so THE MORXING OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1913. PRICES ROT SHADED Wheat Holders Turn Down Low Oriental Bids. CALIFORNIA READY BUYER Ijoeal Market Is on Firm Basle With Quotations Unchanged Crop Reports From Interior More Favorable. Oriental wheat buyers are still dickering in the market, but they are & cent or two under sellers' prices. There Is no likeli hood that quotations will be lowered, and it 1 probable the buyers on the other side will have to come through- California millers continue to take wheat at current jwlcea, and this is helping" to keep the mar ket firm. No change has ben made In local quotations this week. Weather reports from the Inland Em pire yesterday were mors favorable. The weather was cooler, and it is believed no material damage was done. The only com plaints have come from the late sections. There were the same complaints from there last year, yet the crop came through fine. According to reports from farmers in some sections, the three or four days of hot weather has been the making of the grain, in the Oregon river counties the crop Is not looking as well as last year, when It was eToeptlemally good, but elsewhere in Eastern Oregon the reports are favorable. The East ern Washington crop, as a whole, seems to be coming along fully as good as a year CO. In Idaho the prospects are better than last year. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat. Barley Flour Oats. Hay. 7 4 Monday . . Tuesday . . "Wednesday . lft 1 If 10 15 4 5 2.4G0 2,413 Year ago. . . J. Won to date.l,P60 Yar ago. . .14. 222 2.702 RSI 1,080 1.664 2,101 2,702 WALLOWA COUNTY WOOLS CONSIGNED Only One Outright Pale Has Been Reported This Season. RNTCRPRISE, Or., June 4. (Special.) Although only one outright sale has been reported, more than half of Wallowa Coun ty's 1013 wool crop may he considered aa having been marketed. The bulk of the clip win be consigned direct to Boston houses and held to await developments in the-Eastern market. This business Is being handled on agreements under w lilch ad vances are made to the growers. The one sale made was by R. F. Stubble field to Bicknell & Oxman. Mr. Stubblef ield old 11.000 fleeces, estimated to produce about 88.000 pounds. This Included the wool of Omar Stubblefteld and a number of nmaller sheepmen whose clip is handled with the Stubblefteld wool. The price was 13 cents for the fine wool and 14 cents for the coarse. The largest part of the consigned wool Already engaged goes to Halliwell. Jones A; Donald. The clips are as follows: Fred W. Falconer, flOOO fleeces, or 72,000 pounds, Including the Ramsey and Moxley wool; Jay H. Dobbin. 21.000 fleeces, or 16K.O00 pounds; '. Tl. Daugherty. C00O fleeces, or 24,000 pounds; N. C. Longfellow. 5200 fleeces, or 41.600 pounds; C L. Hartshorn. 5200 fleeces, or 41.AOO pounds. A consignment agreement for Peter Beau doln't 16,000 fleeces was made In the Win ter by E. W. Humble, of Joseph, represent ing Ortmmlus &. Peirce, of Boston. None of this wool has moved yet. No announcement has been made in regard to the clip from the 1S.0OO or 19.000 sheep of the David & Michellod Company. Last year this wool was bought by Julius Dufour for the French manufacturers. The Lltch fc Graves, the I. C. Johnson, the Luther Ptumbaugh and some other good-sized clips are still on the market. Results to date have given an agreeable surprise aa to Winter range sheep. Pro tracted cold weather and snow in the Win ter pastures along Bnake River, the Imnaha and Joseph Creek caused considerable hard ship to the flocks. It was feared the wool would be inferior. But while the fleeces are light, they are of decidedly better qual ity than had been expected. The shearing plant at Johnny Johnson's, on Pine Creek, began work the first of the week. Eight new machines were installed, making this a 20-machine plant. GRAHAM FLOUR OFFICIALLY DEFINED Department of Agriculture Reports on Its Investigations. The bureau of chemistry of the United States Department of Agriculture has been conducting an Investigation of graham flour, concerning which product there is great confusion in the milling trade, with the idea of establishing certain standards with which all graham flours shall com- i)y. Statements made by many millers show that a very large percentage of the so-called graham flours on the market are mixed products, or Imitations made from feed brmn. together with low-grade flour, or 10 per cent cracker flour and in many instances contain the sweepings from the mill. True graham flour, according to Bulletin 131. Just Issued by the bureau. Is "unbolted wheat meal made from sound, clean, fully matured. airdried wheat." This may al3o be calletf whole wheat flour," or "entire wheat flour." Mixtures, or flours from which part of the bran has been removed, should be labeled Imitation graham flours. Bread msd from whole rhoat meal was much esteemed among the undents for its medicinal properties. Tt was reintroduced Into general use early In the Ittth century hy Sylvester Graham. Bulletin 1G4 gives a brief history of graham flour. It also contains physical and chemical analyses of the graham flours found on the market. BF.RR.rES