THE 3IO K TXGr " j. i - ' ApMimentk. m.. I rr ; . FOR BENT. BUSINESS OPPO KTU N 1T1KS, fiPECLlI. OTirKA nvivrux fli: W WT? f ii-Ti.u.lDrr c AT YOLK SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unf urnlshed apartments from 2 to S rooms, from 813 to S57.60 per month. Ir you want one, telephone Main 2010 Sundays or . A 2015 Evening!! call Mr. Balden, Marshall 2290. Our automobile will call at any address With our agent, who will be laa to show these apartments, References required. Wo own or control the following;: Cecilia, - and Glisan sts. Claypool, llth and Clay sts. Fordhara, 170 Ford at, Hanthorn, 251 1-th at., near Main. Hanover, 165 King hi., near Washing-ton. Knickerbocker. 410 Harrison, near llth. Orderleigb. S2 Grand ave. St. Croix. 170 Clair st., near Waih. St. Francis, 21st and Hoyt sts. Wellington. 15th and Everett sts. MORGAN. FLEIDNER & BOTCE, 603-008 Abtngton Bids. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS. 'J2d and Glisan Sta. Walking Distance. Very exclusive, elegantly furnished, 4 rooiu apartments; all large, bright outside room Inferences Required. Marshall 3102. THE WIILELDOX. Corner Park and Taylor Sts. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets. Walking- Distance. . F'urnibhed complete, 2, U and 4-roro apartments ; building new and strictly modern; service first class. OAJIMELITA. Jefferson and 13 th Sts. 4 and .V room unfurnished apartments; exceptionally well arranged; walking dis tance. Kates Reasonable. Modern. References. New. TRINITY PLACE AP RTMENTS The House of Toiih. Largest and finest apart ments on the Pacific coast. In heart of apartment-house district. New and mod ern. In every particular. Apartments fur nished aiid unfurnished, exclusive bachelor quarters with clubrowiu in south wing; sleeping-porches In every apartment; hlgh sorvlce ; refined clientele ; no disap pearing niniitimi; terms, reasonable; In spection Invited! references required. Phone Marshall 1101. THK BARKER, cor; 2lst and Irvliag sts. This new four-story brick now open; fur nished i. nd unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4-room ultrs: reception hall ; electric automatic elevator, Holmee disappearing? beds, built in buffet and writing itesk gas range, ice box, plenty of closet rooms; both phonea, vacuum cleaner free to -patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phone A 174a. Marshall f Ml VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific i oast. Furnished Complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking Distance. References. WELLESLET COURT, F.sst 15th and Belmont, block of Mor rison rtiggtst and. best on East Side; 4 story. modem. 100x100; furnished and un furnished; walking distance. Til K MOR DAUNT. l"Nirnislied or unfurnished four roams and reception hall; all large, outside and surny: easy walking distance; reasonable rent; look at these before locating. 18th and Eerett, opposite Christian Science Church- THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia. - ar.d 3-room apartments, furnished; Strictly modern and new; references; close walking distance; service firet-claaa. tOE-FRIEND. 8. W. corT Broadway and -Teffersoji Modern unfurnished apis., first class service ; private phone. WksTFAL, 4H 5th, 7 mln. to p. O. and business center; fireproof building with sprinkler system; automstic elevator; ele gantly furnished and unfurnished 3 and 4 roorn apts.; lowest rent In Portland; every con vein-nc and strictly first-class $26 up- Main 2vr. Home 2960. I.L'CR ET I A i'OI'RT. Lucre tin t., near Washington and 2.M. Most modern unf urntnhed apartment hmise in the city; 2 to r-room apartments. Investigate before deciding ebo where. Ref.TenccR. MiTiftRer, Marshall 1513; Jan itor. Marshall 15UU. NOKOMIS 17th and Mnrshall, walking dis tance; new. clean, elegantly furnished, well ventilated, outside rooms, disappear ing beds, private phono, bath and dreas-ing-ropm ; Summer rates. Marshall 4i4T- Mr.Ki;L)ITH Modern, newly renovated, 8 room apartments, $20; good service, walk ing disianco; references. 712 Washington Main 7134. SIX large rooms, hardwood floors, water heat, private phones, large sleeping- porch front veranda, new and every conven ience. Apartments. Northrup. ANGELA APTS. S7-S0 Trinity Place. 2, 3 and 4-room apts.. nicely furnished, modern, low rate. IDEAL APARTMENTS. Newly furnished, single and suites; hot and cold waim. o35 Couch st., cor. 16th. 121 WEST PARK Furnished 3-room apart ment; desirable; no children. Inquire 386 ilall. THE MARLBOROUGH, Nob Hill district 6 room apartment; every convenience. Mam 7516. Bl'EXA V 1ST A. 13th and Harrison and 3 -room a part -inents. best service. Apply on premlsea THE STANF1ELD, New 2-room apts., light and gas in luded; $15 to $2B. 204 Porter st. M. 7392. MODERN 6 -room unfurnished apartment telephoue. gas. electric light, etc Main 487 ti. A 1133. THE Drikiton, 44S llth Nicely furnished 2 and .i-room modern outside apts.. frear Heights. Mrs. F. W. McCune, Marshall 67. A RD MAY TERRACE" 5 Exceptionally large- living-room (10x20) every coriTenience. 12th and Harrison sts' BANNER Apartments. 480 Clay st. Modern 2 rooms, completely furnished, 1 16, s 18 ajid 2Q. Marshall 2074. UMCOIjM APARTMENTS, Fourth und Lincoln All outsids 2-room spts.. 22.50 to 30; walking distance, PAOE APARTMENTS, Beautiful apartments, furnished and nn fmnished. including fire placa, etc E. 3566. MLENA VISTA. 1Sth f?d Harrison 2 and 3-room apart ments ; bftt service. Apply on premises. THE DEZENDORF, ' 208 Sixteenth, near Tayler. One unfurnished i-room apartment. ALTON .V. Marshall and 19th sts. Large airy 3 and 4-room apartmeats; quiet and exclusive neighborhood. F l-O R E N CS, 388 HTH " " S and 4 rooms, completely furnished: up - - Up. raiLMSHbD 2-rooin apartments, modern. n to $16. Main 5061. 181 Gro v er. THE CA1UK. 704 Lovojoy. 2 and 3-room furnlahed apartments. Marshall 2016. 1 WANT to sub-rent my furnished apart ment. Call Marshall 5746. 1- ROOM apts, furnished, modern; refer ence. Cromwell Annex, 291 Columbia, THE DAYTON 6 large rooms, apt., porchts every convenlenca; low rant. 658 Flanders! THE LAUBS TT E. furnished K-room apart ment; private bath and phone. 229 llth. M TO Apts.. l;nion ave. and Sacramento . N mm up-to-dati . reasonable. Phone E. 920. HERMENIA. 400 Hall stT new building, trnlahed, modern, rates. Main 6444. I N'FORNISHEO 4-room steaan-heated flau ntodwSi Cottel Drug Co. BRT N MAWR PTST 18$ e! 15th. nalr YamhUi. 4-room apts.. modern. King-Davis. 54 King SL. N'7. nr. Wash. High-class; references. Both phones. V TED flerman couple. g -i rden planted. Rent $1G. 3-room apt.. Main 915. FINE modern. 6-room upper flat. 'all 330 13th. 32S 13th. FOR RENT Small 4-room lower flat, $11. water gald. 340 Russell st. t'l; RENT 7 -room modern flat. 24 U lOtbl Inquu-c 161 E. 16th. MODERN 5-room flat. 10 minutes' walk P O 543 5th st. Main 7063. A 656L lODERN 3-room flat. 746 Kearn i.t the forenoon. Marshall 220-L. Phone CHE A I' reot on modern 5-room flat West Bide, walking distance. Main 3441. MODERN four-room flat. 383 Roes street Two blocks from Broadway bridge. 