THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY. JUNE 5, -1913. 17 AMTSEMKMS. T-I P" 1 1 I "I THEATER i llL.tO nth and MorrUon Phones: Main 1, A 1122. 3 TONIGHT MATINEE BATCRDAY CHARLES FROHMAN PRESENTS NAZI MO VA In the Sensational Success "BELLA DONNA Adapted from the Famous Novel by Robert Hichens. by James Bernard Fagan. Prices Both Evening and Sat. Matinee: fl.uo. J1.50. $l.O0, 75c, 50c SEATS NOW SELLING SEAT SALE TOMORROW ROSE FESTIVAL ATTRACTION 6 MON., JUNE 9 SPECIAL. PRICE MAT. WED. AND SAT. David Belasco presents FRANCES STARR In her greatest triumph, "The Case of Becky" Evenings: Lower floor, $2, $l.f0. Balcony, $1, 75c, 50c. Both matinees, $1.50, $1, TOe, 50c. MAIL. ORDERS RECEIVED BAKER THEATER Main 2, A S360 Geo. 1 baker.Sdgr. The popular Bnker Mayers. Tonight. All vee-k. Mats. "Wed. and Sat. Eugene Walter's superb drama of the Canadian woods. "THE WOLF Fascinating, wlerd and Intensely interesting. By the author of "Fine Feathers," "The Easiest Way," Pafd in Full,' and other famous successes. Evening prices. 25c, 35c. 60c. All matinees 25c. Next week Henri Hall in "The Alan From Home." MATINEE DAILY. Mala 6. A 103ft. "A PERSIAN HARDEN." Bond and Benton. Joe tlacUsoD. Liuin London. Tturnhain and Irwin. Moutambo and WellH. KDIbON TALKING PICTURES. Any Matinee Seat 13 Cent. ' I WHERE M EVKKV- JIMMY BR1TT 9 PI ANO BCVN U FOUR OTHER BIG FEATCRES COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN Armstrong' Baby Dolls tn A Scotch High ball. " Cant of 20, Inducting Miss Ethel Davis and Will and Ed Armstrong. Beaumont am Arnold. .Mukamnko Duo, Frlscary, Jewel nd Jordou, Mis. Kutb Chandler. Pantage teope. Popular prices. Matinee dally. Boxes and first row balcony reserved. Box office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Phones A 2236, Main 4636. Curtain 2:30, 7:15, 9:10. WKKK JUNE 2 50 Hitch-Class .u-tlstn, the Portland Ladles' Band, 50 select nolo 1st s. Tbe largest added attraction ever appearing in Portland. New Comic Opera Company in "WISHLAND" Nights. 15c. 25o. Matinee, ny seat, I5e. THE OAKS Portland's Great Amusement Park. FREE ENTEUTAINMEST Thla Afternoon and Tonight at 2:30 and S. Vltale, Wonderii Boy Leader. Oaks Hanalinnji. Ines de 1'nmlllo, Prima Donna. Flaher Matdem,, Lainty Soubrettes Lyndon and Wrenn, Comedians. LavallH. Rlnir Novelty. TOXltHT and Saturday and Sunday After noons, ROYAL ITALIAN BAXD. Cars at First and Alder. Launches Morrison Bridge. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor. VauKbn and Twenty-fourth Sts. OAKLAND PORTLAND JI XE 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. (amea BeKin Weekday, at 3:15 P. M. Sundaya, 2t3l P. M. e LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. SEW TODAY. BEAVERDAM 90-ACHE FARM SO ACRES GEM'IXK BEAVERDAM s Mile from Portland Courthouse -'00 PER ACRE ON EASY TERMS. SO acres of genuine beaver uam soil on this fine ranch produced $12,000 worth of on ions last year or $400 worth to the acre. Place is ready for plow except 4 acres in tim ber: no waste land: all the year round stream; lies on a. Kood county road, within i mile of electric line and U mile of finest macadam road " in the state: good 5-room louse: place all fenced and cross-fenced with wire: 1 acre family orchard, all varieties of Iiutt and well cared for. The land above the beaver osm jtrows the finest clover. 1 hts would make a great in come producer for a dairyman, being so close to a retail mar ket, you could lease the bea verdara land If you did not care to work it. Only $U00 an acre on excep tionally easy terms. It will pay for itself in two years. DORR E. KEASEY & CO. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. Tillamook Dairy Ranch MO ACRES, 12 FIXE DAIRY COWS, O.M.Y 70. AS ACRE. One of the best dairy ranches in tiie best dairy countv In the northwest Tillamook where you have grain feed the year round. Every cow in the county made better than $100 for her owner last year. 160 acres, some fine bottom land; SO acres tn cultivation and nearly all in pasture; 12 miles from Tillamook City, on mnin county road: school, post office and cheese factory on land adjoining the place; all fenced and cross-fenced. The buildings are new; a fine large house, dairy barn and outbuildings; 12 fine dairy cows and 2 heifers included. The owner is no rancher. Very little cash will handle it, or he will take Portland prop erty which has the value. DORR E. KEASEY & CO. SU Floor Chamber of (ommrrrr. MORTGAGE LOANS. Money to loan on good real estate se turity at reasonable rates. lieorKe P. Dekum. 228 Henry Bid. ITS- 1 iui?nu NEW TODAY. 160 -Acre Improved Farm $50 an Acre Will Trade STOCKED 4D FULLY EQUIPPED, READY TO MOVE IPOS. This fine 160 acre ranch Is in the rich Molalla. Valley, where the soil is deep and mellow; 15 acres in crop, 100 acres can be easily cleared; springs and run ning stream. This is all till able land not a foot of waste. In this deal we will include the crops of three adjoining places under lease to Nov. 1. 1913, lease fully paid up. Crops consist of 50 acres oats, 3 acres potatoes and abundance of fruit. On phone, milk and mail routes. Following stock and imple ments go: 4 mares, one 2 year, one 4-year, one 5-year, pne 9-year with suckling colt, last three well broke-y; 2 cows, 160 hens, 10 stands ot bees and supplies, 1 new binder and mower, hay rake, drill. 2 plows, harrow, hay fork, cultivator, potato digger, cream separator, spray pump fanning mill, wagon, hack, harnesses, small tools, etc. Adjoining land re cently sold for $100 an acre. Owner forced to sell at once. Can give immediate possession. Terms, J2500 in trade, $1750 cash, balance $3750, 4 years. 6 per cent. DORR E. KEASEY & CO. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. High Water Does not reach Third and Jefferson Sts. "Which is a good thing to consid er when you are buying down town business property. CORNER 100x100 FEET Price $60,000 This property would be an ex cellent investment at the price, even without the added advan tage of the new Southern Pacific franchise on Jefferson St., which makes this corner an interurban transfer point, and the . location of the Auditorium in the immedi ate 'vicinity. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. . 404 Wilcox Bldg. Beautiful Piedmont BUNGALOW For Sale Price $10,000 This Is a genuine bungalow no Imi tation. One of the finest in the Korth west. Located in the most exclusive part of this high-class district, on a 100x100 foot corner lot. Hard-surfaced streets. Only 150 feet from the best of car service. Every modern device to home build ing can be found here, such as hot water heat, shower, etc. Beautiful lawn, with magnificent shade trees. Great assortmpnt nf shrubbery, etc. Cobblestone fencing-. Impossible to describe the conveni ences and attractions of a house such as this in an advertisement. Only by seeing can you appreciate the advan tages of this property. Will interest anyone looking- for a home of this nature. 404-5 Lewis Bids. Money to Lend In any amount, $200 to $50,000, cheap est rates. $50,000 In one sum or can divide it. Some money for building: purposes. GEORGE H. THOMAS, S.6T Onk St., Room 2. A.nawortb Bldg. Edward E. Goudey Lewis Building. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 per cent on oest business properties, tt par cent and 7 per cent on other close-in biul Ces and residence securities. A SNAP LADD'S ADDITION Lot on Ladd avenue, near Hawthorns avenue, with easterly face. Terms to suit. Address or apply to OWXER SOI OKEGOXIAM BtlLDI.VG. Mortgage Loans If you have A-l Keal Estate security we can loan you any amount at lowest rates. C ALLAN & KASER 722-24 Yeoa BIdic. Mortgage Loans Improved Property Only. Commerce Safe Dep. & Mortgage Co. Ol Third St.. Cham, of Com. Bide. CITY & FARM LOANS (1000 end up at lowest rates C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1410. MarshaU 92. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CRONAN BOS Spalding Hi die. I'.rtl.nd. Or, PRIVATE MONEY To Loan on Portland Realty Current Rates Q,ulcln Action. tEELEV Jfc CO., 3U1 Board of Trade MORTGAGE LOANS Our Ooa Sloia at Current Rates. WESTERN BOND MORTGAGE CO. Commercial Club Bldj?.. Portland. Or. FARM LOANS ONLY We loan our money at 74 and 8. We charge no commission DEVFKEAI X MORTGAGE t OMPANV. 1007 pitldinc: Bid.. Portland. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT FAKK Portland's Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Large. Permanent. Modern. Both phones BIAL ESTATE DEALERS. Becli. TVHliam G-. 315-316 Failing- bids. BRLBAKER, C. L. 4 CO.. loi, ai7 Rail way Exchange bldg. Main 649 Chapin & Henovr, 33a Chamber of Commerce JennlngB A Co.. Main lbfi. 206 Oregonian. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P.. 404-405-44)8 Wilcox bids. THE Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. at Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition.) REAL ESTATE CHOICE BUILDING LOT3 ON WEST SIDE. Glenelyn Addition, restricted district. In side 3-mile circle; commands an unob structed view of Tualatin Valley and Mount Hood; walks, graded streets and Bull Run water in and included in price; Fourth-street line runs In front of prop erty, the electrification of which U now in process. Prices range from $3S0 up. Se lect your lot and we wiil build to suit you tor amall cash payment down PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, OWNERS, i-econd Floor Selling Building. BEAVTITUZ. VIEW PROPERTY on West Side, overlooking the entire city and mountains; 7 rooms, all modern; will eli for $500 cash and easy monthly pay ments. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Building. 1RVI.NGTON SPECUL-ATION. J2000 11000 cash, balance 3 years, 100x100, corner, on Broadway car, in Irvinglon proper; east lacing, up to grade, a fine homes-te; buyer to assume street liens SHOO: no other corner Irvtngton proper under S3000 hence Slooo profit now. besides the In crease In value. There Is only one such corner. R. T. STREET, 229 Henry bldg.. The Irvington Real Estate Man. , A DANDY VIEW LOT. 00x100. excellent view of snow-capped mountains. In splendid district; high and sightly; Bull Run water, close to car, no interest and taxea for two years. Price 300 ag low a sIGO down, balance easy. Call for C. G. Reagan. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. Second 1-Moor. Selling Building. LAURELHURST. We specialise on this beautiful prop erty, we handle no other, we handle the best that is for sale, we know Laurel hurst and can save you money; Laurel hurst Is Just what you want. You can always find us at the tract of fice. 39th said East Glisan sts BELAKUXTY & CLEMENTS ui-i-r! tusisfl rli-;i.rt I'm In trouble and must sacrifice my ibuslnees corner. N. W. corner 29th and Alberta street, 100x80, ripe for stores and flats. If sold this weeu will let it go for $2600 or will divide. Phone owner. Last 5465. Terms. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. " If you want to buy on Portland Heights, see me. I have about 80 per cent of the property for sale up here in my hands and have not one dissatisfied customer. I V W U IV 1'.. Elm and 22d s'.s. Marshall 4S27. A 2S30. AT BIG sacrifice, choice lot on 52d st near Alameda drive. Rose city Park; must ..... , fuuin; j. --a LAURELHURST equities in view lots at LO,Tf ,n5ar CBr- 375; 5 monthly. Owner, 7-n Chamber of Commerce. Main 1106. IRVINGTON LOTiV IRVINGTON LOTS OUR SFEC'rSLTY. KSUHAUSEX CO. MAIN 8078. For Sale Houses. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT J20O CASH . 