SF,IX AT LOWER Tmrraere Consigning to Outside PRICES Markets With Cnsatisfactory Results. Conditions in the strawberry market ware not raaterlaly changed yesterday. A rood many of the arrivals showed the ef fect of the recent hot weather. The best stock sold at $2 25 and poor berries went as low as $1. The demand from outside markets has been hurt by farmers in the Valley con signing sunburned or green berries there They are not only getting poor returns, but have closed an outlet for the surplus of this market and thereby weakened local prices. Additional shipments of loganberries were received from California. They offered at J 1.50 a tray, but were In small demand. J'herrtes and apricots were unchanged. Lemons were quoted a quarter higher at $S.C5 for fancy. Three cars of bananas arrived. A car of new potatoes was received and quoted a quarter cent higher at I cents. Peas were firm at 9 cents. Other veg etables were unchanged. CHEESE MARKET IS TENDING ITWARD . California Bnytng Freely at Tillamook The Local Supply Small. The cheese market Is firm and will prob ably be quoted a half cent higher at the opening of the coming week. Local stocks are small and Tillamook reports good Cali fornia ordei-s. No change was reported in the butter situation. There was a good steady demand for poultry at former prices. Hens were moved at 15 cent and broilers cleaned up quickly at 25 cents. Spring ducks are still bring ing a high price. Dressed veal was firm at 14 cents and pork was steady and un changed. The egg ma rk et is in c ood shape a nd dealers look for no change in the immediate future. Hank Clearings. Bank clearing's of the Northwestern cities yeetsrday wre as follows: Clearings. Balances, Portland $2.:i"0,on $-'24.S fiLtle 2124,yi7 - 2y0,5 24,577 103.213 WOOL fcOLI AT LOW PRICE. Growers Displeased Over Bids at Heppner Sales. HEPPNER, Or., June 4- (Special.) At the wool cales here prices paid were from H to 4 cents less than last year, and as a rule they were unsatisfactory to the grow ers. At the Farmers' Union warehouse one lot of 32,5tt pounds was offered and a bid of 13 refused. t The following clips were Bold: At the Morrow Warehouse & Milling Com -jpany's warehouse: Robert Dexter, 10,000 pounds at 13 Vi cents, to Dufour; Hynd Brothers. 40,i43 pounds at 144, The Dalles Mills; R. F. Wiggles worth. 82.760 pounds at 14 H cents, to Dufour; A. Lind say. 10.O10 pounds at 18, to Hoover; James Farley. Iti.l'od pounds at lVi, to lireen ; Ed ;Ne!ll, 17. 338 pounds at 1- , to insc-himer ; C. F. Waters, i!5,0.0 pounds at 1 V3. The Dalles Mills; Waldo K. Vincent. 10,o7H pounds at lli . to The Dalles Mills; Kelly Estate, 20,1!10 pounds at 14 to Angeil; J. B. Huddleston, 7SS6 pounds at 33, to The Dalles Mills; Henry Neel, 25,000 pounds at to The Dalles Mills; A. Neel, Ii6.ft0j pounds at 12H, to Hufour; Ike Howard, 076 pounda at 13, to The Dalles Mills; Wilbur Dexter sold 1O0O pounds at 13 Va. to Dufour. At Phil Cohn's warehouse: J. W. McTn tlrt. 23. US pounds. 10-i vents, to Dufour; D. O. Justus. 14,M5 pounds (coarse), 153. to Angel ; L. V. Gentry, IS, 172 pounds f coarse ). 1 . to Angel ; H. Scherginger, 1 0, 30u pounds t coarae , 15 i . to Angel ; Joe Hays, "lO.soi pounds coarse), 15ai. to An gel ; Percv Hughes. 13.JVS3 pounds (fine), 13. to The Dalles Mills; Mallahaln Bros., 22,t.rB pounds ( fine . 10 h to Green ; Con ness Ere?., 2O.064 pounds. 11U, to Dufour; Fat Currin, 3, .9 pounds, 11 H, to Sin helmer; Kemas Bros., 21.184 pounds, 12, to The Dalles Mills; Williams & Mulligan, 10,721 pounds, 34 4, to Dufour; Williams Bros., 21,072 pounds. 14, to Angel; John Connell. 10.45. pounds, 34, to Augel; W. E. Straight. 30,2."i8 pounds.. 14. to An gel; Herb Kirk, 1000 pounds. 13. to Frank enstein; A. Templeton, 25.870 pounds, 1SV.I, to Green; J. Sheridan, 10.005 pounds. 13, to Frankenstein; Paul Hlsier, ltl.OOO pounds, 14, to Angel; Louie Grashens, 11.190 pounds, 14, to Slnheimer; Mike Kinney. 41,92;, pounds, 14, to Dufour; Campbell HeaUy. 18.203 pounds, 13, to Angel; Phil Dougherty. 10,598 pounds, 10 , to Green; Pat Carty, 11.074 pounds, 134. to Franken stein; Pliil Itirl, 18,at5 pounds. 12, to The Dalles Mills; M. & P. Dougherty, 11. 668 pounds, 13,, to Dufour; James Farley, 11.000 pounds, 13., to Green; Farley & Healey, 21.200 pounds, 13, to Frankenstein; J. P. Maldlent. 13.000 pounds, 12. to Green; Nat Scott, 34,000 pounds, 13; George Perry. 17,000 pounds, 12, to Dufour; John Madden, 17.500 pounds, 12. to The Dallce Mills; John Madden, 3500 pounds (coarse), to Dufour; B. O. Justus, 17,000 (fine), 12'4 Cno sale). PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Flour. Feed. Etc WHEAT Track prices: Club, 9394c; bluestcm, $1.01 tg-1.02; 40-fold, 9405c; red Russian, 9l:c; Valley, D4c FLOUR Patents, $4.70 per barrel; straights. $4.10; exports. $3.85 3 3.95; valley, 4.7"; graham, $4.60; whole wheat, $4.80. OATH No. 1 white, $32 per ton; stained and off grade, less. CORN Whoie. $28.50; cracked. C29.80 per ton. M ILLfiTU FFS Bran, $24.50 25 per ton: shorts. 