81 a MODERN 5-rooai. nice residence lo cation, West Side, front and back vard and porches, gas and electricity, gas range 3197 Wter nea'-,sr ind linoleum. Marshall 0 ROOM flat, 780 G lis an st.. near -23XBt. car; new. modern, convenient, hcrdwood floods, fireplace and furnace; select neigh borhood. Morgan. Flledner & Boyce, 503 ERT desirable modern flat. 601 E. Mor rlaon. Gas range, water heater, linoleum, largo veranda, furnace, fir enlace. East 1619. 5-ROOM modern upper, large screened porch, furnace and fireplace, rooms all newly tinted, high and slightly. 707H E. Salmon. Phone East 2440 or Hellwood" 453. 5-ROOM flat. 29 H East Sth st., near Burn tide; walking distance. Key at Wood- s. lui st, MQDERN 4 room lower flat, $16: linoleum, range, gas plate, basement, yard : adults. . Vt y,-: . iLirr.s ave. Wood lawn 428. 5- ROOM flat; sleeping; porch, gas, linoleum, furnace, fireplace. 295 E 21st. Hawthorne car. Tabor 1597. 6- ROOH modem flat. choicest location, West Side. Inquire 175 lth. comer 1 sin hill. FLAT of ft" rooms and ba-Ji; 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 120 6th st. Phone Main 27!. HOLLA DA T ADD., walking distance, near 2 carl'nes. 112 z Wwco s t . East " S 05. FOR RENT cheap, nearly new 4-roora upper flat. Phone E. g, B 1404. Fm-niahed FlatsI ' Modern, nicely furnished 4-room flat; walking distance. 444 Rodney ave. East 4S66. 4 rooms, furnished. light, air flats, bath, por.-hes. East 4811 ; walking distance. MODERN fi-ioom f urnlsTied-flat! 8 E. 12th. north. Mar. 737- A 7131 FOR RENT o-ruom furnished Hoc. centrally MODERN four-room Cbtt. 0'r,. K.s.s sire;t Two blocks from Broadway bridge. HouKekceplujj- Rooms. THE BEAVER, 32th and Marshall t. Furnished for housekeeping; gas range, electric lights, hot water, bah. laundry tree; 112 per month up; a clean place; best in the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take S or 16th-st. cars north. gt off at Marshall. No dogs. $1.50 TO $2.75 week: clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for II or 4 . free heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone E. 6)3ft. 406 Vancouver. 203 Stanton. 'U car. THE rPSHUR,' 406V, 26th st.. furniehed 2 room apts.. .steam heat, light; $17 up. Main hoti. Tak "F," 23d or "W" car north. THE St. Marks, furnished light housekeep ing and sleeping rooms; prlce3 reasonable. E. Burnsldo, corner Grand ave. 461 EAST MORRISON, ror. East Sth. nicely furnished 2-room housekeeping suites, also s ingie housekeeping rooms. NICELY furnished houseKeeplng rooms; hot and cold water; reasonable rent. The Oenevle. 445 Columbia, st. FURNISH El housekeeping room, llsht". L-lijiie, hath, S2.5Q week. 410 Jefferson. NEW furnished housekeeping rooin. heat, light, baths. $15. 1144 Union. Furnished h. k. rooms, cheap, Cambridge hldg.. .Id, cor. Morrison, phone Main 04 5. THE OILMAN. 1st St.. cor. Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms, $ 1 . 50 week u p. SINC1.E II. K. rooms. J1.25 to $1.75 week"; two rooms $t.'JZ. 2'J1 2d st. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Famlly SINGLR housekeeping roams, $10 per month up; newly furnished, modern dwell ing, big yard, best West Side apartment district, clean, light rooms; everything included, walking distance. 055 Flanders, near 20th. 49o MONTGOMERY at.; most b'eautiful spot in Portland ; dandy furnished rooms for bousekeeping, complete; rice front porch, nice yard, lots of roses, free phone. Sum mer rates. TWO very desirable, clean, largo rooms and kitchenette, gas, bath, phone, balcony; good neighborhood ; walking distance or car. 772 E. Taylor. East 5260. LOWER floor, consisting of three rooms and pantry, front and back yards, fruit trees, reasonable rent. 290 Eugene at., Vfc block from Williams ave. car. FO n REN T 2 f jrntshfMl housekeeping roomj. three for 25. on first floor. modern. :;S2 College sf- SINGLE housekeeping rooms and suites; also sleeping rooms, $8 month and up. 168 12th street. ONE or two furnished large housekeeping room's, kitchenette ; bachelor preferred. 175 Clay. NEATLY furnished h.-k. and sleeping rooms reasonable, $2.P0 and up. (.'lose- In. 429 Salmon. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern conveniences, 475 E. Burnside, corner sth . LARGE rooms, furnished complete for hcube kceping, $10 and $11 a month. 631 Thur inan st. LARGE, airy housek ceding room and kit chenette; also furnished room. 321 W. Park. Marshall 142tt. THREE clean, furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. I'.Oti Oth st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, price reasonable. Phone Tabor 2708. NCELY furnished h.-k. rooms, $S per week, modern. 262 14th. SUITE of furnished housekeeping rooms. close in. ! 1 Cherry st. East 5;30. THREE connecting H. K. rooms, furnished. lower floor. BOO E. Burnslde. TWO housekeeping rooms, front, with piano. every convenience. $4 week. 442 Jefferson. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping " rooms, hot water heat. 781 Kearney. Marshall 4337. NH 'ELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 104 E. ISth. $12 TWO furnish, d h -k. rooms, gas und running water. 051 E. Morrison. FURNISHED housekeeping suite. $10 per month. 58S Pettygrove. Main 3423. FURNISHED rooms; h.-k. rooms and sleep Ing porch. 151 Grund ave. N. East 552. TWO furnished house keeping rooms. 216 10th st., corner Salmon. $12 FOUR furnished H. K. rooms, gas platt, range. 614 7th. Main 452U. -ROOM house, well furnished fine view! Willamette Heights. M. 7535. ilou NEW house, 7 rooms, furnished or unfur nished; 1 block from car; will rent cheap. Inquire at 255 10th st. North. Phonal Marshall 1591. FOR RENT Modern 6-roono house, bath and pantry, large, airy lot, B. 13th and E Taylor sts. Inquire 660 E. Taylor st. Thono East 8008. FOR RENT ti-room. house on Beacon sU, near Brooklyn school; price $18; .near 2 cartlnse. Apply to K. W litis, 663 East 9th St. Phone Sell wood 873. FOR RENT - 6-room house, in good con dition. 206 Whitaker st. Key at 821 Front st. MODERN 7 -room house. West Side; full basement, furnace with water coil. Phone Mam 4607, A 48S9. MOL NT TABOR home; your chance to rent a $35 house, for $25 per month; new and attractive; close to car. Phone Tabor 2S6. FOR RENT -Choice 7-room house. Walnut Park, good car service, $30. A, H- Bir ITSjU Co.. 202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. PORTLAND HEIGHTS duplex, new attrao tlve house ; unfurnished. See it. Main 1 96. FO R RENT House on 16th and Belmont, also flat on 15th and Belmont. Inquire 161 E. 16th. corner Belmont. FOR RENT Modern 5-room residence on East Side, low rent. Inquire 109 12th sL, near Washington. Main 1755. SMITH-WILLOUGHBY. No. 90 Ktfth, best rental list, new bungalows. $25; will build home, (lf month. Ask Hoover. -ROOM- modern house, lurnace, sleeping porch, 2 lota, corner, Eaat Side, fine lawn, cheap rent to good tenant. Main 1955. FOB RENT -West Side. 7-room house, oe xnent basement, porcelain plumbing. 