THE MOKXIXG OREGOMAN. THURSDAY. JUNE 5, 1913. "3 JACK JOHNSON GETS YEAR BEHIND BARS Negro Is Sentenced to Twelve Months and One Day and to Pay Fine of $1000. PUGILIST TO KEEP UP FIGHT Judge Announces -decision Hard to Make In View of Prominence of Prisoner Among His Race and His Life of Immorality. CHICAGO. Juno 4. Jack Johnson, the negro heavyweight champion, was sentenced today to one year and one day In the State Penitentiary at Jolfet and fined $1000 for violation of the Mann white slave act. Sentence was pronounced on Johnson after Federal Judge Carpenter had de nied a motion for a new trial made by counsel for the negro. Johnson ob tained two weeks- tlmo In which to prepare a writ of error, and the bond for 130,000 on which he has been at liberty since his conviction was allowed to stand. Negrro Not to filve I p. Half a dozen Deputy United States Marshals who had grouped themselves about Johnson in anticipation of re sistance when the prison sentence was Blven, left the room when Judge Car penter announced that the fighter could continue temporarily at liberty. The sentence to the State Peniten tiary Is the result of an order sent from Washington that all persons con victed In the Federal Court in this dis trict should be sent to the State Prison, owing to the crowded condition of the Federal penitentiary at Leavenworth. Kan. Johnson left the courtroom declaring that he would not give up his fight for liberty, and that if the writ of error were denied, he would make further appeals. The arguments for a new trial came up as a surprise late this afternoon. The case had not been set previously nd the proceedings began with the unexpected appearance In the court room of Johnson and his lawyer. Johnson Prefer City Jail. "It has been hard to determine what punishment should be meted out In this rase." said Judge Carpenter In passing sentence. "We have had many cases where violations of the Mann act have been punished with a fine only. We have had other cases where defendants have been sentenced to one or two years In the penitentiary. "The circumstances in this case have neen aggravated. The life of the de fendant, by his own admissions, has not been a moral one. The defendant Is one of the best-known men of his race, and his example has been far reaching. "The sentence shall be that the de fendant shall be confined ,a year and a day in the Joliet penitentiary and that he shall be fined $1000." The court denied a request of coun sel for Johnson that the negro be al lowed to- serve the term in the city Bridewell Instead of state's prison. HILL TO HAVE STEAMERS ("Continued From Firt Paffe.) trips to California In the last year ac quire new and added importance In view of the recent developments In San Francisco. Hope of Road Uvea. The HUT Interests have not given ur hope of driving a rail line into Oregon from the East. When they gave up their rights in Malheur can yon a few years ago so the O.-W. H. & X. Company might use it for tlieir new line, now being built. It was with the understanding that It was to be used jointly by the two roads whenever the Hill system con nected at either end. The costlv ex perience of building two railroads through the reschutes- canyon, where mere never will be enough business for one. will not be duplicated at Mal heur. One set of tracks will suffice tor both roads. The Hill plans for utilizing Malheur any on nave not been developed. Con nection will be made with the Hill , nystem east of the Oregon-Idaho line. It may be with the Burlington in Wy oming, as suggested from San Fran Hsoo. but unless all previous plans have been abandoned, the route will be through Oregon to a. connection with the Oregon Trunk and not across the desert land of Utah and Nevada as Pan Franofsco advices indicate. As it will require years of effort to get the rail links connected, the Mill Interests will improve the time meanwhile by building up a California business through the steamship line between: Portland and tSan Francisco. Y. M. C. A. WORKER ACCUSED Attempt to Burn Association Home Laid to ex-General Secretary. COTJNC1I.. BLTTFFS. Ia-. June 4. A warrant was Issued In Justice court liere today for Warren E. Cottrell. x