tax proposed would not' reach a manufacturer until he controlled about 25 per cent of the total production of the articles. Over that amount he would be taxed in a sliding scale on tobacco 1 cent a noun for the first 1,000,000 pounds per quarter; 2 cents a pound for the second 1.000,000 pounds and so on up to 6 cents a pound. These graduated taxes would be In addition to the regular 8 cents a pound tax that all manufacturers pay on to bacco. The same is true of the pro gressive tax on cigars, cigarettes and snurr. Ordinary Concerns Not Affected. Companies of ordinary size would not be subject to this because It does not apply to a production below 8,000,000 pounds of tobacco or 4,000,000 pounds or snuff a year, so -that of the 2700 to bacco companies In the country, prob ably only three would be affected, and of the 7 3 snuff companies, only three would be taxed. In the matter of cigarettes the tax would fall only on two or three companies out of 478, and of the 20.000 cigar companies only two have a production -large enough to be taxed. Seventy million dollars was the amount of th total excise last year on tobacco products and Senator Hitch cock has estimated that if the proposed tax had been levied on last year's busi ness, the former trust concerns" would have paid the additional tax as follows American Tobacco Company, S7.500.000 Leggett & Myers, 3,100,000; Lorillard & Co.. $144,000: American Snuff Com pany, $77,000; George W. Helm Com pany, $69,000; Weyman & Burton Com pany, $51,000. "There also would have been com (Concluded on Page 2.) l . It IWOWIH t 1 INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 72.5 degrees: minimum, 47 degrees TODAY S Fair and w armer ; uo rther 1 y wrada. National. Lobby inquiry to take in everything that resemDiea organised effort to influence tariff votes. page 2. "Wilson visit capitol with list of diplomatic appointments, rage x. Garrison would amend Army law to provide lor use ot militia in foreign service. Page 6. Tariff blow aimed at tobacco trust. Page 1. Japanese rejoinder opens way to "friendly negotiations. Page 5. - Chamberlain objects to renewing arbitra tion pact. Fa go 5. Xmetlc. Governor West says Interior Department has too much "dead timber." Page 2. Missouri off it-ial says woman workers are as firmly In bondage as African slaves. Page 3. Statesmen beat newspapermen In spelling Pacific Northwest. Governor West criticised for pardon of George ju. jjioogett, confessed muraerer. Page 7. Union, Or.. live.stock show opens under fairest skies. Page 6. Great Japanese colony is started in Brazil, x ooum America. Page 1. Sport. Chris von der Ahe, once owner of St. Louis .Drowns, oiea poor. Page S. i Cloee sets feature of tennis at Irvlngton v-iud tournament. - page o. Northwestern League results: Portland 3. ' victoria l; T acorn a 5, Vancouver 2; Seat- j tie 3, Spokane 0. Page 8. Pacific Coast League results: Portland 10. Oakland 6; San Francisc 5. Venloe 0; Lob Angeles , Sacramento 7. Page 8. One of three giant boxers to meet Madden at Brooklyn Club smoker next Thurs day. Page 9. Commercial and Marine. English buyers offer higher prices for hops. Page 19. Brisk bidding for wool at Ehaniko sale. Page 10. Negotiations for buyinjr Martin estate prop erty for dock site agreed to. Page 18 Portland and Vicinity. Captain Riley to succeed Slover as poliee Chief on June 25. Page 13. Louis w. Hill challenges Newell to sue him for libel. . Page 1. Schoolchildren to be given two half-holidays Festival week. Page 4. , Weather report, data and forecast. Page 14. Percentage of women voters to registration greater than men. Page 12. Rout of Rose Festival auto parade is an nounced. Page 14. Incoming administration anxious for depart mental assignments. Page 12. Milton Margulls is in lead in race for boy Mayor. page 5. Island dwellers forced to seek mainland for safety. Page 3 8. River parade In honor of King of Rose Fes tival to be three miles long. Page 14. Physicians Examine 300 babies In eugenics contest. Page 1. Miss Lucile Smith guest of honor at Miss Kloslercnan'B reception. Pago "11. E. C. Von Klein angers judge and loses . special court privileges. Page 3. Labor men of West take" up immigration problem in conference in Portland Page 4. DUNKARDS BAR TOBACCO All Members of Church Ordered to Refrain From Use in Any Form. WARSAW, Ind.,,June 6. The interna tional;., conference of the Dunkards, in session here today, decided that mem bers-of the church must refrain from use of tobacco In any form. Seattle. Wash., was selected as the place for holding the 1914 conference. MILITANTS. ARE FEARED Flldes Portrait of King Withdrawn From Royal Academy. LONDON", June 5. The Fildes por trait of Kin? Edward, in his corona tion robes, lent to the Royal Academy by Queen Alexandra, has been with drawn for fear that the suffragettes may attempt to damage It. HEALTHY BABIES CAVORT IN HOTEL Eugenics Test Is Ap plied to 300. DR. MAD1GAN IS DIRECTOR Tots' Show at Multnomah Proves Attractive. 