THR !rfRVTfi nppr.nvnv niTTnoii . -cr ti--u - r. - M EE'S PLURALITY HOW THE CITY VOTED ON EIGHT LEADING CANDIDATES FOB COMMISSIONERS. FOR MAYOR IS 6412 60. BREWSTER 66. HURLBURT. 84, DIECK. 67, STOfBACH. 12sf 2? 41 19 '4 10 66!' S; 144! 177 229 180l 1361 Only 1290 Votes Are Lacking to Have Given Majority on 154 35 42 26 23 12 ! 67 104 125 3 85 233 171 8S 12l 281 9 ' 6 2; First Choice. DALY AND BREWSTER HIGH 165) 14 IfF. 32 83! I i , .... x i i neir riaces First and Second Re), spectlvcly in Race for Coramisv sioners, With Blgelow Third and Dleck Fourth. slr. Ames's n,rRMJTn;a. On first-choice votes Albee's plu rality over Rushlight. 529. On first and second-choice votes Albee's plurality over Rushlight, 84121 Mr. Albee was elected by adding; first and second-choice votes. On first, second and third-choice votes Albee's plurality over Rush light, 6159. With the count complete H. R. Albee eiect&a Mayor of the City of Port land with a plurality over A, G. Rush light of 6412. Mr. Albee lacked 1290 votes of receiving a majority on first choice votes. His plurality over Rush light on first choice votes Is 6290. William H. Daly and W. L- Brewster were the two high Commissioners and were elected for four-year terms. C. A. B! gelow and Robert G. Dieck were third and fourth, respectively, and were elected for two-year terms. Their votes on first, second and third choices are as follows: Will H. Daly, 20,307. W. Tj. Brewster. 18.420. C. A. Bigrelow, 18,343. Robert G. Dieck, 18.021. On first-choice votes the candidates ror Mayor ran in the following order: Albee, 21,314; Rushlight. 16,024; Mc Kenna, 3614; Kellaher, 2564; Smith, 789; necessary majority, 22,604. On adding- the first and second-choice , Jr. AiDea passed the necessary majority of 22,604. The results on add ing- first ana second-choice votes are Aloee, 25.440: Rushlight. 19.028; Mc- ivenna. 26,827: Kellaher, 6133: Smith, 3211. Mr. Albee's plurality over Rush light is S412. Mr. Albee Is therefore elected by that plurality. Mr. McKenna iz"t votes behind Rushlight. While it was notnecessary to add th tnird-cholce votes, the results on add ing me nrst, second and third-choice votes were: Alhee, 26.967: Rushlight. 20.808; Mo Knna, 20.069: Kellaher. 10,321; Smith. 37:t7. Albee's plurality over Rushlight "'" 61i9. Rushlight's lead over Mc Kenna was 739. The sisrniflranr fct vill be noted that McKenna ran Rush- "nu a cioso race when the totals on second ana third-choice 'fre made. A. i- Kai'hur ltan elected Auditor-by i ii.uj..riiy .it .v.ii-z over John Y. Rich "on. ilia nearest competitor. T.t .-.-n;!et unofficial count follows: first Second Third choice, choice, choice. Totals. . 2.5S4 3..-ill 4.18S 10.321 . 1H.U24 3.01-4 1.780 20,808 .21.314 4.12B j.r.27 26.967 . 1.7SN 1.422 ? T.'A K TIT , piuniuy on nrst choice, 3280; on . Irst and Mcond, 6412; on first, second and third, , 1;,!. Auditor One to Be Elected. First Second Third V I.. Barbur 33,00l" 2.112' 748 H. A. Moaer 2.938 5.507 3.10 ... i. Kicnaroson.. I.S29 6.280 4.20S IS. M. Heimo .2.535 1.622 2,372 eommlMlonere Four to Be Elected. Ksipn c. Clyde 11.162 2.21S Ju'i ii. .Dlia W. H. Holltiigswortb 1.614 L. O. Carpenter... 589 William C. Benbow 3,884 I. M. Lepper 91 M- O. Collins 490 t:. A. Blselow 8.407 Oeorgre L- Baker. . 9.923 Thos. J. Hammer. 1,197 I. w. Ward r.77 H. C McAllister... .8tiS rl. I. ntgnon... . 1.987 votes H'jrhlli-lit All . . . Mi K :n na 17 18 IS 33 33 3 4 3 34 3 7 Harry I,. Iav. John Driscoll W. I. Spencer A. E. Borthwick 1.032 3.1)25 503 1.80 7 William A Munly. 