Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 05, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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5, 1D13- -J
No Let-op to- Tills Stupendous
Vancouver Scene of Engineer
ing Feat Across Railroad
Portland Railway, Light & Power
Property Moved When Tracks
Raised Without Mishap Work
Accomplished in Short Time.
VANCOUVER. Wash., June 4. (Spe
r.iaL) In less than an hour after the
50-ton wooden span across Reserve
street had been removed today the 800
ton concrete building, property of the
Portland Railway, Light & Power Com
pany, had been pulled across the right
of way of the North. Bank road and the
two wreckers were busily engaged in
reuniting the track. Hundreds of peo
ple came early today and waited until
the building had passed through.
The concrete power station has about
reached its destination, after being
moved on rollers for a distance of a
mile. The building was first erected
by the Mount Hood Power Company
for a sub-power station. All of the lat
est makes of transformers, oil cutouts
and other mechanical contrivances were
included within the station.
And then the Portland Railway. Light
A: Powtr Company took over the hold
ings of tlte Mount Hood Company and
this power station was included. But
to be useful it was necessary for it to
be removed to tlte foot of Main street.
Contract Half of Cost.
A contract was let. the price being
bout ."'OUU. it is understood, while the
cost of the building originally was
about 111.000. Two companies took the
contract, the first one losing 12000 in
getting the building started. It was
sublet to Uerriek & Gerrick, and later
by that firm to Andrew r. Moodie.
house mover, of Portland.
More than a week ago the structure
had been taken to Hie right of way of
the Spokane. Portland & Seattle Rail
road, and there it was permitted to rest
until permission could be secured from
the company to take out the span.
This was done today, and after the
through train passed, at 10:22 o'clock,
the derrick & derrick wrecker followed
it out, and then the regular train
wrecker, with a capacity of 100 tons,
Onnrn Oct In Work.
In less than half an hour the cranes
from either wrecker were lowered and
with cables the ends of the span were
lashed to the crane3. The span was
raised vertically until it cleared the
The span was lowered to the track
and the work of pulling the building
across the right of way of the railroad
began. No mishap occurred.
As soon as the building was through
the opening the wreckers picked up the
bridge span and gently and again with
out a mishap replaced it. The rails
were bolted together and traffic was not
delayed, as no trains were due to pass
for two hours after the work had been
completed. ., ,
Southern Pacific Would Haul Prod
uct From CJold .11111.
SALEM. Or., June 4. (Special.)
Application has been made by the
Southern Pacific to the Railroad Com
mission to put Into effect a low rate
for hauling cement from Oold Hill,
Jackson County, to Portland. Upon
the result of the petition rests the
future of tha cement Industry In the
southwestern part of the state. Port
land also is vitally affected, for ce
ment Is now shipped by water from
San Francisco much cheaper than it
can be shipped from the Oold Hill
territory. .
However, if the proposed rate Is ap
proved, it will be cheaper to ship
from Southwestern Oregon, and one
of the largest industries in the state
will be the result. There are large
quantities of cement rock In the ter
ritory, enough, it is said, to supply
the requirements of Portland and
other Oregon cities for many years.
The application is made under an
act passed by the Legislature two
years ago providing that the Commis
sion may authorize lower rates when
It Is evident they would aid in the
upbuilding of tho state. The old law
provided that no" raw could be lower
than the aggregate of rates to in
termediate points.
Hood River Loses Two Coundlmen
and 3Vev Appointees Fall.
HOOD RIVER, Or.. June 4. (Spe
cial.) This city has great difficulty In
keeping the ranks of its officials full.
Two weeks ago the resignations of J.
K. Robertson and Edward S. Mayes, the
former declaring that the press of pri
vate business demanded all of his time
and the latter leaving the Council be
cause of illness, were received and ac
cepted by the Board of Aldermen,
tieorge W. Thomson, a local merchant,
and C. A. Bell, a hotel proprietor, were
appointed to fill the vacancies. How
ever, the former has dec-lined to serve
on account of the demands of his pri
vate business, aid Mr. Bell was unable
to attend the last nlsht's session of
the body on account of Illness.
Mr. Mayes Is now at Woodman. Colo,,
undergoing treatment for tuberculosis!
Vancouver Justice Adds to Sentence
When Oath Is Vsed in Court.
VAXCOVVER, Wash.. June 4. (Spe
cial.) For blasphemy in the court of
tl. 1.. Lavts, Justice of the Peace. John
Christian was sentenced to 20 days in
a.umion to his ten-day sentence today.
Christian had been arrested for using
vulgar language at the Sons of Her
man picnic Sunday, and when he was
sentenced to ten days in the County
Jail for the offense, today, he asked to
be allowed to pay a fine.
When told that the fine would be $25
and costs, he uttered an oath, and was
promptly sentenced to 20 days more,
Enill Paterson. who stole two hats in
n express package from a truck at
the depot last Friday, was sentenced to
SO days in Jail.