26.30 27 per ton; middlings, $31 per ton; BARL1SY Feed. $26.50 per ton; brewing, nominal, rolled. $2S. DO p 29.50 per ton. HAY Eastern. Oregon timothy, choice, $lb4ld Per ton; alfalfa, $13314. Fruits and Vegetables. Local Jobbing quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, Navels. M - 50 & 5.50 ; Florida grapefruit, JS.SO Q.50; lemons, f 7.75 8. 25 per box; pineapples, 8c per pound. ON IONS Oregon, $1.25 per sack; new. $l.'-!5 ier sack. VEGETABLES Artichokes. 75c per dozen: asparagus, Oregon, 50ci?$1.OO per dozen; beans, 10-(12c per pound; cabbage, 2i (. 8c per pound; cauliflower, $2 per crate; eggplant, 25c pound ; head lettuce, $2.50 Per crate: peas. !o per pound: peppers, U540c per pound: radishes, 1012c per dozen ; rhubarb. 1 & 2c per pound ; spinach, 75c per box; tomatoes, $2.50fZ per box; garlic, 7' Sc per pound. POTATOES Burbank, 40 50c per hun dred; new, 2ic per pound. GREEN FRUIT Apples, nominal; straw berries, $12.25 per crate; cherries. 12 & 15c per pound; gooseDerries, 2f34c per pound; apircots, $1.7.Vjj2.25 per box; water melons. 5c per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips. $1 par sack; parsnips, $1 per sack; carrots, $1 per pack. Dairy and Country produce. Local Jobbing quotations: POULTRY Hens. 15c; broilers, 25o; turkeys, live, 1 S20c; dressed, choice, 24 25c ; ducks, old, 1 7 (gplSc ; young, 22 25o; geese, young, 15 (Q 16c. KGGS Oregon ranch, case count. 1S 10c per dozen; candled. 20c per dozen. rHEKSK Oregon triplets, 16c; Daisies, 10;2C; Young Americas. 17jC. BUTTER City creamery butter cubes, 25s per pound : prints, 29 & 29 H c per povnd, PORK. Fancy, llHVat per pound. VEAL Fancy, 14c per pound. Staple Groceries. Local jobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia River, one-pound tall. $2.25 per dozen; half-pounl flats $1.40; one-pound flats, $2.45; Alaska pink, one-pound 'tails, S5c; sllversides. one-pound tails, 1.25. HON13Y Choice. $3.25(5-3.75 per case. NUTS Walnuts, ISc per pound; Brazil nuts. 12M:afl5c; filberts, I4(ifl5c; almonds, ISc; peanuts. 5&52C; cocoanuts, 90c$l nr dozen ; chestn uts. 11c per pound ; hick ory nuts, S? 10c; pecans, 17c; pine, 174 & 20c. BEANS Small white, 6Hc; large white, 6c; Lima, 0.80c; pink, 4c; Mexican, 5c; bayou, 44c- SL'GAR Fruit and berry. 55.15; Honolulu plantation, $5.10; beet. $4.95; extra C, 4.65; wnered, barrels, $5.10; cubes, barrels. I $3-50. COFFEE Roasted. drums, 21 40c per pound. SALT Granulated. $14 per pround 100s. $10 per ton; 50s ton; balf $10.75 per ion; dairy. $1.50 per ton. RICE No. l Japan. 551c; cheaper grades. 4--C-. Southern head, Re6c DRIED FRUITS Apples. 10c oer nound; apricots. 12 (g 14c; peacnes. S& 11c; prunes, Halians, fra 10c, silver, lc; figs, white and black, 64ii7c; currants, 9VsC; raisins, loose Muscatel. dH.Ttc; bleached, Thompson, llc; unbleached. Sultanas, 8Hc; seeded. r-Vs 4 SHc; dates. Persian, 7fet)C per pound; fard, $1.65 per bos. FICJS Tweive 10-ounco, 5e ; 50 6-ounc. $l.S5; 70 4-ounce, $2.50; 30 10-ounce, $2.25; loose, 50-pound boxes, 6 7c; Smyrna, boxes. $1.10)1.25: candled. $3 per box. Provisions. Loral Jobbing; quotations: HAMS lo to 12 pounds. 221c 32 to 14 pounds. 20 21c ; picnics. lSc; cottage roll, 16c. BACON Fancy. 292 30c; standard. 24 O 25c: English. 22 23c. LARD In tierces, choice, 14 He; com pound. 9!c. DRY SALT MEATS Regular short clears, lSH&loc; short clear backs. 12 to 10 Ibs, 14&15Sc; short clear Backs. 18 to 25 lbs., Hfl5Hc: exports. 1516c BARRELED BEEF Extra mess beef. (19; mess beef. $19; plate beef, $21; roiled boneless beef. $30. BARRELED PORK Best pig pork. $27; cK-s.ed pork, $25. Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS 191 2 crop, 93 14c per pound ; 1913 contracts, 32& 13c per pound. PELTS Dry. 12c lambs, 23 .'.c. WOOL Eastern Oregon. 30'ijlc: Valley. 14 7 16o per pound. HIDES Salted hides, 12c per pound; salted calf, l17c; salted kip. 1214c; green hides. He; dry hides. 21 22c; dry calf No. 1. 25c; No. 2, 20c; salted bulls. Sc. MOHAli; 1913 clip. 30 33c per pound. J5o. Unseed Oil and Turpentine. LINSEED Oil- Rew. barrels. 58c; boiled, barrels, 00c; raw, cases, 63c; boiled, cases, 65 c. OIL MEAL F. o. b. Portland workst Car lots, S33 ; 5 and 10-ton lots, $34 ; ton lots. $J5. TURPENTINE Barrels. 54 c; cases. 57c Metal Markets. NEW YORK. June 4. Copper nominal. Standard spot to August 14.87 o offered; electrolytic. 25.50 3 15.75c; lake, 15.87g)16c; casting. 15.;5 15.62c. Tin weak. Spot. 45. SO 3 46.20c; June, 45-S0 04 6.05c: July, 45,j 4 tc lead quk t, 4.30g 4.40c Spelter dull. 5.2551 5.35c. Antimony dull. Cookson'a, S.7$ 9c. Iron quiet and unchanged. I .on don markets closed as follows: Copper ouii. pot its las: iutures. 66 13a 6d. Tin weak. Spot. 210 5s; futures, f209 5s; spelter, 22 17s bd. Lead. 19 12s 6d- Iron. Cleve land warrants. BSs 7 'id. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. June 4. Cotton futures closed steady 3 to 9 points higher. June. 11.3Sc; July. 11.4To; August. lL3fic: Sep- iem,ner, ji.hc. vjcioo-r, iiu.e; -November, 11.05c; December, 11.06c: January, 11.03c February, 11.04c; March. 31.14c. Spot closed quiet. Mid-uplauds. 