4.516 40 A. B. Oroesman... 2 43 4 1 A. A. Closset 127 4 2 J. r. Marshall i7t i,. v. Hampton.... 1,64 7 44 William Schmeer. . 1.791 j Charles H. Beard.. 4io 46 K..Verteos C92 47 K. O. Mears 741 45 Dr. Vv. I. Cottel.. . 870 49 M. L. T. Hidden.. 1.436 VI Ernest House 741 51 Ed Ryan M Geo. A. IonR 318 ."! T. S. Williams 122 54. A. W. Lambert... 4PO ":. K. PeHurh.... 130 58 K. L- Sechrlst 318 SS Will H. ral- 12,498 ." A. M. Wills 846 "'1 Wm. 1. Ppiw5ler. 11471 . 61 Robert Andrews... 4SK r.2 Edgar A. Steinau. Hrt 1 Frank E. Watklns 3.SSS 4 1.. p. w. Qulmby. 303 " T. o. raly 725 Thos. M. Hurlhurt S.S2 67 Henry O. Thompson 63rt S 51. C. Reed SS 6W ' W. T. Vaughn.:.. 490 "1 James K. Pavls... 2(15 71 C I Dars-ett . . . . iit George C Ewen... 86 Alfred B. Pavls... 2J0 John D. Wilcox. . . 12 Thomas J. Lewis. . 1.641 4. M. Zubm 1.319 J. P. Roy I.301 August Richie . . . 105 w. H. McMonles.. 1.771 t. Gerlinper, Jr... 377 O. R. Hartwlg. ... 1,351 W. Louis Klledner 105 G. Evert Baker... 937 Robert 3. Dieck. .10.497 Marshall N. Dana. 4.24. T. R. 6toppenbach 9.690 Oharles F. Krey... 27t V. J. Richardson. . 1.783 John Rltter 51 G. B Van Waters. 3W J. I.eRoy Smith... 14 . F. W. Winn 814 J. E. Werlein 2 85 George B. Cellars. 5.223 C. C. Orsi 1.4t Clinton A. Ambrose 1.SS5 73 74 84 84 P8 99 1 1.25 1.995 535 3.703 1,191? 6S9 6.428 3.229 1.2:12 3,123 1.966 785 S.1S7 4S7 831 1.095 3.01 337 23 278 1.218 1.82 1S5 1.044 1.0-.2 891 1.268 740 430 199 138 .585 291 160 5.134 1.015 4.S24 535 149 3.094 398 9H8 4.739 1.012 117 526 2.1) l.VT 107 436 2t9 521 " 453 459 157 8.246 1.752 4i!1 155 sro 4.959 4.S36 4.832 2"1 1.BK9 57 529 297 541 "422 5.281 2 841 1.723 1.213 1.353 1.510 490 2.060 1,525 626 3.508 1.600 909 696 2.360 1.698 778 3.912 609 903 1.623 2,276 445 393 327 1.202 3. 878 1.050 1.179 8 81 1.379 743 S87 286 156 643 S71 t70 2,875 9S3 2.125 365 154 2.645 544 690 3.175 1.549 1S1 5( f4 210 156 626 314 567 382 31' 1 261 4 216 2.142 499 25. 751 2.665 8.704 2.37S 252 2.070 117 690 392 635 5 323 2.989 3.626 i.8.75 loo 301 Tea No Firemen's Pension Bill. .25.008 .14.891 Majority for .-. Heusner Tram-Mae, 1. CLYDE. 28. BIGELOW 29, BAKE R. PRECINCT. I 1 1 ? ? ? .. s s s I'" js 3 33 C 25 49" 14 9 J 65 i 20 201 13 50i 10 2 7 ii "1 - J"; 7; o 5 si i ;J ! 1 3 4 4; 23 4 1! . 3- 4 11 34 2.'.!. 24 ' 41 14 S 51 6 1 4 8.: 5 61 8 5 S": 0 6...... 2 6 C 58 4 4j Zl H 3 u 15) 21 6 143 15 9 H I J, in, 13 10 55 12 4 - 4 4; I 12 15 41 7L 1 i "I ,.'! 1: 12 13 5ol 12 b 'I " "l 1il 44 90 3.". 841 15 14 5:::::::::::::::::i it I: i 'iti ,? t 8 0 11 JVI ! ST 54 37 46 18 lo 2? 2S, S2 41 ,25 73 14 11 Sf J 9 1, 11 12 5 68 12 8 iL I. J g! 9 7l 10 57 5 8 Si 'J, 351 8 31 1 S2 ' 26 75 10 12. 2o - ,7! l' -l 30 r.2 27 80 14 u J? 1o 24 15 4S 80 3 1011 23 20 J, TO. 11 2 27 81 1.1 73 1.1' 8. Ii SJ 2 1 46 . 4! 2 87 21 14 JS "i 3i l 24 16 17 67 10 8' J? 12 S 1" 17 7 63 9 4 12 ? 8 11 54 39 20 101 76 10 .o . v-............. . HH R. lfc, Jf og; q 3, q " 48; 7 6! 19 27' 23 Si ill 4 ou T. 14j 3 17 15! 8 6ll 91 5 Total West Side. 8.306 600 TjTi42 "iT! 1.013 TtoOJ 799, 881 V' 87 13 8 45 29! 12 P3f ' 10 8 i!g 138 16 11 70 S4 20 fi7l jfli 12 i?,0 78, 18: 1.1 95 34; J7 51i 10 ni "I i J 40! 53 Vfl si 12 5! If::;::::;::::;;-: ilf J2 1 SS jfi SSI J2 SI:::::""-.::-.:-.-.: iSi 2 5 - lSi si j; 14 ?::::::::::::::::: i i3i IS J J0 iS-' 122 J4 5 75 85 . 20 02 13 18 T4':-.-::":: k s 2 37 20 so is: n 4JS - ,5i ?.8I " ES 20 .. 14 86 23 11 ?. " 24, 8 88! 88 12 SI Ifll 10 ??:::::::::::::::: . S . ii? ? s!- Iti . ? 7;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 'g , U lSg 4! j$ f:::::::.v:::::.v: Si; Js ,S SSI a; . ?? 