THE MORNING OREGONIAN. fHURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1913- FRESHET ON Snake River Falls but Continues Here. Rise SEVERAL BASEMENTS HIT Situation May Xot Be Relieved for eoU, Says Weather Man Seals. High Water Reported All Along Columbia River. I1IGHKR WATER RECORDED AT VARIOIB RIVER POINTS. Portland Preshet may reach 24.1 feet by Sunday. Several basements affected by seeping water. Vancouver-7-Columbla reaches 2S ft. ' "inchee and is still rising. Some damfty done. Stevenson, Wash.. Columbia breaks up and floats away part of dock. Hood River Gardens and raluable pear orchard under water. The Ialles Columbia may reach 41 -foot mark today. -Lewlston Snake - and Clearwater rivers sbow drop of three inches. .--. 1'nless the "medicine" District Fore caster Beals has obtained from the In terior fails, as well as all other "Indian" sterns, the 1913 June freshet will reach 34.3 feet Sunday. The next Mtrhest water In 10 years was June 18. 3 903, when it climbed to 2-4 feet. In the freshet the highest stage was :a. 2 feet and the record was in 1894, of 33 feet. The river was 22.6 feet above lero yesterday and Mr. Beals has calculates that by 8 o'clock this morning an In crease of half a foot will be shown, so he has allowed but one foot rise until Sunday on the expectation that th water will come up more slowly after today. The Snake River has fallen three or four Inches and, as cooler weather i Veing counted on to prevail In that re gion today. It may drop fully as much more, but the weather man says the tnake must recede one foot or more before the situation here will be re lieved materially. ItaaemeMta Are Reaeked. A number of basements in the down town district were reached by the seeping- waters yesterday and the clank of pumps was heard on every thorough tare, some property owners being com. pellcd to rifr up two pumps In. order to keep pace with the flow, Sanitary conditions have been, inter fered with, and there is no hope that th.e situation will be relieved for a week. Mr. Beals estimates that a Sixth street basement II feet above th sero level would not be affected for three er four days after the water reached a corresponding height, as it requires that much time in which to- seep through the ground, so some would not he flooded until the water was 22.8 feet high. Sewer mains are causing trouble, and at the entrance to the Custom-house a Catch basin In the main court over flowed yesterday. Basements at Fourth and Washington street had water In them yesterday and some on Sixth street were reported in the same fix. WM To the men and women associated with us in serving the public through the instrumentality of the railroads we rep resent, and to that other great body of fair-minded, right thinking citizens who are also opposed to the confiscation of property or the abrogation of contract rights, we desire to voice our sincere thanks for the kindly good will ex pressed by their votes cast at the polls on Monday, defeating the attack upon the franchises of the Oregon -"Washington Railroad & Navigation and Southern Pacific Companies on the East Side. OREGON -WASHINGTON RAILROAD Sc NAVIGATION COMPANY (Paid Advertisement.) Near the waterfront gangs of men were employed pumping-out manholes to relieve the conditions somewhat. Hnrlburt Recalls SuKKestlon. "We have not had many reports con cerning sewers, as they were in fairly good shape beiore tne iresnei. miu i. M. Hurlburt. City Engineer, yesterday. "Naturally the sewerage will back up to the level of the river. That cannot be helped, owing" to the grades of the streets and heights of some basements. After the 1894 flood I recommended that the street grades be changed to meet Just such an emer gency, but the plan then was thought expensive, though the cost would be nothing as compared to what would have to be shouldered to relieve the situation today." Pavincr Dlants along the river are to shut down as a consequence of the high water, their machinery being low, so that they will be unable to keep going long. At the Eastern & Western mill the water has not yet stalled operations and sawing may be continued unless more water Is experienced man is in nrosneet. The