6-room moder- u..Balow, double constructed itiroughout on a big cor ner lot, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; extra larjro living room. This Is a typical caltifornla bungalow and Is different from anything you have ever seen. Price 43UO0. only 200 cash, balance $25 a month including interest. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR 7-room house, new, overlooking civr. all modern and complete- very Ifirse, living-room with fireplace dining-room with built-in buffet and Dutch kitchen; 4 large bedrooms and bath upstairs, hardwood floors fixtures, furnace, full cement base ment wash try. lot 50x100 ; 5 full bearing fruit trees; $3000; very easy tornii Call Main itrtii. A 1068 O. H. KLEINSORGE CO.. 418 Board of Trade. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. FOR SALE $2300. Thoroughly well-built new modern B . room home, beautifully finished woodwork and tinting. Convenient, light rooms, elec tricity, gas. view lot, 50x100. one block to car. Will accept 25o cash. bal. $25 month, including Interest. Must sell Owner. Marshall 2746. .WEST SIDE SACRIFICE .-uusi sacrifice my new eight-room modern home. It is heated with hot wa ter, has Inclosed sleeping porch and ga rage. On carline. Will make very easy terms. Me me at 1221 East Glisan lor full particulars. G. M. Anderson. PIEDMONT HOME, $5000. 7-room, new and modern hmt.o nn ney ave.. In a district of fine homes; nice a-vi. fc-aiB. iHca east, paved street. - x.imiuiaiw Sale, UUt. H. P. PALliEHjnvFS r-r 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones M. 8099.' A 2653. WILL take a good first or second mortgage or clear property for my equity In a mod ern 9-room house on the West Side. NTo better view In the city. See me for fnll ?? 5?.ir J.Ilono me for appointment. ... .... . . omn j.. j apor 3451 WE BUILD ON EASY PAFMP-T WE FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY AND BUILD YOUR HOME OR APART MENTS. ETC. TAYLOR BUILDING CO 506 M KAY BLDG.. 3D AND STARK STi IF YOU want a modern, new California bungalow, J minutes out. West Side, and can make a. good cash payment, we will give you the bargain of your life; simply BEAUTIFUL, residence. 7 ronm n.. . tic. full basement, largo porch, all conven iences, large garage, very low price small first payment tmd easy terms. Own.r 32D AND TILLAMOOK. " The best 7-room house In thw new and cost me $5'00; must sell- make me an offer; easy terms. For further ln- .mumiiw, van y. .-J,Q, .f.aPt $150 CASH and easy terms on balance takes ...v,.. huun on lull-sized lot: price $2290; if you want a modet-prlced home don t pass this by. See owner, 730 I AM goinr to sell mv new rt. TH. K. for $1200 less than you could buy the 2 lota and build the house: mv Drlca tm m -oo at once. PORTLAND HEIGHTS KlLVnunnr 1 Cosy, modern, fireplace; 689 Ravensview j-Tivo. i.u. verms; lot worth $3000. Marsnau iszi. BROOKE. a 3839. LEAVING CITY. MUST Srnrvn-v My elegant 7-room $7000 Laurelhurst home will be sold below cost this week; " ".'e'j. fimiiB xaoor ZHo3. $1000 SACRIFICE SALE. Must sell my $7500 home by June 12 8 rooms, strictly modern, best part Laurel. hiiT-t addition. Tabor 4472. MAGNIFICENT HOME. 7R9 Halsey at ; 9 rooms, 2 fully equipped throoms, 3 toilets; finish oak and mahog iy: garage. East 273. w. H. Herdmann. bat an on oAbb txciusive home in IrvingtonT eight rooms, modern In every respect- g rage and only one block from car - 'bar. gain lor quick sale. East 764. $100 CASH, balance easy; West Side walk mg. to-room modern house. Price $1550-. H1GLEY BISHOP, 201 Hamilton hldg. $4000 UP-TO-DATE 6-room furnished bun" galow; bargain. Jacks, owner, 1S03 Bel mom et. WOODI.AWN Lot 50x100, 5-room hJmse" perries, iruil ana roses; close to car. 1481 MODfcH.N o-room bungalow, lot 50x100. and garage, for $loM; $:;oo down and $15 a month. Phone Tabor 474 A BARGAIN "Desirable 6-room modern nouee, clone m , o-.uo; S'JuO down, small mommy pajmniiia. VJWner. J 209J- MT. TABOR home. 5-room cottage, law a, v i! . i . i: mm it. 1K i.nlx i u.n oLaXUALOW, new. a rooms, full lot, bargain. $37 E. lltfa N. Home C.1.115J, 5-ROOM bungalow, built in conveniences naiep scrren?, range, all connected. iJv n"u i" u.a. uuaiown lUO. IRVINGTON SNAP Positively cheapest lot IRVINGTON HOUSES OUR ' SPECIALTY. XErHAUSEN A CO. Main SOTS. R. T. STREET, IRVINGTON HOME4 REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW FOR SALE PRICE $10,000. This is a genuine bungalow no Imita tion. One of the finest in tne Is'orthwesu Located In the most exclusive part of this high-class district, on a lOOxlUO-foot corner lot. Hard -surf aced streets. Only loO feet from the best of car service. Every modern device to home-building can be found here, such as hot waur heat, shower, etc Beautiful lawn with magnificent shade trees. Great assortment of shrubbery, etc Cobblestone fencing. Impossible to describe the conveniences and attractions of a house such as this in an advertisement. Only by seeing can you appreciate the advantages of this property. Will Interest anyone looking lop a home of this nature K. E. TAYLOR CO., 404-5 Lewis 31dg. H ATVTH ORN B JCVEJ. 6-room bungalow, all modern and in a fine neighborhood, 1 block from Hawthorne-ave. car, facing east; large living-room with fire place, den, with closet and full length mirror door; living-room with French paneled doors and large built-iu bufft, hardwood floors, 'J large, airy bedrooms; can make 3 bedrooms upstairs; dandy Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, lot 50x1 OO, for only $3iXH: very easy terms. Call Main OOtJ, A. 1068. O. H. KLEINSORGE CO., 418 Board of Trade. BUNGALOW IX HAWTHORNE FOR'$1900 4-room modern bungalow In a fine residence district, has all the modern conveniences, electric fix tures, shades, full cement basement with cement floor, Dutch kitchen; an rooms are large, bright and airy. It s a fine home and 10i will han dle It. Balance a month, which Includes Interest. DORR E. KEASEY CO., 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce ,uldg. IRVINGTON SNAP. S-room home, cast front; all modern conveniences; two ftreplacF. hardwood floors. YOUR, OWN TEH MS- AK 9d. Oregonian. DO YOU WANT A HOME? IF SO. NEE ME. uavo .wis m ii-vington. Piedmont, Laurelhurst. Rose Citv Park kmr, and Monta villa, on whir.h 1 win Ki.hh n your plans. If any of these lots do not 1 duii, x win ouua on your own lot or in any location you desire. I will finance all building propositions for a small pay ment down, balance in easy terms. If you contemplate building or owning your own home, do not fail to call or phone for appointment. 