13.70; do guir. taxes. zt' Dates. NEW ORLEANS. June 4. Spot cotton quiet. I-I60 o:f. Middling, it 3-16c. Sales. .34 Dajea. Tacoma BEARS RAID MARKET Series of Drives Followed by Rally in Stocks. TONE GOOD AT CLOSE Denial From Washington of: Any Im mediate Trust Irosecntions Is Responsible for Improve ment in Sentiment. NEW YORK, June 4. Liquidation on a large scale, together with a series of bear drives, caured a severe disturbance in the stock market in the first half of today's session. A rally then occurred and trading became quieter, with a decided improve ment In prices. The initial downward impulse came from London, where American securities wore depressed substantially in some instances before the opening here. With the begin ning of business the market was flooded with selling orders, and iuotatlcns were forced down rapidly in all directions. Of 1S7 stocks dealt in about 100 reached new low levels for the year. In some caws the prices were the lowest since the panic of 1907. Denial from Washington that any immedi ate trust prosecutions were in prospect had a good deal to do with steadying the mar ket later, and In the afternoon prices grad ually improved. The upturn seemed to toe due largely to short covering, however. The further decline in stocks today led to the calling of loans, and while the ef fect upon the money market lias not been pronounced, bankers predicted stiffer rates before th end of the month. Time money was somewhat firmer today. The bond market was weak with declines of 1 to 2 points in some cases. Total sales, par value, S2. 850.000. United States bonus were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. C. WUson & Co., Lewis building, Portland: Sale. High. Low. Close. Am. Copper 58,500 6ii?i 68 OSi Am. Beet Sugar. 1,500 25 24 24 Amer. Can Co...20.6O0 30 27 27 do preferred.. 2,300 8! 87 88 Am Car & Fdy. . 1,100 45 43 43 Am Cotton Oil.. 300 3S 37 37 Am Smlt & Rfg. 17.900 62 60 01 do preferred. . . 400 300i, 100 100 14 Am Sugar 1.300 107- lOOj 107 1 do preferred. . . 7O0 1114 HO1, Am Tel & Tel Co 1.200 128 3 27 V 127 Am Tob 600 216 Jl-i 210 Anaconda 3,500 R54 34 14 34 Atl Coast Line. . 800 120 117 318 A T & Santa Fa 9,000 07 . 95 96 do preferred V5 Bait & Ohio 5.S00 046 93S 4s Brook Rap Tran. 9,1 On 93 i SS So Can Pao Co 27,: 00 218 214 216 C & 0 62 61 61 G & Gr 3,600 12 10 10 G N W IOO 127 320 126 C M & St, P 12,700 105 302 103 Central Leather. .2,100 19T 18 19 Cent of N J 219 Chlno 7.000 3S 3G 36 Col Fuel & Iron 28Vi -'7 27 Col Southern.... ..... 26 Con Oas.7 6.6O0 130 129Si 130 D L & W 300 395 394 303 D & R G 500 35 15 15 Distil Securities . 70O 12 30 11 Erie 17.000 25 23 23. Gen EUctrlc... 1.400 135 184 14 Great North Ore ,700 31 30 do preferred... 7.700 123V 121 122 Illinois Central.. 1,500 111 310 1U do preferred.. S.700 47 45 46 Internal Harv. 700 104 302 102 Iv C Southern... 2.30O 22 21 21 , Lehigh Valley... 11. 5O0 152 149 150 Louis & Nash... 3.200 130 128 127 Mexican Central 18 M. St. P & 6 S M. 1.500 123 119 119 Mo Kan & Tex.. 2,300 19 3S 10 Mo Paclflo 8,000 30 28 29 National Lead 45 Nat Biscuit 300 110 109 13 0 Nev Con 2.300 1G 15 15 N Y Central 7.50O P9 97 SS N T Ont & W... 200 26 26 26 Norfolk & Wei.. 300 103 103 102 North America North Pacific. . .12.200 110 308 309 Pacific Mail 800 2f 19 20 Pacific T & T... 200 29 23 28 do preferred Si) Penn R R Co... .3.200 107 100 107 Peoples Oas 100 107 107 10 1 Reading 132,900 157 154 156 Republic S & I.. 900 20 19 20 Rock Island Co.. 4,400 15 14 35 South Pac Com.. 14,000 94 92 93 Eouthern Railway 1,800 22 21 21 Texas Oil 400 103 102 101 Union Pacific. . .70,600 144 142 143 do preferred.. 2O0 83 82 82 Uni Rds of S F. 300 21 20 19 U S Steal Cor...l58.50O f6 54 Ro do preferred... 2.100 305 104 104& Utah Copper 5,800 48 46 47 i Wabash a I West Union Tel. . 800 64 03 63 Westlngbouse El 1,800 59 58 68 BONDS. .Reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co. of Trade building, t'oniana. Bid. Asked. .93 04 . 91 i2 . 91 01 .87 7 . P5 96 .99 90 . 60 56 93 . 94 04 . 71 72 75 75 . 93 1)3 . 5 07 . 91 93 . 03 93 . fcS Stt . 90 92 . 97 97 . 99 100 . 93 93 . ftK tS . SS S9 74 76 . 57 5S . 90 91 . 99 "i ICO . 94 95 .. 62 53 90 SO . 7a so , .100 300 , . IOO .... . .IOH 103 ..ioc loai ,.113 114 .114 Atchison general 4s Atlantic Coast Line first 4s... Baltimore st Ohjo gold 4s..... Chesapeake & Ohio 4a C M Ac St P gen 4s Cal Oas 6s C B Q olnt 4 Erie general 4s Int Met 4s Louisville & Nashville unl 4s. Missouri Pnclfic 4s; N & W first con 4 Northern Pacific 4s ; - - Oregon Short Line ref 4s Oregon Railway Nav 4s Pacific Tel 6s Penna con 4s Reading general 4s St L & S F ref 4s Southern pacific ref 4s........ Southern Railway 4s 1 'nited Railway Inv 4s Union Pacific first and ref 4a, United States Steel s West Shore 4s Wabash 4s - Wfstinghouse Flee conv 6s... Wisconsin Central 4s Western Pacific 5s , United States 2's registered United etates 2s coupon United. States Ss registered... United. States. 3s coupon. United. States 4s registered... United States 4s coupon Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. June 4- Closing quotations: Allouez SO 'Mohawk 46 Amalg Copper.. 6S A Z L & ra... 2V Arizona Com .. 2 B & C C & S M. 10 Cal & Arizona.. 62 Cal A Hecla 435 Centennial 31 Cop Ran Con Co 40 E Butte Cop M. 10 Franklin 5 Oiroux Con .... 1 Granby Con ... 5S Nevada Con .... 15 Nipissing Mines. e North Butte.. 