steamer Bailey dataert made her last trln to the Lower Cascades yester day. She has been prevented from going through the locks since last week, but now she has been ordered tied up until Saturday, when she will carry excur sionists, also Sunday. Boatbuilding la Suspended. At Supple's yard, at the foot of Bel mont street, boatbuilding has been sus pended and men were at work yester day raising tools and material In the machine shops above the floor, as they may be covered in a few days. Captain T. F. Dillon. Corps or Jin glneers. TJ. s. A., in charge of the con structlon of the Celllo Canal under Major Morrow, returned yesterday in company with F. C. Schubert, assist ant engineer, and they report that the river stood 20.8 feet above zero at Celllo. In 1903 it was 23.4 feet there. In constructing the canal the aim has been to have it so regulated that it can be operated sis long as the Cascade Locks remain open, and while the lat ter closes at a stage of 38 feet. It is eaulvalent to 18 feet at the canal. Of force of 500 men employed on tire ditch a short time ago only 150 remain and two of four steam shovels, are working- It Is thought that the force will not be enlarged 'or three weeks or a month CLARK FARMS TXJTDKR WATER Columbia's Hieh Position Rushes Cattle to Higher Ground. VANCOUVER. Wash.. June 4. (Spe cial.) The Columbia River still was rtslnr-. though it had reached S3 feet 6 Inches. A drinking fountain at Firs and Washington street Is several Inches under water, and a person to get drink would have to wade knee-deep in. water. considerable damage Is being done by the high water, several farms below the city being nearly coverea witn water, the crops ruined ana biock ilrlv-An In higher rround. It Is believed that the water win oe checked tomorrow. owing to the cooler weather. Snake and Clearwater Falling. LEWISTON. Idaho. June 4. Spe cial.) The Snake River at 6 o'cloc tonight registers 18.5, a rop of three Inches from yesterday. The Clearwater reglsers 21. a lrop of three Inches from last night. The weather is cooler to night and both rivers are falling. is now thought that all danger from high water is past. No person need hesitate totakeFole Kldnev Pills on the ground that the know "not what Is In them. Foley I Co guarantee them to be a pure cura tive medicine, specially prepared for kidnev and Madder ailments and irregular, ties. They do not contain habit forminjr drue. Try them. Hunt ley Bros., Fourth And Washington ats. SPEZIfi SAILS JULY 4 European Cargo to Be Brought for Portland. SAX0NIA BOOKINGS PLEASE Interest Shown in Support That Will Be Forthcoming Iuring Fall and. Winter for Two Lines ' Plying to Orient. Fifth of the steamers the Rrnnbnre. American Company has officially an nounces, tor tne Euronean-Oriental- Pacinc Coast service Is the German steamer Spezia, which Is to sail from namDurg ror fortland July 4. arriving here the latter part of September. Friti Kirchhoff, representing the line here, says that the Spezia will have some European cargo for this city. . EiooKings are rully up to expecta tions on the Saxonia. which is to be nere June 26, and space has been en Raged for flour and other cargo on the steamer C. Ferdinand Laelsz, which is expected July 29, while the Brissavia. due September 11. will probably have a little new crop wheat and there may oe nour remaining to go on her. uy tne time the Spezia e-ets to the Columbia the early Fall trade will be opening up and from then until Spring t-oniano. win De given an excellent op portunity of showing what can be done to support two lines to the Orient. The Hamburg-American has Issued schedule No. 4. the plan being to pub lish a new card every 15 days, so that dates are made more dependable. few cnanges nave been made, one In stance being that the Brisgavla Will sail from here September 15. Instead of September 1, as she arrives Septem ber 11 instead of August 27. The Royal Mall steamer Flintshire. which finished loading, at the Crown MOST RECENT ADJUNCT TO HARBOR ON STEAM SCHOONER MERCED. Captain Kdward Jatansen. commodore of the Charles R. McCormick, Lumber Company' coterie of coasters, has brought his latest charge, the new steamer Merced, into the