171 1? il "? ?; 22 134 10l 44 lis! oil 'Z, 1? ' ?; U "! 68 37 SO 00 111 0 Si 1 13 2n 7 44 22l C J 8; J! J? 343 90 42 76 19 19 45 14 19 15 74 29 5 11 14 ' 1 ll 33 146 88 i'2 ml 24 14 S4 18 50 117 66 S3 77 1!,! 12 Jl; 28 107l 54 22 o! 21 5 ti4 54 27 10" 67 20 S2 lil 11 B-7 . 33 10 3 71 53 20 261 6l . 2 Sj "5 14 10 sl 34I 23 5l 24! 10 ll "4 J? 3, nj 27 14 4 13 10 VB.. BO 17 6- 4S' 42I 83 5- 17 10 ll 2? I2 10 110 o 17 Sflj . 13 ll 0O 41 ,? 26 15 G 30 10 6 10VJ 4iJ I4 2 67 58 40 48 4' 7 ina Si !4 41 77 37 19 no 10 11 4 7 1T3! .-.0 20 ' 131 4 3nB "? J4 84 31 9 8.", 13 8 inS14 Sfi ' 25 ,? 117 44 23 64 14 3 3Si ? 43 '2 130 77 37 93 22 13 11 T 3 26 30 14 22) 2 7 H? ?5( " 14 122 40 23 66! 20 7 ii? Sj 1! 69 46 19 7ol 22 13 33i 24 JO 8 58 10 17 23! 11 4 ii? 1JJ " 1! 52 55 28 115) 32 9 331 55 1 4- 26l 401 24 66! 7 4 1?S ?5 18 61 78! 43 44I 14 8 JJgLi 1' 4 85 69 86 1 39 . 9 12.1 3io -A 24- 33' 32 22 0 "' 7 2? 211 4' 9! ! 5- 44 2o -tn. 53l m 27( 2J "I! 121- til 6 2?l Isi 3S, " R 40 50! f.8 4! 15 11 3;? fjj I 90 711 46) 89i 23' 10 3si " 1! 8 44 37 211 701 14! 9 523 112 1 o so; 48 71 i") is 1? ij. io jo 19 i5 33! 11 a 351 11 21 2 2.5 4 28 74 10 10 iX I'X. T l! 10 12 14 Sfi 10I 7 "V I2 12 6 25 1S! 11 2 13! 7 11 -J" " 3 13 is! 10 63l 81 Tl 25? 22C 24 2s 4i 42' "v- 87! .T"' 1l 322 335j ?" ' 13 " - 35 i 2s is 234 .J" 16 7 42' 28! 9 5.7 14 1 1,5. "J 19 1 43; 40! 20 97 23 T J2 ,34 5 4 38 18 17 19 IO 9 33i 22 F Jl K3 Tl 48 S7l 86 14 352 I"8 ?3 3? T5 53 31 61 27 11 IjJ Hi 53 11 4 20 IS 4 11 7 14" 88! 21 ft 10 14 n i-j in i 'oil 221 ,4 m si sS M It ii 24 I"" 22 0, 69 26 18 69 17' 2 31s::::::::::::-.:::: ,M . a, ? I? 40: 3S ?i ig! s8 ::::::::::::::: j a i7 i ??j 4?:::::::::::::::.- 5 ,5 :: 4SJ 2 '28i s 22 11 60; 30 23: S 21 10 191 3 291 211 19 46 19! 8 21! in! SO. 68 S0 641 21! 13 22 1 88 67 36 S3! 32! 23 28' S 34' 25' IS 41 28' 16 141 111 4l Kit- 35! East Plrle.. West Side. . Totals 22! 59' on! ,8! 103! 148 70 99' 10(11 129! -I. 8.156' .1.616! 63' 907' T.065 4.663' 2.493 6 24C1 1 Rs! SOdl 1 342 1,768! 1.01S 8.677i 1,661 579 921 11.4621 2.2161 1.2181 S.407! 6.'428 S.'sOSi 9-!923! s!229l l,600i 1 42 31 89 121 16 84 21 14 381 14 4 46 16, 40; 3. 3 13 0 3 60 25 IS 50 32 15 65 31! 19 122 50 38 ISO 62! 47 9o 58 28 1194 72! S3 33; 111 1 26 6 1 21 5. 51 23 8 5 97 81 15 101 47 30 66l 27! 0 34 7 s IS 111 10 is: 9 4 36! 151 9 29 ll) 17 150 71 39 37 10 - 21( 2.' 5 40, 20! S 59' 30! 15 9; 48 23 63 31 28 47 23l 5 88 38! 23 34' 7 6 32. 6 5 2! .141 4 66 26 26j IOI 45 34 1 120 59' 40! 71 29l 181 73 33! 8! 92 53! 23 45 40 13 41 10 11. 40 14 10 53 21 8! Ho 531 23l 135 781 84! 44 14 17 34 11 4 43 21 8 02 23 10 20 25 12 70 25 13 33i 7 8 8,6771 1,561 921, 52 16 5 94 31 12 85 36 15 07 15 22! 78 46 i.; 53 27 21 13 1 2 103 -44 17 73 18 20 57 15 12 106 20 18 68 27 9 43 29 12 81 41 30 42 15 8 57 21 17 1001 20 21 77 25 13 60 22 12 76' 34 22 82 32 6 81 81 20 82 3d 11 121 46! 12 84 441 27 133 541 29 162 63 48 107 oil) 36 56 41. 25 87 20 15 63 30 8 17 0 6 120 73 36 132 74 41 161 1 28 1.161 131 20 118 .IO ' 23 114 47 . 33 57 38 28 65 30 17 1 15 53 32 52l 28 " 8 601 36 21 99 34 20 86 13 0 118 40 20 28 1 11 4 42 16 24 114; 53i 14 87 26; 13 90 G.l 30 1.4 Oy; SO 81 02 17 05 20 15 84 5fl 80 59 40 12 1)7 35 20 127 73 ' 26 62 20 b 91 37 22 26 8 10 82 12 B 6 - 43 18 85 20- 13 94 66 43 14)1 58 39 67 22 3 7 106 53 36 84 47 82 66! 82 14 97j 61 34 212 116! 6g 81 47 30 110', 74 43 C9I 30 14 108 51 11 47 20 5 84 44 20 45 ' 14 4 6.-. 17 ITi 85' 23 12 j 63' 16 10 162 35 301 151 62 24! no! 24 12 79 41 23 50 23 9 126 51 11 91 48 21 63 21 9 24 5 2 111 43 IT 77! 