45 PHYSICIANS EXAMINERS With Aid of Parents, Two Score of Nurses and Other Assistants Large Xtimber of Lusty Youngsters Are Scored for Prize. Beautiful, healthy babies 300 of them paraded in and out of the Hotel Multnomah yesterday. They were at tended by their mothers and fond rel atives and were there to participate in the "better-babies" contest, held under the auspices of the Woman's Auxiliary of the North Portland Improvement Club. Never before had the famous hostelry housed such an assemblage. Subscription . balls, conventions, din ners, ail sorts of functions pale Into Insignificance beside the evert of yes terday. Early in the morning the babies be gan to appear. After being registered they were undressed and given into the care of the attending nurses, who took them to be measured on boards and tables of the latest approved style. The tiny youngsters were weighed in a basket, and those who could stand alone stepped on the scales Just as a grown-up would do. The chest, arms, legs, condition of spine, abdomen, neck, ears, throat all were tested by specialists. Some of the youngsters yelled lustily, es pecially when the doctors were looking for adenoids, but the majority were good natured. There were about 45 physicians, two score of nurses and several of the club women assisting during the day, and they all had their hands full. - Bluet System Used. The psychological tests were an In teresting part- of the baby show. These were made somewhat on the order of the Binet system and Included the most up-to-date ideas advanced by those in terested in eugenics. The babies were given colored pictures and various articles to play with, and on their score cards were given credit for their powers of perception as compared with the normal standard. " The tots were all anxious to hear the physlcan's watch tick, and some of them were In sulted when they couldn't keep the watch; but there was so much else to attract their attention ' that they soon forgot to cry. A pretty, young woman who entered her baby proudly remarked that it was her twelfth, and she herself was only (Concluded on Page 14.) STATESMEN WIN IN SPELLING BEE RANKS OF XEWSPAPKIt MKX ARE QUICKLY THIXXEO, "Hydrocephalus" Stumps Poindcx tcr. While Chamberlain Falls Before "Caseic." WASHINGTON. June 0. An old-fashioned spelling bee. conducted by the National Press Club of Washington and billed as a contest between "newspaper men and statesmen" was won tonight by Representative Willis, of Ohio, after 13 Washington correspondents, seven Senators and seven members of the House had been "spelled down." It was an evening of merriment In which President Wilson, Secretary Bryan and a host of other official folk engaged- Secretary of Agriculture Houston, long a schoolmaster, was the "pronouncer." He encouraged the spellers at first by a series of easy words, giving Senator Ashurst, of Arizona, "cactus" and Senator Polndex ter "moose." But soon he dealt the most difficult words he had been able to find after a careful search of the dic tionary. Senator Chamberlain, though he comes from a state famed for dairying, went down before "caseic." which means "pertaining to cheese." The ranks of the 30 spellers thinned quickly and finally only Senator Polndexter, of Washington, and Representative Willis remained. The Senator misspelled "hydrocephalus" and to Mr. Willis, a former- schoolmaster himself, was awarded the championship. Some of the words missed on were canteloupe, exsiccate, fuchsia, cedre- laceous, cautchous, daguerreotype, fol iaceoua, ecumenical, laryngeal, recon nolssance. desuetude, epicene, gneiss, cacique and quintessence. Before the spelling bee. Secretary Bryan read an "ode to the printing press." The President saw and heard for the first time some talking-moving pictures. The occasion was the annual ladles' night celebranon of the Na. tlonal Press Club. CHEAP FOREIGNERS TARGET Seattle Labor Leaders Would Com bat Steamship Firms' Plans, SEATTLE. Wash., June 5. (Special.) E. B. Ault. editor of the Seattle Union Record, and Charles W. Doyle, business manager of the Seattle Cen tral Labor Council, left for PortlarM this morning to represent organized labor of Seattle at the Coast conference on immigration to be held in that city under the auspices of the Portland Cen tral Labor Council. . The conference, which is the first of its kind ever held on the Coast, Is for the purpose of thoroughly discussing labor problems, which. It is believed, axe confronting the Northwest and the entire Coast with the opening of the Panama Canal, and the flood of cheap foreign labor which is expected to en ter the Coast ports when the canal is opened. Local labor leaders say they have definite knowledge of the fact ' that steamship companies have made ar rangements for the cheap transporta tion of immigrants from foreign coun tries. SUFFRAGETTE IS PRISONER Militant Who Leaped Among Horses Regains Consciousness. EPSOM. England, . June 6. Emily Wilding Davison, the militant suf fragette who yesterday caused a sen sation by leaping at the King's horse and seizing his reins while he was gal loping at full speed In the race for the Derby, recovered consciousness at noon today. Phe took slight nourishment, but was unable to reply to questions. Miss Davison is one of the best- known English suffragettes. She is a young woman of high education, an honor graduate of London University and of the final honor school at Ox ford. The police today notified the au thorities of the Epsom hospital that Miss Davison must be regarded as a prisoner. The surgeon in charge said that It would be several weeks before she is able to leave the hospital. PHONE HEARJNG TO RESUME Sensational Testimony Expected at Seattle Again Today. SEATTLE, WasiTTjune B. (Special.) Further sensational testimony is ex pected tomorrow when the hearing on the complaint of the Northwestern Long Distance Telephone Company, of Portland, against the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, in which