28 North Lake....lq4A uia i.ommion . . . io Osceola 81 Quincy 59 Shannon ....... 8 Superior 24 Sup & Bos Mln.. 2 Tamarack 24 U S S R & M- . . 37 reene Cananea. V do preferred... 4o I Royaiie Copj iw'A uian uon Kerr Iake 3 Utah Copper Co. 46 Lake Copper.... 9 Winona 1 La Salle Cooper . t W oiverine Miami Copper 21', Condition of the Treasury. 43 WASHINGTON. June 4. The condition of the United State Treasury at the begin ning of business today was: Working balance $ 62, 788. 772 In banks and pmituDinei reasury .6.6.S9S Total general fund 135,717.842 Receipts yesteraay aPi)o,bj4 Disbursements 828.509 Surplus this fiscal year 8.199,856 Deficit last year 5,282.316 The figures for receipts and disburse ments, surplus and deficit exclude Panama Canal and public cent transactions. - Money. Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK. June 4. Money on call steady. 2 2 ; ruling rate. 2 : closing bids. 2; offered at 2. Time loans fiijner, 60 daya, 4'&4 per cent; 90 days, 4; six months. 5. Prime mercantile paper, 5 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual bus iness In bankers' bills at $4.8310 for 60-day bills, and at $4.S675 for demand. Commercial bills $4.82. Bar silver 60c. Mexican dollars 48c. Government -bonds steady; railroad bonds weak. LONDON, June 4. Bar silver stpady, 27 ll-16d per ounce. Money, 3 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 8 15-16 4 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for three months bills Is 3 04 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, June 4. Silver bars 60c Mexican dollars Nominal. Drafts Sight. 3c; do., telegraph 6c Sterling in London, 60 days, 4 S3 ; do., sight. 4.S6. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga June 4. Turpentine Firm, 46c; sales. 1625; receipts, 193S; ship ments. 941; stocks, 24,355. wi Rosin Firm; sales, none: receipts, 650:; shipments 267; stocks, 91.931. Quote: A, Bt $4.55; C, D, $4.60; E. $4.65; F, $4.75; G, $4.7; TT. $4.80; I, $4.90; K. 95.20; Mt $5.65; N, $6.35; WG, $3.70; WW, $d.S5. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET. Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Vegeta ble. Fruits. Etc SAN FRANCISCO, June 4. The follow ing produce prices were current here today: Fruit Apples, 75c$$1.50; Mexican limes. $6.a07.50; California lemons, choice. $5.60; common. $4 4.50; pineapples, $23. Potatoes Oregon Burbanlta. 55 (g. 65c; Riv er Burbanks, 5075o; new, 12o; sweets, 4 ftSc, Cheese New, 14(&14c; Tounr Americas, 17 c Egge Store, 22c; fancy ranch, 24c. Hay Wheat, 2325: wheat and oats. $21.50 g 22; alfalfa. $12 14. Butter Fancy creamery, 27c; seconds, 27c. Vegetables Cucumbers. 75e $1.75 ; green peas, fusws; string beane, 54Sc; egg plant. 20 25c Onions New, red, 55 65c per sack; Ber muda seed, yellow, 75c $1.60; Australian, $3.50(f4 per cental. Receipts Flour, 582S quarter sacks; bar ley. 368o centals; potatoes, 2090 sacks; hay. iww tuns. Coffee and Sugar. AEW YORK, June 4. Coffee futures openeu oaxeiy steady at a decline of 21 to 25 points, under renewed selling for both iocai and foreign account. While prices rallied 3 or 4 points from the lowest dur ing the middle of the day on covering, the marxet necame weak and unsettled again wnn active montns selling about 26 to 2S points under the closing figures of last night and into new low ground for the season, under stop orders and llauidatlon. The close was steady. Sales, 126,250 bags. .sfsr; Juiy, v.v ic; September, 10.16c; October, 10.16c; December. 10.18c; January, 10.19c; March, 10.23o; May 10.35c. Spot unsettled. Rio 7s. 10 c : Santos in 1212c; mild quiet; Cordova, 1417c 11 uminni. Sugar Raw firm. Muscovado. S.83o; cen trifugal, 3.33c; molasses. 2.5c; refined steady. BEST GRADES STEADY BUYERS BIDDIG FVJjJj PTtTCES FOR. QUAHTT STOCK. Choice Steers Moving at $S.35 and $8.2 5 at Yards- Top Hogra Hold at $8.55. There was a fairly steady market in all lines at the stockyards yesterday. Sheep continue to come forward freely. In the steer division top grade stock was taken at 53.35 and $8.25, and medium qual ity at $7.25. Cows sold at $6 to $7 and hoifers brought 56 and $0.50. Only two full load of hogs were dlsoosed of, and these went at S8.55, the current top price. A few heavy hogs were sold at $7.75. Hheep buyers were ready to pay full prices for desirable quality, a shown by sales of yearlings at $5.75 and lambs at $7. but a considerable proportion of the recent arrivals have been off grade. Receipts were 256 cattle, 599 hogs and 1590 sheep. Shippers were: Oak Island Land Comnanv. by boat. SO cattle; M. Hoctor, Goldendale. 1 car of sheep and hogs; L. McCredie, Roose velt, Wash., 1 car of hogs; Frank Wann, Canby, 1 car of sheep; T. A. Kline, Cor vallis, 4 cars of sheep; H. A. Tocom, Tarn hill, 1 car of sheep and hogs: J. B. Savior, Echo. 4 cars of cattle: R. N. Stanfield. Stan- field and Castle Rock. 3 care of sheep; J. A. Martin. JtsiacKioot ana Shelley. Idaho. 2 cars of hogs: D. W. Owen, Idaho Falls, 2 cars of hogs; Don Halligan, Lima, Mont.. 8 cars of cattle, and James Wilson. Shaniko, 2 cars of cattle. The day's sales were as follows: Weight. Price. 29 eteers 3193 $8.35 zo cows 1014 25 cows 1013 15 steers Sft 1 bull 1450 5 heifers 7''S 5 heifers ..................... 