12' 13 90! 301 17 66 , 20t 27 61i 27' 16j IOI 41! 20l 84' 47 2l 66! 24 12! 94' 27l 1S 62l 26 . 14 lOl 42j 21 124' 63 20 - r.41 lOl 9. 6 241 IO; 92 3S' 39 74! 42 86 11 12 38 43 63 97 98 SO 10- 16 71 67 106 A 1 87 60 21 28 S3 108 196 59 ' 14 36 771 B2 9 H 1! 12 1.?! 1S1 16; 21 27 20 16' S31 19 45 39 32 66 2s! ill 19' 45 39 18 2i 1V! 19 31 IT 15 8.698! 1,144! 32! 1-. 481 76! 8.8O0' 3.9001 2.095 8. 60S! 1.144! 5SO 6l no! 58 4rf 38 26 35 46 26! .62 37 27 - 60! 41 17 28 48 2a! 48l 92 93! 135 113 1191 80 30 31 9 172 1T2 11 106! 721 isi! 1131 54! 115! "at 69 102 16 120: 24 45 70 56 121I 13BJ 28 120 97 62 134 66 82 4 " 14 76 52 169! 106 63! 156 148 1061 1681 2248! 154' 169 63 59 86 85 I7 881 3tj 68 1 881 86l 441 49 77 61 2l 81 41 62 34 i 1021 46 45 22 80l 65 49l 22! 72! 551 41 2H' 391 ol- 1 3 6 22 221 so 34 24 80 22 34 11 23 14l 15 4.V 38! 48 88 43 84 17 18 12 60 64 73! 74 63 40 35 28! 34 14) 82' 44 3 5! 26 45! 82 1!H 28 88 82 49 27! 481 7! ltd 31 21 74 89 28 51! ilJ 36: 971 36! 4S 33 35 151 40l 10' 3 9! 3t 48!. 44 IS) 1 10 3 32 22 861 20 2 19' 251 361 29 11 30 19i 49 se! 28 ! 24 82, 41: 9: 6; 19 3 8 SI 30i 18r 7 IO 13 23. 31 10! 31 i 30: 71 Si 8 lSi 4 i! 5: 19! is; 4: tTstrl 9 Jl! 14! 16 35 1 24 10; 11 17 4 13 8 11 12 17 13 32 15 29 20 21 26 17 37 9 8 5 so: 85! 26: 38 24 18 11 161 26! 16 16 30i ' 211 8l 23 1 16 25 16 7 12 IB 11 20 27 9 35! 8i 11 38 12 29 15 30 23' 15j 17 20 i 46! 6! 201 15 12 11 17! ll! i SI 18 15 12 20 16 22, 2! 3 ?! 18! 391 151 12' 33 84 IB H 16 19 7.404' 3.708 1,834 1,116 41 26 521 43 19 22 3 4 89 16 25 12 4 13 10 ll! - 0 4 9' 0 6 S 3 32 39! 9 " 30 3l! 20 28 4 84 55, 62( 52 89 SSl 55 58 82! 37 57 00 40 8 5 4 8 2! 5 11 4! 7 10 9! 5 40 47 35 6l 72 53 23 25' .21 9 S 12! 8 6 7! 3 16 101 1 17 18 14 58; 104! 57 8! 10' fl u: 12' ni 34' 25! 7 83! 27 1 40 47 32 341 2S - SO 1 19 1U 4! 48 SI 13 81 8 20 8 4 12 5i 6 40 60 13 36 34 27 67 08! 32 43 3Pr 5 18 35l 25 5.5 49 42 32 39 IS 16 18! 13 23 13 12 19 17 17 72 68 S4 67 8ll 64 22 84l 11 24 8 9 28 9 8 36 2ll 14 34 30) 20 38 Si! 27 21 15 ' 9 1,717 l,75n 1,182 21 191 16 39 29 21 28 27' . 17 S2l 4l 28 . 591 K2 17 2.! 26 20 4 7 6 35 32 38 28 24 33 29 26 19 49 24 14 33 28 25 17 24 11 48 B9 43 28 or, 7 21 25 So 45 86 19 37 26 23 51 32 12 34 25 29 62 28 20 55; 221 . 114 60! 27! 20 79 45 25 52 39 33 04 H.9 66 95 73 61 68 C8 . 28 72 48 24 31 21 10 35 23 13 18 12 13 132 0 44 11U 72 48 100 B8 80 65 67 41 73! 40 2a 65! 61 32 tiO 62 26 89 22 23 54 50 84 27 24 17 84 40 ' 22 66 64 2u 18 15 13 6O 68 38 21 13 8 63 23 10 30 81 31 46 82 18 68' 61 45 98- A4 37 481 81 22 84 28 19 80 56 29 72 44 26 48 45 29 199' 62 44 23 80 la 60 47 29 t8 fl 8 20 13 15 48 44 35 39 84 IS 74 75 ' 61 69 61 35 38 S3 20 R4 66 38 66 66 3s 41 88 30 . 65 72! 28; 91 113 76. 49 63 40: 71 65 471 86 29 22! 50 45 23 20 21 12 461 84 271 16 17 12! 89 21 10! 29 16 14: 9 9 14 50 4 0 4 4 68 36 42! 27 17 " 18 36 SO . 21 23 23 so! 64l 42 86 471 33! . 41 23 19 38 7 5 . 4 41) 41 36 34 17 34 38 46 . 23 47 26 13 37 34 23 381 33 30 35 44 30 191 16 34 46! 87 31 tnj 14j . 24 47f 4nl - 89' 46! SI 5l ST.' 1.-, 37 19! 16 32 41 87( 40' . 29 27 i.064; S.o'so! 2.79"4 6! no; 196) ti 18 13 45 231! - 1 3l! 87j lis! 98 34 112 13 17, 8 Tl 135) 168 90 73 304 81 8 29 42 104 229) 71 6 17 87 46 87 29) 4.06 26 55 93 9! SO! 73, 11 8!)! 51 53 52: 49 - 49 . 65 44 64 68 63 48 44 .75 4 US! 91 llrt 1091 171 781 47 23 14 170 1S6 185 175 121 152 11 60 114 63 84 92 25 123 27 44 117 SO1 . 139 327 39j 37 11 86 107 156 78! 106) 16 231 88 55 174 112 77) 154 130 lort! 1781 2791 163 160! 65 8 40 81 29) 41 391 16 73 113 39 .