510 Market st. Phone Main 243, A 4S32. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, corner East Sth and Hancock sts., $30. Phone Tabor 492. EAST-SIDE Cottage, T rooms, bath, base ment, walking distance, $20. Inquire room Sol. Dekum bldg. IRV1NOTON house for rent, $25. Phone Woodlawn 2516. 6-ROOM modern house. 418 San Ri.riit;l $18. Phone J 2318. HOUSE of 6 rooms and bath. 69 E. 19th N Inquire- 130 6:h st. Main 6278. 42 H ALL ST.. cor. 14th 6-room house; modern plumbing, furnace, fine view. MODERN 7 - room n ouse for rent, fruit and flowers. 'W. R." car. 11 SO Clinton at. 3-ROOM rurnlshed flat, wail located. $17 Ott-a & liarkson Reaity Co., 133 First st. MODERN 6-room house. S2S Wasco sc. near East 1st. Phone East 2446. HOUSES srad flats to rent. National Realty 4Y Investment Co. Main 5129. NEW 10-room house, fine view, close in $16- Phone C 206. $25 14 COLUMBIA. 7 rooms, newiy paperei move In save carfare. Owner, 20O 14th st NICE 6-room house. $18. yi2 30th. 014 K. Alder. $17. Alder, cor. $?& S-BOOM house. 523 Taylor et.. near lth. West Side. Main 106. 303 HANCOCK t7. 7 room house. clean, newly tinted. Very cheap rent. Main 344l! NflCP! HOMR POP T tt HIT Ifw 6-room house, with all modern con veniences; house cost $4000, with one and one-half a-jrei of splendidly cultivated ground suitable tor garden, or a fine place 'o raise chickens or squabs. A fine patch of strawberries and small fruit now bear ing. This place la at 40th st. and Frances ave., on W a verley-Woodstock car. To re sponsible parties who will take good care of the place, will rent for $30 per month. ,e , 24 r Bowman at the Brownsville oolen Mill Store. CALL AT THE OFFICE FOR ONE OF OUR tU1t.PdRI1TP RENTAL LISTS. THAT'S THE BEST WAY TO FIND A LOCATION. , ZB FRED A. JACOBS CO. Mafn 6869. 260 Washing-ton St. A 6267. IRVINQTOX HOME. Large, tine, lO-room house, new, oak finish. 16th and Halsey; $70. or less. $35, $40. $45, $00 Irvlngton homes for rent. R- T. STREET. 229 Henry bldg.. The Irvlngton Real Estate Man. RENT HOUSES. 6- rooni modern house. $13. 0-room modem house, $18. 7- room modern house, 22.3u. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO . 133H First St. NEW bungalow with furnace, fireplace, oak floors, 2 sleeping rooms and largtj bath, 2 porches. In good neighborhood, to re sponsible people on year's lease. $23 per month. 3eo Mr. Lombard. 82 4th St. T. WTH AND EAST HOYT. Full lot, extra large rooms, besides halls, olothes closets, etc., hot water heat ing plant. iSmith-Wagoner Co., 312. Lewis bldg. -ROOM buugalow on 2 acres, cleared land, for rent at $15; sightlv location; cbicken-house and yard, small barn, 6-cent car fare by book. See our agent at Mult- j '-" XJ 'tamper of commerce. WANT renter who wishes to pay part by keeping up lawn and setting out shrub bery. Mt Tabor home of S rooms. 2 blocks from carline. Phone Selwood 602 between 8 and 3. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT, HACKER & THERKELSEN CO., 7a . tr... iUg- -ii a tit t ou- 13 iIo:N"rH' 4-room bungalow, bath, hot and cold water, large yard, woodshed, chicken yard. 5 mln. walk from Ever green St. Main 9846. FOR RENT Fino 7-room house. Rose City Park; furnace, hardwood floors, range and linoleum; will lease; $30 month. 606 E. 55th St. N. ?7 i-ROOM cottages. 736. 738 Montana ave., near Fremont. Main 106. Furnished Houses. 7-room house, on corner lOOxJ.00, 10 nice, assorted fruit trees and berries; rent is $16; parties are going East and will cell the furniture; price for a quick pale, $150. RALPH ACKIE1" LAND CO.. 204-5-6 Falling bids. Phone Main 7141. 60o TAYLOB. large 5-room flat apartment, reception hall, oak floors, new carpets, genuine Turkish rugs, Circasslon walnut ami fumed oak furniture upholstered, red upholstery, 3 largo bay windows; rent COMPLETELY furnished modern house, 7 KM1" lnished attic, sleeping porch. East r. Cv "iuuiub ur i ear to re- Uablo tenant. Wakefield, Fries. 83 4th. tZStT" mrnrniw i-roo.n nouse in Irvlngton will be rented to adults lor the S immer months. Call at 550 Tillamook st. COMPLETELY furnished 8-room house In Irvmgton, on curline; large yard, roses, piano, etc. ; can be leased permanently to responsible 'parties. Phone East 4384. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, new 10-room house. furnishe.I, baths; July i to December 1. AD 177, Oregonlan. MO TAYLOR. 4-room family furnished flat. new carpet, gas range, bath heater; rent low. $27. 7-ROOM furnished house, piano fr.e gar den, to responsible people. 953 Gllsan st Phone Black 674. FURNISHED buugalow for rent for three months on Portland Heights. Phone Mar shall 4423. FOR RENT One furnished and one unfur- ntsbed house on the river, MODERN. Call '.H'O Hoard Trade. COMPLETELY furnished 7 -room house $3 Will lease to responsible parties. Phone Sellwood 1883. PO R TL A NU HEIGHTS. 7-room house, ah-op-togporch, newly furnished, reasonable. A 6-ROOM cottage, with open-air sloping porch roses and lawn. 341 Sherman st .; rent $25. Main 867. MODERN furnished 5-room cottage, also newly furnished 3-room apartment close to B. P shops. WR car. 014 East 21st. LOWER H-room cor. flat, furnished, good piano, walking dls. gtjj K. Salmon. 8-ROOM furnished house. West Side. Nob BUI. Marstal 4041. FL RK3 SHED 6-room houie, modern, for rent reasonable Phone East 3311. WILL exchange beautiful furniture of 7 rooms for board. AC 114. Oregonlan. Summer Resorts. RUMMER RESORTS. Camping sites and furnished tents at Cedar Island Park, 10 miles up the Wil lamette; swimming, boating, fishing, danc ing, etc. Take Oregon City car to Jen nings Lodge, or Oregon City boat right to lBland. Address Orr. Cedar Island Park Jennings Lodge. Fl;Iii.lH,TBNTS FOR RENT ON PAL gn,Ti blX MILSS SOUTH OF ?Ji.VISHOUKLY TRAIN SERVICE: JElRSEY MILK. FRESH EGGS AN D VEGETABLES iP hlGSIBKn t w: t ar OSWEGO. R. F. D. NO- L PHONE FOR RENT for season 9-room house and barn board walk. Seaside, Or., facing ocoan; completely furnished. electric UCnts, fireplace, piano, organ and phone; plumbing up and down stairs. Inquire lull Yeon bldg. Phone M. 803. TILLAMOOK H EACH. $1200 cottage lor $0o. and easy terms new modern, 3 rooms, big llvlng-roora and fireplace, furnished. See photos pax ticulars. Ur. Swain. S16 Dekum bldg.. or 8-ROOM furnished house with bath on ridge at Sea view. Wash; $230. 7-room rumisned cottage, block from ridge. Soavlew. Wash. ; $100. Telephone Tabor 3273. FOR RENT Beach property ; 4 rooms fur nished ; electric lights, city water; located - blocks from beach. Hcrmoea Park, Sea side; rent .510 for season. Phone Main 4694 or Tabor 3193. FOB RENT. 2 comfortably furnished cottasre a.t Seaview. Wash., close to sea; Ave rooms each ; nrepiace, water In kitchen. Tele phone after Wednesday, Main 8530. 