harbor from San Francisco. The ves sel was built at St. Helens and ber machinery was installed at San Francisco. The MerowJ 1a a ulster ship of the steamer Multnomah, but has a few more new ideas for the benefit of passengers. Like all of the McCormick vessels, the accommodations axe superior to many of the steam schooners, and the Merced bids fair to take rank, with the Multnomah unrl Tv lamn t hi In nonnlarltv. flour mill yesterday, hauled across the harbor to the Albina dock and she will make a few more moves before being cleared on her first voyage from the city. The British steamer Harpagus, the first the Royal Mall dispatched, ar rived at Kobe June 2, according to a message received at the Merchants' Exchange yesterday. She-will not load here again. From now on the vessels of that fleet will be In the service reg ularly, except the Harpaylce. which is due next month to load for a single voyage. SIOXARCH TO TOW FOR PORT Rainier Lumber Concern Buys Steamer State of Washington. Pending repairs to the steamer Ockla- hama, towboat for the Port of Port land, the steamer Monarch has been leased from the Monarch Lumber Com pany, and will go Into service today. The Ocklahama will be lifted 'on the public drydock today and she may be out of service a week. It was reported yesterday that the steamer State of Washington, owned on Puget Sound, has been sold to the Rainier Lumber & Shingle Company, and she is being outfitted preparatory to the trip from Seattle to the Colum bia River. The State of Washington was offered to Portland Arms for $10, 000. She was built in 1889, and Joshua Green, a widely-known steam noatnan appears as the managing owner. She has a length of 170.4 feot, beam of 31.3 feet and depth of seven feet. She is reputed to have been speedy in her early days, and may yet show the Co lumbta River fleet some class in that respect. "EW GRACE IitVER IS LISTED Atlantic-Pacific Service May Reach to Portland Soon. W. R. Grace & Co. will send their new West Coast liner, the British steamer Colusa, here early in July to load about 4,000,000 feet of lumber for the Panama Canal and she may be followed by regular steamers of the Atlantic-Pacific Steamship Company, also operated by the Grace interests. as J. E. Cushing. of San Francisco, representing the firm, reached the city yesterday to investigate the field with a view to maintaining a monthly serv M'CORMICK FLEET REACHES MAIDEN TRIP. -t. By SOUTHERN PACIFIC By es from New Tork via the Straits of Magellan. In company with representatives of the Chamber of Commerce Mr. Cushing called on shippers and said last night that he was encouraged with the pros- pect. The steamer Santa Crus, a car rier of 7600 tons, deadweight, made her first trip Into San Francisco in April and the Santa Clara is to sail from New Tork in July, the Santa Cataltna In August and the Santa Cecelia in September. Mr. Cushing says If 1000 tons of Inward cargo is allotted the line eaeh month a steamer will call, though a smaller amount will be accepted for the first sailing. The company has established a lum ber yard at New York and ships from there to South America, so It would be advantageous to be able to buy on the Columbia River a well as i on Puget Sound. While In competition with the American-Hawaiian the Grace line promises to deliver cargo here with out rehandling. Mr. Cushing will be here two or three days and on the support promised so far it is felt he will get the required amount of busi ness. ST. IiOCIS STARTS TOMORROW Cruiser Due in Portland Sunday for Rose Festival Week. To arrive In Portland Sunday the United States steamer St. Louis, which will represent the United States Navy at the 1913 Rose Festival, will leave Bremerton Navy-yard tomorrow morn ing. She will enter the river by 3:46 P. M. Saturday when the tide will be highest. Captain Archie Pease, of the oolum- bla River Pilots Association, has been selected by Admiral Alfred Reynolds, commander-in-chief of the Pacific reserve fleet, to guide the St. Louis to Portland and return and It is probable she will proceed as far as Rainier Sat urday night, continuing here Sunday morning so as to arrive In the harbor about noon, unless high water inter