- 30 44 90 81 24 12 88 391 9 11 17 361 37 iS 20 1 2l 80 32 80 23 16 41 11 16 - 8 11 41 40 8 20f 22 19 5l 28! 50' 1031 114! 45i . 69j l"'3l 73! 33! 81! . 1 ..".jjii.!"! .oi .i. s,isu B.1.5! 10.497 1.118! 13 40 87 21 43 lu I8 26 21 16 8 10 18 53 16 11 49 48 SO 48 13 28 5 t7l 18 61 31 22 66' 51 26 44 75 88 60 22 82 19 86 9 IS) 1-8 7 86! 32 21 36 33 13; 8 3S1 IS 28) 22 1 39 18 31 43' 24 1 151 5? a at a. 2. o o 0 S. o 2. 0 3 8 j 2 S 12 160''! 811 is 4 23 12 10 10 34 17 16 - 3 12 1 12 5 6 15 lo 5 ,8 91 6 1 1 5 3; 1 Sx 21, 10 8 84 23! 11 12 ISO 36, 17 18 181 65; 8 22 104, 86 21 0 161: 46 22 3 8 141 42 23 - s 4, 2 2 3 2! 2 . 2 s 8 1 5 10; 1 7 99 36 9 32 153 63 24 lo 41 21 13 7 20 4 4 5 18 9 8 6 13 4 3 2 29 IS a 10 23 16 11 18 14 66 33 1 7 11 B 4 29 131 8 39 19 5j 33 25 14 16 881 4 13 16; , 711 36 15 SI 221 16 8 17f 79 50 12 71 16 9 2 2 5 5 7 3 8 8 4 30 f 80 17 12 113 45 13 14 104 68 21 7 63 28 13 4 47 16 8 IB 75 46 28 8 49 25! 11 5 29 10 8 9 15 12 6 11 28 IS 38 H8 60 11 24 175 71 25 5 BO 12 6 2 8 7 8 6-16 8 4 3 28 20 II 12 73 16 5 12 87 25 15 7 14 11 5 401 8,817 1,408 623 9 11 . 14 4 13 19 21 11 16 19: 33 23 38 64 29 13 22 55 39, 17 14 41 ,27 12 3 2 6 2 J5 45 27 20 14 2'J 13 15 33 22 22 8 15 18 13 15 5 20 24 9 6 23 18 V 6 40 22 28 10 28 15 U 6 22 20 20 5 61 30 10 16 85 26 1 5 26 19 14 17; 22 24 9 8, 39 34 12 7' 26 14 12 10 30 17 17 17 S 63 25 17, 4 41 27 12 us 57 23 22 86 56 45 18 88 53 26 13 83 39 17 8 2S 19 10 6 is 17 12 9 17 7 6 24 183 76 80 18 154 70 36 23 123 70 34 23 68 351 42 13 71 36: 31 12 72 5 38 8 70 4 20 12 ' 28 26 10 24 ml S3 13 11 21 38 13 15 37! 84 21 23 00 5 1 18 11 18 10 7 18 97 07 21 2 24 U 4 4 471 25 10 18 43 34 21 32 46 38 14 31 K8I 43 2U IS llui 75 21 9 811 171 8 7 20 20 S 16 89 51 20 31 94 47 11 38 53 89 17 80 95 60 82 7 61 19 7 10 73 48 15 4 13 123 12 15 11 5 15 58 35 15 9 64 17 13 16 162 64 43 ' 25 90 38 2o ' 43 25 19 24 143 63 26 21 139 61 21 8 105 85 S 15 141 44 25 37 ' 218 11( 14 15 129 46 24 32 167 71 26 33 46 31 U 12 61 47 19 6 33 18 13 21 62 50 12 4 241 1U 8 9 881 23 9 2 19 23 14 6 121 5 5 33 4S 85 24 17 75; SS 24 4 26 22 9 12 36 21 15 35' 19 6 5 42 40 21 15 50 34 23 26 15 11 5 10 6 5 18 68; 43 38 11 SO 22 6 13 86l 24 13 17! 57' 20 7 PI 62! 35 IS 19 901 43 13 151 131 37 11 13 36 3 8 5 14 52 40 11 4! 20' 23 16 28 84' 65 19 22 (131 S7 19 10 72' 20 9 12 23' 17 11 13 41 25 19 16 SS. 30 2-j .483 6.37.T 3.424 1,755 .382 3.317! 1.408 62:i" .665 0,6901 4,832 2.378 3 Xo 18.518 Majority aijailrst . 750 Park Bonds Issue. 114 Tes 115 No.-. .. . .14.99)1 . .22.022 Majority against. '. . . 8.023 renaltr tor Tlolatina- Ordlnaoees. 116 Tes 117 Xo Majority for. .......... .19.748 .13.030 9250.000 JPnbllc Museum. US 110 Tes Xo ..10.049 . .23,017 Majority Bffall .12,968 Eliminating' Grade Crosfdnrs. 110 Tes 20.627 121 No ...12,560 Majority for 8,067 90. 0OO Council Crest Parle. 122 Tes 123 12.133 No 22.S01 Majority against Tran sports, tlon Terminals. 124 126 Tes No Majority for. 312 103 Tes No .12,656 .2a. 60S Majority acalnat ...10,652 tVrpead Kaat First Street Franchise. 1"4 Tes j5 ll5 No .....:i9452 Majority aralnst 4.123 Repeal Kat bee and Street Franchise. ! res lS.OfU 1. NO 19.226 Majority against . . 4.162 8S50.0OO Knath Portland ttridse. V.s 1X354 No J4,U8 1 04 Majority strainst S200.OOO Incinerator Plant. 110 Yes .- 111 No .20. SSI .16.679 -Majority for 4.262 OpcbIok and 1 IdenJns; Mtraets. 12 Y es , .1T.T09 126 127 AbollafalnsT Tloelt CVraimlsalon. Tes No Majority for 7,910 HOW THE EAST AND 5VTT 81DE8 VOTE II 1XIS MAYOR OX ITRST CHOICE. I I fat ? S i S ; ! . K !: "est I 653! 