411 Railway Exchange building. Main 278. NEW 4-room. modern. uo-to-date llttl home, for the people who want to got started right. Your opportunity is to see this home with, living-room, fire place, dining-room built-in buffet, paneled wails, built-in Dutch kitchen with all modern conveniences, full back porch, front porch, reception hall, nice bedroom and large bath ; full cement basement, wash trays and cement shelves; street improvements all paid. Think it over, for only $0 per month, including interest. Price $2-250; &0x 100 lot. Call Mr. Hoges, East 2549. tttfSO YOU WILL WAN V t:.0 a his 0-room, modern bungalow; hardwood floors. fireplace. paneled dining room, built-in bookcases, buffet, full cabinet kitchen, elegant bath, toilet, cement base ment, f looi ed attic, gas, electric chande liers, largo front veranda, east front, splendid lot, close to car, Hawthorne dis trict; price ?3a0U, $300 down, balance by the month. Call for C. G. Reagan, PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, Second Floor, Selling Bldg. STYLISH SUNNYS1DE BUNGALOW. $20O CASH. Balance very easy terms to a good, re sponsible party 1 offer stylish, nearly new. 5-room bungalow; fireplace, built-in book cases, china closet, cove ceilings, full ce ment basement, floored attic, handsome combination lighting fixtures, located on E. 37th st., close to Sunnvside cars. This Is the best buy in the city. See owner, 926 E. Taylor, corner 31st st. Phone B 023. CONSIDER THIS BARGAIN . Good' 5-room home, electric lights, gas, bath, full basement, east facing,- choice bOxlUO Jot, well fenced, bearing fruit, chicken-house and park, shade trees, beau tiful shrubs and roses; 3 short blocks to best car service and school; 51950. Only . small cash payment, 6 per cent interest. Don't pass this up. Davies. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. THIS IS SOMETHING FINE. G rooms and den with -inlaid hardwood floors; veneered paneling, beamed ceiling, beautiful mantel, artistic fireplace, plate glass windows, elegant buffet and a dream of a kitchen. It is the very best material and workmanship, in fine district and convenient to car. MR. SIVWRIGHT. Tabor 4469. FOR SALE OF LEASE. ! The most ideal country estate within the heart of Portland, paved streets to the door, ten minutes in auto, about 28 lots in piece, highly cultivated, vegetables, fruits and berries; house 11 rooms, two baths; has water heater, basement 47x450 feet, all modern conveniences ; garage, stable with men's quarters; stalls for four horses, price $D5,(X0, easy terms. For fur ther particulars, call C 2973. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING. PLANS FREE. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, 324 ABLNGTON BLDG SNAP $600 cash! 7-room bungalow; this takes all furniture, worth $550 and fix tures, 4 rugs, brass Ded, springs, new mattresses, dining table, library table. 8 rockers, 0 dining chairs, gas range, win dow shades, lace curtain, wash trays, bu fret, Dutch kitchen ; balance $29O0 ; terms; take Hawthorne ave. car to 39th, three blocks south. 117 ft Lincoln. BEAUTIFUL new 6-room bungalow, fire place, mirror in coat room aoor, linoleum on kitchen and bathroom floors, gas cook stove, hot water heater. & fine bedrooms, elegant fixtures and shades, fine yard and flowers. 2 blocks to Hawthorne ave. car, near 39th at. To make a sale at once for cash will take $2750. C all B 3159 or Tabor 864; will show any time. NEW HOUSE, RESTRICTED DISTRICT, 7 roonts. lot 50xlOO, east front, nice lawn, two carlines, 15 minutes to hustness cen ter, hardwood floors, mahogany borders inlaid, 7-f t. buffet, 4 cut-glass doors, sleeping porch, den, fireplaces, furnace, folding doors from dining-room, reception hall, coat room, iarge basement; terms; also will take lot. Main 4114, forenoons. ALBERTA STREET fiKAP Nice 4-room bungalow, with attic, gas and electricity, bath, etc., rented for $13 per month; on Alberta near 10th, a busi- uena aireet. rnce uw; nail casn; worth $2500; must be sold quick. GRUSSI A HOLDS 318 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. CLASSY TENNIS MOUNT' N SUBURBAN COURT VIEW RESIDENCE. CLOSE IN On . acre, on Ore. Elec. Hy., 2t mins. from Portland P. O., 6c fare, young fruit trees, garden all slanted, distinct iv gant home and grounds; most magnificent view In Mult. Co. Box 33d, P. O., Port- inliu. $10 PER month buys new 4-room house on lot S 0x240, front on two streets, 30 min utes out. ' A. C MARSTERS, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main S517. . for Stale B guineas Property. NOTICE. IMPROVED BUSINESS CORNER CLOSE LN, WEST BIDE- SPLENDID BUILDING, TRACKAGE GOOD LOCATION FOR. WAREHOUSE OR WHOLESALE BUSINESS. PRICE $75.000 WILL TAKE GOOD ACREAGE OR CITY PROPERTY IN TRADE. Call for C. G. Reagan. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. U UNDIVIDED interest in inn-non ITT" North Third st. : income $127. So a month; REAL ESTATE -Acreage EXCURSION RATE TO SCAPPOSE ACRES NEXT SUNDAY. JUNE 8. Buy tickets at our office or phone Main c67 and arrange to go. Open until S o cloclt evenings. Train leaves North Bank station 7 :T0 A. M.. returns 5 P. M. Fare only $1.25 for round trip. Go with us tot a pleasant trip In the country. We want to show you the best close-in acreage, only i5 miles from Portland, along the railroad, sold in tracts of 7 to ili acres, at to $tU per acre, on easy payments. As good soil as Oregon produces, no rock, plenty of fine creek and spring water. Many tracts have been sold and owners now building homes and clearing up the land. Now is the time to see what it will produce. Below we give descriptions of a few tracts: No. 81 Adjoins Chapman station. H3S 19 acres at f 55 per acre. Main creek croses corner; good trout stream; on main county road; some bottom land, balance fine rolling bench land, nearly all tillable. No. 111 Has 12 acres at $30 per acre; 4 U fairly level land, balance ruling, but soil all good; H mile to station; $5tl down and balance 59 per month. No. 40 Contains 25 acres at $40; $100 down will start it; has'a fine stream with 4 or 5 acres fine bottom land; about li acres nearly level bench land. balance good pasture land. Has a- it-room houio and l acre of cleared land. This Is nlce ly located among good neighbors; only mile from station. Many other tracts to choose from. " 5ee photos in office or ask for litera ture. LUEDDEMANN, RUTET A CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. S MILES COURTHOUSE. 3-ACHE SNAP. J1800 JSOO CASH. Out the Canyon road, near Sylvan; prac tically all cleared; a few pretty trees left to beautify a home; view of Council Crest and the Tualatin Valley; an Ideal place for a close-in country home or for a sure, safe investment. J. G. RAINEY, 600 Teon Bldg. Marshall 3177. A 20 ACRES STUMP LAND. ?700. Perfectly level, fine soil, close to a good business town, with high school, bank, creamery, newspaper, etc; less than 1 . miles to R. R., store, P. O. and 8-grade school; large sawmill with plenty work at good wages; $70 cash, your own terms ou balance at 6 per cent interest. ALVORD & CO., 21S Board of Trade bldg. I OWN A CHOICE 20-AORE TRACT OF IMPROVED LAND, LOCATED IN THK TUALATIN VALLEY, ON MAIN COUN TY ROAD. CLOSE TO GOOD TOWN, FINE TRANSPORTATION. MUST HAVE MONEY. WILL SACRIFICE FOR $Ku PER ACRE. THIS PRICE INCLUDES HALF THE CROP OF POTATOES NOW BEING PLANTED. SOIL IS RICH AND DEEP AND WILL PRODUCE AN ABUN DANT CROP; YOUR SHARE SHOULD EASILY NET YOU $10K. ADDRESS OWNER, A 117, OREGON1AX. 10 ACRES, $30O. 10 DOWN, $5 PER MONTH. Buys 10 acres of logred-off land, one mile from t he railroad station, town and the Columbia River. The soil is free from rock and gravel and none of this land overflows. some of these tracts have running streams en them, these tracts are iaeai ior cn lctten ranches or dairy pur poses, perfect title and warranty deed. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 212 Railway Exchange Building. 1 ACRE FOR $550. TERMS, $10 DOWN. $5 PER MONTH, Buys one acre of level, fertile land, all cleared and free from rockn and gravel ; three blocks from the Mt. Hood electric station at Gresham. G res ham in 12 miles from Portland, has three main county roads running into Portland and a popu lation of 1O0O people. You will have to eee this laud to appreciate It. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 232 Railway Exchange Bldg. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision near Gresham; 5 acres $400. $5uu. $700; 8 acres. $500, $700; 10 ci-ica, wt, ijw per tract; oest soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose. Or., $25 to $100 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 309 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. 5 ACRES OF LOGGED LAND FOR $150 $5 DOWN. 3 PER MONTH Buys 5 acres at Knappa. which Is 13 miles this side of Astoria, Oregon. 1 mile from the railroad station, Columbia River stores and postoffice; the Foil is free from rocks and gravel; will make an ideal spot for camping, good fishing; will also make an ideal chicken ranrh. 212 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. ISO-ACRE farm, all in cultivation, and rich e,ou, gooa ouuujngs; near schools and churches, with 2 railroad stations close by; no hills, no rocks or gravel ; will accept a good residence in Portland up to $6000 or $7000 and give time on balance. J. E. Smith. 414 Chamber of Commerce. 2 acres close to carline, $ 875 5 acres close to carline, $1 4(H) 2 34. acres close to carline. xisnn You can nay for this hv th mnni Phone Main 7750. Ask for Keely. ACRES CHEAPER THAN LOTS. 33 minutes out 10c far; close to station electricity, water. building restrictions beautiful park, good fishing and boat ing. See Mr. Carr. 21 ft Board of Trade FOR SALE 5 acres, by owner, near car line, in best of cultivation ; planted to strawberries, raspberries, currants, goose berries and potatoes. AV 54. Oregonian .SUBURBAN home site of one acre, with BlIMUd HEW, "D-l ilVTTI, eiBCtriC Hn, On auto road; price $350, $7 per month. J 1U6. Oregonian. 2 ACRES, close to carline. hard road, fine view, eastern slope, cheaper than surrounding land; $850, $14 per month. J 120, Oregonian. CALIFORNIA LAND Send for catalog .Properties in all counties. Valuable, re- naoie uuormauon. j. A. wooster Co.. NEAR Risley Station, Oregon City car, 1 14 a ni new iiiuu':i 11 o-room Dungaiow, leas than 3o00. Owner, W. A. Iligh- $500 ONE acre, fronting suburban electric line, close to station, fine soil, cultivated 3 monthly. Y 107. Or-rrAniVn usa. &NAP 20 acres, 11 miles east of Court house; price. $100 per acre; terms; a-1 soil, no rook. Phone Tabor 1554. Homestead. FOUR new townships opened; 38 home- rtea.a ana xmioer claims to be located in northern Stevens County; some good re linquishments for sale; land adapted for hay, grain, fruit and dairying; -satisfaction guaranteed. Address Floyd C. Smith, HOMESTEAD relinquishment of 124), lots of " ..... , vaum, umciiea-nouse, lew fruit trees, 4 miles to town. 5 acrs slashed, 40 acres open land, lots of good range, $40O. Bert Miller, Eddyvllle, Ore gon. JOIN California land excursion to Yuba Valley June 14. A. M. Hignhouse. 