Boy Killed by T.aernr Rail.
VANCOUVER. H. "V. .. .--Harry
Woolley. aged 11 t few-
minutes after being hit nn th- head bv
a laerosso ball last evening at South
ancouver. a suburb. The lad was
watching a practice game when he was
alt by tho ball bounding from tha net.
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Stock Entries, Not Closed Yet,
Reach 300.
For Three. Days of Big Kvent Dele
pations From Nearhy Towns Are
Expected to Attend and '
Join In Festivities.
TJNION, Or.. June 4. (Special.) Indi
cations tonight are that the fifth an
nual stock show to be held at Union
June 5, 6 and 7. will be unusually suc
cessful. Over 300 entries axe on the
books of the secretary and more are
coming every hour. A carload of heavy
horses will come tomorrow morning
and many other animals are reported
on the road to Cnton. Every available
foot of stall room is taken and Quar
ters will have to be found outside for
the overflow, notwithstanding the fact
that 40 new stalls have Just been com
pleted. The association has the best organ
ized working force In Its history this
year and will doubtless be able to
handle everything systematically.
The Judging of stock will begin
promptly at 8:30 tomorrow morning.
The big parade will form at 13:30 and
track events will start at 1:30. There
are four entries for the chariot race,
five for the men's 12 H -miles relay
race, and four for the women's relay
race. Kntrles for other events are in
proportion. Moving picture men from
Portland are here to get pictures of
the events. The indications axe for
fair weather.
Baker will send 40 automobiles
loaded with people Friday. La Grande
will send a big delegation the same
day. North Powder will be here with
her band Thursday. Cove, "with its
noted hayseed band Is expected Satur
day, while Elgin has promised a big
delegation during the show. The man
agement feels at this time that the
show will be the biggest ever held in
the place.
. Floating Log Injures Man.
B.AXDOX, Or.. June 4. tSoecial.V
While fishing on the beach near the
Jety late yesterday. William Woolsey
was struck by a floating log and both
his legs were broken below the knees.
Mr. Woolsey's hook became fastened
In a log that was being tossed about
by the waves. As the water receded.
Woolsey went out and while engaged
In trying to unfasten his 'line, the log
was picked up again by the waves and
thrown against his legs. Mr. Woolsey
ls 74 years old and is a veteran of the
Indian and Civil Wars.
Graduating Exercises Are Held in
Preshyterlan Church.
LEBANON. Or., June 4. (Special.)
Lebanon public schools closed a sucess
ful school year last week. Graduating
exercises of the High School were held
In the Presbyterian Church last Thurs
day night. Superintendent I R. Alder
man made the address to the class- M.
J. L. Underwood, chairman of the
school board presented the diplomas.
Mr. Alderman's remarks were filled
with optimism. "The world is grow
ing better and wiser," he said, and he
urged the members of the class to keep
faith In their fellow man and live so
that others could have faith In them.
"Education has advanced," he contin
ued, "until a diploma from the high
school of today equals the-graduating
requirements of Harvard 100 years
Following Mr. Alderman's address L.
M. Garland presented the Garland
medals, which are offered, each year to
encourage the study of English. The
High School medal was won by George
Whittaker and the grammar school
medal by Esther Sherwood.
Railroads Lease Property to Van
couver for 91a Tear Each.
VANCOUVER, Wash, June 4. Spe
cial.) The spot where the famous old
balm of Gilead witness tree grew, at
the foot of Main street, is to be made
into a park a beauty spot by the
Vancouver Woman's Club. All surveys
In the Northwest started here.
The land is owned by the North Bank
and the Northern Pacific, which com
panies have consented to lease the land
to the city for II a year for each com
pany. It Is triangular in shape and
contains three and one-eighth square
feet. Mrs. F. E. Vaughan. president,
and Mrs. Nellie Lambson, secretary of
the Vancouver Woman's Club, appeared
before the Council tonight and secured
assurance that the Council would lease
the property.
Toledo Dredge Boiler Cracks.
TOLEDO, Or, June. 4. (Special.)
wniie repairing tne boiler on the port
dredge last week where one of the stay
Delta naa Deen leaaing. tile crack
opened about & foot, putting the dredge
out of commission for some time. Two
bollerroakers, Summerfleld and Camp
bell are now at work installing aa en
tire new firebox.
eonms irr onni ic&iuiSEinie:
Sale a.t Portland's Emporium
Crowds have thronged the store every moment since this great sale began ! I. E. Solomon is positively retiring from
business in Portland. Five floors filled with beautiful, new Millinery, Women's Suits, Dresses, Coats, Waists etc.
tremendously reduced, in order to clear out the stocks immediately. No C. O. D. or phones order no goods laid aside'
Up to $1 9.50 Suits, including White Serges
Many women are buying several of them, at this ridiculously low price! Smart
mixtures, and about half of the lot are White Serges. Well tailored and lined.