5.654' 6.2301 7B9i 675 East jl911-10.37O-15.0S4.2725, 11 14 Total . .12564' 16.024'21.814'3S14I178B JEWELERS MEET TODAY MAYOR-EUXTT AIvBEB TO GIVE WK1VCOMJE ADDRESS. Trade Policy " Discnssion, Offiwrs' Reports, Banquet and Anto Trip on Programme. Mayor-elect Albee will deliver the ad- 43ress of welcome to the delegrates to the sixth annual convention of the Ore son Retail Jewelers Association at its session at the Commercial Club this afternoon. The convention proper will begin at plurality on first choice. Albee's 52B0. Albee's plurality on first and sec ond chotca, 8412. 164 precincts complete. -20.T7T t " - 8.894 .f -J t .20.491 I ' " I 1 " I j H N -- 4 Pi" I It lit - r 1 4 I - 3 4 : : . .; 1 1 J. P. Jaesicr, President of Ormos Retail JeTTClera' Aaaociatioau 10 o'clock this morning and a meeting of the executive committee will be held at 11 o'clock. At the afternoon session which will begin at 1:30. Mr. Albee will make his address, after which will be Biven the annual address of President J. P. Jaeger, and the annual reports of Secretary W. P. Dielschneider and Treasurer F. Friedlander. Addresses and discussions of trade policy will be given by F. A. Heit kemper and William Anderson. Tonight at the Commercial Club will be held the annual banquet of the as sociation. Isaao E. Staples will be toastmaster and the speakers will be J. K Shepherd, F. M. French and E. J. Jaeger. Tomorrow forenoon will be given over to an automobile trip and the election of officers will ba held early in the afternoon. Addresses by F. Fried lander and I. E. Staples will conclude the session. Members of the committee on ar rangements and programme for the convention are: W. F. Dielschneider. of McMinnville; William Anderson, of Ore gon City: F. A. Heitkemper. F. Fried lander and 1. K. Staples, of Portland. Medford Plans Big Day July 4. MEDFORD, Or., June 4. (Special.) At a meeting of the Merchants' Asso ciation last night it was decided to have a monster celebration in Medford, July 4. Ball games, horse races, bron cho busting contests' and auto races will be some of the features and com mittees were named to perfect the de tails of the day. E. C. Gaddis, presi dent of the Merchants' Association, was named chairman of the programme committee and he announced every ef- TOTE ON Eltilrr UEAnrNO CAN OI1IATE8 KOB COMJAIS-SIONtR. r.S? r.S - Q, Dalv 112.498 3.134 2.875 2O.307 Brewster ... .11.471 ,4,824: 2, 125:18.420 BlKClow ) 8.4l.7;6. 42 8 3.50S1S.343 Dieck 10.497 4.859 2.665! 18.021 Stoppenbach .! 9.690 4.832 2.378 16.94) Hurlburt 8.S24'4.73,3.17.-,'16.7SS Clyde '11.462 2,2!6:1.213l 4.891 Baker I 9.923 3.229 1.5'vt, 14.052 : fort would be made to make this cele- v.7i- WB oesl ever nell in the West May So to Medford. cSEf'0r:' JHne 4 (Special. )- -m V. "rBtate Treasurer Kay representative of the State Highway Commission, a road wnico will be held at Medford ffXJtVt"lDg- Th' ml"g will be attended by representative cltlzns of rVuZZ,- X ... a !e'egation from California, and will bo for the pur poses of discussing the issuing of bonds . ' ana tne building of . at tne boundaries-of the states The law creating the raignway commission provides that at UUt mtmoer snail attend all im portant county road meetings. North Plains Place Closed. HILLSBOKO. Or., June 4. (Special.) The first action. in this county un der the provisions of the new liquor law was taken last evening when a deputy sheriff closed the saloon at North Plains, a hamlet on the United Railways, six miles north of this city. The saloon had been