Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 05, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Second-Floor Bargains
For Today and Friday at Basement Prices !
Violation of Rights in Interna
: tional Law Charged in Ar
gumentative Note.
to. .....
Young Men's $15 and $20 Suits
(1912 models)
Ambassador and Secretary Discuss
Situation Informally Counsel
" lor Moore to Be Consulted
In Framing Reply.
W ASHINGTON, June 4. Nothing that
ran be construed as an ultimatum ia
contained In the Japanese rejoinder to I
Secretary Bryan's reply . to the original
protest against the enactment of anti- ;
nUen land holding laws, which was i
HiibRMtted today by Ambassador Chinda j
to the ftae department.. j
: The Japanese note was long and its;
nature entirely argumentative.. Secre-!
tary Bryan and Ambassador Chinda
were in accord that no . good purpose
rould be served at this time by a pub
lic discussion of the delicate question,
and therefore both officials save no
tice that any attempt to publish what
irught purport to be even the substance
iif three communications which have
jiiow paused between the two govern
ments must be based entirely on specti--iHtion.
.Tone of Rejoinder Dlirntfled.
': Tt is known, however, that the whole
lone of the rejoinder today is that of
dlgnifiexl and orderly presentation or
"Japan's view of the case, concluding
'uith an Invitation to further negotia
'ions. ; its general tone Is to invite further
.41s-uasioa of the controverted points
and it contains nothing tending to make
up a final issue. Secretary Bryan and
ihe Ambassador agreed that no details
tshould be made public.
AmlMHusador Chinda. went to the State
T-epartment by appointment just before
i o'clock. Instead of merely acknowl
edging receipt of the note and promis
ing to consider it Secretary Bryan re
quested the ambassador to wait while
We read the communication, and -when
he had flnlshed there was an informal
IntrrnMIwnnl I. aw Pleaded.
Secretary Bryan was deeply inter
med in the points made 1n the Japa
nese rejoinder, which are believed to
.have been directed more to the end
of demonstrating that the legislation of
lie California ns, taken in connection
with the "-recent action of the Arizona
legislature and the projected legisla
tion in other western states, tended to
Jmpair the equality of treatment to
which Japanese were entitled tinder
the general principles of international
law than to the charge, that the Webb
act constituted a technical violation of
the treaty of 1911 between America and
The ambassador was at the depart
ment for an hour and a half. Then
he returned to the embassy to prepare
n. report to his government, indicat
ing the nature of the reception of its
communication by the Secretary of
Secretary Bryan went directly to the
."White House, where he left the Japa
nese note for the perusal and consider
ation of President Wilson. It is ex
pected that when Counsellor Moore re
turns to Washington from New York
he will be called into conference by
the President and Secretary Bryan to
consider the outline of a response.
Suitable Sit en for State Guard Kii-
ontnpnient Sought.
TILLAMOOK, Or., June 4. (Special.
Adjutant-Oeneral flnaer, of the Ore
gon National Guard, and Major P. C.
Kndicbtt. of the United States Army,
have, been looking over sites near Til
lamook for the annual encampment of
the National Guard, which begins July
K. Two MitPii arts avallahl
near the city, one near the depot and
the other west of the city,"
The officers looked over another site
today near Necarney Mountain. The
citizens of Tillamook were disappointed
that the regiment did not come to Til
lamook last year after procuring: suit
able sites. General Finzer told Presi
dent Baker, of the Tillamook Commer
cial Club, that it would be decided
early next week where the regiment
would encamp this year.
Continued FYam FlrBt Pagre.)
daughter, who r.ow is married, met
Von Klein about the beginning of last
year in Kansas City, and' on February
1 her daughter, who Is known as Mrs.
Edna Howard, of Houston. Tex., ran
away from home with Von Klein to
Nashville. Tenn..
The flrfct word Fhe heard from her
slaughter after the elopment was the
request that she come to Nashville and
bring with her money and her Jewelry.