8EASIDE Completely furnished cottage modern, good location, ready for occu pancy; $125 season, inquire after 4PM Main 2097. GEAR HART, very desirable 6-room cottage nicely situated, completely furnished' Main 4SSS. 4-ROOM hoi.. 5, Seaside. 1 block from beach to September 1. See pattoc, Hartman t Thompson Bank. HOME, completely furnished, block from board walk; large porches, yard and flow ers. Tabor 173S. FOR RENT 3-room modern cottage at sea 33"S fr eaBO"- Telephone Marshall CHEAPER THAN RENT Six-room bouse, furnished, at Gearhart, $200 down, balance m $100 per year. Woodlawn 689. FOR RENT Modern 0 and ft-room cot tagea overlooking ocean. Marshall 6474. WASHINGTON-ST. store, near 19th, splen didly fitted for delicatessen, fancy gro ceries and liquors; surrounded by hotels and apartments ; very reasonable rent ; SPACE In modern basement, ventilated and well lighted, N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts., suitable for cafeteria, printing shop. etc. Morgan, Fliedner & Boyce, 003 Ablngton bids. ONE-STORY brick building, 100x100, cement floor, no posts, formerly used as garage, 20th st.. 150 feet from Washington st.; will make good stores; lonsr lease. Apply manager Baggage Company, Park & Davis streets. PLUMBERS, tinners, roofers, etc.. atten tion: Shop. cor. 16th and Alder sts., oc cupied by tinners, roofers and plumbers for years, will be for rent June 1 verv choice location rent reasonable. E. J. I'al.--. 222 Failing b!dg. MORRISON ST. store ITQcTo. suitable for any kind of retail business; one of the best locations In this city; low rent: all or part. Apply Greenfield Shoe Co.. $47-245 Mor rlson st. STORE and four rooms above at 131 Firs: sL; this Is a good location, between Alder and Morrison et?. ; will give lease. G. L. Parker. 149 First st. FOR RENT Stores, Nos. 24S and 250 Haw thorne ave.. eaat end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. phone East 2063. GOOD location for plumber, kaisumlner, etc. ; low rent. Main 7157. Knst 4300l STORES. STORES. STORES W. H. WEBB, 401 Teon bldg. Main 4913. FOR RENT Suite of offices In Beck build ing, excellently arranged, outside rooms, splendid light, rent very reasonable. Ap ply 176 Burnslde st., or phone Main 33 or TA 6615. ' FOB RENT. Rooms, Sterns bldg., corner 6th and Morrison sts., suitable for musical or art studios, offices or sample salesrooms. In quire office Sherman. Clay & Co. CONNECTING ofrices. overlooking Morrlron t. for rent in Tilford bldg.. reasonable: terms; ask at elevator any hour. Phone Marshall SIS between 5 and 6. SAMPLE or desk room, suitable for manu facturers agents or brokers. Luqire room 402 Phoenix bldg.. 83 5th. cor. Oak. MOST centrally located office; very reason able; all-night elevator service :i03 Swet lanq Mdg. Fifth and Washington sts. FURNISHED or unfurnished office with use of reception room and both phones An ply 302 Northwest bldg. FINE location for light manufacturing tail or or offices. AS 45. Oregonlan. OFFICES and hsJlsTbesf location, moderate prices. AUsky bldg., od and Morrison. REN T Desk, both phones, stenogra- phcr. tQ$ Selling bldg. D"SK room with telephone u ee. $8.60. Mr. . Mammon bidg. Warehouse. CHEAP warehouse room for rent" on S P. tracks. 1st and E. Morrison. B 2748 gggjWttg OPPORTLNITIES. Planing mill of Morgan-Stansble Co., bankrupts, for sale by undersigned trustee. Including two lots in Eugene, building, machinery, complete apparatus and tools i- PlanmS mill. Appraised valuation $4ubO. write L. M. Travis. Eugene, or., or Central Door & Lumber Co., Port land, Or. POOL HALL, one of the best, centrally lo catod; cotvt $3500 to furnish; price $1700; $o00 will handle. Cafeteria. doing good business. too for Pent owner; good location; $1200; $850 will handle. Printing business, established S years, whole or half interest. Manufacturers agency, well established, 550. 301 Henry bldg. A REAL SNAP FOR SOME GOOD MEN. Wanted, men of ability with some means Il:Vt lu U Rood paying proposition, which will double the money front year to year. Farmers and stockmen pre ferred. Call or write F. R Hagenback. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. 45 Y Eastern Mfg. Co., party that can Invest 51000 or more to take entire charge of of fice at Seaiti and Spokane for distribution of their goods; position will pay more than $i000 per yea ; a good opening for a live man or woman. Bleckner or Hughes. Pal aco Hotel. 12th and Washington. HOTEL AND LIVERY BARN In new town on Willamette Pacific Ry. for eale on easy terms. Ralle are nearing the town, which will be terminal for some months. Keep your eye on Portola. W. W. A lthee. Sales Agent, 623 Willamette st.. Eugene, Or. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity offered young man with business ability to connect him self with rapidly growing manufactur ing plant In Portland. Investment of $2500 to $5OO0 required. Give full advice as to past experience, references, etc.. In writ ing. A 121. Oregorlan. CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY. Located on Cth st. ; soda fountain; cash register; rent only $35; doing from $15 to $-0 a day now; price only $250 for every thing complete. You can make this during the Rose Festival week. (C278). Call room CIS Yeon bldg. RESTAURANT, lunch counter, confectlori ry. tobaccos and small ilno groceries; fino location, doing good business; can be handled by man and wife; no competition in this location. $600 will handle this; If you mean business, look Into this. bO Union ave. N. PICTURE SHOW. Seats 200, now piano, rent oniv $30; no competition within one mile; established over two years; $400 cash will handle, bal ance can be mado out of the business or Will consider real estate. (C228). Call room 618. Yeon bldg. GROCERY. Doing over $50 a day business, well equipped; horso snd wagon; rent only $30, including 4 living rooms; will sell at In voice and take $600 cash and balance in property. (C277. Call room 618, Yeon bldg. MOVING PICTURES Owner shows In small towns and he wants a partner he can de pend on to help him; experience not nec essary and only $200 required. He will guarantee you $5 day and expenses. 319 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. OPPORTUNITY for man with experience and ability to Invest $10,000 to $15,000 in operating manufacturing plant, the only one of Its kind in Northwest; wide field with unlimited possibilities for develop ment R 106, Oregonlan. ONE-4STORY brick building. 100x100, ce ment floor, no po6ts. formerlv used as garage, 20th St.. 150 feet from Washington st. ; will nxako good stores; long lease. Apply manager Bagpage Company. Park and Davis sts. RESTAURANT Owner wants a reliable partner to be cashlor. etc. Will guaran tee good pay; very little money Is r3. quired. Call 319 Lumber Exchange. 2d Hiid Stark. BARBER shop for sale, a bargain; long lease; cheap rent; old established place, working 6 chairs, with good steady trade at 265 Morrison st. Owner is leaving for South. BUTTER, eggs and light groceries in A-l location, doing business of $40 dally; $270 will handle, as party is going into other business at once. This Is a bargain 323 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY for sale es tablished business; large American com pany ; high -class business and good vol ume; other interests demand my attention. AK 112. Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY, cigar store, with living-room, on Washington st., cheap rent $S50. IOWA REALTY CO.. C20 Chamber of Commerce. Marshal 604. EMPLOYMENT office, old established, wants an Interested partner to handle the cash and keep the accounts; will pay you $2o0 month. 323 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. DOCTOR'S OFFICE. Fully equipped; J large rooms; furniture and fixtures cost over $600; some practice' will sacrifice all for $300. Call room 618, Yeon bldg. WILL build three-story warehouse and base ment 50x100 to suit tenant, 5-year lease. East Side., on railroad track; rent reasou able. Apply E. C. Mears. 819 Yeon bldg. $250 AND services, $20 week guarantee. Owner wants active partner In safe, prof itable business Particulars 248 9ft Stark street. ADVERTISING or specialty salesman can secure a business controlling good ac counts for small Investment. Owner 6o7 Couch bldg. PARTNER for old business exchange of fice to attend to phones, etc.. paying $4o week for each partner ; $300 required. 304 Lumber Exchange. YOUNG man, willing to show property can get opening as partner in profitable office business; $250 required. Particulars 248 H Stark st. CASH BUSINESS Chance for steady. sober man; pay you $4 day; duties easily learned and very little money is required. 319 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. CIGA-R and confectionery, located on 37th and Belmont, soda fountain, rent $23. re ceipts $10 to $16 dally; buy this and make money this Summer. Tabor 4721. LOOK Clsax. tobacco, candy, soft drinks, at Invoice; rent $9; average $13; transfer point. Investigate this. 75 Alblna ave POOLROOM, confectionery, fixtures; Invoice $750; well stocked; owner boycotted, must sell; price STOP, terms. H Ob. Oregonlan. POOLROOM. 3 tables, $25 rent: cleared $150O last year, will clear $1800 this yeari price $75Q. 30S Lumber Exchange. I HAVE a market to sell; good location; your own price at your own terms. Frank L Smith, 223 Alder. f0 LEASE at Gearhart "By-the-aea." fowling alley and poolroom ; reasonable rent. Call 100H Fourth St. ASSIGNEE Sale, corner cash grocery, low rent, living rooms; must be sold qul"k 311 4 l"h st. North. A RESTAURANT, complete for $05; gcTd business. Must leave city at once. 20o E. 2Sah N. A CLOSE-IN greenhouse establishment with 5-room dwelling for rent $16.50 per month. L 119. Oregonlan. $250 BUYS good paying restaurant, chea rent: snap. Phone Tabor 22. RESTAURANT for sale, seats 54, two dining-rooms, good location, 3 years' lease. 213 4th st. CI GAR. candy store, wl th soda fountain cheap; unable to attend It. 1Q4 6th it N. SALOON in town of 50OO; 4 places !im1ttd- $27 50. Phone Columbia 323. LU MBER-Y ARD for sale, good location and business. Phone Marshall 717. RESTAUBAifT, doing good business, reason, sickness; cheap. 765 Thurnoan st. Owner. POOL HAVLL good fixtures. 6 tables, from owner; easy terms, mono labor 3120. PAYING grocery and confectionery with CLEANING and pressing shop, established, price $200: reason for selling. IS 12th st. GROCERY store, doing fine business; Invoice or 1 mnp. Snap. Woodlawn 3077. BARBER shop. 2 chairs. $2-5 . good furni ure; no opposition. 46th and Belmont. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC., 1V1-4VZ-4U ILCOX BLDG., COR. 6T H AND W A S H I N G TO N STS. GENERAL MDSE., $7300; price includes buildings and stock. Business 75 per cent cash; Interior town; fine paying business. Investigate. Good kind Co. ' GARAGE. $t0O. Have 4a cars, live and dead storage, fine gasoline business; also good repair business; cleared $178 last month nut. Good brick building. West Side, central location. Good kind Co. GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN, $1SOO; will Invoice more; receipts $50 to $75 per day, cash business; 4 fine living rooms and bath ; West Side location ; apartment-house district; owner too old to handle cause of sale. Goodklnd Co. POOL AND BILLIARDS, $5u00 buys interest in one of the best places In Port land; U tables, good cigar stand in con nection; West Side, central location; re ceipts $25 to $4u per day; will invoice the P rice asked. Goodklnd Co. BJBST A U R A N T . $1150; receipts $60 per day; clears $7 to $10 per day: located right in the center of cltv ; good, clean, up-to-dato place. Goodktnd Co. GROCERY AND C f I N FBCTION ERT, $1300; rent, $30. Includes living-rooms, dandy location: receipts $SO per day. all cash trade. Goodklnd Co. MULTIGRAPHING CO., $3C0; huefness nets $300 per month, machinery and stock v ery best . good established trade . this Is a fine buy at UUa figure. Goodklnd t'u. General mdse.. $hmK. will sell at in voice; good country town: buMnesa 1912 was $2e.000; only about 20 per cent of sales credit; good brick bldg.; small com petition; this Is one of the best stores in Oregon; no trades. Goodkind Co. CONFECTIONERY. $S30; rent $30; fine big living-room; receipts $16 to $25 per day; nice fixtures. Buy this and make some money this Summer. Goodklnd Co. CAFETERIA. $12iH; West Side, down town location; receipts $40 to $60 per day; 3 good living-rooms; no competition; clean a a pin. Goodkind Co. BAKERY. $950. Receipts $30 per da v. Horse and wagon for delivery : has 5 fine living-rooms In connection. Owner called hack to Europe at once. Portland has nothing better to otter. Goodklnd Co. RESTAURANT, $600: receipts, $40 per nay; cheap rent and light running ex penses; West Side, good established trade. Goodklnd Co. BARBER SHOP. $1550: West Side, ten tral location, chairs, one of the beet shopa In city, patronised by the very best trad, making big money on the lnvest ment. Investigation Invited. Goodklnd Co. NEWS COMPANY, $8000. WcTt BSdSL central, handle news, sporting goods, stationery, cigars ard confectioneries, re ceipts $1500 to $20oO per month; old established, never before dffered for sale; best of reasons for iolling. Goodkind Co. . JM,KAT MARKET. CT00; rent $20: fine brick building, thiw place cost $ 120O to fix up; located East 8so good high-class dis trict; sale?i run from f83 to $90 per da ; accounts the very best, old-established and open for Investigation. Goodkind Co. WE HAVE -SOLD OTHER PLACES. WHY NOT YOURS? SEE MR. THOMPSON. 401-402-40:; WILCOX BLDG. WE want a live, wide-awake man who is acquainted in the city and is willing to invest $2500 in an old-established und reliable firm. To such a man we will sell an Interest in our business, which shows a net profit of $600 a month for the past 2 years. The last 5 "months shows a net profit of $850 a month. This is a. strictly bona fide proposition and ia opened to thorough Investigation. P 75 Ore goniau RESTAURANT. Located in heart of West Side district; low rent with good lease; extra well equipped: doing over $40 a day business; rent is paid for this month; price for everything only $950 and will make very easy terms; you can make big money here next week, o get busy. Further par ticulaia. room 61 S Yeon bldg. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL with high-grade expert teachers. Complete $10,000 equip ment to train for this coming vocation. Not run to make money, but for the good of men. See or write Supt. of the All .the Year Round Y. M. C. A. Day and Night Schools, corner 6th and Taylor sts. bakery! If you are a baker and want a bakery. Igt me show you one that is doing from $"5 to $90 a day business; best equip ment, including auto delivery wagon. Call room 618 Yeon bldg.; will consider some ' rHdc or make very easy terms. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP Wanted a machinist or blacksmith to take up 50 per cent of stock In corpora tion. $4000; $3O0O required to handle this; dolns good business; in one of the best Coast cities; own plant and property. In qui re M r. Mtsh, Portland Machinery Co CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter ests in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE. Secretary, SIS. Chamber of Commerce. COLLECTING agency, established five years want interested partner to do office work mostly autd handle the caussl from eolleV t ions; references required. - S23 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. $250 LUNCH ROOM A dandy little place, suitable for man and wife; good locality, trade unlimited; rent $30. paid June 3. Sickness compels me to sacrifice it. Ad- u rcss r . noiitem ps, 228 X 2d st ONLY boarding-house near saw mills "6 rooms, furnished, 3-year lease, only $30 a month rent : swell place for two peoplo; sacrifice on account of other business Gage. 224 Salmon st. Marshall 3491. WANTED Partner to" handle out-of-town business. $500 required. Business is es tablished ; man ruptured preferred. Ad dres B 08. Oregonlan. PAYING grocery business, doln $S0O week ly business, all cash, no delivery right man can buy half interest. Particulars 248 Is Stark st. CONFECTIONERY, ice crenm, cigars, etc" 4 nice living-rooms, clearing $23 week guaranteed; only $650. Owner going to California. 303 Lumber Exchange. WIT AT have you to trade for a harness business valued at $450 7 Discount for cash AV 51, Oregonlan. BUSINESS, established five years, clearing $300 per month, sacrifice on account of sickness. 55 Union a v e. CIGARS. confectionery, light groceries; must sell this week; snap. 54S Wash ington sC LUNCHES, light grocery and confectioner? store, with living-room, only $600 re- quired; a bargain. Call 248 Vfc Stark st. BARBER shop for sale. 3 chairs. Esmond Hotel. Front and Morrison at FOR SALE A good hand laundry with a 'team dryer. Inquire 737 Savler st. ROOMING - IIOC53S. SPECIAL NOTICE. TWO EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN A HOTEL AND APARTMENT-HOUSE IF TOO HAVE $50OO CASH. . WE WILL SHOW YOU SOMETHING UNHEARD OF IN THIS LINE OF BUSINESS. INVES TIGATE FOR THESE PLACES ARE GILT-EDGE AND MUST BE TAKEN UP AT ONCE. R. H. GOODKIND CO. INC.. ' 401-2-3 Wilcox Bldg. 26-ROOM HOTEL. ONLY $350. Thlg is a "worklnsTmans hotel." lo cated In a good mill district; rent only $20 & month; good lease; on account of sickness have to sacrifice and win take $150 cash down, balance $20 a month now get busy, you "bargain hunters.'1 room 01 x eon Dzag 12 -ROOM modern rooming-house, furnished, beautiful corner, cheap rent, filled with 'lrBt-clsss men roomers; someone will get a bargain: going away. O 115, Orego nlan. FURNISHED 10-room rooming-house; best location In city; am leaving city; wfl sacrifice: come and investigate It and fot price. Cheap rent. E. Horn, 27 N. Park. 11 ROOMS; 195 Montgomery: most beauti ful part of Portland ; 1 1 swell furnished rooms; this place will be sold this week; come and see owner. 21 ROOMS, elegantly furnished. modern dwelling; will sacriflc; cash, easy terms or trade ; clears over $100 per month net. Owner, 65o Flanders, near 20th. 20 BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms; bar gain; heart of city; good transient trade; am leaving city; some terms. Phone Main 6306. $150 DOWN, balance very easy. 10 big airy outside rooms; clean and always full. Housekeeping. Rent $60. It's a "pickup " 421 East Morrison. $100 CASH DOWN Buys the furniture of an 8-room house ; garden and fruit. Call room 618 Yeon bldg. JUST listed. 50 rooming houses. 10 to 50 rooms: now is the time to get a bargain HIGLEY & BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE. 0 rooms, clears $40 mo.; all H. K.. well furnished ; price $275 $75 cash, bsl. to suit, call 191 4th st. 12 ROOMS, all housekeeping, clears $60. OO above all household expenses; salaried po sition included: $350. 442 Jefferson st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. DEPOT Quartermaster's office, 1086 North Point at.. San Francisco, Cal.. May 31. 1913. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 10 A. M., June 30 1913. for furnishing veterinary and mis cellaneous supplies. Including paints, oils, hardware, lumber, tinware, harness, cord age. Iron, etc., required at this depot dur ing fiscsl year ending June 30, 1914. In formation on application. JNO T KNIGHT. Depot Quartermaster. Proposals invited. THE undersigned will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, consisting principal ly of srocerles. crncke rv nhtci furnisntng goods and dry goods of thei ""eu'J iumion 01 srw-.i-. llaglBI ll si with fixtures of $384. U and two horse, one set of double harness and a deltvery wagon of the invoice value of $350. located at Lincoln, Marlon County, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, June 7, 1913 Term cash sind certified ctieck for 10 per cent must accompany each offer. Right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office on application and property may be inspect ed on the premises. R. L. SAB IN, 7 First street. Dated at Portland. Oregon. May 29. 1913. SEALED proposals will be received at th offtce of the undersigned. 402 Tilford bldg. unul 12 M. Wednesday. June 1$ 1813. for the painting of the Hoffmaii school. Plain, and specifications may be obtained at Me office of F. A. Naramore uperlntendt t of properties, 408 Tilford bldg. A deposit of $5 is required for each set of plans and specifications Certified checks for 10 per cent of the uniuunt of the proposal, payable to It. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. R. II . THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated June 2. It 1.3. SEA LED proposals will ba received at the office of the undersigned, 402 Tilford building, until 12 M.. Wednesday, June IS, 1913. for the Wrecking and Removal of the old Alnsworth School Building. Specifica tions may be obtained at the office of F. A. Naramore, Supt. of Properties. 408 Tilford building. Certified check for $10O, payable to WL H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated June 2, 1918. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned. 402 Tilford building, until 12 M.. Wednesday June IS, 3913. for the Improvement of the Thomp son School Grounds, plans and specifica tions may be obtained at the. office of F. A Naramore. Supt. of Properties. 408 Tilford building. A deposit of $2 Is required for each set of plans and specifications. Certified check for IO per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each prep. .;.!. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated June 2, 1913. LOST AND FOUND. 4.JIE. snowing is a list of articles found on inc cars or the Portland Railway. Light &. Power Company and turned In at tho different division points. Owners may se cure same by applying at barns as indi cated : Ankeny barn. June 3. Phone A 6131 1 book tickets. 1 pkg. towels. B purses, 2 lunch boxes, 1 can turpentine. Piedmont barn. Phono A 6131 1 pair oooks. nanaoags, 1 suit case. 1 basket. 1 hat, 4 mine, articles. Sellwood barn. Phone A 6131 1 hoe. 1 box. 1 wooden pulley. 1 abstract. 1 day book. 1 purse, 1 pair of spectacles. Savler-st. rarhouso. Phone A 6131 1 pin. 1 package dry goods. 1 package of MiuiBf, j ruuuer stamp, 1 mean bat 1 box merchandise. 1 knitted spread. 1 umbrella. LOST From St. David's playground, E. iu;d Morrison, green leather handbag contuinlnc money. bnk muh Keep money and return bag and other con tents to playground or address K 118. Ore- Kuiua n. LOST English bull terrier, white with three brown brlndW spot, ears trimmed; an swer to the name . f Mouto. Liberal re- am 11 rpiurneu to iih tjeclc bldg. PARTY who found small tan purse with purple lining may ke,.n the inonev If thev r. tum purse and keys to office "Renwick TI fE following were found on O.-W, R. & N. train No. 17. one raincoat ; found in main wailing room. Union depot, man's LOST Boston bull, about 3 months old, perfect screw tall, dark spot over one eye; ' gyj tTTTT Q.1 U. Jt& mlX Ml AM UO LOST Monogram med watch fob. Initialed J. R. G. Finder leave at 52 Front or im."ii3 .u. jii. rtewarn. IST Silk waist yesterday afternoon, with opal buttons, on or near Burnslde. Call In iihthjur. pattjier v f u rrer, lj Stark. LOST W'a uii fob at circus Monday nicht. Under please return to 31o Labbee bldg. Suitxble reward. LOST A baby's shoe or slipper on M01 rlson st. Phone Marshall 1450. LARGE brlndle English bulldog, wearing i uni. ! timer pnone .Main &4;;.". Reward, LOST Baby's locket, engraved Phone Tabor 2206- nNANCiAL. $R00 SACRIFICE, ONLY $1200. Second mortgage, property Is worth $3250; first mortgage $1000 draws 8 per cent; party needs money; will stand strict Investigation; Investigate at once. Mar shall 4 200. WE BUILD ON EASY PAYMENT? WH FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY AM BUILD YOUR HOME OR APART MENTS. ETC. TAYLOR BUILDING CO tj M'KAY BLDG.. 3D AND STARK STS BOND Issues, $100,000 upwards negotiated. Railway, Gas. Timber, Water, Mining Mfg Corporations Organized. L. N. Rosenbaum A Co.. 2S1-28S Malght bldg.. Seattle. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. 416 Commercial Club Bldg $2600 OR less to loan at 7 per cent on close in farm and city property; give full par ticulars. c 83, Oregonlan. FIRST and second mortgages and building contracts bought. E. B. Miller, 410 Ab Ingtou bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts mort gages (1st and 2d), equities purchased F. EL LEWIS & CO., 3 Lewis bldg. MONEY to loan on farm and cltv property no delay. Nelson Bros.. S04 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate. LOANS from $1500 to $10,000 on good Port land security. HACKER & THERKELSEN 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7692. $1000 TO LOAN improved city property. $3000 to loan city or farm property. $10,000 to loan Improved city prooertv will divide. Owners only call Main 3441. ON Improved city property or for building purposes, 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav lngs&. Loan Association, 24o Stark st. W' E have money to loan on, your real es tate ; first mortgagee only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 4 23 Chamber of Commerce. SEE US TODAY for loans on improved city property, 4 to 8 per cent, $300 and un CEL1.AKS-MURTON CO., b25 Yeon bldg $o00. $1000 AND upwards on improved real estate. Favorable terms; no delays; no SrnL'wra trf Iihn Vtn In ROT noUl C..a MORTGAGE LOANS on city property lowest rates. A IL Blrrell Co.. 202 McKay bidsr Third and Siark sta. $200,000 TO loan In sums to suit; building loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 315-216 Failing Bldg. LOANS on Improved and unimproved cltv and suburban real estate. mortgages WANT TO BUY MONTHLY PAYMENT second mortgage or sellers' contract. smith-Wagoner Co., 312 Lewis bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved city Drovr; at current rates. Lawyer's Abstract & t ruiii i.o.. room . coara or Trade bldg, MORTGAGE LOANS. AND 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON. 229 STARK ST. WANT Gilt-edge bond or mortgage about iiuvv. iuv, uregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates. L. H MAXWELL. 316 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HARDING, 313 Cb. of Com. STATE FUNDS, U per cent. W. E. Thomas agent Muitnomah County, 4QQ Ch. of Com. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew- alrv U'tn Hii: Q Wo ,:'- t -.. . ." ,1 . $b5.00o OR part to loan, on downtown in come real estate. Main I1C6. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mon gqges. H. Milcy. room 204 Gerllnger bldg. MONEY to loan on good security. V W Torgler. 106 Sherlock bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. Henry C. Prudhorame, S06 Wilcox bldg. $10,080 TO loon at CVs per cent on city security. V 108. Oregonlan. $1.MjO TO LOAN on good real estate in Port 1 and. AE 110. Oregonlan. FROM $100O to SeOOO on Improved acr 6 per cent. A J lift. Oregonian. OUTY and FARM loans, any mmi Henry C. Pmdhomme. 806 Wilcox bldg. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent W H. Selta s Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. SHORT-TERM loans on real or nStlal w sJ --lii-it;. . 2Q7 Oregonlan bldg. MORTGAGE loans on real estate security M. Billings. 609 McKay bldg. Money to Loan Keal Estate. MONEY TO LOAN OWJEMFRpVJSD UEAl, ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSsiS, VERY FLEX 1BLE CONTRACTS. NC CuMMlS.-iu.No. COLUMBIA UleE & iKiSr Cu.. UIO SPALDING BL.DG. FOR. leal estate loans, we have any amourj desired. HARTMAX-THOMrSu.N BANK, MonsRSJ Loan Department. TO bU.V.N. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO V?ArN-r,N rTAT ECX'KITIE AT It IO PER CENT. EDWARD $. MALI 300 gg AMBER OF COMMERCE. 81000 TH 1 tul nun to i i- v- Portland City ao Form Property. Current Rates M ALL & YON BOHSTEI.. 10 4 Second St., near Stark. urns to suit, tit, to b per cent. Speclat options lor re-payment; mortgages bought AM 121, Oregonian. 