744 1 bull 840 1 cow 3 050 1 cow llfio 12 steers 3007 f steers 95S 26 steers 1355 26 steers 3 ISO 8 cows 1073 0 cows ..115 1 calf 420 9 mixed sheep . 95 B mixed sheep 118 6 mixed sheep- ................ 95 6.96 6.60 7.25 B.50 .O0 6.00 ;.(K 5.50 7.50 5.00 8, 8.2.Y 7.O0 0.00 4.0O 4.50 4.00 4.00 124 yearlings .. ............... 8'. 112 loo AO 73 5.75 0 ewes 1 buck 34 cull lambs 97 lambs 2 hogs 6.O0 3.00 5.00 7.00 7.55 103 hogs 8.55 1 nog .- 90 hogs 11 hogs 1 hog The range of prices at the is follows: . 320 . 17S . 13 7 . 170 yards 7.55 8.53 8.45 8.45 was Choice steers $8.00(3)8.35 liooa steers i.Qvov Medium steers 7.25-3) 7.50 (jnoice cows 7.zrrr 7.50 Good cows ., 6.S03 7.00 Medium cows ft.000 S.50 Choice calves 8.00 9L0O Good heavy calves....... 7.50 Bulls 6.25(tf 6 50 Hoes- Light S.25 S.55 Heavy 7.000 7.50 Sheen- Wethers 5.00 a 6.00 Ewes 3.85 5.00 Lambs 5.55 7.00 Chicago Livestock Market. , CHICAOO, June 4- Cattle Receipts, 16.WO; market steaay to a snaae nigner. Western steers, $6.8o8.00; stockers and feeders, $5.90 8.05: cows and heifers, $3.65 &7.9: calves, ji.voii.w. Hoes Receints. 38,000 ; 'market slow lower. Lisht. 8.40'a S-67 ; mixed. $S.40'& heavv. SS.lOfif S.tfO; rouc:h, $S. 1 5 tr 8.30 nlep. S3. 60 a 8. 30 : bulk of sales. SS.558.65. Sheep Receipts, 20,000: market steady to lOc lower. Native, S4.5 5.t; Western, X4 flflfffS n? vwirlincs. S5.4 6.8K : lambs. native, $5.30i 7.35; Western, $5.50& 7.35; spring, $6.0031 S. To. Omaha Livestock Market. POUTH OMAHA. June 4. Cattle Re celpts. 2500; steady. Native steers, $7.25ti S fill! rtw.-R nnrl heifers. S6.26(7.7&C West orn steers. $6.758-00; Teotas eteers S-0O 7.40; range cows and heifers, $5.75 7.1:5; calves. S7T00 Si 10.00. Hogs Receipts, 13.500; market Be to 10c lower. Heavv. ss.ioats.zo: lignt. ss.-jdm pigs. $7.008.00: bulk of sales. $8.208.25. BnBep KeceipiB, duv; Eteauy. leanings, $5.756 6.50; wethers, $5.505.80; lambs. $3.757.60. IDAHO WOOL SALE 19 LARGE Total of 600,000 Pounds Ilspoed of to Eastern Bayers. BOISE. Idaho, June 4. CSpeciaL) One of the largest wool sales In Idaho since buy ing opened this year took place at Moun tain Homo today when 600.000 pounds of this year's clip was sold at prices ranging from 13 to 16 cents to Eastern buyers. The clip represented a pool of a number of growers, the largest amount sold by any one grower being the clip of benator Worth Lee. of Mountain Home. The wool was sold entirely on Its merits and as It was of good quality bidding among Duyers was crisp. Growers have about completed shearing and the clip is being stoi ed by many of them to await more favorable prices. They believe that good quality wool from this year's clip should bring a better' price than 16 cents, now apparently the maximum, and as they are confident the buyers will - pay better prices they are. willing' to take their chances by waiting. A number of the large sheepmen, however, are willing to let their clips go at this price. This fact. It la be lieved, is established by the sale at Moun tain Home today. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, June 4. Butter Irregular. Creameries. 25 $3. Z c. Eggs Irregular. Receipts. 22.653 cases at mark, cases Included, 16 17 c: ordi nary firsts. I54i7c: firsts. 17 -Sr. Cj- isc Cheese Firmer. Daisies, 1 5 &. 15 c ; twins, 14 V 14 c ; young Americas, 14 14 c long horns, lOig-iouc- . Duluth Unseed Market, DTJLTjTH. June 4. Linseed. $1.29; Jnly. $1.29 asked; September. $1.11 ; Octo- DCr, .L.3Ug. . Dried Frutt at Kew York. NEW TORK. June 4. Evaporated apples quiet, rrunei nrm. rescues more active. Hops at New Torlc . NTEW TORK. June 4. Hops easy. State common to- choice 1912, 15 21c; Pacific coast l-ui-. ia u ic. In the recent automobile race around eidly the only car that endured the Jolt infr over the bad roads without a broken spring or a loosened screw was of Amer ican make. REACTION Ifl WHEAT Heavy Selling Carries Down All - Options at Chicago. REFLECT STOCK MOVEMENT Prospects of Free Wheat and Corn Imports From Canada Also Have Depressing Effect on Grain Prices. CHICAGO. Jane 4. Wheat r rices tumbled today, mainry because of the break In the stock market. The close was nervous. o to lc under last night. In corn there was a net loss of o to c, and for oats c to c. The outcome as to pro visions varied from 7c decline to an ad vance of 2c. w neat prices at first were higher, but new investment demands were soon aatiKfieri and when owners evidenced a tendency to realize on holdings the market bulked. Serious reduction in Kansas and Oklahoma crop estimates lea to a temporary upturn at this Juncture, hut the depression in Wall street quictciy acted as more than an off set. Stop-loss orders swept a great deal of wheat into the nit. esoeciallv In the lt hours, until some good-sized purchases by wmiiiiiwion iinns just oefore the close halted the stampede. The rally, however, was not Impressive, and attention in the end dwelt mostly on the financial situation and Wash ington reports or "free wheat1 Primary receipts of wheat were larare at aiMs.uuu Dusneis against 25S.O00 bushels year ago. Seaboard clearances of wheat and riour equalled &S2.000 bushels. Corn reacted with wheat after tnnphfn the highest level of the season. The early aavance was aue cnietly to covering by be lated shorts. Hedging sales and chances of imports from Canada formed" the principal weigui on o&is. In provisions some strength developed. owing to the com bulge. Heaviness was the rule later in line with all the other staples The leading futures ranged as follows; WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close, July -Ul" 9 .31 $ .89 s .89 Sept. Dec. .. .80 .Pl .89 .89 CORN. .. .53 .E9 .. .63 .fiO . . .57 .