This, to the value of 12.090, she says
ahe toolc and she says that Von Klein
chloroformed both her and the Jaugh
ter In a hotel room In Nashville, stole
from them ' their keys and ransacked
their trunks. Not content with the
valuables, she says, he even took out
the electric irons which she had and
Prtaomer DrnuuBeea AY.amam.
Secretly placed In a position close
to Von Klein in the Chicago Police
Court by Plnkerton detectives, she sat
beside him, she says, until she was
sure of his Identity and then made
herself known to him. She says that
he denied ever having seen her and
was violent in his denunciation of her.
When the case in Chicaaro resulted
In th granting; of extradition, she fol
lowed to Portland.
Evidence of efforts to secure Von
Klein's release became apparent yes
terday when an unidentified bondsman
appeared and offered to place a 96000
bond, twice tne value of the 93000 cash
bond formerly required. When he
waa Informed that the bail had been
raised to s000 cash or 410.000 bond,
he said he was unable to. furnish It. A
young: attorney, said to be connected
with, the office of John F. Ixijran. also
appeared yesterday. but made no
strong? effort to secure the release of
his proapetlve client.
"s it
4 f
New Bulgarian Cabinet Be
lieved to Be Peace Disturber.
Ministries of All Balkan States Re
ported Preparing to Resign.
Method of Arbitration Is
Not Agreed On.
IONIX)X. June 4. Instead of mak
ing for peace, the new Cabinet of Bul
garia may be more bellicose than the
previous one, for late reports indicate
that Premier Guechoff - resigned be
cause of the irritation shown in mili
tary and political circles over his con
cession to Greece and Servla.
Another disturbing feature Is the
growing indication that Roumania is
backing Hulgaria. and diplomats be-
leve that Koumanla already has of
fered to join with Bulgaria in case of
Greece and Bulgaria have agreed in
principle to submit their conflicting
claims to arbitration. Bulgaria de
sires to submit her claim to Salonikl
to the six great .powers, but Greece
wants the triple entente Great Brit
ain, rrance and - Russia to settle the
dispute. ...
A dispatch to the Daily Telegraph
from Bucharest says the Cabinets of
all the Balkan states are preparing to
Ex-Premier Struck on Head With
Saber by Guardsman.
BUDA PEST June 4. The announce
ment in the Chamber of Deputies to
day of the resignation of the Hunga
rian Premier, Dr. Ladlslaus von L.u
kacs. and his Camet. was preceded by
scenes of uuproar and violence sur
passing any yet witnessed in this tur
bulent house. The authorities, antici
pating trouble, closed the approaches
of the Parliament building to the pub
lic by strong bodies of Infantry and
cavalry, supported by a machine gun
and detaenment of police.
when Count Tisza, the Speaker, and
Premier von Lukacs entered the Cham
ber they were greeted by the oppos
tion with shouts. Jeers and insulting
epithets. After several unavailing at
tempts to obtain quiet, the speaker or
dered the expulsion of several opposi
tion Deputies and summoned the Par
llamentary guard to eject them.
The appearance of the guard started-
pandemonium.- One guard seized
Deputy Ieher by the collar and called
him offensive names.
"You scoundrel! This is Indecent.'
exclaimed Count Kuhen v6n Heder-
vary, the ex-Premier, addressing Cap
tain Feroe, commander of the guard.
Feroe drew his saber and struck the
Count thrice on the head.
His face streaming with blood, the
ex-Premier staggered and fell into the
arms of a friend. Cries of "murder"
resounded through - the hall. The fury
of the opposition Deputies was almost
uncontrollable until -It was ascer
tained that the injuries of Count Ku
hen von Hedervary were only super-
At length Herr Julius Justh, the op
position leader, succeeded in quieting
his followers and the sitting, which
meantime had been suspended, waa re
aumed. Premier van Lukacs then demanded
the resignation of his Cabinet, which
was greeted with frantic outbursts of
Jubilation by the opposition.
Seattle Gets Oregon Berries.