moved into hotel owned by the family, but the deputv held that the building was not up to the "50 guests" requirement, and or dered the doots closed. July Fourth Programme Outlined. CENTRALIA. Wash.. June 4. (Spe cial.) At a mass meeting Monday night a tentative programme was out lined ror tne two days' celebration to be held In Centralia July 4 and 5. The programme as outlined will include day and night fireworks displays, free vau deville acts on the streets, raoea and field sports, music by two bands, danc ing', etc' Nearly $1500 has been raised for the celebration, which promises to outrival the Hub jity Festival last year. Brland Has Narrow Escape. EVRBATJX, "France. June 4. The former premier. Aristide Bria,nd, had a narrow escape from death when his automobile was struck by another and dashed against a tree. M. Brland's shoulder wan dislocated and he was cut severely about the face and hands by broken elans. An Artistic Player Piano for $450 Through recent improvements in player manufac ture we are selling now, on extremely easy pay ments, a new design of eighty-eight note player piano, in splendid mahogany case, that wins the ad miration of everyone who sees it. Some Splendid Used Pianos At prices ranging from $125 upwards, we are show ing many beautiful used pianos of best-known makes. Each one is a real bargain and a money-saving value. Whatever your needs, we serve them and you benefit in price and satisfaction Easy payments. Victor Talking Machines and Records MORRISON STREET AT BROADWAY TEST GIVEN BABES Parents, Some Lone Fathers. Almost Swamp Physicians. ONE MAN REPLACES WIFE Masculine Hands Display Real Abil ity In Dressing; Infant and Be speaks Practice at Job. Fig man Tot Is Contestant. Surrounded by babies in great num bers and representing every type ac companied by their mothers in most cases, by both parents in many cases, and by their fathers only in a few cases the large corps of physicians and nurses conducting the scoring of Infants at the Mothers' Educational Bureau yesterday pa.&sed a strenuoirs afternoon. Devoting most of their time to their own offspring, the army of mothers for a time were forced' to center their attention at least to one man who was performing the same duties by his own young hopeful as they were toward their own that of preparing the little mite of humanity for the test. This he did with an ease that bespoke practice and thorough famil iarity with the job and while perform ing the feat in a manner that aroused the admiration of the women present, he Admitted he felt the least bit em barrassed in displaying his baby dressing and undressing ability in the presence assembled. The man's wlr. had left him in care of their offspring while she filled an. afternoon engage ment ,No less a person than Max Figman, one of the stars appearing in "Fine Feathers" at the Heilig the forepart of the week, was among the fond fathers Interested in the tests. Mrs. Figman took their baby to the offices c.f Irs. Madigan and Cardwell yester day afternoon and five physicians ex amined the tot. The score card was filed away and will be kept in confi dence until the others are gone over. Mr. and Mrs. Figman leave the city before a test couid be made in the reg ular manner and Ir. Madlgan arranged the special test for them. The examinations which are being held in Portland are attracting atten tion throughout the country and two special writers for eastern magazines are present to gather data for stories. Thev are Mabel Potter Daggett, of the Pictorial. Review and J. F. Fries, ' of the Woman's Home Companion. riCnen4t5I Soclet5r: President. Dr. w. Claude Adams: vice-president, Dr O li errls: secretary-treasurer. Dr H ' w Wr- Executl'e committee, Dr! ;V vW-uCha"Ce' 1r' :- E. Moreland. Dr C. M. Harrison. Dr. H. C. Fixott and Dr. fc-. A. Myers. tember"!1 meeting will be held Sep- The following delegates were elected to represent this society at the Oregon State Society's annual meeting to be held June 9 to 12, inclusive: Dr M C Holbrook, Dr. A. J.