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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1913)
22 THE MORNING OBEGOXIAN. THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1913. MAYOR ELECT IS FORCED TO SPEAK Admen Capture Mr. Albee as He Enters Hotel Dining Room for Luncheon. ARMY MEN ARE GUESTS Condition of I'isrlitin Force Ii fi nished and Members Are "Urged to loin and Support Army Ieapwe of X'nlted State?. -H. R. Albee, Mayor-?lcct, made his first public speech Flnce his election at the Ad Club luncheon in the Portland Htel yesterday noon. Mr. Albee attempted to enter the dining-room unostentatiously, but just fi lie crossed the thresh hold he was "spotted' by several of the admen and Instantly became the center of inter rat. A committee, of admen surrounded him marched him three times about the room while the Ad Club quartet snatched up the drums from the orches tra box and organized an Impromptu tife and drum corps, and the members of the club rose to their feet and cheered uproariously for the new Mayor. Mr. Albee's speech wan short. 'Whatever misht have been the political differences between any of us before the -election." he said, "that is all over now and we are facing the problems of organization under the new .system ana we must all work together if It is to be done successfully. Co.Operatlon 1m V'rared. "I want the admen to stand by me and all of us to work with our sole purpose the greatest good to the great city which we are trying to serve." The regular programme of the meet ing was devoted to speeches on army subjects, by Colonel G. S- Young and Major S. E. Smiley, of the Twenty-first J nf an try. stationed at Vancouver. VTalter It, Evans was chairman of the day. "Discounting from our military force which we have on paper," said Major Smiley, "the men who are stationed in the islands and the non-competent men in the organization, the United States can place in the field today a mobile army of only about 25,000 men." Major Smiley declared, however, that the military problem which confronts the United States, is one of organiza tion rather than of building up a mas sive fighting machine such as the Eu ropean powers have developed. He suggested that the existing military force can best be rendered effective by ' concentrating its units instead of keep ing them scattered about among forts and barracks which have long since be come obsolete. I liferent In Army Asked. The National Guard was pointed out as the principal effective source from which the regular Army is to be aug mented in time of war and urged that the citizens of the United States should take advantage -of opportunities of fered for military training, or should at least encourage those who are in clined to take advantage of them. Both Colonel Toung and Major Smiley outlined the work which the Army League of the United States aims to do In arousing interest in the Army and its efficiency, and an appeal was made to the admen to become members of the National League. Application blanks and information "were distributed among the members and at the coming ' meeting of the club the admen prob ably will take definite steps toward adding to the membership of the Army League. PIVE NURSES GRADUATED Commencement Exercises Held at Sellwood General Hospital. The third annual commencement of the Sellwood General Hospital Training School for Nurses was held in St. .John's Parish House on Monday. There were 2o0 guests present and many more were unable to gain admittance. The building was handsomely decorated. The invocation was said by the Rev. Oswald AV. Taylor, late rector of St. John's, and the address to the grad uates was delivered by Dr. John. Sell wood, president of the corporation. The oath was administered by Miss Sharp, superintendent of the hospital, who also presented the diplomas, and Dr. John Besson, with a few felicitous remarks, presented tbe pins. After the exercises the 14 nurses en tertained their guests with the follow ing programme: Reading of class prophecy. Miss Rose Smith: class song, the Nurses; violin solo, T. Bacon; piano solo. Miss Faber; recitation. Miss Voglin: trombone quar. tel. Misses Grebe, Stryker, MaUette and Stewart. Of the five graduates the Misses Grebe go to India as missionary nurses, Miss Ina Ross will locate in Alameda, Cal., while Miss Covell and Miss Peter son will remain in Portland. of the language. The pupils' accent and ease in recitation were marked. A clever and witty "sparring" of Ger man proverbs between Miss E. Jones and Miss C. Taylor elicited applause and was followed 'by the well-known scene from Schiller's "Maria Stuart," depicting Mary begging mercy at Eliza, beth g hands. Miss H. .Knickerbocker and Miss K. Hall personating -the two Queens creditably. An