fmrm will he siichorMl at theVie torla dolphins. Arrangements are befng made to obtain a mushroom Anchor to be dropped astern of the cruiser. She will remain In port until June 15, when she is to leave with members of the Oregon 'Naval Militia on their annua cruise. Bulkhead, Change Sought. ASTORIA, Or., June 4. (Special.) At a meeting today of the interested property owners, with Major Mclndoe, of the United states Engineers, a pro ject was agreed upon, and will be sub mitted to the Board of Engineers for approval to change the location o& the bulkhead line along certain portions of the Astoria waterfront so that it will be outside the railroad track at all points. The object of this change Is to permit the making of extensive waterfront improvements planned by the Port of Astoria Commission. No Light; Boat Owners Fined. ASTORIA. ON Jun 4. (Special.) As the result of a recent checking up of the motorboats plying on the Columbia River made by Inspector Haddix, in the neighborhood of 2o operators of motor fishing boats have been fined $250 each by Collector of Customs McGregor, for failure to display the proper lights while drifting at night with their nets. The regulations require that each boat shall display a. red and white light, th former being above the latter. Marine Notes. Her trial trip eliminated the new steamer Sarah Dixon, of the Shaver fleet, which replaces a vessel of xh name name that virtually was de stroyed through an explosion of her boiler January 18, 1912, left the har bor yesterday, and after taking on fuel oil proceeded to Lake River to bring up a log raft. After a lengthy period 1 President COMPANY General Superintendent the Shaver interests once again have the original fleet In operation. It In cluding the steamers Sarah Dixon, Henderson, Wauna, Cascades, Shaver and No Wonder, with the gasoline tug Echo. Carrying 1000 tons of wheat and1 barley the steamer Siskiyou cleared yesterday for San Francisco and left ast night to load a deckload of lum ber at Prescott, Rainier and Wauna. The steamer Johan Poulsen cleared for San Francisco with 670,000 feet which she will take on at St. Helens, Oak point and Westport. Longshoremen are being worked un- il dark each evening discharging the Danish steamer Kin a at North Bank dock. Heavy steel beams she brought are responsible for slow dispatch tte- ng given. On arriving In the river yesterday from Los Angeles the schooner Reso- ute was towed to West port to load umber for Honolulu. The schooner Beulah was towed to the lower har bor from St. Helens with a full lum ber cargo. Last of the wheat cargo of the Brit ish ship Port Caledonia may go aboard today. The vessel Is loading for the United Kingdom and is the only squarerigger in the harbor working cereal After having: discharged cargo from San Francisco handled in the interest of Swayne & Hoyt, the steamer Stan ley Dollar sailed last night for Hoquiam to load 'lumber for the South. Milton C. Smith, who resides at Oak land, CaL, congratulated himself yes terday on receiving passage to San Francisco on the steamer Klamath, for on arriving here by rail he was without funds, having been robbed after the train left Drain. The Klamath is at Llnnton and after load ing 200,000 feet of lumber there is to proceed to St. Helens for 860,000 feet additional. The steamer Thomas L. Wand cleared for San Francisco via Tacoma with 8000 sacks of wheat. Joseph Supple tested a 50-horsepower gasoline tug yesterday that has been completed at his yards for service on Bear Lake, Ida., the Phoenix construc tion Company, of Salt Lake, being the owners. The vessel towed a barge at the rate of eight miles an hour and that was deemed speedy transportation for one of her class. The tug will be loaded on a flat car and shipped tonight. It Is possible two or three others will be ordered. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Jane 4. Arrival Steamer Klamatb, from San Francisco; Britlsn iteimar M. 6. Iollar, from Muroran, via Los Angeles. Sailed Steamer Sue H. Li- more, for Tillamook; steamer Roanoke, for Fan E1 ego and way ports; steamer Bre&K- water, ror l oom aa.r 1 steamer biaaiey col lar for Hoquiam. Astoria. June 4. Left up at midnight Steamer Klamath. Sailed at 9:40 A. M. Rtfamer W. S. Porter, for Monterey. Ar rived at 11:50 A. M. and left up at 2:50 P. M- British steamer M. H. Dollar from Muroran via San Pedro. Sailed at 11 A. M Schooner Beulah. for San Pedro. Sailed ?. p. M Schooner Alert for Honolulu. Lef up at 2 P. M. Schooner Resolute. Arrived down at S and sailed at 5:15 P. M. Steam Kan Francisco. June 4. Arrived at 4 M. Steamer Navajo, from Portand. Sailed at 11 A. M. Steamer Olympic, for Portland. Sailed last night Steamer O. M. Clark, for Portland. Coos Bay. June 4. Sailed last night Steamer Alliance, for Portland. Astoria. June 3. Arrived at S and sailed at 8 P. M. Steamer El Kegundo with bare No. 93 in tow. tor San Francisco. Honolulu, June 4. Sailed at S A. M. t. S. transport Logan, for Can Francisco; at 10 A. M- Steamer China, for San Fran cisco. Kobe. June 2. Arrived British steamer Harpagus. from Portland. port San Luis, June 3. Arrived Steamer Roma, from Portland. er Breakwater, for Coos Bay. Sailed at 10:40 A. M. Steamer Jim Butler, for Puget Sound. Sydney, May 27. Arrived British ship rweotsnein, irom roniana. Seattle. W'ah. June 4. Arrived Steam ers Prince Rupert (British, from Prince K'ipert; Virginian, irom sauna Crux; Delhi, from Southeastern -Alaska: Captain A. F. Lucas, towing barge ftl, from San Fran- ciso: foi. b. Drake, irom Port Wells. i Swlled Steamers Oleum, for Port San Luis: Prince Rupert (British), Prince Rupert. vw numhi Wash.. June 4. Arrived Steamer Tiverton, from San Francisco. Kobe, June 2. Arrived Steamer Harpa gus. from Portland, Or. Port Said. June 4. Arrived Steamer Be- lerophou, from Liverpool, ior Suez, june . a rn cu 4.vmjuc H. O. Henry, from Seattle. San Francisco. June 4- Arrived Steamers Daisy, from WUlapa:TCom City, from Ever ett; Honoluluan, from iionoium; avjo. from Astoria; tnsaoetn, irom dhuuuu . x from Everett: Fifield, from Bandon; schoon- Ltxxle Vance, irom buaiow; Bum. irom Guaymaa Sailed bteamers Jaon (Norwegian), for Aneraeen; uoeron i Orn ish), for Tocipllla; Wilhelnalna. lor Mono- lulu; Olympic, ior Asion. diuuj" (Jananese). ror noniKoni , a. m. son, for Coos Bay. Coumbls River Bar Report. Condition at the mouth of the river at t P. m., smooth, wind northwest, 24 miles , weather, clear. Tides at Astoria Thursday. High. Low. 0:28 A. M 9 4 feet 7:00 A. M.- l.S few g:l P. M 7.0 feet7:27 P. M 3.0 feet Yell Defiance at Blood Disorders A Rraedy That Haa Shows ReauricaM Purifying EffacU Most At Last Tom Can Get Rid at Blood Treaties S. S. S. Tho word medicine is one of tho moat abused in our laneroage. There are certain medicinal properties just as necessary to health as the food wo eat. Take, for example, tho well known tonic medicine S. S. S. This famous blood purifier contains medic inal components just as vital and essential to healthy blood as the ele ments of wheat, roast beef, the fats and the sugars that make up our daily ration. As a matter of fact, there Is on Ingredient in S. 8. S. which serves the active purpose of stimulating- .each, cellular part of the body to the healthy and Judicious selection of its own essential nutriment. That is why it regenerates the blood supply; why it has such a tremendous . influence in overcoming; eczema, rash, pimples, and all skin afflictions. And in regenerating the tissues S. S. 8. has a rapid and positive anti dotal effect upon all those irritating; Influences that cause rheumatism, sore throat, weak eyes, falling; hair, loss of weight, thin, pale cheeks, and that weariness of muscle and nerve that is generally experienced as spring fever. Get a bottle of S. S. S. at any drug store, ana in a tew days you will not only feel bright and energetic but you will be the picture of new life. S. 8. S. is prepared only In the labora tory, of Tho 6wift Specific Co.. 137 Swift BIdg.. Atlanta. Ga.. who main tain a very efficient Medical Depart ment, where all who have any blool disorder of a stubborn nature may write freely for advice and a special book of Instruction. S. S. S. is sold everywhere by drug stores, department and general stores. COOS BAY and EUREKA Sle.mrr Alllaace Sails Saturday. Juae T. m P. 31. NORTH PACIFIC STI5AHSHIP CO., 1 ---A Third t.. ,Mr IVashlnKton.