creneral secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association of Council Bluffs, charging him with attempting to burn the Y. M. C. A. building here. Five attempts to destroy the building were maae. Cottrell was accused of the crime and is said to have confessed his guilt. He was declared Insane by the County San ity Board and sent to the State Insane Asylum at Clarlnda. Superintendent Witt of the institu tion notified the state authorities last Saturday that in his opinion Cottrell was sane and the warrant was issued. BIG PICNIC IS ARRANGED Cottage Grove to Be Host to Xeigh- boring Fanners Friday. COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. June 4. Special.) Everything is in readiness for the big picnic which will be given to the farmers by the Commercial Club and business men of this city. An address of welcome will be given by Mayor Chambers, responded to by a member of the Grange. Speeches will be made by I P. Harrington, Indus trial field worker of the State Depart ment of Education, and Morris J. Dur vea, promotion manager of the Eurene Commercial Club. A ball. game between the Ixirane and Toitage Grove teams will be a feature of the programme. Flood Stage Due Today. CMATILLA. Or.. June 4. (Special.) The river at S P. M. registered 24.4 feet. The county bridge here is completely rovered by bacK water from the Colum bia. The flood stage will be reached MVprijB Mghy ARTIST FRIEND OF PRESIDENT AND MRS. 'WILSON WHO DE FENDS HER NON-RERISTANCE TO DIVORCE SUIT RECENTLY WON BY HUSBAND. 1 V.5v"rV. SSoS -5fNe- 5 , .,il -.jtfjtf..:-v , i"- Am:Vm$1: I CI ' 1 VH V f "i I fl 1 1 1 ' ' f t ! p . IfL " I' MRS. SARAH MACDONALD SHERIDAN. WIFE STILL FRIEND Mrs. Sheridan Defends Non Resistance to Divorce. OWN FUTURE MAPPED OUT Artist Says She Could Xot Bring Charge of Xon-Snpport Against Man, and Any Other Would Be Absurd for Woman. NEW YORK, June 3. (Special.) Mrs. Sarah Macdonald Sheridan, ar tist and teacher of singing, and a great friend of the "Wilsons, whom she only recently visited at the White House, defended today her position in permit ting her husband to obtain a divorce from her in the West on the ground of desertion. Her husband, who Is Charles Oscar Sheridan, went West four years ago because his sight was fail ing, Mrs. Sheridan remaining In New York to earn her living. "Whatever I might say in defense of the position I have taken in per mitting my husband to get a divorce from me," said Mrs. Sheridan, "would be absolutely valueless as lustincation for the attitude of non-resistance did 1 not consecrate my future life to larger service to what seems to me very disordered world. I have always faced the strain of economics and I feel very keen sympathy for every man, woman or child who wakens in the morning and wonders If he may have strength to earn his bread that one more day. I want to live In such a way as to cast some light on the difficult problems of living for all of us. From the time that I was a lit tle child, born durinpr the terrible years of poverty Just after the war In the South, I have in one way or an other earned my own wav. lust as anv other woman would who found herself In the midst of difficult situations. using my ingenuity and the little cour age I had born to me of a proud courageous race to sustain my husband in making a home and rearing two children in an environment most trying to tne career or a young artist. I.tfe Dedicated to Other. "So through nearly 30 years of vicis situde. having the children educated in scnool where the genius of their lives could expand, following them into their maturity -with my right eye HJiile my left was of necessity turned toward my own art and consequently and unavoidably becoming, more and more sympathetic with all the phe nomena of struggle and sorrow of the world outside, I find myself prepared for a more serious pursuit of trying to make conditions easier for others. I believe there is a solution of it and a redemption from It somewhere in the minds of men and women. I have a large plan laid in my own mind for this work and I believe It will be real ized. "My husband had no Intention of do ing me an Injury. I am certain. We have al-w