441 Chamber Commerce bldg. For Sale Farms. A GOOD BUY. 80 acres, 30 miles from Portland 2U miles from an electric station, store and P. O., , mile from 8 grade school; house, barn. All kinds of fruit. About 5 or 6 acres In cultivation, a good part of the balance easily cleared; would make a fine stock ranch. Three good strong springs, fine hunting and fishing. Some personal property included. Price $33o favorable terms. Might consider clear house and lot up to $2000. ALVORD & CO., 218 Board of Trade. FOR SALE: 2000 acres In one body, 40 miles tiui lutBOi. ui Buuwi, gooa black soil; can't be excelled for hotrs and rtti plenty of plow land, best fenced tract in N. E. Oregon; splendid water. ln vrv valuable body saw timber; short Winter ana most neaitmui climate. Write the .owner, J3QX iv, xroy, waUowa Co., Or. JAS. HOWARD'S farm for sal a r..o. sonable terms. About 30 acres cleared; nim iuiicu in eastern -Multno- ma h wCo.. 24 miles from Port innri 1 quire O. M. Hickey, Atty., 514 Wilcox DlOg. FOP- sALE J-acre farm, 41 miles south of Portland, on S. P. R- R. ; lu-acre or chard. 3 acres standing fir cord wood balance general fanning land; price $10 -orn.. L. F. J. S Cottage st., Salem Or ' 40 ACRES. 18 cleared, new buildimrs mr-nt,. ator. phone, 4 cows, 3 calves, chickens V; mile to school. 3 miles to Win lock ' $3500. Abe A. Johnson, box 216, Win- iock. wasn. FOR SALE CHEAP A well-imoroveri R acre ranch: good buildings, family orchard running water; just outside city limits or Newberg. Or. W. 11. Panhorst. owner, Newberg. Or. FOR SALE or trade. 40 acres unimproved. 3 miles north of White Sainton. This is a snap at S30O0. Address owner. Box 41U. Pan Dlmas. Cal. RANCH, 60 acres, with buildings; 13 miles from Portland, near electric line: bnrrain REAL ESTATE. GOOD FARM BUYS. HARGROVE A SONS. CHEAP 5 ACRES. Located IS miles from Portland, one mile from good town, good graveled road. There are 5 acres, all rh high state culti vation. Best of soil. New 5-room house, n-w barn and outbuildings. Price $1500, $50 cash. BEST 10-ACRE BUY. 5 MILES OUT. This 10-acre tract is all in a high state of cultivation. There is not a prettier lying piece of land anywhere; very best of oil. New 4-room plastered bungalow, new barn and outbuildings. Price $3SOO. $18o0 cash. Located right at school, church and store and onlv 5 miles from the city limits of Portland. 20 ACRES 8 MILES OUT. This is a good buy In a close-Jn piece of acreage. Located just S miles south east from the city limits of Portland, good auto road all the way. There are li'j acres, 17 acres in hlsh state of cultivation, bal ance easy to clear. Lies perfectly, and Is all the very best of land, no rock or grav el. New rustic barn 40xt0. Price with good team, harness and wagon, is $5000, cash, 6 per cent. 40 ACRES. FOREST GROVE. This Is an elegant farm home. There are 40 acres, 39 acres in high state of cultivation. All the very best of land. Ooort G-roora house, good barn and out buildings; good bearing orchard; good uater system, hot and cold water in the house: mill; route 'goes with the place that pays $1000 per year and takes onlv one -ha If day to make. Located in the choicest part of Washington County. Price $75H), $4000 caah. 21 ACRES. BASE LINE ROAD. This !s a high-grade property and is located east of the citv and right on the Base Line road. This property is in a class by itself, being located on Columbia Heights and affording a view of the Co lumbia River and gorge that is unex celled for grandeur and beauty any where in this countrv. There are 21 acres H acres in cultivation. Rich, sandv loam soil ; good 5-room house, fine barn that cost $2000 to tbulld. Splendid bearing or chard. Water piped to house and barn. Price $7900. HARGROVE & SONS. 122 North tlth St.. cor. lUh and Glisan. Main 4S1, A 7259. FARM LANDS IN CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA. ALONG THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC HIGHWAY. The railroad will soon be completed, giv ing settlers main line transportation; an urmy of men are rushing the work that it may be completed in li14. The land along this new railway is unsumassert fot- fmn mixed farming, gardening, dairy and stock farms; no irrigation. Summer rains; pea vine and wild grasses to horse's back; rich soil ; good climate; fine drinking water, beautiful rivers and lako-. wilH fruit k and game in abundance; thousands will go into the country when the railway is com phted. We sell the best valley land in all size iracis ai a low price and on unusually ensy terms; can give guaranteed titl 10 every acre we sell; over lOo s'.ereoptlcen .i vt-inrai nriusri toiumoia free; everybody welcome. Call week liav: will fi.ow views evenings by appointment. For maris, government reports. Held notes and xun uuormauon call or write W. A. Stock ton, district salesman for the NORTH COAST LAND CO., LTD., Paid-up capital, $l.A0o.U0o.' 84 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Or. BEAR SPRINGS RANCH A fruit fa i-rn of nhnnt 7". a.rm & TT derwood, Washington, on the Columbia opposite Mood River and in the hite Salmon Valley. About acres planted, principally to apples and pears, the trees at the present tune being from '2 to 10 years old. Buildings include dwelling of 5 rooms and bath, with gravity water from a spring on the premises; detached concrete tcnai, iwu-ruom cottage lor hired help, barn, wagon and fruit shed I Jhe soli Is specially act apt ed to fruit and the site is one of the most com manding, overlooking the Columbia River 1 lie property Is free from mortgage in cumbrance and will be sold lor cash or on terms, either as a whole or in two parts, or it may be exchanged for income umncumnerea property in Seattle, Tacom; or Portland. Price $L'0,000. CALVIN PHILLIPS & COMPANY 21 1 California bldg., Tacoina. 