agreeable diversion was caused the middle of the evening by two violin solos given by Miss M. Morten sen, a talented young musician, full of promise, to judge from her playing of Dvorak's "Humpresque." Tuesday afternoon was given to the studio tea and exhibition of the year's art work at the Mall, while the rest ot the week is mapped out for concerts Wednesday and Thursday evenings, and for an operetta Saturday at 10:30 A. M. SALARY CHANGES PASSED Co n n e 1 1 Com m i 1 1 ee T r a n s f e r s Pay Problem to Commissioners. Responsibility for salary increases to city employes was transferred yester day by the ways and means commit tee of the City Council to the City Com mission. At a meeting held at the City Hall applications for five Increases were considered. It was the unanimous opinion of the members of the commit tee that the new administration should wrestle with the problem. An appropriation of $200 was au thorized bv the committee fonthA rr on of a watering trough for horses on Sandy boulevard. The site for the trough is to be decided upon by the Park Board. An appropriation of $50 for the cost of the annual reunion of the Indian War veterans was author ized from the Council's special fund. Because of a surplus supply of cruMhed rock at the Llnnton sub Jail, arrangements were made for the sale of about 5000 yards. PUPILS ACT FRENCH PLAY St. Melon's Hall Has Graduating Ex. eroises All This Vek. At St. Helen's Ha.ll commencement week was beiriin Monday with French a-nd German plays and songs (riven by the pupils oi these departments. The French play "La Sonnambule," by Henri Mlohaud. was well rendered by the advanced pupils, who also sang: with cnerg-y a lon French choral song. The German play -pas Gespenst in der Pension." a'-ted by the first-year German class, was noticeable as being the result of only nine months study "GFAERAL ROBERT B. LEE'S CRANDXrECE IS PLAYING IV PORTLAND NOW. l I If A gars Leey Star In "The Test." Agnes Lee, star of "The Test," at the Empress, is a grandniece of General Robert E. Lee, and, on her mother's side, she is re lated to the famous Jeff Davis. When in Tacoma last week Miss Lee was selected by the city to pay honor to the hero dead ty casting a wreath on the waters. "The Test," in which Miss Lee takes the part of tho "angel postmistress," was written by W. K. Sailor, a newspaper man of St. Paul, Minn. At the first produc tion of the sketch in St. Paul postal officials were censors, and the little company was advised to expunge certain lines which, the censors judged, would not have been uttered by a real post al Inspector. The censors also compelled Miss Jee and her play ers to return two United States mail sacks, which were in use as stage properties. The sacks mere ly were borrowed for the oce slon from the St. Paul .postoffice. Kurther use of official mail sacks along the Empress circuit, was prohibit ed, and now Miss Lee makes make-believe Uncle Sam mail pouches serve the purpose. Enjoy a Cool, Delightful Noon Hour Our Special 50c Luncheon Is Unexcelled Orchestra Music "NO USE TALKING" the working model of the Panama Canal on our Fifth Floor is a marvel of ingenuity. There's no charge for this exhibi tion. Don't neglect to see it today! . Store Opens Today at 8:30 A. M. Store Closes Today at 5:30 P. M. ANNOUNCEMENT Henry Lawrence Sonthwict. president of Emerson College of Oratory. Boston, will give an afternoon, of miscellaneous readings in our seventh-floor Tea-room Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Recitals from Sheridan, Murray, Shelley, Lanier, Ed wards and Dickens. Admission without charge. ay Ital nasi Silk Vests If si $6 Grades A Feature of "June White Bays" for Thursday 350 Messaline Petticoats, $1.85 Here's an opportunity for women to se lect from beautiful and nicely finished Mes saline Petticoats for only $1.85. And in dazzling radiance you'll find the newest and most pleasing slaades. Changeable and plain, Nell rose, greent King's blue, brown, gray, black, navy, tan, green and Nell rose, green and gold, brown and green, green and navy. The most desirable styles are made with pleated flounce, or ruffle and pleating. Only 350 of these Silk Messaline Petticoats are included in this one-day sale. Come early today for most satisfactory- selection of shades and sizes. 