ays been friends. Just what his future will be I do not know, but presumably something where being married to me would hinder him. I want his happiness. A divorce could have been of no service to me In my work. If It frees him for any spe cial purpose he may have in view, then I must permit him to have it. Any Other Charge Absurd. "I could never have brought a charge of nonsupport against a man, when I believe the woman should share the struggle .with a man if it is neces sary. Any other charges are absurd for a woman to make before a court. If a woman fails to keep a man's love or his chivalry, certainly no court judgment could console her. From the little I have observed in such trials, I would prefer misjudgment of the out side world rather than bare my heart to the lawyers and judges of the aver age divorce court. There ls a splendid majority Just God and one's Belt No other decision can count." SUNDAY SERVICE STARTED First Train to Vaqulna on New Schedule Brings 135 Passengers. Sunday passenger service over the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad between Albany and Yaquina was inaugurated June 1, and the first train under the new arrangement brought In 135 peo ple, who passed the day at the beach here. As in former - years the train probably will be maintained until No vember 1. The schedule that was In effect last Summer was followed Sunday, but one of the company s dispatchers who came over on the train for the purpose of cnecicmg up running conditions said he would Tecommend a material short ening of .-the time. X As it ia aoir, tha train leaves Albany. at 7:30 A. M. and arrives atYaqulna at 12:10 P. M. There it is met by the ferry-boat Newport which get the passengers here at about 12:45 P. M. The new time table will probably go into effect In two weeks, and will mean that the excursionists will be given more time- at the ocean. The noon weekday train, which is another regular feature of the Summer service on this line will, it is reported, 'be put on about July 1. NIGHTRIDERS AGAIN BUSY Kentucky Threatened With Renewal of Reign of Terror. HENDERSON, Ky.. June 4. A reign of terror more serious than similar depredations of recent years is threat ened by "night riders" against the to bacco growers of this district. In the last week there have been minor dep reciations Dy organized bands and to day threatening communications from the "riders" were received by William Elliott, president of the Stemming District Tobacco Association, and Leigh Harris, editor of the Henderson Daily Journal. In the letter to Harris the "night riders" assert they are thoroughly or ganized and will prevent the produc tion of a single pound of tobacco In this district this season. They an nounce that they plan to destroy beds, plants and tobacco in barns. Farmers in this section are arming. HAYTIAN CONDITIONS BAD Adventist Elder Fears for Safety of Missionaries. WASHINGTON, June 4. Conditions in Hayti have become chaotic since the death recently of President Tancrede Auguste. resulting in the Imprisonment of several missionaries without charges preferred against them, according to a statement by Elder Bender, of King ston. Jamaica, In his report of the West Indian union conference at today's ses sion of the Seventh Day Adventists of the World at Takoma Park. Md.' "One who Is familiar with Haytian prisons and methods of discipline," de clared Elder Bender, "must be greatly concerned for the safety of the mis sionarie." - Elder R. C. Porter, of Cape Town. South Africa, was elected president of the Asiatic division conference with headquarters at Shanghai. 