35 PER ACRE. 770-acre ranch, finest of soil for fruit t'aui, aooie irost line; over 50O acres cumvateo, raiance pasture and timber; plenty of water, good improvements; only V, . ewou jx. j. town in mam ette Valey. No waste or poor land on this place, over 1200 acres the finest fruit orchards In the state Join this place, values of land around this section are SS0 to $10O per AMU accept up to $10,000 in Portland property; small amount cash, balance long time at C per cent. See Spoouer, lOivj Wilcox bldg. Mar. 264. W ANTE D RE A I. ESTAT. WE hive buyers for cottages, can pay $50 to i.o cash. If you have one to sell list it with us. We can sell it for youi J u v A KI!,ALT Y CO., - Chamber of Commerce. Mar. 604. WILL pay 81000 cash for West Side income or close-in East Side property. A 1 19. CORNER lot. clear of Incumbrance, to trade for homestead relinquishment; must be p ww. All. i -I, gUlllti;. WILL pay cash for a home if a snap; give mm.! price aim location. j J7, oregonian, WANTED TO KEINT FARMS. WANTED To rent from 100 to luoO acres or pasture land. Oregon or Washington. FOR PAT.K TIMBER LANDS. SAWMILL 40,000 capacity, running order. utro i-urimiia on ranroaa, aoout 35 mil lion fir close by. $1.00 ner M. Sacrlft $4000, half cash. Mr. Carr, 218 Board ol Ainu;, roniana. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'C R AC KEN. 34 McKay bid g. CHEAP STUMPAGB Ideal location for tie mill, stream run ning to R. R, spur. No. 75 5th st. AM tired of paying taxes on my 160 acres timber, Jackson County; who wants a rcai snap r Art otf. uregonian. FARMS WANTED. HAVE clients with the monv tn hu thi following farm lands: Farm of 8 to 4 hundred acres, suitable for dairy, close to Portland and near transportation, from lOO to 2O0 acres. suitable nr ronnriil farming; nothing but a good buy will be tuiiomrcu. R. F. BRYAN, PQ8-9 Chamber of Commerce." FA RM ERS and land owners, if von wUh to sub-divide and sell in small tracts to those who will improve; I can sell your land for you. Experienced, reliable and In touch with good class of buyers. Write i a.14, uregonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. HAVE client that will buv 25.0U0.OU0 to 60.000,000 feet timber tributary to the Loiumoia wver preierreo. AK lis. Ore gonian. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE confectionery, ice cream, to bacco store, dolna sood business. fin lo cation on Wash., for first mort. or clear rr-ttt estate, au uregonian. GIVE Willamette 80. nccessarv build in en orchard, $3000; want reaiocncn, conserva tive valuation ; investigate Immediately owners only. 1030 Grand ave. North. AUTOMOBILE at value $1500 to exchHn for land I.ake or Klamath County or will exchange for cows and horses, phone Ta nor o. EQUITY of MlOO In fine Mt. Tabor residence for acreage or automobile. Phone Seil- wooa oetween and 3. WILL take lot or auto up to $1200 for my modern home In Hoi tad ay Add.; price WHAT have you to trade for 16 lots In Goldendale. Wash.? AT 123. Oregonian. TRADE gold-filled watch for Colts automat " ' i J . vsrevoiuan. WILL trade lot 50x100, valued $1200 for C-pass. lftl:. auto. Ap 1P7, Orejroni a n". WILL trae Schubert piano for auto. Phone FLANDERS 0 Unu dste.r n,-rf.,r. ..., TO EXCHANGE $S000 WORTH of Al equities in 4 house m ir in k ion. to trade for farm ur to $li.UU0. $12,000 Clear hotel, one of the besi money-makers in Portland, clearing $30 0 to $400 per month, to trade for city or farm property . $13.000 4-famlly flat. income $900 pel annum, to trade for clear ranch up to $9000. $14,000 equity in $21,500 tract of Al alfalfa land, close to Hermiston, tc trade. $15,000 wheat and stock ranch, consisting of 190 acres, to trade for city oi farm property. $15,000 COO-acre ranch to trade for flal building; wiil twasume. $16,000 stock of hardware to trade fot clear city property or farm. $15,000 2-story brick bulldinr in Ashland. Or., income $11." per month, to trade ' for city or farm. $13,000 worth of city income piop-nv, equity $11,000, to trade for laim up to $15,000. $40,000 alfalfa, wheat and stock ranch of 200 ceres. u trade for A-l apart ment building; wilt assume. $50,000 stock and grain ranch consisting 3200 acres, in Central Oregon, to trade for city or valley farm; might consider Eastern property. THE H A R BOLT REALTY CO.. INC. 7 lu-71 S Lewi Bldg. Fourth and Oak. Marshall 4l'Ih. a. 715$ $4.OU0 Timber, extra good, close to mar ket. free of . incumbrances, fur good Portland propertv. $0,000 ti-room house, excellent district, free of incumbrance; trade for Improved ranch near Sherwoml, OT.. or lll.rlh .t V.. x TX-oun $12.000 Flat building, income $100 per in, kuuu reining a 1 strict; wii ; take $iuoo in good, unimproved city Jot, balance pavable from rents from flat. We have good income proportv to trade for acreage. See us before trading, fcee Clark. THE FR ED A. .1 ACOBS CO . Main it;. Wa sh in K ton St. A rt-T.7. $4000 TIMBER, extra good, close to mar ket ; free of iucumbrances, for good Portland propertv. $ 3,000 -rooin house, excellent district. free of incumbrance; trade for Improved ranch near Sherwood, Or., or north of Vancouver. Wash. $12,000 Flat building, income $100 per month; good renting district; will take ?0tKht in good unimproved city lot. halunce payable from rents from flat. We have good income propertv to trade for acreage. see us before trading. CITY DE PAT M ENT. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main QS'Ji. 2iil Washington st. A 62rt7. FARM FOR SALE AND TRADE. One of tho finest farm in Yamhill County, only mile from station, on fine graveled road, contains 13$ acres with 1.40 acres In high state of cultivation. 