40NKY to loan in amounts to suit up to CStfJt, current rates of interest, security must b Portland real estate. Call ii Chamber of Commerce. MoNE V TO LU A N. 133,006 OK LJBcfcs " . QUI A.I, .os-l Clumber of Commerce. PRIVATE party has "$10,o0o 10 loan at 3 SS Lnt ". "mproved city property. AO 108, Oregonian. $Mn gttHM AND upwi.rds on improved real broBerasf. John Bum. JU l,n'.. UllK TP. All!. f A. M Kl iu Morality, current tlLH Rm. 10-12 Mu:ke- Ma.. u iri m23 FHn ATI. money lor morl-cae sl ierm. Lulled , 3u6 b.uK- Bcurttyi M.unei 10 Lt-uu cuattc noa BalmrlM. MJDBD mu.nevv ' , 1 " :' "roi urt: inonej tar you on bort notice .ma t rLiionaile rate, on yur fmnuur,-. piano. MKa. star.,,, recv.i or your note. 1 l'UUli.AL LUAN CO. . . 3 Jlatle.y bid. in ana wmo. uvu .. v. if. to S P. M. m aa evenings uutll JS. BUBV co. fiivaw to obtain money on Lumber E. Bldg .JMifc FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. " and others, upeu thear own names; i-nnp - " " 4'- "i.-iita. coniiuenua;. ioiniaw, room Uli Lumucr Exchange A DESIRABLE place tor Indies and sentw Jelr at eastern rates. oiamoua Jal- uasnington. cpp. cm I Drugstore. WK LOA N money ou diamonds and jewelry ut batC th; rates churned by broker. Marx Bjgejj, 71 iiil St. a.M M KDI A T 89 and ct emit lets ; morttrases nfidentlal louuu bousiu. Bauer. salakied psbpla srj dially invited to see bids- ihlng credit Mr. Drak Henry MuNEY loaned on diamonds strictly conildcntiui. l$X)fa i and lowelry ; ia. neaac AMer MONEY sold oii salaried people iustallmuntt ; confidential ; E. A. NeWUML HiMirv Ikldsr. Inau Wanted. RESPONSIBLE party wants Umn of $lt"t( or $1.1H fur one n rcul ,'imi. tcl security arorth iOoou. ar liv. ure- 912S ONE YEAR. 10 pj cent interest; coin- W ANTED $35,000 for 3 yeaiv. $ J0v 000 real estate security. A 110. OrcKoniai.. WANT 00500, East Side. good security, closc- B lt'.. Oregonlan. in on $t.oo ON West Side Jot pay 10 per cent. L 111 worth $'0Ou ; Oreuoman. w $oOOO ur $lo,vou on impro. I'EKS O " AL II AIR Ii AIR HAlft 11A1H $1- 3i-lnch switches $4.13 $t L'b-lnch switches l si Kalrdressiug .j J'''ro massago - ."..".".. Sliampoo " - Manicure, si'-:, o for a8 1- 'scalp treatments i.uO Superfluous liair removed by electric netdie; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair In any shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary Parlors 40y-13- Dekum bids-. d and Washington NORTH WESTERN HEALTH INSTITUTE Simple Miik Diet Cor thoss suffering from stomach and al I chronic aU men 1 3 of the digestive organs that make lite miserable, writs to our institute today and hear from a nurse how you can maku yourself well by taking the milk diet In tho only right way. It will cost you nothing to write us at 504 Miller avenue City. LADIES V'ou can make your skin naturally beautiful by using Dream of Youth, a se cret formula of a tamo us French beaut y and skin specialist. It Is not a roue Off a "cover-up" process; It gives honest youthful beauty. Guaranteed to give you satisfaction or your money back. Address Thu Heldfond Drug Co.. 222 Morrbjon st., Portland. price, yi. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumpago, etc., massage and baths. 226 1:1th. st., between Main and Salmon. Marshall open Sundays. SCIENTIFIC electro-magnetic treatments for all nervous diseases, paralysis, UaatS and sLomach troubles, rheumatism, flstuli,; nervous headache cured in a few minutes; ouu free treatment ; consultation fie . Buchanan bldg., 2S6Ma Washington st. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE He isingfors graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach aliments udqt phystclam's direc tions; baths, massage. No- 7 East llth st., second door south from East Ankeny ear line. Phone East 260, B ISO. FEBVBffc HANEBUTi leading wig and toupe-makers ; fltsssl stock, of human hair goods; switches troni 90c up: halrdresslng, manicuring, face and sealp treatments; combings made up to order. 11? Tth. near Morrison. M a 1 1 EIGHT years of unsurpassed success in treating sick men and women of Portland. 1 use radium, light, heat, every known eleetrieal treatment, baths, massage, manipulations and adjustments. Dr. W. L. Mallory, naturopath, 312 Rothchild bldg. ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of Ch;s. Rattray, formerly of Moberly. Missouri, will coufer a. favor by addressing J. EL Hollister, caro Albers Bros. Milling Co city- MRS. S. C. MORRISON, steam baths and musseurlug parlors, &3S Madison St.. will be closed till June 10 on account of ness. DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothea cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired; $1.00 month; prompt calls ana deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 3Uu Stark. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed without pa:n or irritation. Bush mark Hotel, 17th and Washington sts., room 25. Li -Den Crema Co. Mrs-Stevens, 18 yrs. Portland's leading palm ist, has her late book, "Falmetry Madt Easy," on sale. 557 Vi Williams ave.. cor Knott. Office hours. 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. BEAUTY culture taught by an expert: pri vate instructions evenings. &04 Swetland bldg. BOSTON graduate nurse, sanltsriuno treat - ments. medical gymnastics. 387 Yamhill hi nit 1.11.' room 7 MANICURING, facial and scalp treatments for ladies und gentlemen; open evenings ana feunnay. jui aweuana oiag. WANTED A few more ladies to take scaip treatments at their own home. Phone A 1W7. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spiritual scientist ; daily; office AUsky bld. Main i8'J4. Meetings Wednesday. p. feat. Dr. Olfcta Nechyba. chiropractor, steam baths, hypereme, all ailments treated. Open Sun days Northwest bldg. Main U79U. LORENZ Nerve Tablets restore lost vitality. 25c per box, tf boxes $1.20. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. 289 M orrlson st. HOME FOR IN V ALIDS, nervous and aged people, fine location ; beautiful view. Ml as Tower, Mi- Tabor. Tabor :;."',. "DIVORCES. $50 $1 down, $1 week. Free advice. Wood. 439 Chamber of Commerce. Spl RrTUALm ed 1 u m. Rev. M ay Price. Read -lngs, healings dally. Circles Tues. 2. Wed. and Sun. s. 304 Montgomery. Main 727. MRS. S. C. MOR R ISON Steam baths and massage for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. r83 Madison. A 4470.Marshall 39G8. MADE OF YOUR COMBINOS. Switches. 95c: curls and puffs, 75c; San itary Beauty Parlor;, 4QO Dekum bldg. EASTERN trained operator gives massage 135 6th St.. room MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 FUedner bldg. Main 347C. MRS. DR. WRENN, spiritual adviser; rea-i-tngb dally. 34 N. ICth. Mar. 4230. A Tttl V BALM OF FIGS. Compound Roval ToTc Tablets. 506 Davis st. Phone Main 0215. MANICURING, face and scalp treatment, shampoo. 401 Northwest bid., formerlv 3p. MiSS STCH'K- moved to 234 Union sts. : mental scientist, treatments. Albsria car. ::24 GOODNOUGH BLDG., Sth St., opp. P. O. Treatments, rheumatism, lumbago, seals. rn 108.0