1200 SHOPMEN ON STRIKE Fere Marquette Men Demand In crease in Wages. DETROIT. June 4. Twelve hundred shop employes of the Pere Marquette Railroad are on strike as a result of ine companys retusal to'grant an in crease in wages. Freight service is delayed and in some cases passenger traffic has been delayed. The road being in the hands of re ceivers appointed by the Government. United States officers are guarding the property Strikebreakers are be ing sent from Chicago and Detroit. LUMBERMEN URGE HASTE Expedition of Tariff Legislation De clared Essential. KANSAS CITT. June 4 Rolutlnn favoring a permanent tariff commis sion and memorializing- Congress to ex pedite the pending tariff legislation to the limit of consistency; "in order that business shall not - remain un settled longer 'than necessary," were adopted unanimously by the National iumner aianutacturers Association in session there today. . Preliminary steps were taken for a forest products exhibit at the Panama Pacific Exposition. W. C. Mackey. of Portland. Or., was elected one of the vlce-presidenta. The convention adjourned tonight. BABY EATS MATCH HEADS Score of Sulphur Tips Swallowed End in Death. BOVILL. Idaho. June 4. (Special.) Frances, the 2-year-old daughter of E I. Rockwell, assistant forester of the Idaho division, of Missoula, Mont, swal lowed the heads of 20 matches In the camp of the Foresters, about six miles from Kovm and died yesterday after noon while she was biing brought to the hospital cere. Mr. Rockwell had been doing re search work for the Government, and was studying the forests In and around Bovlll. and his wife and baby bad accompanied him on he trip. Lumber Phmt Is Destroyed. TACOMA. June 4. Fire destroyed the saw mill and planing mill of the Kirby Lumber Company, at Kirby, on the line of the Tacoma Eastern Railroad. 12 miles from Tacoma, yesterday, to gether with 1.200.000 feet of lumber and six loaded cars. Loss, $35,000, with insurance oX Jii.000. SOFT DRINKS SPOIL PUN FOR WELFARE Factory Girls Boycott Park Their Young Men Friends Hold in Disfavor. COMPANY ADMITS FAILURE Department Store Witness in Mis souri Wage Inquiry Says Some or Salespeople Earn From $40 to $4 5 a Week. ST. TjOITTS. June 4. That some for eigners who are employed in factories oppose suggestions regarding the bet terment of their health was testified to to-day by George F. Pltfman, general manager of the St. Louis Cordage Mills, who was a witness before the Missouri i Senate wage investigation committee, j He told of the establishment by the company of an outing place on the Meramec River, where the girl em ployes could spend Sunday, the only charge being 25 cents for railroad fare. The plan was a failure, he said, be cause the girls said their men friends would not go. as only "soft drinks" were served there. Company Pajn Physicians. The company pays a physician to treat the girls when they are ill, he said, and if they are injured in the factory, the company sends them to a hospital. He said the average wage paid women by the company was $6. SI. D. T. Nolan, superintendent of the Tower Grove factory of the Liggett & Meyers Tobacco Company, said the wage paid to the women workers there was ?9 or 10 a week. Robert F. Wilcox, general manager of the Grand Leader, a department store here, employing nearly 1300 wom en and girls, said the salesgirls in his store, in addition to their salary, got commissions on their sales, and that the salaries and commissions to gether average $9.25 a week. "Some of our girls," he continued, "earn as high as $45 a month in com missions, and. we have some sales peo ple who earn $40 and $45 a week. Wedding; Prnenta Given. - Air. Wilcox testified, that the store employed a woman to look after the wenare or tne girls in their homes and boarding-houses; that wedding presents were given to all girls who got married, and that there was a fi nancial benefit of $50 for those who died. More than 800 employes who have worked for the store three years re- i-v j weeas- vacation with pay. ' who nave worked less than three years receive a week's vacation and also additional time off if they wu 1 L uiier i n e merit system. SCOUTING PARTY LEAVES MORE FEASIBLE KATROX-KIAM ATH CUTOFF ROUTE SOUGHT. If Snow Does Not Interfere Survey ors Will Go as Far as Crest of Cascades. EUGENE, Or.. June 4. (,!! Advices from Oakridge, railhead of the Natron extension, are to the effect that H. L Randall, engineer in charge, ac companied by J. A- Martin nnH 17- T Risley, left that place yesterday on a scouting expedition up Kitson Creek, looking for a more feasible route for me JNatron-ltlamath cutoff than given by the present survey. Mr. Randall and his party expect to bo as iar as tne crest or the Cascades if the snow does not interfere. While