3 acres oak Umber, a complete set of new buildings, only built 3 years, also an old set of bu'ldings. 40 acres of fine clovor. i0 acres in other crops, hind almost luvei. walking distance to town, railroad and stores, only li'j miles from Portland; prico 511 5 per acre; will tHke house to $3o0'J as first payment, balance time. SMITH-WILLOLGHBY CO.. SO Fifth St. Phone Main 8770 FARM FOR HOUSE. 80 acres, located in Cowlitz County. Washington, 20 a-res in crop. 25 arrs fine pasturi-. balance timber, the timber is worth $700: good -room house, fine barn, several chicken-houses and outbuild ings; with place goes a complete set of farming tools. 300 cnirkens. team. 3 cown, etc. ; water and electric lights in house, J4 mile from school. 3 miles from Kalama; price for all only 550u; will take a house and lot in Portland up to $3500, balance time. SMITH-WTLLOUGHBT CO.. Phone Main T70. 90 Fifth St. 11 Mr-ACRE boat farm, almost all und r plow, good buildings, close to R. R. sia t ion. plenty of water, $30,000; will con sider property in or near Portland to $24, ouo. 600-acre wheat farm, $20,000; some In wheat, good well and windmill, fair build Ires, any good property to $14,000 con sidered. Another place, over 200O acres, very w"U Improved, M'O in wheat, $45,00u: any good pt-iperty, unincumbered, considered to $::.". om. L. K. Moore, 517 Board of Trade, Portland, Or. WE HAVE FOR EXCHANGE Hotel and ground In country town, $4500. For farm or city property. &0-acre imp. farm. $6000, for bouse. 1 acre on electric line for auto. 5-room bungalow for acreage. Wheat farm, 320, for farm or house. Store bldg. and lot for land or house. Many more good propositions. CARL AND & CO., 1!U 4th St. WE WANT TO TRADE A good new 5-room bungalow, with bath, toilet, cabinet kitchen, basement, well fin ished; good lot, dose to good carline. for good acreage close to car and school. Price $3Qou. Will take acreage up l $3500; will assume some incumbrance. Call for C. G. Reagan. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. Second Floor. Selling Building. WHEAT RANCH FOR MERCHANDISE. 80o-acre wheat ranch, close to Condon. Or., with ttoo acres in cultivation. 4f0 acres in wheat, good house and barn, fine well, all fenced and Cross fenced ; price $30 per acre; mortgage $25ut); will ex change for stock of merchandise. SM1TH-W1LLOUGHBY CO.. 90 Fifth St. Phone Main ?77o. SEE this lovely S-room home, Irvington dis trict today; fine living-room with f ii t piace, dining-room, four good bedrooms and sleeping porch. Hardwood floors, furnace, Piace Is new. Owner will sell at a bargain and take vacant lot up to $2500. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay b:dg., 3d and Stark st. A H-hOOM modern house, with full lot, lit splendid condition, nice surroundings, to exchange for a 6-room modern home in Piedmont or Walnut Park; must have all modern conveniences. Will pay difference in cash or assume Indebtedness If anj . OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 133 Va First St. 24 ACRES OF A-l LOGANBERRY LAND, JUST 10 MILES FROM COURTHOCSK. V A LU E $0KH, EQ U IT Y $4' fOO; TRAD E EQUITY FOR CITY PROPERTY; WILL ASSUME. SEE HARBOLT, Marshall 4 2vO. 3 EST paying mill proposition m Northwest. ; manufacture del ail ml 11 work principally; wo get double coast prices; large, exclu sive territory; will consider gilt-edge farm or Portland property for half. Ow'jer, Hotel Perkins, this week only. J. 1L Good. " FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 75 acres, price $4000. Good dairy farm, 4 1y miles from K. R. and boat landing. With or without stock, fnrni machinery, etc. On R. F. D. farmers phone, near school and church. Phone evenings. Tabor 1544. $82000 WORTH OF FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES. ALL GILT-EDGE, TO TRADE FOR A-l PROPERTY, FARM OR CITY, UP TO $10,000. SEE HARBOLT, Marshall 4200. EQUITY of $700 in a Rose City Park Ti room modern bungalow, close to car, t exchange for acreage, a business or an apartment-house or small hotel; will as sumc. A F 112, Oregonian. I HAVE 40 acres at White Salmon. Wash.; 20 acres at Estacada and 15 acres at Knappa, Or.; wiil trade each piece or all for city lots. 414 Railway Exchange building. Main 278. $800C: ino-ACRE ALFALFA RANCH IN CENTRAL OREGON, FREE AND CLEAR. TO TRADE FOR CITY: MIGHT ASSUME. SEE HARBOLT. Marshall 4200. FOR SALE or trade for an automobile. 6V acres finely Improved land with nouse. fenced. mllo to electric car to Draahar.i Station, R. W. Apply to Descamp is Marco, 55 N. Second st. $i5.0i0 WORTH OV A-l EQUITIES IN HIGH-CLASS HOUSES IN IRVINGTON TO TRADE FOR LAND; WILL ASSUME. SEE HARBOLT, Marshall 420u. BEAUTIFUL place. 25 acres, with 2000 feet river front, within 3 0-mlle circle, fine for country home, leased for $300 cash rent; price $I0,O00; will consider residence to $iS0O0. Owner, AP 112, Oregonian. LARGE confectionery, cigars, ice cream, light lunches, etc.. to trade for unincim -bered city property, $23oO. Also a a .mm grocery for clear lot. 303 Lumber Ex change. LAURELHURST residence, equity $2500, to exchange for land la Klamath or Lake County; owners only. Phone Tabor 1. FOR SALE Equity in small Rose City bun galow for apart.-house or lots. Deal with owner. AB 123, Oregonian. FOB 8 ALE. Horse. Vehicles. Etc. FOR SALE, cheap. 2 carts, 1 top steel-tired buggy. 3 sts of single harness. 635 E. Pine St. Also one 3 050-lb. ranch horse. GOOD, big pair mar-; good workers; must TWO Shetland ponies, well matched. In quire 2'J3 East 22 d street, near Hawthorne-. MEIER & FRANK wagons cheap,"coiu pany's barn, ird and Jefferson sts. A TEAM of horses. 11700 lbs., harness and wagon. Phone Sell wood 17 S S. HORSES for sale at 83 East 7th st. North. tkv.vvu. cmu. aii iiy, Oregon 'an. aoi an cuu, ox unnor, Xoa uorriSOa BU .w. wuttuiM-, iuu rnone i aoor Vox.