the former alleges undue discrimination in routing long-distance calls over the Pacific companies' lines instead of the lines of the Home company, will be re sumed In the assembly-room of the Chamber of Commerce. The Northwestern Company some time ago appealed to the State Public Service Commission for relief and a hearing lasting several days was held. On May 7 the hearing was postponed to June 6. BUDGET PLAN AGREED TO House Committee Favors Definite Limit on Appropriations. WASHINGTON, June 5. The Shirley plan for a budget committee of the House to regulate appropriations, fixing a total for each session and allotlng this among the various appropriation committees, was agreed to with some modifications. at a meeting today of the special committee on budget named at a recent Democratic caucus. The committee will take final action tomorrow on a draft of the plan with the idea suggested today Incorporated. NEWELL'S METHOD COSTLY, SAYS HILL Reclamation Service Is Hotly Denounced DILATORY WAYS CRITICISED Railroad Men Back From Cen tral Oregon Tour. HANLEY INDORSES VIEWS "Bureau Expensive Organization for People of United States and Is Woeful Failure," Says Assail antHill Party Divides. Dilatory and expensive methods and failure to look after the interest of settlers on Government lands were a few of the accusations made against F. H. Newell, head of the Federal Reclamation Service, by L. W. Hill, chairman of the board of directors of the Great Northern Railway, at com pletion of a trip which he has Just made through Central and Eastern Ore gon and parts of Idaho. The Hill party broke up late Wednes day night at Nampa, Idaho, Mr. Hill and his St. Paul guests going direst to the East, while J." H. Young, president, and A. M. Lupfer, chief engineer of the North Bank; W. P. Davidson, president of the Oregon Washington Coloniza tion Company, and Fred W. Graham, Western industrial and immigration agent of the Great Northern, came to Portland. Accompanying Mr. Toung and mem bers of his party on their arrival yes terday morning was "Bill" Hanley. the "sage of Oregon" and the owner of a considerable portion of the interior of the state, who quite agrees with Mr. Hill In his opinion of Mr. Newell and the Reclamation Service. In fact, Mr. Hanley made speeches at Burns, On tario and other places in which he lauded Mr. Hill for his attacks on the reclamation chief and his work- and in which he added a few sharp sen tences of pointed criticism of his own. Will K. King Hears Attack. , The meeting at Ontario was enliv ened by the presence of Will It. King, recently appointed by President Wil son as counsel for the Reclamation Service. Judge King replied to Mr. Hill's remarks, but failed either to de fend or to add to the criticism of Mr. Newell and his methods. On his recent trip through the state. Mr. Hill was called upon for an address at nearly every place he visited. The one, though, to which he gave expres sion more than any other was his hos tility to the Newell system. "And they were the best speeches I ever heard him make," said "Bill" Han ley yesterday. "He Just tore Into Newell and told of how he is holding up the progress . of the state and of how his practices make the land under the reclamation projects, so expensive that the farmers cannot afford to buy. Men on round deeded. "Of course, It is all right for him to sit back there in Washington and fig ure out how work ought to be done, but what we need Is the attention of a few more fellows who are acquainted with the situation as it really Is. Wj want 'men on the ground. I believe Judge-King will be a great help to us out here. He knows the country and knows what is needed to develop It. I never could see much in. this fellow Newell.' tMr. Davidson reports that Mr. Hill assailed Mr. Newell from every angle, accusing him of incompetence, extrava gance and lack of interest in the peo ple who are coming to tbe West to live upon the land being watered by the irrigation project of the Reclamation Service. "It these things are not true I want Mr. Newell to sue me for libel." Mr. Hill is reported to have declared at Burns, at Ontario and at Caldwell, Ida ho. "1 have the information and know what I am talking about. If lie wants to have these charges aired in court I can produce evidence to show that the Reclamation Bureau is a mighty costly Institution for the people of the United States and a woful failure so far a redeeming the land of the West is concerned." Large Territory Covered. In the four days beginning last Sun day the Hill party covered more than 450 miles by automobile,' visited 11 towns, attended 'four public banquets and visited with hundreds of people. Leaving Portland Saturday night, they arrived in Redmond early Sunday morn ing. They started the same day for Burns, stopping at Prineville on the' way and reaching Burns the same night. They stayed there the nes.t day. Then they went to the Hanley ranch and were the guests of "Bill" for a day or so. Next they visited Harney, Dewsey, Boulah, Wastfall, Vale and Ontario. They were entertained at Ontario by the Commercial Club and were taken on an automobile trip through the orchards of that district. It was Mr. Hill's first trip through the interior for more than a year. Ho and all other members of his party were surprised to see the growth. They found many homesteaders arriving. Others who had already taken up their claims were returning to renew their residences and to arrange tor (Concluded, en Psse 3.