-Brock, Dr. V ' c" Shearer. Dr. C. jr. Harrison. Dr , E Hirstel, Dr. J. W. McMichael, Dr F P Mc&real and Dr. C. E. Moreland. 4.1terJ nates. Dr- Grace Keith, Dr.. Maud M Tanner. Dr. J. C. Jones, Dr. O. J Ferris Dr. F. N. Spaulding, Dr. F. W. JJollister Dr. S. t. Stryker and Dr. H. C. FJxott. Notes From St. Johns DENTISTS NAME OFFICERS Dr. AV. Claude Adams Selected Presi dent of Portland District. . ST JOHNS, Or., June 4. (Special.) A new skating rink on Jersey, street has opened. At the Council meeting . Tuesday night the municipal dock's upper-floor was rented to the Crown-Columbia Pa per & Pulp Company, of Oregon City, at a rental of 200 a month. On a written request from the minis ters of the city that the skating rink be closed on Sundays the Council voted that the request be granted. The street committee was -ordered to fix a temporary approach to the St. Johns-Llnnton ferry, as the regular approach is completely inundated by the present high water. The Council voted to employ ex-Citv Attorney Perry C. Stroud to assist Cilv Attorney Gatzmeyer in the city's fight against the water company for better rales and better service. An appropriation of $150 was voted to bear the costs of the appeal ordered a week ago by the Council on the width of Willamette boulevard. Councilman C. E. Garllck introduced a resolution to .Increase -the speed limit f autos and motorcycles from 8 to 15 miles an hour, but no definite action was taken by the Council oh the matter.' An ordinance providing for the time, and manner of improving North Leon ard street from St. Johns avenue to Bruce avenue at a cost approximating $5500 was passed. Bills aggregating 1234.91 were al lowed. Night Patrolman Thomas Whitney tendered his resignation to the Citv Council and it was accepted and G. W". Norine was appointed in his stead Mr Whitney will leave St. Johns for Wis consin in the near future, he having traded his property here for . a home there. The grounds around the East St. Johns schoolhouse have been plowed worked, leveled and seeded and a rus tic arbor built running diagonally from the corner of the school building to the street, all of which adds much to the general appearance of the site on which the scoool stands. Stevenson Dock Floats Away..' . STEVENSON, Wash.. June 4. (Spe cial.) The river at this point is still rising and the dock here has been broken up and part of the same floated down the stream and will necessitate a new dock when the river recedes. ,"- i'-..,.. V . v. V ,i V i, i France maintains a tax on doors and 4. -i-nr "it.-- -f- .p,",'iJ 1; M f - r r ll,,;,, 4-1,"i m-roli .-.-P T?c- Cl,. T'l K-.-.C? " J.U1111L; u,c luon vx ituiiv: ioiiu u t ttrn. uui- ness firms making use o WHITE MOTOR TRUCKS will demonstrate again the increasing efficiency and business-srettinrr abilitv which comes from a sunorinr delivery system. Let us show you how this will solve your problems, too. The White Company ft a .sTJJs 1 - mm TlTlOe.; fas 1. iieana Bs.'ia . W. HILL. Mer 69 BROADWAY In the Business District for Yonr Convenience V f3 IU.4'4i