railway officials will not make definite statements, it Is known they are di s&usnea witn tne Salt Creek pass by mo uurvey now. crosses the mountains, as tnere are a score of rocky ridges running down to the creek in as many miles, necessitating far too many tunnels. Should Mr. Randall find a more feas ible route for the line, and it Is adnnted it would mean the abandonment f ih six miles ol heavy gradinsr hevnnri oakridge, which bas been under con struction for the past 18 months, and ... . . . vvni i. u . Home six weeKS yet. vvuen tnn construction work was started five years ago this coming August, the Southern Pacific comoanv had already had surveyors in the field three years locating the line. Shortly after work was under way. Chief Engi neer Hood came down over the line and disapproved of the survey. Since then 'Acre have been topographers in the field constantly and there have been minor changes In the survey through the mountains. Grades and curvatures are all that is desired, but'the building ia too nara aiong tne present survey. AUT0LESS JURYMEN FEW Attorneys Give TJp Effort to Find . Absolutely Qualified Panel.' SAN FRANCISCO. June 4. (Special.) a panel ot zo possiDie jurors was examined by Judge Hunt today In vain attempt to find 12 men who did not own automobiles. The case on trial was the complaint of Joseph Rinaudo, brought by his father, C. Rinaudo, against Abe Friedman. Joseph, who is 10 years old, was In jured by an automobile as he was try ing to cross a street. Me suffered broken leg and possibly was made lame for life. His father Is suing Friedman for $50,000 on the theory that the automobile which did the damage was being driven at the time by Friedman In a careless manner. Rlnaudo's lawyers thought that it would be better' to have a Jury from which automobile owners were elim inated, and proceeded to challenge man after man for having interests likely to engender sympathy lor the defend ant. But when It became evident that 12 men of the machineless class could not be found in the whole panel, the attorneys gave it up and the trial pro ceeded with a Jury only a part of whom have to ride In the- streetcars when they go out of an evening. College Forestry VTM11 Reported. WASHINGTON. June 4. The Senate public lands commitee reported favor ably today the Chamberlain bill to per mit the State of Oregon to acquire 50,000 acres of land in one tract In Santiam forest in exchange for an equal acreage of school and indemnity lands scattered through other National forests lands. The land acquired Is to be used by the .Oregon Agricultural College to develop the study of for e4r' . AGENTS ECLIPSE MANICURE ARTICLES Something New in a Drug Sale Thursday One Cent Mas a Tremendous Purchasing Power TOILET GOODS 3oc jiound Taleum Pow- O f der 2forOOC 25c "Williams' Rose Tal 02f dj 9f?f rum. 2 for 25c Williams' - Oriental Talcum 2 for 15c Lehtr & Finks'- Tal- - f cum 2 for JLOCx 25c Houbegant's R i c e S Powder 2 for 00c Palm Olive Cream; :3";51c 50c Palm Olive Sham 51c poo. . . '. 2 for i 25c Sanitol Hair Tonic ; C f -..2forZbC 25c Sanitol Shampoo; "J f 2 foi ZOC 25c Cosmetiques; special,) :si26c 15c Kiveris' Talcum Pow- -j der 2 for OC 50c Pompeian Massage 51c Cream 2 for 50c Dr. Charles' Food Flesh r -I A 3 for 51C 50c Derma Viva; spe 51c 36c 51c cial 2 for 35c Mmc Scossci's Rose 0? Rouge 2 for OUC 50c Sempre Giovine: spe cial 2 for 50c Stearns' Rouge; spe- cial: 2 forD JLC 25c Stearns' Deodorant ; Sy f special 2 forOCx 25c Bath-a-Sweet ; special 2 for 26c 50c La Vida Rouge sDe-f-d s51c cial 2 35c Concrete Powder O f .Vanities 2 forfjO s 50c Malvina Cream; spe cial 2 for 51c 25c Eureka Peroxiden - Cream .2forZbC 25c Sanitol Tooth Paste 26c special 2 for 25c Antiseptic Tooth Pow- der. 2 forOC 50c Witch Hazel Lotion; f?"1 special 2 for J 1 . 50c Almond Lotion ; spe- "1 cial 2 for DXC TOILET SOAPS 10c Palm Olive Soap; spe- "fl "fl cil 2 for XXC 35c Box of Oriental Toilet O Soap. 2 for OOC 20c Scented Toilet Soap;rt- special 2 for JL 10c Cake Sandalwood - -fl Bath Soap 2 for XXC 10c Cake California Medi-'- -fl cated Soap 2 for XXC 25c ta k e Sacramento 26c Lemon Toilet Soap; 2 for , 10c Cake Rennaissance -fl -fl Antiseptic Soap. . : .2 for JL 25c Cake Sanitol Toilet 4" Soap 2 for .OC 25c Cake Pears' Glycer-( ine Soap 1..2 for. 26 c loc Kirk 's Juvenile Soap ; -fl special 2 for XO C 5e Giant Glycerine Soap; f special .:. 