'Tis seldom, indeed, that you are accorded such a money-saving opportunity as this. You'll wonder at the fine quality of these C O C Messaline .Petticoats we offer for only px00 EVERY ARTICLE OF WHITE REDUCED FOR "JUNtf WHITE DAYS" (Contract Goods Excepted) Second Floor. Main BuildlnST WW ill And this is an event, the importance of which every woman knows. The work "Kayser". stands for quality, and needs no elaboration. These exquisite Italian Silk Undervests are designed with elaborate hand-embroidered yoke effects. . An important feature to be observed m these garments is the reinforced under-ann shield, Vests regularly $5 and $6, Thursday at $3.79. White Rompers COOL AND COMFORTABLE $ 1 .00 Grades Only 73c The most sensible Summer garment for the little toddler, and wonderfully cool and comfortable for Summer wear are these Children's White Rompers. They're ideal for child wear at the beach. Made of galatea, with square or Dutch neck, short sleeves and fockets; neat embroidery trimming. "Regular 'TO 1 White Rompers, specially priced today at OC Second Floor, New Building;. Mail Ordera Filled. 4 V D.vtl for By Mayor and Commissioners on Main Floor. VUllllg liUUUI Votes lc each, proceeds to go to the Newsboys' Home fund. The final graduation of 15 pupils is fixed for Monday at 8 P. M. BABY SHOW IS TODAY BETW'EEX 3 0O AM) 4O0 ENTRIES ARE RECORDED. Silver Cap W ill Be Given for Win ner and Parents of Two Best Will Get Trip to Salem. Between 300 and 400- babies will be measured for the eugrenlc tests today at the Multnomah Hotel under' the au spices of the Xorth Portland Women's Auxiliary. Dr. Mary V. Madigran Is chairman of the committee having the contest In hand, and will have charge of the rrtedical staff. Or. Madigran re ported yesterday that about 50 leading: physicians of Portland will assist in making the examinations. At 8:16 A. M. Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie will make ft. brief address to the mothers at the assembly-room of the hotel. He will explain the object of the eugenic examination, what it means, of what it consists and what the benefits will be to the child. At 9 A. M. the physicians will begin their examinations. Dr. Madigan said that it was expected to complete the ex amination of seven babies every 10 minutes. Besides the physicians there will bo about 20 trained nurses. There was no expectation that more than 100 babies would be registered when the omen s Auxiliary took up the eugenic contest, but the number registered has been marked and shows the growing interest in the matter. The score cards will carry 1000 points and will give a record of each child s age. sex. weight at birth, present weight, nationality, number of times it is fed a day and type of food. whether or not the eyes, ears, nose, throat, teeth, neck, hair and scalp, head, arms, hands, legs and feet are normal; general condition of its bodv. its nutrition, the posture and gait. tne weight ana measurements and var ious mental tests fit the age of the child. Babies ranging from one to four years have been entered. A silver cup valued at $25 will be given to the parents of the boy or girl baby who makes the best showing. Round trips to Salem will be furnished mothers of the boy and girl who make the best scores, so that they may be en tered at the State Fair eugenic con test this Fall. A Sale of Comforters Choose Now for the Beach $1.35 Comforters full size, filled with the best grade batting, covered with silk oline in pleasing patterns, fC specially priced at, each only P vrO $1.50 Comforters, special, each... $1.21 $1.75 Comforters, special, each... $1.42 $2.00 Comforters, special, each... $1.69 $2.25 Comforters, special, each... $1.79 We 've a large assortment of Australian Wool-Filled Comforters at from $3.50 to $10.00. Third Floor, Main Building. Man orders Filled. $1 to $1.50 Brassieres 69c These specially priced Brassieres are made of linen and French batiste. They are trimmed with hand-embroidery and imitation real Irish laces; edgings and embroidery. Choice of either open front or back style. Regularly $1 to $1.50, at 69. Coverall Aprons for 69c The popular Coverall and fitted Princess Aprons enjoy-an undisputed place among housekeepers' needs. - Slipped over the crisp house dress they preserve it spotless and fresh, and at the same time are becoming to the wearer. This special lot of Aprons are of ging ham, in light blue, dark blue and pink checks, piped in white. Special, 69S $ 1 .50 Shetland Drape Veils at 59c Every woman needs one. of these Shetland Drape Veils, with finished borders all around. Shown in light shades and in lengths of 1'2 yards. They're all silk and washable and sell or dinarily at $1.50; select today at 'only, each 59. $2,50 and $3.00 Auto Veils of silk chiffon, in large sizes; have hemstitched and satin borders and are shown in all tf f fr colors; choose them today at this special low price X .50 65c Chiffon Veils 20 inches wide, with satin border, yd. 49? CITY" BONDS SOLD CHEAP One Hundred Thousand Dollar In stallment Brings 88.70. After three attempts to get what was considered a reasonable bid for long time 4 per cent water bonds, the ways and means committee of the City Coun cil yesterday gave up in despair and sold $100,000 of the bonds at the lowest price accepted for bonds in Portland in many years. The issue went to Morris Bros, for 88.79 cents on the iollar. The sale was necessary on account of the fact that the Water Department is without sufficient operating funds to carry on the work. A total of 1245.000 it is estimated, will be necessary to carry the department through the Sum mer. In addition to the $100,000 sold the city purchased $143,000 of Xhe issue from money in the city's general sink ing fund. This part of the issue went at S3. 