&7 OATS. .. .29 .r.9 .. .38 .38 .39 July .53 .5 .&9 .58 .56 .56 .S8 .38 .38 .38 - .$8 .38 19.95 20.10 19.55 19.65 10.S7 10.92 10.95 11.00 10.82 10.90 I. 11. BO 11.B3 1 11.22 11.27 I : No. 5 white. sept. Dec. July Sept. MESS PORK. July 19.97 19.60 20.17 19.82 sept. LARD. July ' 10.2 10.97 sept 1L00 11.07 Oct 10.90 10.97;. STTORT RIBS. July 11.62 11.62 Sept. 1L25 11.35 ( ash prices were: Corn NTo. 1. Z9it?tllftr 6O(?r60ic; No. 2 yellow. 594?59c; No. 3. 59$i59o; No. 3 white. 60tf?60c; No. 3 yellow, 59ifi59c; No. 4, 5$&'59c; No. 4 white, 6'J5yc; No. 4 yellow, 58 Rye. No. 2, 63'?63c. Rarley. 50 67c. Timothy, ?3.254.00. Clover, nominal. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. .Tun. A. nn.- Tin, . July, SBc; Sept.. 0Oc. Cash. No. 1 hard. 91c; No. 1 Northern. 80391c; No. 2 Northern. 8889c; No. 2 hard Montana. 90&tflc; No. 3 wheat. 8687c. Barley, unchanged. Kuropeaa Grain Markets. LONDON. June 4. Cargoes on buyers hold off. Lnglish country markets oulet: Fremrh country markets quiet. . LIVERPOOL. June 4. Wheat Snot steady. Futures steady. July, 7s, 5d; Oc tober, 7s, 3d; December, 7s, 3d. Grains Ins San 'Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Jnn 4 rota tions: Walla Walla, $1.66 1.67 ; red Russian, $1.651.66; Turkey red. $1.75 1.77 ; bluestem. $1.75 1. SO: feed barlev. $1.42 V. 1.45: brewlne- Sl.S'Uiffli f,?; whita oats. $1.60 1.62 ; bran, $27.50 28; mid dlings, $32. 50 6 33; shorts, $2929.50; June hariey. 81.42 hid, $1.46 asked; July, bar ley, $1.88 bid, $1.40 asked. can board sales: Wheat, steady. Barley, easy. IDeoember. 1.42 14 mf cn. tal: May. SI. 44 Ui asked tier cent AJ : .Tun $1.36 bid, $1.42 asked per cental; July, i.js ma, fi.tu asKeu per cental. Puget Sound Wheat Market. SEATTLE, Wash.. June 4. Wheat Blue- stem, 9&c; fortyfold, 3c; club, 92c; fife, 92c; red Russian. 90c. Yesterday's car receints Wheat 10 nat a barley 9, hay 9, flour 3. TACOMA. Wash,. June 4. Wheat T?1ua- stem, 9c; fortyfold, 4c; club, 9Sc: red fife, 9 2c. Car receipts Wheat IS. oats 1, hay 3. OLD INDIAN MADE TARGET Dispute Over Line Fences Causes Trouble and Arrest Follows. GOLDENDALE. 'Wash.. June 4. (Special.) A dispute over line fences in the Indian settlement at the heart of Squaw Creek, in Eastern Klickitat, lea Charlie Pistolhead into a vicious attack on Peter Tumhax with an ax yesterday. Tumlin -was on a horse when attacked and escaped with his life by putting? spurs to the animal and dashing- away. Ha was struck on the head, back and arm with the blunt side of the axe and his horse received a long, deep cut on the hip wnue ne was getting- out of the reach of the infuriated redskin. Tumhax Is a successful Indian farm er. 67 years old, and It Is said that the youngrer generation of pndians, who are mostly lazy and indolent, are Jealous of him. Tumhax says that Pistolhead has threatened to kill him several times. He told the Sheriff that if he had had a weapon of any kind with which to defend himself the story would have been different, despite his advanced age. The Prosecuting At torney issued a warrant for Pistolhead and the Sheriff went after him today. Lightning Stuns Engineer. TRUCKER, CaL, June '4. Peter Fay, a Southern Pacific freight engineer, was the victim or an unusual accident Mon day night, when he was knocked from his seat in the cab by "a bolt of light ning that struck the enow sheds near Summit. Fay was thrown against the Your taxes are high enough to make ex perimenting with ; paving material un desirable. Bitulithic has been PROVEN economical and re markably serviceable. Boost for it and keep repair bills down. o o First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 900,000 Oldest National Bank West of ths Rocky Mountains CORNER FIRST AJJT5 WASHINGTON ST 3. LADD&TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits.. 1,000,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, available in all parts of the world. OFFICERS. M. Ladd. President. Rohert 8. Howard. Asst. CaahU f-award Cooking-ham. Vlea-Fraa J. w. Ladd. Asst. Cashier, v. . li. Duacklsy. Cashlsr. Waltr M. Cook. Asst. Cashisr. The Bank of Personal Service Our service is an indiA-idual one, each officer and clerk taking a personal interest in all business en trusted to our care. Merchants National Bank Under Government Supervision Founded 1886 Washington and Fourth Streets 1111 t 1 & 1 ULS&s 11 y ..Lsiff Sailing's from NEXT o " La KA1LIX t FRANCE (new) June I. A ..J1I. .Mlly I.A FKOVKXCE July LA LUKKA1M: July 1 tQuadruple-Bcrew steajner. (iPECIAL SATURDAY SAJI.INOS FROM NEW YORK. 3 P. M. UNK CLASS CABIN (II) and THIRD-CLASS Passengers Only. 