HOOD RIVER, Or., June 4. (Spe
cial.) The first full carload of Hood
Klver strawberries was shipped out
last night for Seattle. Carload ship
ments will be made each day now until
the end of the season, which will last
nnttl the middle of July. The fruit Is
fine quality and u finding a ready d-
tel. v ahtaJl
f : ;..i tjrs. T"-l
, tss r
M fhj ii Irvi Lj
i vtf 4 I ,rr -i i
1. Rath Biekfer. 2. Howard WomL
31. Patricia Tuner. 4. Karl KennHjr.
6 Pmdeace Denny . A Wed a Peter
en. 7. Raymaid Jomm. - H, Homer
Stewart. t. Joy Osden. - lOw Irvine
At matrons. 11. Karl lvan. 12. Laura
Sherwood. 13. lferavbel LauKhlln.
14. Beojamia PT-ftn-fl. 13. Eva Farm
ham. Itt. Cyril Webber. 17. Far
Todd. 18. Herbert hljaonaon. It. Etbet
HambUa. 20. Harry Stewart. 21. Hil
da Iorenfoo. 22. Wayne Stater. 23.
M ary Wood. 24. Roy Frrgnaoa.
25. Norma Croneher. 26. Dorothy
KlemlnjE. 27. Ruby Skinner. 28. Mamie
Blckford. 20. Sadie Brace 30. Adeline
Swift. 31. Iroia Runtmel 32. U en nor
M'MIISTNVILLE. Or.. June 4. (Spe
cial.) McMinnville High School closed
Its most successful year Wednesday,
graduating- 73 -students. This is the
largest class ever graduated here, but
as this year's class of juniors has many
members, a larger class probably, -will
be graduated next year. Many of these
students will attend colleges.
The new high school building erected
In which is equipped with modern
facilities for educational purposes, has
been .an incentive to bringing eighth
grade students trom all the schools of
the county to this high school.
tnand in the markets. The main portion
of the Hood River crop will go to Mon
tana and to Middle Western points.
Trip Will Last Three Weeks, Itiner
ary Including Colorado, Idaho
and California.
President Foster, of Reed College,
gave his last talk of the year to the
students and faculty in the morning j
chapel service yesterday. Last night he
left for Lewlston, Idaho, where he Willi
give the first of a series of addresses
to be delivered at various places on a
three weeks' trip.
' At Lewlston Dr. Foster will give the
commencement address at the State
Normal School. From there he will go
to Colorado College, at Colorado
Springs, to give an historical address
at the twenty-fifth anniversary cele
bration of tile inaugural of President
Slocum. of Colorado College. Deaa L.
B.- Briggs, of Harvard University, will
also be a speaker at this celebration.
While at Colorado Springs. Dr. Foster
will make the commencement address
at the Stevens School. From June 19 to
26. at Boise. Idaho, at the Idaho Chau
tauqua. Dr. Foster will give a series
of 10 lectures on "Modern English Prose
Writers." Charles Meek, Superintend
ent of the Boise Schools, arranged with
Dr. Foster for these lectures when he
was in Portland, several months ago.
Dr. Foster will return to Portland,
June 28.
Dr. E. O. Sisson will leave today for
Ho qui am. Wash., where he will give the
High School commencement . address.
This year Dr. Sisson gives the gradu
ating addresses at the High Schools of
the capitals of three Western States.
He has already spoken at Olympia,
Wash. Friday night be will speak to
the graduating class at Salem and in
two weeks lie will go to Sacramento to
make toe address at tne graduation ex
ercises of the High School there. On
the same trip to California. Dr. Sisson
will speak at the State Normal School.
Chico. CaL. and at the Willows High
Trainmen to Meet In Detroit Next.
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen to
night selected Detroit as the conven
tion city for ISt. Houston. Tex was
second choic aad Cleveland, O., third.
I f
Marshfield Babe Believed to
Be Victim of Panther".
Bctwecu 2 00 and 3 0D Men Search
Creek, Wells and Woods for 15
Mouths-Old Son of Former
Oregon City Man.
MARSHFIELD, Or.,' June 4.-tSpe
cial.) Between 200 and 300 men have
been searching In vain for six hours
for the 15-months-old son of Foreman
Walter Smith, of the soda department
of the Smith pulp mill in the Bunker
Hili suburb of Marshfield.