78 per cent. Demonstrations! Bissells' Electric Sweep er Demonstration a rev elation to housewives. See Sixth-street window! . Bread - Baking Demon stration on an Acorn Gas Range. Light, whole some bread, with exces sive heat eliminated. Universal Home Needs Demonstration in the Big Basement Store. Utensils that minimize labor in the kitchen. 50c Foulard Ties 25c Men, There's Bright, Attractive Colors and Patterns for Summer Wear in These Cheney Foulard Cravats! Every new shade and pattern is found in this pleas ing array of Four-in-Hands, Batwings and "Windsors. The popular diagonal stripe predominates; then there's two-tone and cross-stripe patterns of every shade. Ordinarily you'd pay 50c for these nj handsome Silk Ties that we offer today at only 3 Day Sale cSeS Gloves! l n Women find these popular Doeskin and Chamoisette Gloves very neat and serviceable for wear in the Summer weather, and for this three-day event we place on special sale several lots at reductions that make it worth while to supply your Summer Glove needs now. $ i-$ 1.25 Doeskin Gloves 87c Pair '1.7.. J i ' . : '-il::; . 3 jo U r' 1 1 ,' nit .,11.:,. iJ:ri:!H; : i mm ii mmn ".;rt:;M!:rH-iUUL;-! ;:;!-.!;:: M Men's Store Third Floor Ml M' .,,,11,1...!, I' dlll'ili&I'fti. Hi - i ii i m ii tell,) mm Hi Mi! r up store f If .If IIS ' rd If r mm mm 'l!'Ilr",! "Women's Doeskin Gloves; one-clasp style, in white and also natural chamois; shown in sizes p1 to 7 and sell regularly for $1.00 and $1.25; special for this sale, the pair, 87. $1.25 Gloves 95c Pair Doeskin and chamois Gloves ; one-clasp style, in white and also natural chamois; shcvC'n in sizes 5y2 to 7 and sell regularly for $1.00 and $1.25, special for this sale, the pair, 95. $1.50 Gloves $1.39 Pair Women's doeskin and chamois two-clasp Gloves, white and natural colors, in sizes 5Vfc to 7, $1.50 grades, the pair $1.39. $2.50 Gloves $1.47 Pair y 16-button length doeskin Gloves, white and also natural chamois ; shown in sizes d1 to 7, regularly $2.50. Choose now at, pair $1.47. $3.00 Gloves $1.98 Pair "White doeskin Gloves, in '16-button length, with two clasps at the wrist. Sizes to 7; ordinarily you pay $3.00 for this grade, special, the pair only $1.98- $3.00 Gloves $2.67 Pair 'Women's 16-button Gloves of white doeskin; the "Bacmo" make. ' These are in sizes 5 to 7 and are regularly $3.00, the pair $2.67- $3.50 Gloves $2.98 Pair 16-button doeskin Gloves of Perrin's and Ire land's makes, sizes hVz to 7. The regular $3.50 grades, special, the pair $2.98- First Floor, Main Bnlldis MaU Orders Filled. WARM FNnilRH? i Yes. Just risht to go to Gearhart "By-the-Sea." Make hotel reservations now or select site for cottage and con sult builders there, you can build for occupancy July 1st. "Talk it over with us at 100H Fourth street. The- Quality' Stor& of Portland FifUv, Ixtlv'Morrtaorv Alder 3ta- White Kid Hand Bags To match the white Sum mer suit, these White Kid Handbags are most appro priate. Shown in the popu lar envelope shape. New ar rivals, specially tf J f priced at, each tp X 3 J Your Summer Suit Need Cost No More Than $13. 75 3 Day's' Sale of $15 and $20 Models FuhV 900 stylish, and well-made Suits enter this phenomenal sale for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Such famous makes as A.' B. Kirschbaum AdlerrRochester Company and Other Famous Makes comprise this immense group, from which we offer you unrestricted choice at $13.75. Handsome and serviceable Suits for men of every build, and every size 34 to 54 is offered for your selec tion. EVERY SUIT IS ALL WOOL and the fabrics are the most seasonable and newest shades. Styles for young men, 15 to 20 years. Also Xorfolks in the latest models. Come early today and make first selection from nearly 1000 Suits at S13.75 And for Brother $3.85 Buys a Natty Suit Boys 6 to 18 years .-of .age may readily be fitted in smart, and serviceable Norfolk Suits during this sale for only $3.85. 400 Suits enter this event. Garments that regularly sell at $5, $6 and $7.50, and all the most desirable shades of browns, grays and blues are here to choose from. Bring the boys' to the Men's Store today. You'll admire and so will they these well-made Norfolk Suits we offer at S3.85.