2 for OC 5c Turkish Bath Soap ; spe- cial : 2 for OC 5c Cocoa Almond Soap ; spe- n A cial 2 for OC 5c Elderflower Soap ; spe- cial 2 for OC STATE PROJECT HALTED SUIT INTERRUPTS COLUSIBIA- SOCTHERy WORK. Land Board Urges Circuit Judge to Decide Unfavorable So Appeal Slay Follow. SALEM. Or.. June 4. (Special.) As tbe result of the suit for an Injunction against the Secretary ot State and the State Treasurer to prevent them from snendinK $450,000. appropriated by the legislature for work on the Columbia southern irrigation project, niea oy l- H. McMahon, the Desert Land Board today telegraphed Olaf Laurgaard, In charge of the Improvement, to come to Salem at once. It is probable that he will be - Instructed to discontinue work until the suit Is decided. About $1400 is owed by the state for work on tho project. The Board decided to urge Circuit Judge Galloway, to hear the case to morrow and render an opinion in favor of the plaintiff, so an appeal may be taken within 10 days. If the decision were In favor of the state the plaintiff would have six months in which to appeal and the work, would be delayed that long. It was the unanimous opinion of the Board that expenses should be kept at a minimum until a decision Is reached. Attorney-General Crawford, who will represent the state, said h4 believed the state would win. He said the Leg islature not only had the right to 1 prove public lands, as contemplted In the Columbia Southern project, but could condemn large sections of arid glands iwned by Individuals, pay a lair CMerckandis oof Merit ONE CENT SALE Read the List Note the Savings! Here is something new a One-Cent Sale a sale where the smallest coin made takes on a hundred fold in purchasing power. YOU PAY ONE CENT more than is the Hst price on any article and you get two. No matter what the original price is the second purchase costs JUST ONE CENT. This applies to every article herein advertised. BRISTLE GOODS oc ciul Hair Brushes; spe- 2 lor 76c -fl.95 Hair Brushes; (T-t fkC special 2 forJLolO 85c Ideal Hair Brushes; Q special S forOUV 25c Nail Brushes; spe- "J f oial 2 forUOC 35c Whisk Brooms; spe- tf) ? cial ...2 forOCC 50c Complexion Brushes; t?t special. 2 fortllt 50e Bath rial Brushes ; spe- ff -fl 2 for 5lC 19c Tooth cial Brushes ; spe- C f 2 forUC oc looth urushes; spe 26c cial 2 for, 35c Tooth Brushes; spe-O cial ...2 forOOC SUNDRIES 15c Glass Nasal Douche; - f special.-. 2 for J.OC 15c one yard Sterilized - Gauze 2 for JLOC 15c Eye Cups; special, -fl f at. 2 for XOC 5c Wash Cloths; special,. 6c at 2 lav 10c Adhesive Plaster; spe He cial 2 for 5c Bottle Brushes ; s p e- f cial 2 forOC 6c 11c 10c Bottle Brushes; spe cial 2 lor o- 'A",'""t""tt , .f.26c 50c Alcohol Stoves; spe- "fl cial 2 for OX C 15c Package Absorbent -fl f Cotton 2 for XOC -n "" ; Cbamois ; spe-- - 25c Manicure Sets; spe re Sets ; spe- " f .2 fdrOC cial. . . - 10c Wool Puffs; special, special, -j - 2 for lie at 50c Nail Buffers; special, "fl at. 2 for tllC 15c Silk Face Sponge; f special 2 for 1UL 2oc x ace Chamois ; spe- C f cial 2 forOC 25c Nail Files ; special, Cf at....'. 2 forOC 75c Dressing Combs; spe- f"7 f cial ....2 for OC 75c Ivory Dressing "T f Combs 2 for OC 10c Package of Emery Board 2 for 10c Orange Wood Sticks; lie Sticks; -fl -fl 2 for llC special . 35c Rubber-Lined Wash O Cloth Cases 2 forOOC 35c Sanitary Tooth Brush O f ' Holders 2 forOQC 10c Toilet Paper; 1000- -fl sheet roll 2 for XXC . 