Whether the child was kidnaped
was a victim of a panther or fell in
the creek or old well is a mystery.
"Bill" Miller, a tramp who was re
fused food twice at Smith's home, was
arrested tonight on suspicion that he
might have taken the child to gdt re
venge on the mother lor having re
fused him food. He denies the charge,
but is being held Hi jaiL
It le reported that a mother panther
and two young panthers were seen in
the road a few days ago not far from
the Smith home and some think the
beast might have taken the child. The
stream is a considerable distance from
the home and It is not believed possible
that so young a child could have
reached it. Tha woods, wells and
nooks were searched.
The Smith family recently moved t
Marshfield from Oregon City, where
Mr. Smith was employed in the paper
Portland Bank Clerk and Vaudevll
Man Chums in Malta.
Charles Irwin, of Belfast, Ireland, has
spent a busy two days talKlng over old
times with A. B. Morris, one of the
staff of the Canadian Bank of Com
merce, whom he met by chance on the
street. The two had not met for
number of years since they were foot
ball enthusiasts together in Malta.
Mr. Morris is the son of Lieutenant W.
A. Morris, of the British Royal Innis
killing Fusiliers, to which Mr. Irwin
was attached for six years.
Mr. Irwin, whose tendencies in lei
sure moments lean to athletic pursuits.
played his first football game in Malta
with young Morris. It was also In
Malta that he won two medals. of which
he Is proud one for a long-distance
race of six miles and the other for
Mr. Irwin, who la appearing this
week at the Orpheum with Eunica
Burnham, is making his first tour of
the West and will be Mr. Morris' guest
at the Rose Festival before going sontk
to fill his San Francisco engagement.
Bishop Bell, of Ios Angeles, Presides
at Tillamook Conference.
TILLAMOOK. Or., June 4. (Special.)
The Oregon annual conference of the
United Brethren Church opened its
sixtieth session at 9 o'clock this morn
ing. Bishop W. la. Bell, of Los Angeles,
presiding. Rev C. L. Williams,
Portland, was elected secretary of the
session and Oeorge Betts, of Portland.
waa elected treasurer. P. O. Bone brake,
a member of the Oregon Legislature,
the conference superintendent.
The morning waa occupied in organ
ration until 11:40, when Bishop Bell
gave an address on the church and
economic conditions. An address w:
be a leading feature of each day's pro
-Consideration will be given to a num
I ;f - ..I
, v 4 -
Boys' $6.50, $7.50 and $8.50
Knicker Suits
Double-breasted styles
some with extra trousers
Children's Wash Suits
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50,
$4.00, $4.50, $5.00
A Present With Every Knicker
second floor.
ber of Important features. Including- the
federation or college interests witn toe
evangelical association and the United
Evangelical Church and the new
flns-nclal policy adopted at the general
conference recently convened at De
catur, 111.
Suicide Former Wife 'of Battalion
phief-John Young.
Mrs. Frances Cunningrham. 4 2 years
olQ, former -wife of Batallian Chief
John Tountr, of the fire department,
and a member of an old pioneer family,
committed suicide yesterday afternoon
at her home, 700 East Twenty-first
street North, by taking: carbolic acid.
She had suffered from inflammatory
rheumatism for two years,-
Mrs. Cunningham, before her mar
riage, was Miss Prances Camp, of the
well-known pioneer family of that
name. She had been confined to her
bed for some time before her death, and
her means of graining; possession of the
acid with which she took her life still
has to be explained. Dr. Etta. Spurrier,
who was called when members of the
family discovered Mrs. Cunning-ham's
condition, was unable to combat the
The body was removed to the under
taking: rooms of Dunning: &. MrEntee.
An inquest will probably be held.
Lewis Ii. Wheeler, Seattle, Killed as
Car Goes Over Roadside.
SEATTLE, "Wash June 4. Lewis L.