Suits that sold up to $19.50, Retiring From Business Sale Price
To $22.50
Suits at . .
To $27.50
Suits at . .
All Mlllloery sit h Price!
Jfe Price
Think of it beautiful,
genuine Panamas, right
at the beginning of Sum
mer, at half price.
New shipment on sale
All the wanted
shapes and
Portland's largest and finest stock of Millinery is being slaughtered in this
xvemiiig xruia Busmess aie at just nan price in many cases less than
actual cost, .civery inmmea nat, every untnmmed Shape, every
x lower, urnament, every yara oi jtiDDon, uniiion, Velvet,
every ustnen ana iaraaise eatner notning restricted
original ticket on each. Choose at precisely
i in
a n
- . I ill
i i.i,. ir,ffl nix m i sin i
. i i nr. h . kwi fcv in u hi uj 1 1 1
l Price gsSJl t Cgrf
126-128 Sixth, Bet. Washington and Alder
Samples to Be Sent From All Dis
tricts and Set of Grading Rules
Will Be Established.
HOOD RIVER. Or, June 4. (Spe
cial.) The next step of the North Pa
ciiic fruit distributors, the members of
which last Sunday consummated their
plans here for handling the North
western fruit crop for the coming year,
will be that of selecting the brands of
each Individual district that are to be
pushed and to establish efficient and
effective grading rules.
"The directors of the central selling
agency will meet at Spokane next Sat
urday," says H. F. Davidson, president
of the association, "and a set of grading
rules will be established, irectors
from all of the districts have been in
structed to send samples of their spe
cial labels and the names of the varie
ties that they desire especially to put
upon the market. In addition to the
full board of directors, the sales man
agers, Wilmer Sieg, B. A. Perham and
H. E3. Smith, and the chief inspectors
of all the districts will be present."
H. C. Sampson, secretary and treas
urer of the central selling concern, has
opened offices In the Chamber of Com
merce building in Spokane, and the
SOCIATION, remarked to a
newspaper reporter recently
that "With announcements
from all directions that big par
ties are coming, that organ
izations have decided upon
Portland as the place of their
annual convention in order to
be here during Rose Festival
week, the festival management
is inclined to increase its pre
diction that 50,000 more people
will attend the festival than
last year and say that the
crowd will be 75,000 larger than
ever before.' The Perkins Hotel
begs to urge you to make your
reservations now. They are op
posite Rose Festival headquar
ters. An excellent place from
which to view principal parades.
Festival dates, June 9 to June
14, 1913.
distributors will be ready to begin
business next week. The association
will handle the cherry crop of the dif
ferent districts. The local amalgamated
associations, however, will handle the
strawberry crop.
Orenco Burglar Secures I-lttle.
HTLLSBORO, Or- June 4. (Soeclal.)
A burglar entered the Orenco store
owned oy J. H. Garrett, of this city,
last night and rifled several packages,
evidently in search of valuables. Noth
ing was molested In the mercantile de
partment, although goods were thrown
about. A key to the mail pouches was
taken. Sheriff Reeves Is investigating.
The postmaster thinks that a few
stamps and a little silver were taken.
Iewis Criminal Docket Shattered.
CHEHALIS, Wash., June 4. (Spe
cial.) The criminal docket In the
Lewis County Superior Court for the
June term was shattered yesterday
when both prisoners scheduled for trial
pleaded guilty. William Bryant pleaded
gnilty to shooting Ben Sears, a Cen
tralla business man, while the latter
was attempting to prevent Bryant
from killing his wife. Bryant was sen
tenced to a four to twenty year term
at Walla Walla penitentiary. C B.
Maynard of Portland, charged with ab
duction, pleaded guilty and was given
a sentence of from two to 10 years at
the reformatory at Monroe, Wash.
Chelialis Wants No School Addition,
CHEHALIS. Wash.. June 4. (Spe
cial.) Chehalls voters have refused to
grant the School Board authoritv to
build an addition to the High school
at an estimated cost of $8,000. Oppo
sition to extension of the domestic sci
ence work in the schools and apathy
of the people is attributed as the cause
of the ballot result.
Arrives Gearhart and Seaside for luncheon; allows all after
noon at the ocean; leaves after dinner, arrives Portland
10:25 P. JNI.
Arrives Beach Points for dinner, gives Saturday evening and
all day Sunday at the ocean; leaves after breakfast Mondav,
arrives Portland 12 :30 P. M.
One Day, Week-End or Season Trips No Vacation Place like the Seashore. No Seashore Trains like these.
Observation Parlor Cars. Large Modern Coaches; Columbia River Scenery All the Way.
2.00 Saturday
1 K 1 r O $15 FIVE ROUND TRIPS Individual
, Daily evening train leaves at 6 :30 P. M.
Parlor car seats, tickets and details at offices. ,
City Ticket Office. Tifth and Stark Street. North Bank Station, Eleventh and Hoyt Streets.