20c Medicine Cabinetf)- Bottles 2 for XC 25c Wrist Bands; spe 26c cial 2 for, 25c Bath Thermometers; special 2 forOC 25c Robe Hooks ; spe- O f cial 2 for Zlll? v 10c Compressed Sanitary -J -fl Napkins 2 for XXC price for them and have them Im proved for settlers. Clark County Sued for $1847. VANCOUVER, Wash., June 4 (Spe cial.) Dr. J. T. Guerin has sued Clark County for $1847, alleged to be due for medical attendance given persons in jured on the rightofway of railroads in the county, and county paupers. The complaint was filed today and proper service taken on the County Commis sioners, wno promptly rererred the matter to the County Attorney. Albany Knights of Pythias Elect. ALBANY, Or.. June 4. (Special.) Milton IT. McGulre was elected chan Facts COR centuries 't has been known X . ine- aeenU for tbe cure of disease are found Sn our American forests. Over forty yesn ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo. N.Y.. used the powdered extracts as well as the liquid extracts of native medicinal plants, such as Blood root and Queen's root. Golden Seal and Stone root, Cherry bark and Mandrake, for thm cure of blood diseases. This prescription as put up in liquid form was called DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery and hu aTiioved a lartra sal for all lr9 land. Yoa can now obtain tha powdered extract in raa-ar-eoatcxT tablet form of s year meaiema aemier, or aona oOc in ur. x-ierc a inratios uotei, Bunaio, JN.X ana tablets wui Da mailed, postage prepaid. Th "Golden Medical Disccrery" makes rich, red blood, inri?oratea the stomach, lirer and bowels and through them the whole system. ,Skin . affections, blotches, boils, pimples and eruption result of bad blood sxe eradicated by una alterative Send 3 1 one-cent stamos to vav cost ADDRESS DR. K V. AGENTS FOR D'ORSA Y PERFUMES Ony A Trifling Coin With a Powerful . Purchasing Power J.3C cial Carter's Tills .'.'a-&26c 10c Sulphur Cream Tar- -fl LozcnSes 3 for X X C i0c Charcoal Tablets;- -j spccial 2 forXlC 10c pound Epsom Salts; -fl - special 2 for III; 20c pint Denatured Alco hol 25c pint Witch special 2 forZi 1 1: tr26c 25c box Siedlitz Powder; edhtz Powder; Cf 2 for Zb C special. ; 10c pound Sodium Bicar Bicar- -fl -fl 2 for llC bonate 10c pound Powdered (Sul d tSul-- -fl 2 for llC phur oc Sulphur Candles; spe- f cial.. ..2 forOC 25e Root Beer Extract ; C " special 2J forOC 25c Mmiyon's Remedies ; C special 2 forOC 35c Blaud's Iron Pills; Q? special 2 forOOC 50c Wyeth's Lithia Tab- -fl lets... 2 for O JLC 25c Glad Pheet Corn 4")iC? Cure... 2 forOC 35c bottle Aromatic Cas- f f eara .2 forOOC 35c bottle Extract of Cas- 3 f cars....: .2 for OOC 25c bottle Violet Am- g f monia JJ forOC . 20e package Manclrake " -fl Liver Pills 2 for I C 20c Package Little Liver 0 1 Sf;- .;;f::21c jOc bottle Lffervieix-insr T" Sodium Phosphate; 2 for OXC 10c Soda Mint Tablets; -fl -fl special 2i for XXC 10c package C a s c a r a scara-fl-fl 2 for llC Bark 10c package Sassafras -fl -fl Bark ...2 tor XXC 10c package MoUi Balls; -fl -fl special.., 2 for XXC 25c bottle Rose Water; C special 2 fort)C 10c Senna Leaves; spe- -fl -fl cial 2 for XXC 10c Powdered Borax; -fl -fl special :2 for X X C 10c Powdered Boracic -fl -fl Acid 2 for XXC 20c Crystal Boracic Acid; -J special 2 forXC 25c Hydrogen Peroxide ; O special 2 forOOC 5c Cough Drops ; special, at 2 for onlyOC 5c Throat Lozensres ; spe- f cial 2 for only OC 5c French Hair Shampoo ; special 2 for only)C 10c Castor Oil; special, -fl -fl at 2 for XXC 25c Bromo Quinine ; spe- " f cial..: 2 for ZriP 2oc Lister's Solution; special. 2 for 26c 10n Bromo Seltzer; spe- -fl -fl. cial 2 for XXC 25c Orangiene Headache- C f Powders 2 for ZD C 50c pkg. Florentine Orris P -fl Root 2 for DXC T F bpecui . j - at ' " 2 in. at., l. . i 10c Jsew Skin; special -fl -fl at 2 for L JLC First floor. cellor commander of Laurel Lodge, No. 7, Knights of Pythias, of this city, in the semiannual election of officers laut evening and other officers were chosen as follows: Albert L. Kullander, vice chancellor; Leland R. Gilbert, prelate; Charles B. Reynolds, master of the work: Carl F. Coe, master-at-arms; H. Fredericks, Inner guard; Clarence 'W. Tebault. Jr.. outer guard. "Arson Trust" Leader Sentenced. NEW YORK, June 14. Robert J. Ruben, convicted recently as head of the "arson trust," was sentenced by Justice Golf today to serve from bIx to ten years In Sing Sing prison. The turtle depoalts from 150, to 200 esc during the geason. in Nature that Nature's most valuable health riv- chief consnltinsr Dbvaleiaa to the Invalids - thaaa veara In tt drncr atiwra ia tha F?V- wt-ceet postage atampa for trial box to extract as toon sands have testified. mt tnailintf only on a tree comr of Dr. PIERCE. BUFFALO. M. Y. ' J. 41