Wheeler, a retired restaurant proprie
tor. 61 years old, waa killed today
when his auto went over a steep em
bankment near Kenmore, on th road
to Everett. Mr. Wheeler was attempt
ing to pass a frightened horse, when
the wheels slipped over the edge of the
John K. Campbell. an automobile
dealer who was riding with Mr. Wheel
er, jumped before the automobile
turned over and escaped serious in
jury. ,
Arm Broken in Anto Collision.
L. C. Hays, of 454 Larabee street.
suffered a broken arm in a collision
between an automobile in which he
was riding and a taxlcab driven by H.
K. Warren about 8 o'clock last night
at the corner of Sixth and Couch
streets. Warren was arrested on a
charge of violating the traffic ordi
nance. Hays was taken to St. Vincent's
Hospital, where the fracture was re
duced. Then he was removed to his
home.' John Frainey was driving he
automobile, witch belongs to the Port
land Gas & Coke ' Company. Both the
automobile and the taxicab were badly
Jail Keeps HiUsboro Man.
HILLSBOKO, Or.. June 4. (Special.)
William Penny, charged with muti
lating a horse by pulling Its tongue
with a rope until the member became
nearly severed, yesterday waa given a
hearing before Judge Smith, who in
creased his ball from 81000 to 81500.
Penny was remanded back to jail In
default of bond. The evidence showed
that the horse was turned out to pas-
.ture for two days before its owner.
Elijah McCoy, father-in-law of Penny,
knew of the mutilation.
Schiller Bound Over.
Ed Schiller, proprietor of a cigar
store at Sixth and Washington streets,
was bonnd over to the grand Jury by
Justice Jones yesterday. The charge
against him is a violation of the pnblic
nuisance statute by permitting bets on
the outcome of baseball games to be
made in his place of business. He was
arrested last week by deputies of
Sheriff Word, who says that he acted at
the request of the baseball manage
ment. .
Parents and Teachers to Picnic.
The last meeting of the Parent
Teachers' Association, of Woodlawn,
will be a picnic Friday, June 6, in the
woods next to the school. After the
lunch the parents will visit the gar
dens. Seamer Herri n, Monterey to Port
land, 213 miles south of Astoria , at
8 P. June 4.
Transport Thomas, San Francisco to
Honolulu, 222 miles from Honolulu at
8 P. M-. June S.
Steamer Persia, San Francisco to
Orient, 734 miles west of Honolulu at
8 P. M.. June 3.
Steamer Koran, San Francisco to
Orient, 1913 miles out at 8 P. M., June 2.
Steamer Sierra, Honolulu to San
Francisco, 870 miles from San Fran
cisco at 8 P. M., June 2.
Steamer Enterprise, San Francisco to
Honolulu, 754 miles out at 8 P. iL,
Juns 2.
Steamer Hose City, San Francisco to
Portland, five miles north of Point
Reyes at 8 P. M., June 4.
. Br Harem Wireless,
Service to Foreigners W4ici Minis
ter to Corca Had Won Thanks
of T-o Sovereigns.
cial.) Stricken by the ravages of old
age. against which he had made a de
termined yet fruitless tight for two
years. General Lucius Harwood Foote,
diplomat, poet and clubman, died to
day at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
O. C. Pope, with whom he had made
his home for years. He was 87 years
Two years ago, almost to the day,
General Foot waa stricken with .par
alysis. '
Coming to California from New
York in 1853. General Foote became
one of San Francisco's oldeBt and best
known citizens. He was a charter
member of the Bohemian Club and for
years secretary and treasurer of the
California Academy of Sciences. His
reputation as writer and poet was car
ried to all parts of the civilized world.
General Foote was-Adjutant-General
of California from 1872 to 1876 and
served as Consul to Valparaiso. Chile,
from 1878 to 1881. In 1882, after go
ing: on a special diplomatic mission to
Central America, ha was made Minis
ter to Corea. where ho distinguished
himself in the protection of Japanese
and other foreigners in the Nationalist
revolt In Seoul in 1883. For these
services General Foote received the
tnanas of the Lmperor of Japan and
the government of China.
Mrs. Klla McClendon Must Answer
Allegation of Signing: Dead Man's
Xante to Check.