'Niagara June SI CHICAfiO Jane 26 C. Stinger, 80 th t.; A. I. Charlton, :!35 Morrison St.: J. O. Thomas. C. M. & Ht. 1. By.; Dorsey li. Smitb. K5th St.: A. C taheldon. 1H) 3l St.: H. Dickson. 122 ad nt.: North Bank Koad. stli and Stark ett... nerents. Portland. TRANS -ATLANTIC LINES AMERICAN LINE X.T.-PIymouth-Cherbourg:- Southampton ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE New Vork London Direct RED STAR LINE Xew York Dover Antwerp WHITE STAR LINE New "York Queen atown Liverpool K.V.Flmouth-CuerbourgrSoutbampton Cruises New York and Boston Mediterranean Egypt. A. E. DISNEY. PASS. AGT., 619 SECOND AVE., DOORS FROM SEATTLE, Or Local Railway and Steamship Agents. boiler with such force as to stun him, and only the quick -work of the fire man, who jumped to his rescue, saved Fay from being horribly burned. Clackamas Would Raise Pay. SALEM, Or., June 4. (Special.) Sec retary of State Olcott was advised to day that a petition had been filed with County Clerk Mulvey, of Clackamas County, to refer a bill increasing the salary of the County School Superin tendent of that county from $1000 a year to $1800. T. J. Gary, the superin tendent, is regarded as one of the most proficient men in the state In his line of work, and his friends say the people of Clackamas County will approve the law. The three School Supervisors, working under him, receive $1000 a year and traveling expenses. ESTABLISHED 1894 ffoxZ, .Bacon & "5?avts jnginecr5 FINANCIAL AND ENQINEERINQ REPORTS . VALUATIONS OF RAILROADS AND PUBLIC UTILITIES SS Btl'l'l'li.R ST., NEW YORK KAN F-RAJN'CISCO NEW ORLEANS i.Wii9Uk i inu ana e CONSTRUCTION ENCINEER8 PUBLIO 8ERVICE PROPERTIES FINANCED and MANACED SO Pin Street New York J.CWIUSON&CO. STOCKSL BONDS, GKAIX AND COTTOS KKW TOSS STOCK KXCHAJCOn kIW TORK COTTON KICHAMb CU1CAOO BOIED OF TBAOI, THX STOCK AMD BOND arjitvo &&N ntAMCUCO. PORTLAND OFFICB: Lewis Building, 269 Oak Street, fhonea Marshall 4120. A 4187 TRAVELERS GUIDE. COOS BAY LINE aTEAHBHIF BEAK WATER" sails from Albers Dock, No. 3, Portland, at S A. M. June 4, 9, 14, 19, 24. 29. July 4. 9. 14, 19. 24. 29. thereafter every five days, o A. M. Frelsnt received flailv until 5 P. M except day previous to sailing, previous day tr. m. rMHnger zares: tnrsi-ciasa, I " ; second-c'ass. 7, Including- berth and meals. Ticket office at Albers Dock No. 3. POETLAXn At COOS BAT 8. 8. I.rVE, t. H. KKAT1.NO, Agent. l'bone Mala 6S3, CompAgnie Gene rale Transatlairtique Direct Line to Hmvrw-Pmrla (Franc) New Torlc every Thursday atlojLM. Lorraine, Thursday, June 19 2B t'KANCK (new) July 14 3 1..V SAOIK. July 31 10 Twm-scre- Bie&mer. CANADIAN SERVICE bailing Every Tuesday From Montreal ana Hueoeo By the LARGEST CANADIAN LINERS - Including- tbe Canada. June 1? Meaantlc, J one 24 Teutonic. July 1 Laurentic, July 8 Send for folders of the Sbort LandV locked St. lswrenc Route to Europe. CHERRY, TRAVELERS' GUISB. XCEPTIONAL SECOND CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS BY BOSTON SERVICE Th S. S. CLEVELAND. CINCIN NATI and BLIKCHKR are ships of unusual tonnage, providing- spacious cabins, staterooms, and deck space. The Second Cabin accommodations compare favorably In comfort and luxury with the first cabins of ves sels of less tonnage. From BOSTON to LODOX PARIS HAMBURG Blaerher June 24 Cincinnati July 12 Cleveland July 29 Cincinnati Aoxast 10 Hamburg-American Line ISO Towell st., San Francisco, Cal.; O.-W. R. A N. Co.. Nor. Pacific. O. & R. G. R. Tt . Burlington Route, Milwaukee & Puget Sotin-1 R. R., Great Northern Ra-ilway Co.. Dorsey R Smith. 6 5th St., Portland, Oregon. AUSTRALIA TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND. Round Trip Ktr: 1st elses to Tshitl $135, to Wellington .267.50, to bjdney $300. Special I'ajClflc Ocean Tour (including South ties Isles) to Sydney via Tahiti, R&rn tonga and New Zealand and returning- to San Francisco (or Vancouver) via Auckland, Fiji or Samoa and Honolulu, $325. 1st class. Stop-overs any point, sood one year. Sail ings from. Sun Francisco Jtxne 20, July i3. Ausust 20, etc. Union Steamship Co. of New Zealand, I-td. Office: 870 Market Street. 6 an Francisco. - LOS ANGELES AND SAM DtEOO STEAMSHIPS TALE AND ILABVAJID Railroad or any at.amer to Baa Francisco, tbe Expo City. Lmrzest. fastest and tba ONLY strictly rlrst-class passengsr ships on tbe Coast. Average speed 2& miles boor; cost $2,000,000 eacb. SAM XTBANCLSCO, IOKILAXD at X. A. 8. S. CO.. Main as. Frank Bollam. A rent. A 459 124 Third street. Aad All Drnaillaa Perls Large. Kew and Fast P.wepger Steamers from IVew York every alternate Sauuuay. IT DAYS TO RIO JANEIRO. DAYS TO BtTEHOS AYREs. rr i In u .ndih.rirtrtkfMii fWWJW TT HT Qp - EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR Saa Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE 8. B. BEAR Sails 9 A. M.. June 8. S. S. ROitE CITT Sails June 11. THE SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND 8. 8. CO.. Ticket Office Sd and Waxlilngton (wita O.-W. R. sV N. Co.) Phone Marshall 4SO0. A 0121. San Francisco, Los Angele'n and San Diego Direct; S. S. Boanoke and S. S. Elder. ad very Wedaesday Altamately a P. li. NORTH PACiriO S. S. CO. TH A Thisd Ht- Pheaes Mala lgls. A 1114J