ST. LOUIS, June 4. Mrs. Ella Mc-
Oendon, ex-postmistress at Sfurtevant,
Mo., was arrested in that town yester
day on a charge of using the mails to
It is charged that Mrs. McClendon
signed a dead man's name to a check
on a bank in Georgetown, Colo., and
later tried to get 8900 on the check
from the bank in the name of "Ed
Sellers," In whose favor the check was
made out. "Ed Sellers," it is charged,
was a dummy name used by Mrs. Mc
Clendon. According to the inspectors a man
named John Rowan died at Gower. Mo..
and it was reported he left a large
deposit in tne (Jiear . creek County
Bank at Georgetown. Soon after his
death the bank received a $1000 check
made out to- "Ed Sellers' and purport
ing to be signed by Rowan. A few
days later the bank received a letter
signed "Ed Sellers" asking that $900
be forwarded him at Sturtevant, Mo,
and offering to let the bank keep the
$100 balance on the check. This lettter
aroused suspicion. A dummy letter
was addressed to "Ed Sellers" and the
arrest of Mrs. McClendon resulted.
Girls to Have Outing.
The first of a series of Summer out
ings to be given by the Business Girls'
Club wlil take place Sunday, June 8,
in a well equipped
may be had on
Unusually Attractive
Pacific Incorporators Co.,
313-318 Selling Building
Morrison Street at Fourth
when a trip will be made to Osweuro
to visit bt. Joseph s Orphanage and ex
plore the surroundine country. The
girls will meet at the Jefferson-street
station and leave on the Southern Pa
cific 2:05 o'clock train. The round trip
lare is -u cents. All business girls
are invited to participate.
Hair Block Brings $110,000.
The south one-half of block 163.
fronting on Belmont, East Seventh and
East Lighth streets, was sold yester
day by Rudolph Kissling- and asso
ciates to B. Tobey, of Eugene, for
iiu.uuu. in exchange for the property
Mr. Kittling accepted title to a wheat
farm of 3360 acres in Glllia-i County,
valued at $98,400. The half-block is
improved with a brick structure and
some frame buildings. The deal wss
negotiated by Sullivan & Cather and L.
K.. Moore.
And Neck.' Festered and Came to
Head. Scratched and Made Sores.
Completely Cured with Cuticura
Soap and Cuticura Ointment
P. O. Box Ml, Corona. Cat. "I was t
tteved of pimpiea and blackheads on aba taca
and neck and was oompteteiy esred with tha
CuUcora 8oas and one box of
OuHcura Olutauant. Te ptaa
ples upon my neck and face
festered and eama to a bead.
I eractied thsm and mada
aorea; abay hart while acrmteh
tnf. My faoa waa a maaa of
pknptea and Warrhsarta I
aaed a good aaaay remedies
which gave Boa bo retiea. I
waa troubled about a year bseVate-1 used Oo
tlcura Soap and Ototaneot. TToree months
use of the Cuticura Soap with the urn of the
Cuticura Ointment cared me." (signed)
Clyde TC. Spencer. Sana. 35, 19H.
P. O. Box S3. Cmfieeoe. Wash. "My
baby's Uouble came aa a raata all over ber
body. Then it eama out on her bead and
faoa in a soBd scab. It Itatned and burned
ao aha conld not sleep at nUnt, and It caused
disfigurement. Her hair Ml out and then
I had her hair ahaved on. T aaed three
raana of Ccttnn jt Soap and one box of
Cutacura Ointment and now aha ia as fair as
any baby that never bad etaa uii." (Signed)
Mn. Aseph ButterfMd. Aug. is. 1012.
Cuak.m a Soap Mc and Oiaicu a Ointment
SOc. are aold ee j wlaara. TLibwrml saawjiaa of
each matted free. wMh 83-p. SkJn Book. Ad
dress pcot-ard "Cuticura, Dept. T, Boston. "
JVTendar-faced man should aaa Cutlnsm
Soap Cbavtug Stack. 2Sc Sample free.
Two Pairs of
glasses in one
sounds like
magic. Let us
d em on st rate
the fact.
Second Floor Corbett Bldg. 5th
and Morrison